The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem', Oregon, Wednesday Morning, February 24. 1932
- , . . . .
Note Reduced Payment of
$2rt on a: 1600 note constitutes
cbmplete satisfaction of the ob
ligation, the circuit court ordered
here yesterday upon petition ol
Bank Superintendent Schramm.
W. R. Kraberger, maker of the
note, signed an affidaTit that
$200 was all he could raise an
that he had lost S1.000 when the
Aurora State bank's operators
the Place the note was held in
duced him to buy a mortgage
note now without value.
rn AontAl natlents wanted for
tree eitractlon of teeth. CaTltiea
prepared tor fillings. Local anaes
ihesla. At clinics during state Den
ial invention. Thurs. and FrL
CaU Tues. or Wed. at 502 First
Kat'l Bank bldg. or phone 683.
r..nn Proteges Here Stu
dents of LeUnd Chapin, popular
Willamette university student,
95 made no the Stanford uni
versity debate team on the camp
us yesterday to meet the local
rh.nln was in China for
.ArVi rears, later took posU
graduate work here and coached
rfh.tJmd then went on to Stan
ford where he now is instructor
In public speaking and senior in
Road Asked An improved and
v rnA near Sllverton is
0.UJI.. M. m
asked In a petition recently Hied
. Aiintv conrt nere. in
iu in districts 13 and 5
rv. .tttAH tlZnM bv A. I.
Hobart and 11 others. The road is
to link two Important roads, the
petitioners claim. The court I
ir1itlnr tin fin V action until tnree
notices required, by law have been
posted in the district.
Dr. Putman Hall has moved from
1010 Leslie St. to larger quarters
at 13Z SW
Hobart Estate Tad-Tft? ap-
t.A ..ins nt tnei testate oi
wmAllnft F. Hobart, deceased,
12 860 the probate court here was
informed Tuesday. The appraisal
mA hv Rosco Langley, H.
A. Brandt and H. Good. Arthur
n aK.rt mil Edgar L. Hooart
... .iitnra Of the estate 1
000 is in real estate, $585 in
cash and the balance in personal
notes made to the aeceasec.
o rmr windows for real buys in
Aluminum Cooking
Utensils. Gahlsdorfs, Inc., 32
Court street.- .
Exams Given Civil service
examinations for senior -junior
stenographers were conducted
Tuesday morning at the Capitol
Business college by Joseph Ren
ner, postoffice employe here. Four
girls took the tests. If the stu
dents qualify they are eligible for
government job at salaries rang
ing from $1200 to $1500 annual
ly. The students examined yes
terday had made errors In their
original applications and were
granted the new examination by
federal authorities.
Borrowing - Banned There is
no provision of law authorizing a
district school board, except Un
ion high school districts, to bor
row money and give the note of
the school district therefor. At
torney General VanWinkle held In
an .opinion handed down Tuesday.
The opinion was requested by B
Li. Eddy of Roseburg, member of
the state hydro-electric commis
Real values in 32-pc. dinner sets
at Gahlsdorfs, J25 Court street.
Clarke to Speak Rev. and
Mrs. M. C. Clark, returned mis
sionaries from India, will speak
at tne .Church of the Nazarene
13 th and Center streets. tonUht
under direction of the Women's
Foreign Missionary society of the
enures. Tfiere 'will be snecial mu
sic by the choir, and many curios
irem mala will be on display.
Collins Honored Harrr B
Collins, manager of the Pacific
Telephone and .Telegraph com
pany-here, has been named
member of the district Joint com'
mmee oz tae Kiwanis club on
business standards and vocational
guidance. He is the only Salem
club man honored with a district
committee appointment this year,
We guarantee tolstontthe contin
ual brinftng out of ' head-light
bulbs. Burrell's, 464 N. Liberty,
Holman on Trip Rufus C.
Holman, state treasurer, made a
political trip to the Coos Bay
country the first of the week. He
delivered the Washington's birth
day address to the North Bend Ki
wanis club Monday noon. Mrs.
Holman made the trip with him
as well as friends from Portland
Spanieling Appointed Harry X.
Spaulding has been appointed to
a clerical position with the Joint
committee on International rev
enue and taxation in the national
congress at Washington, it was
learned here yesterday. The ap
pointment was said to be made
through the influence of Repre
sentative W. C. Hawley. Spaulding
is a Salem attorney and Willam
ette university graduate.
Dane Urged Elmer Daue,
South Commercial street mer
chant, is being urged to become a
candidate for alderman as one of
the representatives from the
third ward, and has the matter
under consideration. W. H. Dancy
and Frank E. Needham are the
present altermen from the third
ward and Needham's term expires
this year. He has served for 11
years and has already announced
his intention of running again.
Health Service Used An nn-
Came to Oregon at age 17,
Spent Remainder of
Life Near Here
Funeral services ror Mrs. Matil
da Van Cleave who passed away
at the family home, $40 N. 17th
street were held Sunday afternoon
at the Clough-Barrick chapel, con
ducted, by the Rev. R. V. Wilson,
pastor of the United Brethren
church. Interment took place at
the Simons cemetery, Mt. Angel
Matilda Brumbaugh was born
in Indiana, March 15, 1848. the
usually large number of People Barlnger Brumbaugh. The family
ill with influenza are seeking
medical' advice from the county
health unit was reported Tuesday.
Influenza prevalent in Salem is
extending throughout the entire
In this city February 23, 1932.
Dolly I. -Walker, late of Creswell,
Oregon, wife of 6.' O. Walker,
mother of Mrs. Pk A. McKee of
Seattle, Wn.; Mrs. Henry Holmes
of Springfield, Ore.. Mrs. P. R.
Lane of Creswell, G. W. of Eu
gene; A. E. of Ontario, Cah; D. F.
and Mary, both of Reedsport,
Ore Rvhil of Portland; Bonnv
of Heppner, Ore., and Clella of r ninT years.
Creswell. Sister of J. E. Morning
star and Mrs. F. C. England both
of Creswell, Ore.; and W. R,
MorningBtar of Central Point
Aged 60 years. Announcement of
funeral services will be made
later by the Terwilliger Funeral
Home, 770 Chemeketa street,
phone 6928.
moved to Guthrie county, Iowa
when she was two years old and
when she was 17 they came to
Oregon. She was united in mar
l-lag to Meredith Van Cleave,
October 11, 1866. He passed away
November 27, 1886.
To the union were born eight
children: Mrs. Ida Taylor of El
lensburg; Ella, who died at the
age of 19: Joe of Monitor; Mrs.
Anna McMorrls who died in 1927;
Bertha, residing at the family
home: Charles and Lester of near
Salem; Henry who died in infan
cy. Also surviving are IS grand
children, 16 great-grandchildren,
1 great-great grandchild; and
three sisters, Mrs. Kate Bashor,
Los Angeles; Mrs. Ellen Van
Cleave and Mrs. Louise Johnson,
Salem. She leaves too a large cir-
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500 Expected; Fellowship
Reception Scheduled
At First Church
Five hundred Methodists from
39 churclres adjacent to and in
Salem are expected to attend the
Fellowship reception at the First
Methodist ehurch here tonight, he- !
ginning at 7:30 o'clock in the
ehurch parlors.
Dr. and Mrs. B. Earle Parker
are to be hosts, and direct as
sistants are other Salem pastors:
Rev. Hugh B. Fouke Jr., Jason
Lee, Rev. S. Darlow JoVhson, Les
lie Memorial: Rev. C. L. Dark,
Ford Memorial of West Salem.
and Dr. M. A. Marcy. district sup
Rev. Johnson, dean of the Sa
lem pastors, will extend welcome
to the visitors, and response will
be made by Glenn S. Hartong of
Woodburn. Dr. Marcy will conduct
the roll call of churches.
The program also includes: cor
net solo by Wesley Roer;
prayer by Rev. Fouke Jr.; quartet
numbers by Miss Elizabeth Ogden,
Miss Hazel Shutt, A. B. Hansen
and Ronald Craven; presentation
of gift by Dr. Parker and response
by Rev. Dark; illustrated solo by
Prof. Cameron Marshall; director
of music at First church.
The ehurch school orchestra.
under direction of Miss Mary
Coming Events
February 25-27 Oreg
State Dental association. - '
February 20-28 Spring
conference. Girl Reserves.
B larch 1 Internatloaal
dab benefit banqaet. First
M. E. church.
March 8-0 Oregon State
bowling handicap tourna
ment. March 16-19 Oregon
state basketball tournament.
April 11 Grand chapter,
Royal Arch Masons.
April 12 Grand council.
Royal and Select Mason.
April IS Grand couunan
' dery. Knights Templar.
April 16-21 North Pacif
ic district assembly, Church
of the Nazarene.
April 24 Salem district
institute, Evangelical chare h.
had been eut down to 125 but this
number is at least fore times the
usual number of pupils eut of
school. Principal Wolf declared.
Grade schools are similarly de
pleted by ilness, influenza being
HelniJ Slayers: t1:
To be Assigned' ,
Tasks in Prison
John Owens and Keith Cross-'
white, who were received at the
penitentiary Monday to serve life
terms for the slaying of Amos '
Helms, state poliee officer, at La
Grande a few months ago. y ester-;
day were photographed by prison ;
officials. Bertlllon measurements ,
also were taken for the police
Owena probably will be as
signed to employment in the ,
state flax plant, while Cross white
will be put to work in some other .
part of the Institution.
Owens and Crosswhlte shot
Helms when the latter attempted -to
Question them regarding a
holdup in Idaho.
"Dlng-A-Llng! Breakfjwtl"
FLORENCE. Italy (AP) Rie-.
ciottl Flaschl of thifl city ha In-,
rented an alarm clock attachment'
which starts an electric stove IS.
minutes before the bell rings and
the prevailing sickness keeping presents a steaming cup of coffee
M . .
pupus away xrom war. to me eariy riser.
meeting. Alderman W. H. Dancy
cle of friends who have known her I stated yesterday. Dancy with Hen
ry Vandevort and V. E. Kunn,
comprises a committee charged
Several sites deemed suitable
for a municipal sewage disposal
system will be reported upon next
Monday night at the city council """" 'rZ r
-,ah, tiitrman x7 w Shults, will play during serring of
light refreshments.
Committee chairmen for the
event include: decorating, Mrs. Ol
Acoaenu jnepvrveu f reyuruus yu. u w receptioB, Dr. and Mm.- M. C.
US chuuui. IVtnAlav. urwln, Xtrm Vnhn lfarr
The committee leeis mat me jv vuchen. Miss Amy Martin. Be-
presenc lime is. an exiremviy i-
forable one for the purchase or
such a site. Low prlees of land will
not prevail over a long period in
the committee's opinion
hide accidents reported lately
were: O. E. Ryianaer, in nines,
and Jack Schneider. 1110 North
Commercial, at 16th and Lee
streets: M. J. Elle. 860 C He
rn eke ta and J. W. Horner, 1720
North Cottage, three miles north
sides pastors and their wives. In
the receiving line will be Mrs. W.
C. Young,' president of the First
church Ladles' Aid.
Mrs. Ella Boatrlght, Colorado
Springs, Colo.; Mrs. Minnie Giver,
Opinions Delayed The state Oklahoma City; Mrs. Mollie Hig'
supreme court did not hand down genbotham, Kirkwood, Mo., and
its weekly grist of opinions Tues- I Mrs. Ethel Pugh of Monitor, Ida
of Jerrerson; ana a collision oe- . t . . f 110 000 ha. v--- Mt n mr J
tween the cars of Ben S. Cagle, I J" g B0XinZ IS Made
m-a a 4. J T1k.t mt j " I U
lUBw Bi.r iire ' chase of the land which was auth- j f tf t
Patt,e.r9J?n.' 1,,0ak,trfetiV a Urlxed when a $500,000 sewer Legal, 1UW01S
i...i "-- iiahiI laan wa a Tinaicn uiBrai i
nlSnt nan art I fiTTTTtf(TK'TVT.r Fh 2!l fAPl
XWKtm TTnshand Mm Robert Tt Is the nlan of the council to I A bill designed to make pos
tmark, Jr., Buford, North Dakota; cole of the Mission Bottom sec- acquire a sewage disposal site now sible the now abandoned Schmel-
tton wn in town vesterdav to wun tne view mat ner aispoi iim-niuer uenjweiSui d'"5
visit Mr. Cole, who underwent an I of sewage will have to be aband
oneration at a Salem hospital oned within a lew years. nen
Mnndnv to relieve Infection In his this takes nlace. the lateral SOW'
plhow. Mr. Cole bumned hl elbow 1 em will all run into the trunk
on a door casing two weeks ago line Church street sewer wmcn m
. Clark
At the residence, 144 No. Front
St., February 23, 1932, Irvine F.
Clark, husband of Pauline Clark
of Salem, father of James IL
Clark, Marshall, Mo.. Samuel J.
dav because of the absence of sev- ho. aged 66 vears. Announcement
Seek Bankruptcy Carol Vivian Ural Justices. The weekly confer- of funeral services will be made today and haa Deen ln the hos- turn will empty into the sewage
Todd and Clyde Todd of Salem nce of the court probably will later by the Terwllliger Funeral
fn hankruntcv petitions in tne be held today. Opinions usually Home, 770 Chemeketa St. Phone
At the
468 North
federal court In Portland Tues- are handed down on Tuesday,
j.. The former lists liabilities of
l! 780 and "asset, of 3165 and the Two Men File Two candidates
7. A nor9tnr liabil- for republican precinct committee-
ties of M m and Kt. of 1732. aen filed eyr r.l, TrtrllZ ffwilllam
Man, Teacher. A.ay - Many To Teent the East "SH- kS " H! S
teachers in Salem schools spent verton district and J- nJ Myrton Moore of Portland; broth-
20 tnree-Uay UUtlua; vui. v. - nuu nxaucs iJ icviwwi Lii cj .tlu
city, reports made Tuesaay mui- district in saiem
cated. A number oi me wamo
are ill and unable to attena cias
er of Mrs. Fred Pitt of Los Ange
les, Mrs. Raymond of Los Angeles.
rno o-r?. ia f Was member of the I. O. O. F. of
pltal here a week as result of the disposal plant constructed aome-
infection which set in.
Library Busy The city library
is being used extensively by out-
of-work citizens. Miss Maude C.
Covington, librarian, reported
yesterday. School nse is also
heavy with the result that the
reading room Is constantly ln use
throughout the day.
Mrs, Olson Back Mrs. Oscar
where west of High street.
Nurse Will Aid
In County Work
t ill and unable to attend clas- Just amvea. z car loaas or nice Pendieton Also was past 'grind D- 0l8n WM Dl to b Dack at association, arriv
influenza being Ae principal screened hog fuel L Spaulding Log- j$r eA " and A? 11. r desk at OW. Floral shop TuesdaT wm
kness from which they are suf- ging Co. pnone 4116. of Q on Funerai an. Tuesday after being confined to weeks here under
H. J. Robertson, barber with Mar
Jnello shop past 3 years, opening
own shop, 385 N.-Hlgn. Your pa
tronage solicited-
Trio Miss Hel-
10 oupi
lodge of Oregon
Merrier 111 Stephen C. Merg- nouncements later by W. T. Rig
ler, member of the city staff of don and Son.
The Statesman. Is sick ln bed wltn I
Influenza. He was 111 last week but weus
recovered sufficiently to work for Glen Wells in this city. Febru
a short time before suffering a re- ary zi, agea zu years, aurinvea
i.ncA I by parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
I TOT - 1 . n . 1 . J , .
I wena oi roriiaua. ruuerai in-
Pussywillows Many -Many! nouncement later from the
her home since January 1. Most
of the time she spent in bed at
her doctor's orders.
Tji.nw aerretarv
tit TTnir maAe a. weekend
Jl- Z vnVaniT where she visited pussywillow excursions Into Salem Clough-Barrick company,
w rents Since 1907 her tatb- suburbs were maae over me
her parents, oince vi -nroi.f hMhii,v tiniidav. ninb
Joseph Hadespeck, at the rest
v" . i ona of Washington's
?I DZL "r"v"v. , The pussywillows are very plen
xne U6cu . tltu this year and many lovely dence on route 1, February 21,
ToM and clover seed for sale cuttings have been made. aged 63 years. Survived by widow,
.vmh Fred deVries, R. 6 Saiem." ... I Mrs. Margaret Hadespeck, one sis
Headlignt lenses ior ail cars, cur- tr Mr8 Antonla Singer of Sa-
Denlals Filed uenerai , J, rell 8, 464 N. iuDerty. ' lem; one cousin, Kaspar Hades
were filed Tuesday in circ-
division manager of the Oregon-
Washington Water Service corn-
court by the Industrial Accident
commission in answer to two
tl-tm TtonAlnZ in COUrt. I. A.
Griffin is one plaintiff and .
Kuper the other.
Appraisers Named Appraisers
for the estate of Phebe B. Webb,
deceased, were named yesterday
in county court here, hey are a.
W. Smlther, D. S. Adolph and H.
E. Eakln, all of Salem.
None better than Wear Ever for
Cooking Utensils at Gahlsdorfs.
325 Court street.
I?., ranged A. E. Robert
son, reported to tbe probate court
ir.,.91 that the estate of
utie i j . .
peck of Regina, Canada. Funeral
services from the parlors
Clough-Barrick company. Church
at Ferry, Wednesday, February 2 4
pany, is still confined to his home at 1:30 p m. with Rev. Howe of
with an attack of influenza
has been 111 for ten days
Chinese Speaker at Rotary
George H. Fong, Portland gradu
ate of University of Michigan, will
speak at the Rotary club today on
the Sino-Japanese war.
Grand Jury Called The carry
over grand iury from the Decem
ber term of circuit court has been
summoned to meet here again
March 1 at 10 a.m. ,
On Business Trip Lyle P.
I the First Christian church offi
ciating. Interment will be in City
view cemetery. Family wishes
flowers omitted.
Dog owners are again notified
that an act of the Legislature re
quires that all dogs over eight
months old must be licensed be
fore March 1st to avoid payment
of the 12 penalty for delinquency,
A license on a male or spayed fe
male dog is now $2; after March
1 this must be increased to 34.00
Until March 1 female dogs can be
licensed for 33.00; after that date
the license fee must be Increased
to 5.00. Dogs becoming eight
months old after March 1st may
be licensed without penalty at any
time neiore iney oecame eigui
months old.
Mall applications for licenses to
U. Q. Boyer, County Clerk. Salem,
Oregon. Enclose the proper fee
and state the breed and sex or tne
dog and your own name and ad
dress. F.20 and 24.
Miss Edna Flanagan, demon
stration nurse attached to the
staff of the Oregon Tuberculosis
arrived in saiem
spend several
the auspices of
the Marlon county public health
association. Miss Flanagan will
Tlsit various communities of the
county, working with the county
nurses and will arrange a number
of nnbllc xatherlngs at which the
Importance of conserving public
health will be emphasized.
To Friends and Customers
Within 20 Miles Radios
Salem Deaconess hospital
Call 3321
championship match in Illinois
Monday became law with the sig
nature of Governor Louis L. Em-
It permits IE-round heavy
weight title bouts. Only 10-round
matches heretofore have been permitted.
Attendance at
School Better
School attendance, while slight
ly Improved after the holidays, is
still materially lower than normal
due to prevailing eases of illness,
school officials reported yester
day. Absences at the high school
.1,7 Twtsnn. deceased, had Bartholomew, architect, is in San
ajuuo -" - 1 f 1. .,V hnalnaaa
bepn closed. Robertson was re
leased as administrator,
Sore Tnroat
For trie treatment of ir
ritated, sore or swollen
This gargle "should be
nMd oromntly after the
threat beeins to feel sore
and will surejy prevent
tonsflitis. colds or misor
inflammation of the throat
Pleasant ln taste, ex
tremely efficacious and re
liable in action.
35c i
Sold only at
tax V. Cornel St. Dial 8107
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) Field
trials of the Continental Field
Trial club and the National Field
Trial club, will be held over the
Mannsdale club, here beginning
January 2 and lasting two weeks.
Established 1893 Tel. 8652
x Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
IBeltreat ittemoriai
Dr. Chan Lam
Chinese Medicine
180 N. Commercial
St., Salem
Office hours
-i&V Sunday only during
Feb. Hoars 2 to 4
Jurt Tea innate From tb Etart
ti Town
put life in the dullest room and
brighten up any meal .
You'll see Miss Helen Elizabeth Brown using flowers
from Breithaupt's in her exhibits
466 State St. Tel. 6904
The Service
of Sight
We offer you the double
service of Optometrist
& practical Optician
at the one cost.
May we examine your
eyes today"
atihe Cooking School
ou'see kow to
How many times have you wished you could have
delicious chocolate cakes and cookies without the
necessity for grating and melting the chocolate,
and mixing it in afterwards, when your batter
is "touchy"? .
Use Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate instead, anl
you can save those three steps. Ghirardelli's is in
powdered form and so they are unnecessary. Just
drop your Ghirardelli's into the sifter with the
other dry ingredients.
Ghirardelli's has the full fine flavor that only real
chocolate can have plus convenience. That's why
it's the West's favorite.
Jau Gectr-ar-c&lbf
If. -j
We relieve you from the troublesome
details of arranging services when
1- 3 .lmnxf
n Borrow uas maue uujuuuk auuvo
I impossible.
Sflim moimiflW,fiinRflL Dmscraas
Salem Poultry Co. & Charlie' Fish Market
Formerly Located at Farmers' Market .
356 N. Liberty
The place to get those 'nice, healthy chickens,
alive or. dressed
Fresh Fish Smelt, 5 lbs. 25c
Two pound of smelt FREE with each 25c purchase
Telephone 4888 . Free Delivery
RF.KlHan, President
PHONE -3672
Walter C.Kenwortfty f Mqr.
Invalid Chairs
to Rent
Call tMJIO, Used Furniture
151 North nigh
r v - -xi I a
'ra'Vrrr' I
Don't Forget
484 State Street
Sale of v
Feb. 24th, 1932
Please try
sack of
"Kitcbnttzstcf 1
Kitchen-tested" IFILdDHIIE
at our risk
Wa are hereby making you
a very liberal offer and
we want you to accept it.
Order a sack of Cold Medal
Kitchen - tested" Flour
from your grocer today.
This flour is "Kitchen-tested" for every
kind of baking before it is allowed to
enter your home. Thus it cuts baking
failures in half.
If at any time this flour does not give
uniformly perfect baking results sim
ply return the unused portion of the tack
to your grocer and he will refund the full
purchase price.
All grocers in this territory-
ara liaraliw auAoriaaJ t nttmd to any Brnxhaaar.
now aiaoai wnuor wiu mwwiaa m wm
Betty 0ckei-BtlBan y fjuaens
did Bledal aatlterity mn baklng-
and oa cookmf wQ tjadly help cookktff school
and hoosrwtrts. too ith timely augrtaooca on sny sp-
Taktt BBi
kakara tadsr
fifif food pcoblcni or ettdr r tor economies! borne rk rur fa
tnlg jjkJ tmicue trtr plans sad dainties. Sinipfy addrcse i" wWty
SettJ Cracker, GeaeraTlUla. yhwpolii, liinaeaota. is.iJUmrH
I frVtj SMTMaf sf t:M ttr ymwm Msns jmnms -
S r&tty CnOm T&T-