y-PA(JB:k)tJR The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon Wednesday Morning, February 24, 1932 11 ,WM Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Awe From First Statesman. March 28, 1851 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A. Spracue, SnxtDON F. Sackett, Publish Chaeles A. Spracue - - -.- Editor-Manager Sheldon F. Sackett Managing Editor Member of the Associated Press ... .... . i VMlHlfs 1 Th .Associated Press la exclusively eouuea w e Won of all news dlspstches credited to It or. not otherwise credited tn urn p.ipcr. Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives: Arthur W. Stype. Inc.. Portland. Security BW. San Francisco. Sharon Bldg. : Los Angelea. W. Pac BUg. Eastern Advertising Representatives: Frd-Paraona-Stecher. rne, liew Tork. Sala. Tot- Bld" 11 W. Zfid St.; i;nico. w kui.u " Entered at fA Postoffice at Salem, Oregon. SeeonaUJlast Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Uusxnett office. 215 S. Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Sutxcrlptlon Rate, in AdvRr.ce. Within i Oregon : Daily Sunday. l.Mo. t cents: 3 Mx $1.25; Mo. I2.!: 1 year 4.0. Elsewhere 50 cents per Mo., or li 00 for I year In advance. By City Carrier: 43 cents a month; 15.00 a yew ti advance. Par Copy I cen'a. On trains and News Stands 4 cents New Views -Do you believe it possible for aa many people aa now own ears to keep on owning and operating them or will auto ownership de crease in the next few years? This question was asked about town Tuesday by Statesman reporters. HERE'S HOW By EDSON t j Miss Helen Bristow. school rotary: "Yes, -I think therej will bo some decrease In car owner ship. When It will come I do not know but car standards hardly can be kept up-" A. C. Anderson, Salens Trans fer and Fael Go.: "I actually be lieve If conditions , stay as they have been the ' past year there will be fewer ears operated; but it conditions improve there will be more than at present." A. Volchok, Star Exchange: "I don't see why people shouldn't be operating just as many cars a few years hence as they are now. It looks like the license would be cheaper. Besides, I believe pros perity Is coming back, so I don't see why they shouldn't." Irl S. McSherry, Capital City Bindery: "I should say less If there is any difference. People will only buy where it is abso lutely necessary in most instances this year would be my opinion." R, R. Board man, y. M. C. A.: "My guess is that there will be less. People are trading around in second hand cars but according to my observation there are few new owners coming on to the maraet. Daily Thought "No man lives without jostling and being tjoatled; in all walks ho Jias tb elbow himself through the world, giving and receiving offense." Carlyle. ELECTRIC WllHOOl;, PMi OCCUPIES Decline of a Great Weekly RECENT announcement was made that the magazine "The Outlook and Independent" would change from weekly to monthly publication. The news is without much significance now, for the magazine has fallen into low estate. Twenty years ago "The Outlook" was the most powerful magazine published in this country. It has been founded as a popular semi-religious magazine by Henry Ward Beecher. Later Lyman Abbott who had become successor to Beecher in Plymouth church, Brooklyn, became its editor. Under the Abbott editorship the influence of the magazine was far reaching. Many of its articles were of permanent literary value, such as Booker Washington's "Up From Slavery"; George Kennan's articles descriptive of Russia and Siberia; the autobiography of Jacob A. Riis. , , j , , I , When R&6setelt retired frpni ihH tttiebcy he became contributing -editor of The OutfookJ do' thi3' magazine carried most of his writings on the "new nationalism" which he was expounding in the period culminating with the launching of the Progressive party. The writings of Lyman Abbott on both secular and religious topics were marked by a lucid style and penetrating judgment that made him one of the intel lectual leaders of his day. After Lyman Abbott's death his sons Lawrence and Er nest carried on for a number of years, and maintained its standing creditably. Then control was changed and Francis Edward Bellamy became its editor. He seemed an evangel of wetness ; and made the magazine a propaganda sheet for the repeal of prohibition. This naturally offended the older con stituency of the paper. While many of them might entertain similar ideas or at least be tolerant of intelligent expression of such ideas, they objected to having their one-time favor ite magazine made a mere house organ for breweries and distilleries. The Outlook and The Independent were merged a num ber of years ago, but the consolidated weekly has steadily lost favor until now it is rarely quoted and virtually without in fluence in the country as a whole. It may succeed as a month- - ly ; and some one may arise who can restore some measure of its former prestige. Now it is quite impotent. The Wallula Cut-off THE Pendleton East Oregonian replies editorially to the charges of other inter-mountain newspapers that Editor Aldrich, new member of the highway commission, has been instrumental in getting the construction of the Wallula cut off shelved. The E. O. saj's : "The action by the state highway commission in deferring advertising for bids on the Sand Station-Washington state line section of the Wallula cutoff does not necessarily mean that the cutoff is not to be completed. The basis for the present postpone ment is the fact that for a distance of over six miles the highway, as proposed, would have been at an elevation lower than the crest of the dam at Umatilla rapids, provided the dam Is built with the top at an elevation of 330 feet above sea level, as sug gested in the war department survey. Therefore the highway for the distance stated would have been submerged by the building of such a dam." The strictures of the other papers against Aldrich are a bit severe. There is already an excellent cut-off on the Wash ington Side irom jriymouin so rveiinewiciu it liivuives a icriy i INDEPENDENCE. Feb. 23 A crossing. The Portland-Spokane traffic now nearly all goes program in honor of Washington's a-hat way, so Pendleton hasn't a great deal to gain by folding "K!!?,.?.. g,ye at tb gh up the Wallula cut-off which follows the south and east bank Hemy a IJso pSS? of the 01 the river. Presbyterian church, gave an in- We think however Brother Aldnch is a bit too op- terestmg talk on George washing timistic about his favorite Umatilla rapids project to urge t0 , tl for the occasion suspending the road work because much of it would be riApA thK nrnn PLL thrown away when the Umatilla dam is built. That day looks an orchestra whose violinist is w! rather remote, even more so under the Hoover formula of M- O'Keiley, an Oregon pioneer of inlfo wntrarta Kofnro trio nnwor nrmAff ia sfnrf Arl i years of age 3 m, M J "T 1 SSSSffe """"tvem CAN SH0M1C BACTfeClA 8f J I 4icil slri -t. usss.aAi llu IV ft I .1 1 1 -TUCM IN OTUB7; tU J V I 1 CURRENT lb UQWTTHC F1U- MCNT5, MAVf BEEN , KNlPP OF THE AM. PHYSICAL SOCIETY: -A80U5 aEp WrTHrlVTCOOEN waoty&cxsrAN fFTEt?-6iow rce ArTER IT HAS SEEN QmKkv vmth an ELECTPlCAi FLASH fD(2 no4 CF Ar Tomorrow: '"She Swallowed a Camera BITS for BREAKFAST By R. J. HENDRICKS "HTLJir T A C TD A D" By ROBERT 1 1 11 JL-iV V J llm SHANMnN I M KITRICK PLACE LAKE LABISH, Feb. 23 H. R. Panther, Woodburn farmer, who purchased the E. S. McKlt rick place, now resides upon his farm here. His two sons, Richard and Hubert attend Labish school. Mr. and Mrs. McKitrick and son, Paul,v- returned to their former home at Colton, Calif., where they have other farm property. Mr. Panther's new farm here contains nine acres of the finest prune orchard in Oregon. Hay continues to move and two weeks more of winter wea ther will not only clean up all stored hay here but will also make most of the hay warehouses unapproachable because of gravel shortage. LAKE LABISH, Feb. 23 John Owens of this place, with his fam ily, has grubbed two acres of land for Rudolph Butte. When his work here is completed, Mr. Owens will remove to a farm south of Albany. The man Is a dairy farmer and has 30 head of dairy cows. He removed his dairy nerd from eastern Oregon early In beptember and Is congratulating himself that he did so as hay and feed are scarce and high In the btmchgrass country. O'Keiley, Pioneer Speaker at Program Recalls high history: (Continuing from yesterday:) A daughter of B. F. and Mary A. McClench (Gray) is Mrs. Mary E. Watson of 16a West Washington street, Salem. She was named Mary for her mother and Eliza beth for her aunt, Mrs. Thurston- Odell. Mrs. Odell's middle given name was French. Mrs. Watson is an American War Mother, by the double right of having had two sons in the World war forces, one in the army and the other in the navy the one in the army was in some of the big engagements along the Hindenburg line. m Mrs. Watson attended Willam ette university, was a teacher. and is a cultured lady, by inher itance and through her own ef forts. Of course, she remembers well the McClench log house la Polk county where she was born. It was a big house, built with hewn logs, much more elaborate than some ot the first cabins of the settlers that were necessarily thrown together in a hurry to get roofs over their heads. S S Mrs. Watson recalls the family and pioneer tradition concerning the breaking of the dread news of her husband's death to her aunt. She knew and could know nothing of his passing for several weeks after the event. There were no telegraph lines, and the malls did not travel faster than the people who were with him in his lasf hours. All unsuspecting. she awaited his coming at their home at Linn City. m m The persons who broke the sad news to the widow never forgot the scene. Nor wished for a simi lar experience in performing what was a self imposed though pain ful duty. About three years ago, Samue R. Thurston, passing on his way from northern points to Califor nia by auto, accompanied by his wife and son, called upon Mrs. Watson at her home here. She had not seen him since he was child of two years. He especially wanted to visit the grave of his grandfather, which he had not yet seen. It was nearly noon, and he was in such a hurry that he hesitated to accept Mrs. Watson's invitation- to lunch with her. Upon her offer to make the prep- t :The Stuart Painting TEOPLE like the Gilbert Stuart portrait of Washington JL because he appears more handsome in it than in other paintings. However, according to authority, that is not the truest likeness of the immortal George. W. E. Wroodward, au thor of a biography of the first president, says in an article in last week s Nation : "Another fact is that the commonly accepted portrait of Washington the Gilbert Stuart Athenaeum painting is not his best picture. What I am saying here will be considered the rank est heresy; nevertheless it is the truth, like a good many other heresies. "His face was leaner and longer than it appears in the Ath enaeum portrait! He had a finer, more sensitive countenance. In 1T85 the French sculptor Houdon made a life mask of G. W. . ,i . . . This life mask shows Washington's features perfectly, of eourse. It is a mechanical reproduction. The life mask lacks the "beefy look of the Stuart picture." .'-. Daily Health Talk: By ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. WuiSNa person nas an excess fat, it usually means that toe much food is be ing taken and too little exercise. an amount of Believe It or Not VEN the good old AP makes 'era too; witness the following In wire report to The Statesman: "Mrs. Taylor died a half an honr after she had shot a bullet into the back of her husband's head as he slept, she then fired a shot into her heart." Frank Jenkins writes In the Roseburg News-Review a eulogy I vi in oeaver as a conserver of water for agriculturists. If Jenkins could have heard Sam Brown lead a tirade against the busy beaver. In the state senate last year, he would ham thnnirht th omvav as great a threat to farmers as coddling moth, grasshoppers, coy-! .t,n .ma-etin tiger Ia itLCt Brown's speech defeated tern- j L m ide w aM lad though the beavers hare1 at last found a friend. The. h t.. . .vi- SLft1 Anim&1. intelligence and the part they 7a .r r 9 norinwest as the stimulus for the - -r v.uu uv .oiutiuimoiine country. r Ihere develops adipose tissue that affects the health, or at least reduces the- efficiency. In time the ac cumulation be comes patho logical and dangerous. A fat person may contend that he e a t a very little and yet the pounds are forced to ask him if he selects food that en courages the increase of fat. Is he partial to starchy food and sweets? Normatty the proper asleotle ef a tlet will keep the weight practloaSy stationary. All the fooa takes ts In tended te he harmed n as reel te maintain the bodily activities. Malt ortnka are fattening, for malt ttself Is nutrltfcHUL and the aloohoUe con tent rarnUhes fuel, thus conserving ue autrtUeue elsmanta te store us ta the tons of bodily Xat. It Is sad te see a person of about percentage of fat In the body, and second, on the prevention of toe for maUon ot more fat. These objects are attained by modifying the diet and by the use of properly prescribed .exercises. The exercises must be suitable and remlarly followed, sad ue met must be adequate to mala tain the nutrition of the body. t Attempts at rapid welsrht redne tlon that Is, a Joss of more thaai one or two pounds a week- fre quently produce extreme stervous-j neas and general weakness. There are almost certain te be dJ restive disorders. Function Is disturbed tt ths abdominal organs prolapse oa account ef the lack of their accus mod support tae support which ths fat has given. Xa ra era! terms It Is important that fata, staichy foods and streets should be limited. No great change need be mads la the consumption ef eat. provided tt la not taken ta xesa, Potatoes and bread may be reduced with safety and even ex cluded from the diet. Fruits and leafy vegetables should be takes freely. ' r AgjSpleDfci I The democr&ta ira . ... claiming all the glory for ths llsttonT .PUDUCa. a forty years begin to lose hie enthuat mlxht be aafftr 7J . .A"?"1 .tOD depression. It I m for week as he rains Is weight. doesn't work each will -JUTT. "r. v"ow. lclne acts. It it Slowly hut surety he beosmee short enactment. " ower , responsibility for its! ef breath, and tt west be long ..- uiui prooaoie nominee. The Albany Democrat-Herald ia r.r ,o v T ltlyillt !'menting China''. But isn't it "Rus-1 wouunai - w'aaMaaaaMaassssssMas ... Senator Bennett wants to ra to rnnrm.. twh., tv -s intm-It.lpllei hta bond scheme by tea and establish- i - vum,us unanca corporation. . fore he shews sins ef a falhng oeart. When the scales show steady Increase In weight tt la Unas te dis cover the cause ana fud a remedy. Te resort to-satsat medicines, er te fellow a diet which saay be sws gestsd by a kind but unscienttfie trtsnd. Is dangereus folly. It may result tn serious consequences. The sensible course is to seek tbe advice of a physician. A thorough physl cat examination, to find ths condition of ths heart and kidneys. Is ths only sure way to determine what diet and exercises can be followed safety. The treatment ef obesity Is baaed first, es the destroctfes at a certain Bare Is a sample diet which Is ad-. by a sated plyslc!as. Far breakfast, he reoommsnda ens or, ange er half ef a grape fruit; two eggs, sot tried: a small piece ef toast or a rsfl, preferably without butter; a cup ef esfee, black or with very little sflk It Is wise te take the hearty meal tn the middle ef the day when pee sible. For lunch er supper, this doctor sconuneads a eup of clear soup; a scant helping of teas meat without giaty; a salad, tomato er celery with lemon er vinegar, bat so eQ; and a small piece ef bread with a very nttle butter. For the chief meal: A amah ous of clear soup: a helping of lean fish er lean meat, such ss beef, chtekea. mutton or vest tn moderate amount, without gravy. Tbre may be a Us ers! helping of vrtb!es. such as spinach, string bfs. peas er sa parugua. prepared without butter: also fresh fruit without sugar. It will be seen that this Is not a starvatioB diet, yet It win prove one that should cause proper and safe redaction. . arations short, and to return to her home by a short cut after the visit to the grave, allowing the grandson to proceed on south from the cemetery her invitation was accepted, and after the meal they proceeded to the historic spot, only a little way south. S Some years ago. Mrs. Watson heard of the visit here ot a trav eler from Lewlston. Maine, look ing for the Thurston grave and monument, wishing to get a photograph. of them. She took up the matter with him by raaU and found he had secured tbe picture, and that his Interest came from the fact that his wife was a niece of Thurston, Oregon's first dele gate. He promised, some day, to return to Oregon and visit Salem again. . The Thurston grave and mon ument are In the I. O. O. F. Rural cemetery, about half way up the hill from the Commercial street entrance, and In an indi vidual plot, the road leadlnr bv on both sides, as is well known to most residents of tMs section. The wording on the south side or the monument reads: "Here rests Oregon's first delegate, a man of genius and learning, a lawyer and statesman. His Chris tlan virtues equaled his wide philanthropy. His public acts are his best eulogium." S S . On the east side is the engrav ing of a broken shaft, with other figures, and the words. "Erected by the people of Oregon", and, in large letters, the name, "Thur ston". s On the north side, these words are engraved: Hon. Sami R. Thurston. Born In Maine April IT, 1815. Died off Acapulco April 9, 1851". Crowning the shart is an urn, and under it is engraved an hour glass. On the west side is no lettering, but some fancy work of the marble cutter. " - One of the reasons why the writer is particular about riving this description In such detail Is the fact that the lettering on the south side, exposed to the winds and rains of the winter season here, is all but illegible. A little while more, and one will not be able to read the engraved let tering. The matter should have attention. The engraving needs to be done over, and there is surely a way to protect It against the ravages of the weather. S The Salem Directory for 1872. under the year 1858, that part of it being no doobt written by Rev. L. H. Judson, coming with the Lausanne party in 1840, con tained the following: ' s S "Thursday, April 2 2d, and the remains of Hon. Samuel R. Thur ston were taken up from their temporary resting place, and re interred in the Odd Fellows' Rural cemetery, by direction of the territorial legislature. The following are the proceedings published in the Oregon States man: " 'Commissioners Wm. M. King, A. Van Dusen and Wm.'H. WUlsoa. " 'Committee of arrangements Samuel Parker, John A. Ander son John D. Boon and B. F, Harding. " 'Pall bearers The Odd Fel lows society. "'Family and relations ot the deceased. " 'Governor and other officers ot the territory. " 'Independent Order ot Odd Fellows. " 'Masonis fraternity. M 'Sons of Temperance. "'Citizens and strangers from abroad. The procession' formed at the Methodist church, where the fol lowing exercises took place: "Opening prayer, by Rsv. F. S. Hoyt. "'Sermon by Rev. Delasos Smith. "Closing prayer by Rev. Dr. Yantta. "Dedication at the grave, by Rev. Father Leslie. " 'Marshal, A. U Lovejoy. " 'Assistant E. M. Barnum.'." a The date. April 22. 1853. was more than two years after Thur ston's death. The territorial leg islature had authorised the com missioners to proceed to Mexican territory and have the body ex burned and brought to Oregon, SYNOPSIS j Mary Kennedy had youth and beauty and an Intense fear of pov erty. Almost the last words of her dying mother warned her against marriage to a poor mas. Mary re fuses the offer of a home with her married sister, Katharine. She rents a small room. While sitting ia the park making plans for a Job, aa elderly man of distinguished appearance engages her ia conver sation. He is Buck Landers, well kaows sports promoter and race horse owner. Hs offers Mary a ioh as secretary. Mary calls on Laa-l ders relative to the position. They havs dinner together and Mary is thrilled by the surrounding splen dor. Landers offers Mary a life of luxury. .CHAPTER V N her narrow room with its white iron bed looking into a court yard, she thought of the ornate and expensive roof garden she had just left. The evening gleamed brightly ia retrospect. Actually it had been her first taste of the great city's magnificence, of its iridescent atmosphere. When she stretched her slender young body out on the rented bed she was not sleepy; it was pleas ant to lis there and give herself up te dreams and possibilities. Life as Buck Landers could give it thrilled her with guttering visions. Bean tif ul clothes, marvelous limousines, travel, yachts, ths theatres. In his world of wealth her imagination could riot freely. She had rem be red something she had read ia a book once, about moonlit castles oa the Rhine. "But I'm not thinking about him at an only his money," she told herself with a little jolt of honesty. "It would be nice to be his daughter, I can't imagine myself married to him . . . his wife. . . . Morning brought the crass neces sity of the work-a-day world. Mr. Nelson, the manager of the Metrop olis Hotel, received his new secre tary with a marked cordiality. "We're glad to have you with ns, Miss Kennedy. Mr. Landers said some complimentary things about you. I think you're going to make rood." Nelson belonged to the Falstaff school of architecture. His girth was enormous, his face and head were round, and he wore a perpetual and professional smile. He had small bluish eyes, cunning and calculat ing. To a welcomed guest he could be the soul of hospitality, but to a cringing underling he was a Roman galley master. He could take a hotel, any hotel, and squeeze incredible profit out of it. His appetite for work was insatiable ; apparently he never slept. It was a point of honor with him to know as many guests as possible by name, with the result there was never a room vacant in the hotel. Mary's work was in part steno graphic. In reality she was some thing of an assistant manager. Net son was constantly giving lists of articles to be ordered from the wholesale houses foods, linens, sundries. She conferred daily with the housekeeper about chamber maids and laundry. Every depart ment of the hotel made daily re ports which she checked with the bookkeeper to forestall any leaks. "We're using twenty-five per cent more soap this year than last," Ne sob said to her. "I want yon make a check-up with the store keeper and find out whafs becoming of it." It developed that no more soap was used than formerly. It was only that the tradesman charged more and billed the hotel boldly for the increase. Long and earnestly Nel son talked into the telephone, and when he had finished the dealer had some back ta his original price and agreed to a rebate oa the excess charges. Five hundred dollars was thus returned to the Metropolis. "Never let 'em get away with any thing." Nelson told Mary. "That's the whole business I" The patrons of ths Metropolis were mainly of the sporting class. Oa the mezzanine floor adjoining Nelson's office there were several other offices occupied by boxing man agers, hockey promoters and du bious gentlemen who wore striped shirts and diamond rings. Among the guests was Aubrey Hollings worth, the movie actor. Mary had often seen him ia the pictures. Ia recent years his popularity was be file," he murmured. "The screen always needs new faces. I should be the last one to give false encour agement to aspirants but may I ask, have you ever thought of going to Hollywood?" "No, I havenl." "I shouldn't dart make any defi nite promises, but if you ever come to the West Coast, be sure to ring me up. I wont be going back for ten days or so. Perhaps, some eve ning here, we may talk it over I mean, how would you like te come up here some evening and havs a little talk with me about the movies, heart ta heart, se te speak?" Before Mary could answer him, "Won't you come up soon and have a talk on the movies, heart to heart so to speak? ginning to wane but he was still more or less famous. She recalled recent newspaper writings that his wife was in Paris divorcing him. By an odd chance Mary, after a few days, was privileged to meet the celebrity. "HoQingsworth wants to dictate a few letters, and our public stenog rapher is all tied up," Nelson said te her. "With guests like Hollings- worth we try to give every service they bring a lot of publicity to ths house. Would you mind going up to his office a half hour or so for courtesy of the management and that sort of thing know what I mean?" Taking her notebook and pencil. a Kttle nervously, Mary presented herself for service in Hollings- worth'a suite. The greet msn re ceived her in a scarlet and gold lounging robe, and a Byronic shirt. He was scented faintly with lemon verbena, which may have been from the soap he used. His face was vig orously featured and his body trim. At close range he looked older than she expected; there were slight pouches under his eyes and fine lines about his mouth. "So sorry to put you out," he mur mured ia a rich throaty voice. "X usually bring my staff East with me, but this time I just packed off incognito,' so to speak. Just make yourself comfortable anywhere about the room, my dear. Ha gave her four or five letters to people ia Los Angelf concerning small business matters. When he had finished Mary ross to ge but he raised a graceful hand and detained her. "It just occurred to me, my child, that you nave a remarkabis pre- his telephone rang. "Oh, Juanita darling I Just a minute please. . . ." He put his hand over ths mouth piece, and turned to Mary. "I think that will be all for today," he ut tered, his eyes taking ia Mary from head to feet. "You won't forget to ring me up, will you?" Mary smiled but did not promise. She met other people whose names appeared quite often in the news papers; Moe Levy, a hatchetf ace like man who was the manager of Dick Leeds, the "London Lad." Levy brought his protege into Nelson's office one day for a chat. Leeds was a fresh-faced young Cockney with broad shoulders and one thickened ear. He had come to America only recently and ia the next few days was to make his bid for the heavy weight championship in an intro ductory bout at the Madison Square Garden. Kelson seemed to have a close friendship with the manager and an admiring curiosity toward the fighter. All three of them chat ted in pugilistic jargon that was not plain to Mary. It seemed they all agreed the "London Lad" was going te rock somebody called the Bohunk to aleep early in the pro posed fight. "Did you know that Mr. Landers owas Dick Leeds?" Nelson asked Mary after the other two had left. "Levy is only a dummy manager. Mr. Landers holds an option oa the London Lad's contract. You're mighty lucky to have Mr. Landers as a friend. He's the real fox oa all those sporting rackets. And the money he's got. in the bank oh, baby! A nice man to do business with, too. Hard boiled but a quick clicker." IT Be ONtM) OoyrrtsM. Kmc ratira Smiiemku. 1m. and the expenses were borne by the territorial treasury. S S The names of the participants in the exercises are nearly au historic ones. John P. Gaines was governor, but his term expired less than a month thereafter. John D. Boon was territorial treasurer, snd George L. Curry secretary; afterwards for a long time governor. Delaion Smith. preaching the funeral sermon, and B. F. Harding afterwards served in the U. 3. senate from this state. F. 8. Hoyt was presi dent ot Willamette university. Lovejoy wag Dr. Marcus Whit man's companion on his famous winter ride of 1842-3, and after wards held many plaees of honor. Barnum was active in business and political life. Dr. Willson snd Rev. David ("Father") Leslie were Salem townsite proprietors, both early missionaries. Samuel R. Thurston had much to do la Inducing and aiding Asa- hel Rush to come to Oregon from Massachusetts and establish The Statesman. A number of other men, afterwards high la Oregon official and business life, were directed to Oregon by Thurston. Fire Reveals Timber For Corning Olympics LAKE LABISH. Feb. 2S A near-fire at the home of Joseph Bennett on Saturday, February 20 caused some Olympic races to-get pails and water. Mr. Bennett who raises onions in the Lake Labish section wss some distance from his home working, when other workmen near saw flames arising from the. Bennett root. Mrs. Ben- All School Pupils At Liberty Assist In Tree Planting LIBERTY, Feb. 23 Washing ton's birthday was observed Mon day forenoon with a program by the school at the hall, and tree planting ceremonies. The pro gram Included patriotic numbers by alL recitations by Jacquelia Judd, Flora Anderson, Alice Cun ningham, Imogen Birch, Holland Cleveland and Bobby Dasch; and plays by the third and fourth grades and songs by fifth and sixth groapt and seventh and eighth grades. - Alvln Cleveland and Alice; Cun nlagham read essays at the tree planting and Marie Deitxmaa a poem. There was also music and the children jtlled past to drop soil upon the roots. Bobby Devlin, who broke his arm when he fell oft his bicycle recently is getting; along; nicely within, oblivious ot their danger. Ladders, water and many kind ly helpers saved the building and later assisted in re-shlngllng the burned roof. aett and her 4 -year old son were Webb. BIRTHDAY HONORED TURNER, Feb. 23 Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Roberts entertained informally Saturday night, the oc casion being the birthday anni versary of Mrs. Roberts. Friends present were Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Riches, Mr. and Mrs. X. C. Bear, and Mr lead Mrs. Fsye Across street or continent Friends arid families are now in such clos cxaroection, by voice ! Telephoning' across state or continent is practically as easy. fast, clear, and commocplace as a local call. 'Wbuld you like a lit tie Individual telephone directory, neatly filled in wita the telephone numbers of your friends fa other cities, together with ratet for talk ing from jronr horns or office to theirs? We shall b Clad to fiwa yon this con venient di rector? wita all laforma tloo properly entered. Tnx Pacific Telephone akd TEXXCRAra Company Easiness office 740 SUle, Tel 3101 ( t.