&aiisie& i Where Supply Meets any Wants are Deniariid 0 Statesman Classified Ads Call 910 CUuMed Adrertislng Single -Insertion per llne.lOe Three Insertions per line 0e Six Insertions per line.. 30c One month per line.. 11.00 Minimum charge 25e Copy for this page ac cepted until :30 the even lng before publication (or classification. Copy re celted after thla time will be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors, which may ap-.. pear in advertisements pub lished in Its columns, aod In cases .where this paper M at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right, to reject objec tlonal advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising an der the proper classification. EXCHANGE Real Estate Soma cash and lino well located Im Anreles bungalow, clear, to exchange tnr niiv farm. On atucco duplev, and two atucco bungalows, clear, wall located, to ezenans ior vauey laxu. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 176 South Hteh Street txnru"Lrxu"ijwir,wi Coma on men and women who," w""k let'a earn some money and to wor.K. 'v " 7. ''l..lr. In the face. Vmpu- toiiTsV 4XS Oregon B1 . . . - - m m aA-wWV 11 1 fast eU- J ntnmATI til fLPll tL to'lISS month. Steady, in-women. 1 B ll rIiil vai;anw" -- sTHili ti ally unnecessary. r. -- - TJS" nki.n tnute. Dept FOR RENT APARTMENTS i-rm. turn. apt 22(1 Hazel Ave. Tal 7(f4 Patton aparunanta with private bath, nicely furnished. locatad In twstness district Call Pat ton's Book Stor Mod. apta. 210 N. 14th. FURNISHED two and three room apartments, furnace heat, water, light. phone, garaire, S. P. bus line, adults lis, izz; 1064 oak st Fur. bungalow apt, $25. Adults. 947 Mill. TeL 3298. SITUATIONS WANTED itlon part or full time. Own two writers. References-phone S8Z1 1st floor, clean, well furnished room, homey apt. Prlrate bath. Gar age. Uht and water. 290. N. 18th. Tel. B40T. Stratton Apta. Mod. 670 N. Winter, ... . i .AifaiaA0nt Ann maternity Nursing l-u, ..vv.;; lei. Heated hskpg. rooms. Ill Chemeketa. eases In my home. Court. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE Miscellaneous F"R SAI.B I'ars to bun die Statesman oruce. Furnished and unfurnished housea R. A. FORKNER. 1(10 N. Cottage. all makes, new and Artd;7;nd-tyTwrter.forrt n .11- SJ nnraprV SAleS JalU, Liberty St Corner armory. Price, to mlt the times. Phone 5505. rrutnri"i" ' FOR RENT Flats for adults. S to 4 rooms SIS to 140 Also houses, ate BECKK S: HENDRICKS II North High 8trae S room 7824. house, 626 N. Jlvst TeL 1st class 4 room cottage near state house. Full basement Delightful lo- t.i ,mf JIM. 21.66 per yd. M. cation. 125.00. 475 N. CapitoL Kit Piedmont W. Salem. I wwmwimwwwww Hoffman, 64 1 , Furnished or unfurnished. 2140 Orchard spray. All kinds carried in Maple. lowest prices. i-uri y" ?ir-L". rJLf pinipm. Phone 6426. I Mod. 4 R. house, hreaVfnst nook. T hV 17.00 tOO. R. 7. rTra-i FOR RENT WJa. aww . , ss r- I 1A XT drv J T Ti,.,fifi Gonial wigs for sale or 21J0 Myrtle. 6 R. Seasonable: call at 1145 South 444 N. 14thf 8 R. 16th or leave your phone numDer ai The Statesman office. Well rotted barn yard fertilizer for sale. Phone 4 964. ftft-i - Apples 25-45-60C. Good Quality. 1 off Wallace Road on Orchard Heights. rlng boxes. Ernest Ander son. nnnrjuuA)ivv FOR SALE Hotpolnt elertrlc range, latemodel. Slightly used. Halek Elec tric Co., S37 Court 1908 Hazel, 6 R. H8 Marlon, 6 R. 1830 8. High, 4 R. furn. 651 Thompson, 5 R. 260 N. 15th, 5 R. W. G. KRUKOF.R 147 North Commercial ....$30 20 25, 25 20 18. 13. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Custom hatching that para lowest prioaa, axpart laoor, nest equipment ze per agar Jan. ana sea, sua saarcn. Special prices on quantity. - Phone 22F2. Lee's Hatchery. FOR SALE Good gentle spaa mule or trade for cow. Good single horse. 111. Art SchaeZer, Ut AngeL TRADE 4 it acres suburban home, 7 R. house. bath, elec lights, barn, garage, nen house, nearly four acres of walnuts and cherries, 9 years old, good well water; price I450U. xraae ior wu In town. What have - yout i SE- BlKHTbli or inuman 341 State Street mmwvri-1-- Whlta Plymouth Rock roosters. hatched from Iowa eggs. $1.60 each.1 Mrs. W. 8. Bates, Woodburn. Red 77. CHANGE Good T It plastered Jtome, nasemeni and rurnace, garage, in Wash, to trade for Salem prop- T Kiniiu hnwmptit 1U A. land. electric water system, pa v. rd-, close to Salem. Will sell at a bar gain, or trade for Calif, prop- rtv. I have several good houses In town to trade ior acreage. 1610 N. Cottage Phona 3031. 9 it XL mi. from Salem. S room Hnnu. Aalr finnra throughout basement. furnace, fireplace, double garage, fine soil, will trade equity for small house clear. Price 47&u. E5Vt acres 2A ml. rrom jenerson. K rnnm Tnniioo amall barn. Z2 A. cul tlvntarl. balance Dasture. wood for family use. Good soil, equipped, $5250, Trade equity ior smau nouue ia lem. . MEL, VI N JOHNSUW 320 7J. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone w hnvo a 4 room anartment In a wrv fine location, partly furnished, inaa in nml worth S4500.00. Owner wants small residence or acreage ior AflllltV. A very nice lu acre improvea uati to trade for larger farm and owner will assume. A splendid 75 acre rarm witn isuu encumbrance : will trade for larger farm and assume more. McniT-THRIST & PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 4838 FOR SALE FARMS SALE OR TRADE I have two fine, farms; am forced to sMl one 142 acres, also 167 acres. both mortgaged. Will sell one farm to save the other from being fore closed. Best of soil, good bulldlnga Priced right Will take some trade. See my agents BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street S n AIDS PUPILS' PROGRAM Radio Programs BETHEL,, Feb. 23 Mrs. Car melite Weddle and the pupils of Rethel achnol " nra a T.lnrnln. R. X. Red roosters, prize birds, $2.00 I nr..i.i..t.. mr . each, also hatching eggs from mated " a"",'w" . St i and tested flock. 60c. baby chicks $12.0 per ISO. R. T, Box 149-A. forenoen. Colonies" Wedaasdsy, Tsbcusry S KOW 6M K. FortUa T:15 Orgs a, NBO. S :o 1'iut Capers, Hsu. S:so Komaace xenaaga. t:S0 Cooking sebaoL - 10:00 Keeptag ap Wits Dar&tar. XBC 1 10:1a Mry iiaia Martta, HBU. and a Betsv Ross d!a-io:so womu'i Mirasia, nbc Poultry wntd. 654 N. Lib. Tel. 46M. FOR 8 ALE 1 pr. black mules. T 1 l-. 1 . BAR, Itui " C A A k. team. Fart terms. NO trauea mow dhb, voiv 654S. logue were especially fine. Readings, poems and musical numbers were offered by Lorraine Nichols, ' Helen FOR SALE WOOD IS In. 2nd growth fir $4 50 and 6 5.' 00. TeL 6648. GUARANTEED DRT wood coal Tel. 6000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade Cottage. For good wood phono IS 66. Tracy's wood yard. 13:15 Fana ui Home, HBO. 1 :u ruin urter. S:00 Better Ingtiia. S:1S Hea41iar, NBC. s :oo Taxpayers Lei rue, BC S:1S Pet CUale, NBO. s:oo Asies 'a' Andr. ABO. S:SO -Tsammstcf. NBC. 11:15 Organ. KOAO 660 Ka. Cerrallls T:00 Good morning esereiaea, US ay ' . iter: rial r. FaUieord. 7:13 Setting ap azerdMS, dlracUd j A. L. Stinar. 10 :00 Home eeeaoniTea abtarvsr. 10:09 Toraorraw's meals. 10:18 Food fsets and fancies. 10:83 How's sad why's of housekeep ing. ALL KINDS, any length. Call 3739 DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD. Oal and fuel oil Call on ua for pricea We give good measure, gooo quality ana food service. .ARMER TRANSFER STORAGE Telnchone 3131 16" old fir. 35.50. Smith A Rubens, Thone 48F14. FIRST CLASS FUEL Old fir screened hog fuel. Old Fir mill block. Dry planer wood. Dry second growth. FRED E. WELLS, INC PHONE 8847 Schuli, Lillian Ham rick, Gertrude and. Wanda Froehllck, Hilda Bahnsen, Clarence and Betty Bolinr. Evelyn Boles, Alfred Bahnsen, Victor Bernard 1, Ed ward Bcho.li, Lois Ham rick. Jean Haln, Ha May Creech Lelsla Dsrr, Werna Froehllck, Dean Landerback. There was a large attendance of the school patrons and Mrs. J M. NlChOlS, president Of the Dor-ll0:47 The msgsxiaa rack. ran 0nh. had chares nf tTiA ln- 113:00 Tarm hoar. .1.1.1. t 113:10 Ia the dtr's itwi. " ur"r" w "r"- 11:35 "Irrigstioa by Wild- Floodisg. Weddle. I If. BV. Lewis. In the afternoon a tree-plant- I !: Market reports, cropi sad weeta- inr ceremony took place In hon- i:WSJSSSui hoar. ur ul -ius rvasuinsion 01-centen nial. The Bethel Dorcas club far nishlng a red hawthorn and an elm tree that had been brought from Nebraska by Mrs. E. E, Matten. TREES PLANTED AT Tin 1 AMS The 8:03 Dry old fir. TeL 8331. SsM-taWMMMMsM'aa- Old fir and ash. Phone Judd. 103F21. 12" and 16M old fir. Phone 5463. Dry Blab and old fir. TeL 6746. Large old fir, 16" $5 00. IleaiT nd growth, seasoned 16" $5.25. TeL 6136. yWVWAIWAMwAwJWAM Dry 2nd growth sawed 12 or 16 In. Ross Bowman. Rt 2, Dallas. Phone SO 30. Old fir 16" $5. 2nd growth 4 ft 84. Oak 16" $6.60. Bark $5 per load. TeL 3400. FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished mod. house, 3i0-$3!-$2 $15-320; ware house $20. For rentals. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street - - .loanera Rent and $20-$15-$10. Partly furnished . $8-$10. J UT,t ul t o l d. m. upper flat 310: unfurnished 110-912 ""Mrs." Ralph's chicken tamalrt now located. 654 N. L.tDeny. leu Auction sale af household furniture, 14 th and Ferry. Watch for sale date. IL O. Hagedorn, auctioneer. Drag saw with mag and two blades. $32 N. Com'l. , FOR SALE Real Estate CHOICE 25 ACRE FARM Very best of dark, fertile soli, not far out on paved highway, 20 acres cultivated. 5 acres pasture and tim ber, good well, few acres In fruit, most of which is Royal Ann cherries. Price $3750, little cash, bal. bonus loan. A REAL SNAP IN 11V4 ACRE TRACT Not far out on market road, 3-4 mL of grade and high school, most all in cultivation, 3 acres alfalfa, creek on one side with a few acres ideal gar den land, 4 room house, good barn, well. Electricity available. Price only $16in with part terms. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors S?0 Stat Street Phone 670S. " BUST BEES MEET HAYESVILLE, Feb. 2S The Busy Bee sewing club met at the home of Miss Alma Carrow, with the following present: Beatrice ! Stamen, Berniece Stamen, Mary Ito. Sachlco Famama. Irw Sea son, Marcell Ff 67 Evelyn Sbp4- er, Mrs. Marshall and tae ' hos tess. Alma Carrow. The next meeting will be held at the school house in two weeks. Mrs. R. W. Craven, property mia ager; Mrs. A. L. Thomas, business manager: Mrs. M. C. Williams, ad vertlsing manager; and Mrs. C. O Sloper and Mrs. M. C. Williams, ushers DeTelopiag Character Yelaes ia Tamily Life: "Whim; mroetaa Experieaeea or HoraUslagl" Dr. E. W. Warringtoa. 3:45 Chat With tha Eaalthraaa: "Tonles." 5:55 Market report!. S:30 Farm hoar. 8:11 Ia the dsr'i news. 6:45 Bpot market reports aai weather 6:50 Market review ergs, poultry and poultry feedi. y:0O The Outlook (or Vegetable aad Melons. T-m yHtiii of Roili Clah: I" vroTement of Kewly Cleared I . I iLand." Dr. W. Tj. -Towers. ' 70 Shorthand Conteit, ' eon T hr Pref-nor H. T. Vanea. S:15 This Interatticg Univarsa ef Ourc "Toi emits National Trk." Dr. L 8. Alliaoa. 8:30 Contrihntiona of Science t Oar Well Being: '"Toe uonmoanorj of Piyeholnry to Individual and Indiutrlal Efficiency." Dr. H. H. Laslatt. Prune tree wood for heating, 16", $5.00. Dry and green 2nd growth $5.00. Tel. 3175. LOST AND FOUND lost wide black fur. Leave at tra; songs by Maurice and Harvey Moore and son cnaries irom Statesman. Reward. GUESTS AT AIR LIE AIRLIE. Feb. 25 House meets at the home of Mr. and Curtain numbers Included: se- Mrs. E. R. Moores over the week- lections by the Ed Wunder orches- end were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. ACREAGE Semi-modern 7-room home, fire place, basement, etc.. garage, three or six nice lots, good view, fruit, nuts, grapes and berries. Ornamental shrub- ats one A vptir lease on ZOZ4U I -w 1 Ttrm .all store bldg. Rent $30 mo. Bargain, can 1 aJ, or at oarffan) terms. Owner. Cuthbert red raspberry plants. War per Rt 7. at 755 Union . TRADE Miscellaneous Will trade laree creek lot close In for late model light sedan or coupe. Phone 0704 or 7H.tO. WANTED Miscellaneous All kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguns, Id gold md lewelry Condition no ob ject. Name your prlc REINER'S EXCHANGE 324 N. Commercial vm i.ru-11- n ,.,ivmmw WANTED Used pianos in ex change on radios, ohonographa. of rur nitura H L Stiff Fwmlture fgyy n,M,m.Hni all kinds rellnlng. re pairing, men'", women's, children's coata Phone 4590. WANTED Will pay 3o a pound f 01 GOOD CI.EAN COTTON rags. Must be pieces at least square vard Statesman office WANTED Room in exchange f help evenings by employed middle aged woman. Rosa Porter, Salem. Gen. rp.Luni.ll-,nnr Jt 1 -,r,r,-LrL-.- - Fruit lars all sixea Phone 8473. WWWWW - MW Wan ted Coal brooder. Tel. 129F23 765 Rural Avenue. Phone 8834. An Interesting home of four large rma, and nook, floored attic, tile bath, furnace, fireplace, garage, unusually good construction, beautiful shade trees and east front, large bearing cherry and walnut trees, owner wants immediate sale and will give respon sible person terms like rent. 13500. Investigate this at once. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 176 South High Street Near Wllsonville farm with several arres onion land. Joe J. Thornton, owner, Wllsonville, Oregon. Extra (rood 6 A. tract all In berries. good buildings, eleotric' lights at Just one half price, $600.00 cash and your own terms on balance. Good five room house In N. Salem to sell like rent, or trade for lots In Highland district. Good stocked and equipped dairy In eastern Oregon to trade for small place near Salem, now this Is good and you will like it, let s talk tt over. I have some real good propositions In eastern Oregon to trade that Is clear : they will assume your mort gage, you had better come In and see me It will do no harm. H. C. SHIELDS Oreeon Building, Salem. Ore. Ph. 8902 FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Co. Used Cars 1931 Deluxe Roadster 1!30 Tudor 1030 Pport Roadster 1928 Roadster 1928 Essex Coupe 6 cyL 1928 Nash Special Sedan 1929 Coupe 1926 Star Tourlnjr 1929 A Panel Delivery .19 225 I 376 250 95 235 1929 Oldsmoblle Sedan 425 1926 Pontine Coach 145 TERMS TRADE3 Valley Motor Co. Phone 3158 Center Street Phone 7910 Lot at Marlon Liberty 1931 Dodge Deluxe panel. 5000 mL. sacrifice, terms or trade. R. 7, Box 149-A. Adams. Mandllle Pettys and Wil liam Anderson, members of a male auartet from the Normal school, and Violin solos by Mel- vln Clodfelter. The ticket sale and door admis sion netted $45.34. - The play cast was complimented at a luncheon $425 by Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Sloper - "" following the entertainment. lem, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse 1 Moore of Portland. LINCOLN. Feb. 23 Miss Au drey Smith and small sister Dor Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith of Portland were Helena Witzel, with week-end guests In Lincoln at the rearcy at me piano home of their grandmother, Mrs Alice Simpson. TURNER, Feb. It George Washington 200th birth day anniversary program, given by the Christian Endeavor society, at the Christian church, Sunday night included these numbers: Music by the orchestra; reading by Glenn Titus; "Mount Vernon Bells" by the girls octet, Anna Johnson, Margaret Robertson, Rnth Gils trap. Helen Witzel, Jo sephine Gllstrap, Helena Witsel; reading by Miss Nannie Jennings; presentation of small yew tree, by attendants, Herbert Briggs and Jack Schiller, which was dedicated by the C. E. to the nation's first president, speech being made by Louis Fowler; prayer by Miss Ber- nice Sonder; talk by the pastor. E. Gllstrap, who honored George Washington fn his loyalty to the right. Program at School The Bicentennial Washington program given by the Turner school Monday morning, opened with the singing of America. Memories of Washington" was given in a playlet by members of the sixth and eighth grades, Mil dred Bones, Leland Greenlee, Margaret Schlfferer, Vera Mc Gowan, Albert Robertson. Rachel Riches, Kathleen Sparks; recita tion by Rosalie White; playlet by members of the high school: Mar garet Robertson, Katherine Sham-' pier, Emma Denyer, Opal MJckin ham, Delmar Barber. Albert Jen sen, Clem Gentry, Harold Fowler Josephine Gllstrap, Hildred Bones. Emma Parr, Alvin Garner recitation, Eugene Harrison; re citation by Betty Peetz. Letter exercise by 10 primary pupils; skit, with Geneva Barber in costume, as Betsy Ross, assisted by Keith Ball. Ralph Alsman, Alice Fowler, Lester Bones, Elea nor Parks, Eugene Harrison, El ton Ball, Frances Clark, Evelyn Jensen, Jasper Glnrod. Prof. Jones Matthews of Wil lamette university gave an ad dress on the life of George Wash ington, stressing the inspiration of his personality, a minuet was given in costume by high school girls, Opal Mickenham, Margaret Robertson, Emma Denyer, Kath erine Shampier, Anna Johnson, Josephine Gilstrap, Helen and Mrs. Jean proprtately decorated. The plctur: of Washington presented to the school by the government waa framed and placed at th front of the room. A basket dinner was a feature, and tre planting. 1 Tae regular meeting of An- keny grange No. 140 was held in the grange hall Saturday night daring the regular business meet ing. Eileen Turner was given the obligation. The resolution on Columbia riv er project ..was adopted as read. Max Oehler. state agricultural agent gave an interesting talk. Mr. Roosevelt gave a talk on dairying and present conditions. The Home Economics club ot Ankeny grange held its regular meeting Friday afternoon at the Ankeny grange hall. The clnb will sponsor a benefit dance to be given in the grange ball Friday night, Feb. 27. The Good Cheer Sunday school class held its regular meeting at the home of Henry Baker Friday night. Games and a taffy pull be ing the main diversions. I Business Directory I Adjournment was made to the lawn where ceremonies were held for the planting of a cut-leaf birch tree which was presented by the high school student body. Miss Le one Cook gave an oration. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN I PLUMBING and HEATING R D Barton Batteries Starter and Kenerator work. Texaco station, ear ner Court end Church. PLUMB I NO -and work. Orabr Broa. Tel 54 general repali 166 Re. Liberty CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E- Northnei PAPER HANGING PRONE GLENN ADAMS tor bouse dectorattnK, paper hanging, tinting etc Rllshle workman PICTURE PLACED AS PA01AM FEATURE Antiques are Highlight of Woman's Tea WOODBURN, Feb. "23 Good crowds were in attendance at the annual Martha Washington tea Monday (afternoon, and a sub stantial profit was realized. The program and tea is given every year by the Woodburn Woman's club, and fund received Is given to the Voodburn library board for purchase of new books. On display in the reading rooms of the library were a num ber ot antique pieces of pottery, pewter ware, textiles, and fancy work. A spinning wheel, which was demonstrated by Mrs. Hiram Overton, was a feature of the display. There were also several works of art which arecompar- ably new. A quilt that was made in Ireland many years ago was on display. It was made by Mraj ! Summers in Ireland. It was taken across the Atlantic to Pennsyl vania, from where it was taken across the plains in a wagon drawn by an ox team in 1 1 8 4C. Mrs. W. J. Wilson displayed a quilt made 55 years ago. Mrs. A. E. Austin had on display a large tea jar that was brought acrossthe plains in 18 48, a hand woven wool blanket and a quilt made a number of years ago. Mrs. Maude Mochel displayed several pieces of home made linen and woolen cloth, two pewter spoons, a pewter plate, and an antinque shawl. Mrs. Henry Layman contributed a brush made over 100 years ago by a blind man. A leaf plucked from a magnolia tree planted by George Washington the year of his death was on exhibition by A. E. Leary. Mrs. Minnie Richards showed an old family Bible. House owner. 966 Market St. THIS SHOULD INTEREST TOU FOB SALE FOR LESS THAN COST Beautiful English type home, mod ern In every detail, large HvinR roo-n with fireplace, dining: room with cor ner cupboards, most conveniently ar ranged Ititcnen, corner nooK witn ount in ioe box. one airy bedroom and bath on first floor. Two extra large bed rooms, alcove, toilet and bath on 2nd floor. Interior burner, nice lot and double garage. Don't fall to see this at once as owner is offering a wonder ful buy at 15500. Could not.be dupli cated for that price on today s marker. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors S20 State Street Phone 6708. PERSONAL LOANS r othtw rand futciirftv. Hrmvtl I ituuwu, uw.coow, nuu iui .iw monthly When In financial need see I Court has fixed Tuesday, the 1st us before closing a loan. of M4rrh 1932 at the hour of OENEHAL INVKSTilWfT " ' ? V " " ' . 7. . CORPORATION ten o ciock a. M. 01 saiu aay. u First National Bank Bids Phone 1SS3 the time, and the Coanty Court I Room in the County Court House in Salem. Marion County, Oregon, as tha place for hearing said final acconnt and all objections there to. LILLIAN FRAZIER. Adminis tratrix with the will annexed ot the estate of Mary E. U. Wooton, deceased. Dated at Salem, Oregon, thla 27th day of January, 1932. Ronald C. Glover, Salem, Ore gon, Attorney for Administratrix. r.27-F3-19-17-Z4. MISCELLANEOUS 26 pianos to rent $3-$4-$S . a mo. Used pianosnew uptight 116.00: Grands. $350.00 GEO. C WILL 412 State Street Salem, Oregon. Buy or rent one now. Terma If Cm- Sired. nnniv-i-iWJir i- Landscaptng. grdng. Wyle. TeL 47 It. Many are using spare time In a course at the Capital Business col ri n wise thing to da SUBURBAN TRACT At Sacrifice Prices 6-acres, S miles Salem, good B-R. bungalow with built Ins and electric lights and water system, good barn. A bargain at 13150.00. T-A. poultry ranch, gooa nouse. new barn with 4 stanchions, 2 large hen houses and 12 colony houses. Price $4500.00. 2 miles of Salem. Give good terms. 28 -acres. 4 K. house, small barn, all in cultivation. Nice front stream forms the 8. boundary line, on paved road. Thla is a snap at 22100.00; viva terma sO-A. 20 A. plow land, bal. timber and pasture, s miles or saiem. Esti mated at 2000 cord wood. Price S3.- 600.00; 6750.00 down; baL as timber is cut. SEARS A TUCKER 122 South High Street Income property. Mod f R. house, suitable for roomers or boarders Three blocks from post office. TeL 1 6(3. ROOM AND BOARD v iw wart ft afetir wll-iurniBnM room In modern home, close in, with m. W lnaa rflfnan. MX pleasant rmini "'" rellent board, reasonable. Boa 27 Statesman. tWWWWMW"'" ,,.iIIX Z The Alexandria is Just a home away from home. Phone ; ' . lfmTrlv, I 4 strawberries, one raspberries, nrvr. rtrWT API RTAlENTS I cherries, walnuts, family orchard. r VJiv - ., , i room stucco house, barn. Half mile "tVu south Woodburn, Ore., pavement, 3 and 4 room E1 1 047 8a horse, cow. hundred chickens, machine bath, electric rne, garage. nciU(jed. Mortgage 21250, balance Com'l Phone 45. . . ,, ., 11760 cash. Owner. William Freder- wxw. . tt-tick, RL No. 2, woodburn. Ore. Small fur. apt 590 union- SNAP! Best buy In valley at sac rifice I II acres: 4 acres loganberries. 60 MONEY TO LOAN CHIROPRACTORS Dr. a L 8COTT. PSC. Chiropractor 251 N High TeL Rea 1572 rnm pnnnrl T DaliM, fhtroin sa. gon. for the County of Marion, her I torn. X-ray and k. C M. New Bank rinlv ftrlftod final nrfnnnr as aa- I - j . . .. i mlnlstratrix with the will annexed of the estate ot Mary E 0. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State ot Ore- PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs books or any kind ot frlntlng. call rbe Statesman Print ng Department 216 & Commercial TALBOT. Feb. 23 A Wash ington-Lincoln program was giv en Monday morning by the school children, the building being ap I BUTLER DOTS HOSTS ZEN A, Feb. 23 Louis and Frank Butler entertained with a jolly old fashioned dance at their home in the Zena hills Saturday night. Cross -Word Puzzle CLEANING SERVICE Center 8t Valeterla Tel 2183 RADIO By EUGENE SHEFFER POB averr Duroosei for every pur All standard slses of Radla Tubea EOFT ELEOTRICA1 SHOP. 14T Court 8t Tel tllS FLORISTS 'Bells of Harmony' Heard ever KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really, really, different NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS 8ERVICE ON LOANS I0 to 62U0 Beneficial Loan ' Society OF SALEM Room 111 New Bllgn Bldg. 2nd Floer LICENSED BY STATE 612 8taU 8t Tel 2-7-4-0 CUT Flo wars, wedding bouquets hin.ni BrtAihi. decoratlona U. r Brelthauot florist 466 Btate Street. Tel 6904. Potted plants, polnsettiaa, ferns, eta. 83. a. Bennett Nursery Co. TeL HIS. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor ist, llth Market TeL sass. STOVES STOVES and store repairing. Stores for sale, rebuilt aad repaired. All i kinds of woven wire tenos, fancy and I nlaln. hon baskata hooka, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove works, 262 Chemeketa Tel 4774. R B Fleming TRANSFER INSURANCE CAPITAL CITY Transfer Ca 221 8tate St TeL 7772 Distributing, for warding and stomas our specialty Oat our ratta lit BECKB N. High HENDRICKS TeL 4141 MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payment Ton keep the car P A EIKER Car. Ubartv 8t and Ferrv Phono 4712 Salem. Ore E TMT PHY GETS LARGE CROWD WILLAMETTE INS AUENCT Wm. Bllven, Mgr. lit Manonlo Blda Tel. Tt LAUNDRIES CITY AND FARM loans at lowest is tea Best terms btainabia uu: Insurance department oners you ex nert advice and serrfc In all lines HAWKINS a RiibKmn i inc. I Tel 4102 .. 20e Oregon Blda I dv presented by V V vuia-s as INDEPENDENCE. Feb. 21 The home talent play. "Tha Inti mate Strangers." a threa act com- tha inaepen- club. Friday THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY Tts OTTPtnTSH LAUNDRY ICS a Hlzb Tel Ills CAPITA! CITY LAUNDRY w Wuh Erervthlns In Lux" TaHnhono 2161 1244 Broadway FOR local or distant transfer aire, call 1121 Lannev Transfer Co ; Trucks to Portland dally WASHING MACHINES All Makes Rented, sold and repaired. Easy. . B. C. Maytag. Conlon. Meadow and Automatic. hoqq bros. W. C. MANGUM. Mana 221 N. Hlrh Tel. 1121 O I dence STATE LOAN COMPANY it nnrrni Bulldtnc 2nd Floor Office hra. li:00 A. M. to 1:21 P. M. Telephone T7I2 Licensed by State personal installment loans night, in tha training achool audt- torlnm. was a aeciaea success oanacltr crowd attended. The cast inciuaea Mrs. aiaunca J. Butler. Isobel Stuart; Arthur v. Horton. William Ames: lira. W. D. Wiley, Florence.; Johnnia Fostftr. Johnnie White: Mrs. j. b. WANTED Private money to loan! Robbie, Aunt Elian; Mra. R. If on real state, . I Walker. Mattle: J. H. Han, nen- a reators W ry; d A. H. Dixon, tha tatiom - -- I tm- M maIm m t ininAmA t I ' wiiSrK, HiiiT tirmt mnrtnn loan. I Plouu,"u . I UBX1. v Ail aw " w- LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and repaired. Also tradea FL W. Scott 14' uom-L lei. . Real Estate Directory I 1 U 13 h 5 I 16 7 Q W 10 WL 1IIL 52 mm-mmmmm mmmmmm sisiSiSB iaiH iaBai m M m HMH HBH MM MMIBHiHHri BECX& IN N. High HENDRICKS TL 6141 MATTRESSES 114 It High ft M. EARL2I Tft 11711 LOANS WANTED Mattresses from factory to homo New 61 lb. mattress 16. 00 Ronovat- era and fum inters Capital Bed- Co. Tel ! spas Nortn jsprot 411 State J. LINCOLN ELLIS TeL 1171 din BOCOLOFSKY A SON 204-4 rirst Nat Bk. Blda. TeL 7641 MUSIC STORES 221 4 r. ULR1CH Slats Street TeL 1171 WILL Plaaoa, Zi wmTay --n Mrs. Homer Dixon, director; Urn. S-aSjrw USKiflSr S per cent mt See us at once. IA. h. Dixon, atag manager; H. KlL trtet iDixon,, asslsunt .Uf. mauacrj s&. Si Phono- muste. nbono- 4SS HOMER Q 2704 8tate FOSTER REALTY CO Tel 7622 124 S a ORABENHORST CO. Uborty Bt Tel I44S POLLY AND HER PALS "Just Between Boys' By CLIFF STERRETT SEARCH MB.NEEWAK ASK PA. m. l- l -J l lie Jkvif j-i i y irxj i it - r r l l l r l i i i i r -1 i I I i r ; . : . i I , it ii i i i iir-o i i m HORIZONTAL 1 large Euro pean sea 11 supreme rod of tha Norse 12 astringent mineral salt IS -thus 15 Joy 17 symbol for erbium IS feline 29 musical study 21 black oily liquid 22 Amencan patriot 24 s-shaped worm IS Persian fairy 28 spin ti small se cluded valleys 19 vegetable root of a biennial herb J ft hollow horned ruminant tl undressed kid 14 regulates one'a food 27 epochs 15 lick uo 4 ft sketched 41 retatiar pieca 42 coven tha inside sur face. 44 observe 45 chemical suffix de noting alcohol 48 strengthen 4S South Dakota (abbr) 4t opera by Verdi 10 minute particle 52 formation of tha teeth VERTICAL, 1 capital af Russia 2 perform 3 suffix 4 thin piece f baked day 5 growing from withia 6 aurpriM attacks 7 genus of Old World 11 ants of ly family 8 religious woman 9 printer's ' measure II modern American womaa novelist Herewith la tha solution ta yes terday's puxzla. RireRltfrEsMPTtf issa asss 14 vow 16 long, pointed tooth 17 merit 19 timbejr rued la railroai construe tion 21 eee-sawi 23 sows a field 25 checkeratl 17 sheltered aide ef vessel 2S defty 31 supporter 32 mountain system ta Russia 8 S prohibits 85 golf mounds 38 country el peninsula 38 purplish flower 39 leaf ef a flower 42 Milanese, city 43 bristle 46 eeized- . with tha ; v teeth 47 decay i 19 indefinite article -81 note of tha scale