The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Mornlif. February 4, 1932 I E ARRESTED FDR ROBBERIES Two Caught Quickly After Sticking up Grocery; Confession Made of 9 INTO SHANGHAI STORM ZONE (Continued from pas they allegedly robbed Cooper 3, be did not recognize them. The second arrests came at o'clock, shortly after Earl R. Bed well. 1029 Highland arena, re ported that . he shot at three yonths who attempted to break into his house, 11 their hurry, they left their car standing near the house. Whllfe six policemen were scouring the neighborhood, Offl- eers Coffey and Lou Burgess I caught two of the alleged house-1 breakers, E. J. Kessell, 18, of 1940 North Capitol street, and Victor Butler, 17. of 1145 North Liberty street. The third member of the trio. Glen Kessell, was apprehend ed at the Capitol bowling alleys an hour later. The three youths confessed at tempting to break into the house, police said. ..laWrill iliri.lnl.llkVMlWi li',lTltlWlliil mi1. r V V" B .fi- ?K- irSi5wv4 I i ma SUBMARINE DECLARED LOCATED nAV Owuig to the increasing alarm that developments in Shanghai, arising out of the attempted Japanese occupation, may imperil American lives and property tn the international settlement. United States warships have been rushed from the Asiatic naval base at Manila to the storm center, where they will stand by in case ef emergency. Above are three of the destroyers sent to reinforce the Yangtze River patroL Top is the U. S. destroyer Parrott, center, the Paul Jones, and lower, the Bulmer. COMEDY HI AT ST. JOSEPH'S HILL Before an audience of 250 persons, the St. Joseph's Dra matic club last night presented at St. Joseph's hall a well-cboeen comedy "Who Wouldn't be Crasy", which elicited many laughs from the hearers. The lovers of the play, Jose phine Barr and John Nathman, were given especial credit for their acting, as was the comedy team of Barbara Schottboefer and Michael Fitspatrick, who were made up as negroes. In termission music was provided by the Secret Heart academy or chestra. The musicians were: Allna Bremmer, Marjorie Harritt, Lilian Wichman, Bellrole Malloy, Georgia Harrington. V a 1 e t 1 a Amort and Emily Bremmer. Taking part In the production, In addition, to those mentioned, were: Urban Trnmm, Catherine Barr, Anna Karst, Fred Burrell, Lawrence Barr, George Coover, Mary Brennan, Margaret Van Vleet, Theresa Albrlch. Margaret Zerzan, Ralph Foster and Gerald Suing. Direction was In charge of Dr. J. Harry Moran and Tho mas M. Heaphy. t HAL LONDON. Feb. 3 (AP) The British admiralty announced to night that the submarine M-2 had been located about five miles off Portland Bill. "Shortly after 11 o'clock to night the rear-admiral of submar ines reported that he has loca ted the submarine M-2 at a posi :ion about 312 degrees, 5.3 miles from Portland Bill." The submarine made a dire in sxercisea off Portland a week ago resterday and failed to come up. Sixty-one men and officers were a the ship at the time. The spot where the M-2 was ocated is that where the captain if the coasting vessel Tynesider eported he had seen a submarine live stern first. The submarine was located by the destroyer Torrid with special 'lading apparatus. NOTED T K nnwrn ipip nn n uuvcn JUMd RLLr OF CIVIC LEADERS Davis Candidate On Platform of States' Rights WASHINGTON, Feb. 3 (AP) Senator Davis of Pennsylvania timounced his candidacy today tor re-election on a platform call ing for modification of the Vol itead law and restoration to the itates of power to determine heir own liquor policies. Davis said he would follow the urse of Senator Dwlght W. Morrow in that he would be pre pared to vote for a resolution lubmitting to the states an intendment to the constitution to repeal the 18th amendment and lubstitute for it another amend-nent. ; SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 3 (AP) A meat packing concern here revealed tonight that It had put on emergency day and night crews to fill a "rush" order for 100,000 pounds of meat for the American nary at Shanghai. As soon as the meat, amounting to about five carloads, is packed It will be sent either to Seattle or Tacoma to be loaded onto a navy supply ship, company officials said. It was reported that a Butte, Mont., plant also had been given a similar rush order for the navy and that meat shipment from the northwest to Honolulu and Man ila destined for the navy, had been "heavy"' for a month. It was es timated that 500.000 pounds of meat, consisting mostly of pork and beef, were shipped during January. Negro Held For Slaying Fighter JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Feb. 3 (AP) Joe McGowan, 2S. De- joit prize fighter, was shot and tilled on a street here today, and tngieton Jones, a negro, was ar- ested and charged with murder An argument over a hammer, iritnesses said, led to the shoot ng. McGowan and two friends rere trying to borrow a hammer from Jones. Blames Ghosts For Slaying of Sitar's Family WINNIPEG. Man.. Feb. 3 TAP) Thomas Hrechkosie, who told police he killed seven mem bers of the Martin SItar family at Elma. Man., because a "g'jost whispered to him that he must. was remanded until Feb. 10 when he appeared In police court today on a charge of murder. Wtiile he awaits preliminary hearing. Hrechkosie will be under the observation of Dr. A. T. Ma thers,, provincial psychiatrist. Po lice said the story he told of mur dering the Sitar family was so dis jointed they were unable to re construct the crime fully. WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. (AP) Seeking to tap a supply of hoarded dollars estimated at S1.300.O00, 000, President Hoover ate today Issued a sudden call for national conference of civil lead ers. The chief executive's announce ment setting the meeting time at 0 o'clock Saturday morning poke of the creation of a "na tional organization" to divert hid den sums "into the channels of economic life." The president Indicated a be lief that return of the hidden 1,300,000,000 to commerce might mean a credit expansion or as much as $10,000,000,000. He said: 'Every dollar hoarded means a destruction of from five to ten dollars of credit. Credit Is the blood stream of our economic life. Restriction or destruction of cred it cripples the revival and expan sion of agriculture, industry and employment." HOME OF 23c TALKIES A nOMK-OWXED THEATRE LAST TIMES TODAY AtAMOUNT HCTUHI Friday & Saturday J OHM Alaska Volcano Is Active Again ANCHORAGE, Alaska. Feb. (AP) A report that Shishald in volcano, on Unimak island, was in full eruption, with the summit flamingand the sides of the park aglow with lava, was radioed here today. The lava was flowing In streams down the mountainside to the foothills below, the message said I CONFERENCE NAMED GENEVA. Feb. 3 (AP) The world disarmament conference to day sought out a smooth path for successful negotiation by naming a general committee which will act as a sort of court of appeals This decisive action i came on the second day of the life of the conference through Its procedure committee, whose task was to lay groundwork for the delegates of the 60 nations represented here. The general committee will be composed of all the first dele gates of the 60 countries and will make final decision on serious points. The procedure committee today also provided for the appoint ment of 14 vice-presidents for the conference, seven representing the large powers, and seven the smaller powers. The Call Board By OLTVB M. DO AX WARNER BROS. ELSINORE Today Lew Ayres la "Heaven on Earth-. Friday Sylvia Sidney in "Lsv dies of the Big House." WARNER BROS. CAPITOL Today Billle Dove la "The Age for Love". Friday Chester Morris "Cor- aair". THE GRAND Friday Willamette concert. KutnnlAv VanriATlll and Bert Wheeler In "Too Many Cooks". THE HOLLYWOOD Tm1av - T.llTan Tinhmin In "The Road to Reno." Friday John Gilbert tn "The Phantom nt PaH". Loaning Relief Fund is Latest Democrat Plan WASHINGTON. Feb. 3 (AP) The presentation of a democra tic plan for lending Instead of giv ing federal funds for unemploy ment relief developed a sharp In tra-party row today in the senate, Nevertheless senate leaders said the plan which calls for an appropriation of 1750,000 to be divided equally between road con struction and relief loans to states was likely to be adopted. Senator Costlgan. of Colorado, chided his democratic colleagues who sought federal funds last ses sion for drought victims but were now opposed to direct federal aid to the Jobless. 'Mil DATS' TO ORGANIZE n chapter ef the "Trench Rats", Disabled veterans' fun or ganization corresponding to the "Forty and Eight" of the Amer ican Legion, will be organized at the next meeting, February 17, of the local post of the Disabled American veterans, members de cided at last night's business session. The Grand Rodent, national chief of the Rats, and state offi cials ot the D. A. V. will come to Salem for the occasion. In stitution of the Trench Rats here will be a step toward organiza tion of a veterans' drum corps. it was said last night. A number ot the D. A. V. members for merly belonged to Capital Post drum corps. At the same meeting, Mrs. J. E. Doyle of Portland, state com mander of the D. A. V. auxil iary,, will present the charter to the Salem auxiliary. BUILDING ACTIVITY HERE IS IMPROVED High and State streets, to cost $800. W. 1. Pohl took out a per mit to repair his Implement build ing, recently damaged by fire, and erect a shed to house equipment, at cost ef MOO. 'Other permits were as follows: D." T. Wagner, repair building at 387 Court street. 1 100; C. C. Powers, alter dwelling at 1220 North 17th street, $180; J. Pot ter, repair dwelling at 1626 Broadway street, $106; Jesse M. Croesan, alter dwelling at 877 Oak street, $20, and A. T. Klett, repair building at 475 state street, $20. Intangibles Tax Test Trial Set Trial of the test case of the ex isting intangibles tax law is to he held March 16. 17 and 18 before Judge Gale S. Hill here, it was an nounced yesterday at the court house. The title ot the case is Greene vs. the state tax commis ston. Points raised by the plain tiffs are that the intangibles tax violates the six per cent tax llm ltatlon provision of the state con stitution and is also discrimina tory in that it does not levy taxes equally on all types of business taxed. If. W.C. A. CAMPAIGN PROGRESS IS SLOW Wednesday was rr t day for the T. W. C. A. drive to ward the budget of $6000 needed to take care of the mnni., penses of the organization for th year. Only $53$ was pledged dur ing me aay, in contrast tn $2088.81 for Monday and Tn. day. At a meetlag Wednesdav Bonn of the captains and commute heads in charge of the campaign it was decided to carry over the time for working to Tuesday of next week rather than bringing the drive to an end Friday, as planned. Daring the following days hard work will be exerted to accomplish the $6000 goal. Tuesday the workers will meet for a luncheon at the T. W. C. A. building and reports will be made of the accomplishments. It is being urged that all those not solicited send in their money or telephone for one of the work ers to call, in order that all those who can give may be reached. Several such donations were sent Into T. W. C. A. headquarters yesterday. Building operations la Salem are showing an upgrade move ment this week, as evidenced by permits Issued by Building In spector E. C. Bushnell. during the first three days. Six permits were Issued for construction to cost a total of $1806. All were for re? pairs and alternations. The largest Job was announc ed yesterday, repairs to the fourth floor of the Masonic building. Go to Joyce's Restaurant at 159 South High St in New Hotel Salem building Our Dinner Prices Lowered to 20c and 30c Family Style Dinner at 40c The best of home cooking large servings. Counter, booth or table service, no cover charge. Home made pastry and hot breads baked each day. Sandwiches and short orders served all day. Former Picture Bride Learns of Million Bequest CHICAGO. Feb. 3 ( AP) An unemployed mother of two chil dren who came to America In 1914 as a 14-year-old "picture bride" was informed today that an uncle in Italy bequeathed her $1,000,000. She is Mrs. Francis Taucher, 32, and she said the money would come In handy because now I won't have to hunt for jobs and the children can go to school. Hammond Going To Hawaii For Visit With Son Rev. E. S. Hammond of Salem sailed . from Victoria, B. C, on the liner Aorangl for the Hawai ian Islands where he will spend two months visiting with his son who is stationed there with the United States navy. He left Salem on Tuesday night. Rev. Hammond for many years was an instructor at Kimball The ological seminary, which was dis banded here two years ago. DIES AT FUNERAL ARTESIE, N. M;, Feb. 3 (AP) While attending the funeral of her three-year-old daughter, Mrs. Claude Stone of Weed. N. M., dropped dead at the grave today Physicians said death was caused by heart failure. Supplies Bought Fop China Force SEATTLE. Feb. 3 (AP) A government order, calling for 230,000 pounds of potatoes, 20,- 000 pounds of onions, 90,000 pounds of oranges and 20,000 pounds of apples, for shipment to Shanghai, was filled here today. QUARRELS; SUICIDE BURLING AME. Cal., Feb. 3 (AP) CHma:'ng a quarrel with her older brother, police said, Mildred Kendall, 16, shot and killed herself In the family home hero tonight. 33 SOT LAST TIMES TODAY The BILLIE DOVE In 3 ACBE EL0VEE with Lois Wilson Edward Everett Horton Starts Tomorrow 1 Liberty Magazine's Thrilling Sea . Drama HOME-OWNED THEATRE Today Only I J aVs J I LI 11 II W U r! - n i r . i l i Hlnfnl ffl J V 1 i W tarrirnr EDWARD C. ROBINSON " ii mm 7- 7 Roaring Action! The story of a modern pi rate roam in cr the seas risking his life in a breath less quest for fortune and the love of a beauti LAST TIMES TODAY MS S A SWEETHEART FOR THE SWEET HEARTS OF THE WORLD :5 S3; 4 A 4 Ik - u' J ir, I 1 ' mi . V.V, .V.V.', AVi m Starts Tomorrow Matinees a p. m. r fife;. 51 SYLVIA S1D1IEY GENI RAYMOND AN UNFORGETTABLE DRAMA of a girl who longed for love, and a boy who wanted only life ALSO Selected Vitaphone Varieties Warner Bros. News iery ALE ho Our Regular February Hosiery Sale Starts Tomorrow! Rolling Runstop Petit Pecot Lace Top, Roll Twist Silk Hose. Regular $2.00 value placed on Sale at $1 .50 3 Pairs, $4.00 All New Spring Shades. All sizes in the lot. o o e 1000 Pairs Ladies' Silk Hose, broken lines Rollins Run stop, both Service and Chiffon. $1.65 and $2.00 values. All sizes, all late shades, every pair perfect no seconds go on sale tomorrow at, per pair SJ.00 Ladies' Pumps and Ties Regular f 8.50 t5 $10.00 values on sale all this week at one prica $ 3.95 Men's Shoes Broken lines Hanan, Churches, English some Flosheims. Regularly aold from 10 to 15. While they last at $ 5.00 ygalgnuOfogoi Hi i "-- i i 4 A I. ful girl who called him K YELLOW! i