The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 27, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, Oregon. Wednesday Morning, January 27, 193
Self Defense. Also Appears
"As Claim in Effort to
Free Accused Girl
(Continued . fraro ps
testified that she thought Hallor
an "perfectly grand.",1
Mrs. Lepker, who engaged In
an angry clash with Herman Lew
kowlts a defense attorney, left the
stand with eyes flashing when the
attorney gave op his attempt to
force from her the basis of her
acquaintance with Mrs. Judd. She
testified that Mrs. Judd had told
her of ner Jealousy of "her boy
friend, i whose name was Jack"
and his asserted attentions to
"Sammy" (Miss Samaelson.)
"She said Jack and Sammy
made her so mad sometimes she
thought she woold die or go crazy
or something."
Defense Stresses
Bondage Om Hand
The defense paraded a series of
witnesses rapidly to the chair.
They testified Mrs. Judd's left
haad was bandaged the morning
after the slayings, supporting her
story that Miss Samaelson shot at
her daring an argument. One told
of hearing what he "thought
ftrere shots" and screams from the
murder apartment several hours
after the state charges the women
were killed, i
Although laying foundation for
self-defense, and creation of
doubt Mrs. Judd was in fact the
slayer, Schenck and Lewkowits
were frank in informing the court
they would attempt to show Mrs.
Judd "to have been beyond the
law of capital punishment" as an
insane person "ifshe committed
the act."
Continued from pa 1)
cile their conviction! with
testimony and the law.
Montgomery Winn, defense at
torney, announced immediately
he would file a motion tomorrow
to quash the Indictment on the
ground that coercion had been
used to make the grand jury re
turn the formal accusation.
Kahahawai was lured from the
judiciary building January 8, ab
ducted and slain. The lynching
climaxed a succession of crimes
wnicn bad stirred tne com
Those indicted with Mrs. For-
teucue are Lieutenant Thomas H
Massie, U. S. N., and E. J. Lord
and Albert O. Jones, enlisted
navy men. Kahahawai was one
. of five men awaiting retrial on
charges of attacking Mrs. Mas-
eie, wife of the lieutenant
daughter of Mrs. Fortescue.
(Continued from rasa l
jihe Arizona Blltmore and owned
a 40-room nome near Pboenix.
: la this home he died. His wi-
'dow, the son and Mrs. James R
i Of field, only daughter, were with
Despite all his wealth, Wrigley
I had a simple philosophy and out
jook. He once said:
"What I have accomplished has
been done because the work has
.kept me happy. And, I've enjoyed
every moment of the battle. I'm
not much more successful than
the average person. I have more
-money, but I've only three suits
of clothes, a place to sleep,, three
square meals a day and a bath
tub. Maybe It's a little better bath
' Flesh and blood romance of two young humans bat- 11
tling the jealousies of nations for thehr right to each II
I other's arms. II
I SN' lassie" II
I ! throuqh l
' ' '-K3tt'.amim-cMimiim iMMawenaaaBwawewwaawwc waaMM.- ggw I
The Call
Today Charles Rogers in
"The Reckless Age."
' Friday Douglas Fairbanks
Jr. in "Union Depot."
Today Charles Farrell In
Friday George O'Brien in
''The Rainbow TraiL"
Today Constance Bennett
Ben Lyon in "Bought."
Thursday Back Jones in
"Range Feud."
Saturday Vaudeville and
Loretta Young in "Big
Business Girl."
Today Evelyn Brent in
"The Mad Parade."
Friday Primitive love story,
"This Reckless Age." the fea
ture picture at "Warner Bros. El
sinore theatre is Paramount'a
filmization of Lewis Beach's stage
success "The Goose Hangs High."
It is a sentimental comedy drama
of parents who hare dedicated
their lives to supplying jevery
want of their children, who In
turn, following the "Jazx" trend
of this reckless age, give slight
consideration to the gruelling
self-denial of their parents.
Charles "Buddy" Rogers, Peg
gy Shannon. Kicnara Bennett,
Charlie Ruggles, Frances Dee and
Frances Starr play the featured
roles, supported by a cast of ex
ceptional talent.
Love greater than the desire
for fame and more powerful than
the fear of death is portrayed by
Charles Farrell, co-starred with
Madge Evans in "Heartbreak,"
thrilling Fox drama of romance
at Warner Bros. Capitol.
Briefly the drama dealt with
the romance of a young American
diplomat, Charles Farrell, and a
beautiful Viennese count ess,
Madge Evans, who meet and fall
in love during America's neutral
ity. Only the certainty of Amer
ica s being drawn into the world
war, then raging, prevents an an
nouncement of marriage.
With the declaration of war
comes many and intense conflicts
which keep interest high and the
play finishes with a thrilling Cli
Others featured in the play are
Hardie Albright. Paul Cavanagh,
John Arledge, Claude King, John
St. Polls, and Capt. Albert Conti
jw t
V lSltfflg CtlJCtltt
. ttt .
Kenorts weather
r ,f f.
Markedly Severe
Snow towering over his auto-
mobile ajid weather 12 degrees
below zero were encountered by
Sheriff D. L. Blankenship, of
Bremerton. Wash., on a round
trip to Oklahoma, he stated here
yesterday while visiting with lo-
cal police. Snow In the SIskiyous,
he said, is fire feet deep but the
hlghway clear.
Blankenship is a brother of Rob-
ert Blankenship who waa a guard
at the state penitentiary here aev-
en years ago. He made the trip to
Oklahoma to return a criminal to
Kidnapers Seize
South Bend Man
SOUTH BEND, Ind.. Jan. 29
(AP) Howard Woolverton, well-
to-do South Bend manufacturer
and business man, was kidnaped
late tonight by several men who
overpowered him and his wife j
while they were returning home j
after attending a theatre. The kid
napers left a note with Mrs. Wool
verton directing her to raise a
$50,000 ransom.
ill IRE
Trouble Looms at Shanghai
Despite Agreement to
All Japan Demands
Continued from MX t)
boycotts against Japanese
(Japanese consular and naval
officials had de'manded dissolution
of the hostile Chinese societies
and redress for attack on Japan
ese. Earlier reports have indicat
ed that the Chinese mayor was
inclined to accede to all the de
mands, excepting that for a stop
to the anti-Japanese activities.)
TOKYO, Jan. 27 (Wednesday)
-(AP) A Rengo news agency
dispatch from Harbin, Manchuria,
said fighting broke out today be
tween troops of Ting Chao, for
mer commander of Chinese east
ern railway guards, and Klrln pro
vincial forces.
Hostilities between the Klrln
troops, numbering 7,090, and
Ting Chao'a men, estimated at 6,-
000, broke out at the edge of
the Chinese quarter ef Harbin,
the dispatch said.
A bitter street battle in which
45 Chinese were killed and in
which Ting Chao's troops were in
volved was reported from Harbin
This outbreak shared Interest
with an order from the navy of
fice sending 13 additional war
ships from the Sasebo base to
Shanghai in preparation for pos
sible trouble in connection with
the increasingly grave situation
The supreme military and na
val council drew up a tentative
Plan of action at Shanghai which
included provision for sending an
other squadron of destroyers in
case of necessity.
Eleven vessels are at anchor
off Shanghai in the Wangpoo
river. The ships dispatched from
Sasebo, bringing the total to 14,
are expected to arrive Thursday.
mey carry a landing party of
from 700 to 900 men, it was re
fVt m . ...
ine case or u. Smith vs
Ralph R. and Harry A. Nelson of
Nelaon Bros, meat company, tried
Tuesday afternoon in Justice
. 111 A. A. 1 A
wuri, win go to ine jury me nrst
thing this morning, arguments
iuohus uccu tuuiyicieu otuure air
Considerable Interest was evl-
dnt;, 4the tnai.
the first .Jury failing to agree.
Smith. minor turned back to
r"tTli T Z X
tempted. tov contract
ground that he was a minor,
e claimed at time of turning
tn6m back that something was
wTon wItn one, ,f th cow- Dut
there was no claim of mlsrepre-
Defendants alleged the three
w&re ln Por condition when
returned, and argued that their
T.alu. i1'1 decreased from a collec-
"T w apec.
NEW YORK, Jan. 26. (AP)
Opposition to a League of Na
tions plank in the 1932 democrat
ic platform came unexpectedly
statement which else -voiced
belief la. eventual participatloa
the league by the "United State.
The declaration, of Baker, aee-
retary of war la the cabinet ct
Woodrow Wilson, staunch league
advocate, and s presidential pos
sibility himself, was the focal
point la a day erowded with po
litical developments. , . '', .
While Mr. Baker was preparing
his statement and sailing away
with his wife for a brief vacation
in Mexico City, friends of Gover
nor Franklin D. Roosevelt were
heating with gratification of &
statement by Josephus Daniels.
who was Mr. Wilson's secretary
ui uio navy.
The nlea of William nr.n ara-
sident of the American Federa-1
tlon of Labor, that protests be
made over proposed reduction by
congress la wages of federal em
ployes, was answered by the Sa
lem Trades and Labor council
last night with a decision to tend
protest telegrams to Oregon con
Other business at this regular
meeting included announcement
of further measures to be taken
in the union labor . campaign
against bakery products Import
ed into Salem, appointment of
committees, and decision to hold
an open meeting at Labor hall at
8 o'clock on Friday night at
which representatives of the Na
tional Council tor Prevention of
War will speak. J. J. Hands aker
of Portland will deliver the main
Standing committees named by
President Leslie A. Elwell and ac
cepted by the council are as fol
lows: Legislation H. M. 8echler, A.
C. Amend. W. J. Entress. Clarence
Townsend and Peter 8. DeWitt:
Organisation John Humphreys,
William Barnes, T. B. Jorgenson,
Frank Hoereth and Frank Gard
ner; Arbitration M. Clifford
Moynlhan and Roy Glover.
(AP) Salvador's so-called com
munist uprising had taken an un
counted number of lives today,
the government indicated, but a
British request for the landing of
British marines brought reassur
ances of public safety.
(Unconfirmed private dis
patches received in New York said
several thousand persons had been
killed during, the last few days).
David Rodgers, British charge
d'affaires, appealed to provision
al president Maxlmiliano Martlnes
for permission to land the mar
ines to protect British Interests.
The president replied that he was
well able to take care of the lives
and property of both natives and
Eleven supposed communists
were executed after entering a
military barracks in the interior
and severe casualties were report
ed in fighting at various places,
bat the number of killed and
wounded was undetermined.
Mildred Cramer
Seeking Divorce
Suit to secure a divorce from
Ira Eugene Cramer was begun ln
circuit court yesterday by Mildred
C. Cramer. She seeks to have her
maiden name of Mildred Elliott
restored. The couple were married
at Santa Fe, California, May 11,
1929. She alleges her husband
deserted her June 5, 1929.
Crierlle R.ltt
Peggy Shannon
Richard Bennett
and Franett Dat
from Newton D. Baker today
Largs Crowd of Relatives
At Waldo Hills Event
Honoring Couple
rounded by their four sons, three
daughters, 11 grandchildren ana
more than St relatives and
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Do
erfler today celebrated their gold
en wedding. The reception waa
held in the Waldo Hills club
house which was made beautiful
with greens and yellow daffodils.
Two long tables were set, the
bride's table being centered with
bride's cake decorated la green
and gold. The cake was baked by
their daughter, Anna Doerfler.
Low bow is of yellow carnations
yellow Japers were used on
the tables.
At the noon hour the bride and
groom and guests marched to the
tables to the strains of Mendels
sohn's wedding march with Mrs.
John Subauer at the piano. Be?
lore tney were seated one of the
sons, Alex, played as a trombone
Bonnet." Another son, Frank, led
in prayer. Karl Haanemea of
Portland was toastmaster. Elam
Armstrong, at the request of Mr.
uoerner gave the main address.
Nearly all the guests were called
on and responded.
Mrs. ciara Neal sang "Be
cause. Alex Doerfler slaved
trombone solos and Dillora Doer
fler, a granddaughter, gave a rec
itation. Following the dinner vis
iting was enjoyed and was fol
lowed by dancing.
. . .
air. ana Mrs. Doertier were
married at Subllmltv to Mr. Ad
elhlem. They Immediately came
to the home where they now live.
7 HE"?.
... vu.w.wi UIIU1VII W& VUV 6UJB'
raunlty and two of their daugh
ters married and living in Port
Among those present were Mr
and Mrs. Jake Doerfler, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Doerfler. Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Doerfler, Alex and Anna Do
erfler of the Hills, Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Hannamen, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Olesen of Portland. Mr,
and Mra.'F. Wlrfa and familr. Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Wlrfs. Mrs. Art
Beyier of Sheridan: Lou Doer
fler, Mrs. Clara Neal, Mr. and
Mrs. John susbauer. Mr. and Mrs
Joe Zuber all of Sublimity; Jo
seph Doerfler. Orvllle Doerfler.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall Russell of Mar
lon; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Shell-
burg and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Doer
fler of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Mar-
Salem, Oregon
EstabHshed 1868
Commercial and Savings Department
tin Lorence. 8ilvertoni Mr. and
Mrs. .Martin Doerfler. Sr, Fred
and Margaret Doerfler. Mrs.1
SheUburg, them a young girl was
present at the wedding.
Railway Unions
Move Slowly on
Wage Cut Votes
rwiCAOO. Jan. 26 tAPl- 4
The vote of railway onions and!
brotherhoods on a It par cent
wage deduction progressed slow-
lr todav.
After a day ana a nau ox aia-j
cussion in their own groups and a
week and a half of negotiations
with rail presidents, fewer than
halt of the labor groups had made
up their minds whether to accept
or reject the proposal of a
tary CUt, I
Sororities Will
Be Abolished as
Not Democratic
Sorority houses at Occidental
college will be abolished next
September. Dr. Remsen- D. Bird,
president, announced tonight
The purpose, he said, was to
make the college "more demo-
cratlc" He added that the "fH
nanclal competition of the soror-
ity houses with the college dormi-
tories cannot be neutralised."
Body of Fishing
Craft Owner is
Found on Beach
(AP) Coast guardsmen yes
terday found a body on the Coos
Bay beach identified as tnai oil
Buell Magee. owner of the fUtt -
lag smack. Comet, which u
lost on tne coaai nere January .
tum anun uw u-
bodies of Alton Andreas and Al-
mi a. . we. .
be rt Risensteln
were recovered
Kibbe Leader in
Plannincr DanrPM" after hearing for three weeks
o w
Corvallls, Jan. 25 Stewart TCibbe
of Salem, has recently been chos -
en by Scabbard and Blade, na
tional military honor society, to
head one of the six committees
which will begin work immediate
ly upon the plans for the annual
military ball, to be help April .
Kibbe will have complete charge'
of the selection and arrangement
of the programs.
FOUND in the back of any old cook-book, in the "Useful
Compendium of Household Hints."
"To test muslin for 'filling' rub a small section vigor
ously between the forefingers, and note any starchy sub
stance that breaks out of the fibers.
"To test for color-fastness before buying wash goods
of any kind it is safest to obtain small samples of all pat
terns and soak in clear water.
"To detect cotton in an 'all-wool' fabric pull the
threads apart and apply a lighted match," etc, etc.
How funny they were these old suspicious-of -everything
shopping tests! Grandmother knew them all by
heart, and descended on Mr. Biggs, the linen draper, with
defiance in her eye. Her little, moistened forefinger shot
suspiciously under every proffered length of sheeting or
dish-toweling. She took nobody's word for anything!
But how differently you approach a yard-goods, pur
chase in any store today. A name on the selvage ... a label
on the end of the bolt . . . a guarantee-tag that also sug
gests a method of washing. These are your safety-signals
in buying. To the questions "Will it wash?", "Is this pure
wool?" or "pure silk?", the saleswoman has only to re
mind you of the trade name of the fabric When she men-"
tions a name familiar to you through, advertising, "your
doubts are dispelled.
Yes we still look before we leap, but today that
EDMONTON. A1U- Jan. 21.
(AP) Through the bleak dark
ness of the tree-studded Arctic
northwest. Albert Johnson Is Qee-
tag toaigM irom tne reaen ei
Royal Canadian mounted police.
who have sworn to capture the
sullen-faced sharpshooting trap
per of Rat river.
A meuntle posse returned today
to Aklavik, 160 miles Inside the
Arctio circle, weary from mushing
the SO miles that separate the
police poet from Johnson's fort-
J ress cabin, and reported the crafty
volun-lMmad hermit' had disappeared.
It VU the thirA nnUcm inml ttt
visit the lone trapper's dugout
shack beside the Rat river since
December XX and the first that
was not greeted by a hail of bul
lets. Johnson severely wounded
Constable A. W. King when the
officer tried to question him with
regard to disturbed Indian trap
When an eight-man posse tried
to capture him two weeks after
he had shot King, Johnson kept
them at a distance by revolver
fire from amall loopholes ln the
walls of his cabin. He emeraed
victorious on that occasion after
j a 15-hour battle ln which the
mountles need dynamite to blow
the roof off his snowed-ln shack
and shattered his front door with
Tax on Gasoline
And Electrical
Use is Planned
wAsmvr.TnM t. c r a ti
i search foT new and frnltfnl
mrcei 0f revenue to replenish
tha troaarra mffAr. fc. t.i .-
I w - - w a
democratic-controlled house ways
meina commlttM to g6rio
consideration of taxes on oil im
ports, gasoline, electric energy
and household gas,
The group decided to inquire
into tha nnanlhlHtlM nf mrfi lav.
i thft testimony of witnesses fear-
I lng hardships to their business if
the administration's $120,000,00
1 tax increase program is approved.
buck nHTr?
a r, I
Salem Deba ters i
Meet Wobdburn,
Hubbard Groups
With one victory and one de
teat behind, them. Salem high
school debaters tomorrow night
will meet Woodburn and Hubbard
teams tn the second stage- of dis
trict competition on the Question
of compulsory unemployment in
surance. The Salem negative team.
Charles West and Waldo Mills,
will meet the Hubbard affirma
tive at the high school here at
7:11 o'clock. The Salem affirma
tives, Robert Read and Francis
will go to Woodburn.
Uric Acid Poison Starts To
Leave Body In 24 Honrs
AH pain, agony and imflammatloa
gone ln 48 hewrs or SMmey hack
Make u voui mind that un
less yom treat Rhenmatlsm. Neu
ritis. Neuralgia r Sciatica in the
RIGHT way you'll periodically
suffer the rest of your life!
The superb ingredients of the
Allenra prescription are favor
ably known and Its marvelous
pain-ending power banishes ail
discomfort. It's compounded to
drive oat of muscles. Joists and '
tisswes those excess arlc acid de
posits which cause agony of mlad
and body.
What a Joy to know that never
again need you sit up all night
suffering terrible pain what a
blessing to kno yom can con
quer this insidious affliction
without harmful drugs, opiates
or brain-numbing tablets which
relieve only for a short time.
A large 8 ox. bottle of Al'.enni
costs but 85c And Perry's Drug
Store and prominent druggists
all over the D. 8. aay, "If Allen
ru doesn't end your pain more
quickly if it doesn't give more
lasting results than any other
treatment we'll gladly return
your money."
Allenru tor 48 hours then
back on the job again. Adv.
A Home-Owned Theatre
You saw courageous men
in "The Big Parade"
Now you see courageous
women in
Evelyn Brent, Irene Rich,
Louise Fa send, Lflyan Taah-
Marceune Day, Fritxl
Also Comedy, News &