The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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    ; ;tiir service-n$i:
' We guarantee ur carrier
service. If your . paper, does
not arrive by 6: SO, call
9101 and a copy Kill be de
: llvered at once. . ' ' ,
Fair today and Monday
bat becoming cloudy and Ma-
settled ; Max. Temp. Satur
day 44, Mln. 24, wind north,
clear, river 8 feet.
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, January 24, 1932
No. 260,
Offer to buy at Appraisal
Price Expected at Next
Meeting of Council
i i n -
Sure to be Refused; Then
Aldermen to Face Issue
Of Building Anew
Steps in Recent Municipal
Water System Development
December 7: Council votes resolution to follow people's man
date and not offer more than revised for Ore-Ron-Washington
Water Service plant here.
December 15, 1031: Voters authorize f 2,500,000 bond issue
and give large majority to North Santiam as
source of supply.
December 20: Mayor Gregory proclaims election.
Baar and Cunningham retained as reappraisal
January 20: Appraisal of $695,000 on plant here as of De
cember 1, 1031, returned by engineers.
February 1: City council to meet.
Offer to water company as required by city
charter amendment expeted.
Ordinance providing for sale of $20,000 In
bonds expected to be put on third reading and
passed to enable council to test validity of new
charter amendment.
Along the long trail to munic
ipal ownership, the city council
has been marching now for near
ly two years. The next council
session, Monday, February 1, is
expected to bring two important
Junction points up to the council
for decision.
The first is the formal extend
ing of an offer to the Oregon
Washington Water Service com
nanv for its plant-here. The De
cember 15, 1931, charter amend
ment provides that such an offer
must be mad by the council "aft
er the revisal appraisal has been
filed." This appraisal, made as of
December 1, 1931, by Baar &
Cunningham, engineers, is now in
the city's hands and sets a maxi
mum valuation on the plant here
of 1695,000, a drop of $180,000
from the appraisal made as of
August 31. 1930.
Council Expected
To Offer $695,000
If the council is consistent un
der its resolution proposed De
cember 7 by Alderman Sam
Hughes and adopted, the offer to
the company cannot exceed the
1695,000 figure. Under the char
ter amendment the company has
only 20 days in which to accept
or reject the offer.
The eouncil at its next meeting
is expected to have an ordinance
for sale of $20,000 of the $2,500.
000 bonds up on third reading aft
er a favorable utilities committee
report. This ordinance is expected
to carry inasmuch as the proposed
sale of the bonds by the city will
give opponents of the bond issue
opportunity to test the charter
" amendment through an injunction
suit. It was understood here last
week that partisans of the Oregon-Washington
Water Service
company would get the matter
into court. Some aldermen were
hopeful that the validity of the
December 15, 1931, could be car
ried direct to the supreme court
with the facts admitted and the
argument confined entirely to the
Company Virtually
Certain to Refuse
Rejection by the water com
pany of the presumed $695,000
offer by the council appears cer
tain. At no time in the informal
negotiations conducted by the
water company last year, was a
selling figure of less than $1,
100,000 talked by the water com
pany's officials. It is a known
fact that the company paid $868
000 for the system here when it
was purchased from the Wallace-
Park Interests. Extensive addi
tions have been made since that
time and the company's invest
ments increased from $200,000 to
$350,000, depending on the unit
values taken in figuring these im
provements. Before the Baar & Cunningham
appraisal came in last week, in
formal negotiations were being
conducted by members of the util
ities committee of the council
looking to some agreement be
tween the company and the coun-
cil which would make possible
; early acquisition of the water
plant here and the avoidance of
a unit. Tri-Utilities, holding cor
poration which has controlled
through the Federal Water Ser
vice company, the operations of
the Oregon-Washington Water
Service company, has been in the
hands of a receiver since August,
1931. Federal's quick obligations
are said to be heavy, and it was
Grade C Milk Placed
On Market; Only One
Dairy Offers It Now
Family Loyal to Accused Girl'
rw.'.-1 1 " " I
Permits Placing of Name on
North Dakota Primary
Ballot March 15
Considers it Duty to run
If Asked; Letter Sent
State Secretary
Others Continue to Handle top Class Supply at
Two Cents More; Claim no Indication
Trade is Suffering so far
ALBANY. N. Y., Jan. 23 (AP)
Governor Franklin D. Roose
velt of New York formally enroll
ed today as a candidate for the
presidency by consenting that his
name be entered in the North ua
kota democratic primary o n
March 15.
"If it is the desire of our party
leaders in your state that my
name be presented as a candidate
for the democratic nomination
for the presidency." Mr. Roose
velt wrote F. W. McLean, secre
tary of the state central commit
tee. Grand Forks, North Dakota,
"T nrininfrtv civ a TTiv rnrspnt.
- . ... . . .... I " n., o -'
AS far as was evident Saturday night, other local dairies wuh full appreciation of the hon
are not fallinir into line with the dairy which yesterday or that has been done me."
threw on the market the first C grade milk bottled and la- Mr. Roosevelt letter was in
beled for consumer trade since the standard milk ordinance one written McLean
went into effect. dorsement he received at the Val-
Milk marked C grade, with the word runty at the top iey city convention on Jan. 14.
, &
i i - ?' -.-
I mo- r i i
t V
I Hi. -i
i ; O V
mm m m
From the left. Burton McKInneJI, brother of Winnie Rath Judd who is on trial at Phoenix, Ariz for the
trunk ninrder of Mrs. Agnes LeRoi ; her mother a nd her father, the aged Rev. Harvey McKinnclI
They have remained at Phoenix since shortly after Mrs. Jadd's arrest and are attending the trial.
More Than Meets the eyt
In Spaulding Absence
At Portland Meet
of the label and Capitol DairiesO
underneath the grade mark, was
put upon the market in at least
one price cutting store yesterday
at six cents; and one delivery
wagon was delivering it to the
home at eight cents.
Other dairies continued yester
day to handle only standard A
grade, which sells at 10 cents.
although it has been generally
rumored among dairymen that
Capitol Dairies would bottle the
C grade milk.
The C grade milk which made
its aDDearance yesterday Is D
grade milk pasteurized, or the
same as factory milk, pasteur
ized. Factory milk is that which
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
A total of $623,000,000 in cash
was placed close to the hand of
business today as varied arms of
the government swung in swift
and common action to push Pres
ldent Hoover's reconstruction ma
chine toward completion.
The chief executive signed
auickly into law a measure add
ing 1125,000,000 to available cre
dit through increased capitaliza
tion of the federal land banks.
The house of representatives
approved without debate a J 500,
000,000 appropriation to provide
capital for the emergency recon
struction corporation. The bill
was sent to the senate.
Meanwhile, the corporation it
self took shape. Those who will
guide its activitives conferred
throughout the day. They prom
ised the utmost speed and the pos
sibility of actual loan-making
within two weeks.
THE DALLES, Ore., Jan; 25
(AP) Directors of the Citizens'
National and the First National
banks of The Dalles tonight an
nounced the consolidation of the
two .institutions.
The consolidate dbank, to be
known as the Citizens-First Na
tional bank, will be one of the
strongest financial Institutions in
eastern Oregon, the directors
said. It will be open for business
Monday in the building now occu
pied by the First National.
Deposits in the First National
were listed in its statement as of
December 31 at 11,488,508.51.
Deposits in the Citzens' National
as of the same date were S723,-
876.30, its statement said.
The capital of the consolidated
bank will be $200,000, with a sur
plus of $100,000 and an undeter
mined amount of undivided
L. - Barnum, president of the
First National, will become presi
dent of the consolidated bank.
and P. J. Stadelman, president of
the Citizens' National will be
chairman of the board of directors.
The Roosevelt letter says in
"If it is the desire of our party
leaders in your state that my
name be presented at your com
ing primaries as a candidate for
the democratic nomination for
the presidency, I willingly give my
consent, with full appreciation of
the honor that has been done me.
"It is the simple duty of any
American to serve in public po-
Circumstantial Evidence
Chain in Judd Trial
About Complete
Salem Poet
Wins World
Wide Honors
COURT HOUSE, Phoenix, Ariz
Jan. 23 (AP) A stocky, five
foot prosecutor, with ringing
hammer blows, forged link by
link today the circumstantial
chain of evidence bv which he
sltion if called upon. One who be- hopes to send Winnie Ruth Judd by Miss Ierne Ormsby, of Addis
Heve8 in new standards of gov- to the gallowB. combe, Surrey, England, for her
ernment for meeting new prob- rwrHntirmn of th diacoverv in "The Lord of Light.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23 (AP)
Americans won second, third and
fourth prizes in the 18th interna
tional poetry contest, sponsored
by the American section of the
Poetry society of Great Britain,
today's announcement of awards
The winners Included Miss Ed
ith Mirick, of Washington, D. C
$15 for her "Summer Hour."
The first prize of $50 was won
lems. in the translation of for
ward looking though Into prac
tical action, must welcome a
chance to do his share toward
that end.
Petitions Urge
New Highway in
Coos Bay Region
MARSHFIELD. Ore., Jan. 23
(AP) Petitions asking the state
highway commission to bund a
new highway from Glasgow, land-
GLENDORA, Miss., Jan. 23.
(AP) Flood waters of the Tall
ahatchie valley in Mississippi to
day renewed their threats in
Humphreys and Tazoo counties.
In northern Louisiana additional
rains kept principal rivers in
flood stage.
Levees held in the Tallahatchie
river valley of the Mississippi del
ta. Below on the Yazoo terrific
strain from high waters caused
city officials of Belzonl, to send
out an emergency call for sacks
to sandbag the weakened dykes.
These officials urged Represen
tative W. M. Whlttington, of Mis
sissippi, to persuade United States
Mary engineers at Washington to
send 10,000 sandbags. "Our funds
(AP) Dreams and hopes of a
vast fortune in gold, said in leg
ends to have been burled In the
Caballo mountains 18 miles south
of heve, died tonight as Robert
Ward, Jr., and William Doughit,
seekers of the treasure, failed to
find anything.
For the past two days excite
ment ran high with reports that
the two men had found $7,000,-
000 in Spanish gold. Hundreds of
carious flocked to the spit Four
trucks waited to carry the valu
able cargo to banks at Las Cruces,
N. M.
Today nothing materialised and
once again the treasure became
Sheriff Pete Kinney of Hot
Springs, and Deputy U. S. Marshal
Casman of Deming refused to re
main on guard while the two men
continued a search.
Los Angeles of the bodies of Ag
nes Anne LeRoi and Hedvig Sam-
nelson, sent there, as "books and
personal effects" by Mrs. Judd,
held the crowd which Jammed
Judge Howard C. Speakman's
bandbox superior courtroom.
Omitting only the final shackles
by which the state expects to con
vict the slim defendant of mur
der. County .Attorney Lloyd. J. An
drews cleared the decks for rev
elation Monday of his anwser to
the three-months-old enigma
why did the frail and lonely Win
nie Judd kill two women who had
befriended her?
The state despite many an ear
nest protest of Paul Schenck, vet
eran leader of defense counsel,
succeeded in forcing before the
all-male Jury, many of the more
graphic facts of the slaying and
dismemberment of Miss Samuel-
son, invalid former school teach
er. Mrs. Judd is on trial only for
the slaying of Mrs. LeRoi, x-ray
Demurrer Filed First and
Quickly Overruled but
Argument Allowed
Charles R. Archerd, former Sa
lem warehouseman and imple
ment dealer, was arraigned in cir
cuit court here late yesterday be
fore Judge L. H. McMahan and
pleaded not guilty to a charge of
Issuing fraudulent warehouse re
ceipts. Represented by counsel
from Grants Pass. Archerd first
presented a demurrer to his In
dictment, the court promptly ov
erruling the demurrer but allow
ing counsel the right to present
briefs on the demurrer at a later
Archerd since last October has
been at a mine in which he is a
stockholder, the mine being locat
ed about 10 miles out of Grants
Pass. When he left Salem he
wrote back to friends here com
plaining of bad health and for a
time it was thought his life was
In danger.
TS. totnnla WS3 tne I iu cvuu uc iyyciru
scene of the annual banquet of well and In fairly good spir
Amone those receiving honor
able mention were: Ella Jeane
Ballentine, Seattle, Wash.; Isable
Gray Clifford, Salem, Ore., and
Beulah May, Santa Ana, cam.
Inr of the fprrv Orperm nn tha
thought that the management of north side of Coos bay, to East- are already exhausted and we can
iuw Buusiuiary tumpsuT uerw m vMn -Ironlntori In thin nnf hn ttiam uM tha n.Hn
Solicitation for the Salem Work
Promotion plan yesterday came to
a standstill while the men and
women who have been giving their
time to the campaign caught up
with their own affairs.
EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 23 (AP)
Thomas Nelson of Junction
City, publisher of the Junction
City Times, was elected president
of the Oregon Press conference
heretoday. He succeeds Ben R.
Litfln of The Dalles Chronicle
George Turnbull, professor of
Journalism at the University of
Oregon, was re-elected" secretary
of the conference.
Paul R. Kelty, editor of the
Oregonlan, announced today he
would present a cup to the weekly
newspaper that has the best edi
torial page in the state. The
award will be known as the Paul
Kelty cup. Kelty said the award
will be perpetual, to be held ior
the Salem Chemeketans last night
The hall was prettily decorated in
a snow scene with table pieces of
log cabins and other replicas of
the great outdoors which Chem
eketans love. E. M. Hotrneu, pres
ident, acted as master of ceremon
ies, introducing Mrs. Helen'Ham-
ilton who served as tosstmlstress.
Toasts were given by Walter Rob
inson. Dr. V. A. Douglas and
Charles A. Sprague. -
The banquet was particularly
fortunate in Its entertainment
numbers, which Included duets by
Mmes. V. A. Douglas and O. D.
Adams, vocal and piano selec
tions bv R. J. Wright, solos by
Curtis Williams, a Swede skit by
Burton Crary, and Scotch songs
bv Robert Hutcheon
Other outing cluhs representea
were Portland Mazamas. Astoria
Goats, and Eugene Obsidians.
The president of the Obsidians,
P. W. Brown, brought greetings
from that group.
Following the banquet floor
cards and dancing were enjoyed
until midnight. Nearly a hundred
were in attendance. The commit
tee in charge consisted of Mrs
Glenn Holman, Misses Letha Pel
ley and Jessie Starr,
its. Archerd Is somewhat more
thin than he was four months ago.
He stated after the arraignment
that he would return to -Grants
Pass after a few dayg spent here.
Archerd is free under $1500
bond furnished by local friends.
It Is expected that his case will
come up for trial in the February
term of circuit court here.
his eeoT
might accept a much lower figure
than 15 months ago in order to
secure immediate cash. The util
ities committee, however, enter
tained no hope that the price of
$895,000 would be acceptable.
Some In Favor of
Building New System
If and when the company re
jects the city's offer and that
Is readily predictable the coun
cil will then face the question
either of proceeding with condem
nation action, or with determining
to build Its own plant here. There
m VflAwa iflTAllrA8 ftf I hA I A f I ft Y
policy In the council. When the His opinion that all power. del
Issue It raised a hard-fought de-legated to state, counties, muni-
bate is assured. The city charter eipantiea and other political sub-
g-ivet the council full power either d,Tlglons to levy Uxet ,h01lM b.
to buy or to build a water plant . .. ., . . ,
v" - i subject to limitations and control
t- .nnmmtion oroceed- of general laws operating ffec-
lngs are determined upon, they lively In behalf of taxpayers and
I. mitn th la- not tax spenders, was expressed
glut; of the December 15. JL Go;erntnr K
a - la fniiv mi- Saturday to Leslie Scott of Port-
galed t the wuru. Um tkto to president of the Oregon Tax-
"tt . . j. .i niri mnna.1ixation and Conser-
done moneys ior a connmnuuu ,
. i nA ha Available since Ivatlon league.
7" , " . "Oreeon taxpayers are now con-
imittee and team captains will de one year by the paper winning it.
At Eastside the highway would for tonight and tomorrow with no
connect with the Coos River high- more rain predicted until , next
way and use the bridge recently week. While this weather would
completed at Bunker Hill for an I Inconvenience thousands in ref-
outlet over the Oregon Coast ugee camps, it would aid the levee
highway from the north. fights.
Taxpayer Control of Tax
Levies Need, Says Meier
of th countlef, and of til amnM
Freezing weather was forecast cide on the steps to be taken to Slgma Delta ChL national Jour-
see that every householder inthe auia mmui.iy, w. .v
i city has been given -an Cpportun- oi iu wuw
ity to make a 'pledge to provide
some amount of employment.
IU v faavaaa.i, v a vui tv; a vu m I m mf mf
Although $io3,e8 in pledges Kmmath Falls
has been obtained in this cam- .
palgn, no money has been ex- CltV EmDWVeS
nended for nromotion. it was witjr iiiiivjr
pointed out at an informal meet
ing at the chamber ef commerce
yesterday. This was considered
unusual. All supplies were donat
ed by local concerns.
r - a .
Face Pay Slash
nreceedings were finished tne cuy i vv ij ri.Tv.'
"I?!? SZS&S X rSsonib renresenutlve
court's trVnd th would ity to survive in the ownership of
ria , 7. . -m. tn fin their respective properties, more
purchase a .v. m 9trfutmu ilea .nd expenditures." the
. . -wrw intrtine (letter read.
iu!. c.u"!rj k7 ' u'i ; fn Governor Meier said this as
poi",7 zrL il " lbt true only of the state, but also
oi me counues, ana oi au muni-I f-t CS
cipallties and local districts to 0162211110 utlll
in the state, has been or may e
"Regardless ef how the taxing
power may be distributed or ap
portioned to local units of gov
ernment." Governor Meiers letter
continued, "the Indisputable tact
remains that it Is a single power
residing In all the people of the
state as a body politic Whenever
that power la abused by a local
unit to which It has been in part
delegated, all taxpayers and citi
zens are injuriously affected and
have the right to demand that the
Labuse shall cease or be reduced
to the lowest possible minimum."
"Experience teaches us,' Gov
(AP) The city counell and the
mayor agreed tonight that rec
ommendation for salary rednc
ions among all city employes, ex
cept fire and police chiefs, will be
Holding His Own ITtil dtcouncUMhday? nf
. I . . . a . ,11
Tne saiarr reaacuons wui
ranee from 10 to $5 per cent, nn
der the proposed recommenda
Henry Siegmund, eonfined at
Salem general hospital suffering
from serious Injuries received In
an automobile collision near Tur
ner on WedneedaT. continued Yes
terday to cling to a chance to Jocnff Rum?
Ht. TTnanlt! cttAnri.nta r.nnrt. I 1 USUI Lai DUlUa
d that his condition was un- Dt'onrc .Cavrsri'
ehanred sine Fridav. a anssw w r ww.
r TT.f J T7 I Krrmt hosnltal natients. ln-
IrGcLSe neiU. r Or Iclndlnr 1J children in a special
Co 1a 1 ward, were menaced by fire which
Oaie Or LtlQUOrideatraxeA cuoola atop the St.
I Agnes hospital here tonight be-
Samuel A. Pease of ' Jefferson I fore firemen summoned by tnree
ernor Meier continued, "that the
only effective control that can be I last night was lodged in the Salem alarms extinguished It,
so provided is a control residing city jail on a charge of sale of I The blaze was reported to have
in and responsive to the orderly intoxicating liauor. He was arrest- I been caused by a short circuit In
expression of the will of the tax-led at Jeff erson by Officers for the (the electric wiring. Patients were
payers themselves.' (federal department of justice. quickly removed.
OREGON CITY, Ore.. Jan. 23
(AP, Earl Sandstrom, 13, of
Gladstone, lost his life today in a
fruitless effort to save his broth
er, Ray, 9, from drowning in the
Clackamas river.
Ray's body was recovered later
at the mouth of the river and
Portland and Oregon City firemen
were called to drag the river for
the body of the older boy.
The two boys were in a row.
boat gathering driftwood in
river. The boat became unmanage
able and capsized. W. L. Wagner,
of Vancouver, Wash., was on the
bank of the river when the boat
tipped over" but was prevented
by the swift current from reach
ing the boys.
Wagner said Earl had reached
(AT WUHa Peterson. 17. ne- safety on a small sana oar n
gro. tonight was convicted of first the river but when he saw Bis
dAOTftA mftTder for the slavtnr of brother trying hopelessly to reach
I . . . m m
Miss Augusta Williams, Blrmlng- the same sana rar ne jumpea
ham society girl. The conviction 1 Into the water to help him and
carries the death sentence. was swept away.
Negro Convicted
Of Slaying Girl
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan. 23
Spaulding Won't Resign;
Sees His Policy Adopted
Senator Charles K. Spaulding
declared emphatically here yester
day that he would not resign as a
member of she state highway com
mission, despite publication of
rumors to that effect. Spaulding
indicated he did not consider his
absence, from a conference be
tween Governor Meier and Com
missioners Alnsworth and Haniey,
held Friday In Portland, was sig
"The action taken at the con
ference with relation to slashing
the administrative costs of the
commission 30 per cent and cur
tailing other expenditures to In
line with my recommendations",
Spaulding declared.
"In all my publie addresses 1
bar advocated marked reduc
tions in the costs of operating the
commission. I especially recom
mend salary and wage reductions
in tha engineering department."
Roauldlnr indicated that he
would not oppose a reduction In
automobil license tees, provided
that the gasoline fuels tax was
Increased to tak care of the
bonded indebtedness. -
"There to no valid reason."
Snauldlng continued, "why tne
eosts of the state highway com
mission cannot be reduced In line
with the action taken by many of
the larger private corporations."
Spaulding said he was prepar
ing a formal statement which
probably would not be released
before late Monday.
"I expect to give some Interest
ing facts regarding . the opera
tions of the highway commission
In this statement," Spaulding
Already the. names of several
prominent Oregon men have been
mentioned as prospective success
ors to Commissioner Spaulding.
Among these are T. A. Llvesley,
ex-mayor of Salem: George Ger
linger, president and manager of
the Willamette Valley Lumber
eomnany at Dallas, and .Frank
(Turn to page 2, col. I!.
Editors Sing his Requiem)
Politics Bursts From
Statehouse Doings
It is less than a month since
Governor Julius L. Meier returned i
irum me sunny souia wnere uia
Sol was seen at least two days
out of 27 but the time has been
ample to convince political on-
lookers that the governor is far
more than a fragment of his for
mer self. Physically Ms girth has
expanded from a comfortable 40
inch waistline to a bothersome 44
but the added weight gained front
extended illness and convalescence
seems now o detract not a whit
from the old-time charge and
counter-charge which marked the !
Meier administration In 1931. i
As the week closes the dormant
highway commission volcano has
emitted newspaper smoke clouds
and the Inhabitants of this state
again are curious to know wheth- i
er there will be an upheaval or
bimply Internal groanings and
grumblings followed by calm and
without political disaster. ,
Spaulding Absent
From Friday Confab
The warnings came suddenly
Friday when Governor Meier
spent an afternoon with Highway
Commissioners Alnsworth and
Haniey and gave out an announce
ment of a "program" to guide this
vastly powerful group. Salient
points were:
Reduction of 30 per cent In ad
ministrative overhead, proposed
legislative reduction In 1933 of
motor licenses by 25 per cent,
temporary suspension of all super-
hihvv nrnWfs o n rirpnArfnrr of
arrangements for a federal high
way department survey oi ure
gon's roads.
Senator Charles Spaulding's ab
sence was "explained" as occa
sioned by the suddeness of the
Portland conclave. One .who ob
serves how fast men trot here and
yon for a governor and how effec
tively that official uses the long
distance telephone discounts such
an explanation. Rather the the
ory prevails that the trio of Alns
worth, Haniey and Spaulding were
getting nowhere fast and that the
governor chose personally to get
the highway commission started
on some constructive program
rather than continue a policy or
doing nothing.
Doesn't Necessarily i
Mean Spaulding Goes
Does this mean spauiaing is
slated for removal? This observer
thinks it Is not a necessary con-
elusion. Governor Meier has often
expressed the highest regard for
Spauiamg, nas nonorea mm u
a senatorship and with a commis-
slonership and has secretly ap- ,
nlauded that commissioners at
tacks on alleged inefficiency and
his never faltering demand for
economy. A football coach, it may
be remarked, seldom jerks a play
er who is calling the signals and
carrying the ball as the coacb
instructed him when he was sent
into the game.
Yet no .one knows, perhaps even
Mr. Meier himself, Just how long
Spaulding will remain. If he is
still the governor's pet highway
commissioner, he is recalcitrant
indeed with the other members of
the commission. And these other
members-have friends and Spaul-
the- ding has enemies and because of
this the governor may d ueoaims
Spaulding's retention. The longer
he debates Btate-wloe sentiment
for Spaulding grows among gran
gers and the tax reauctiomsis
who think Spaulding the first
commissioner in a decade to call
spades their proper name.
Some Editors Bay
Jenkins 1 Slated
At IBS CllifiCUC w
Friday a test balloon was sent up
for Frank Jenkins, Roseburg
Klamath Falls and Medford pub
lisher, as Spaulding's successor...
Snnin editors nrofessed definite -,
knowledge that Jenkins was all
but appointed. This Jenkins de
nied and the feeling was general
that the Eugene promoters or
Jenkins were much more certain
that they would like him appoint- ..
ed than they were sore he would
receive the highway portfolio.
Meier. Warwick Hansen, pon
derous, pleasant would-be Sena- .
tor Clark, take off for washing-
ton on Tuesday night to lay before
federal engineers the Columbia -
river power development program.
The trip to a dramatic gesture
to the power development crowd
In Oregon that the governor las
not forgotten his power Ideate of
1130. In the national eapltol tra
governor and his party win tav- ;
rm wiLH ina inu-sowcr iivuv it.'-
resented by Norrls and Brookhart. r.
Senator Charles McNary to nn z
pins and needles as the royal par- -ty
approaches the eapltol, the
senator feeling that he had the
nr..LI..I.. .U.atln. Mil l ian "
. 1 . . . V .t .
ana coma siring iua ui iuji vui.
interminably without the inter
ference of the more outspoken,
less politic Oregon governor, i, i
sen s. iianay went to wasn-'j
iffgton aid so Colonel Clark must
go, both to see what, if anything. '
' - (Turn to .page 2 eoL 1) ts