The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1932, Page 8, Image 8

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Th OREGON STATESMAN, Saltmy Oregort, Saturday Morning; January 25, 1933
, I'M .. ' -
1 Society .$gs.j;
Remingtons Entertain
. Veterans Auxiliary
The home of Mr. and Mri.
, Junes Remington was the nucleus
Thursday evening of the tirst of a
series of social gatherings for the
wlnter'of members of the Sons of
Union Veteran of . the Civil War.
"nd . auxiliary. A covered dish sup-
"- after irhlch the' erenihi was spent
1 ' t1' Reiley was awarded the prise
lor we pesi siory who.
. I MrI.Md.' Mrs. Hagedorn
- Jv were special guests of the evening
In honor of their 4 2d -wedding an-
,: v" Wtersary and honored the gamer
rr with av dnt- Hattia Cameron
Invited the group to her home for
tire nex gathering.
. ' Those enjoying the evening
-..r. were "Jennie M. Yantis, Mr. and
Mrs. C: F. -Reiley,' Mr. and Mrs.
H, R. McWhorter, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Adams, Louise King, Sophia
Sykes,-Mr.-and Mrs. Eugene Pres
eott, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Buchan
, an, Mr. and Mrs. John Robens,
Jennie Robinson, Mr. and Mrs.
TJ.. G. Boyer, Nettle Schram, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Fessenden, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Fessenden, Mr.
and Mrs.W. J. Hagedorn, Hattie
Cameron, Fred Remington, How
ard Adams and the host and host
ess, Mr, and Mrs. James Reming
ton. t ..." -
Mrs. F. Lamport is
Luncheon Hostess
Mrs. Frederick Lamport en
tertained with a charming lunch
eon at her home Fridays
Covers were placed' for Mrs.
Curtis Cross, Mrs. Hollis Hunt
ington, Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs.
Harry Hawkins, Mrs. Frank
Spears, Mrs. Roy Keene, Mrs. W.
Connell Dyer, Mrs. John H. Car
son, Mrs. Clifford Farmer, Mrs.
T. A. Roberts, Mrs. A. R. Holt of
Medford.'Mrs. Tom Holman, Mrs.
Karl Becke. Mrs. William H.
Lytle, Mrs. David Bennett Hill,
and. for the hostess, Mrs. Las
port. Kingwood The Book and
Thimble club was entertained
Thursday afternoon at the D. A.
Williams home. Mrs. Ray Lacey
presided at the business session
and Mrs. Conrad Fox, being re
sponsible for the social hour pre
sented a short program of read
ings and music. Plans were dis
cussed for the disposal of the
Club quilt. Mrs.' L. F. Brown
and Mrs. G. E. Vosburgh assisted
the hostess at the tea hour. Mrs.
Ray Ferguson will be hostess,
Thursday, Feb. 14.
Present were Mrs. Ray Lacey,
Mrs. Charles Schwartz, Mrs. G.
H. Templeton, Mrs. Mary Beaver,
Mrs. L.-,F. Brown, Mrs. Elmer
Cook, Mrs. Conrad Fox," Mrs.
Ross Damrell, Mrs. Ray Fergu
son, Mrs. Charles Adams, Mrs.
G. E. Vosburgh and
Mrs Wil-
The use of two colors in one
frock is attractively carried out
in this afternoon frock of black
and green print with plain green.
The original model was made of
flat crepe, but sheer wool, can
ton or Roma crepe would be
equally chic. The curved seamlngs
are flattering to the figure and
the sleeves with flared cuffs very
new. m -
Pattern 21 84 fa nKt.u.Kv i
--- ..Mt UIO UU1T
la.BllA 14',l?.18-2(. , 34. S6.
o, w Da 2. sizo is requires
Sv yards of 39-inch fabric, l&t
- yards contrasting tm Jz
ry aiz, and Blmple, exact Instruc
tions are given. No dressmaking
experience is necessary to make
m,.iuUB wun our pattern.
redr. It fetnr-t tha ..wett ia
Itanoaa. aperu and - fcmaa
W 'eriitPJI Bd kid'V AU fif
occetboDi ia aeceaaory aad traaa
J. pattama. Priea of
U uH aaf order, to Tha St.""
. Bead fiftaaa acuta la eeiaa .
BUmpa tcoina preferred), for aaa
pattern. Writ ptatolj jonr nana,
addraia and atyla annber. Bo
nrt ta stats alia wanted.
Chinese Motif is
Smart Note For
Bridge Series
Mrs. L. V. Benson is nnA nf thn
. . - . - - ,
2S ntlSSi "Jul 'iV;
tJS iSSgwM?.b.ridQ
?Ll ir!L?i TTld7
urdar afternoon. -
. A smart not for dcora.tiT ef
feet was the use of a Chinese mo-
h ch aptred ln the -room
trt t'l9VSlStm
M-S??: -TJSttSl1-
EwST ?JJZ w'fSf?
nnZ IM ?d K'lJC
SWJSJiJ,.I. MI!lnlt
Bowersox. MrKVictor. McNama
ra. and Mrs. Llovd Hoxie. :
The invited guest list for the
two davs include Mn. vn
Hockett, Mrs. B. E. Own, Mrs
Richard Meyer. Mrs. : Victor Mc-
Nataara. Mrs. J. T. Delaney, Mrs.
r i' .
H. V. Collins. Mrs. P. D. Ouisen
nerry, Mrs. Oral Lemmon, Mrs.
W. L. Phillips. Mrs. Jack John-
ston. Mrs. WilHam Rrann Mr.
ston. Mrs. William Braun. Mrs
William Einzig, Mrs. G. W." Forge,
Mrs. E. A. Lebold, Mrs. A. C.
Hunter, Mrs. Harris Liets. Mrs.
Ted Endicott, Mrs. Burton Myers,
Mrs. Lloyd Hoxie, Mrs. Frank
Bowersox, for the Friday list.
Guests for Saturday include
Mrs. Reed Rowland. Mr n T.
Newman, Mrs. L. W. Davidson,
Mrs. Li. u Jensen, Mrs. John
Hunter, Mrs. G. W. Nelson, Mrs.
Kenneth Fitznatrlclr. Mrs. f!1ann
Gregg, Mrs. A. F. Hayes, Mrs. Lee
Canfield. Mrs. Miles McKey, Mrs.
R. D. Woodrow. Mr lfari tto
lein. Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs.
Clifford Townsend, Mrs. E. B. Ga
briel, Mrs. Wayne Hammett, Mrs.
Elton Thompson, Mrs. Elmer
Daue, and Mrs. T. C. WTood.
Moonlieht Ride for
Riding Club
One of the deiicrhtfni
which are featuring activities in
riding academv rirHoa Vaa
moonlight ride on "Lone Oak"
iracic at tne fair ground Wednes
day night by members of the Wed
nesday night ridine
ty's Riding Academy.
inose riding were Miss Betty
Shipley, Miss lean West, Miss Zell
Ruble, Grant Ferris. Mrs. Mable
Rutherford. "'Miss vivfnn piv
Miss Iva Clare Love. Miss Flavia
Downs, Miss Dakota Finley. Del
wyn Finley. Kael Par- xf
- - . I .OO
ther Tibbetfs, and Mr. and Mrs.
scoicy Dryden.
Hayes vllle The Hayesville
Woman's club met at the homn
of Mrs. Brilla Halburt, with Mrs.
McMillean as assisting hostess.
Members nresent vora m v
L. Moore. Mian Trla n. -it
' wuuj, mis,
Robertson. Mrs. Robin rav
A. B. Stettler Mm T t. vf-.i"
son, Mrs. Charles TieA mm
Claud Talmadco XTra n r-.
rnell, Mrs. Roy Townsend Mri,
F. Williams, Mrs. Clark Ritchey!
Mrs. E. Bedwell. Mr
McAfee, Mrs. Brila Halburt, arid
una. xucMiiean.
Guests nre?ent r..
- - - . O . H-
aella Rinaro. Mrs. Pofa r.nk..
both of Salem. Mr Hawi0)i
Christopherson, Mrs. M. Starr
Mrs. Wm. Collie, Mrs. N. W. Bar
ham, and Mrs. E. M. Barham
The next meetinsr wm ha
with Mrs. E. Bedwell on High
land avenue.
Bethel Semi -annual vnao
day was observed by the Bethel
Dorcas club Thursday at the home
Of Mrs. E. W. Kitchen nn n
len road. Mrs. J. m. Nichols pre
ided at a short business maeHnir
after which Mrs. J. G. Louderback
and Mrs. A. I. Eoff toov rhir
of the entertainment rnntuf
prizes were won by Mrs. Marion
uurne. Mrs. Currle gave a read
ing. Guests present were Mrs. Nlrt
Harold, Mrs. Marion Curry, Mrs.
C. A. Johnson, Mrs. W. L. Creech,
Mrs. A. H. Fuestman, Mrs. C. A.
Fenton, Mrs. Herman Tasto, Mrs.
Walter Kestley and Mrs. O. L.
Reeves. Members present were
Mr H. E. Younjr. Mrs. A. Smith
Mrs. J. G. Landerhacfr Vn Tnii.
Grant, Mrs. A. I. Eoff. Mrs. J. D.
Clark. Mrs. M. II. Utter. Mrs. J.
M. Nichols, Mrs. Cass Nichols,
Mrs. J. A. Hain, Mrs. H. H. Boyes
and Mrs. Kitchen.
Mrs. C. A. Fenton ioined tha
Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Boles as
sisted the hostess. The next meet
ing, an all-day session, will be
with Mrs. J. G. Lauderback.
The Liberty Women
club held a tea at the lovely
new home Of Mrs. Oscar Dancer
Thursday afternoon. Supt. George
T r m t- , . ... . .
"s Ul ottitai gave a laix on tne
health work in the school.
Miss Johnson, health nurse for
thlsi district, also gave
an in-
structive health talk.
A play
was given bv nnnHs
of Miss
Kirk's room. Forty five towels
were received in the towel shaw-
er for the Children's Farm home
aa aV afl 1 1 f
at Corvallis.
Special guests from
we,re: Supt. Hug, Miss Elizabeth
freeman ana Miss Johnson.
health nurses, Mrs. Frank Pow
er, Mrs. H. J. Bean. Mrs. T. A
McBride. Mrs. M. M. Cnsick, Mrs
J. L. Rand. Mrs. W. 3 Varcrn
Mrs. David Wright. Mrs. J. W.
Minklewita, and Mrs. J. M. De-
Saturday,' January 23
Salem Woman's club; board meeting and business
meeting; Dr. A. A. Vaxakas will speak on "Mexico". Tea
to follow program. .
v Uhemeketan banquet, Masonle temple; Mrs. Glenn
Holman in charge of plans,
Little Light Bearers i party at First Methodist
church between hours of 2:30 and 4:30 o'clock.
First Spiritual church, social evening at home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Stoddard, 1420 North Fourth street.
Reserve Tea is
Pretty Affair
A pretty event In the circles of
Girl Reserve activity this week
I - . .
giu eserve 01 rimio junior
h,Q cbo01 complimented the ont-
&oln 9to A girls and the 8th A
tbe home of Mrs. Harry
Wledmer with Miss Helen
Wiedmer as hostess.'
Many tapers, bine for Reserves,
and basketa of accacIa and gnap:
dr mad tne UTln room and
te delicately beauUful. Miss
mei Relfsnyder and Miss Helen
teachers of Parrish, who
hre been active ln Reserve work
and Mrs. W. T. Jenks. chairman
it th J itSiJ
Presided at the tea Uble,
of girls' work in the T. W. C. A.
Receftlnr the ruests were Miss
WJeamer.Miss Marjone scnoma-
,ker', "dT1"- EU2abeth
local T. W. f!. A. secretary.
local V. W. C. A. secretary.
Musical numbers and readings
?wPrMi x L ,t!
Hanke, Miss Luly Allen,
were presented by Miss Helen
Ruth Schrelbner, Miss Joyce
Phelps. Miss Doris Bonnett. Miss
June Director and Miss Helen
Asslstlne about the rooms were
Maxine McKlllop, Mary Jane Ad
ams, and Jane Keith. About 40
girls called during the tea hours.
m 9 m
Lightbearers Will be
A delightful party will be giv
en this afternoon ln the First
Methodist church in comnliment
to the Little Light Bearers class.
Mrs. A. A. Lee is hostess and is
being assisted by Mrs. J. L. Cook,
Mrs. Ray Farmer. Mrs. J. R. Bed
ford, and Mrs. N. S. Savage. Mrs.
Wallace Griffith and Mrs. G. R.
K. Moorhead are assisting- with
the program, and Mrs. Richard
Barton is in charge of games.
The program will open with an
exercise by Jane Acton, Leo Rob
bins. Geraldine Moore, Marcia
Moore, John Coleman Lee, Bar
bara Keyes, Van Moorhead, Virgil
Carl, Dorothy Hobson, Wilson Ac
ton. Lerov Thurmand and Richard
Gatke. Recitations will be given
by Janet Miller, Sally Ann Barr,
Jean Rowland, Douglas Berwick,
Doris Berwick. Katherina Hill.
Ernestine Frederickson and Phil
lip Schramm. Mrs. Moorhead and
ner small son will dramatize a
story. An exercise will be given
by six children, Mary Prime, Bet
ty Child, Myron Moore, Jean Car-
Kin, Kutn Barton and Virginia
Slsson. A violin solo will be given
by Ilcma Batson. Refreshments
will be served.
Reception Will
Honor Pionder
A recention of interest I
ing planned for Wednesday, Jan
uary 44, complimenting tne 87tn
birthday of Mrs. Elizabeth t.
Adair at her home on Knrth
Liberty street. Mrs. Adair ia a
pioneer of Salem having made
ner nome nere for more than 60
years. v
No special invitations are im.
Ing extended save those which go
out through the press and which
are a general invitation to all
the friends and Aid ttma an.
quaintances to call between the
nours of 2 and 5 o clock Wednes
day. Silverton Mrs. John Porter
and Mrs. Sylvia Allen were the
inspiration of a birthday party at
the home of the former Wednes
day afternoon. The affair was a
surprise on the two women. Those
present were Mrs. I. L. Stewart,
Mrs. Mary Andrews, Miss Emma
Adamson, Mrs. W. Egan, Mrs.
John Gehrke, Mrs. A. Lerfald,
Mrs. Maude Watson and daughter,
Marie, Mrs. Sarah Adamson. Mrs.
Sophia Moore, Mrs. Pearl Allen,
Mrs. T. W. Riches, Mrs. Emma
Hodges, Mrs. E. E. Taylor. Mrs.
Allen and Mrs. Porter.
Jefferson. Mrs. Earl Phelps
was hostess Wednesday after
noon to the Woman's Foreign
Missionary society of the Metho
dist church, with 11 members
nresent. Mrs. Blanche Libbv nre-
sided" over the devotional period,
and Mrs. Earl Lynes was program
leader. Interesting readings were
given by Mrs. K. C. Thomas, Mrs.
Mabel Davis and Mrs. Charles Mc
Kee. -
Special guests for the afternoon
were Mrs. Guy Roland, Mrs. Lydla
Hoyt, Miss Lou Miller and Miss
Esther Roland.
Rlckreall. The Rickreall La
I dies' Aid was entortalnerf hv Mrs
I Charloa T.nrVrn an1 fldo riinltna
Burch at the Burch home Wed-
1 .
nesaay atiernoon. A pleasant so
cial hour was enjoyed after, the
(regular routine
transacted. Mrs.
I Bullock. Mrs. Sweet, Mrs. Dew
I and Catherine McEwen were the
invited guests
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. I. A. Demp
I -
sev in February, with Mrs. Mary
I Burch as Joint hostess.
Dallas Mrs. AT W. Palmer,
Mrs. William Him pr. and Mrs.
H. b. Peterson were hostesses to
the American Lesion auxiliary
I aaurtna- MnH at tha Palmer Tinmo
Tuesday. The group decided to
sponsor, the local Camn Fire
girls' organization.
Woman's Club to Have
Interesting Speaker , ;
Members of the Salem Woman's
dab will be Introduced to a
charming- speaker this afternoon
when Dr. A. A. Vaxakas will speak
concerning Mexico", ;
Dr. Vaxakas has. for the past
several .months been a member of
Willamette university ln the de
partment . of modern languages.
Dr. Vaxakas speaks several lan
guages and - has traveled inten
sively, as well as having been af-
tuiated with the French army as
an officer ln Africa and later
with the French cavalry In Asia
. He holds a master's degree from
Columbia and a Phd. degree from
Chicago as well aa bavin r t An
graduate work at the University
i rf ina omer loreign schools
Including , the University of Mex
ico where he studied last summer.
His talk today will discuss Mex
ico ln such manner as to . give his
listeners a very clear and interest
ing conception of Mexican people
and life there.
Annual Teachers Tea
Planned by League
An annual social affair ln Sa
lem hign school is the tea given
by. the Girls' League ln compli
ment to the teachers. This will
be an event of Tuesday after
noon in the restrictive room of
the hjgh school. -
Miss Ruth Johnson Is general
chairman and has appointed Miss
Ruth Pemberton an chairman nf
Whe table committee. Working
with Miss Pemberton will be Vir
ginia Pngh, Jeanne Gardner,
Gretchen Gamer and Lucille
Hackett. Chairman of the Decora
tion committee Is Marie Stuts
man. Dorothy Jones, Jane Fisher,
Joyce Albee and Bernice Eyerly
will serve under her. June Ed
wards, Lila Belle Larsen, Laura
Fiagg and Vivian Van Lydergraf
will serve n the refreshment
committee. Helen Worth, Elea
nor Trindle, Julia Johnson, and
Dorothy Corey. will serve.
Presiding at the tea table dur
ing the tea hours will h Miaa
Mabel Robertson and Miss Mary
Miss Doris Draeer. Miss Fran
ces Huston, Miss Margaret Hau
ser. Miss Iris Jorgenson. Miss
Margaret Bell and Miss Alice
George, members of the fresh
man class, will assist.
Benefit Bridge is
Friday Night
Daughters of Union Veterans
of the Civil War will anon snr a
benefit bridge and "500" party
at the Woman's clubhouse Friday
evening. The funds derivied from
this will be used ln needed relief
worit. Both men and women will
attend this affair which is being
planned aa an interesting evening.
Reservations may be made with
members of the council who are ln
charge of the plans for the even
ing. Telenhona either Mrs n tj
Needham or Mrs. Nellie Hiday.
Willamette Auxiliarv
. . - v lUAiumjr
Has Amusing Party
Willamette Auxiliary Nn ni
of the Fraternal Order of Eagles
met Wednesday for tholi-
lar business and social meeting.
Mrs. Rose Harland and Mrs.
Hasel Marshall had charge of the
social hour which was in the na
ture of a Psychological nartv.
Thfa proved to be very amusing.
The last Item on the program
was a "eastronomlfl effiHny'
test, or dainty refreshments.
Later dancing was enjoyed ln the
Eagle Aerie room. The next
meeting will be January 27.
Roberts Mrs. Fores? Edward.
and Mrs. G. F. Jungwlth enter
tained the O. T. club with a 1
o'clock luncheon at. tha ITriwai-Aa
home Thursday. Members at
tending were Mesdames Alice
Coolidge, Nick Kugel, Bud
Stutesman. Esther Onerv. ? r.
Davenport, W. C. Pettyjohn, Geo!
Mur, r. d. Fidier, George Hig
glns, O. B. Bowman, Robert Jud
son. John Orsborn. Flora TTolly
Leonard Zulke and Roy J. Rice.
Additional guests were Mrs. Mar
tin and Mrs. Kerns from Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Simklns
gave a birthday surprise party
and dinner recently at their
home on Soth 18th atreet com.
plimenting Mrs. Carroll Smith,
sister of Mrs. Simkins. Other
guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Hallett. Carroll Smith and little
Miss Patsy Smith.
Silverton Mrs. Sarah Adam
son was hostess at a small .quilt
ing party Thursday afternoon.
Guests for the quilting included
Mrs. Charles Givens, Mrs. John
Porter, Mrs. T. W. Riches and
Mrs. Jack Riches.
Mrs. R. L. Barnett will he
hostess for the regular meeting
of the Oregon State Graduate
Nurse"5 association of district
three. Miss Olea Larson and
Miss Viola Haack will be the as
sisting hostesses.
Mrs. Ray Tocom entertained
members of the O. D. O. with a
clover Valentine nartr Thursday
at her home. Mrs. Eugene Ecker-
ienr Sr. held high score. Mrs. Cora
Dunaven, mother of Mrs. Tocom,
assisted ln entertaining.
MrS. Fred Havnea entertained
Wednesday ln compliment to Miss
Wava Caldwell, whose wedding
will be an event of the near fu
ture. Miss Caldwell will marry
Floyd Warren.
Mrs. frank Loose entertained
for members of her bridge club
at her home Thursday afternoon.
Xfa. D!. V. Collins held wlnntnr
score.Mrs. Rex Davis will be the
next hostess.
410 SUte Street. Tel. 0123
' fOnntlnuaA tram narm II- '
ociatiaa. 1:S0 p.m. IvaalBg worthlp. Dr.
Walt triara ala aloainf mecaagai B
warda for CartaUaa Sarrica."
Hald their Mrviets ry Bandar av
ttlaf la tba NaUon fcaU, 881 Cnenuka.
-- -7- J- January
?. T.m ? 7ta.of Molars. 8pi
i" VK-V A f1"1 ' M :80
and lactnra at 8 p.m.
- south aaixic TMJXJna
. v. v m, iaaior, Boaaay
Ocok Snp. 11:00 aaorar worship" S.
Ladr, "WalUr Stanton. -Tnnnday .7:80
... - - . .
hiohuutd nansi
Cornor Hifhla4 and Chorea, atrcota,
tr P. Biwu, paator. Bibl oachool 8:44
Mo!l W0hiP 11 m. ETeaiaf
orrlea 7:80 p.m. Jonior O. E. 5:30 p..
Bonior aa4 InUrmadjaU O. E. S:30 p. at.
Wdil jiafla. ;at each aerrieo. Biblo
data in xoda Kondar. 7:30 pa. Jlid
waek prayer moetinc Thartday. 7:S0 pjaw
. irtTm coiocuirzTT . -
. o " boolhonto thrco milea north
of Salem on tha river road ia tha place
of mootinc. Hayea Boall, minister. Charch
ichool hogiaa at 10 o'clock, Ernort Sav
are loading the Toong People 'a Foraaa.
W. E. Savaga. Chnrch School Sapt. Mori
lag aerrica at 11 o'clock. ''The. Social
Implication of Being ChrUtfan" ia the
theme. No evening aervieea.
Marion and Liberty atreeta, Britton
Rota, pastor. Bible achool, S:4S, Fred
Bried, Supt. Morning wonbip at 11:00.
Sermon "The Majesty of the Croea." B.
T. P. TJ. :30. Prof. H. F. Durham,
peaker. Subject "Prohibition." Evening
errice 7:80. Special muiic by the male
cboroe. Sermon "Creation and it Prob
lems." Wednesday night 7:80. pra-er
meeting and Bible study. Organ prelude
at 7:15 by Miss Miller. P".uae
CLEAR LAKE Church school 10
a m. W. F Collard. Supt. Worship at 11.
Sobject: "The Sixth Commandment." E.
L. O. E. at T Tt m Tnni. 'Wk. T i
ship Should We Follow I" Bible study
class Tuesday evening. 7:30.
Mmnr.R niuivr rn. ' ..v.. ,
Vif'af' .W'i,rV Spt- Jr' E- L' - E-
j. u. vi. b. at 0:80 p.m.
----- -K -WW. OUUJUCI, XII-
lial Honor." Prayer service WHn.H.
evening at 7:30.
LABISH CENTEB Church school
10 a.m. W. A. Starker, Supt. C .E. at
J P.m. Topio "What Leadership-Should
We Follow I" Mid-week service Thuridsy
evening at 7:30.
H. ft. Scheuerman, pastor, 1161 TTnion
street, Salem.
South Commercial street at Myers. 8.
Darlow Johnson, pastor. Res. 348 E. My
ers street. Phone S687. Morning worship
11 o'clock. Sermon by the pa&tor, "The
Samaritan Road." Happy evening hour
at 7:30. Live song service led by O. S.
Orwig. Closing sermon of evangelistie
series by Rev. T. H. Temple who takes
aa his topio "Tha Withered Hand."
Church school meets at 0:45. Stearns
Cushlnr, Supt. League meetings at 6:30.
Miss Ellen Jean Moody will lead the older
jSI K. aJt "".'TK js -T. " s.'-Wi T "
8 r
III .:?'' m
1 ? f
A f
I ' -
Mm X
ihe Gh
Hev. P. I, Baker of Battle Creek,
Mich., who will preach Sunday
it 11 t. n. and 7:30 p. m. at
the Free Methodist church. He
ie field rcpieeentatlve of the
ml as R nary department of the
chnrch, and is on a tour of the
western states.
gronp in a discussion on "What Progress
Toward Disarmament I"
Market and North Winter etreots. J.
R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school 8:43
a.m. Morning worshp 11 o'clock; sub
ject: Power Delegated to the Church
for the Evangelisation of the World."
Eveninr worihin 1 -9n .'.1.1.. ... v 1 . .
The slue of a 8oul." Toung Poople'a
.vrung g on ocioca; auDject "Ckristian
H. Hanson, pastor. 349 North Commer
ial street. Services: Saturday night
street meeting at 7 o'clock. In the mis
eioa 7:45. Sunday Sunday school at
10 a.m. Preaching at 11. Divine healing
service at S p.m. Evangeliitie service at
7:30. Evangelist John W. Brown and wife
from Tacoma, Wash., will conduct these
Winter and Jefferson streets. Hugh B.
Fouke. Jr, minister. Morning worship
service given to presentation of Disarma
ment Education Week, sermon theme.
"Jesus' Program for Peace." Evening
worship set-rice st 7:30 p.m. Informal
Christian fellowship with familiar hymns,
time for meditation and prayer, and a
brief message by the pastor. Church
school school session at 9:43 a.m. H. B.
Carpenter, Supt. Three Epworth league
groups for young people at 6:30 and Fel
lowship hour following tha evening ser
"TTil' p- - 1 1 ana mm
- - -
1 : ' ' I a "'"'''-'?'-'f, I
1 12
Thia special purchase of well known E . . . pure silk hose wQl be
placed on sale for an "ad." Women who know hosiery values will accept
this" challenge and be here early today and purchase their hosiery ward
robe at a saving of $2.00 to $5.00."
These are not the ordinary no-name stockings usually advertised at
79a to $1.00 pair. But honest to goodness nationally advertisfd and one
of the best known brands on the market!
Be sure-to come early . . . twelve wanted shades from which to
choose ... all pure silk medium weight . , slender French heel ... re
inforced foot, etc. Main Floor.
HiK.m a
RViWflV.T.TtTTn vimvima
Weston, paator. Sunday school at 1:45
P-m- B 0. Ferguson, Supt. Ckurca aet
viaa at B vi aa. f..Ml;,l. . .
7:45 p.m. Special music, eat, lastr
menUl, choir. Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. Bi-
wiv mar imt aesuiag. weoaeaoay
.S e wk a. .... I . . . :
Thursday at 7:45 p.m. Fellowship and
prayer aerrica. Saturday at 7:45 p es.
charck at S p.m. Eatardaf afteraooa.
Korth Cottage and D atreeta. 0. . W.
Bataek, : aaiaiste-. Sunday - achool - t :45
a.aa. Saaa Seairmaa, Sapt. Marniag ser
vice 11 a.m. Sermen topie, Tke" Pot
ef Oil aad God.". Choir anthem. B. T; P.
IT. 6:4S Mrs. Ed Lucas, president.
Evening sen ice at 7:30 o'clock. Regular
mid-week' prayer service at 8 p.m. Wed
nesday. ' ......
lth and Brcyaaaa atreeta. Sunday
BCAAOL . at S:4i . weevbip-
o. 1. r. v. a :ao. evening worshjp
at 7:80. In the absence of Dr. York,
who ia holding ,Revival meetiaga at -the
German . Bethel charch, Portland, Profes
sor C. M. Clrae of the Theological school
of Portland will apeak both, morning and
Morning sermon at Summit at 0:45
.am. will bo on "Christianity and World
Peace." The Sunday achool aeeaioa will
follow at 10:45. The Sunday achool meets
at the Ford Memorial church at 9:45,
followed by the morning sermon at 11.
The Epworth leagues meet at 6:30 p.m.
Tha evening sermon at 4:30 p.m.. "Open
ing the Windows of Heaven." Special
usl both morning and evening.
Corner Haxel and Academy streets.
Sunday achool at 10 a.m. Preaching a
11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer
and testimony meeting Thursday evening
at 7:30.
Servicea are held Sunday at 11 a.m.
Holiness meeting; 3:80 p.m. Snnday
school; 6:80 p.m. Y. P. meeting; aad 8
p.m. a special salvation meeting will be
conducted by Major and Mrs. E. D. Hig
gina of Portland in charge of tho Salva
tion Army in Oregon. E. Parsons, AlJ't.
Ellmore J. Gils trap, pastor. Bible
school 10 a.m. Communion and preaching
11 a.m. Morning sermon subject "Tha
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temple Series
Comes to Close
Sunday Evening'
Rev. T. H. Temple, who has
been Inspiring and instructing
good audienees for the past two
weeks at Leslie Memorial church,
will bring his last message of the
series at the Sunday night ser
vice. . This sermon on "The Withered
Hand J coming ln the unique
Temple style, will arrest attention
and compel thought. C. S. Orwig,
who ' has been song leader
throughout the series will conduct
an old time gospel sing next Sun-,
day night.
Joy aad Benefit efaFsith." There will be
special nrusie at the morning service.
Christian Endeavor 7 p.m. A welcome
will a give new Christian Endeavorers.
Mist-Margaret Robertson and Miaa Asca
Johnson will sing "Day is Dying ia the
Wast" . aad Miss Bernice Sonder will
make a picture during tha song. 6ae alto
will draw luring the sermon which- Rer.
Gilstrsp will -preach en the subject: "Un
locking tha Gate to the Infinite."
655 Ferry street. W. H. Caldwell, pas
tor. Service st 11 a.m. Evangelistic ser
vice 7:80 p.m. 8unday school 9:43 a m.
Mrs. Gilbert White, Supt. Young P to
pic's Business meeting at heme ef Har
low . Olson Monday evening. Prayer ser
vice Tuesday evening. . Yonag People'!
night Thursday evening at 7:30. Bibl
stady Friday evening. Service at Old
People's home 8 p.m. Sunday.
High and Center streets. D. J. Howe,
pastor. Sunday achool 9:45 a.m. Morning
worship 11 'dock; subject: "The Pro
motion of World Peace" Hon. B. F. Ir
vine. Evening worship 7:30 o'clock: sub
ject: "The Remission of Sins." Young
People's meeting 6:30 o'clock. Morning
music: solo, "Ring Out Wild Bell.'T
(Gounod) Ronald Craven; anthem, "Tha
God ef Abraham Praise," Dudley Buck.
Mid-week serviceWednesday. 7:30 p.m.
Services at 9:40 a.m. Sunday. Mrs. W.
A. Bark os, Bupt. Preaching at 10:50 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. B. Y. P. TJ.'s st 6:30 p m,
A. M. "A Damascus Road Experience. '
P. M. "Refuse the Evil Choose tho
Best." Wednesday evening at 7:3')
o'clock. Prayer and fellowship meeting",
followed by Advisory Board meeting.
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock, choir
rehearsal. W. Earl Cochran, pastor.
High and Ferry St. Near Elsinore Theatre
Church School 9:40 a. m. Preaching 10:50
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U.'s 6:30 p. m.
A. M. "A Damascus Road Experience"
Anthem: "Crown Him With Many Crowns"
P. M. "Refuse The Evil Choose The Best"
Anthem: "His Love and Care" Wooler
WELCOME to all services
W. Earl Cochran, pastor
-L X e e e
We Told
bring 'em
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