The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning. January 23. 1932
I - . - 1
Election Held Melvin Crow
was elected president of the Al
pha Psl Delta fraternity for the
coming semester at the last reg
ular house meeting ofsthe group.
Other officers elected were: Jim
Kutter Tice-presldent, P 1 e r c y
Sweet second vice-president, John
McClennon secretary. Miles Wood
worth work manager and Ous
. Moore was retained as business
- manager. The Kappa Gamma Rho
fraternity elected several weeks
ago, while the Sigma Tau group
will keep the same officers for
the coming semester. Al King is
president of the Kappa house.
D. A. V. dance. CastiUian hall ev
ery Frl. aad Sat. Home-Tewners'
snappy dance band. "
Annul Meeting The Church
School board of Jason Lee church
will hold its annual meeting on
Tuesday. January 26, beginning
with a potluck supper at ff:30 p.
m. Business will include elec
tion of officers and teachers for
the coming year, and plans out
lined for Leadership Training
classes. Miss Dulcina Brown, su
pervisor of the Week-Day schools
of Religious Education in Port
land will speak. All members
and friends of the church as well
as teachers and officers of the
school are welcome.
Plead Not; Guilty Leo Balie
parde and Myrtle Smith entered
pleas of not guilty to charges of
lewd co-habitation when they ap
peared in Justice court yesterday
morning. They, will be given pre
liminary hearing February 4 at
10 a. m. Both are in jail, with
bail set at $250 each. Belleearde
has been in trouble before, ap
pearing in court last summer on
charge of contributing to delin
quency of a minor.
Fur jacquettes featured strongly
for spring wear. New shipment
just in. Capitol Fur Shop. Sena
tor bldg.
Will Graduate W. S. Bur-
goyne, Willamette university sen
ior, will graduate at mid-semester
as he had planned, he stated Fri
day. denying reports printed
which said he would not finish be
cause of illness which kept him
from his worf for a while. He will
continue filling his pulpit at Tur
ner. Wayne Wright, who will also
finish, has a church at Stayton.
Doney to Iteturn Dr. Carl G.
Doney, president of Willamette
university, will return next week
from a trip he and Mrs. Doney j
have been taking in the eastern
states. Dean Erickson stated Fri
day that he expected him Thurs
day of next week. Doney will be
here for the start of the next
I'ntil further notice, the Salem
Retail Credit bureau w?U remain
open Saturday until 8:30 p. m.
riarion Issue Delayed Publi
cation of the Clarion, high school
newspaper, was delayed yester
. day with the result many students
did not receive their copies. The
circulation manager announced
that the paper could be obtained
at the Clarion office on Monday
Health Clerk Lear?s Miss Aa
ona Welch, clerk at the Marion
county health unit since last fall.
yesterday resigned her position
to take another in a downtown
office. Under the reduced health
budget, her old position would
have been eliminated on January
January clearance at Miller's.
8 peers to New Orleans Making
sidetrips in California enroute.
Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Speer will
leave here on Tuesday for New
Orleans, La., where Mr. Speer
will attend the annual convention
of the Minnesota Mutual Life in
surance company, for which he is
local agent. For many years Speer
has qualified to attend the na
tional contentions and in addi
tion has won a number of prizes
aino- cups for having not less than
two applications a week for the
past five years. They expect to be
gone about a month.
Girl to Elect Preparatory to
election of officers for the high
school girls league on Wednesday
of next week, the candidates will
make their nomination speeches
in the home rooms on Tuesday
Nominees are: Josle Aeklln and
Hanna Bymann for president.
Ann ruzpatrick and "Julia John
son ' for vice-president. Rachel
Pemberton and Jeanne Patton for
secretary. Marguerite Filsinger
and Roberta McGilchrlst Tor
Good old-time country store dance
every Sat. night. Haunted Mill.
Rickreall. - (No dust.)
Chemeketans Will Give Party
The Chemeketaa club will spon
sor a dinner, and card and danc
ing party, which will be held at
the Masonic building tonight. Af
ter the dinner a program, consist
ing of several speeches, will last
till 9 o'clock when the dancing
will begin. A surprise will feature
the intermission between dances
at eleven o'clock.
Administration Petition A pe
tition for probate of will and ap
pointment of administratrix, was
filed in regard to the estate of
Louise Stege, deceased, in addi
tion to a decree admitting the will
to probate and appointing Execu
trix Ida Savage and her oath of
office, with the county clerk Fri
day. Pemberton Arrested -Max W.
Pemberton yesterday was arrested
by state police on a charge of
reckless driving. John M. Krog.
1110 North Summer street, ar
rested Wednesday on a charge of
failing to stop, yesterday was fin
ed $2.50 by Mark Poulsen, mu
nicipal judge.
Join the flower making classes at
Miller's. Instruction free!
Motion Filed In regard to the
estate of Donald W. Miles, de
ceased, a motion amending ob
jections to the final account was
filed with the county clerk Fri
day. Administrator Reports The
report of the administrator, Cus-
Divorce Proceedings Of the
three divorce cases filed in circuit
Th ii rc J n ,r n I.. 1 . . J
case showed progress Friday. Tv : lJlJSX
motions were filed; a motion of
plaintiff for the defendant to pay
costs and attornev tpm and for
the hearing of the case to be post- 1
poned until February 2 at 10 i
o'clock. Plaintiff and defendant ;
are Beulah W. Woodry and Rus- !
sen oodry, respectively. i
county clerk Friday In regard
to the estate of Alfred Coolidge.
Extradition Honored - Gover
nor Meier Friday authorized the
extradition of Philip Daake, under
arrest in Portland who is ; wanted
at Vancouver, Wash., charged
with breaking jail. Another extra
dition issued Friday involved Ver
non Dollar who is wanted in Los
Angeles for grand theft. Dollar
is under arrest at Klamath Falls.
Visits Completed Executive O.
P. West and Grant Decorah
Thursday night finished the last
of their official visits to Boy
Scout troops of Cascade area. The
troop visited was number 11,
sponsored by the Salem Heights
community club. C. W. Bartlett is
the scoutmaster.
Larceny Charge Carl Fetch,
arrested on larceny charge, asked
24 hours in which to enter plea
when he was brought into justice
court yesterday. He is accused
of stealing a dragsaw engine
from Oscar Bock.
Find for Plaintiff In civil
case of H. Miazels vs. John Sta
mos and Frank Caraway, in jus
tice court yesterday afternoon,
the Jury found for plaintiff in
Bum of $10. The suit was over
money allegedly due on goods.
Fail to Htop Three persons
paid one dollar fines in justice
court yesterday for falling to
step at a primary highway. They
were: Mrs. June Cooler, Merle
O. Clark and O. O. McClellan.
DiesJn Seattle Word has been
received in Salem of the death of
Miss Mattie Sutherland who died
following a very brief illness Mon
day in Seattle. Miss Sutherland
was an aunt of Miss Margaret
Sutherland, former director of re
ligious education of the First Me
thodist church.
January clearance at Miller's.
Special Services Evangelist
and Mrs. John w. Brown of Ta-
coma have opened a series of
meetings at the City Gospel Mis
sion, 349 North Commercial, and
Sunday will hold three services
with time and subjects as follows:
11 a.m., "I am Able"; 3 p.m.,
"The Lord Coming to His Tem
ple"; and 7:30 p.m.. "Pauls
Teacher to Return Miss Eth-
elwynno Murton, high school
French teacher who has been a
patient in the Portland sanitarium
during the past two weeks, will be
able to take charge of her classes
at the beginning of the new Bern-
ester next month, It was announc
ed yesterday. She underwent an
operation for appendicitis.
Special dance at Silverton armory
tonight. Boots Grant's 8-piece
dance band. Big time. Come. F. N.
Woodry, mgr.
Plan Peace Classes To make
final plans for peace classes to be
held next week.the local execu
tive committee At the National
council for the prevention of War
will meet at the T. M. C. A. at
4:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Middleton Ad Manager Keith
Middleton has been elected adver
tisine manager of the high school
Commercial club. He fills the va
caucy created when Howard Cole
was selected as president alter
James Sehon resigned.
Vo Industrv Deaths A to
tal of 4 29 industrial accidents oc
curred in the state of Oregon dur
ing the week ending January 21,
according to a report prepared by
the state industrial accident com
mission. There were no fatalities
Motion Overruled An order
was made Fridav by the circuit
rniirt nverrtiline the motion 01
the defendant in the case of P. H
D'Arcy vs. Simon Director for re
opening f the defense.
At the residence, 1165 Hood
street, January 21, Anna Eliza
beth Mote, aged 73 years. 5
months, 14 days. Beloved wife of
Charles A. Mote. Mother of Mrs.
B. F. Ensley of Salem. R. L.
Mote of Oakland. Calif., M. M.
Mote of Texas and Mrs. G. H.
Gentry of Tillamook, Oregon. Fu
neral services will be held Mon
day. Jan. 23. at 2 p. m. from
Answer Filed An answer of
the defendant to the plaintiff's
first cause of suit was filed ia the
county clerk's office Friday fer
the case of the Adjustment bu
reau of Joe Portland Association
of Credit Men v. Otto A. Hart
man and Henry Hartman.
Moore Recovering Harold
Moore, high school janitor who
Thursday underwent a serious op
eration at Salem Deaconness hos
pital, yesterday was recovering
satisfactorily considering the na
ture of the operation, it was re
ported. Foreclosure Order Papers
piled with the county clerk Friday
in reference to the case of H. C.
Davis vs. Walter A. Green, et al,
included a decree of foreclosure,
a cost bill, praecipe, and the find
ings of fact and conclusions of
January clearance at Miller's.
Petition Dismissed An order
was made by the circuit court Fri
day for the petition of the defen
dant in the case of Clarence Myers
vs. inga Myers to be aismissea
and ne cost payments be made
either way.
Order of Postponement Filed
with the county clerk Friday was
an order for the defendant in the
case of R. F. Polanski vs. H. O
Hummel to have till February 21
to prepare and present his pro
posed bill of exceptions.
Annual Meeting Soon The an
nual meeting of members of Cas
cade area council. Boy Scouts, will
be held at the Gray Belle next
Thursday night. The new presi
dent, J. T. Delaney, and other of
ficials will be Installed.
Non-Support - H. E. Eberly,
charged with non-support, plead
ed not guilty in Justice court yes
terday. Hearing has not been
In the Church eg
asaaBr 1 1
A total of 9 3,1 4 1 non-resident
motor vehicles were registered In
Oregon la 1931, as against 93,-
141 during 1930, according to a
report prepared Friday by Hal
H. Hoss, secretary of state. The
largest non-resident car registra
tion was la 1929. Registrations
during that year aggregated
10S.000. -
Registration of California mo
tor vehicles in Oregon during
the year 1931 aggregated 68,572,
Washington being second with
15,050 ears registered. Idaho
cars registered in Oregon num
bered 2119. There were 19T8
cars from Illinois, and 1553 from
Twenty six cars were regis
tered from the Carnal Zone, two
front the Philippines, three from
Mexico, one from Porto Rico, one
from China and two from Haiti.
Grants Pass led all Oregon
registration stations with 24,318
cars registered. Ashland was sec
ond with 17.674 cars, Portland
third with 5823 cars, Medford
fourth with 5328 cars, Klamath
Falls fifth with 5004 cars, and
Salem sixth with 4274 cars.
There were 2303 registrations at
these stations in December.
The report shows that regis
trations for July .were heavier
than daring any other month last
rat st cmracK or tex mazaxesm
lSh aai CmIw streets. B.T. PUteae
Gal!owar. putor. S03 Her
ket street. Phoae 06 SO. Est. Galloway
is aaaoaaceS to preach Iran the follow
in; subjects: 11 e.W. "Soot Wiaalnr aa
it Relatioa to the BeennS daier." T :I9
r . "Whitk.r Beaait" Soadsr eeseol
!:$ ess. T. X. LitviUer, Sups. K. T. P.
H. sat Jaaier aitj S:SO .. Min
T'' Itapwt, praiiaeat. Ja Frietaa,
jualor mprr:iT.
nasT oHtracH or chxiit.
Chenkta aad Liberty atraau. Sunday
itrTiees at 11 a.m. aad S .. 8abjt.
"Truth." Sunday aehaal at :S aai 11.
Teitiaaaial BMatiaf Wadaaaday at S p.m.
Reading rra at tM Maiaaia Tamala
pa from 11 ta 5:80 axeep 8aadaya aad
Court and lTta aterets. B. T. Shoema
ker, aastar. naday seaof S:45
Mra. Edward WeUw. Snat. Morn par var
sliia 11 a'clark ; aafejart: "A Cbaaca of
Character Follows Chance at Heart."
I Ten Lb f warship T:30 a'eleek; subject:
Address fey htrs. "ema M. Buck oa some
i t m
Resc hke Arrestexl Ted . Res
chke, 360 North Capitol street,
early yesterday was arrested by
state police on a charge of pos
session of ber.
January clearance at Miller's.
Hearing Today F. R. Watson
will appear In justice court this
the chapel of the Salem Mortu- morning at 11 o'clock for trial in
ary. Friends invited. interment connection with charge of driving
Belcrest Memorial rar. with four in the front seat.
Conlee Final Order Filed A final or-
In this city January 22, R. der was made by the county
Virgil Conlee, "aged 41 years. Be- court Friday closing the estate of
loved husband of Amanda Con- Inez Barnett, deceased.
in. r.nm siri prvip will be
hol'rf tndav Saturdav. January Answers Objections The coun
?2 under' the ausnlces of the c." answered objection
Dallas Masonic lodge at the I. O.
O. F. cemetery at Dallas. The
remains are at the parlors of the
Salem Mortuary 515 North Cap
itol St.
final account of the estate of A.
3. Groce. deceased, on Friday.
- Rosa Elected Milo Ross was
elected president of the Wesley-
ans, a student volunteer group of
Willamette university.
route 2, Praecipe Filed A oraeciDe
Salem, January 21, Mrs. Jessie was filed with the county clerk
Cannon, 71. Survived oy wiaow- Friday for the case of M. E.
Townsend vs. J. W. McBu, et al
At the
residence on
er, Cliarles a. uannon; aaugu
ters, Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn and
Mrs. Charles Spurlin. both of Sa
lem, and Mrs. Delbert Pettyjohn
of Portland: sons. C. C. Cannon
and F. A. Cannon, both of Salem
Funeral services Monday, Janu
ary 2 5. at 11 o clock from the
Orders Dismissal An order
of dismissal was made Friday by
circuit court for the case of N. D.
-Schmaltz vs Caroline P. Schmalti
Motion Day Today at 19
chapel of W. T. RIgdon and Son. " "
to- n T Tlw0 nffiz-iattne- Tn- WOM iu circuit cuuri
terment Belcrest Memorial park.
At the residence. 722 N.
Church street. January 21, Mrs.
M. N. (Jennie Thatchet) Chap
man, 80. Survived by daughters,
Miss Oda Chapman. Mrs. Lot L.
Pearce, both of Salem, and Mrs.
Loru Mack of Los Angeles.
Calif.: sisters, Mrs. Helen Thrall
and Mrs. W. T. Bell, both of
Portland; four grandchildren,
two great grandchildren. Funeral
services Saturday, January 23. at
1:30 p. m. from the chapel of
W. T. Rigdon and Son. Private
interment I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Work Promotion
Plan to be Told
At the request of the McMlnn
vllle chamber of commerce secre
tary, L. R. Schoettler, secretary of
the Salem Work Promotion plan.
will address the chamber there oa
Monday. The McMlnnvflle chant
ber members, hearing of the suc
cess of the Salem plan, are consid
erina instituting a similar one
STAYTON. Jan. 22 Funer
I services for Elizabeth A. Kirk-
patrick. who died at the Stayton
hospital Thursday night, will be
held at the Bethel church. Aums-
ville. on Monday at 1:30 p.m
with Interment in the Twin Oak
cemetery at Turner.
Mrs. Klrkjatrick had lived In.
and near Aumsville for almost 40
years. She was born Jan. 25. 1843
n Missouri, and in 1866, she mar
ried Jos. Kirkpatrick. They moved
to Sublimity In 1890. where they
lived for a few years, later mov
ing to Aumsville.
She is survived by a son, Ed
win Kirkpatrick, Salem, three
daughters, Clara Kirkpatrick. Al
bion, Idaho; Stella Seely, Alsea
and Hattle Amend, of Portland. A
son-in-law, Lee Reynolds, Leban
on, and three nieces. HatUe
Smith. Stayton; Wllda Bright,
Portland and Kate McKenny,
Walla Walla. Wash.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick was a lifelong
member of the Church of uea
and of the W. C. T. TJ.
phase f preaJhitiea. To oaf People's
saaannff 'eiaea; euDjeet: "vm
Leadership Shenld ffs reilawt" Aid so
ciety meetings aa Wedaesdsy aad Fri
day. Kid -week aieetiarf aa vtedaesday
at T:I9.
Coraer Cspital aad lfarioa streets. W.
O. Liewkaeaaper, paster. Baaday school 10
a.av. F. ., Sapt. Germs a services
in a.m. buMect: a nemarraoie lea-
tariea." Eariish Serriee 11 e'cleck.
Subject: "Ha tkat received two taleats
raised other two." 8pecial masts by
Crater aad Liberty streets. J. R. Si-
meads, pastor; phene S4TS. Xoraing eer
riea 11 o'clock: subject: "Faith aad
Ueatal Health." The seeoad ia series at
sermons aa "The Faith Jhst Heals."
J. R. Simonds. preachraf. Ereeiaf serriee
7:50 o'clock. Subject: Drsmatie worship
service, "The Tea Tjrcins." Suaday
school 9:43 a.m. F. E. beer, Sapt. .
.30 Tkroa Eeworrh. leexaes aai Toe a .
Peopla's Foroaa. T:t0 leeadaff felWwshtp I
service. Evsarelietie sersaoat "The
Mora F.xeelleas Way" r. Parker. Tear
tare: "A. Study im Crsyoa aad Socs"
Cameroa Marshall aa4 caoi& V talks.
Marimba, Orrsa trie.
glad Tznoros scission
StT Cevt street. O. 8. Johnaoa. pos
ter. Baaday school at S fterrices a
S aad T:S0 p.m. Ueetiafe Taesdsy,
Tharsdsy aad Saturday reniarj-
cueist itrrBxaAir
EicMeeath aad State street. Rev. ,
Aasoe K. Hiaaeasae, A. it. pastor. Gar
assa services :A5 Subject: "Eo-
joice With Them That i Kajoico."
Encliih aerncea 11 sum. Saajeet: Be
Not Wise ia Tear Owa OoaeotU." Sua-
day school S:0 Mrs. Amos X. Kia-
aemaa. bum. s.ataer lrafao social soar
Martha Esttermana. leader.
"One member of the Pierce
family already has declared his
intention of entering the con
gressional contet", Mrs. Pierce
said. She intimated that this
was sufficient.
Mrs. Pierce said satisfactory
progress was being made by the
state board of higher education
toward eliminating duplication
and expense in the operation of
the University of Oregon", State
college, and three state normal
schools. Mrs. Pierce Is a mem
ber of the board.
She visited the executive de
partment while in Salem.
Mariea aad North Summer street. O.
C. Foliar, pastor. Residence. 6SS X.
bemsaer street. Phone 44SS. Services 11
s.m. aad 7:30 p.m. Dr. Penniagtea of
Pacific Co" Vex wHl speak ia A. M. oa
"Peace." The pastor will preach ia the
evening. Saaday school 9:45 a.m. L. L.
Thornton. Supt. Tonnf People's meetinri
at 6:S0 p.m. Week-day services Tharsdsy
everrinf st 7:30.
North Cottsce aad Chemeketa streets.
Iter. Fred Albsa Weil. minister.
Chare'', school at 10 a.m. Miles H. 31c
Key, Sapt. Chorea service at 11 ijs.
Sermon. "The Relation of Beliboa to
Economics." Soloist. Mrs. Trams Has ton.
Orra.t. ilrs. WslUr A. Denton.
Ststs sad Church St. B. Earl Prker,
minister. 9:45 s.m. Church school. Yeoac
people's orchestra ia auditorium. llr0
Junior charch. 11 s m . worship. J. J.
HicdssVer. rerioasl director for Nstionsl
Council for Prereatioa of War, speaker,
ehoixwooo Tnrrru sasTHasif
Coraer North 17th aad . Xeereska
streets. Ber. 1L X. Wilsoa, pastor. Baa
day school 9:45 'a.m. MoraiaaT warship
11 o'clock; sabjeet: "What Taiak Ta af
Jesaa Wfc is Colled the Christ I" Erea
ia warship 7:S0 a clack. Teaa People's
meetiar :3 o'clock; sabjeet: "What
Leadership Shenld We Follow !' Leray
Rickey, leader.
Charch street s-etweea Chemeketa aad
Center. Ber. P. W. Erickaea, paster. 11
a.m. "Is This a Faithless Geaorstiool"
T:M p.m. "Workia With Jssas." Soac
serriee. Lather lesrna at S:30. Cknrch
council meets Tuesday at cknrch parlors
at s pja.
19th aad Ferry streets. XL O. Slaver,
mi sister. Morning- worship at 11. Ser
mon "Hallowed 3e Thy Kama." Ereaiac
service at 7:30. Sermon, "The Keliffiaa
We Xeed." 8aalay school at 10 a.m. C.
C. Harris. Sapt. Christ is a Endeavor so
cieties st 6:45 p.m.
Chemeketa aad Witner streets. Qrever
C. Birtchet. 1. pastor. 9:0
cliurcb school. L. M. Rsmsce. Sept. 11
s.m. rooming warship. Dr. W. P. White af
I.os AnreUs will spesk oa: "The Grace
of God." 2:30 p.m. Special masa meeting.
'Fellowship With God aad 6ia" hy Dr.
White. 6:30 p.m. Chriitiaa Eadeaver
(Continued oa pa pa I)
Mrs. Walter M. Pierce of La:
Grands will not be a candidate
for the office of representative
in congress from the second con
gressional district. She confided
this information to friends here
W C ammmTa MTUk '
oexgioal fbcxn, too, if fO prcfec
,tr VVinRw
1 w w
i ovarWMtjuoM Mirs used vt Any
In this city, Thursday, January
21, Mrs. Edith Claxton. 40. Sur-
vlved by one daughter, Mrs. Alice
Harden; one sister, Mrs. E. J.
Raymond of Salem; six brothers,
J. W.. Charles. Ernest, and Fred
Barker of Salem. James and "Wil
liam Barker of Portland. Funeral
services from Clough-Barrick
mortuary Saturday, January 25,
at 3 o'clock. Rev. H. B. Fouke,
officiating. Interment Lee Mis
sion cemetery.
CUrk Te Mr. and Mrs. Fran
cis Edward Clark of Salem, a girl.
Shirley June, born on January 9
at Willamette sanatorium.
Marion To Mr. and Mrs. Low
ell Marion of Liberty district, a
girL Charlotte Jeaa. bora oa Jan
uary 1.
Extra Specid
Pure rich milk Mid
dark chocolate
Star Wafers and
The finest all chocolate
candy that candy makers'
skill has devised. Sure to
please all the family and
may; be" given to - children
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a candy.
32c per lb.
2 lbs. 60c
Only at
15 Jf. Cornel St. Dial MOT
Tha Original Yellow Front
Candy and Drug Store of
. .. Salem
Penslar Agenc
(Vmplalot Filed A complaint JJJ j&XVb u-f II
was filed with the county clerk A PARK CEMETERY WITH II
Friday by G. H. Templeton CARE 1
against Joe Raster, R. E. LoomlS, Just Tea Klnates Freni Ue Heart II
and W. L. Nederhoed. Tt
ISO N. Commercial EsUbUshed 18M Tel. S452 II
- SlleP Convenlentir'AccassIbla I
Office hows Perpetnal cart provided for' II
Tnesday and Satnr. pr1c Reaaonabls I
I ... day 3 (o S 7 tL I
1 " " - - ' ill
Ill ln,.U Illl MORTUARY I II
. mmmmm on
f A. M, Cleogh
for Kent Dr. L. E. fiarrlek
V, Tv Qoldea
Call 0910, Used Fmrakare .
Departmeat bVs4-s-
.151 North Dlgh Phone Sill '
Charch at Ferry St,
, i
ii mmm : ,.u .... . i
Liquid Gasoline Gauges
All Work Guaranteed
Also All Kinds of Auto Repairing
Herbert J. Octlind Garage
375 Chemeketa
Attention. . . 1
Don't Fail to Attend the Spectacular Fire ExhibitUaa
Fires Most Deadly Enemy
In Extinguishing Great Volume f Tin, and
Even BoHIng Gasoline
Under Supervision of Salem Fire Department
Demonstration at
2 P.M.
Corner 13th and State Streets
Don't fall to attend and learn the simple and rare
method of combating the dreaded enemy FIRE
tsfsUblan aml and Bntfae or 9MM
Pas ar PaddsBg aad Drtok
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