The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 22, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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    - SERVICE . . . . .
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. not arrive try 6:80, 'call :
0101 and a copy will be de
livered at once. .
Falr.todayi fair with rl
lac .temperature 8a tarda y;
llaxi Temn. WedneadaT 41.
L Mia; SO, river il feet.
west wlad,
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, Jannary 22, 1932
No. 253
on for
ion is
. Parent-Teacher Team Gets
; - Pledge From Every "one X
'. Solicited to Date '
Canvassers Enjoying Task;
rRcMitihnt ' " Excellent:
(General Report :
Seventh jday '. ,0i
Sixth day - - 12,328
Fifth day 16,878
" Fourth day 12,473
Third day 12,929
Second day 19,282
First day 15,748
Total . $09,039
Concentrated effort yesterday
barely failed reaching the day's
goal of $100,000 worth of pied
res to the Work Promotion plan'
With eight of the IS teams re
sorting $9 801 as their : day's
work, the total amount of prom
ised expenditures in creating em
ployment and putting money in
to circulation amounted to $99,
$39. Three of the teams gleaned
over $1000 in their respective-territories.
Harked recognition
association team captained by
Carl T. Pope. This group of 11
solicitors reported that to date in
Five Hundred 'Millions Asked to Enable
Finance Plan to go Ahead; Bill Will be
. Law Saturday, Function at Once
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 (AP) President Hoover to-
nieht appealed to congress for an appropriation enab
ling the great reconstruction finance corporation to begin
its .-task: of 'Striking shackles from American business with
out delay. - ; " k ' . .
He subrmtted' to the house a brief special message ask-
... ' ; .-. o ing prompt approval for the
$500,000,000 outlay called for in
the hill . creating . the credit organization.
"I am transmitting this esti
mate of appropriations at . this
time so that the important ' oper
ations of the. corporation may be
commenced at the earliest possl
ble date," Mr. Hoover said.
His plea received a quick re-
Direct Filing 0T triargeS I house appropriations committee
Pavnrorf in Talk Rpfnrp saId ne wouW hearings on
raVOreu JM laiK DeiUre tne aDnroDriation tomorrow, with
Under Secretary Mills of the
treasury as a witness. The house
will probably be asked to Tote
on it Saturday, he added.
Only formalities remained to
night to complete congressional
action on the reconstruction cor
poration bill itself. Tomorrow
possibly, Saturday certainly, it
will receive the signature of Mr
Hoover. Almost Immediately it
is to begin functioning with
Charles Gates Dawes at its head
and a huge fund from which to
make loans -to railroads, banks,
held -mum
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 21.
(AP) Abolition of the grand
Jury as an "antiquated system"
was proposed at the annual meet
ing of Oregon district attorneys
here today.
T. R. Gillenwaters, Klamath
county district attorney, suggest-
ed that a system of filing direct
informations of felonies should
paid to rSS ParenlTelcher "d "e f!8? and other interU
yaiu iu i that the atata nhntild be allow-I t - j j... . r n
Ruth Judd Trial Starts at Phoenix
Some Improvement is. Seen
Tjiursdayr Fery Much
Hurt, Will Live
Giebler Funeral Will be on
; Saturday; Others are
Not yet Arranged
Hope for the life of Henry Sieg
mund, 55, of Stayton, who on
Wednesday night suffered serious
injuries when an automobile In
which he was riding crashed bead
on into a truck on the Turner-
Marion highway, was held yes
terday over the fact that he was
slightly Improved early in the day
and that last night attendants at
Salem general" hospital reported
his condition unchanged.
I 4 if:-- 'r'A-'.w -
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, - .- " I '
. im ii nnnipnn
Refusal to -Sign Pact Under
.Versailles ; v Treaty fe
Deemed bad Sign ;
Laval Confident Chamber
To Vote Confidence in ;
His Foreign Policy
; PARIS.' Jan. 22 (Friday) .
(AP) The United SUts wv
sharply criticised In the Fremcn ,
chamber of deputies late last '
night for an aloof attitude toward
France in international negotla- '
The eriticism came from EdouM
nctiiwb, mur oi me radical so
cialists, In debate on a reanest
from Premier Pierre Laval for
STAYTON, Jan. 21 (Special)
Physicians today said that
Frank Fery, who was brought to
the Stayton hospital after the au
tomobile tragedy on the Marlon
road Wednesday night, would re
cover. His Jaw was shattered,
chest caved In, ribs broken and
chin badly cut.
Fery today said that the car in
which he and Mrs. Fery, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Siegmund and Chris
Giebler were riding was driven
Photo shows Winnie Rath add, alleged trunk slayer, seated In the courtroom as her trial opemed In j new eaWnet!1 ' confIdenCe in Wt
Pnoenix, Aria, At the left la Paul Scneaoic, chief of the defense counsel, in tne center u J. it. saver
sack, associate of Schenck.
'Beach' Gold
Process Not
Shown Court
along behind the Edwards truck Impersonated Mrs. Leroi to
ed that the state should be allow
ed an equal number of peremp
tory challenges in the selection of
o i i i ttt 4 rt eta a A a" vnlv Vialf a W f. u-J S mny as the defense as at pres-
a pieage irom every person tis-
In addition to the 1500,000,-
000 of government money, the
corporation will have authority
to issue bonds of $1,500,000,000
underwritten by the treasury.
for about a mile before the fatal
attempt to pass was made.
According to Fery, he and Mrs.
Fery were Invited by the Sleg-
munds to go with them to the
grange meet at Chemawa. When
lted. The householders who re
sponded so well also were praised
for their spirit.
Team Has Obtained
Pledgee of f 700O
EdwVn D. Hicks, Grant county
district attorney, told the con
vention the district attorney's du
ties do not end with the convic
tion of a defendant but should in-
Although competition between . HitH.t .Hnmn BhnnA tr,
teams Is .based on amount of work proper case8t recommend paroles
dona- rather than on size of pled- At thm en! nf minimnm ntm,.,
ges obtained, the Parent-Teacher and In promotInff more ad.
squaas pieage iota was announ- MU.t. -eereration anl treatment UopoM Hiiortaro Daoult
ced. 17900. . i..r.. ,Za7- w uuuni wuai iuo nui uvouii
' ' 1 DI 11 K LI I LtII LliilV lDLTiaLIS.
Members of the team are: Pope, C. W. Barrick. of Tillamook
captain; L. B. GUbertBon, R. county, said he visited convicted
Viesko, Charles S. McElhlnney, men from his county every three
Merrill Ohling. W. C. LInfoot, C. months to discuss with them their
R. Logan, Alln Carson, William individual cases.
O. Stacey Jr., and R. D. Slater. Francis V. Galloway. Wasco
Their district comprises 50 blocks. I county district attorney, recom-
T work rromouon ame wui mended conviction by 11 out of 12
For Most Part; Places
Quickly Refilled
January inventory out of the
way. a large number of Salem
businesses are on the move to
new locations. Better business
be continued until next Thursday, I jurors in all felony cases except sites, lower rents, more eommo-
witu the teams reporting at the (those rn which capital punish-I dious Quarters these factors are
chamber of commerce daily at 5 I ment may be Invoked. Lotus L. I Involved in the moves. January
o ciock. i Langley. Multnomah countv dis- I ! the usual time for relocating.
Experiences or Itrict attorney, said he believed 10 according to real estate agents
Solicitors, Told out of 12 jurors should be per- Many of the changes will not
Experiences of the solicitors la 1 mltted to return a verdict In a I result in vacant stor and office
oescnoea in tne xoiiowmg state- i criminal case
ment by L. R. Schoettler, secre
"Solicitors all report excellent
reception when they approach the
home owner or householder to ex
plain the Work Promotion plan
A majority of 'the teams have re
ported that in all but one or two
places an introduction and expla
nation of who they were, together
with the showing of the official
pledge book has gained . them
re-dy entrance into the house
OSSINING, N. Y., Jan. 21
(AP) Francis (two-gun) Crow-
lCven thnRft who herttnsA thov I ley. 20 vear old desnerado. was
. - , - ' I - ' . .. , . , . . I lull. AicI J UUBM, UU I lUIUUUHIl
are unemployed, or part-time em-1 Put to death In the electric chair t k tll move from 214 to
ployed, or because sickness or I at Sing Sing prison tonight for ,10 Vni-fh Tlto-h .treat In that
other heavy expenses have made the murder last May of Frederick bulldlng t0 ob5jn larg6r BpaCe
rooms. In several cases, as one
firm moves out, another will
move in. The changes generally
are local, although one Portland
concern is expected to open here
Among the relocations already
made or about to be made are the
The Senator hotel shop row,
which during the past year has
presented the appearance of
man recently come from the tooth
extraction specialist, soon will be
full. Alex Jones, men's furnisher
It Impossible for them to do their I Hirsch, Nassau county policeman.
bit, or to make a pledge, are anx- He was pronounced dead at
lous to know more about the plan, 11:07 p.m. (E. S. T.)
the reasons for this campaign, and His last words were: "Send my
the results that may be obtained, regards to my mother. Tell Mrs.
"The women solicitors general- Lawes (wife of the warden) I
ly say that it has so far proved a appreciate everything she did for
wonderful experience, and that me. Hello Sergeant. I don't think
they have learned things about these things (the straps that
.human nature and about the act-I bound him to the chair) are tight
(Turn to page 2, col. 1) enough for me."
and give way to a Portland beauty
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
Delay Crime Discovery
Witness Declares
fAPl The "secret process" of
Roy Fitzgerald, former Yukon
miner, for panning gold out of
black sand, was before the super
ior court today, but the court
The chamber adjourned early
today until afternoon with, the
premier apparently confident that
he had its support for his foreign
policy, although a vote of confi
dence had not been reached. He
told interpellators that his task
would not be. difficult, for til A.
bate had shown that the house
was almost unanimous in support
of his contention that reparations
were sacred an that France mmt
Vocational Teachers Object Jfi rtSKl! 10 pay morethan
Not to Idea but Lack
Of Suitable Bill
''iii''' is? issr-';
Siegmunds were with Giebler in suddenly face to face with the evi
his car. Mr. Fery, who has a large dence and nersonallties raneed
sedan, suggested that they all go against her, Winnie Ruth Judd,
in hiu car hut Giebler insisted after one blazing flare of anger,
that they go in his. sat with nervously twitching
Fery was in the front seat with (hands and Una today to hear 11
Giebler, the driver, at the time of witnesses testify to facts by which
the accident. Siegmund and the the state will attempt to send her mo?l
two women were in the rear.
first wlt-
wnue the two injured survivors nesses, passing rapidly through
to the gallows.
The prosecution i
of Wednesday's fatal automobile Judge Howard C. Speakman's su
collision lay m Salem and Stay- nerior court, pictured the last
Guarantee Treaty
Kerosal Deplored
M. Herriot deplored America's
rejection of a proposal 12 years
ago for a guarantee nact in line
Vehement criticism of the eon-1 with the Versailles treaty.
gressional bill providing - for a I "The United States, which oft
federal department of education en gives us advice." he said.
was voiced last night by 29 high J "would gain by being closer to ua
fM-roii hv AlhPrt Croll Berkeley ot"wl iubi man muusiriai m uuemauouai negotiations aim-
wTo tliL e1nVes5ed in The gofd Xih at UDltlD. the Whle WOr,d t0
rl.-VT . v.j iiw lamette Valley Vocational In- assure peace."
the guests of shop teachers atlof Chancellor Heinrich Bruening
tnemawa xnaian school lor Germany that Germany could
Fault was found not with the no longer pay reparations and re-.
idea of an education department minded the chamber that recourse
but with alleged failure of the could be had to The Hague trl-
blll sponsors to recognize the I oanai under the Young plan by
practical school subject. The! any of its signatories if one of
Fitzgerald was in court to an
swer a grand theft charge pre-
to receive any returns for his
The miner thereupon offered to
prove to the court that his pro
cess worked, and brought the ma
terials to court.
However, attorneys for Qroll
perwr court, yciuu " '" v,.i k practical sci
ion t1. Coroner Uoyd Wg; know at written, it waa charged, them failed to pay its intergovern-
don. state police andDeputy Dla- if of Ague. Anne Leroi and Hed-1 fff ?1a J does not show a comprehension mental debts.
met Attorney Lyie Page yester- gamuelson, their post-mortem !!. t. . Z.tfct tiMnrfw of the child's viewpoint and M. Herriot said Chancellor Bru-
.'"S" a vesug auon 01 jonmey to the Phoenix railway - declares hi. nrocess in strW8 onl cadexnle aubjects. nlng had plainly stated an Inten
the accident. They found nothing 8tatlon in trunks, and the alleged ESfifT ?i.S whaFrHniti Xl Edition to diacuaslng top- tion to pay no more reparations. ,
to demand an Inquest. Imnersonation of one of her vie- treating the pan is what results L. , b dftl. .Ho th- for h
1 in nrinrin v t n a irnin nn r ' 1
gation, the Instructors heard ad-1 replaced," Herriot, asked, "unless .
Funeral arrangements have In, k- itrr in to diav dl- a bringing the gold out.
been completed only for Giebler. COverr of the slayinrs.
Mrs. Judd is being tried only
for murder of Mrs. Leroi.- The
bodies of both women were found
In a Los Angeles railway station
on October 19.
Mrs. Jndd's blazing emotion
when a psychiatrist for the prose
cution essayed to walk by her
chair was the first she had dis
played during her three days in
"Get out of here! I won't nave
(Turn to page 2, col. S)
dresses by O. D. Adams, director loyalty to contracts be substituted
of the state board of vocational for it?"
education; Professor George Cox, German Campaign
head of the department of Indus-1 Deemed "Abominable"
trial arts and vocations at Ore-1 The leader of the strong radical
gon State college, and Assistant J socialist party said there was ne
Superintendent Ryan of the In- J denying that Germany was in an
dlan school. I unfortunate situation, but he pro-
Dinner was prepared by stu-1 tested against what he called "an
dents rn the school home eco-1 abominable campaign" tending to
nomlcs department. - Ishow that France, with her repar-
The next meeting of the asso- lations. was responsible for Ger-
late yesterday in circuit court Uou near me." she spat from eom- was at the home of her mother. February 18
pressed lips, as she sprang from Mrs. Joe Sobieskl, In the Yank
iPvt c, 1 hftr cn air idq uwi-viuutucui inn district luniKUi Willi 9 UiilCVrs
ber 11, 1920. in Salem to Chester muscles tensed, blocking the path sought Herman Reiten on a war-
ST. HELENS. Ore.. Jan. 21
(AP) Mrs. Patricia Cavin, 20, 1 elation will be held at Albany onjmany's misfortunes.
He read from an experts' report
B. Frasef, claims he has not sup
ported her and has publicly an
nounced he would not be respon
sible for her bills. She wishes to
have her maiden name of Esther
Billings restored to her.
Louis M. Johnston has filed suit
for divorce from Leona E. John
ston. They have three children
and Johnston seeks their custody.
He says his wife has been away
from the home since November
15, 1930. The couple was mar
ried January 14, 1919.
Beulah W. Woodry has com
menced suit for divorce from Rus
sell Woodry, claiming he has a
bad temper, and has on occasion
of Dr. Joseph Catton, psychiatrist I rant sworn out by her husband,
of San Francisco. "You talked John Cavin
about me. I won't hate it.'
aY n that ttio atftt
tm1r Vl .nil VI rt n"r n-ry a.A ho. a.ta 1 HSB.IUUU lU ' . V
Jackson Judge Injured :
Stanfield Divorce Asked
Fisherman's $ody Found
Cities League to Meet
21 (AP) Alex Sparrow, coun
ty Judge of Jackson county, was
Injured seriously here today
when he fell Into a pit while in
specting the heating plant in a
local hotel.,
: Judge Sparrow's head hit the
floor and he was knocked uncon
scious. He had not regained
consciousness late - tonight.
Judge Sparrow and Jackson
county commissioners were ex
amining heating plana here pre
liminary to installing a heating
plant at the new courthouse in
- Medford.
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 21
(AP) Robert N. Stanfield, for
merly United States senator from
. nreron . waa charged with -deser
tion In a dlyorce suit filed by
Tnes Hill Stanfield In circuit
mnrt here today.'
Mrs. Stanfield alleged that her
bnaband abandoned her more
than a year aro. She asks 1200
Immediate support money; 1 100
a month permanent alimony;
IllOO-allmony In a lump sum to
meet obligations Incurred by her
because of her husband's alleged
failure to provide . properly for
her maintenance and support;
. $30 suit money; and $1(0 at
torneya . fees. " :: -'
Mr. and Mrs. Stanfield were
married September, It, 1197.
SHANGHAI, China, Jan. 22.
(Friday) (AP) Rear Admiral
Koichl Shiosawa, commander-in-chief
of the first Japanese fleet
in Chinese waters, delivered a vir
tual ultimatum to local Chinese
authorities today to make an "im
mediate and satisfactory" reply
to Japanese protests over recent
anti-Japanese disorders here.
Admiral Shiosawa, whose flag
ship now is at Shanghai, sent Gen-
There are no childn Mrs.
Woodry seeks costs for her court
Sawmill Output
In West is Down
MARSHFIELD, Ore., Jan. 21
(AP) The body of Albert Ri-
senstein, ZZ, of Westside. was eral Wn Teh-Chen. Chinese mav.
washed up on the beach at Coos or of Shanghai, a note demanding
Head today, mute testimony to that Chinese take Immediate steps
ine iaie oi wree nsnermen, me toward dissolution of the Chin
crew or tne uomet, a fishing ese anti-Jaoanee Salvation ign.
boat, which was lost in heavy I elation and other anti-Japanese
seaa on iuus say oar January z. 1 bodies.
The body was identified by the Unless hia demand. wr Mm,
romer or uuen agee, anomer plied with, he said, "drastic
oi me victims. umer victims measures will he taken br Jinan.
whose bodies have not been Te- ese naval authorities to protect
covereu were joueu magee ana i Japanese right and interests."
Anon Anaruss, oom or coos juar.
( AP ) Officers of the League
of Oregon cities laid plans
here tonight to hold a two-day
conference of city officials of
Oregon at Eugene February 20
and 27.
William M. Briggs, Ash
land city attorney, president of
. the league, said a program for
the conference would be pre,
pared and mailed t all cities
within the next ten days. "
iamiz uuut in
McMahan Court
Three prisoners, all charred
with burglaries, ware arraigned
before Judge L. H. McMahan
eacn pieaaea guilty, and upon
each sentence wag suspended for
10 days, the men being ordered to
appear In court March IS.
Kenneth Ames and Loren Ames
t Individually pleaded guilty to
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Jan. I burglary In a chlekenhouse owned
21 (AP) Unanimous endorse- by F. E. Evans.
meat of flotation of another $1,-1 Steve C Rogers admitted burg
000.000 bond Issue by the state lary in a dwelling house. He is
hichway commission for unem-lsald to have taken rings, wearing
ployment relief was voted by 100 apparel, a watch and a clock, the
representative cltisens at s meet-1 articles being of the total value
ing here last night. . v , ex $250-
Miss Patricia Sobieskl and Ca
vin were married in Vancouver
Tuesday and the girl's mother.
officers said, sought to have the
marriage annuulled.
Cavin brought his bride to the
home of his parents here and
an indication that Germany would
be restored to her full power in
a few years. -v.
"France might help Germany
If Germany does not put France
in a difficult situation." he said.
M. Herriot said America's fail
ure to sign the "guarantee pact,"
which was proposed in 1919, "was
the source of the crisis from
which the world suffers." He re-.
Salem hih school debaters last f erred to the proposed treaty
while he was at work today of- i,gnt opened tneIr participation which would have engaged the
X.V.C-.. u,u "" " " in district competition by winning unuea staiee and ureat Britain
Reiten unsuccessful "ultor for debate here wJtn SUTerton to come to the aid of France if
the girl s af fee tions, ca me to his and ,oa, OQe indepn. she were attacked by Germany
home and Induced Mrs. Cavin to . ? ., , . . l .- vi.v. i-t . ,w
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 21 return home on the renresenU- r.enc?- . ..qu."on aeuatea waa: '
( API-Hal E. Hoss, secretary of tion that her sister was 111. Ke8lve5' "e ' "..V B "IC" "f" , ....
sUteV suggested In an ad, Rel off; t ld luUM pl
before the Oregon State Sheriff s been living at the Sobieskl home. ory u p thft ot Nations. That, he
The Salem affirmative team, I concluded, "would be tne great
Robert Read and Francis Barnes, solution."
were awarded a two to nothing
decision, with the third point
ty sheriffs to issue automoDiie rr j
BLlOU DO- I A If r M " MM
licenses without any question
ing raised.
The association is holding its
18th annual convention here.
In the course of his discussion
Hoss said about 230,000 automo-
m e T 1 ' I decision, wun me tnira point a
Smte Of POllCe ' tie, by Ralph McCulloUgh, Wil-
r I lamette university law- student.
who acted as critic judge. 8peak-
BOMBAY. Jan. 21 (AP) ling on the negative for Silverton
vu " k.. h Ht0rwt . far Thousands of nationalists, as- were VerniU Brewer and Cather- I
this year. This number Is about sembled on Maidan Green at a lne Thomlson.
iK flftO hnrt of tbe increase ex- oinoiuireuuu mwius
At Independence. Charles West'
Tf Mint Dar nested over last year"a registra- been forbidden by the authori- and Waldo Mills, speaking on the
i O IV merer lenZ. OT6r la8t 7 P Uw were disnersed asain and negative for Salem, lost by a two
I l . . v.- I raln hv the notice today, but I to one decision. Independeee af-
PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 21 , "1,, rlVi 1 h";"; Uich time they swarmed back to firmative debaters were Koichl
(API Tn tm wo.tori, tn. I wnoi ov. v " . m" I .v- I Innnr .nf VTWIn TTaIIat Jnd-
, .u " . A lit. SMrin t M Hnri-i iu kitcu. i w-w
a r.ii-i- tj. i " - - i . .
rltory of Arizona, California, Ida
ho, Montana, New Mexico, Ore
gon and Washington, 122 mills
reporting to the Western Pine the 8crol to tn, Hurlburt tamUy.
16, operated at S per cent of ca
pacity as compared'- to 9.7
cent the preceding week, the
sociation revealed today.
Of these 122 mills, 28 mills
operated at 27.8 per cent of their
capacity and 94 mills were down.
The total production for the
week was 12,171,000 feet, while
. - ... . . I . r 1 .v
bnrt of Multnomah county fori A doien of tne aemonsirators gea irom uregou orm
iay w SSft n werewereStanbrouy.Santee-andStan-sociation.
A delegation delivered arrested. . leTj
w Wife of Kidnap
victim willing
To Pay Ransom
Disarmament Situation
Full ot Complications
441,000 feet.
Disarmament has brought Its
DENVER, Jan. 21 (AP) I train of complications Into an ln-
" mi. -m . , I .
shipments were S3.4S8.000 f eet stncajm wue oi w enj a- ternAtIonal situaUon already In-
and order toUled 24,899.000 JTlttilZh l Vld- with reparations and war
feet. Unfilled orders increased l,. I company executive who was kid-
night, offered today to pay "any Developments yesterday were:
reasonable sum" for his safe re- 1. A call was sounded In the
turn. Freneh parliament for a security
Her etfer, mads public through pact with the United States, for
newspapers by her attorney, which France In exchange might
James Marsh, was designed to al- reduce Its armaments one-fourth.
v. TACOMA,- Wash., Jan, II, Mate the effect she felt might l. rrance announce
(AP) The Columbia, university hare been created In the minds ef seas te participate In faction
hoopsters opened a two game ser- the kidnapers by several rewards of naval armamenUat tae ueneva
v... . rvi .nrv.Titnn tntsitnv arms conference next monm, .pro-
lege ot Puget Sound with a 81-21 1 f 2100. .Tiding a geographl JtIo ofaa-
This brought Into the problem
Late Sports
An appropriation of $1500 for
use of the Marlon county depart
ment of health for its work this
year in fighting tuberculosis waa
approved yesterday afternoon at
the meeting of the executive,
committee of the county health
organization held .at the health
unit's office on North High
street. The appropriation was re
duced from the $1800 figure set
in 1931 because ot curtailed
health funds.
The committee decided upea a
child's health conference to be
French security and as favoring a neid the spring before the state
discussion of cuts In land anna
meats at Geneva rather than a
reduction of naval forces.
4. The United States was criti
cized In the Freneh parliament
child's health conference Is held
here May 2 and 1.
Tbe board voted to accept the
offer of Mrs. Saidle Orr Dunbar
of Portland who la to send a spe
for failing to cooperate more I representative Into the conn-
victory In a slow but Interesting
- Scoring honors were about
evenly distributed. The Portland'
nnirra antiroia
nniTvuiT.i trrrr. y.n. il I th hitherto unsuccessful efforts
I of rranea and Italy to reach an
SUI UiOUiMU kcu. s vi wmuu- - . f II .1. ...runt
ers took the lead at the start, and more than 86 rambling tram- accord on the size ot their respect
lost It at half time, but came ors aroused fears here of great lye forces. ......
back stroB la the final period damage near - two volcanoes 1. Washington t fj" Tf
to win,,, .. . ; . I erupting 10 mfles away.- fttsn as epposed to tuaranteelnf
closely with France In Interna'
tional negotiations. Chancellor
Heinrich Bruening waa criticized
for his statement that Germany
was enable to pay reparations.
Edouard Harriot, radical-socialist
leader, reading Into it an Inten
tion no longer to pay, which
France eonld not tolerate.
S. Great Britain, on the side
lines. Insisted that preliminary
work for the postponed repara
tion conference at Lausanne had I WASHINGTON, Jan. 21
been delayed, but not abandoned. I (AP) A federal laboratory for
Germany wants a nnai settlement i staay ex criminal, aepenavnc m
of the problem as soon as possl-1 defective classes would be as tab
blew based on Its declared tncapae-1 liabed under a bill Introduced bj
itytopay. - : Senator McNary vL Oregon.
tr to promote health work here.
Mrs. J. E. Blinkborn reported
that tbe sale ot Christmas seals
In wn ahAnt ons.l to t ha
1930 figures.
Laboratory oi
Crime Planned