The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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...Tha OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Jan nary 16. 1932-
page five
Society News arid Club Affairs
Auxiliary Receives
New Members
Mrsv R. W. Remington enter
tained at her home Thursday
eight In compliment to the Auxil
iary to the Veterans of Foreign
Wan. An Interesting business
meeting developed several mat
ter! of importance. It was an
nounced that eight new members
had been added to the roll , ealL
These aro" Mrs. Verne Ostranden
Mrs. Elmer WetsoV Mrs. C. R.
Mod J, i Mrs. Ray Betzer. Mrs.
Frank Parsons. Mts.'X C. Moor
man, Miss Martha Floer. and Miss
Mahella Brocushlo.
The national organization is
sponsoring a membership drive
and the Salem unit 'under, the
chairmanship of Mrs. Iatra Wood,
la busy augmenting Its member
ship. The new members wilt be
initiated Into the nnlt January 2S
at the Woman's clubhouse.
- Report was made by Mr. Frank
Neiswander, chairman of the en
tertainment committee, that an
old-fashioned basket social is be
ing planned for the near future.
Mrs. Webb Moorman; chairman
of the- welfare eommHtee, review
ed the work of her committee
which is very busy these days,
and summed up the work as be
ing satisfactorily cared for, al
though there was1 much of it to be
. done.
Mrs. William II. Rush, chair
man of the Americanization com
mittee. gave an interesting ac
count of the early lite of George
Washington. This talk was given
as part of the program, being car
ried out by the Auxiliary in con
nectioa with Washington bl-cen
tennial programs. 4
Mrs. Christian Floer announced
that the basket which will be an
additional contribution to the
monthly contribution to the Vet
erans hospital in Portland will
be completed and ready to send
at the next meeting.
Following the business meeting
Mrs. IL M. Baker assisted Mrs
Remington in serving tea. and an
informal sociaihour was enjoyed
Silverton Party is
Large Affair
Silverton One of the lovely
affairs of the winter season was
the dinner given Thursday night
at which Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. George
Steelhammer were hosts at the
home of the formeT. Miss Louise
- Adams and Mrs. Eva Benham as
sisted the hostesses.
Following dinner, seven tables
of bridge were in play at which
Mrs. M. C. Woodard won the high
,score for women and George
Hubbs won the high score for
men. Consolation prizes went to
Mrs. Earl Adams.and T. W. Pres
ton. o
Mrs. T. B. Groves of Wray,
Colorado, was a upecial guest for
the 1 o'clock luncheon for which
Mrs. William A. Schultz was
hostess Thursday complimenting
members of the Golden Hour
club, dbvers were placed for Mrs.
Carle Abrams, Mrs. W. H. Dreta,
Mrs. Groves, Mrs. Claude' Van
Slyke, Mrs. R. R. Hewitt, Mrs.
-E. B. Millard. Mrs. B. E. Slsson,
and Mrs. Schultz.
i Olive M. Doak, Society Editor
tek ens
Saturday, January 16
American Association f University Women, Elks
club, one o'clock luncheon: Mrs. Richard Schols will
speak on "Social Experiment in Vienna."
Many Tents Install
War now h 1ft ra-.n1Mn ."Lv .V "
Bridge Party Tonight
At Minier Home
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Minier
will entertain with a pleasant
bridge evening at their residence
on Fairmonnt hill tonight. This is
the second party for which Mrs.
Minier has been hostess this week
and she wilt again bo hostess next
week lor two small, and very in
formal affairs.
Tonight Mrs. Minier will be as
sisted by Mrs. Walter Pennington,
Mrs. W. E. Hansen, and Miss Jew
ell Minier.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Minier
will be Mr. and Mrs. Scott Page,
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Neer, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Siewert, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Penrkngton, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Guetfroy, Mr. and Mrs. William
McGilchrist. Jr., and Dr. and Mrs.
W. H. Darby.
Miss Wyatt Heads
Primary Council
Willing Workers Class
sniaistar. Hominf worship at 11. 8ar-
swan. - utt mat That irtk 8a y.
Twico Bora." Aataaa. -Hall ta tho 1Ten ODVis, a wiaow
The Primary council, consist
ing of the teachers of the first,
second, and .third grades of the
Salem schools, met Wednesday,
at 2:15, at Garfield school.
Officers elected for the coming
year were a3 follows: Mildred
Wyatt, Lincoln school, president;
Grace Hendrickson, Park school,
tic president; Grace Allen,
Highland school, secretary and
treasurer: Grace Fallin. Lincoln
School, pi-ess correspondent.
A very attractive and worth
while program for the year was
sketched, and plans made to in
crease the membership. The
members of the council are com
piling a book of poems suitable
for use in the primary grades.
The National council has
changed the name from Primary
Council to the Association for
Childhood Education.
The next meeting will be held
at Lincoln school, February 10,
at 3:13 o'clock.
Mrs. Aornia Terwtlllger. was
The Willing Workers class of
the First Christian church met
in the lovely new homo of Mrs.
E. W. Cooley on Rose street,
Thursday, with the newly elected
officers presiding. The rooms
were beautifully decorated with
potted plants.
After an Interesting meeting,
a word building contest was held,
with Mrs. Gibson winning the
The hostess which Included
Mrs. D. B. Simpson. Mrs. A. F.
Noth. Mrs. C. F.Reilley, Mrs. A,
D. Waddell. Mrs. I. A. Murphy,
and Mrs. E. W. Cooley served de
licious refreshments
Present were Mrs. Earl Wood,
Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mrs. A; J. Flint,
Mrs. Carl Sellers. Mrs. O. C. Mo
Dowell, Mrs W. B. Bane. Mrs
R. C. Blaxall. Mrs. V. R. Hicse
thier, Mrs. W. L. Fuller, Mrs. O
H. Hunter. Mrs. C. A. Epley
Mrs. Walter Townsend. Mrs. B
J. Reasor. Mrs. A. D. Wagner,
Mrs. V. J. Hack, Mrs. J. D. Sears
Mrs. M. E. Prumrmer, Mil. A. A
Carper. Mrs. C. J. Emerfck, Mrs
Harry Hunt, Mrs. O. L. Poe, Mrs,
Irene Wirt. Mrs. George Aiderm
Mrs. Frank Jirak, Mrs. W. H
Gardner, Mrs. C. R. Pritchard
Mrs. T. L. Llnd. Mrs. B. W
Macv. Mrs. D. A. Schomaker
Mrs. Will May. Mrs. Terrol Gib
son, Mrs. Lida Bowen. Mrs. Nan
Smith. Mrs. MabTe McGann. and
Mrs. C. C. Cole.
Rebekah Club Installs
Officers for Year
The F. L. club, an auxiliary
of the Rebekah lodge, held its
regular meeting Wednesday even
ing at the home of Myrtle and
Lulu McClay for the purpose, of
installing new officers. The fol
lowing out-going officers in
stalled the new officers: Evelyn
Naderman, president; Evelyn
Heseman, vice president; Adeline
Seymour, -secretary-treasurer.
New officers installed were:
President. Evelyn Heseman: vloe
ana tnese units are now Install-I enthusiastic about, hts sermon.
ing their officers for the coming Sunday night ho wUl speak on
Jar- , "What is Your Life?"
Jr. Bertba Bergman, depart-1 His toa-les dnrinr the. cominr
ment president or Oregon, nasi week, 7:30 each evening, are
iZ 7 7" Menaay. "Zebedee'a Fault." Lord-. Aoi.t.." Sunday school at i with fit children, that ho was
b tho installing of fleer. Tuesday, "Christian Living Fras- canstiaa Eaaaaor at e:s yJB. formlnr a health company. He got
On January 8 the officer of t rated," Wednesday. "The Free- JiH&kJ? t!" Wo4.s- t400 her oa a,!, pre
1)k.2 w.... -t. r. a . i 111. . . , ... - . . .. flT- Archie -Jf e IVoaald. BMakar. 1 - tavavj- wn a"r-
uwhiii,uihii( vi iuiiwj noffl oi wantuan uving, inurs-i tense, and was said to have used
juoimku,, on mauarj m, I OS.?, IBt UVeviiew. f TlOmj, I IMMIWUZL BATTIST
Oint installstioB of tarna t-wita I "TVi Vntwmtlm r-k. N. r..h I Cor oar Haul a4 Andam trta
a Portlabd took place. This was liieaUn- anci -with ihU lffBdV ch?i 10 mWii at
held In the community bouse at pel singing under the leadership asd U.UaKT '-.ti.V Thre?Si.
The evangelistic services be-
pl os "Wlmt i Tour lit it" CmxcXl
acbcol at 8:45. taaraa . Cua&ia. Boot. I
Uttwi mul ht Ain t'naica Ui
Uia Dray World Faara." Tfea High
School groap kaa alkrd tha pa tar to
nti&ao wixh tk tho di&enasioa (
cvaaritasai and CkrisUam LiriaK. vaar
Oliatta TTicao orory mickt aiMpt 0af I
mrmaj. Ml. A. MX. impio prrMBiof.
Con ar -Capitol atd Marias, atraotl. W.
Sale of
Tivuni a S1AS hklAnrlnr ( a n
ing conducted by Rev. Thomas ? rTr, .JtaZL clMM wknowm Salem woman,-termed
H. Temple at Leslie Memorial rioatl it. "kJLllht cLuPl Uo Doe Skobvlaa, was charged:
macfttag aad BrtloB at Aaaaratfe." I SgalSSt E. StrayST, SOvcalled mlS-
-" it cioes. BBDiaet: 1 1 nti, hu , hM waa,.H,..ri.i rprc, Spui ,7:;', j." t.v
rhiirch hia Inrmaiaail tit ft) tar.
Throughout the state the Da ugh-1 est and attendance during tho
rs of Union Veterans of the Civil mat week. Those who have fol-
Ho took until Monday' at 2 p.m.
l?tk iadTeSf JttHC. Storar. I tn "ty jaH following fafl-
ir io raua fsuv -
Strayer. according to the data
University park, and was an out-1 of C S. Orwig.
standing event with a very large. . There wlU -bo special musieal
attendance. I numbers bv member ol tho
January 11 Albany and CorraM choir asd others.
lis tents held joint installation la
Albany, and on tho following night
Eugene's officers were installed.
Mrs. Bergman will go to New-
berg Saturday night and next week
will attend a Joint installation of
Beaverton and Hillsboro tents, to
be held in the latter city.
She has been assisted by an ln-
at 7:80.
100 of this to buy two automo
biles, and to have banked a share
of it.
He allegedly claimed he repre
sented tho West State Sales Ser
vice, affiliated with tho Greatest
Endeavor Society and tho Strayer
CI arc mm Ctearefceta atnata. Br.
? vh-r.- Coauaanioa, aty Missions.
aad araioa. 11 Coaflmation iiuu I hA and Jane Doe Skobvlaa were to
A1 'duU I be married. A petty larceny charge
.4 7.13 P-a. Taeaday. t S9ttU9 brought him sll
etahoeustio vAsr.svACT.n I months sentence, under name of
S2rcni1 Jtfsc'cfars LThirtth wrteti. c. o. George Strayer, according to re-1
W LOUti irilOOiViJ "Mioo. caitor. tOBdy lehool
a fli.m i. k . ... m o
Today - One
Sat. Only
Fall and Winter
Special Meeting
Announced For
Special meetings will start Wed-
at 1:45 I ni1a of tti. ctat.
it tie acrTic at T:45 n.m. Hnri . ma.
tie, lnatruataatal aad ToeaL Wedaeadar
stalling staff ehown from tho dif- nesday night at th City Gospol P.. rari pr.y maeUn. TTI TIL
lereni lenis. Mlaalon. 349 Krth CammerftUl aj- at i : ao pat. prayer aad praua n . .1 fill II VI 111
Thf-ft taklna tiftrt at HlffArnt I ' t- I Mrneo. batnrday at 2 p.m. eaildraa'a t-e J VllllUUll
.. t..i .t I r ' "i: iuun iernca at 7:S
m"" iivtMx ma iuvi ui jQiutauuu 1 j yy. urown or xacoma win p..
re- . launch a revival campaign for at .....
Mabel A. Lockwood. depastment i--t tw weeks. Ichkistiah mmsiosaet axLlakcb
secretary; Mabel Gardner. Julia vt nrnwn l- 'iindan'omlnation- tor. Phon. ssaa L.; T-.r! .Var
1 . "v"Mu o, -i6'" isj ano. is Known as one or mei""- mm.
RIngle, Gfadys Bartholomew, beat speakers in evangelistic work !?? 'K H '.;5hJ
Supt. Morninr wor-
rata 'Tka Graat Phv-
Ercning JWriea at 7:30 p.m
Will Preach
Here Sunday
ci, 1 t i-v.v "rr l 1 . 1 - I icia.
ivarnryn urown. t-aura ArpKe, niavs. A fellowshlD meeUnie will p i work Wedday 0Tiar. ,1.u": 'uun.B ""
Erma Swaddel, Mary M. Entrees, ii.Mat th AAontnr mMttur. iD,ulf. "opU'a aigat, Thurday. 7:30 Town, soutn Ainca, win preacn at
Eulen. Bales, Jennie Milter, Alice Ministers from Portland and other &ynftrk'' le'd" Bik" Itt3dy Hf slle M,emoriai rch- n
Horning and Maude Tallman. 1mh. m h nrMnt ' Commercial and Myers streets.
Many lovely gifts have been I , itt gospel missios bunday morning, on "The Uynam-
presented to Mrs. Bergman on I I .-ona yoiamereta! umt. n. Haa- ic or enrtsuan living. Bisnop
these various occasions. PART OF KORAN GONE tTr.T ?. Tr.V and Mrs. Johnson arrived In Port-
JERCSALEM. Palestine. Jan. l'ounr TeoDia'a aarrwe. Sunda, rvu.." land Christmas morning, where
Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Caldwell 14 (AP) Part of a manuscript 1 ni' johool at 10 am. Prrachiag aer- they visited at the home of a sou.
announce the ensraeement of their of the Koran txas oisappearea, gii.k 8 - T-' "i"t" . ur- noimes jonnson oi mai
aaugnter, mis wava t-aiaweti. io ins urana aiuiii ssiu tomgai, ouii visu. tyn,-rii5tio j. . Brova aad wJa-v'- A-13- wee m.Cy uum m
Floyd Warren, son of Grant War
not the whole manuscript, which lttom, 7'" bfFia Krirai ram
Is valued at $100,000.
paign Wednesday.
in ihe Churches
TUBKEB C HEIST IAN, .a'rlock; mbjact: "'The Temptation of
E J. (HlstTiD. nastor. Ribla school lft I Jesna." Kreninr wonhin 7:30 o'clock:
a. Morning worship, Joha Schmidt, I inbjeet: "Cuei and Kffacts." oaag I ST1'-
leai to gpend tome time with an
other son. Rev. S. Darlow Johnson.
Bishop Johnson has been in
i charge of the work of the Metho
dist Episcopal church In the south-
ioaz leader. Tae Balem thristiaa aval I People a meeting b:3U a clock; tasjeet.
quartet will aiag at moroiaf etuirca aar- My Share in My Home." Aid Society
Batei will preach oa I meerraga Wednesday aad Friday. Mt-
illigli and Center streets. l. J. Howa.
pastor, itesidenca 1028 N. Winter atreet.
U145 a m Hnhla (I J Tt S3,.nt
Tha school ii beginning a pra-Kaater coa- I (Fn half of Africa for the past 18
teat with Roseburr and Medtord. 11 am. I -i-aa ra TTn talVa intrAtfnirlT of
Mind of ennst." 6:S0 p.m. Chrrttian Ea- 8noes IS iascmaung manner dw
d4Tor meetinga. 7:80 p.m. ETangeiiUa dense iuueles. her wonderful riv-
VW lUa I'ailUT. lilt V.- . Titna r.-or1
and Up
rice. Evangelist
Evidencing tha New B:rth at 11
o'clock. C'hriitian Endearor 7 p.m. Jack
aoa Skiler. leader. Erangelitt Bataa
speak oa the ''Unpardonable Sta" at
p.m. Reeeptioa for new membara Moa
day evening. Programs followed by to.
is! hour.
week meeting Wednesday, 7:30.
Siindar school 10 a.m. in Nelsoa Hall.
Preaching 12 naon. earner of Cheaekata I 101
and Liberty.
rtlly of Eicuset." Mid-week
tednesoay, 7:S0 p.m.
nasi baptist
Britton Rosa, paUor. Pkooa 36(4. Bt-
bla ecnool :43. rra Broec Sant. llora
ing worship at 11:00. Special music. Ber
hostess to the Past Presidents club ! president. Adeline Seymour; sec
of the Woman's Relief Corps Wed- retary. Hazel McElroy; treas
nesday afternoon at her home, j urer, Lulu McClay. ' .
Following a busiiiess meeting a so-
cial hour was enjoyed and (Mrs.; Mrs. A. L. Headrick eniertain
TerwlUlger served tea assisted by j ed in compliment to members of
her dauKhter-ia-law; Mrs. Letting- the Loyal Woman's class of the
North Cottasa and D btreett. O. W.
Rutseh, minister. Sunday school. 0:43 a. moa at 11 ,a.i. The tubjaat of tha mora-
m. sam stturmia, supt. Heriaa ll a.m. I U aiscowrio win oa rronioiuoa n-
Jermon topic: "Tha Faith of a Hoataaa) Inlawed, lit Spworta Laaguat meet at
Wernsn. " Choir Anthem. t-Tening aamoo I p.m. in suojact oi iaa OTsamg ear-
7:t0. Rar. A. Boaltar will apeak oa moa at 7:51) pn. will Da ' itia tiskin
'Job' Confesiioa of 1'aHV." Regular
mid-week prayer terTke at 8 p.m. Wed-
First Christian church at her
home Thursday. Guests were Mrs.
Laura Osborn. Mrs. Almira Reed,
Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Hart,
Mrs. M. M. Ransom, Mrs. Kutcb,
Mrs. Gleason. Mrs. O. J. Hull,
Mrs. Lunger, Mrs. Ada Pfeil, Mrs.
F. D. Cornett, Mrs. Case. Mrs.
Flint, Mrs. tfauk, Mrs. Ed Town
send, Mrs. Birdwell, Mrs. Gab
bert. Mrs. Flora Clark, Mrs.
Smith, Mrs. Armpriest, Mrs. Rich-
tor, Mrs. McReynolds, Mrs. Keene,
Mrs. Riggs, Mrs. White. Mrs. Em
ma Knox, Mrs. R. Cooley, ana
Miss Nellie Clark. Mrs. Reed, Mrs
Moore, Mrs. Knox and Mrs. Coo
ley assisted in serving refresh
Silverton Tryphena Girls of
tha Rebekah order will hold a spe
cial meeting Monday night at the
home of Mis3 Ruth Lorenzon' for
the purpose of continuing work on
their auilt. A group new a meei
Ing there this week at which time
thev besran auilting. At a late hour
a potluck supper was served
Present for the evening were
Mrs. Sarah Adamson. Mrs. C. H
Givens, Mrs. R. F. Larson. MTs.
Mafy E. Riches, Mrs. Carl Loren
son. Miss Emma Adamson. Miss
Letha Cavender, Miss Helvle Sil
ver, Miss Ora Larson, Miss Catha
leene Cuddv. Miss Winifred
Vern Adams, Marie Borg. Riehes, Miss Lois Anne Riehe3 and
Echo Hall. Evelyn Entress, Etva ! tha hostess. Miss Lorenzon.
1t,TPiiio Tanti Tl aria nil Phor. I o
A v- V-' 14 a v. , m- v a aai a a&a f v uia
well. Mrs. Helen Southwiok will
entertain the club at her home
February !(. Guests for Wednes
day were Lizzie W. Smith, Sarah
E. Draper, Amanda Crum, Louise
King, Rose R. Voris, Florence E.
Shipp, Helen Southwick, Clara T.
Adams. Bertha Loveland, Sarah
Peterson, Jennie F. B. Jones, and
Mr3. Leffingwell as a special
Members of he Kensington
club were entertained at the
home of Mrs. T. S. Roberts
Thursday afternoon. Music by
Prof. T. S. Roberts at the organ
and by Miss Eleanor Aspinwall
at the piano added .pleasure to
the Informal afternoon which
was spent in sewing. At a late
hour Mrs. Roberts was assisted
in serving a pretty tea by Miss
Lois Steinke. Mrs. Walter Jenks.
Mr3. LeRoy Hulett, Mrs. A. A.
Siwert, and Mrs. L. B. Hill who
is a house guest of Mrs. Charles
Hudkins from her home In- Lew-
iston, Idaho.
Rev. nd Mrs. H. C. Stover en
tertained members of the high
school Sunday sehool class Wed
nesday night in the social room
of Knight Memorial Congrega
tional church. Those present
Wist salem
Suaday sclodl at ' Summit aad Ford
Memorial k 6:45 a.m. Tba morning aar-
or a Uood Tear. special masia . bota
morning and evening. C. L. Dstk, minister.
irjtrtfi BAPTIST
Bay C York. 1. D., .supply mla-
uttr. fcundsy, :4&, Brbla ecbooi; io:a,
morning .worship with sermon by Dr. 0.
MIDDLE V HOVE Charch school 10
a.m. T. f. Talker, hupt. Worship at ll.
!inhirf "The Hnnixi for Worahrb." Sen
ior E. Lv.CE.att 6:b0. Monthly V. M. I J. uim oi rotuwii; o;w, k ut ar
S. meetinr Wednesday, 2 p.m. Mid weak pla'a meetings; 7:80, otaaiag wortkia
terrice Wedneaday eraning,a 7:30. with sermea by Dr. tiiae. Thursday.
LABISH CEJTTER Chorea acaool It I xoang raop.o eaoir renearaai;
a.m. W. A. Ktarter. Supt. U. C It 1 I I :av, prmyax owniaf awuiB wm at
Topic, "My Shsra in My Home" ETaa-frty Siaa; 8:80, Joint Choir Reaeartal;
ing worship at 8. Subject. ,'Rpct for Friday. 7;80, adult choir rehearsal.
Lite," Mid-weeK Wblo atuoy ana prayer
r i.. n,nj. 1 -.9rt I AKUCAM I.trZilKaUs
CliEAn LAK.K Church ICIOOI 1 uanrca avt miwvra ww.a mam
-. .M 1 . T. T TIT T,M.V. ..... , 1
m vm w ' I'a arfl Knnt. jr r. 1.. a. i vtawr. . . ia.w. .
at 11. Intermediate LUCE at "Vietor&is March tf FaiUu" Ereamg
Jr. E. h. C. E. at 11; Internaediato E. L. I semee at 7:30. Topia: "At Jess Patted
C. E. at 7 B.ra. Biula atody clast Tuesday By." Gospel siaging led by ehilrch chor-
vening 7:80. W . M. 8. regular monthly j us.
I mm m, m, A .UatiAal Tr1raitw 4 Tl Wat. I
H. SL. Schenermsn, pastor, noi taios w . ", -
street. Salem. L"l""T Vr
uaiioway, pasior. acsiuvdbi v juirs)
riKST UNIT Alt IAN ttreet. Phone 9630. 11 a,m. "Ca 1 Wit
Sorth Cottage md Chemeketa streat. Man to Jasual Howl ' 7:10 PA"wW
r. i- i Du. nulu,, nhaaah I ar Boaadt" Sunday aohool .45 avaa,
saho'ol at 10 tA Miiea U. MaKey. 8apl M. LitwiUet, Supt. 1 X. P. 8. a4
Ckurch serriee at 11 a.m. Senhon: "Th J Jnnior Society :0 p.m. Miss ThaarSaaip
tnlifted Arm." Soloiet. Mrs. Tmma Htxa- lion, president, Joha Fneten. jaaiot an-
with tropical vegetation.
But It Is Clear that his real in
terest lies in the people ef Africa,
and his enthusiasm mounts as he
tells of their need, of their possi-
Iathotvtl,e1Cr?"-"B- T- p- u- blllties. and especially of the trans
lAVso'.'s. arming power of the gospel mes-
" We!nedr mitt DrsTer meetinx saee in their Mves. He has trav-
an BiDio atuo at t..9. worw w ide eied thousands of miles eacn year.
lHt." ;?!? 5 much of it through strange and
p.m. , wild territory. Sometimes he can
Trr, use an automobile, but often oniy
lUUOUUlu (klulVB I .1. - j 1 it,. VI...1. y.m Trmt
n j j . I 1UH UUUIV. lilt) U1WU9 HI
tuiusr axLKniaau ana taurca iireeu. i - .. . .
Edgar P. Si ma. pastor. Bibia achooi :45 traveler could penetrate wnas
a.m. K. M. UetkatC Sapt. Moraing, eerriee throUKh which he passea.
" -rc l 0 There are in Salem many who
ESS cT E.mTr 'X'-W''X: kww BUhop Johnson during the
termediate 63 a.m. Special tinging at rears of his ministry in Iowa, some
eacn aorrico.
11 a.m. Subject: "What Jeroa Christ
Arks of His FoDowera According to St.
PaaL" Soadar aekoal :5 a.m. Mrs.
A mas E. Miaaeaaaa, Sept. Latkor leagaa
7 p.m. Alartaa Battormaaa. leader, gaaa
tioa Box aad aaawera for tka otaaiaa.
Bftaday nigot, aaeoad laetaro ay Bar. Fred
Thenar on aritrip to Germany.
Kaiser achoolhomaa throo milaa aortk
of Salaat oa tko rtror road. Bayoa Boa a, !
pastor. Church school at It) o'clock. W.
S. parage. Sop. Tonng peopto'g Tertm led
by 'Ernest Sataga. Worship aorrieo at 11
o'doek. Theme : '"What Doaa it Keaa to
Follow Jeans I' Ka erenlng lerrice.
. Chameketa and Liberty streets. Sondsy
aorriooc at 11 a.m. aad a p.m. BaJjoct.
"Lifo." Snadar aohool at 9:4S aad 11.
ker, pastr. 9:45 a.m. Church aehaoL Teittmonisl aeaatlag WedaeMay ertnLng
11 a.m. junior chareh nader direction ad at 8. Beading room at 406 Masonia Tern
Mist Fercio Milaa. Betty MeUatt, tta- pie open from 11 to 5:30 except Basdaya
dent from India will apeak. 11:00 mora- and holidays.
Inz worskip - Annual church roU call iotr 1
With tha Church 1" 8:30 Four deration- I Corner Hood and Cottage streota. 6. W.
raVtor Morniar aerTi'ea, U al meetings for Toung Poopla. 7:88 Fira Hatch, pastor. Dial 88S7.Morning aerriea
k P.ubfe Tia'serm. four .. rert pictfu'ra of 'rtho F.arion Flay." 11 .m "What i. Splritnalityf" Bar.
on "The Fkith That Haals' ' . them. , ,.TOPTa . It. Spte.'.' byo!i?!!
r.liar airrTlcw, l.ov v.oa. ginjm.
Yooni Peonla'i Right. Eoaday achooi 18
Supt. xonag
ton. Organist, Mrs. Walter A. Dentoa. - Ipervisoro
Higiiland and Alyrtla arenaa. Ka.
Ttos. V. Keenan, pastor. Phone 811.
Sunday masses at S and 10:80 o'clock.
Week "day terraces at 8:15 o'clock.
Center and Liberty atreett. J. B. 31
for this week "Faith -and Bodtly lilt" Mr
J. B. Simords. Evening service. 7:30
o'clock: sobjfct: Reeiew of Professor
Einstein's new book "Cosmic Religion."
Sur.Jav school, 9:43 a.m. F. E. Neer, Supt.
- ttsst ic. .
State aad Church streets, B. Earlo ?-
Eiitaenth and Suto auaoU. Bar.
Amos E. Mianemaa, A. M. pastor. Gar ma a
orriooa 9:S a.m. Subject : "Okrlatiaa
of them members
which he served.
of churches
remeea :4j a.m. Subject: " Chris tiaa I y
Dutioa a They Are CutlUo4 For the I QSOIl LGG TO
Chriatiaa by St. Paal." Engliah serricea J a' awt-w a.-r
Observe 12th
Mnsnn s
for ft
n m
M mW ft. I
BF . aaaav f 1 I
aT". J mWI II
- J av L r ' I
I at -V 1
" if
Jason Lee Memorial charch.
Winter and Jefferson Sts.. will
sponsor a rally service aunaay
night, at 7:30 o'clocE. marring
the 12th anniversary of the istn
amendment to the Constitution
of the United States.
There will be special music
and two addresses, one by the i
pastor. Rev. Hugh B. Fouke, Jr.,
on "Why Prohibition Came" ana
one by Mrs. Necta M. Bucr, na
tional worker In the W. C. T.
U., and prominent Salem union
officer, on "Present Issues and
Future Outlook In Prohibition".
The community Is cordially in
vited to attend.
lotte Eyre, Lucille Mosher, Ver
Qse Griffon. Edna Hurley, Louise
Macklin, Betty Parker. June
Johnson. Helen Drakely. Dorothy
Seder, Margaret Kingston, Mar
garet Magee, Vern Adams, Blllle
Drakeley, Maynard McKInley, Joe
Baker, Ralph Eyre. Chauncey
Atne and Rev. and Mrs. Stover.
Miss Marjory Jane Kletsing ob
served her 6th birthday Friday at
the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Kletzihg. Snow out
doors and special guests made of
the occasion a gala affair for the
wee maid. Among the guests were
Frederick Anunaen with whom she
has celebrated raost-of her birth
days, her grandmother, Mrs. R. A.
Kletzing and her aunt, Mrs. Joe
Needham of Des Moines, Iowa.
o o
Mrs. W. C. Conner entertained
with a surprise birthday dinner
at the Conner residence Thursday
nt?ht 'in mmnllmnit tn tha hlrth.
A dressy uttie moaei ua , A 1Mr.T, Tnr tha tnr.
maicnmg oioomers cn otr m.u, keT dJnner covers were placed for
of dimfty, swlss organdy or crepe Mr and Mrg c N Needha, Miss
de chine. The V -neckline, repe"" Gladys Harbert, Clare Conner,
ed in back. Is gracefully edged and for the guegf 0f honor and
with a ruine oi sen laDnc. " hostess, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Con
yokes are created by slashes in Cardf and dancing were en-
. . . m. - - t aVV m- m la f I . . y - .
me ironi Deiow wuicn iu joyed following the dinner hour,
is gathered for additional fullness o o -
and animation. . .. . Complimenting Duane DeMa-
Pattern .226$ Is obtainable oniy iu ho with Blll famnT will
in sises 2, 4, and 8. Sise 4 re-jteaTe for Eugene soon where the
quires 2 yards of 3 6-lnch ma- famlly Tn mate iU hom. a
terial. No dressmaking experience groap ef 6,gh sch0i people en
Is necessary to make this model tertained Friday night with a
Oak Point Eighteen women
met at the home of Mrs. M. R.
Black for the first meeting of
the year for the Independence
Rural Woman's club, Mrs. J. W.
Walker, the president, presiding
Winter and Cbexeketa streets. Gror
C. Birtcaet. D. S.. pastor. 9:30 a.m. 1 a.m,. Mrs. Maude Dent.
Ckurch achool. L. M. Ramage. Sapt. lllpeorjle'a m eerier 8:30 p.m. Sorrico er
a.m. Mtrning worship. Ker. W. P. WTiito. I try night at T:30 except Saturday ny Ker.
I). D., president Los Angelea tfroie iniu-ijg. A. it on lay. aTangeiist.
tnt will soaak on tka subject: l no I
Two Adn'ms." 6:80 n.m. Christian Ea- I JASON LEI K. E.
Wuitor aad Jafierson streets, itogh a
v:. .'.u.i,. ....;.. i hm lie. niie win ama mtnmM. iin noun, m r.. aorsini .qihup a&
-wornina; w.r5n.F "1::1 K' ."in v.. . tvm OlS . s..nn ty,mm,m "Pn. tm Berom.
Christian rcrteetion. crening wonnip i . - ri .7 I VTV., vl ..i.
A. , , i v ; . . . n j t -.i i piwtt " i tr tvnita win rive a series i son ok uou. iriatni wpnaip nr.ic.
. - Of A." 1 ' MAaiM4 ft K II I n H) BII 1IU BUU gAUUllliUIll - I A. IBtlJ a r wa-m a mmm
lion. l"l " - l-l .V. 1M mt tk.
fetewsroship. . rr--... -A"-T:f
. .. a . . . L -
tbcv ,iTitTTT a T TtT 1 SOUTH tsusus I tat at or I no pastor ana ar. nnai
V!.m hl SSI Chemeketa atreet. Oa r 3.
l...Uf-..4 Knh Winter atraata. J. ft.
Stewart, pastor. Sunday school, 9 :45 a.m. I deavor sAcietiet. 7:80 p.m. erening wor-
o'clock; subject:
tonTH SAXEaf FRIENDS talks br the oastor
CommorciaT at Washington streets. 1 Bock oa "Why Problbitioa Camo" and
" ' . ' v .... .... I TM . k. MMnriAV aar. I ' !.... Tmmnmm mmm Ktttnwm wrmi 1MI
Ta m IT h vtm-m Aff iw will Har IBatavlLM I IBM. V. aawr., mrmw I . . -. . . . . .
Hngh Black Of Dallas, county by Wm. A. DaTiiel, tho state rio preai- ritaj 10 Soadfcy . n,.
410 State Street Tel. 9123
clerk, spoke on
The club will meet
2. with Mrs. J. W. Graber of
Hopville. for an all-day session.
Mrs. Harry Walker. Mrs. K. N,
"Opportunity". U"- h regolar Sunday cVrtlo Irons 8:80 Coohv S'tpt 11.
Tor, te 7:30 followed ty eon aerriooo and mon: at I
Tuesday, Jan. , , , , Topie 'Tho Call ot tha Aoeompliahodl"
irit.' Mrt. Mary SchwodeL paator.
Haa tha 18th Amaadaveat
5 o.m. . renvara As ol
faahionad temperance meeting. Thursday,
Wood and Mrs. D. E. Long were 1 streett. Ktr. R. V. wnaon, pastor. Soa-
IUtly HiU Array PoUtlcs
ROME (A) Fifty-five officers
7-so am. prayer meoting and Bible atv and men of the Italian army hive
dy ia Dtniei. been deprived of their military
,--t.t I medals, some awarded for heto-
Sontk Comaserrial al Myera. 8. Dar- iSBU la the great War, because of
-i i a. ae vir mm tl
oay kuiwi .w J.."""y - I. :-r Z aia w XI .... I
oaall lrantocoat tome f .ow aioonaon, piw Ti I V""11'-"' imeuna.
. - I 1.. u . .
. to Mat" Eraning worahi:3e lo'olk; rhoso 87. Morning wonblp
Aerie yoiJnf poi,', meeting 6:80 o'clock ; o'clock. Sermon. "The Dynamic t Ckria-
r Of subject: "My Sharoia tho Home." tia Urtag," by Bishop Eboa 8. Jakav.
; ion. Happy Iroalng Hon at 7 :S0, "
Willamette auxiliary and
Kn.. 2 OS Fraternal Order
. . . . , I . 1 aM TTa in v
for a DOtlUCk dinner and social 1 . . , ,-.v. .. n v Kk . Irwwir amartet a amber. "Dal ta Dy
evenlnr. About 70 Were present 1 1 .tr. SnadaT aebool t :43 Vat. Mra. I ing te tho Waat" (Sharwin). aa aa
ftt tho dinner, some coming later j Edward Wellor, Sapt. MotbIbi wortbip U eraageUttic menage ty Bar. T. a. if
forthe evening. Cards anadaac-;
with our pattern.
Tka new winter catalog U aoa?
ready, i U tea tares the newest la
afternoon, aparta sad hanaa
ilararia 'naiamaa Sad kia-
diea clothes. Also aWigbtfal gift '
aaggestioea accessory and traao
for patterns. Prict af ratttog.
fifteen eaata. . Catalog stHa pat
tern, twenty fira eoata. Addreta
II mail and orders to The Statea
naa Pattern DpartaMat.
Wxat 17ta atreet. Now York City.
. Bon flfteea eeata la eoiae
tamos (eoiaa preferred t. for oaea
patter. Writ plainly your aama.
line nartv and refreshments fol
lowing. Win jenks, Kaipn
Stearns and Irwin Edwards acted
as hosts for the evening.
a .
Mrs. Charles Hudkins and her
sister. Mrs.L. B. Hill wbo is a
truest here from Lewiston, iaano,
motored to Longview, Washing-
rnri. t snend Friday at tho home
f nharles W. Jelly, brother ot
H Mrs. Hudkins and Mrs. HilL
8 SB 8S . .
Mrs. John Marr who underwent
a serious operation at Salem Gen
ing were enjoyed till a late hour
The next meeting of the auxil
iary will bo Jan. 20 with Mrs.
Harland in charge of the social
Mrs. J. L. Schaupp entertained
Thursday with an attractive aft
ernoon in compliment to members
of the Friendship club. An infor
mal few hours of conversation.
readings and music were conclud
ed with refreshments. Mr. E. T.
Kertson will be the next hostess
January 28.
o o o
Mrs. Lenora Krelsal will be
hostess to members ot the Past
Noble Grands at her home Wed
nesday evening. Mrs. Clara
Sh'elds. Mrs. Louis King, and
Mrs. Ida Traglio will bo assistant
hostesses for tho' evening,
O O 0
Turner Mrs. E. J. Harrison
entertained the Methodist Aid so
ciety and a few friends Thursday
afternoon In honor of her house
guest, her mother. Mrs. J. R
Hopkins whose homo is at Farm
ingdale, South Dakota.
Mrs. Josephine ! Chllders was
complimented Thursday with vis
its and remembrances from many
I -
6 --: .-jr t
i rfci, .ys-.:-' J
? N " " '
lsi. A '
r EialBOre Theatre High Ferry StaV
rhiirrh ohool 9:40 a. m. Preaching 10:50-
a m. and T:30 n. m. B. T. P. U.'s :S0
p. .m
Anthem: "Deep River? Burleigh
Anthem: "The King of Lov My Shephard
is" Shelley
WELCOME W. Earl Cochran, pastor
. ('.
if .:' - I
m J
American Lutheran Church
Church St. Bt. Chemeketa & Center
11 A. M. Victorious March of Faith.
Anthem; Still. Still with Thoe, Heyr.
Solo: God Shall Wipe Away All Tears,
Mrs. A. J. Sholseth Roma
7:30 P. M. As Jesus Passed By.
Special Music. Song Service.
,2:30 P. M. Annual Charch Meeting.
Rev. P. W. ' Eriksen, Pastor
of this
Oriental Rug.
2 and 7:30 P. M. Today
No Stick Opportunity WiVL Ever Again
be Available to thelPeople of Salem!
0 ' ' ' - -
Near Capitol Theatre
We mean every
word of it folks. . .
We said clean-up,
and that means ev
ery fall and winter
coat at practically
your own price. . .
and Up'
. YouH thank us for
All sales must be for
mmm a a
uasn jno Approvals
No 'Refunds
- v4&4 SUte
"Tha Store for. Ladies
add rata aad aty la aamoer.
are to state Use tea.
eral hospital this week is reported
friends on h occasion of her
'as recovering slowly.
72nd birthday. . , - -