PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATES3IAN, Salcm '-Or'Wednesday' Moraing; Janoary 8, 1932 Teams : to on w. u. ion Fast igM. j i - ROSEBUDS WILL PLAY BEARCATS A-B-C'S OF BASKETBALL By "Spec Keene and "Bob Boardman Start at 7:30 p. m. No team can ever win consist ently unless the fundamentals of the game are first mastered. The Florsheims and Linfield tolrnportant 6hotg a beginning bas- MiY" Firt fiamp Will jketball player should practice. It and Is also used In shooting tree shots. TT.tJl 11 1 a. Mt tmnnlTttf TIVFTPS nia me. uau uy me linger Willamette Rosebuds "d .p,mf' ndlin0 n,B' AY-. v i Hewitt tne heels" of the hand. With f m2 ? McChesney th DlaTer "onching forward, the K""!ra" c - ; X52 ball starts from the lower chest; Kloostra......C jJJ the bands are pushed forward Relke. ...... .U. , .... xeraovica ., j a - n . Allen. ....... G Anderson "d upward (b a full extension Z , v. .Va of the arms, before letting the Tonight at 7:30 the Wltam- ball go. The eyes should be ette university Bearcats will tan- flxed on the froBt rim and top gle with the speedy high scoring of tne bMktt and kept tnere Qn. Rosebuds of Portland on the la- tll the oall hlt, the basket. Push cal floor In a double header bas- ih6 ball easily without trying to ketball game with . Florsheims "English" it, but rotate the and Linfield college meeting in hands in slightly at the finish of the second frame of the program. tne shot BO tnat the tnumba curj The Rosebuds haTe had one of jn and aim08t touching the palms the hottest Portland quintets for face toward the basket, the in several seasons and are appar- dex tlnger sbjould be the last to ently going just as strong now. leave the ball. Keep elbows at Last Saturday night the Rose- side and in front of the body and buds played Kenton,-and won 72 do not spread them as 'the ball to 24, on Kenton's own floor. All is thrown. The arms and shoul- fiye of the Rosebud regulars contributed to the scoring and three substitutes added 23 of the points. MeChesney is a classy forward and loops the net from any an gle. Anderson is a guard, but just as speedy as a forward and Is usually a high scorer. Coach "Spec" Keene has not definitely decided on his starting lineup,' but Indicated yesterday j that George Scales will not play because of an infected knee, rer- CHE.snSHonr- PLJ& JhJ r TIL r V. X N j . HOLD &A1.1. BY nN6KMTirS A HO WOT MMNtTTNS MtU-3. OF HANOn (f TUSM CALL viTMojr ' t it ut rre umi eoa. ders should be relaxed complete ly aa the ball leaves the hands, Parrish Wins Over Turner By 23 to 12 a iiem goai. Turner had a large center who was outstanding while Don Coons was the best Parrish man on the floor. In a preliminary game the Par rish Trojans defeated the Capitol Journal carriers by a safe lead. Parrish junior high defeated Turner high school basketball reamy Z3 to 12. here Tuesday ey Carpenter Is the only other night in a return game of the Mar- veteran man. - . Ion county B league. Carpenter has been shifted to This is the third consecutive forward recently and Ray Grif- victory for Parrish. Friday night fith Is being used at the other Coach Brown will take his squad sharpshooter's post. Griffith is to Newberg to play the Junior a fast man with, a lot of stamina high team there, and makes a large percentage of The Parrish players were off attempted shots. Though he on their shooting, but were able looks small beside the men he to work the ball In close for many has been playing with for the scoring opportunities. They were past two nights, he Is all of six aiBO woefully weak on foul shoot feet tall. . inr. but Coach Brown attributes ' i Reike Is the tallest man on the j part of their inaccuracy to the team, measuring six-ieei-iive recently holidays, with his shoes on. He and Allen steinke was high scorer of the have been placed at guard and game wjth ejght points, all gained .with Kloostra at center, a tall, tn the first half. Phil Salstiom. fairly smooth combination has the other forward, accounted for been found. - Max Alien has Deen SjX 0f the Parrish chalk marks. Improving steadily this season wirti at center scored two Doints. and is -now breaking into the DeJardin and Coons, guards, two scoring column -more frequently. ana three noints resnectivelv. and Ail the men in that five are White, a substitute forward, made later, iair scorers wun ivioosira per haps out in the lead when It comes to gaining points. Additional Groups slay See Action Another combination which Keene' has been using, lncludse Moore and Faber forwards, Con nors center and Kaiser and Lem on guards. Benjamin, Kitchen, - Hartley and Burdette are others on the squad who may see action , tonight. . Florsheims will play Linfield Immediately following the WI1 'lamette game. Linfield has fin ished third in the northwest con-. ference basketbal race for two seasons and now has a veteran team back. . ! , r Wayne Darby, the tall lad who ' scored 14' points in one half against Willamette university . last year, is back and will prob ably get the call for center. Oth er veterans among the Wildcats are Russ Hollingshead, Wayne Eckman, Chet Cook, George Ser- . geant, Chet Gillam and Virgil Klngsley. Also several freshman players have strengthened the .;. squad. .'" . This game will doubtless be , good from the spectator's stand- point, and will give the Bearcats ! good comparison wirhrl Linfield as i Willamette and Frsheims will play Friday and Saturday. Florsheims will be tat full strength . for tonight's contest with Adams and Marr starting at forward positions, Flake at cen ' ter and Ashby and Drager at guards. . Frosh in Run For Class Cup At Dallas High DALLAS, Jan. 4 After trail ing the entire game the Dallas freshmen came to life and beat the juniors 24 to 21 In the third game of the interclass series. This vic tory put the freshmen back In the race for the interclass champion ship and practically eliminated the juniors. Present standing in the series are: W. L. Pet Seniors ........... .1 0 1.Q.00 Sophomores .-.1 0 1.000 Freshmen ...... .-...1 1 .500 Juniors 0 2 .000 Only three games are left in the series. The sophomores play the seniors this week and the freshmen vs. seniors and sopho mores vs. juniors games will come Practice throwing -slowly and continuously until you get the form, then later speed up as you would In game. Practice to nse both hands equally aa one hand will often tend to get ahead and cause the ball to veer; to one side. GHERRIANSIN BY BIG MARGIN Hearing o n Game Issues Set Tonight At least four of the five mem bers of the Oregon state game commission and a large attend ance or members from the Game Protective associations In Polk. Yamhill and Marlon counties are expected here tonight at a general public meeting to be held at the chamber of commerce rooms. The starting time b 7:10 p. m., Chris J. Kowitx, secretary of the Mar lon county association announced yesterday. Marshall Dana, of Portland. chairman of the commission and Irving T. Vlnlng, Ashland member and former president of the state chamber of commerce, are both slated to speak. The topic to be aiscussea will be plans of the commission for 1932 and the rwlshes of the three county asso ciations as indicated at the meet ing tonight. Not only members of the asso ciations but' any citlxens or sportsmen are invited to attend me gathering. Cougars Defeat Montana Quint By Large Score MISSOULA, Mont., Jan. 5. . (AP) Washington State's cage aces rolled up a S2-to-20 count on Montana tonight in the first contest of a two-game series here. The cougars passed through the Grizzlies defense for many easv baskets. They led 30 to 9 at half time. The crowd applauded the invad ers for their skillful ball handling. Montana took many long shots, but few of them connected. 'Hitch Your Wagon to a Star" By HARDIN BURNLEY- Woodburn is Beaten 52-17 With Revamped Lineup; Salem "B" Winner - Showing Improved offensive teamwork despite the absence of Johnny Bone, the only veteran forward on the squad, the Salem high school basketball team-roiled up a 62 to 17 victory against the Woodburn high Bulldogs in the Salem high gymnasium . Tuesday night. Because Bone was in no condi tion to play following the extrac tion of some teeth, . Coach Hollls Huntington shifted Sanford to forward from the guard position he has held down steadily for two years. Sanford filled his new as signment in great shape and teamed well with Kelly and Bur rell. The three of them divided scoring honors almost evenly, Kel ly getting 15 points, Sanford and tearrell 14 each. Johnson shot a Mot of baskets after going in for the final period. The Cherrlans started at a terrt fie pace rolling up a 22 to 3 mar gin In the first period. They fail ed to keep it up but allowed Woodburn only one field goal again in the third quarter while they, strangely enough, scored just ten points in each of the last three periods. The Salem high "B" team also outclassed its rival crew or re serves from Woodburn, winning 52 to . Salem Woodburn Sanford. . . ...... .F. . . . 1 Thomas Kelly 15 ...... . F 4 Nelson Burrell 14. .. . . .C. . . . . 4 Pardy Sachtler 2 ..... .G 2 M. Ramsdell Brownell O.... 1. Jackson Johnson 8 S. 4 D. Damsdell Referee, Howard Maple. Salem B Woodbora B Pickens 22 F . . . . 4 Krause Wintermute 10. .F Chapelle Dejardln 14 ... . C . . . . Kantockl O.... Witzel 3 S Referee, Loren Grannis. Presthus Fromkey . Koch Arthur Tosses Jackson to Win Armory Mat Struggle; Brentano Beats O'Reilly Tf "TtnlMAr" IicVmn tAnV wrestling matches from -Wildcat Pete and Taki Joe, he certainly must have done so with more than he showed at the armory Tuesday night whep he lost two oat of three falls to Ernie Arthur of Trail, B. C The only thing that Jackson used which could consistently budge the sturdy Canuck was a kick to .the midriff. Jackson took the middle fall of the bout with a head scissors and arm bar, for which he jumped high in the air. He gained his fall in 10 minutes. Arthur took the first fall with a series of shoulder butts and a body press In 12 minutes and took the final one with exactly the same tactics In eight and a half minutes. Jackson used his doubled fist freely In the bout, always looking to see where Referee Matheney was and hitting on the opposite side. Twice outside of the ring he tried to wage the battle, but both times Arthur piled him on the floor and then with common sense which averted riots, scampered back Into the ring. In the preliminary event Jack Brentano handled Art O'Reilly of Eugene much to the liking of the crowd when he tossed the "En- gene terrier' to the floor with a body slam out over the ropes. This came after 21 minutes of wrestling. O'Reilly was able to stick with Brentano the remain der of the 45. Brentano was clean on .the ropes, passing up maffy opportun ities to befoul O'Reilly In his fre quent holidays from the ring. The match was wild and rast with lSenty of good wrestling. Both participants did some biting dur ing the bout. mm ai Demon. Salem's new boxer who will appear on a fight card here next week, was introdu ced at. the ringside and Is a nice appearing lad. COT .CURTIS, IS Reg istration oi Voters Picks up As Primary Eyed Registration for the primary election which will be held Friday, May 20, this year, is -showing ' some Increase from week to week. County Clerk Boyer reported yes- . ter J ay. While, the voting date is more than. lour ,. months away many citizens are making sure they will not forfeit their ballot through failure: to register as re quired by law. - - The statute makes it mandatory . for voters to register by April 19, 1932. Swearing In at the polls is not allowed. If a voter changes his , residence after he has registered .and before he votes, he may re ceive a certificate of changed resi dence which will permit him to cast a ballot. Annual Report Of Boy Scouts t SSfj -A;' -BMOUS A1ESI20 VlEfWJ CngS0M scons MILLS HAS 2 STUAienT wins SCOTTS MILLS, Jan. 5 The Scotts Mills high school and town basketball teams won both games here Saturday night played with Mt. Angel's first and second teams. The high school won from Mt. Angers second team 26 to 18. Lineups: Pos. Scotts Mills F Johnson F Ma gee C 5, Thomas G . Oleson O....R. McKIllop G M. Hasklns The Scotts Mills town team and Mt. Angel's first team's score was 33 to 29. Lineups: Mt. Angel Pos Lietx F Rolling F... Muckens C Schweninger, 4 G Mt. Angel Gros Jacques Wolf Saalfeld Wilde Bigler Schwab Scotts Mills Myers 6, Dlxotf Shepherd z Marquam G J. McKillop STRIKES and SPARES Coach Spec Keene is bow having his Willamette basket ball men shoot 20 free throws night and record the number made and missed. The first two day's results were not complete, . bat Indicate that over lutlf of the tosses are missed. In game played this season the percent ace has been even higher for bogle shots. The importance bf the free throws was demonstrated In the games with DeNeffe's. Shooting 20 a day and marking down the re sults on a chart hung up In the dressing room, will be more valu able than shooting twice that number and not keeping count. Twenty a day is a small amount. Fog" Allen, basketball coach at the University of Kansas, requires that all his players shoot 50 every day. Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass are the three principal schools left In the southern Oregon basketball dlKtrfct No. 15, Including only Jackson and Josephine counties. Douglas and Klamath counties used to be long, but Douglas, or rather Roseburg itself, pulled out sev eral years ago. Now Klamath Falls has been placed in the cir cuit with central Oregon teams. Medford reports practically ev erything back that It had last year. Last year the southern Ore gon race was close and Ashland barely nosed the Pearplckers out. Medford has three men who are six feet tall and the same number who are taller and also a wealth of reserve material. Ashland will again pin its hopes on Wardlow Howell, the giant center who burned up the Willamette floor last year with his playing. There are two other lettennea at Ashland, but neith er of them were outstanding and one was not a regular last year. Prospects are that five men can be picked from the lean squad to make a f afar team, but reserve material wfll be noticeably smaller and weaker. Neither Ashland nor Medford is taking Grants Pass too serious ly, perhaps due to the fact that the Cavemen never have given too much trouble. Either Ashland or Medford will probably be here and unless a one-man team can win out, it will probably be Med ford. Mis-Addressed Christmas Mail Being Handled Although the Christmas mail lng rush is nearly two weeks past postal clerks still are working away at the large quantity of. par cels and letters which could not be delivered on account of Im proper addresses. The "nixies", as these pieces of mail are called, are being checked with director ies and sent to their destination or to the sender. If these address es can be learned, or otherwise are sent to the dead letter office DALLAS BEATS QUINT City Hoopers Check Closely and win 26 to 23 Over : Pioneer Cagemen DALLAS. Dec. 5 (Special) Dallas basketball fans got a real thrill tonight when the Dallas city quintet defeated the Univer sity "of Oregon Tsrsity hoopers 21 to 23 In a hard fought game featured principally by the" close checking of Dallas' guards. Calkins, veteran Oregon for ward, was held I. scoreless and none of his mates managed to do any shooting worth writing home about with the exception of Rob erts, center, who caged the ball for 12 points. Dallas took a 9 to 7 lead at the end of the first quarter and the collegians came back to lead Iff to 12 at half time. With but a minute left of the game, it was tied up at 23-all and then the home boys scored three points to come out ahead. Summary: Dallas 26 tj. of O. 23 Voth 7 F...3 Robertson Vaughns F Calkins Webb 2 C 12 Roberts Uglam 2 G Stahl Griffin 2. G 4 fLevoff McBee S..4 Rubenstein Dorsey 2 S Referee, Shreeve. DALLAS HIGH WINS m T IT DALLAS, Jan. 5 Dallas high finished her barnstorming tour with a 19 to 18 win over;TIgard In the roughest game of the sea-' son. Despite the fact that the game was rough there were only five personal fouls called and all of these were on TIgard. Tigard was ahead at half time 12 to 7 and led up until the last few minutes of the game. Lewis scored for Dallas to bring the score to 16 to 15 for Tigard and then Bill Cadle scored two bas kets in short order to cinch the game. The next game for Dallas will be against Molalla there Friday. Other games coming up in the next two weeks are Forest Grove, here, January 9; Corvallis there, Jan. 12; and the first county lea gue game against Monmouth here on January 15. Summary: Dallas 19 Tigard 10 LeForst, 3 F...2, J, Smith' MInnlch, 3 F 10, Ariss Elliott. 1 C Joneg Lewis, 4 G ; Nokes Fournier G 2. I Smith Cadle, 4 S..2, Hunnlacmp Robinson, 4 S Referee, Anderson. A bowling match between Sa lem and Albany teams Sunday was won by the Salem quintet after the first game had been lost by only one pin. George Allen and his Mc Kay Chevrolet pin topplers who ,were representing Salem, then set tled down and won the last two by a wide margin. H. Barr . 224 221 163 608 B. Hmncowmy ., 189 104 179 ' 653 E4 Pratt ; 185 158 109 452 Geo. Allca 207 190 199 196 H. Ps 175 190 159 524 ToUlf . .960 963 809 2733 Hemler I Jaektoa Ern Rawlinji Ctaagia ALB ANT 200 170 170 540 151 14 133 430 904 157 156 17 w20 164- 168 688 200 287 154 591 Totals .961 874 781 116 BiaE U)HO Tfe-IAiS POfSEDV e "XL Kin Fralarra Syndicate, tae. towrt arBala tUhte mcnei, Made by West TOTSS As the new year began, Cascade area. Boy Scouts of America, had ,562 active scouts in 29 troops, according to the annual' report of Executive Oj P. West. .These figures do not include the six 'troops and approximately 100 scouts In Linn j county, which Is being absorbed Into the Cascade, at Madison Square Garden has started the beys along Cauliflower Sow jabbering anew abeuV this youngster's chances to win that million doUar bauble the heavy weight chamjuousnip. v At th cisM of the last 1o4oai season reda, who is managed by or Marion-Polk counties area. :'SftJi(S?9' 3atclT,5er Volunteer scout - leaders in he i'sJZ area number 1275. - - - ; : kw v 7tTl:5ri & - w lrv avui WUCXv AO . .The executtve's financial report shows that the area ended the year with a balance of $22.13 In the bank, after expending $4027. 33. Audit of, ithe -books was com pleted on Monday by F. E. Need might demand a title shot. But th long Summer mused without frill 411 news about Stanley. It seems that Manager Flourney, whs knows the boxing racket as well, verhus. &a muj uiou cuuuccveu wua n, was ham and C. W. Paulus who were I jot too anxious to rush the young appointed for the Job by the coun-1 iter. Poreda new Is 22 years eld. cu. He has had about forty fights, seme of them against opposition of merit and some against round heels. But In all his battles he showed something of that neces sary spark which causes the boxing Doys io cnaiier ana mage predic tions. ... r.. Probably the rreatest asset in Poreda's short boxing career is his connection with Joe Jeanette, one time colored heavyweight ' - star. Jeanette. whose battles with Lang ford and Johnson and ether hv. lea of that day make boxing his tory, has been tutoring : Poreda since the young man took serious ly to the game. In action' Poreda closely resembles Jeanette as he appeared in his heyday. Stanlrt is cool under fire, careful not to waste energy in careless luring of punches and quick to see and take advantage of openings for a right- hand shot te the chin. He can punch hard with that right hand as will be attested by his knockout . victories over Walter Cobb, Pat, i cranny, ueorge uoxxman and unmett Koeco, to name a few of the better knows victims. In his last two appearances at the Garden Poreda has scored knockout victories. He atamted Ralph Fkucello, Brooklyn heavy, and Hans Schonrath, a German !m Krtation. Stanley looked good in th affairs, and dearly showed the benefits of being tutored by a roaster of rinr techniaue. v It is a hat)DV combination, thf a of the budding star and the whose fistic glamor the years will iicycr uxm. , Ana woo is ta say that it may net ultimately "result in Stanley Poreda beinr heavyweight champion of the wonar xean, wnor CTrtm. im, tor Kb rttlwn Syadkata. be 'our Has Good Year so Levy is Low - i BETHEL, Jan. 5 The annual meeting of the "Big Four" Tele phone company was held at the Bethel school Saturday night. A. L. Schuls, presided, and W. L. Creech is secretary-treasurer.' Line 19. of which A. E. La ; Branches is director, is in rood condition and will not need to make an assessment for the year. Lineman W. R. Baker's report was accepted. . . - In view -of the good financial condftion of the company It was only, necessary to levy an assess ment of $2.00 per phone for the ensuing year. There Is S1SQ on nana... . ; The wage scale for line work is ' 75 cents .per hour, and the same amount plus five cent mileage for; shooting trouble and 35 cents, per hour for the laborers. ' , " -.The company was notified 'that it will be exempt from making an Income tax report In the future. , . election of directors resulted I as follows: Line 19 A. E. La Bran che; Line Cc A. L. Schulz; Lane 67 o. L. Bru baker; Line I 8 Roy Marshand: Line 109 W. L.' Creech The directors will elect onicers Saturday, January 9. New Values for Men on High Grade JL00 Leather Oxfords - These Values and Many More are on Sale Starting Tomorrow MEN'S Good SHOE VALUES OXFORDS Brown and black calf, heavy single soles, rubber top lift, stylish last to choose from. Regular $6.00 values - t I Nov o0,: i i -. j 4" BROGUES Scotch Broqnes, mocassin toes,! double service soles, full leather heels. Exception al values during this sale . $SqS Brown and Black Calf OXFORDS Very dressy and serviceable styles built 100 per cent-leather to assure satisfaction. Fi- SALE PRICET - m0m You don't have rich to be stylishGood shoes the foundation of rood appearance z 1 1.