The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 05, 1932, Page 8, Image 8

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    Society News and
- -
Wedding Surprise
In Social
Salem social circles awoke to a
second surprise Sunday with the
announcement of the marriage
of Gwendolyn Jar man Stoliker,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Jarman, to Francis Burgy. Maids
and matrons were still discussing
the brilliant announcement tea of
Saturday which told the engage
ment and all. were quite unpre
pared for the marriage announce
ment of Sunday morning.
The ceremony was a quiet one,
read by Dr. B. Earle Parker of
the First Methodist church before
the Immediate family and a few
intimate friends. The tows were
taken before the fireplace in the
large tiring room of the Jarman
borne. Palms banked either side
of the fireplace and made a pretty
background for the ceremony
The bride wore a going away
ensemble of Spanish .tile and
black color combination wlthTac
cessorles to match. She was un
attended. Loyal Warner of Salem
was best man tor Mr. Burgy. Miss
Yvonne Smith sang "Calm as the
Night," accompanied by Miss
Mary Cupper.
Following the 10 o'clock cere-
' mony a wedding breakfast was
served. The table was beautifully
appointed. A cloth of lace 'filet
covered the long table. Centering
it was a floral arrangement in
pink and white, and this was
. flanked by two Italian candelabra
holding lighted cathedral tapers.
Covers were placed for 12 guests.
Immediately following the
; breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Burgy left
. for a short wedding trip, after
which they will be at home in! Sa
lem to their friends.
Miss Louis Garrison, became
the bride of Roy Owens December
2 5i and is now making her borne
In BeaTerton. Mrs. Owens is a
graduate of Willamette university
in the class of 192S and since that
time nas been a- member of the
teaching staff pt Parish junior
high school.
:-t . ..
Mrs. Bessie .Boebringer. will be
Installed as president of the Wom
an's Benefit association Thursday
night at 8 o'clock in the Salem
Woman's clubhouse. Mrs. Avis
Martin' is the retiring president.
Mrs. Bessie Smart will be the in
stalling officer.
Miss Mabel Temple became the
bride of M. A: Goodrich of Dayton
. in a quiet ceremony at the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tem
ple of Lebanon, December 27. Mrs.
' Goodrich has been a teacher in the
Salem school system for several
'! years.' '
New Tear's guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Devers were
, Prof, and Mrs. . J. F. Brumbaugh
. and Sheldon Brumbaugh of Cor
vallls; Miss Mary Elizabeth Fields
and Mrs. Mary Fields of Eugene.
Olive M. Doak, Society Editor
I I : Pattern
Tuesday, January 5
Auxiliary to Trt-County Medical society, dinner at
Market Coffee shop and this followed with meeting at
home of Mrs. Burton Myers; talk by Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith. , -
Salem Music Teacher's association; with Miss Dor
othy Pearce, 267. North Winter street.
. Mrs. H. R. Burk, hostess to P. L. E. and F. club, at
her home 1690 North Fifth street. i
South Division of First Presbyterian church with
Mrs. H. S. Bosshard, 1143 South Liberty street; 2
o'clock; plan to sew for hospital.
W. C. T. U. regular meeting at W. C. T. U. hall,
Ferry and South Commercial street, 2 o'clock.
Art appreciation class with Dr. and Mrs. F. G.
Franklin, 1365 Marion street, 7:30 o'clock.
American War Mothers, installation of officers, 2
o'clock. American Lutheran church.
Chadwick chapter of Order of Eastern Star, instal
lation of officers, in Masonic temple, 8 o'clock.
Postal clerks and wives, entertained at home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. Drorbaugh; short business meeting, follow
ed by evening of card playing.
North Salem W. C. T. IT. business meeting 2:30
o'clock; Mrs. Necia E. Buck, 1125 Shipping street. -
Wednesday, January 6
Woman's Home Missionary society of First Metho
dist church, 2:30 o'clock in church parlors; Mrs. E. E.
Gilbert, leader of group.
Missionary Society- of First Congregational church,
with Mrs, W. D. Clarke, 725 North Capitol street. .2:3
Thimble club of Maccabees will meet at 2 o'clock
with Mrs. Georgia Hamilton, 1571 Mission street; take
12th street bus; bring piece of print for quilt block.
Woman's Foreign missionary society, Jason Lee
church,. 2:30 o'clock; Mrs. August Carl, 1085 North
Fifth street; all women of community invited.
Dakota elub meeting, potluck dinner 6:30 o'clock;
program following; all former people from Dakotas in
vited; bring own table service.
Woman's Missionary society of. First Christian 4
church, 2:30 o'clock In church pert if s; Hattie MItchel,
local church missionary to Africa, will be guest speaker.
Sweet Briar club with Mrs. Charles A. Glaze on
Wallace Road.
Mrs. H. C. Stover will be hostess to members of
Ladies Aid society of Knight Memorial church, 2:30
Thursday, January 7
Hayesville Woman's club will meet with Mrs. Clark
North Salem W. C. T. U. prayer band from 9 to 10
o'clock at following homes: Mrs. Belle Roberts, 970
Hood street; Mrs. Ella Tyler, 1587 North Winter street;
Dr. Emma Rogers, 2302 North Commercial street.
Woman's Benefit association, 8 o'clock; installation
of officers; in Salem Woman's clubhouse.
Friday, January 8
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Sa
lem Woman's clubhouse, 8 o'clock, installation of of
ficers. , . Executive board meeting for B. and P. W. club, at
shot t Susan Varty.- .
Mrs. Mark Skiff, hostess to Woman's Home Mission
ary society of First Baptist church at her home, 421H
Court street.
: Saturday, January
Salem -Woman's club, board meeting, business meet
ing at 2:30 o'clock" arid program at 3 o'clock. Dean R. R.
Hewitt speaker. -
I Week Marked With
Club Meetings
Mrs. W. D. Clarke
Wednesday Hostess . '
Mrs. W- D. Clarke will entertain
for members of the Missionary
society of theFlrst coBgregaiiohar
church Wednesday , afternoon- at
her home at 725 North Capitol
Btreet beginning at 2:30 o'clock.
An especially attractive - pro
gram, has been arranged,' with
New Year's greetings from around
the world as the central theme.
Mrs. W. I. Staley, Mrs. William
Fleming, Mrs. Jay Morris, Miss
Constance Kantner, Mrs. Robert
Fleming and Mrs. Mark McCal
lister will present the program.
Mrs. J. R. Simond has charge of
the devotional hour.
Assisting Mrs. Clarke will be
Mrs. Louie Olson, Mrs. Harry El
gin, Mrs. A. V. Johnson, and Mrs.
Albert -Bryant.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Talmage
entertained members of their club
and a few additional guests at a
watch party at their suburban
home New Year's eve. Bridge was
in' play until a late hour after
which supper was served. Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler and Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Clark held winning
scores for bridge. Guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Talmage
and Miss Ruth Clark and Victor
Jones. Club members were Mr.
Airs, waiter Blondell, Mr. and
Mrs. Creigh Long,; Mr. and Mrs
Kay ciars: and Mr. and Mrs
Claude Talmage.
A .group of young oeonle leath
ered at the home of Helen Lytle
New Yeas's eve when Donald El
lis, assisted by Bob Hakt, Nellie
Carter, Doris Unruh and Helen
Lytle entertained with a watch
night party in the form of a mas
querade. The rooms were beautifully
decorated for the occasion. Punch
was Berved from an improvised
well at one end of the large living
porch which was closed in with
Indian robes and decorated with
evergreens to represent an arbor.
Refreshments were served at mid
night. Those present were: Helen
Putnam. Emily Meriels, Margaret
Smart, Lucy Klien, Nellie Car
ter, Margaret Johnson, Doris Un
ruh, Helen Johnson, Helen Lytle;
and Waldo Mills, John Evans,
Neal Carter, Jack Van Cleave,
Charles Barclay, Tommy Wiper,
Louis Stutt, Dalbert Jepson, Bob
Hulst, Laurence Lloyd and Don
ald Ellis.
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of the Jason Lee
church will meet Wednesday at
2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
August Carl, 1085 North Fifth
street. All women of the commun-
Numerous club meetings will
mark social, activities in the first
week in January. Mrs. E. T.
Pierce was hostess to her club
Monday afternoon entertaining
fith luncheon t 1 o'clock. Mrs.
Donald Young and Mrs. . E. V.
McMechan were special guests.
Mrs. W. H. Dancy wa also a
club hostess of Monday and had
as her special guests, Mrs. O. C.
-Locke and Mrs. Dan J. Fry. Jr.
Mrs. Ernest Thom will enter
tain her club today with a lunch
eon at 1 o'clock and this fol
lowed by an afternoon of con
tract bridge. Mrs. H. G. Maison
and Mrs. Walter Page of Port
land will be special guests. Mrs.
Maison will assist Mrs. Thom.
Mrs. Albert E. Ullman will be
hostess to her card club i today.
and Mrs. Clifford Farmer will
entertain members of the drama
class of which she is a member
at her home this afternoon.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
Charles A. Glaie will 'entertain
; members of the Sweet Briar club
at her home for an afternoon of
conversation and a program.
This is the beginning of the
week several other club meet
Ings are scheduled and being
planned for later In the week.
Jones-Rains Nuptials
Are Abserved
The marriage of Miss Barbara
C. Jones to Desmond J. Rains was
quietly solemnized at the attract
lve home of the Reverend Earl F.
gqchrajy Friday afternoon af 4
' ' The bride wore a dress1 of royal
blue crepe with gold network and
wore a corsage pt sweet peas and
Cecil Brunner roses.
Miss Beverly Jones, only sister
i of the bride, acted as bridesmaid
and wore a dress of brown crepe
combined with eggshell crepe.
Lafe Harpole, acted as best man
! for Mr. Rains. -
The ceremony was performed
before immediate relatives and
friends. Out of town guests were
Mrs. Walter F. Ennes. mother of
the bride, of Fort Steilacoom,
Wash.: Miss Helen Black of Port
land; Joe Kavanaugh of Minneap
olis, Minnesota; Mr. and MrsT Ar
thur M. Jones of Salem and Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Rains of Liberty.
Mr. and Mrs. Rains left for a
short wedding trip north and will
be at their new home near Liberty
after January 6 to their many
Gee-Walker Marriage
f Miss Lena ?)ay Gee, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gee of Sweet
Iome, Oregon, became the bride
ojf Lowell o. Weber of San Fran
cesco, Calif., and son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Weber of Waterloo.
Oregon, Saturday, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. .Barkley A. Newman
of Salem. The ceremony was read
by Dr. C. F. Poling at five o'clock
before a small group of relatives
and friends.
The quiet service was read in
front of the fireplace in the beau
tjful living room which was decor
ated with holiday greenery. Pink
ajnd white carnations with heather
were used in bowls and baskets
about the room. Following the
ceremony a wedding dinner was
enjoyed at the Graybelle.
- The bride was attended by her
sister. Miss Doris Gee of Salem.
Barkley A. Newman acted as best
man for Mr. Weber,
i After a short wedding trip, Mr,
and Mrs. Weber will leave for San
Francisco where they will make
their home fop the present.
Holiday Wedding
Pretty Affair
The marriage of Miss Haselle
Cecelia Moran, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. J. Harry Moran, to Er
nel Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Reed, was an attractive
i affair of Saturday night at 8 o'
clock in the Moran home on South
Cottage street. Rev. J. R. Buck of
' St. Joseph's Catholle church read
the impressive rites.
Mrs, Byron White of McMlnn-
yille was soloist and the wedding
marches were played by a trio or
piano, violin and 'cello. Miss Bar
bara Schotthofer, Miss Emily
Bremmer, and Miss Alena Brem-mer.
The bride wore a gewn of egg
shell colored satin made in prin
cess lines. Her small cap fitted
close to her head was designed
from the wedding dress of her mo
ther. White mitts and a colonial
bouquet of orchids and Ulles-of-the-valley
completed the ensem
Miss Mitzie LaMarr as maid of
honor wore a Colonial gown of or
chid tulle over orchid satin, and
Miss Genevieve Brecht. also of
Portland wore light green satin
combined with egg-shell colored
lace. Small Dorothy Barnun of Ml,
Angei'was iiower gin and-was
quite piquant in a frock of yellow-
Mr. Reed was attended by Ger
ald Reed, his brother, as best
A - reception followed the cere
mony. Mrs. Byren White and Miss
eiaire Jennings received at the
door. Mrs. E. W. Barnum and Mrs.
Walter Barkus presided at the
urns. Miss May Clark of Portland
and Mrs. Clarence Pike cut Ices
Miss Jean Barnum and Miss Ger
trude Wagner of Portland assisted
in serving. Vocal and trio musical
numbers added to the beauty of
the reception hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed will return
to make their home In Salem
about April 1.
VJJ,' ' "The Official System"
as Adopted by Leading Authorities
Opening bids ef one by partner
may lead te a game contract at
some make; de not be too dog
matic in your rules for assisting;
excess of strength of one species
often atones -for lack of strength
of another sort. I do not like to
hear a player state that he will not
support unless he holds better
trump aid than three small cards
of partner's suit, or to have a
player say that he will not aid
upon less than IVi quick tricks.
Nobody advocates at once assist
ing upon three small trumps, pro
vided a sound shift is available, but
your partner's opening bid, say of
1-Heart, overcalled at your right
by 1-Spadc, obligates a bid of 2
Hearts upon a hand like the fol
lowing, because you - should not
venture 1 -No-Trump with spades
anstopped, nor have yon a bida
ble suit; you must say 2-Hearts. .
48-6-3 V 9-5-2 A-K-J K-6-5-4
If your partner holds the first
band shown below he should show
his spade stoo and shortness in
hearts, by shifting to 2-No Trumps,
which you may raise te a rams
declaration. Upon the second hold
ing given below partner may jump
to 4-Htarts, Partner should shift
to 3-Diamonds on the third holdina
hals, . UT. VI J -V. - V-T
i me un buvwi uuh uiura loan
five black cards (his two declara
tions of red suits mark - partner
wiui noi icwer man eight red
Assisting Minimum Bid. -
cards); yea may lose three black
card tricks; probably you must'
lose one heart trick; your partner j
does not want to be ruffed with
only four hearts; game Isimprob-'
able at either red -suit; diamonds
looks safer than hearts; you had;
better pass, especially if vulner
able. -.
4A-7-2 VA-K-6-4 48-3 A-Q-3-2
7-2 A-K-6-4-3 8-5 A-Q-4-Z
7-2 V A-K-6-4 8-3-3 : A-Q-3-2
The best rule for assisting part-,
ner takes into account both sure
tricks and probable tricks. The
hands shown below illustrate the
amounts of each kind of necessary
trick. Either 2 or 1 lA Quick tricks
should be sufficient for an assist,
provided the total tricks are at
least Zk (Hands 1 and 2): just 1
quick trick requires a total count
of 4 probable tricks (Hand 3); A.
quick trick needs 4 v probable
tricks (Hand 4) ; absence of quick '
tricks demands not fewer than 5
probable . tricks (Hand 6). Of:
course probable tricks count In the
previously counted" quick tricks.?
Assist ' 1-Spade open any hand?
shown below. .
1. 49-4-3-2 VA-7-4 9e.2 A-8-5
2. 49-4.3-2 V K-10-7 2 -6-3 wA-8
3. 4 V K-7-4 4 K-6-3-2 8-5
4. 4 Q-10-3-3-2 V 8-7-4 6 K-J-3-3
3. 4Q-I0-5-3 2 V9-7-4-2-.4Q-10-9-6
Mrs. Jane Harland is
Bridge Hostess
Miss Jane Harland was host
ess for an informal bridge party
at her home Saturday evening.
. a - . . . .
vjaras were in piay ai 1 wo la
bles with Mrs. George Hug and
Lyle Bartholomew receiving high
est honors. " -
Those present were: Mr. -and
Mrs. George Hug, Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Wolf, Vivian Eastridge,
James Clark, Mrs. Herbert Har
land and the hostess.
Miss Helen Putnam was a re
cent hostess when she enter
tained a group of the high school
set with a slumber party, which
terminated with a waffle break
fast. Music and dancing- was en
joyed by Doris Unruh, Helen
Johnson, Margarett Smart, Helen
Lytle, Madelyne Southmayde,
Nellie Carter, Margarett John
son, Lucy Klein, Catherine Eat
on, Frances Gorsline of Indepen
dence, and the hostess, Helen
Mrs. Mark Skiff will be hostess
to members of the Woman's Home
Missionary society of the First
Baptist church Friday afternoon
beginning at 2 oclo,ck, at .her
home 421 Court street.' The
subject for study will be "home
missions" and topics will be taken
by Mrs. T. Clare, Mrs. Eugene
Prescott, Mrs. F. A. Erlxon, and
Miss Emma Graham.
Miss uetty Mae McGauan en
tertained in compliment to Miss
Ellen Topping now of Portland,
formerly of Salem. Saturday aft
ernoon. Bridge was in play-for the
afternoon hours and tea was
served at the conclusion of play
ing. Mrs. Virgil McGahan and
Mrs. C. C. Cole assisted Miss Me
Gahan at the tea hour.
Loyal Legion is
A Loyal Temperance Legion
has been organized in North Sa
lem under the leadership of Miss
Esther Spiers and Mrs. Olive
The following officers were
elected: president, Laverne Doris
Shepherd; vice-president, Joyce
Lively; secretary, Jean Read;
treasurer, Dale Lively; librarian.
Velva Williams; yell leader, Vir
ginia Yamble; seng lea'der, Eve
lyn Kenyon.
Their next meeting will be held
January 15 at thehome of Miss
Spier, 1435 North Summer. AH
children between the ages of 7
and 14 are invited to come to this
meeting and join the Legion.
The children's organization is
sponsored by the W. C. T. U. and
1s a part of the educational pro
uests Complimented
At Rains Home
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rains enter
tained a group of their friends in
their attractive home on 1580 Jef
ferson street, Saturday evening.
Four tables of "500" were in
play during the eveniifg. Mrs. Ray
Ptlster and I. E. Thomas won
high scores. At a late hour re
freshments were served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Chester
The guests included Mr. and
Mrs. I. E. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Pfister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Auman, Mr. and Mrs. W i d
Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Mulkey, Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon
Bowden, Verle King, and Miss
Vael Rogers.
The golden wedding anniver
sary of his parents took Monroe S.
Cheek to his home in Mangum.
Okla., from where he returned
Sunday The celebration occurred
December 15. Mr. Cheek was one
of the six children who returned
for this event. The trip was made
by automobile.
Mrs. E. E. Gilbert will be the
group leader for the Woman's
Home Missionary society of the
First Methodist church when it
meets Wednesday at 3:30 o'clock
in the chifrch parlors.
Music Teachers Will
Meet Tonight
Miss Dorothy Pearce will enter
tain members of the Salem Music
Teachers association at her home
this evening.. Miss Iva Clare Love
will be the assisting hostess.
Each teacher is asked to bring
an item of musical current events
to contribute to the program for
the evening. v
Mrs. Rena Cuminlngg of Seattle
was weekend guest of Mrs. J. M
Devers. Mrs. - Cummlngs is . in
charge of the "eye-saving" pro
gram in Seattle schools.
Mrs. Hugh Smith and children
of Portland have been holiday
guests at the CM. Epley home
They will return to Portland to
. . .. I ! --..
New Leaders oi 1 1
Kiwanis Will be !;
Installed Todaft
Officers for Kiwanis for, 193?!
will be installed this noon at the;
regular luncheon at the Marlon :
hotel. Dean George- H. Alden of !
Willamette university acting as in
stalling officer. Dean Roy R. Hewi
itt, head of the Willamette univer
sity law school, is the Incoming,
Other officers to be Installed
are Douglas McKay, vice presl
dentf Dr. Henry E. Morris, district
trustee; Outer Meyers, treasarer;.
Willard Wits, secretary. James H.
Nicholson Is the immediate past
president. Directors totake office ,
today are Otto K. Paulus. JEarl ;
Cochran. Harry Collins, uea J.
Ramseyer. !
T. S. Roberts is to. arrange spe
cial music for the luncheon pro.
Mrs. Albert Ullman .
Compliments Husband
Entertaining with a bridge par- :
ty In compliment to her husband's
birthday, Mrs. Albert. J3. Ullman
was hostess Saturday night at the
Ullman home. Holiday decorations.
were a pretty background for the'
bridge tables and guests.
Cards were in play until a late;
hour and then a supper was serv--ed
by Mrs. Ullman, assisted by
several ef ber guests. Mrs. John;
Hunter and Gail Jones held high,
seores for bridge.
Those in compliment to Mr. :
Ullman were Mr. and Mrs. Gail
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hun-'
terter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cur
tis, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilbur,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shaffner and;
Mrs. Ullman.
Mrs. H. R. Burk will entertain!
members of the P. L. E. and F.
elub at her home 1690 North.
Fifth street Tuesday afternoon.
Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Edwards en-i
tertained for about 20 guests with:.
a delightfully Informal evening at;
their home. Saturday.
Miss Doris Neptune of Salem ,1a
of The Dalles. Both Miss Neptune
and Miss KUndt teach at Scio.
Mrs. Arthur Moore has as her:
house guest her niece, Miss Thel-I
ma Ryan of-Portland.
Charter No. 021
Reserve District No. 1$
United States National Bank
of Salem, Oregon at the close of business --December 31, 1W1
1. Loans and discounts .....v......;..
1. Overdrafts
3. United State Government securities owned
4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned
6. Banking house, 8170,900; Furniture and fixtures $31,740.05
8. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank
9. Cash and due from banks
10. Outside checks and otber cash items
11. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from same
14. Other assets
TOTAL $2,037M
15. Capital stock paid in
16. Surplus
17. Undivided' prof its net
19. Reserves for interest, taxes and other . expenses accrued
and unpaid
20. Circulating notes outstanding
21. Due to banks, including certified and cashiers' checks out
standing . .
22. Demand deposits
23. Time deposits
1,065,400.6$ 1
TOTAL $2,396.037 JU
State of Oregon, County of Marion, ss:
L L. C Smith, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and .belief.
L. C. SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1932, t
(SEAL) C. P. ARMSTRONG. Notary Public, J
My commission expires April 19, 1935. "C
Correct Attest: E. W. HAZARD, D. W. EYRE. U. S. PAGE, director. .
and Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler, Mr. and ity are invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hewitt and
daughter have just returned from
California where they have been
visiting during part of the holi
days. New Year's day was spent
in Los Angeles. A visit to the Cat
alina Islands were enjoyed and
other points of interest were vis
ited in southern California.
Mr. and Mrs. U. S. DoUon, Miss
Lena Dotson, Miss Mable Dotson,
and Miss Betty Dotson motored to
Portland for New Year's dinner
and a theatre party.
Young things are going in for
frocks that are decidedly sophisti
cated, yet extremely youthful and
gay. This ravishing - little model
boasts a fitted bodice, becoming
eapelets daintily trimmed with
lace, and a "very full skirt with
several rows of lace. A pert bow of
ribbon adds a touch of color In
contrast Soft taffeta, organdy.
georgette or crepe de chine In yel- j
-low. Dine, pink or red with cream
: lace will be lovely.
Pattern 2262 is obtainable only
Issues 4. 6. S, 10, 12. Size 4 re
quires t 5-8 yards of 36 inch fa
bric. 6 yards of 36 inch lace. No
. dressmaking experience Is neces
sary, to make this model with our
. pattern.
At the close of business December 31, 1931
, Th winter cstalof It Dew
L tMdr. It (ttturci to ntwMt ta
t(Uraon, prti mni boac
" draiin, liggn-i. ptjimat Bd kfct
" Ait' elotbea. Alt delightful gift
wggtttions is a.txorf and tr- ,
; Urr- pittenw. Pric .of - taUlog,
4 t fta eenU. CU!t with pat-
-; ftm. twanty tlta ent. Addraat '
:; all wait aad ordrr to Tba Statva-
man Patter Dwartmoat, 4 c
t WmI lit -atraat. Naw York CHj.
: , Sd fifteaw eaata la eoiaa
f atamps torn praferrcd). far aaefe"
wntteraT Writ a plainly year aaaaa. '
-addrwaa - aad - ttyla aanbar. Ba --
aura ta ttata aiia waattd. .
Loans $3,483,015.8
Banking House A Fixtures. 28S.414.95
Other Resources , . . v 7M02.09
Drafts in Transit......... 10,670.25
Customers Liability under
LC Drafts ft Acceptances . 20.046.41.
Bonds 348,085.26.
U. S. Bonds.. 11,258,000.00
Cash ....... I84,95.74 2,242,295.74
' 16,628.550.65
Capital I 500,000.0
Surplus 100.000.00.
Undivided Profits . .. 29,816.13
Letters of Credit. .. . . .V.V 6,362.00
Domestic & Foreign Drafts "- -
A Acceptances Sold. . . . . ..13,704. 48
. Deposits 5,968,667.24
$6,628.-50. 65
; A. N. BUSH, President ;
'. VM. S. WALTON, Vice President . ROY BURTON, Asst.. Cashier
.S. BUSH, Vice President - H. V. COMPTON, Asst. Cashier
L. P. ALDRICH, Cashier C. M. COX, Asst. Cashier
GEO. H. RICHES; Asst. Cashier":;;:: " JACOB FUHRER, As'si Cashier
DECEMBER 31, 1931
Cash on Hand and Due
From Banks $ 514,255.40
United States Gov't Securities 418,255.95
Other Bonds and Securities 660,761.65
Loans and Discounts 797,203.92
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 7,500.00
Real Estate, Furniture & Fixtures 103,235.20
Total $2,501,212.12
Capital Stock , $
Surplus .... ,
Undivided Profits .
Deposits ....
Total . $2,501,212.12
E. F. SLADE, President
S. B. ELLIOTT, Vice-President
H. E. Eakin, Assistant Vice-President
and Trust Officer
C. W. PAULUS, CashJer
A. W. SMITH ER, Assistant Cashier
A. B. BATES, Assistant Cashier
S. P . Elliott
Daniel J. Fry.
Carl F. Gerlinger
W. M. Hamilton
R. M. Hofer ,
D. B. Jarman -TV
"A. LIvesley r
John H. McNary
Julius L. Meier
- TV. W. Moore
H. II. Olinger
J. C. Perry
. ' Custer E. Robs
E. r. Slade
B. L. Steeves
It. E. Lee Stelner
H O. TV'blte
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