PAGE FOUR The OREGON STATESMAN, Salenw Oregon, Tuesday Morning, January 5, 1932 T here's how Yesterd By EPSON eraavs "The Gay Bandit I Border" Of Old SaUm , 'aVo Favor Swais (7; No Fear Shall Aw' FroidFirst Statesman, March 2d, 1851 J THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. ' Ciubixs A. Spracuc, Sheldon F. Sackctt, PuMisfcers ,-4 Chveles A. Sprague - - T Editor-Afonaffer SaEUKN F. Sackett ' - Managing Editor Member of the Asuocinted I'ress Tfa Afsoctated Press is exclusively entitled to the ose for ruMlcs tton of an news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited tt this pper. - i Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives: Arthnr W. Stype Inc.; Portland. SerorKyeElds Ban Francisco. Sharon Bldg. ; bus Angvlev W,, Pac. BUg. Eastern Advertising, Representative: Ford-Pareona-Stecher, Inc.. New Toik Salmon Tower Bid.. 11 W. 42nd St. : ChicaD. SCO N. tchaji Ave. Entered at the postoffiee at Salem, Oregon. a Second-CUu Matter. Published every morning except Monday. tSutinese offiee.iJSS.Cftmmereirilbtreet. . ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Within Orecon: Daily a.m Sunday. T Mo. cents: S Mo. tl.U; Mo. I year Elsewhere 50 cents per Mo- or Si 00 for I year In advance. By City Carrier: 4 cents month; fi.00 a year to advance. Copy cena. On trains and Newa Stands S cent 14.00. 1 Per e Town Talks-front The States maa of Earlier Days Moth and Flame I'M here to get a job and begin all over again". . The speaker is Marian "Kiki" Roberts who ran to her - mother's home in Boston after her paramour, Jack "Legs Diamond, paste-diamond gangster, was killed in Albany. iTow she comes back to New' York where she left the chorus to flit about with .this professional criminal, like a golden winged butterfly attracted to the flame. She says she is "through" with all that, as generally they claim to be when the fire singes. ? . '-. v.' ,,'t ; . ' t But the sentence in the news story which caught her at tention was the statement that while in Boston "she had been ' writing the story of her life". Who, pray, is interested in the story of her life? The tabloids or the Sunday magazine sections may bid for it high or low as they think it may sell their printed pulp. Her story, what is there in it even of in terest? Empty it' must be of anything clean and wholesome, empty too of any effort or accomplishment save a brief glam orous period on Broadway. ' Jler story, why it has been written hundreds of times, written by her. female ancestors since they beguiled the ear ly cavemen The old story of innocent babyhood, of speaking . pieces at Sunday school programs, then the budding of wom anhood and the pretty face and shallow brain come to the common and sordid end. ' .Yet there will be a market for her story. Other empty headed young things will read it and seek to emulate its thrills. so there will be still more stories for the Sunday magazines, the scenarios and the tabloids. The flame still ourns ana us ongntness sxiu mres- iuc imu iug uuun iucs. January ti, 1007 Torrents of rain from a Chin ook storm have swollen the rivers and Wooded Salem basements downtown. The Southern Pacific trains are stopped by a 15 0-foot I washout north of Salem. The post- office basement last night had 14 inches of water. WZVCAPSf PART OF YOUR TIP B RETURNED V VOU GIVE A MEMBER OF THE RAILROAD PORTERS' UNION MOSt THAN THE UNION SCHEDULE- PREJ : ' The Portland. Express, ; San Francisco-Portland Southern Pa cific limited was wrecked near Comstock last night when a new fill, weakened,, by the rains, gave way. The engineer and fireman were aiuea -out passengers es caped serious injury. c r Oregon is the first state to se lect a site for its building at the Alaska-Yukon Pacific exposition at Seattle. An . appropriation of a -a ? a aaa sea . . . . I xaw.wvu win oe sougm zrom taei legislature for erection of Ore gon's exhibit. - January 5, 1022 The recent action of the State high school association in prohib iting members from employing professional athletic coaches will not affect Salem high school since Coaeh Lestle Sparks holds a teacher's certificate and instructs classes at Washington junior high school. "Portland should finance the 1925 exposition and not ask' the state at large to do it," declared senator Louis Lachmund In ad dressing members of the Kiwanis club yesterday. 2SXS&-2s A MEMBER OF THE A& J&ZWx4sy RAILROAD PORTERS' Mity f J&rITv$. UN,0N MOX THAN XPJL 'pf V X THE UNION I CATEsiiAMT$.SAy$or A I A eirtiticmr I VW WiVttSffV t VitfTA RAZOt LATE- I frTrte?TS ' f.M gAvrtAitnrui. BITS for BREAKFAST Charles H. Wleder and E. L. Wieder have purchased an .Inter est in the Salem Laundry com pany owned by Colonel' J. Olm- stead. By R. J. HENDRICKS j Rosteins, Figiirin ED ROSTEIN came in to'see us the other day with a lot of figures on a piece of paper. He had it figured out how we could buy the water plant for a song and sing it ourselves. In fact he had the words all set to music. He was going to pay the company say $800,000 in city of Salem Ay2 bonds. The company could turn around then and sell Salem Txmds for whatever thev could eet. say at 75 cents onthe dollar. And it could turn around and buy in some of the Federal Water Service bonds at' around thirty cents on the" dollar and thus show big book profits on the deal. : ' The onlv trouble with Ed's scheme is that the Oregon Washincrton Water Service company which owns the local plant, has several million dollars of its own bonds outstanding- If it sells one of its plants, it is like the sale of a portion of a mortgaged farm. The money doesn'ivgo to the company treasury to be siphoned off into the holding company treas ury. Instead it goes to the trustee lor the bondholders. The bonds are callable at 10S, according to statistical manuals ; so New Views i eater day statesman reporters asked this Question: "Do von read the news on the Japanese-Chinese situation? why or why not?" Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby, music teacher: "I Just sketch this type or news, i reel that the truth is not sent out from the Orient, Real tacts are censored. Why read carefully a censored report?" Ruth Mae Lawrence, society ed Itor: I did when they first got maa at each other now I've giv en tnem up. Beaver factory and Jefferson: On Not. It and SO this column contained some facts concerning the Beaver Hosiery Manufacturing company that operated in the ear ly seventies at Jefferson, and ask-' ed for more Information. The facts then related came from' the chance finding-by D. Samuel of an old day book, the blank back pages of which were in use by him for his Commercial hotel on the upper floors of hlr building in which is his general merchandise store, northwest cor ner Commercial and Ferry streets -formerly known as the Holman building, where for 20 years up 5 1871 the-'Oregon legislature held its sessions, and in which were the principal territorial and state offices. I Lola Morean. visitor: "Yes oer- Mr. Samuel has since found in tainly. Because it is an interesting 80me effects that came tq him by affair." accident the old ledger of the Bea ver Manufacturing company. .In neither the day book nor the led ger is there any heading or other writing, to identify its use by the Beaver company. But in each case there Is .ample Information to show for what it was used, check ed against county records, etc.. etc. The writer has also found an advertisement in the Salem Direc tory for 1872, reading: "Beaver Hosiery Mfg. Co., Jefferson, Ore gon. Established May 25th. 1871. Manufacturers of all kinds of knit goods. Goods of this company are WARRANTED ALL WOOD. Sam ples furnished upon application. M. L. Calvergent, W. O. Badger, Louis Thayer, ellfeu-lcian: Yes, when I get a look at a paper. The war has deeper motives than it looks from the outside. There's something to do with Russia in side." Anona Welch. stenoaraDher: "I haven't paid much attention to it. I know I should but there are so many things to do.', What is hap pening there, very much?" Daily Thought "Blessed are they who have the rift ef maklnf frlAnrin f nr It la we can't see how Ed's hieh and low financing w5uld succeed. I one of God's. best gifts. It involves agent for California. Murphy wu- Rostein has all the braims of the pro-Santiam crowd and many things the power of oing Croasman, Saiem, agents for roia mm wnen e ieib io use ma ueaa uvc uu ws yv another. -Thomas Hughes. There is also found in the Ore- - 4 Per Cent Beer THERE are bills in congress which would permit the sale of 4 beer. The purpose is modification now without waiting lor tne consxituiionai process Dy wmcn me xoui amendment might be repealed. The old beer contained only from 5 to 7 of alcohol, but it was gloriously intoxicating. Four per cent stuff would have a good kick in it which some people seem to want. But modification is only an opening wedge; and one which would not satisfy the repealists. The vote in Finland showed the futility of modification. While outright repeal re ceived a exeat majority, modification received an insignifi cant percentage. Senator McNary was right when he said fight wines and beers would not satisfy. As he put it, the American people have a taste fof hard liquor. So they do, and four per cent beer would merely stimulate consump-! tion of intoxicants, build up more appetites for whisky and gin, and result in a quasi-legal breakdown of the lKtramend ment. Political honesty alone should defeat these modification bills. If the country wants to go wet, let it do, so through the constitutional processes, and not through semi-legal nullification..-; Daily. Health Talks By ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. SWA41V.A II plaint, yd may Dr. Cepelaai . Continue Mrs. Wilson rflHE state fair is of far greater importance to Salem and j to the state at large than the welfare of any one individ ual If Mrs. Wilson, who has served as secretary for many years, has been inefficient or prodigal then he would need to make way for some one else. But we do not believe any such complaint against her administration can Jbe sustained. On the contrary there has been widespread confidence in the way she managed the fair. The fact that it has thrived under ber management, that its finances have been well conserved, , that its plant investment has been steadily enlarged is indi cation, of her abilfty as manager. More than! this, Mrs. Wil son has enjoyed the confidence, of exhibitors and patrons of ! the fair. - : - Running a fair is highly technical job. You are dealing with human beings of all classes. You are- attempting mass entertainment which is always a fickle thing. It would be the, height xt folly to throw out a trained secretary, with years of successful experience, and substitute some one who lacks those qualifications. Ii Director Gehlhar persists in his intention to drop Mrsu Wilson, the governor should interoose a hand for the welfare of the fair and the protection of the I . state s large investment therein. 'The Oregonun is engaged la a commendable battle against drunken drivers. We have similar teal on Its part in going after, the bootleggers who furnish the stuff that makes tha driven drunk. Instead its present policy seems to be toward making boose easier io ODiain. - . W. R. Bearst says that Speaker Garner Is another Champ Clark. we isiix so ioo, nee, nawi nee, nawi In these days being a creditor la sot mueh easier than- belnr a j CIATlCA is a common com- yet its true nature overlooked. Fre quently it Is confused with other ailments. The name is ami led to tht symptoms caused by an ir ritation er ' in flammation at the telati nerve. This nerve looks like a flat ribbon. It passes down tii back of the hip, into tite thigh and divides behind the knee joint i n t o t w o branches. These reach to tha sole of the foot. The sciatic nerve Is the largest nerve in the body. It is. about three Quarters of an inch in width. big enough to cause a lot of trouble when disturbed. It Is subject to lnfla.mms.Uons. These are caused br many condi tions, but are most commonly traced to rheumatism, diabetes, tubercu losis, syphilis and rarely to the pres. sure of a tumor within aa area close to the nerve. Another Uncomfortable ailment Is hxmbaxo. An attack of this may be followed by sciatica. The pain neVer Dreads to the front, but is always behind the thigh. It is quite severe and more or less constant. The pain of sciatica Increases on walkina- - and particularly when ' stepping forward. It rarely occurs in both legs, usually affecting oao side only. - The condition is confused with ether ailments. For Instance, It is mlte possible to regard the symp toms as indicating sciatica when la mailt thn Mm. from tTOllhiO in Ue hip Joint. la early eases of ar- they are actuaBy f Answers to Health? W. H. . Q. My wife baa bad several attacks of pnonraonia- dar mg the winter. Can anytalaa; be done to prevent suea trouble? ., - 'ki-t ta general health Is good the pattest should net be susceptible to the germs of colds and eoaglas. Strengthen her resistance, by spring ; her a good, general tonic to buUd aa her health. Tor further pmrtlculare ' send a salt addressed, stamped.- en velope and repeat your cueetlosu , : J. K. ; a-Wby Is ft 1 that very Ome X go swimming 1 get a cold la say bead. X keep blowing- my nose and aneeslng for two or three days axierwarosT tarxoa, wnica u an Inflammation el one ef the Joints, particularly if It attacks the hip. the pain aaay be transmitted down the back of the le and act like sciatica. But la ar thrltls. If the leg is bent and pres sure is placed oa the hip Joint, Um pala la Increased. In sciatica. If '.he lee- is lifted us from the bed without permitting the snee to Dena. pam is produced. This is a helpful alga in recognizing tht true eondlUoa. It is wise-, to have aa X-rar pie ture Jaken in every case of -sua pected sciatica- la this way tt Is possible to determine dooaJtoii whether there is any change or de formity of the- hip, or trouble la the Joints of the back. During the acute stares of the disease It Is important that the patient bo put to bed. Very often re lief can be given If a small pillow la placed under and be ween the knees. It may be necessary to give medi cine so that the pala may be reduced and sleep obtained. Neat in Importance In the treat ment of ; this condition Is heat. This may be applied in many ways. Una tard plasters, hot water or one of the various lamps which are now so common, may be tried la these cases. Where diathermy, or electri cal heat is available, great be Befits can be obtained. After the acute stages have passed, gentle , massage may be started. The massage abould never be given! during the acute stages, er when acute pals, is present. The massages may be Increased aa the leg becomes stronger. Sciatica occurs most frequently after exposure .to cold or dampness. Those who are particularly suscep tible, to' rheumatism and other in flammatory cendlUoas, should avoid exposure. ' rn addition, r-X advise that the teeth, tonsils, nasal abruses and the intestinal tract be gi Ten. mtten tion aa possible sources of Infection. Many eases et scia&ea have disappeared after the removal ef infected teeth tonsils. But first ' SYNOPSIS . r Tba girt ran to Adcla and, faUiag tw- ifi m.svLum. Jt before her, wound both arms about Tha Mexican peons, grown urea . . . of Pseo Morales oppression, await i, ... - .t ' it tha wortl from -a Coyote" their ". arlu- J?Te ?! tnaskedptosc. to rerthw him. F0 make ae P" hun. Donot U. S. Cavalry to capture tha notorf. -?J ? "V . - Tl tbMWit siua w wssm oa sows- ous bandit. Ted RadcUffa, a young American, learns that Morales was H ,u UC1 w' rrSefoYHsUt. xathTr? ruS JJ8?- $ Tery r-. ! j 1 1 nave been ul. hint not to raake an enemy of Mo rales, as ha Jias ether plana. Ted is enamored of Morales' beautiful niece, A J.I. A . - a J .t- - ' - - ilXr7!L5 1 w Ted. with clenched fists, ad- Imploriogly Adela turned to her uncle. The old . Spaniard gave no sign, but as she looked her uncle's eyes rose, with a sudden . catlike for Ted, exacts a promise from Ted never to fight with turn. Morales In forms Bob that his men will join in the search tat "EI Covets." and that I r4" t:. t... .j:....j ki ir ui .ulhand on 1 . j-i. .n. -..j & everything." . . , . , . . . I "I II rum a lew ol these drunken vancine toward Jito. With a quick step she was at Rad- diffe's side. "Don't.- She hid her his arm. "You will, ruin vaquero." His voice was thick with repressed anger. Adela's enp tightened. "Don't you see that it is just whafthey want? let his lack of wealth keep him from love. Bob receives a note and leaves tha merrymaking. Shortly after, news is received that Jito a vaqueros u : .. rrt J i to tieti TeTanTM not ft ! -T-JlrJ-VlSi If forbid you to interfere, whatever u iiwwi m tiwiv unyiHim aua She calls "Ei Coyote's" vengeance upon Jito. The latter abuses a far mer for not leaving his land. CHAPTER XXII Queries Send sell addressed. stamped envelope for fuU particular and repeat year 9 i 9 9 Cautious tt What skin to peel between the toast easaaessssat Aw This may be daa to Hon or eczema. - . .--,. see. "Thank. Ton" O I ass sabjset to severe cold wXQ raw eggs and soQk help to soak .see stronger t. Aw Tea. - Ton should try to bnOd on the general health be less susceptiMe to colds. Eat plenty ef ceed nenriahlnsr feed. Ex ercise dally la the fresh air and shhse. . Oet tagnlar hours Take cod liver oil aa a general tenia. gon Historical Quarterly for De cember (1931) an article entitled Beginnings of Jefferson." bv Jes sie steiwer Douglas, being the sec ond installment of an honors the sis, University of Oregon, the first or whleh was In the Sentemhar number, and covered tha history of Santiam City, the town on tha Santlam below Jefferson, that was among those utterly destroyed by being left off the railroad, which was built through Jefferson: tnough santlam City had been about wiped out by floods, togeth er with the greater enterprise of me rounaera of Jefferson, especi ally that of Jacob Conser, who put In and operated the first ferry mere, erected saw and grist mills, etc. airs, uougias nas this para graph m ner article: m "Absalom Smith bought a card Ing machine in 1863. and started what was later to become the Bea ver Hosiery Manufacturing com pany. Conser and a man named Culver . were Smith's partners in this stocking factory. (They were Jacob Conser and M. L. Culver.) The latter company did not come into existence unti 1871. They sold it to A. Stinson (A. L. Stin- son) the next year, but he ran it but a snort time, when It was com pletely destroyed .by fire. That marked the end of tha knitting In dustry in Jefferson.' (Absalom Smith was the father of Martha Jane Smith, who is Mrs. W. T. Rigdon of Salem.) Jesse Steiwer Douglas wrote aa j interesting story of Jefferson. She I shows that the history of the town for the first few years was made by two men, Jacob Conser and "Uncle Jimmy Bates.". Con ser was prominent In many ways in early Marlon county life. Ha was a member of the Oregon leg islatures of 1849-60, 18S1-S aad 1856-7. a trustee of Willamette university, a director of the Ore gon A California railroad, etc., etc. Tha last named place of au thority no doubt accounts for the fact that his son, "Shan" Conser, waa one of tha two first railroad conductors in Oregon, from East Portland to Waconda. then to Sa lem. Albany, Eugene, Oakland. etc., and then Roseburg. And Shan" spent his mature life- on passenger trains in Oregon, aad was one of tha best known of old time eitisens. Jacob Conser was very active. No wonder Jefferson grew while ha was la his prime tnere. He came to Oregon in tha 1848 covered wagon immigra tion. U Mrs. Douglas ssys the other early resident of the place that be came Jefferson, James Madison Bates, had a colorful career. Born at Washington, D. C, he ran away at 19 and went on a vessel to Eur ope. Then ha came on a fur trad ing ship to Pacific waters, arriv ing in Grays Harbor In March, 1929: thence up the Columbia and Willamette, to the mouth of the Clackamas, trading with the In dlans. They spent that winter at ScanpoOse, thence went to Califor nia, and the Sandwich Islands They 'were, back on the coast In 1830: came into the Columbia riv er, when Bates first decided ha wanted to settle in the Willamette valley.. But ha remained with his ship in its trading voyages. Ac cording to Mrs. Douglas: "His next step toward the San tiam valley was through the Meth odist missionaries. Dr. W. IL Will- son found Bates at Honolulu when Willson was first coming to Ore gon in 1837. He hired Bates as a blacksmith 'helper; and brought him to tha mission near Salem. Bates stayed with tha mission Un til 1847, serving as . blacksmith. steward, second surgeon . and teacher in tha school established for tha Indiana." If tha abova paragraph Is true history; it la new matter, the writ er believes, that has escaped all other records, it waa toa long period for hint to remain on with tha mission in tha capacities nam ed attar tha early part of 1844, for tha mission was dissolved . than. excepting for the station at Tha Dallea. Bat it Is within the possi bilities that the rest of. the story is correct, and has p to now bean overlooked. , v Mrs. Bates goea on to say that in 1847 when Bates was St years old, ha took a alaim west of Jesse Looaey's, bat when he married. early la the same year, he and happens." She stamped her foot in sadden anger. "Why must you. too, make it harder for me? I tell you I do not need your help. Go back. Oh, please go back" Reluctantly be turned and walked "For the last time has Paco Mo-1 to the car. rales tolerated such swine as youl Already the vaqueros were mutter- on the range." the biaMexican went I ing at the delay, pressing closer on. "Who is the law here in north about the little circle, cursing, shout Mexico? Morales. Who holds "back I ing to Jito, eager for the end. the gringo oa one side and the Yaaui I Jito nodded to his men. Laughing, on the other? It is Morales. Why I they seized the old peoa and bared should he auow you to settle here I his withered, wrinkled back, Witn like ticks on a cow, here ia the val- rawhide they tied his arms to the fey. and benefit from what bis work 1 doorway. has brought about?" I A bad day for you, compadre. 'But. tenor, the land was bought" I when you thought El Coyote could "Now. by everr saint ia heaven. I protect you," muttered a vaquero. you come back to that, do you? The "What is the protection of El Coyote land was bought! In this country worth now?" And viciously the man tne governor ot onora nunseu couia I ugaicnca tac nwmw woBgj. not sell you. security on the. range of Morales. This land is ours. We who follow the cattle own it.. It is free, open land for us. It is not land for farmers or for farms.' Adela threw herself between the vaqueros and that aged, drooping form in the doorway. Her eyes, nar- . row with anger, threw back the light of the rising flames. Her words From within came the exultant I lashed them with their tone of cold laughter of a man. and a woman's I contempt, "You talk of justice, you scream, quickly muffled, then silence. I dogs, you cowering, fawning dogs. Jito pushed his huge form through 1 that come to fight against an old the door, followed by Ted and Adela. I man and his daughter." Her fingers On a table beyond burned a feeble; I tore at the knotted thongs aifd again smoking lamp, and in the dim circle I a wave of pent-up anger arose from of light the same, vaquero again held the crowd. Jito looked impatiently the peon giri His bloodshot eyes about him. "1 cannot hold them glistened. His hand moved over the long." he said in a low tone to Mo- smooth skin of the girl's throat and I rales. "They must .have blood. he grinned drunkenly at Jito. "Is she not a oft armful, cabal lero? For Dios. she will make one forget the long ride of the night.' And he pawed the shrinking girL Once more Adela s voice rose afove the tumult. "Jito. make them wait until tomorrow." But her words were lost among the jeering cries, while the maddened crowd pressed Impatiently Jito shook her head I forward. A vaquero stood raging bc- "Let her go.' Ia surprise the other looked up. He shook his head defiantly. "Let ber go." Jito's voice had sunk to a dangerous growL "Qui val She is the best of the loot, this little dove." Jito took one step forward. His fore Jito. "Since when do we take orders from women, horabre? Send her away while there is time.' The tumult redoubled. The shouts had taken on a new ominous quality, It had become the low, deep roar of a wolf pack ready to close on its hand closed about the man's neck Quickly Jito raised Adela and and be raised him bodily from the round. - " I .1 - t - m V . -Once before I have had trouble '" " r :.u - h, ; t- Iut0 should be fighting for all our with you," he said in low, even tones. "The next time my boys will cast lots for s dead mans saddle. He shook the choking vaquero, then dropped him contemptuously to the floor.. "No harm win come to you, sen- ortta." Jito told the girL "It is with your father we have business." Hejj lives." He raised his head. 'Bueno," he called. "Thirty lashes to teach this peon wisdom." . . Morales looked quietly on,, his mouth set m s haif-smSe. His re ftraituBg arms had closed about the girl, and with a sob Adela closed her A stalwart vaquero rolled back his sleeve aad picked up a heavy quirt. He stood fuB Is the flaring light of the haystack aad raised his clenched turned again to the old man. "Felipe Dominguez. because you did not see fit to take Mocales'e warning, this night your house is to be burned. your fields trsmpled by horsemea. fof bIow esiM wmmsi aevtia anns nsirsn siss s Ton have defied mt orders, these I ht Wow never feH. men will give you thirty lashes ofj From somewhere out of the dark rawhide. Tomorrow, when the des-j bars a flame and the. vaquero ert country hears, they will begin J whirled, dutcaed his breast, then fell to believe that it is not wise to stand ineaojos at ms masters reel. out against the w3Li paco Mo-t A clear voice called from the dark rales." loess. "Let no maa more.". : Clustered about the ? tanchuousa each vaquero stiffened. One dreaded word, passed among them like the roke of death itself. H "El Coyoter j . The flames of the haystack rose higher, tossing great sparks into the . blue desert sky. Dimly the vaqueros could, distinguish a double rank of silent, horsemen surrounding . them. ready and ominous. The firelight danced on the steel of their rifles and glittered on the conchas of their chaps.. Again came the -dear voice. "1 am sending men ia to disarm . you. If one of you moves, it is death to all of you. " - Five masked horsemen approached. Quickly they made a little pile of the weapons of Jito's mem A short, stocky rider seemed to! have taken charge. Presently he ordered the -vaqueros to stand before the door. Meanwhile other riders gathered the horses. - i "So you thought .the protection of El Coyote not enough, amigos?" asked the masked leader, "You will have other thoughts before dawn. But now I bring you this message from El Coyote. Listen carefully, as you value life, for the patience of El Coyote is not endless. For twenty years you. Paco: Morales, and you, his hirelings, have iield dominion over the borderland. You have driven men and their families from land that is theirs. You have done it without fear, for you knew that the peon endured much and did little. We had no leader, and for these rea sons the herds of Morales have be come fat and multiplied, while the people have lived in poverty and dread. Our women have ndfeeh safe, our children have had no future to look forward to, our old age has become filled with fear. And all this because M or ales wanted a land that was ouc oy ngni. j.ooay lew ot us now have enough land to make a grave, and still the herds of Morales grow." The masked rider stopped speaking. ; .The dying flames of the haystack cast spectral shadows across his face and caused the eyes behind the black mask to glisten. Still no man moved. Beside him Ted could hear Adela's quick breathing. Jito stood stiffly before him. not knowing whether to cdpect capture or quick death, while behind, in aa outer circle, the out laws sat ia quiet watchfulness. Once more the masked man raised his voice. "Vaqueros of Morales, a leader has risen. You call him El Coyote. Many times you have sought to lull him. Mexican cavalry has joined with the Americanos to run him down. But he is still free. To night he is out there with us. Why do you not go forth to him. Jito, you who have sworn to tear out his heart? See. he is out there only a little way, and the masked man pointed to the darkness behind him. A shiver of fear ran through every man. Even Jito himself j darted an uneasy glance toward the shadows. Out there, just beyond the rim of light, the unknown killer was. A trembling vaquero made a fleeting sign of the cross. "Dios mio," he murmured. "Tonight for this we all die." . "Listen now to what El Coyote bids me say. The ranchers of the border will no longer bear the yoke of Morales and bis .vaqueros. From now on we will strike back, and, even if Et Coyote nimself is taken, still will we strike back. And: for every cow of ours you take or kilL we will kill two. For every man! you give twenty lashes we win tie up one of your band aad give him forty. We are mea with our backs to the wall. We have nothing to lose, for life it self has long since lost the things that gave it value. Days; of firing profit us nothing, for we have neither peace nor security. But that day is done. From now on we fight for the things that make life good." IT B Cootfeaedl; Fall on Your Face, They Still Laugh Says Howard, Thirty Years Upon Stage NEW YORK, Fall on your face. says Willie Howard, "and they'll still laugh like a bunch of bab oons." Willie thinks he ought to know. for h has Just completed his 30th year on the state aad falling on his face has contributed much to his success. He and his. team-mate, "Broth er . Gene, held an anniversary party between the acts of the "Scandals" in their dressing room and they sandwiched these obser vations between their reminiscences: river (Santlam) near Thomas Holt's. Their first home was a log cabin on the bottom near the river, about half a mile below the site of Jefferson. In '49 Bates joined tha gold rush ta California. While ha wss away the flood oc curred which destroyed Conser s mill at Santlam City, taking also tha Bates home.. On his return ha built another house, on higher ground, and the family moved In to it In 1881. This was tha first house built within Jefferson. Con ser, after tha flood, bunt a ferry at what was to be Jefferson, start ed a hotel, erected mills, arranged tor an educational center, and platted tha town and sold lots. He had erst lived near Sclo, thear at gantlam City. While still there, la 1849, ha had taken land claim between , the Bates and - Holt claims, and built a log cabin Just below tha Bates home. Around these two homes grew the town ot Jefferson. Thomas Holt had mar ried Mrs. Bates' daughter in 18 4T. Conser had his new saw mill run ning, at Jefferson, by 185 J. In another year ha had built a frame house, large eaoegh for gnests. This was tha first frame house there. Ha had lured Thomas Dolt from Santlam City to becoma als partner. .Santlam City, waa losing out te Jefferson, largely thronga The same gags that "brought down the house'' in the gay nine ties are good for a. laugh today if you make them a little more risque. Ring in some- "home town stuff," and they'll think you're great. The more high-hat the audi ence, the more alapstlck they like tneir comedy. , - Willie's long: career "on the boards" began when he ran away from home to do impersonations, in a dime museum, ot persons he never had seen. He- and his broth er, traose homeliness is his tor tune, told the story in their best Yiddish stage dialect,. . "Papa was a cantor in a Har lem synagogue." Gene said, strok ing the long nose which has been bruised on stages from coast to coast for the benefit of a few laughs. "He wanted Willie and me to sing with him. but one night Wil lie disappeared. fThat's right. Willie chimed ia, "I went over to the museum aad did a lot of impersonations. When I-did John Drew aad a lot of tha others I hadn't ever seen, they get blisters on their hands applauding. Then I'd come oa and mlmie Jee Welch, a famous vaudeville actor ot those days. "Now Fd seen Joe work and'my Imitation was hot stuff. Bat did they give me a hand? Not those bams. They hollered 'rotten and hooted me off the stage. "Anyway, I made 820 that week doing 40 appearance a day, and then I got 1 homesick and went back to face" the music. Papa got down the strap. I said, 'Look. I made $20.' He said, my dear Wil lie, yon go right back and get tht Job permanent-like.' "After that Gene and X teamed np. In our first big show Gene didn't have a line. He Just walked up and down lh stage with a gun on his shoulder; a sentry, you know. The opening;! night papa was In the audience. He! watched Gene for a minute, then he got up and hollered. 'For gosh sake. Gene, if you can't talk, shoot off that gun.' It nearly busted up tha show.". t - Hunters Carry Score Cards j COLUMBUS. Ohlo-t(AP)-Ohio hunters now keep tally cards like bridge players A card for tally of number of each kind of game klUed is affixed to hunt ing licenses with the request that it be returned to the department of conservation to determine the Quantity of game killed in tha state each: year. ll WEiep meat Ho : Dirolieri iteQe9o IPmlflo Act Promptly When Bladder . 7 ,, - m AF y bothered with bladder , lrrejrtilarities bornlng. scanty -r "" jpjwcnpuy uteea ejiupuMuas iney may warn af some disorderej kldaer ar . bladder condition. i Ja rywbere rely em Doan'B POi. This time-test, extdiaretla baa baeq reeens rseeided for SO year. Sold by sail - - " s. - , . w A Dfareffe : thm&Utntyt the enterprise or conser. .(Concluded tomorrow.) i A. This may be due te nasal vru. his wife took a larger claim oa tha I