The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 05, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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August -Frederick Homver.
soclated with W. Q. Krueserln
iue realty business her since
1913, died suddenly at the fam
ily nome Monday about 1 o'clock.
Mr. Homyer had teen downtown
during the morning, and had
caiiea at the statohouse to ac
company his daughter home.
Whiie driving home he eomplaln-
,ea or reeling badly, and when
t nome laia down to rest, - death
coming then. ' -
Mr." Homyer was born in Fores
. ton, ML, Feb. 17, 1885, later mor-
ingwlth his parents to Alta Vista,
Iowa,, where he (was married Jan.
22, 1897, to Miss Anna Vick. They
',, lived In Alta Vista until coming to
f . Salem in 191S. While in Iowa he
I . farmed.
Mr. -Homyer was a charter
member of the American Lutber
; an church here, and served for
the first two years as its treas
" urer. ,
Surviving are the widow, Anna
t Homyer; two daughters, Mrs. El-
ton H. Thompson and Miss Clara,
and two grandsons, Robert. Elton
and Milton Avery Thompson, all
i of Salem and the following
: brothers and-sisters: Conrad F.
Homyer and Lizzie Wilkins of Sa
lem; Charles F. Homyer, Alta Via-
, , ta, Iowa, and Reeks Snyder, A1--.
bany. Funeral services are in
' charge Of Clough-Barrick Co. cha
; pel, and announcements will be
' made later.
Falls Trails in
Good Condition,
Hikers Declare
, Forty-seven Chemeketans and
their friends who Sunday after-
' noon hiked to eight of the 10 falls
'In Silver falls park reported that
the newly-constructed trails are
in good condition and make the
falls easily accessible. The flve-
; mile circuit of the falls was cov-
: ered in five and one-half hours.
Walter Robinson was leader for
the hike, - 1
:The next Chemeketan trip will
be to Champoeg park on the aft-
; ernoon of Sunday, January 17.
tmmr nnM. Jut torn"
M PUU,m kaawa
MUM. Safe, ftaitebi. BnNawf
fou T naocosxs BTEanrr"-
:A- oe-
Home of WU Talkies
A Home-Owned Theatre
Also Charley Chase Comedy
sad News
The glamorous star
whoso ' supreme artis
try brought you "Sar
ah . and Son, "Un
faithful, "Any-
body's Woman in
human - story of
. woman who sacrifices
prestige for love
.1 V
' . I
Once a
LJlldcr tllC Occurrences and Gossip
p at tha center of Oregon's
UOlTie V state government
jr back and in fit condition, was
the big news story around the
capitor yesterday. The governor
now wears a derby hat,, a. black
one by the way, and looks better
than he has since Lis Inaugura
tion. The .governor has put on
some weight, but a few good po
litical battles and he will be down
to racing poundage.
The governor says ft seems
good to get back, and be was
anything bat laudatory about
the California weather. His va
cation did do hint a lot of good,
from all, appearances. There
were no board meetings here
yesterday; but several are
scheduled for today. With the
governor back, more news Is ex
pected to break.
But just what Max Gehlhar. di
rector of agriculture, might have
said In his letter to the governor.
will remain unknown for some
time or until some. action 13 taken
in that connection, it was learned
yesterday. At least the governor
gave no indication he would re
lease the contents of the com
munication. Mrs. Sheldon F. Sackett, sec
retary Co. the governor, return
ed to her desk yesterday, and
graciously received the felicita
tions of officials and friends on
her' recent wedding. Beatrice
Walton, as she so far la better
knows, said she would eontiano
her duties for time at least,
ranch to the satisfaction of
Governor Meier.
If ever such a time should
come that the secretary will re
sign. Governor Meier would have
difficulty in getting as efficient
and capable a secretary as Mrs.
Sackett. Governor Meier himself
has said it would be hard to re
place her, and he is not anxious
to be forced to do so. The press
gallery likewise would dislike to
see her leave that office.
Itufos C Holman, recovered
somewhat from his severe cold of
the past 10 days, was also back
at the capital yesterday. He an
nounced he would '"have his
throat cut" Wednesday, bat
Dont put tip with painful piles an
other day or hour. There is posi
tive relief, very often, for the very
worst case. Pyramid suppositories
are designed to stop the pain and
even all itehiner. Relief Mmoo svtvvAlf
ly. The first application will bring
yon much comfort and ease. Try
inera toaay. Kemem
ber the name. Just
say Pyramid Suppos
itories to any drug
gist; 60 cents.
7auA BW, Manfcall, Mich.
I2e2!Le?? FREE trial hex
of Pyramid suppositories.
A -Home-Owned Theatre
- - . -V, "
:rhth y
added that "mnch to the dis
pleasure . of the press ha
.would have It "cut from the In
side. Holmaa will undergo an
other operation on his tonsils.
General George A. White of the
nauonai guara and Jerrold Owen,
of the bonus commission, a t
Silverton last night to attend the
American iegion meeting there.
General White was scheduled for
a auaress. owen announced a
oonua commission meeUng would
be held hero todar hnt
nothing but routine matters was
on me caienaar.
- 1
f ': The first grading and surfac
ing contract as well as bridge
contracts to be made for some
Wme, will be considered at the
next meeting of th state high
way commission, it was an
nounced yesterday. The meeting
will be held in Portland Janu
ary 21. The counties affected in
clude Lincoln, Malheur, Douglas
and Multnomah.
Representative Joseph Scott of
Pendleton and Roy Rltner. tar-
mer president of tha nnt ni
t one time acting governor, for
merly of Pendleton, were visitors
at the capitol yesterday. Both re-
.. poiuics, particularly in
the congressional ramrtoirn
beginning to warm up In the sec
tion east of the mountains.
Continued frost pure 1)
State college.
Preceding the business meetin
a report concerning tha renianttn.r
of the courthouse lawn was given
or wrs. w. K. Anderson, who with
Schryverand Chester
Cox Interviewed the county court.
Mrs. Anderson reported that th
court had agreed to furnish the
man-power to dig np the court
house lawn and to tat it lav fal
low until next year. Plans for the
repiantmg are yet undecided.
The work . of digging up the
lawn will go in the county's relief
work for aiding the unemployed.
PORTLAND, Jan. 4. -(AP)
Albert L. Anderson, accused of
robblag Paul Dickman of Salem
of his money and clothes at a
Portland hotel, was sentenced to
one year in Jail today on a charge
of larceny. Sentence was passed by
Municipal Judge Tomlinson.
Anderson originally was charg
ed with assault and robbery. Jane
Lewis, a woman arrested with
him. drew a suspended seatence
of six months.
Dickman alleged he had been
invited to a hotel room by An
derson. Arriving there, he told
police, he had a few drinks with
Anderson and when he attempted
to leave Anderson beat and robbed
03EGON STATESMAN. SalecC Oregon. Tnesdif Iornli
Mrs. j Prank Kolsky died at I
o'clock Monday morning at the
Deaconess hospital, sha was injur
ea rn an auiomonue accident on
December 2(, which necessitated
me amputation of a portion of her
right hand. The shock of tha oper
ation added tothat of the accident
proved too much for her heart.
Only a little mora than two
months ago she was a bride. Her
maiden name was Carol Van Bur
en. the only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Van Buren, of 430
North 22nd street. Her -husband
was Frank Kolsky Jr.,. of near
Woodburn. She was not yet 19
years of age.
She was a member oL Temple
Baptist church and found most
of. her Interests and social activi
ties there. It was her wish that her
funeral be held from that church,
and it has been so arranged. The
service will be conducted by Dr.
Ray E. York, the supply minister.
at 10:20 this, morning. Rigdon's
mortuary is in charge, and burial
will be in Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Pension Bill
Be Discussed at
Session Tonight
To discuss the railroad employ
espenBlon bill and consider organ
ization of a Salem branch of the
Railroad Employes National Pen
sion association. Inc., a meeting
win oe neia tonight for all rail
road and express employes In Sa
lem and vicinity at the office of
A. A. MIckel, district - agent for
the Southern Pacific. 184 North
Liberty street, at 7:30 o'clock.
J. H. Dougherty, an express em
ploye! who lives la Seattle, will
address the meeting. Dougherty
is organizer for Oregon and Wash
ington. He came by way of Cali
fornia from Chicago where ha
conferred with E. J. Ellingson of
Salem, now secretary of the asso
ciation in charge of .Its national
Marcroit Team
Heading Legion
Members Drive
Membership for 1932 In rnitol
Post No. 9, American Lezinn.
stands at 280, it was reported last
nignt wnen captains of the six
membership teams met In the of
fice of R. H. Bassett in the Guar
dian building. J. w. Marcroft's
team was in the lead.
To plan more Intensive effort
toward reaching tha goal of over
700 members, the teams were
called to meet at the Bassett of-
xice at 7: jo o'clock next Friday
STAYTON, Jan. 4 fSoeclall
Mr. and Mrs. George Frictl are the
parents of twin daughters, born
Saturday at the Salem General
nospitai. one weighed a little
more than six and tha other a
trine more than five nonnds.
These aretheir only children, they
naving lost a oaoy in infancy. The
proud father is employed in tha
shipping department of the Stay-
ion cannery.
N050o?exi i
SSp rase
The C all
Today Theodora Dreiser's
"An American Tragedy.
Wednesday Joan Crawford
in "This Modern Age."
Friday BUI Cody In "Dugan
of the Bad Lands r
Today George Bancroft la
"Rich Man's Folly.
Wednesday Marian Marsh
in "Under Eighteen.
Friday- J ames Dunn In "Sob
Today - Joan Crawford In
Wednesday Ruth Chatter
ton In "Once a Lady."
Friday Lawrence Tibbett
in "The Cuban Leva Song."
Today Janet Gaynor In
"Merely Mary Ann."
Wednesday Betty Compson
in "Three Who Loved."
Friday Jack Holt In "White
"Possessed" is an excellent pio-
ture, rising high above the aver
age motion picture. It builds ta a
climax that leaves one silent and
not a little shaken emotionally.
to begin with tha settings are
so splendid and so artistically
photographed that the show is of
interest event though the acting
were to fall below the level of
good taste. But In addition to
the splendid photographic back
ground and sophisticated life
there Is the theme of an absorb
ing story sty splendidly acted as
to make one forget that, before
one is only a screen upon which
a make-believe story la belnr
Fine shadings of facial exnres-
sions, modulations of voices, nat
uralness or poses and positions,
acting that is gennlne and sin
cere at all times and on the part
of all concerned It Is an excel
lent production, and you will ba
the loser if yon do not see it.
Joan Crawford has dona noth
ing yet as artistic and sincere
and as near real drama as this
picture and Clark Gable Is now.
erfully convincing.
The management of the Grand
will present a special feature
Friday and Saturday. "Martyna",
the man who allows himself to
do frozen into a block of ice and
remains there for 20 minutes
will perform this feat as a fea-
. Ceo.. ISt. TU
AUm Hortow has smoked UcUm
for two years . . . set one CMtwae
paid for br slflaad tletoaMiit Ska
ota to rtardoai is "Hairs Anoals
... and If yeeVe saaa fear aew
WTSS GIRLS, yoa'n esaarstoad
wkytheMdaf alHsaratryiftflts
swteh kar riotaat plnHaeibloade
locks. We appreciate all ska !
vitas of UKkJat, and so we say,
Januw ffim
The supreme court sent another
rate casa back to the Interstate
commerce commission today , to
add to tha other Irksome prob
lems oecor e tnat group.
Tha court set aside rednced
freight rates on grain with the
commission-, ordered last August
as a result of its 1928 Investiga
tion. Chief Justice Hughes order
ed that the i commission make a
farther Inquiry which would take
into consideration the decreased
earnings of grain carrying rail
roads. !
Whether the opinion of the
United States supreme court set
ting aside the Interstate com
merce commission order reducing
freight rates! on grain and grain
products on all railroads west of
the Mississippi river, will have
ny Influence on a somewhat sim
ilar intrastate order -issued by
Charles M. Thomas, state utilities
commissioner, could not be deter
mined here last night.
Thomas declared, however, that
it would be possible for the Ore
gon carriers to go Into the courts
and attack the intrastate rate or
der on the ground that it was dis
criminatory. This was said to have
been the holding of the United
States supreme court in the Inter
state order. !
Peter Johnson
House Fire is
First of Year
Thirty-eight hours and 18 min
ute of 1132 went by In Salem be
fore tha fire department was call
ed out to extinguish a fire.
At 2:15 o'clock Saturday after
noon the east station company an
swered a call from If 10 Lee street
where the house owned by Peter
Johnson and occupied by V. A.
Smith was ablaze. Damage was
confined to the roof and upper
part of the building. Sixty gallons
of chemical were used In putting
out the fire. It Is believed to have
started either from flying sparks
or a defective flue.
Shop Employes
To Work Again
Eleven hundred employes of
tne southern Paclfle railroad
ture between moving pictures on
these two days.
, sj : i
j - - - 3 -
i - . , - ' -
"I've tried all cigarettes and there's none so cood as
cigarettes I have to be because of my throat, Put me
down as one who always reaches for a LUCKY. It's a
real delmht to find a Cellonhane
lalle' '-':A,
Your Throct Protacildiwrnalrut Irrlratlon cnotnst cou'f:!
shows hare was vara laid aft
sama Urn aga returned ta work
today ea a f oar-day week basis.
T. If. Williams, assistant general
manager, said that about t.OOO
men' returned ta work oa tha
railroad front Portland, Ore., ta
Tuoumcarl oa tha south aad Og
dea oa the east.
Delinquency of
Taxes Heavier;
" Law is Blamed
With the tax delinquencies of
the county, as of November S at
least 50 per cent above those of
the same time last year there la
considerable . speculation as to
cause. Largest blame Is being
placed on the new law which al
lows only 8 per cent interest on
delinquent taxes rather than 12
per cent as formerly charged. De
pression also comes In for Its
share of blame for the high de
linquency. 1
Regardless of the cause It Is a
fact that the last half of the tax
es due amount to
and a year ago the delinnnnnv
only amounted to $323,153.62.
711 Companies
Dissolved Due
To Fees? Lack
A total of 711 corporations
were dissolved by the state of Ore
gon Monday. Fifteen of these
were cooperative, 27 mining, 23
foreign, and 341 domestic1
All of the corporations affected
by the dissolution order had fail
ed to pay their fees during the
past three years. Mott submitted
the list to Governor eMier late to
day. These corporations automat
ically will be dropped from doing
business in Oregon by executive
Last January, 381' .firms were
dissolved for non-payment of fees.
Time to Buy Dog
License is Here
Dog-Ilcense period la on azafn
at the county courthouse, a num
ber of owners already having paid
for the annual license reanired hv
state law. Owners of female dogs
must pay S for each dog owned
and $2 for each male. Under the
law tne last date for payment
without penalty Is February 2t.
Mrs. M. O. Panek will entertaia
members of the Y'sMenettes clnh
at her home Friday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. At this time the club
will be addressed by Mrs. Monroe
Gilbert on some phase of art.
CaCopsaoa Raepa fiat TUd Flavor rrossj
PORTLAND. Jan. 4.- (AP)
Earl H. Fitiwater, president at
the Guardian Building Loan as
sociation, which is now in (he
hands of James W. Mott, state cor
poration commissioner, pleaded
guilty today to four Indictments
charging him Jointly with Jay S.
Moltzner with unlawfully lending
funds of a building and loan as
sociation, without security.
sentence was deferred.
Moltzner, vice-president of tha
uuaraian association went oa
trial today in circuit court here.
Selection of a Jury occupied the
entire day.
Moltzner will b tried on- la
charge of unlawfully lending 310,
000 on November 4, 1930, front
funds of the Guardian! association
to the Mortgage Investment com
pany, its holding company.
Lotus L. -Langley, district at
torney, said "No promise of Im
munity has been made to Mr. Fits
water by the district attorney's
office." j
First Christian
Mission Society
To Hear Worker
The Woman's Missionary socie
ty of the First Christian church
will meet Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock in the church parlors,
when Hattle Mitchell, living-link
missionary, will be the guest of
honor and chief speaker. All wom
en of the church are urged to ba
At 7:30 o'clock that night, tha
church will hold a reception 'for -Miss
Mitchell, when special effort
will be made to secure a large at
tendance of young people. Miss
Mitchell has served in Africa for
a number of years, through tha
efforts of the local church.
War Fliers to
Organize, Plan
All former members of tha
834th aerial squadron : who saw
service in England during the
World war, have been called to a
meeting In Portland tonight at
7:30 o'clock at KeUey'a Hazel
wood, for the purpose of form Ins
a permanent organization. Two
men will go from Salem, Charles
Low of 'the state highway depart
ment and Amos Stanley of the
state engineer's department
11 y
, ww : j mr tMt vvwaneevss.