mm --sszr - w nee ivmms eCMOEl v if A FREE GIFT To the first 150 customers on opening day who purchase $2 or more we will give a beautiful key tainer, comb set, or purse until the 150 are gone. . A FREE GIFT To the first 150 customers on opening day who purchase $2 or more we will give a beautiful keytainer, comb set,' or purse until the 150 are gone. FOUMDjsP 1631 . Salem, Oregon Tuesday Morning, January 5, 1932 H 'fa ' Record went O 8ft at E tale All O: on in ' Tfinis Qmnr me v ic Starts Wed. -JAW.; dth 0 - 9a.m. Starts Wed. JAN. C. P. BISHOP FOUNDER AXD PRESIDENT . Oar 42nd "Anniversary 42 years ago when Salem was Just a small city before the days, of the automobile and airplane, this business was founded. During this great time this business has grown and prospered. It has endured through wars, panics and depressions. This store has serr ed the needs of the community In men's and boy's clothing and finest virgin wool blan kets. There. Is a -reason for this success. The business was founded npon one prin ciple: to give dependable merchandise At the lowest possible prices consistent with quality. lair aeaiing ana satisfaction iirsi, last anu ry always to erflX customer. It Is with pride j" , Xjj that we looTt "back" over these 42 years ofw . succeHSnySndnow thrsggh our appreciation L . yt" we are lauhculffigptisiavely the greatest f - i? -value-giving event In our history. VTe wish ;v ; to thank our thousands of friends for their , 'fof'tll past patronage and assure' them that con luiuru prugmsBiTrors is 1110 uiuiiv wi u j j activities in years to come. j - - - 9 a.m. '.:rs.t & vr4S , Exploding a Bpmb Shell Unparalled in Mil Clothing History 1000 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S HART SCHAEFFNER & MARX MICHAEL STERN AND OTHER HIGHEST GRADE SUITS AND 0COATS NOW 2 FOR PRICE OF ONE. BACK OF THIS MASTERFUL EVENT STANDS OUR 42 YEARS OF RETAIL AND MANUFACTURING EXPERIENCE. 11 v. ? , . jut f ; -v - J 1 --'"! a; V5yT 4. J T r: h. cooley BUYER AXD L1XAGER In my 22 years' affiliation with this estab lishment and serving the men of Salem and the Willamette Valley, I have never before assembled such a startling array of values as this our greatest anniversary sale affords . . . and with all sincerity I want to say Men! I You can not afford to miss these, the most crashing prices (on highest grade mer chandise) of all merchandising events. I urge you to attend the opening days of this sale for better selections. With some 40 efficient salesmen to serve you, you are as sured of the same courteous service that has merited our continuous success, which through quality merchandise and values has 1 given to this store the reputation as the outstanding merchandising organization in the Northwest. R. H. CYHlT.rcv. Xf waac I ELLIS E. COOLEY Aswtiabif nd Display Mmagtr X sincerely belitr tfcit without doubt thla tsi will rtcelTa tht gnstert respons accorded any morcliandising event la Saien. Over 0,000 hornet will fee resched with onr drcslsr throsfhont Marlen, Xane, Polk, Benton and many other eonntles. Thens. anda are acquainted with oar great value-tiTlng venti aad are anxiously awaiting this great news. Our entire Iz large windows and Interior will Be trimmed aa sever before. In my many years of business expert nee and some IS year emulation with this organisa tion X have never seen sneh- astounding values as we are offering (or thla crowning event. J . 4 Showing pictures of the frontage of the Bishop Store which has been specially trimmed to show much of the store's big value attractions xor Wednesdays great opening. Bishop's, Salem's Own Store for Nearly Half a Century, Has Served the People to Their Every Interest and a Store that Stands for the Betterment and Upbuilding of Salem and the Community. The executive and department managers pictured here together with S other members of this organization, each hold an individual responsibility in the Interest of the growth and prosperity of this store. Each home owners and community builders, always foremost In their cooperation for the betterment of Salem and the Willamette valley. Every dollar of profit received from this store helps you and helps the progress and upbuilding of Salem and surrounding country which brings more employ ment and more prosperity. r.'-.-j-r 1 v. t VV'- LA. 1 ri i ,. ,.'.. 5 ' I v V J 4 0. C. LOCKE Xa Oharge ef paralahlng Dept Seen with Bishop's eoaie 14 years. Says: Xa all Ihea yean aever have the prices seen so low on eueh high grade and well known lines of shirts, underwear, hos iery, etc, and X sincerely urge every friend and ena tosier to take advantage ef this, out 2nd AaBlvertary tod a for 1 tale. L. P. BACH Xa Charge ef CTothtng Dept. To IS yean Mr. Bach has been with thla sr. ganlsaelOB. In grouping thla fine stock ef Bert. Schaffnei a Man, hOchael Stem and ether well, known brands, n is a pleasure Indeed to offer such entering values to mj friends, aad Is sseak eertala to make hundreds ef sew ones. I -as I BETTY SHIPLEY Xa Charge Xadlet Hosiery XHpi. fet the peat three yean. It is a pleasure ladeed to offer this exceptional fine stock ef werchan diss a sacs asaaalng vateee. Bvery wemaa ta Salem ahonld nrxe that hnsband or Mead to at tend emr great 42nd Aantveraary aad twe for eae sale. .-lV ' 4t - V LEROY GARD auditor and Credit Manager Has acted la this capacity for t years. X wast to appeal to every friend and easterner ef this store who have aeded sew clothes this is your real opportunity and win show aonnd Judgment ea your part to hay new for present and futsre seeds. P.B.RICE, , Xa Charge ef Shea Dept. Toi is years. X have Mid shoee far masy years and daring auay sales bet never as nek law prloee. Xa closing oat thla stock ef the fasaeae Hettletea shoes, drlns- Tea 1 sal for the prtoe ef 1, 1 Is wtthont a doobt tho asert crash ing va GARLEN SIMPSON , -Xa Charge ef Boys' aad Tonng Xta's Dept. Has been many yaan with the Bishop ergeat ssttea, says in thie the largeeS aad finest stock ef soy's wear tt la a pleaanre to offer each aa tonndlng valnea V boy ahetnd have to go wtta. eat new clothes at these atoe draetU- aavlan threaghont thla entire boy's dept. valne ef shoe history. Be hen early far year Most Crashing, Astounding Reduction Ever Known on Highest Grade, Nationally Known Merchandise This Great Sale Rages for 30 Days to Close Out as Nearly as Possible Every Suit, Overcoat and Present Stock of Fiiiiiishings 1 REMEMBERt SALE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 9 A. M. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6th R. V. S HELTON In Charge ef Bat tpt. Has been with ear argawltatlon seady 10 years. If ever has tech a fine stock ef hats seen efftrsd at such striking valnea. ITationally known lines saoh as stetson, Mallory aad Hardlmas. 7esitlvaly the fioesa stock satatds ef Portland an ken at savings yea ahealdat sdsa. mm w 1 r rr N.COIVlMEjRCIAL STREET