2 Sections -1 6 Pages -.- ; - WEATHER j . v- : r , Unsettled withi rain today . and f Wednesday, tempera ture unchanged; Max. Temp." " Monday 40, ; Mini 82, rain .S tach, rtrtx 8-3 fee. . 1 EIGHTY-FIRST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, January 5, 1932 No. 243. ' ;;:;;;:::;r:'.:;; Th 1 :t A' 1 ' -v. .;. - -( - , m 1 Is ! w 1 r.i i i - SECiiTE UDTES 1 Wl MississippiTowhsre Flooded k Forty v Million Bushels of Wheat may bfr Turned 1 Over to Needy Pincjiot Denounces Program - pff ;Hoover;:"Vicious, . Js Term Applied -WASHINGTON,. Jan. 4-(AP) The iettata Toted today to take 40,000,000 bushels of -wheat from the farm" board and distribute them to the needy. Its action elimaxed a day In which criticism of the adminis tration's relief policies resounded through the senate chamber and committee rooms. 'Governor Plnchot of Pennsylva nia,; whose name is linked with speculation, on -.republican ; pfesi ' dential possibilities, pdeaoaiced the Hoover program as "vicious." . Protest Action As Equivalent of Dole The senate acted without a roll call vote, after a vigorous de bate. Democratic leaders asserted the appropriation of wheat was the equivalent of a dole, firmly opposed by President Hoover. The vehicle of action was a resolution by Senators Capper, republican, Kansas and Wheeler, democrat. Montana. It had the approval of ' the farm board which neverthe less contends It should be com pen sated for the wheat. Testifying before a senate man- u f a e t u r era sub-committee In hearings on proposals for unem ' ployment relief by direct federal appropriations, Pinchot launched f mm 4 I ! if Trv. f. Kt; 1 r I if,. i The too panel above shows an aerial view of the lev ee, near Oowder, Miss- which holds back the tides of the Tallahatchie river, a tributary of the Aijssi ssippl. The breaK can sea by me recent neary rise oi the river can be plainly seen. Throngh this gap poured millions of cubic feet of water, whlcb eirect- ively inundated thousands of acres of land In the surrounding territory. Other branches of the big river have brokea the levees In similar fashion, causing terrible hardship throughout the entire Mis sfesippt valley. Lower la an aerial photo of a farm near Swan Lake which Is completely Isolated by the flood. Food was dropped from, the plane from wblch tne picture was maae. unver, uz, pans to see Shasta" AfterJ Switch ; Engine Goes by SPED DESCRIBES European ens 2ft! L!f Prof. A. L Peck of 0. S. C. a J . a . m a. t A. B through local charitable contrl butlons. 'fit takes money from the little fellow, he said. "It doesn't take It from the big fellow. It is an at tempt to get by without increas ing taxes and letting the big lei lows come in to share 'the load. WDr.lMi STRUCK BY m. m n Jaywalking on Liberty street between Court and State streets, Arbutls Ruule, 1410 McCoy ave nue, -was struck and severely in Jured by the automombile driven "by Jim Haley, 435 North 24th street, at C:S0 o'clock last night, according to Haley's report to the police. The -woman ran from be hind a double-parked car and in front of his machine, Haley stated. The woman's injuries consisted Addresses Local Club; Talk Appreciated Prof. A. L. Peck gate an in spiring lecture on European gar dens before the Salem Garden club Monday night. The meeting was open to the public and an unusually large audience was present to take advantage of the ideas suggessed by Professor Peck through his talk and through the pietares shown by lantern me dium. . The amazing use of water, espe cially in the French formal gar dens, through such mediums as sprays, fountains, mm ponas. lakes and canals, was liTustratea and described, by Professor Peck in fascinating manner. The great size of many French gardens, the use of tree masses planted to lit the plan of the garden, and the carpet effect of lawns all were treated hr vivid manner. The audience walked the gar den paths with Marie Antoinette and viewed long tree-linea pains which led to palaces of royalty. Relief Move "Is Begun in Flood Areas Glendora. Miss., Jan. 4 (AP) Hope spread through the Tala hatchie river flood sone tonight that major levees would hold the river's crest . and more .attention was focused on providing fuel, food, drinking water and medical care for the thousands marooned. Scores of guards armed with shotguns, were posted, ready to shoot anyone attempting to dyna mite a levee to divert water, prefc sure while hundreds - of eonvice kept up fresh sandbagging of the overflowing dykes. The prisoners toiled waist deep In muddy water under the expec tation of reward for their heroic rescue of the rural people of the Tallahatchie valley, but the dan ger was by no means over. . ASK REPORT AS TO LENZ Ml LIGGETT CUT DIN DEFICIT Gain 3385, Have Hopes of Holding Culbertsons But not Victory Car Demolished; Patient Is At Hospital, Chance Of Recovery Poor . Frank M. Randall. 82. deaf night elevator man at the Masonic building, was critically Injured at 9:45 o;clock last night when his coupe was struck and demolished by the north-bound Southern Pa cific Shasta at the Mission street crossing. . He remained uncon scious at a late hour at the Salem General hospital where he was rushed by Salem Taxi ambulance, attendants reported. . As far as could be ascertained, Randall's injuries consisted of bad outs about the head, severe shock and possibly Internal injuries. Mr. Randall, headed east on Mission street. Is believed to have stopped at the crossing to await 1 the passing of a switch engine on the far track .then to have started across in front of the Shasta. On account of his deafness, he wore an electric earphone. The light automobile was thrown "over bit feet from the point of collision and Randall was hurled about 20 feet farther, the investigating city police officer reported. A boy, believed to have seen the accident, walked away along the railroad tracks before his name could be learned by the of ficer. Mr. Randall's home is at 1516 Mission street. Mrs. Randall la an Invalid. Gretary Prases . ' t' CcnAuet 'cf Gty : 2;;; : offices u mi: T " Mayer Gregory- la his aa-; nnal message "to the city v council stated that his print clpal reaaoa for pretesting ' message " 'was to conform ' with v cmstomT - He . briefly , commended the departments of government for. the way ' they had functioned the past year, attributed deficits not. to 1931 operations but to ex cesslve expenditures In prior years. He nrged continued study of, the budget and watching! of expenses In or der to hold down the rate of taxation. I Regarding the water ques tion he called attention to the fact that the people had A . second; time voted ' for 'a municipal water system and nrged the city council to pro eeed in carrying out the will Of the people as soon as pos sible, i ' O ' ' .,: - - Hutton Presents 1931 Report on Fire Department Fire Chief Ifarry Hutton has presented his report for 1931 to the city council In which he sum marized the department's activi ties. There were 328 alarms. 23 alarms outside the city limits and 12 false alarms. Miles traveled to taled 723. Hose strung amounted to 24.500 feet of two and one-half Inch hose and 2450 feet of one and one-half inch hose. Nine hun dred thirty gallons of chemicals were used. The loss on buildings was 314, 312.10, with Insurance of $15, 382,175. Loss on contents Was 312.132.50 with insurance of Sll.- Seeks to Succeed Bean on 122.50. a new lire station in soutn sa lem was occupied during the year. Townsend Faction has Machine Running In Good Trim Trindley Again Chosen City Attorney by Wide Margin HEWITT CIDITE FOR HIGHER COURT mm on con WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 (AP) Tii a imcrtcin rovemment of a head wound and muscle bruls-1 Peeked into gardens loved by Na- took formal cognisance today of I ne during the rubbers in which By TOM O'NEIL, NEW YORK. Jan. 5 (AP) (Tuesday) Sidney 8. Lens and Commander Wlnfield Liggett, Jr cut 3385 points oft the , lead of Mr. and Mrs. Ely Culbertsoa tn the great eorittaet bridge mate at a sine-rubber session ending early this morning. The plus of Culbertson's side with 21 rubbers left to play in the 150 rubber match became 16,835. 1 Lens and Liggett won six rub bers during the session, making the rubbers for the series stand 71 for Culbertson and 58 for Lens. It was the biggest swing of any of the seventeen sessions for Lens's side. But the session's gain has been exceeded several times by Culbertson and Partner. . The galn offered little hope that Lens could win the match. But It did give him optimism as regards his aim of making more points than Culbertson and part- BOND FOR IRCHERO POSTED, MIRED Bond of 11000 to safeguard the appearance of Charles R. Ar- cherd in court here was posted late Saturday by five local men, It was revealed -yesterday at the county clerk's office.- Archerd. former Salem warehouseman and implement' dealer, was indicted December 18 by a Marlon county grand Jury, for the alleged crime of issuing a false warehouse re ceipt. Signers of Archerd's bond were F. N. Derby, George B. Waters, Cuyler Van Patten, Louis Lach mund and Warren Pohle. Archerd is said to be at a mine he partially, owns ten miles out from Grants Pass. Date lor nis arraignment has not been set; Supreme Bench; Will Campaign Actively Announcement was made Mon day br Roy B. Hewitt, dean of the law school of Willamette uni versity, that he would be a candi date tor the office of Justice of the supreme court, position No. 2, now held ; by Justice Henry J. Bean. i Dean Hewitt was born In Yam hill county, i where he attended the grade schools. He later en tered Willamette academy, and subsequently received two degrees at Willamette university. Hewitt also is a graduate of Clark univer sity at Wooster, Mass. For several years beginning in 1912 Hewitt practiced law In Yamhill county. He later was an Instructor in the law school at Oregon State college. Hewitt is now serving his fifth year as dean of the law department of Willam ette university. Mr. Hewitt has been active in civic affairs in Oregon for many years, and is recognised as an able lecturer and: public speaker. He originated the police school which was conducted in Salem for the first time three years ago. Hewitt has traveled extensive ly, having made two trips to the Orient and one to South America. He is a republican. Mr. Hewitt said he would make an active campaign. WORKING C IN COUNCIL ARE HIED WHAT THE CITY COUNCIL DID 1. Heard the mayor's 'mes sage. 2. Approved appointments of council commtteee for X032. - 8. Reappointed all appoin ting officials except street commissioner and city engineer, these ap pointments being held over for two weeks to consider plans for merg ing the departments. Ap pointment of ' incinerator foreman or superinten dent referred to inciner ator committee CUSSES RESUMED AT WILLAMETTE U. es. She was taken to a physician's office for treatment. W. J. Wiens, 1431 North Cot tage street and Dr. R. Lee Wood, 533 South Liberty street, yester day reported collision of their au tomobiles at High and Division streets which resulted In slight in jury to Wiens. DROWNING FEARED WALDPORT, Ore- Jan. 4. (AP)- Fears were expressed here today that Bob Strobe. 21, had drowned In the Alsea river last Thursday. ' poleon and then crossed to Eng land and saw vow heages wnicn had been trained for hundreds of years, moats about castles, fa mous perrennlai borders anu when tha llrht came on In the chamber of commerce auditorium and the enthusiastic, fluent ad dress of Professor Peck stopped each of the audience must nave flt mneh like Alice In Wonder land after her first experience Iwith the cake. Professor Peck Is a member oi the staff of Instructors at Oregon (Turn to page 2, col. 3) Reed President Resigns Thumb Waggling Costly Suspect Brought Back Judge Maloney may run PREFERS TO TEACH ' PORTLAND., Ore., Jan. 4 (AP) Norman JY Coleman, pre sident of Reed college, announced his resignation at the regular fac ulty meeting here today. Coleman has heen head of the college for the past seven years. Prior to that he was professor of English at the college. He was ab sent from the college from 1920 to 1925 while serving as president of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen. -. Coleman said' he preferred teachlnr to administrative work and in view of a proposed increas ed endowment program he wisnea to step aside in favor of some oth er nerson. He will remain with the college as English teaeher.' - . WOMAN IS FINED v i PORTLAND, Ore Jan. 4 -AP)- Hrs.. Carrie Lodge was fined S2J50 on each of two charges in police court today. .! Traffic Patrplman J. N. Ham merely brought 'Mrs. Lodge lm , and signed complaints charging her with falling to comply with the lawful order of a police offlcer, and with-'placing her . thumb to her nose and wiggling her fingers at Officer Hammers ly." Mrs. Lodge denied the second charge. , . ' ' - ' REED WONT TALK MEDFORD. Ore.. Jan. 4 (AP) --Albert W. Reed, ' 25, 7 accused with two others of the murder o yietor Knott, Ashland policeman. arrived here today from Denver in custody of Sheriff Jennings. Knott was shot to death the night of No vember IS when he and another officer attempted to question three men at Ashland. Reed refused to be interviewed. saying he would do his "talking when the time comes." snenir Jennings said Reed admitted he was in Ashland the night of the murder but that he had no part In the crime. Reed told the sheriff he eft for Portland the next day af ter he learned his automobile had been used by the slayers. EYES CONGRESS SEAT PENDLETON, Ore., Jan. 4. (AP) The East Oregonian said today that J. W. Maloney may seek the democratic nomination for congressman from esstern Oregon, particularly if ex-G o v e r n 0 r Pierce remains out of the race or runs for senator.- T fudge Maloney was non-com- mlttaL He is a" former Umatilla county.Judge and for many years was president of the Inland Em pire bank at Pendleton. He was a delegate to the democratic nation al convention In Baltimore ' in 1912 -and supported Woodrow Wilson. i , BANKERS TO MEET - EUGENE. :. Ore., Jan. 4--(AP) The Oregon Bankers associa tion will hold Its annual meeting here June 6, and 7. C. D..Rorer, president 6f the Eugene Bank of the attack by Japanese soldiers upon Consul Culver B. Chamber lain In Mukden by requesting a report from the Japanese ambassador. The chief of the state depart ment's far eastern division car ried to Ambassador Debuchi an oral request for information, up on the Incident. ' Department officials declined to classify the representations in the category of a "protest." The move came shortly after word was received in -Washing ton that a formal apology had been made by Japanese consular officials. Secretary Stlmson, who was 111 at home with a cold, sent Stan ley K. Horn beck, the far eastern expert, to the embassy after re ceiving first word of the affair from the consul general claiming the attack on Chamberlain was "without Justification." Ambassador Debuchi had only indirect Information on the Inci dent, and had no word from his foreign office. Liggett will be : opposite him In stead of Oswald Jacoby, his first partner in the match. fl aatAat irAM m fJl S k wll H. O. White, receiver for Arch- lamttrklTergK Monday foi Vandevort, Hughes. d's company nere, was in uranM lowl a-Taeatlon of two full Account and current expenses 1 weeks. I Meeanam, u tiara, cvans. A trfnl nlav TTnhn t Tasi. NumerOUS Changes Made in send to Olson.' marked a read- . . f ijusuneni or councnmanic eom- Ufiieup ui ouimmucco For Coming Year The council committees for 1932 as appointed last night by the committee on committees com posed of Aldermen O'Hara, Ko wits and Dancy are as follows: Ways and Means t O'Hara, Need ham, Evans. Ordinances: Evans, Kowltx, O'Hara. ..Streets: Kuhn, Hughes, Hendricks. Public buildings) Hendricks, Kuhn, Averett. Police: Townsend, Patton, Ol son. Fire: Dancy, Townsend, Patton. Sewerage and drainage: Vande vort, Dancy, Kuhn. Health and sanitation: Olson. Evans, Kowlts. Bridges and aproacb.es: Hughes, Needham, Dancy. Lights and electric signs: Wil kinson, Averett, Hughes. Printing: Wilkinson, Vandevort, Needham. Parks and'playgroujids: Patton, Olson, Hendricks. Rules and revision of minutes: Olson, Wilkinson, Hendricks. Airport: Townsend, Averett, Vandevort. Public utilities: KowiU, Patton, O'Hara. Building regulations: Averett, HI FOR WATER BOARD erd Pass Saturday to take the deposi tion of Mrs. Archerd. She claims she owns the mortgage on mining property belonging to the ', Ed wards Mining company. White, as receiver, had advertised this for sale. Judge H. D. Norton ordered that the temporary restraining or der issued against sale of the mortgage be continued pending trial. The order forbids White to sell the mortgage. Petitions 'hare been circulated If? & WntPT n.nc V? tLS, 5.22- Burns Cause oi Some of the professors disap pointed the students by giving ex aminations at the first class ses sions following the book morator ium. However this was not the general rule 1 and the students were glad to get back to work. Just three weeks of class work and one week of examinations re main In the first semester. Exam inations will be held from Janu ary 23 to 29 land the second se mester will, begin February 1. School reopened with President Carl Gregg Don ey still in the east attending conferences, visiting mlttees for 1932 which was one of the major items of business at the session last night. The shifts, some of which were completed at a last-minute caucus, signified the shifting of majority within the city council. The Townsend faction had its machine In good working order, and without the slightest grating sound a number of committee heads placed there under the erstwhile Purvtne re gime, were neatly tumbled late the basket. The major upsets were Kuhn displaced as chairman of the po lice committee with Watson Townsend replacing him thersr-O. A. Olson whose ambitions hare radiated in numerous directions, did not receive the pollen., chair manship but was giventhe chair manship of the committee on health and sanitation with W. D. Evans dropped. Kuhn was then moved to the streets committee as chairman and S. A. Hughes, who formerly headed this committee was placed ' as chairman of the committee on bridges and approaches, 'though. given second place on the streets committee. Hattoa and THndle Win Jobs Once More In the appointive positions there were only two battles brought Into the open.: For fire chief , Townsend nominated John Olson,' at present a member of the department. Dancy nominat ed Harry Hutton for reappoint ment. Hutton won by si vote of t. to . For city attorney W. ? H. Trlii die was reelected by a largo margin. He received 9 votes, Bra sier -Small 3. Fred Williams 1. Lars Bergsvlk 1. Ray Smith 1. Annual Banquet Oi Cherrians is Slated Tonight "lcjal w - I pointed without opposition as PROMPT HI Oil B. B. Gabriel and I. N. Dough ton as members of the water board. They are reputed to have favored the $2,600,000 project. The peti tion urges that the council do not appoint any person who has op posed municipal ownership In the 1 past. While the petition was In the council chamber last night It was not formally presented to the hon-1 orable body. ' The charter amendment recent ly adopted calls for the appoint ment of a water board of five members. fnonf'c " DiaV-ri I friends and looking for a new lIUdllL & ISCaLlM nea4 librarian. Dean Erlckson to BTAYTON, Jan. 4 (Special) Marls Barbara, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Plascldu Ruet died Monday morning of burns received on Thursday evening. in charge of the administration of the school In; the absence of Dr. Doney. i received on Thursday evening. 1 r( TT D She was playing about and sat 2Y C Vv X 631-5 tSaDy down in a pan, of hot scrub water, I - - 1. Ira BELIEF BILL HO I Late Sports I WASHINGTON, Jan. 4-(AP) Congressional leaders today re sponded to an urgent appeal from President Hoover for haste on the financial relief bills with a prom ts of prompt action. . In a special message to eon gres, the president urged disposi tion of the economic relief recom mendations "at the earliest possP ble moment. - "The need: is manifestly even more evident than at the date of my' message a month ago." he said. "We can and must, replace the unjustifiable fear in the coun try by confidence. , . . f "Our Justified hope and confi dence for the future rests upon unity of our people and of ' the government in prompt and cour ageous action. 'Action in these matters by congress will go far to reestablish confidence. , As the message was read to the senate and house, . the senate banking committee, was whipping into shape the key bill of the ec- Qaxaxnerce; said today. Rorer had j onomic program to establish the Ttnnrl th Invitation to tne as- 1 SBOQ.OVV.uvo Teconsirucuon 11- sodatioifn executive committee. - nance corporation. tipping the pafl over on herself. The little tot was the oldest; of the Ruefs three children and would have been three years old. April 8. Beside the immediate family the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruef and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph snbernagle. a host of oth er relatives survive. 1 . This is the second death of this nature in this section in less than a year. Last spring the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Welter suffered the same exper ience. Neither child appeared se verely burned, but the shock is more than a little one could with stand. I Happy New Tear, MJKon Kay Selmer, aged four days. This tiny boy, born to Mr. and Mrs. HoUla K. Selmer, 14 1 East Miller street. Is the first baby born in 1932 tn Salem, according to reports made to the Marlon county 1 health department. His birthday Is January 1, and his The annual banquet and In stallation of new officers will be held by the Cherrians at the Mar lon hotel tonight at 1: 30. Fully SO of the present and past members have Indicated that they would attend. Carl Gabrlelson, , present King Ring, will relinquish his throne to the new King Blng, Gus Hlxson, and the new council or nobles. In addition to the installation, a number of new members win be Initiated. The candidates for mem bership are Gardner Knapp, Tom Delaney, F. J. GUbralth. V. P. Me Namara, Howard Hulsey, Walter Fuhrer, E. V. John, Dr. A. D. Woodmansee and Wayne Lc-der. of police, Frank A. BODIES NOT FOUND MARSHFDZLD, Ore., Jan. 4. (AP) Efforts to locate the bod ies of BaeU Magee, Alton Andrus and Albert Rlsensteln, drownea LOS ANGELES, Jan. 4 (AP) Panama Al Brown, ani mated ebony toothpick from Co lon, took a thorough trouncing here tonight from speedy Dado, Filipino whirlwind, winning omy we xonixa ronna 01 ura ten , round fight, in which the black ttWpire CjfOUP tO plonshlp of every country ex- j Jg AiraifineCL On at stake. aSturday when their trojllng boat Comet foundered at the end of first look at the world was taken llhe Jetty of the bay here, have at his home. been fruitless. 99 Gove j 1101 Feeling "Fit And Ready to Resume Job Philadelphia, Jan. 4 (AP) Tony Canioneii, world lightweight and Junior champion, and Johnny Jadlck, of V Philadelphia, today agreed to battle here tor the Jun ior welterweight title, unless a hitch occurs, the bout will be held at the arena January 18. . TAOOMA, Wash' Jan. 4 (AP) The Multnomah Ath letic club basketball quintet of Portland defeated the College of Paget Sound Loggers here to night 47 to 41, in the opening : ' tussle of a 10-game invasion of , ' Washington and British Cohun- Declaring -that he was feeling Mrnrli7 ic Wnrn fldal duties. Governor Meier re- ...""-Vi- " r- turned to the execuUve depart Arralgnment of ex-officers of nient Monday after vacation of the Empire 'Holding company several weeks spent in California, probably will be next Monday. !. "JJuren't been in such good John.H. Carson, district attorney, health as atf the fJfetIeA indlcated last, night. The ex-offl- Governor Meier said while Tlslt .a.. .t..., nt. Inr the nress room. before going fully devising a scheme to defraud to his own otflce. "and I am glad in the sale of securities ,and conv l Jet T00- J?: mitlng an overt act In the further? Wrabr admitted; that he had Uken anee thereof. v I on considerable weight. . - - The defendants in the Empirf ! The governor devoted most of case are: Oliver P. Coshow, for4 the jmoroing to receiving state or- mai nwiMont nf th fnmntnv: L flcUlS. A meeting Of the State H. Fetty, former 'Vice-president j board of control wRI be held to Wilson "R, Adams, former treas 4ay when a number of important urer; J. H. Stockman, counsel fol matters win be considered. There the company, and Frank J: Kail- wsra ho important board meetings er'Jr sales counsellor. , - I Monday. -v"- - Governor and Mrs. Meier have reoecupled their apartment in the Royal Court, where they will make (heir ' home during the , winter months. Mrs. Meier said that she also was delighted to . return to Oregon because of "the inclement weather conditions that have pre vailed in California. V; When Governor Meier left the executive department at noon for luncheon he carried with him sev eral hundred greeting cards . re ceived during the holiday season. Some of these cards were from the Governors of other states. - The governor stated that he would not accept the proffered resignation of his " private 'secre-. tary, Msa. Sheldon F. Sacks tt, nee Miss Beatrice Walton, who was married last week. follows: Chief Mlnto. Health officer, Dr. V; A. Doug las. Sanitary Inspector,; Batty 1 . Cooper. Building inspector, E. C. Bun nell. Police matron, Myra L. Shank. Mayor Gregory announced that since the incinerator appropria tion had been reduced -so that a superintendent could not be car ried he would appoint Harry Lin dsey present foreman, to con tinue as foreman at the same salary. On motion of Vandevort the appointment was referred to the incinerator committee. Streets, .Engineering Job Combine Talked j No appointments were made for street commissioner and city engineer. These were held up for two weeks, Vandevort explaining that in an effort to reduce ex penses an attempt would be made 'to combine these two de partments the same as .was done in all but two cities of the north west. Incumbents are W. 8. Low, street commissioner and , H. M. Rogers, engineer. . Alderman Patton's motion tor. reappointment ol ' an j officials now serving was voted down. All polieemen now; serving were reappointed, but two men were dropped owing to reduction In. budget. They are Frank Wins low and Harold Deacon, who will continue for a time as extras osr the staff. All firemen were reappointed, and- no reductions In pay were announced. ' . . ' Objects to Preble " v i Sitting With Press . I t Jim Preble sitting at the preen desk brought a protest from Al derman ToVnsend who was for having him sit baek in the audi-. enee. Preble insisted that he rev resented the . International News Service and was entitled to the courtesies of the press. It waa finally adjusted so that Preblo wouldn't be smoking in ike facw of Miss Burch, council reporter,, . (Turn to page 12, eoU, 1) v V 1 i -i