The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1932, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon, Sunday Morning, Jannary 3, 1932
- i ...
I -
Eugene independents win
Again, 29-19 on WiU
lamette's Floor
" Palling to maintain .during the
csecond half the speed which
marked the early part of the
game, the .Willamette Bearcats
lost their, second same to the De
Neffe's, Independent team of Eu
gene last Bight on the Willamette
floor. History repeated itself and
the DeNeffe's won on shots from
the foul line. Had the converted
foul shots of both teams been de
leted from the final score of 29
to 19 the game wonld have been
tie, 18 to 18. v .'
It wasn't altogether, a matter
of Inability to shoot but Inabil
ity to refrain from fouling which
lost the game for the Bearcats.
Keene's starting lineup took
the lead and maintained It for the
first few minutes of play and
managed to hold the Eugene
boys to a tie- during the first
quarter. Slight changes during
the second period did not ma
terially affect the Bearcats' game
and the visitors held only a one
point " margin over them at the
While the DeNeffe's were scor
ing six points during the third
quarter another .Willamette . com
bination was struggling to keep
track of the ball : and failed to
score a single basket. A rally dur
ing the final quarter gave the
Bearcats four points but the re
moval of Scales and Allen on
fouls finished that.
Benjamin who was taken out
of Friday night's game with an
Injured eye. was hack in the game
and, save for a Btrip of adhesive
plaster which he had the coach
remove early in the evening, was
apparently as good as ever.
'. 0
i". Klj
Streamline design is accentuated la car bow on display at loder Bros.
Game Protective Association
Will Discuss Conserva
tion of Wild Life
Referee: Bashor.
Sportsmen and others Interest
ed in wild life conservation In
Oregon will assemble in joint ses
sion with the representatives of
the Oregon State Game commis
sion at Salem in chamber of com
merce rooms Wednesday, Jann
ary 6. to consider definite plans
fo- 1932, the first year under
"the 10 year wild life program,"
meeting at 7:30 p. m.
'The Marion County Game Pro
tective association has been active
for years in the development of
the wild life assets of this section
and we want this open meeting to
result in a general agreement on
specific development projects for
the coming years," declared Chris
J. KowitB, secretary of the asso
ciation, in issuing a public invita
tion, to all Interested, to attend
the meeting,: "Marion, Polk and
Yamhill counties have tremend'
ous wild lire resources and we
wish to assist the game commis
sioners In the adoption of a def
inite development program for
this and subsequent years."
Those expected to be present
representing the commission, are
Marshall N. Dana, chairman of,
the commission, Portland commis-'
sioners, M. P, Corrigan, McMinn
ville and Dr, Irving E. Vlning,
Ashland, with possibility that Dr,
J. C. Vandevert. of Bend, may at
tend; H. L. Kelly, state game su
pervisor, Art N. Fish, research di
rector. Matt L. Ryckman, super
intendent of hatcheries, Gene M.
Simpson, superintendent of game
farms, Cheater E. McCarty, assist
ant attorney general and counsel
m . c , . I ior me commission, , isrnesi u.
At OliVSrtOtl Crockett, educational director and
Capt. Charles H. MeClees,
charge of the gam division
the state police.
DeNeffe's (29) BX3 FT
H. Eherhart, F . . . ; . . 1 0
Hplden, F 0 2
J. Eberhart, C 1 2
Millig&n, G 3 5
Horner, G 3 1
Siegmnnd, S 1 0
Kjosness, S 0 1
Totals 11
Willamette ,19) RG FT
Benjamin, F ..0 0
Griffith, F 0 1
Kloostra, C 4 0
Scales, G 1 0
Allen. G ) 0
Kitchen, S .3 0
Rieke, S 0 0
Faberr S 1 0
Hartley, S 0 0
Carpenter, S 0 0
Totals .9 1
Fails to Click
With the return of students
from Christmas vacations tomor
row, the basketball season really
starts; and from now until the
middle of February is the time
when many a basketball player
goes down in history. Some of
them also go down In mathemat
ics, science and the languages.
The East beat the West bat
we wonder If the East could
have" beaten the Trojan.
Relative to systems In contract
bridge, the boss said in an editor
ial the other day that systems had
spoiled football and basketball
and probably would spoil bridge
too. We don't see just how sys
tems could have spoiled football,'
since there have always been sys-j
terns in teat game ana it seems
to thrive; but systems have hurt
basketball from the spectators'
standpoint and the trend of the
systems this year is making it
still worse.
Yes, basketball has come to
the point where It resemble a
boxing 'match between two of
those ultra-boxers who don't
believe in hitting becanse tn so
doing they might leave an open
ing. One's scared and the oth
er dassen't.
"Percentage" basketball has
developed so that It embodies a
d 1 a y ed off enss" principle
throughout the game, two or three
men passing the bail across the
floor beyond the scoring zone un
til the defense gof tired and
comes out of its shelL Up to-the
time that one or the other gets
disgusted and takes the initiative,
it's fully as exciting as chess be
tween moves, to an audience that
can't see the board.
It was bad enoagh after de
fensive teams qntt contesting
every foot of the way down the
floor, and decided to concen
trate their opposition to the rea
sonable scoring territory. Don't
get as wrong. It was a smart In
vention, if you're talking about
efficient basketball. It saved the
defense a lot of work, and made
a science out of what used to be
Just a refined riot en the floor.
And it cat down cores until
ways to counteract it were in
vented a couple of years later.
But for thrills, we still prefer
the old style where the game was
spread out all over the court.
This extension of the delayed
offense, formerly a device for
holding a small lead la the last
few minutes of the game, but
now used at any time, .appar
ently means curtains for the
"zone" defense, becanse such a
defense may have to be aban
doned at any moment, and a
team schooled in this style can
not readily adopt the "man to
man" style which is the only al
ternative. The "man to man" defense Is
really more difficult because It
requires more of the Individual.
Each man must be good or the op
position "feeds" the weak guard's
opponent. But it seems to be com-,
ing back. We wouldn't object If
it would bring that old roughneck,
the "back guard" or "stationary
guard," along with it. Those were
the good old days.
Continuing their , winning
streak, the Jason Lee Church
league basketball team last night
defeated the Union athletic club
quint of Woodburn In a ragged
game by a score of 2 1 to IB. All
ot the Methodist first string play
era scored and Marcy, eenter, ran
up C points. Black, forward for
the athletic club, mads IS points.
The Jason Lee squad started
the season by losing five games
straight but since has won four In
a row.
In the preliminary game, the
Jason Lee B team won from the
Jason Lee Juniors 46 to 12.
' The lineups:
Jason Lee Union A. C.
Heeeman 8 F 13 Black
Gies4 F... Seely
Marcy 6 C....2 Baldwin
McGee 3. . ....G Barnes
Douris 2 G . . Schoenecker
Duncan S Harlan
Baumgartner. . . S
Watson 2 8
Referees, Ned Hale, Fred
California Devi! Dog Se
cured' to Grapple With
, Ernie on Tuesday
The large turnout of wrestling
fans to witness the Robin Reed
Ernie Arthur grappling bout, has
demonstrated to Matchmaker
Harry Plant that the' Salem fans
like to see speed and action in
wrestling matches, Tather than
250 pound grunts.. Consequently
Plant Is starting the year right by
brlnglnjr Ernie Arthur back here
Tuesday night to meet 'Devil Dog'
Jackson from California.
By far the largest crowd of the
season witnessed Reed and Arthur
tear Into each other with all the
speed and strategy of two hungry
panthers. A match which prom
ises to be Just as interesting, will
be held Tuesday night.
"Devil Dog" Jackson comes
from California and is one ot the
top-notchers among the ranks of
the native sons. Two weeks ago
he appeared on the same card with
Strangler Lewis and Gus Sonnen
berg, against an antagonist of his
own weight. In a double main
event affair.
Jackson Is said to be every bit
as strong as Arthur and a trifle
heavier. This will be his first ap
pearance hers and he hopes to
earn an opportunity for another
showing later. 1
The match will be a two hour,
best two falls out ot three affair,
with a 45-minute preliminary
bout between Art O'Reilly of Eu
gene and Jack Brentano of Mc
Minn ville.
Salem fans are still waiting to
see o Keliiy completely suDanea
and are now pinning their hopes
on Brentano. Jack is speedier and
perhaps more scientific than
O'Reilly and both are about the
same In welght..O'Reilly Is a good
wrestler, but frequently forgoes
wrestling for showmanship at
which he excells.
Army and Navy Peace .
May be Made Public
- Within Next Teh Days
NEW YORK, Jan. 1 (AP)
Announcement is expected within
the next ten days that the mili
tary and naval academies have
signed an agreement to resume
athletic relations beginning with
an Army-Navy football game next
December 3.
Negotiations 'have been going
on for some 'time, and although a
report today that an agreement
had been reached was denied at
Annapolis and termed premature
at West Point, it is believed offi
cial confirmation will be forth
coming soon.
Major Philip rt. Fleming, grad
uate manager of athletics at West
Point, Lieutenant Commander
James Hall who holds the corres
ponding post at the naval acade
my, and Captain John W. Wilcox,
athletic director at Annapolis,
held several conferences in New
York this week during the meet
lng of the football coaches and the
National Collegiate Athletic asso
Graham which Is now being shown
at the salesrooms of Loder Bros.
on High street. The car meets the
modern requirement for stream
line effect to reduce wind resis
tance as well as to give the flair
ior novel effects which auto en
gineering now requires.
The new model has 123 Inch
wheel base and a 90-horse power
It is understood they reached a
tentative agreement, which has)
not yet been ratified by navy offi
Relations between the two
schools were severed in Decem
ber, 1927, when the naval acade
my returned unsigned the con
tract for the 1928 football ,game,
announcing It . wouldschedule no
teams which did not abide by the
three year eligibility rule. Army's
position was that so long as a ca
det at the Point was . in good
standing he should not be barred
from its athletic teams and inter
collegiate competition. .
The terms of the . tentative
agreement reached were not
learned, but it Is believed Narr,
has reversed its former stand aid.
athletic relations will be resumed.
with no strings attached.
There Is little question the Ca
dets themselves and the graduates?
of the two schools are heartily in,
favor of the renewal. A recent,
poll of naval graduates showed
an overwhelming majority In fa
vor, while the corps and the regi
ment at the charity game Decem
ber 12 carried out all the tradN
tlonal ceremonies of Army-Navy
gridiron battle of other years.
No games were played In 1928
or 1929 but the two schools ans-
wsred the call of eharity in 1930
and played last month for the
benefit of the unemployed. The
two games grossed nearly a mil
lion dollars.
Blue Streak" Is
Now On Display
A sensation In motor car design
is shown in the "Blue Streak"
SILVERTON, Jan. 2 A large
crowd witnessed Sllverton high's
basketball team completely rout
the Molalla high five 20 to 7 here
Both teams were off consider
ably on their shooting, but Kolln
found the bucket for 13 points,
leading the Sllverton offense. The
gnarding was good in the game,
but both sides lacked scoring
In a preliminary contest the
Molaila high second team won
from the Sllverton high second
team 9 to 8.
Sllverton Molalla
Green 2 F ...... I Lessler
Kolln 12. F . 2 Davis
Pettyjohn 4 C Matson
Scott 1. G Larson
Stayner. G 2 Cordill
Marshall. ..... .3 2 Marson
Jenkins S
' Referee, Howard Maple.
Idaho Lead Big
Over Montana
MOSCOW, Idaho, Jan. 2 (AP)
The University of Idaho bas
ketball team, converted from all
parts of the court to defeat the
University of Montana quintet, 49
to 22, in a non-conference game
here tonight. The' score, at half
time was 17 to 10 for Idaho.
The Idahoans played defensive !
ball until they solved Montana's
, quick breaking attack, and then
i went out to win. Grenier, Idaho
center, was high scorer, -with 17
points,, and! Lyman, center, led
for Montana. ,
MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 2 (AP)
Tommy Armour of Detroit re
covered from a bad start today to
increase his lead in the $2,500
Miami open golf tournament with
a stellar 68-71 139 for the 36
holes halfway distance.
Wild Bill Hehlhorn of New
York, who captured first money
in the 1930 415,000 La Gorce
open tournament, was the only
man who could come near the
British open champion as today's
play ended. He scored a 73 for
the day, repeating an earlier score
to count 146, seven strokes be
hind Armour.
EJuniiM TTowt? New
r?i!flutl:i?T IHIifflce Now!
Build it according to
Copeland's Poultry House
We can furnish to customers practical and economical
poultry house plans especially adapted to this local
ity. Size of house is optional from 20 to 200 feet in
length. Ask us about it.
Build it with -
This material is suitable for poultry houses, or any
other small warm farm buildings. We have only a lim
ited amount to sell at
$1 1.00 per thousand
J. W. Gopeland Yards
West Salem . Phone 6627
Dependably Serving the Lumber Consumer
Oregon Pulp and
Paper Company
Manufacturers of
Support Oregon Products
Specify 'Salem Made" Paper for Your
Office Stationery
Valley Officials
Meet on Rules
The Upper Willamette Valley ;
officials will meet at the Willam
ette university rymnaslum Mon-!
day night at 7:30 at which time
the questional on basketball
rules wUl be given.
This meeting was postponed
from last Monday night.' High
school games in the county league
will hegl immediately, so it is im-
portat that the officials attend
the meeting. " :
Railroad Gets
Overhead Permit
. An order was Issued - by the
nubile utilities commission here
today giving -autho.ity to v , the
Great. Northern Railway company
to construct and operate a revised
mail line overhead crossing, above
and across the Dalles-California
highway In Deschutes county. J
Fifty per sent of the cost will be
; borne : by the railroad : company
and-the remainder bythe state
Uiw commission
Coming: Soon!
Salem's Greatest
An Actoundina Most Acaanina
its nribtfji !rLY-
w'j-' t ; V""
. till HHI. I
t r I
Plan No. 475 This charm
ing four-room hoase, built
oa 22x28 feet of ground
space, fairly Illustrates the
possibllrUce of eombtaed
econosay, comfort aad good
taste la a well-studied floor
plan. Two good sized bed
rooms, cheery living room,
kitchea aad dining Book, all
with plenty of light and
cross ventilation from well
placed windows, comprise
the layoat, Kitchea and
bath have standard equipment aad there Is ample closet space
throaghoat. Two flaes la the central xhtmaey accommodate
the fireplace and the kitchen range.
Shakes give an added charm to the exterior and the stoop
over the front entrance harmonises nicely with the design.
Board shatters, window boxes uusd plenty of shrubbery and
flowering plants go well with this type of home.
flOOt- Hit-1 47:
If You are Interested in This Plan, and
Want More Information About it, Call Us
: OUPPLY COi -1 ,
10 Nj Capitol
Tekpkora Sill ar 192 -'
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The following lines appear ea the Classified Page f
today's Statesman:
bath, nicely furnished, Located In
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1031 DeLwxe model OAKLAND 8E-
" If Interested, we have money mak-
Find the lines. Clip oat each of the advertiseineats tn which
they appear, and see bow neatly, yoa can arrange them by
pasting os a card or sheet of paper.
Man your answers to the Classified Manager of The Oregon
Statesman. The 10 neatest and most attractive as well as
correct answers will each receive two complimentary tickets
to Warner Bros. Elalnore, good for any' show daring the
week of January I to .
Answers to today! contest must be in not later than Tu es
day at It a. m. i",. -
Get Busy Every Day New lines tto Find
welch The Statesmen
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