The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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;e and Glut Installations
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.:- - I his
fVNE characteristic of lodjre
J of the new year of the new year is the installation pro-
crams wnirn rnma ao Aiifstnninn U te: f n
, year. ' , ' " . - . . .
' , - This week will be showered with such affairs. In fact the
iirsi organization to install in
u vuii;o, iyjucii piacea us oiiicers in 01 rice Saturday after
noon in the resrular meeting at Miller's hall Afr
Jones acted as the installing:
sie iuarun, conauctor; Mary
Louis King, Rose Voris. and
Officers installed were
T i wjj .vaemur ; vice
. president; Florence E, Shipp,
junior , vice president r-Laura
' B. McAdams, ; t reas.u rer;
.uutr, t. Aaams, ftaplalri; Faanle
M. Chittenn, Tof)dactor;iBerths
i. eland, , guard; Cordelia La
Bare, who waa not present will be
' Installed Assistant onndiictn
a later date. .
' Hal Hibbard camp and its aux
iliary will sUrt the week of in
stallation program with a Joint
; ceramony Monday night in the ar
mory, beginning at 8 o'clock. De-
v partment senior . vice conductor,
Leslie. R. Hale and deoartment
president, Mrs. Harriett Sawyer
;- notn or Portland, will act as in
stalling officers.
Mark Baker will be installed as
commander of the camp and Eth
el Welch will take the office of
president of auxiliary.
Two organizations will install
Tuesday. The American War
. Mothers will Install officers and
plan for thework of the coming
year at the regular meeting Tues
day afternoon at 2 o'clock in the
social rooms of the American Lu-
theran church. Mrs. A. A. Lee, re
tiring president, will be the in
stalling officer.
Nellie Pierce, was installed as
assistant guard; Mary B. Lickel,
secretary;, Louis King, patriotic
Instructor; Jennie F. B. Jones,
press correspondent; Jessie Cros
san, musician; color bearers, Del
la Clearwater, Lulu Boring. Rose
Voris, and Mary Kennedy.
Short talks were made by Mrs.
E. E. Bergman, department pres
ident of the Daughters of Civil
War Veterans, Mrs. Mabel Gard
ner, president elect of the local
Daughters of Civil War Veterans;
Mrs, Mabel Lockwood, state pres
ident of the American War Moth
ers, and Mrs. Elizabeth Waters,
president elect. of the American
war aiomers cnapter qi saiem.
Mrs. Hattie Cameron, who suc
ceeded herself as president pre
sented Mrs. Jones, the installing
officer with an arm bouquet of
i Officers to take their places are
Mrs. Elizabeth Water, president;
4 Mrs. Mae Meyers, vice president;
Mrs. Amanda Mollencop. record-
' ing secretary; Mrs. Ada Skiff,
corresponding secretary: Mrs.
Myrtle Littlefield. treasurer; Mrs.
Jennie Vincent, custodian of rec
ords; Mrs. Addle Curfli, histor
ian; Mrs. Matilda KadonJ auditor;
Mrs. Rose Haeedorn. chaDlain.
Tuesday evening Chadwick
chapter of the Order of Eastern
Star will install its officers. Mrs.
- A. C. Smith, retiring worthy ma
trons and J. C. Russell, retiring
Lworthy patron, will act as install
ing officers. Mrs. Wayne Henry
will be installed as, worthy ma
tron and H. S. Bosshard will be
Installed as worthy patron.
An impressive musical program
, and a new feature will be intrc-
beautiful ceremony of Chadwick
chapter. .
Mrs. E. E. Bergman, state pres
ident of the Daughters of Union
Veterans of the Civil War, will in
stall the 1932 officers for Bar
lara Frietchie tent of Salem, at
a meeting to be held Friday night
at 8 o'clock in the Woman'a club
building. Visitors from tents in
Corvallis, Albany and Portland
are expected to attend the cere
monies. ;
Elective officers to be Installed
are Mabel Gardner, presidenj;
Enlena Bates, senior vice-president;
Margaret Ringle, junior
vice-president; Margaret Ringle,
Junior vice-president; Jennie fil
ler, treasurer; Rose Garrett, chap
lain; Kathryn Brown, patriotic in
structor; and Nellie Hiday, Mabel
Needham and Emma Thompson, 1
council members.
Appointive officers will be an
nounced and Installed the same
Mrs. Ethel Phelps entertained
for her students in music at her
studio Saturday night. Among
those who attended - were Verne
and David Scott, Marjorie Timme,
Gordon Tucker, Ruth Starrett,
Genevieve Scharf. Jean Doneldson.
June and Adella Lienkaemper,
Jean Adams. - Opal Slewert, Mar
Jori Keethly, Earl Keethly, Ber
.aadine Dougherty. Phyllis-Gardner.
Bert, Childs, Dale Shepherd,
Dorothy Shepherd, Barbara Gess
ner. Betty Eyerly, Lorraine Kidd,
Delbert Seegar,- Beulah Gerlg,
Desslf Tucker, Dorothy Tucker,
Anona Welch and "Elizabeth
5 " ' ' Sundayt January 3 - " - ;
- . i A)3 Peraon9 interested in prevention of war', meet M
,:Y. M.,C. AT-for afternoon conference. -
. . . Monday, January A
. Salem. Garden club will have as ital lecturer, Prof
A. L.,Peck of Oregon SUte college s o'clock, chamber
of commerce; opeB to public. - -
' t t. 1 Sif-tilry c t io n. of Salem Arts League; with leader,
John Clifford at residence, 1585 Ferry street.
SIgma Nu chapter of Delphlans, city library, study
. ot Freneh paintings; special. enteruinment. . ,
: Hal Hibbard Auxiliary and Hal Hibbard -camp No -,
4, Joint Installation, at armory. , ' v' '
j . ' ...... ; . .
and club activities for thelfirst
January was the Woman's Re-
officer. Her assistants were Bes
untress, musician; Ida Traglio
Nellie Pierce rolnr harve '
Hattie B. Cameron, president:
v ;
Salem Maicis Enjoy
Eastern Christmas
- Miss" Josenfilfr Albert anil fla
Kosaund Winkle -who are spend
Ing the winter in study in Colum.
bio university In New York City.
spent pan or t&e Christmas holi
days with Miss Thelma Davis, also
oi aaienj, -wno is spending the
winter in study- In Philadelphia
Miss Albert spent Christmas
day in New York. She sang as a
guest of the Volunteers of Ameri
ca In one of their Christmas serv
ices on the Bowery, Christmas
night Miss Albert had dinner with
Rev. and Mrs. Philips Elliott, the
former of whom Is son of Rev. and
Mrs. Carl Elliott, formerly of Sa
lem. The. younger Rev. Elliott Is
now co-pastor of the First Presbv
terian church of New York City.
The elder Rev. Elliott has just
been called to a pastorate at Bing-
nampton, jv. y.
. Cbrlstmas night Miss Albert
called the Albert home in Salem
by telephone from the Elliott res
idence. She also sang second time
over W. N. Y. C, New York radio
Judge I. H. Van Winkle has just
returned from the east at which
time he visited Miss Van Winkle
and Miss Albert in New York. He
went to Washington. D. C, on
business, and Mi3s Van Winkle
met him there and together they
returned to New York City
According to word from Miss
- I
Albert. Miss Davis will visit Misa
Albert and Miss Van Winkle Jan-
uary 6 at which time the national
automobue snow will be in prog
ress in New York City.
Dean Hewitt Will
Address Woman's club
The Salem Woman's club will
meet Saturday for its first meet
ing of the new year. Only one
meeting was held by the club in
The Saturday meeting will be
prefaced by a board meeting and
general business meeting and then
Dean R. R. Hewitt of Willamette
school .of law, will speak on
"What Can I Do in Crime Pre
Mrs. C. C. Clark, chairman of
the department of American Citi
zenship, . will Introduce the
Miss Barbara Jones, bride-elect,
was complimented with a surprise
shower at the home orMrs. J. A.
Rains recently. This was one of
several such affairs which are
complimenting Miss Jones before
her marriage. Music formed a fea-
ture of the evening as well as the
presenting of many presents. Re-
reshments were servd at a late
hour. Guests included Miss Jones
and Arthur M. Jones, Mrs. C. N.
Ruggles. Mrs. R. C. Cartright.
Mrs. Roger Lambert. Mrs. Edwatd
Dencer, Mrs. Roy Farrand, Mrs.
Lester Rains. Mrs. Roy Coffee,
Mrs. Henry Neiman, Mrs. W. W.
Bellamy, Misses Venita and Verda
Rains, Miss Beverly Jones, Miss
Elsie Davis, Mrs. Jessie Rains and
the hostess, Mrsi J. R. Rains.
Miss Jane Robinson was among
the many New Year's eve hostess
es complimenting a number of her
friends with a unique and amus
ing party at the Walter Robinson
Guests were Miss Alice
Speck. Miss Jeryme Upston, Miss
Daisy Varley, Miss Betty Stewart,
Miss josepmne cornoyer. Miss
Katherine Headrick, Miss Margar-
et Savage. Miss Edna Savage,
Ralph Stearns, Win Jenks, Wayne
uougmon, Lutner Doughton.Bob
Buraeue, james -senon, xnomas l
Billlngsley and Irwin Edwards.
t t.., J
the members of the Hilarity club
aim meir nnsoanas with a de
lightful watch party. Five hun-
urea was piayea auring the even-1
ing. Hlgn scores went to Mrs.
Louis Lorenz and Mrs. Leon Jlau-1
. ..vIUim ci tcu u -1 vmnous aims win De the an
yorr. Those present were Mr. and nouncement of the classes for the
;ira, wi Aiiporx, Air. and Mrs. 1
Louis Lorenz, Mr: and Mrs. Dow
.r. ana jirs. voria Meo-.ior
icy, air. ana - mrs. uiiDert Ken-
nen, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hansen.
Mrs. Charles Wilson and the hosts
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Eckley.
Guests of the evening were Mr;
and Mrs. Tim Bjelland.
... .. .Wv. ..'
To the left ice vresent Miss
8tcal and school circle of Sal
a .
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pation necessary to make a grand year.
Tea Smart
HE announcement of the en
gagement of Gwendolyn Jar
man Stoliker to Francis Av-
gustin Burgy of Pendleton and
Portland, was made Saturday at
!. . . . . , , .
Mrs. D. B. Jarman and her daugh
ter entertained between the hours
of 3 to 5:30 o'clock.
An artistic arrangement of
chrysanthemums gave added
beauty to the beautiful rooms of
the Spanish home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. B. Jarman. Mrs. Jarman in a
striking gown of black and white
satin, received with Mrs. Stoliker
who was gowned in a Persian rose
taffety. v
Mrs. Frits Slade, Mrs. Ray Hart
man, Mrs. Joe Chambers, Jr., and
Mrs. Percy Cupper assisted about
the rooms. Mrs. Kittle Graver,
Mrs. Milton Meyers. Mrs. William
Walton, and Mrs. Dan Fry. Jr..
presided at the beautifully ap
pointed tea table.
Assisting In the serving were
Miss Mary CuDDer. Miss Billie
Cupper, .Miss Kathryn Laughrige.
Miss it oven a Eyre, Mrs. Loyal
Warner, Miss Vvonne Smith, Mi3S
Frances Martin and Miss Priscilla
Out-of-town guests bidden to
the tea were Mrs. Carl Gerlinger.
Miss Augusta Gerlinger, "Mrs. Vic
tor Williams, Mrs. T. B. Sund
berg, all of Dallas; Mrs. Lawrence
Ray and Mrs. Harry B. Goodall of
Oregon City; Mrs. E. C. APPerson
of McMinnville; Mrs. Oakley Law-
ther and Mrs. Joseph Jerone King,
Sr.. of Portland; Mrs. C. E. Spence
and Miss Wilma
and Mrs. Raymond Walsh of Eu-
Girl Scout National
Officer to be Here
Of Interest to any person Inter
ested in working with the organ
ization of vaunr rtri. intn
groups for the occamplishment of
instruction of leaders to be given
by Miss Thelma Meillck. member
the National Girl Scout com
Miss Mejlieki comes from San
Francisco. She will hold classes
Januarjr7 and 8. in the ehamber
ot commerce rooms. Thursday the
hours will be 2 o'clock in the aft
ernoon and again at' 7 -o'clock In
the evening, v Friday hours have
not yet Tiaen set.- ; r
. f This "national leader was here
two - years ago aad her classes
were vitally interesUnj'aecording
to those who attended.' All inter
ested in eitbejr'Girl Scout leader
ship work or any other leadership
wort-will be given at a later date.
.An attractiv-e watch party was
enjoyed hy members of the sen
ior high school class of the First
Baptist church at the homo of Mr,
and Mrs. II. g. King. Games anff
a midnight supper made a de
lightful evening for Maiine Men
nis. Viva Hall Ruby Page Ger
trude DeVoe Jean Peterson Low
ell Wright. Harrv Hall KAh Tmr.
her, Rennitf Otjen,' Emil Otjen
and Howard King. , .
1 '
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Helen Pinna nnmiltr .,,
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omu" owycer 07 iir. ana
zne nev Vcar with, all the faith
Sacred Heart Academy Will
Sponsor Annual Benefit
FOLLOWING the custom of the past three years the Alum
nae association of the Sacred Heart academy will again
entertain with its well-known benefit bridge tea in the after
noon of January 8, and the bridge and "500" party for both
men and women in the evening.
The affair as before will be given in the attractive old
halls of the academy. The building holds many memories for
many people of Salem. It has stood there for many years and
is a real landmark in the city.
The hours for the afternoon will begin at 2 o'clock The
evening hours will begin at 8 o'clock.
, The general committee for the benefit is rtonrfpri hv Mica
TJ ti.:j.. j -m.,
iiuiwia xveiuy, anu assisting
her are Mrs. 0. D. Buvlrt.
Mrs. J. C. Griffith, Mrs. A. A.
Mickel, Mrs. Raymond Bar
ton, Mrs. R. E. McNulty, Mrs.
Blanche Fournier, Mrs. Paul Ple
trok, Mrs . Duane Gibson, Miss
Mary Heenan, Miss Mardette
Heenan, Mrs. Theresa Albrich,
Miss Thelma McDonald, Miss Mar
garet Davidson, Miss Arbutus Ru
dle, Miss Gertrude Stits, Miss Mil
dred Suing, Miss Cornelia Wen
sel, Miss Josephine Barr, Miss Lu
cile Jaskoski, Miss Sally Lansing,
Miss Pauline Patterson, Miss Mar
garet Thompson.
Reception committee Tor the
afternoon include. Mrs. A. A.
Mickel, Mrs. O. D. Butler, Miss
Theresa D'Arcy, Mrs. J. C. Grif
fith, Miss Honora Reldy, Miss Ar
butus Rudle, Miss Sally Lansing.
LFor the evening-the committee to
receive me guesis mciuaes Airs.
Duane Gibson, Mrs. Raymond
Barton, Mrs. R. E. McNulty, Mrs.
Mary Heenan, Miss Mardette
Heenan, Miss Josephine , Barr,
Miss Theresa Albrich, Miss Lucille
Jaskoski, and Miss Arbutus Ru
die. The program which' has been
planned for the occasion will in
clude a string trio of 'cello play
ed by Alena Bremmer, and violin
by Georgie Harrington and Emily
Bremmer; Miss Mary A. Schnlder
will play a harp selection; vocal
solos will be given by Miss Arbu
tus Rudle, and Miss Margaret
Mary Thompson. Mrs. Raymond
Barton will give a group of piano
Medical Auxiliary
To Meet Tuesday.
, The auxiliary to the Tri-County
Medical society will meet Tues
day evening for dinner at the
Market Coffee shop. Plana will be
discussed for the . activities ot
spring. ; :-';'... :".-.
Following the business meeting
and dinner hour the group will be
the guests of Mrs. Burton - Myers
at her home. JL feature Of the in
formal social meeting at the My
ers home will be talk.-by Mrs,
W, Carlton, president: of the Sa
lem, chapter, of the Greater Ore
gon association. ' ' '
Mrs.- Btfrton Myers is president
ot the Tri-County Medical society
aaziliary.' - -. -
. .. . ;
Miss Ruth . Moore entertained
with a jolly New Year'a eve party
at her home in compliment to her
bridge club and a few additional
guests. Dinner and bridge preced
ed the midnight hoar at which
time an exchange of "white ele
phant" gifts made a novel feature.
- t
M l l.lir. lit IMm
Mrs. tSrazxer
and antici-
Guests From Bend
Inspire Tea
One of the many Interesting
things of Saturday was the tea for
which Mrs. David Bennett Hill
was hostess at her home between
the hours ot 3 and S o'clock in
compliment to Mrs. J. C. Vander
vert, Mrs. Don Stuart, and Mrs.
Fred Lleuallen of Bend who have
been guests in the city since New
Tear's eve.
Mrs. O. C. Locke presided at the
tea table. Miss Flavla Downs, Miss
Barbara Pierce and Miss Charlotte
Hill assisted Mrs. HlH in serving.
The affair was very informal but
also very attractive.
Guests to meet the compliment
ed visitors were Mrs.. Dan McLel
lan, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. C. A.
Downs. Mrs., H. G." Malson, Mrs.
Prince Byrd, Mrs. William Lytle,
Mrs. R. G. Brady. -Mrs. William
Walton, Mrs. E. T. Pierce; Mrs.
Conrad Paulus, Mrs. R.-.L." Ed
wards, and Mrs. T. A. Llvesley.
,- ' -' . ' . t . T .
Garden Club Meeting
en to Public '.
Salem Garden j club will meet
for its regular monthly meeting
Monday night in the ehamber of
commerce ,rooms .and this meeting-
wllT be thrown open to the
public. , " ;: -,
The speaker for the program
will be Prof. A. L. Peck of Ore
gon. State college, who will speak,
on European gardens and will il
lustrate his talk with lantern
Keoscll Klii pbola.
Right is Mr. Edwin Keech, nee Virginia 'Best, a bride of late De
cember. Lower left is Mrs. Paul Riyyi, nee Hilda LaRose and lower right is
Mrs. Ermel W. Reed, nee Hazelle Moran, a bride of Saturday.
Spring Conference
Date to be Set
Miss Theresa Ulrich has called
a meeting of the planning com
mittee for the Girls' Work con
ference which will meet in Sa
lem this spring and which will
bring delegates from the Pacific
northwest to the city in numbers,
to meet in Portland Saturday af
temooB. Representatives will
come to the Portland meeting
from southern Washington, Ore
gon and Idaho. At this time the
date will be set for the spring
meeting and plans will be made
for the entertainment of the con
ference delegates.
Monday afternoon Mrs. Eliza
beth K. Gallaher will meet ad
visors for the Girl Reserve groups
in the Y. W. C. A. rooms of
Eaton hall, Willamette univer
sity. Plans will be made for the
spring work of the Reserves.
Dinner Party Honors
Young Men
Mrs. H. K. Stockwell entertain
ed with an attractive :30 o'clock
dinner party In compliment to
Donald Stockwell Saturday even
ing at the Stockwell home on
Fairmount hill.
Following the dinner the guests
were entertained with a line par
ty and informal social evening.
The Invited guests to compli
ment Donald Stockwell were Rob
ert Hug, Stanley King, , Dick
Pierce, George Grabenborst. Co
burn Grabenhorst, Floyd Waltz.
Roderick Llvesley. Charles Perry,
and Dick Tepening.
MacDowell Program
Planned January 25
The January program of the Sa
lem MacDowell club will be given
January 25 at the studio of Prof,
and Mrs. T. g. Roberts according
to the announcement of Miss
Frances Vlrginie Melton, presi
dent of the MacDowell club.
The program will be given by
Prof. Edwin Tlllson, pianist, and
Gladys Mclntyre Thomas, soprano.
Barbara Barnes
School of
Professional Dancing
Organization of Classes
for Children and Adults
in All Types of Dancing
. For lafornMtioa
Dial 3535
''Oregon Beauty
- . Permanent
Permanent .?
: "it--..-' -I
Suite 426-7-8 'V - Oregon Bid. Dial 5754
'Open House'
Is Unique
ONE .of the anticipated affairs
for the coming days is the
"at home" for which Mr. and
Mrs. Hal D. Patton will be hosts
at the old Patton home on Court
street Sunday, January t.
This will be the 60th birthday
of Mr. Patton. Mr. Patton ob
served his 50th birthday with a
large banquet but this time he is
inviting through the press all his
friends of long years past, espe
cially the pioneer friends, to call
informally to greet him and to
greet each other and renew
friendships of other years.
The affair will be completely
Informal. The hours are between
4 and 10 o'clock Sunday, January
10. Those who will assist Mr. and
Mrs. Patton will be chosen from
the older circle of the friends of
Mr. Patton.
Mr. and Mrs. B.B. Flack were
hosts for a charming dinner par
ty at their home on Kingwood
Heights Friday night. Covers
were placed for Judge and Mrs.
George Rossman, Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. Pettys. Mr. and Mrs. L. O.
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Russell
and Mr. and Mrs. Flack.
Have A
Charge j
with us I
French Shop
US N. Hlcfc Maseaie BMf.
The Little
M75 N. High Street
A. T. Spcer '
sS CompleU
: Delegates
mHE Katurdar lnnchmn tr .
I Chemeketa, chapter.' of the D.
: . A. R. and -the 'Past Regents
club of the; D.-;ArR.: which waa
held at the Elks club proved te
be altogether a 'delightful and -successful
affair" This is the first :
of a aeries of luncheons planned '
for the regular .monthly meeting
of the chanter. and -' at which
rift KtMnfAnnUl
program of, the Djdej in being
brought forward."
c The Past Regent, held their re- -v
gvlar . luncheon . meeting, in con- - P
rAlftn : villi ftit.Viu 1
and were meAtMi, at . a wninti ti. .
ble: Covers were.. placed for Mrs.
Seymour, Jones .who presided as 1
president of the Regent In place " ;
of Mrs. Russell Catlin who Is now !
in California; Mrs. Oscar ' Hayter. i
Mrs. J. E. Sibley. Mrs. C. D. Sun- i
burg, all three of Dallas; Mrs. J.
G. Heltzel. Mrs. TJ. O. Shipley and
Mrs. W. F. Fargo. - .
The chapter members were
seated at small tables, which were
centered with Oregon grape. The .
Regents table was arranged with
a fruit centerpiece. Mrs. H. T.
Love, vice regent, had charge of
the plans for the luncheon and the
arrangement of the tables.
At the business meeting which i
followed the luncheon, delegates
were elected to represent Cheme
keta chapter at the conference of j
the state D. A. R. which will be j
held in Portland sometime in
Delegates are Mrs."w. F. Far
go, Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs.
Frank, Settlenelr of Woodburn, ;
Mrs. LaMoIne Clark, Mrs. Homer
Goulet, Mrs. Oscar Htyter. Mrs.
A. E. Austin. Mrs. W. B. John
ston. Mrs. E. M, Hoffnell. and
Mrs. C. A. Spraguf.
Alternates were Mrs. H. T.
Love, Mrs. John. Qrr. Mrs. F. E.
Sherwin, Mrs. daadi ElHson.
Mrs. Seymonr Jones. Mrs. John
Carkin. Mrs. R. O Balderree. Mrs
Frances Cornell, Mrs. W. C. Con
ner, and Mrs. V. E. Newcomb.
The meeting was closed with
the first Washington bicentennial
program. Mrs. Seymour Jones in
a talk concerning the family name
ii wasningion ana Mrs. Sprague
who took up the discussion with
the familv of rsMn
descendent, gave the complete and
interesting program. Group sing
ing lead by Mrs. LaMoine Clark
with Mrs. Herbert Ostlind at the
piano completed the program
Birthday Party Honors
John Marr, Jr.
Mrs. John Marr. Jr.. entertained
Saturday night in compliment to
the birthday of her husbaad with
an informal party in the Marr re
sidence. Games, conversation and
several nours of "rook" entertain
ed the guests until a late hour
when refreshments were served
ana me DirtMay cake was cut.
Those Invited in compliment to
Mr. Marr were Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cur
ry, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Hart
well. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kleta
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Boson Lausch
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Lee, Mr.
and Mrs. Waldo Marsters, Dr. and
Mrs. George Lewis. Mr. and Mrs.
Harold McMIllin, Prof, and Mrs
Cecil Monk. Mr. and Mrs. Foster
Odom. Prof, and Mrs. Herbert
Rahe. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, Dr.
and Mrs. Frank Volght. and Mr.
and Mrs. Emmett Welling
Mrs. Margaret Camp of Salem.
Ohio, who has been, the guest of
Mrs. C. B. McElhipey for several
weeks left -Friday; en route home.
She win spend the winter with
her daughter In PjioenJx, Arizo
na, before returning to Ohio.
"Whose birthrx-k:
day comes - j
this month?.$&
qifts orhwi j
ana lutrj
C 9. 'r. 7i..aQ
Postscripts s
t 1 f rtA,mm
Rwwt school aesrswi
. SALCM, ocecon
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