The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local N
Postpone Debate Because of
tta university holidays, the de
bate ta have been siren by WIl
JamfetU vtudegts at a mast meet
io of v labor - union members in
I-abor hall; tomorrow night has
been postponed until the night ol
January 11. The question to be
debated Is: Resolred, that capital
of alt, governments can be to di
vided s to promise eqnltable dls
tribution of the wealth of the
'- . i:. .- ..-
Chicken dinner today, all you can
eat, 45e, from noon till 8 p. m. at
Mn dlmated's Rose Cafrt I
Here For Funeral Mr. Su
san Smith and' Mrs. -Harris
Thompson ' of McCIeay, Mr. ' and
Mrs. Ray Antrim of Aloa. Oregon,
Mr. and Mrs. Herald Rossman of
Eugene. Fred Walker of Spring
field, Mrs. Evelyn Steidingcr and
Fred Shaw of Tillamook were in
Salem Saturday for the funeral rof
M rs. Guy O. Smith.: 4 . ,:. I
' Judge Rand" Returns Judge
. John L. Rand.v-associate Justice
of the supreme 'court,- and Mrs.
Rand returned yesterday-from a
week's visit with their son at Ba
ker. Although there was snow on
the ground, the weather, clear
and cold, was pleasant, according
to the Judge.
Dance at St. Joseph's hall Tuesday
-Jan. 5th. Commodore Orchestra.
Adm. 25c.
Long Visit Ended Mrs. C.
J. Jackson, 220 East Washington
street, yesterday returned from
- Parma, Ida., where she went four
weeks ago to be with her mother
who was ill. Her sister. Mrs. E.
G. Everson of Creswell accom
panied her. to Salem for a visit.
In this city, January 1, Chester
E. Tyndal, aged 45 years. Beloved
husband of Serenae Tyndal; son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tyndal of
Fremont, Nebr.; brother of George
Tyndal, alao of Fremont. Funeral
services will bo held Monday, Jan
uary 4, at 10 a. m. from the chapel
of the Salem Mortuary, 545 North
Capitol street Friends invited. In
terment Belcrest Memorial park..
At the residence, Salem route 8,
January 1, Mrs. Therese Noeske,
59. Survived by widower, Gus No
eske of Salem route 8; sons. Carl,
Frederick and Albert Noeske, all
of Salem route 8., Recitation of
the rosary Sunday, January 3, at
7:30 p. m. from the chapel of W.
T. Rlgdon and Son. Requiem mass
Monday, January 4, at 9 a. m.
from St. Vincent de Paul Catholic
church, Rev. Fr. Keenan offifiat
ing. Interment Belcrest Memorial
At the Deaconess hospital. Jan
uary 1, Rev. Henry Kohfeld. Sur
vived by daughters, Mrs. baran
Fleishauer of Bakersfleld, Calif.,
Mrs. Emma Klassen of San Fran
rUcd: Katherine Kohfeld of Shaf
ter, Calif.; sons, Henry Kohfeld of
Mill Valley, CaliL, Gus H. Kohfeld
of Point Reyes, Calif.;- also two
crandehildren. Funeral services
Sunday. January- 3, at 2:30 p. m
from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon
and Son. Remains to be forwarded
to Shatter, Calif., for interment.
Nina McXarjr 111 i Physicians
caring for Miss Nina McNary,
prominent for years in the relig
ious life of the city, have ordered
complete- rest and quiet as best
hope, for her recovery. She has
been ill about two months, suffer
ing jfrom a general breakdown.
She ; makes her home with - her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs.jW.T. stoli. .
- First licence of Year First
marriage license of the leap year,
and the only one issuea. yesterday,
was granted by County Clerk Boy-
er to Francis A. Bargy, 179 Lo
cust street, Portland, and Gwen
dolyn jarman Stollker. 567 S.
High, Salem. Both gave their age
as legal. He is a salesman and she
a housekeeper.
Two Out of Jail The New
Year's count of 25 prisoners at
the county Jail was reduced by
two yesterday. One man went ont
when the grand Jury returned a
not true hill on" indictment, and
Jesse Keene, held on a v larceny,
charge, , raised bail and was re
leased pending trial. ;
Some are planning to begin inten
sive study at the capital Business
College next Monday. There
should he many more. One of
these days, normal business will
come back. Will it find you pre
pared foe the opportunities?
Cronn Hurt Lee Cronn, 1240
Hbyf -BtTeet, reported to the coun
ty sheriff that he received a cut
on the face in an automobile mis
hap : which occurred five . miles
east of town and which involved
also cars of Paul A, Lee, route 6,
and;J Mrs. Eugene Silke, Perry
dale. Conn Wants Divorce - Elmer
R. Conn charges defendant de
serted him, in a divorce com
plaint filed yesterday- against
Olga M. Conn. He says he is will
ing that defendant keep the three
children and that he will pay to
ward their keep. They were mar
ried at Vancouver, Wash., in
July, 1925.
The Spa. Eight course turkey din
ner, $1. Six course dinner, 75c.
Agents Meeting J. O. Russell
of the local office of the Mutual
Life Insurance company of New
York, will be in Portland Tuesday
and Wednesday as representative
at the annual two-day conference
of the company to be held there
Salem is Preferred "The
more I see of Los Angele3, the
better I like Salem," Mrs. Wini
fred Pettyjohn, local realtor,
writes to friends from the south
ern city where she is visiting with
her daughter, Helen. She expect3
to return here on January 15.
Andersons Visit Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Anderson of Seattle hare
been spending several days visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Charles Vick
and family and others. Mrs. An
derson will be remembered by
many here as Emma Chsistenson.
Furnished room. Private family.
194 S. Cottage. Tel. 4349 after 5
p. m.
Ask Substitution Security
Loan and Trust company, executor
estate Isabella M. A. Barnes,: de
ceased?, has ''petitioned Jhe circuit
court to be substituted ma plaintiff
in deceased' suit against the state
tax commission.
Gets Judgment Judgment
of $16,048 and costs- has been
handed down for Portland Mort
gage company 1a Its foreclosure
suit against Susaa F. and Arthur
S. Benson, involving property on
12th. and Mill. .
Dine and dance. Playmore Park.
Hubbard. Special 7 Se chicken din
ners. Open all hours.
Seeks Foreclosure Portland
Mortgage company has filed fore
closure suit against Charles K.
Knowland, involving property at
12th and Marion. It seeks Judg
ment of 32163 and costs.
Club Will Meet Mr. and Mrs.
Frances Welch will entertain
members of the Englewood Wom
an's club, husbands, and friends
of the club at their home, . 889
Breys, avenue, Tuesday night.
Decree i- Default decree pro
viding, for foreclosure on $11.-137-
mortgage .has .been granted
in case of Prudential Insurance ot
America against H. E. Wilder.
Guardian Reports C. M. Byrd.
guardian of estate of Charles
Flowers, incompetent, has filed
report showing $375.97- cash on
Motion Continued Jennie
Woolery has filed papers seeking
continuance of motion for new
trial in her case against B. J.
Miles, insane, and his guardian
Argo Hotel Dining room Special
chicken dinner both noon and
night, 50c.
Suit Dismissed Suit of Lou
ise Neufeld vs. George Neufeld
has been dismissed from circuit
court. Motion for abatement was
filed following death of plaintiff.
Ask for Road Joe M. Ergish
and 50 others yesterday petition
ed the county court for a short
road in district 2, near Hubbard
Seeks Default Sidney Teiser,
assignee, has filed motion or de
fault in case against J. C. Gal
Sale Allowed The probate
court has granted executors of the
estate of Mrs. Ada E. Willson per
mission to sell private property
THE state capltol will have an
other change Im personnel be-
ges will be in the executive office.
Instead of Governor. Wlllard L.
Marks and the governor's secre
tary. Miss Beatrice Walton, there
will be Governor Julius L. Meier
and his secretary. Mrs. Sheldon
F. Sackett.
- Larson
In this city January 2, Mrs.
George Okeh Larson, aged 62.
Survived by husband, George Lar
son; four daughters, Mrs. Chester
'F. Way of Salem, Mrs. J. B. Way
of Dallas, Mrs. George Bruce of
Walla Walla, Wash., Mrs. L. C.
Kelly of West Salem; one son.
Virgil Larson of .Salem; eight
grandchildren! two brothers. Roy
Stiffler of California and Loccn
Stiffler of Salem. Funeral an
nouncements later by Clough-Bar-rick
Says Owes Nothing Answering
complaint of Ed St. Supery, the
Western Board Products company
denies it owes plaintiff $422 or
any other sum for labor; and also
denies it is indebted to plaintiff
Supery in sum of $612.
Seeks Fee Bery G- Boyle,
guardian of estate of J. M. Mc
Carthy. insane, has filed petition
asking payment of $25 guardian's
fees. He says ho has received no
remuneration, for hi3 services
since appointment in April, 1928.
Application In suit of Victor
Tschida vs. Simon Director, ap
plication to place on trial docket
has been made.
From West Stay ton L. B. Mc
Clendon, principal ot the school
at We3t Stayton, was a butAness
visitor in Salem yesterday.
Full Schedule
For Next Week
TLJnder tile : Occurrences Ja Gossip
v ; : mt the center of Oregon , i
JLOllie state government r .
But as meatioaed. before the
capital city has become used
to changes, aad following tbe
first surprises and subseoaeat
disc nasi on around the - various
offices, the alterations are tak
esi for granted. Both the new,
yet familiar,, faces have bees
there before aad state business
will continue as usual.
Next week the new year In state
government will start seriously.
Ana there is plenty to look for
ward to. Although. 1932 is not a
regular legislative year, there
will be two big elections, in May
and In November. .Beginning this
week politics will buss more than
ver, and the names of many, will
bo adied to the list of those who
will ran.
The author of tbis eelusan
takes pleasure in acknowledg
ing aa article la the eorreat Is
: sae of the Oregon Voter, .which
la part will be published te ex
plain why so much pleasure is
taken la passing it on. Speak
ing of the colama Editor C G.
Chapmaa says It is "delightful
ly Interesting."
From there , on Chapman gets
more personal and says . "with
Governor Meier absent, the auth
or of 'Under the Dome reports
widespread interest In the Lens-
Culbertsoa contract bridge, per
sonally favoring: the 'official sys
tem M more nearly resembling
the architecture of the bridge ht
stands on at midnight. We re
call that Chapman Is a bridge tan
himself, and his playing com
mands a lot of respect, but we'd
like to ask him If he remembers
the time he bid three no trump
without any diamonds. - j
And while oa the subject of
recollections, who "can ' remem
ber when there was bar . la
the 1 capitol building? The coir
ansa has been reliably inform
ed that the bar used to be lo
cated where Rufas C Holmaa
aad his money handlers . hold
forth sow.
But that
The state
was only half of it.
printing department
was located! where Hal E. Hoss
herds his assistant secretaries
now. Just-across the hall. Why is
It they always place printers and
newspaper men In the same cata-
gory or always right next to such
things as bars T Oh, well! ; ;
Wlllard L. Marks, (not gov-
aow : siace lr.- Melee
creased late Oregoe early" yesi
terday) . aad Mrs, Marks i are '
charming hosts. A state official
and a member of the press gal
lery aad their ' wives spent a
pleasaat day at Albany with the
Marks, on New Tear's day. They
reported the visit a. most en
joyable one.
It-was reported yesterday that
James Stewart secured a new hat.
The report made to the . press
room added that as a result of his
acquisition. Jerry Owen. Is 'now
wearing -the old hat once owned
by Jim. The story continues with
the statement that the exchange
was in favor ot Jim. That's not
surprising; did 1 you ever see a
Scotchman not make the best of a
We wish to thank our friends
and neighbors for kindness shown
during the long illness and death
of our wife and mother.
Oil EH!
Orders confirming sheriff's sale -of
real property were entered in.'
circuit court yesterday in the foV-t -lowing
cases: I . . ,
S. R. Kennedy vs. Mortgage In
vestment company.
Mrs. N. Ai Basey vs. F. Brady.
State Savinge vfc Loan assocla- ,
tion vs. Alfred H. Berg.
. Bessie TJpdegraff vs. Forrest D. .
H. P, Jensen vs.; W. H. McNeal.
Robert Clark vs. Mrs. Delano
Bell. Executions were alsp returned
by the sheriff In the eases of
W. "A. Rentschler ivs. Peter 'J.; -Meaney,
and Willamette Savings!
A Loan association vs. W. L. Gas-i.
kill. In each of these two cases,
plaintiff bid., property In at the j
Judgment sum
Monroe SUIT
At the residence, 396 Jerrfa ave
nue, Jan. 2, Simeon phlHips, 76.
Survived by widdw. Mrs. Nancy A.
Phillips; sons. Bliss Phillips of
Spokane. Wash.. Dow Phillips of
Oregon City, E. E. Phillips of Ore
gon City, E. E. Phillips ot Miami.
Arizona. Douglas Phillips of Los
Angeles. Simeon Phillips, Jr.. of
Newark. N. J.; ' daughters, Mabel
Phillips and Mrs. Ruth Patter of
Salem, Dorothy Phillips of San
Francisco and Helen . Phillips . of
Portland. Funeral announcements
later by. Clough-Barrick company.
t Snyder
In this, city January 1.. George
W. Snyder, aged 74 years, lie
m&lna will be forwarded to Port
land by Terwllliger funeral home
for services and wiermem.
Gray Belle. 4 40 State
Dinners, 50c-75c-$1.0.
Demurrer Filed Henry L.
Bents, defendant in suit brought
by E. W. Smidt, trustee, has filed
demurrer on grounds that the
complaint does not state facts suf
ficient for action against the trus
Sale Report W. G. Vassall. ex
ecutor of estate of Arthur M. Vas
sall, has reported to the county
court sale of real property lor
$3,000 to Clyde M. and Hasel II.
What would Salem groups do
without the chamber of commerce
rooms as a meeting place? .Up to
last night, six meetings had been
scheduled for next week, as fol
lows: Monday noon Weekly lunch
eon of the chamber; night, meet
ing board of directors.
Tuesday all day Oregon Farm
ersyUnion, L. H. McBee of Dallas,
Wednesday night Oregon
state game. commission meets with
members of the Marion County
Garfle Protective association.
Thusday Opening of two-day
school for Girl Scouts.
Friday Scout school; also at 1
o'clock, meeting of the Oregon
Bahy Chick association.
Saturday Oregon State Fox
Rreeders' association in session
all day. banning at 10 a. m. Eu-
Famous Rene Finley of Jefferson is secre
Established I WW Tel. W32
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided; for
' Prices Reasonable j
Belcrest iHemon'al
A Park Cemetery
With Perpetual Care
Joit tea minutes ' from the :
heart ot town
Wttseut operation or lot ol dm.
329 Oregon Bids. Phono 550 J
When yon think of
Think of
Charlie MeElhinny
Tel. 7041
First Nat. Dank UHg.
Dr. Chan Im
Chinese Medicine
ISO 5. Commercial
St.. Salem
Office hours
Tuesday and Satur
day 2 to 5 ! M.
Night and Day Calls
External Cancer Removed
with medicine.
Capitol St.
Salem, Ore.
, orf ice. S53 Pi.
Phone 5U36 -
Salem Deaconess Hospital
To Friends and; Customers
Call 3321
Card Tables and
Chairs to Rent
ill:- - - ,
Call 0JlO, L'seil Furniture
: 151 North Hib
'V' mmm """"J""1" """"
cv t,0Arrive- we do not want to f0
I if i b nt i
m !
i - ; '
1 Km ' '
These are all new styles and hand made of all
wool materials. Suits that would sell in the
regrular way at from $30 to $35.
One lot of fine rayon dress hose, Silk and wool ties. Fine material
fancy patterns. Limit 5 pairs 1 A1 for real service. Regular $1, OC
to a customer 1UC now aC)C
410 State TeL 0123
. 'Ask Tosir Doctor :
Complete stock of prescrip
tion drugs and chemicals.
Exactly what the doctor
Plenty of help. The latest
time-saving equipment. JTb
unnecessary-waiting. i J
AH sizes, in broadcloth
materials, plain or Taney
colors $1 and $L33
values, now
Bath Robes
All wool flannel bath robes
in plain colors or stripes,
regular $750, now
95 .
Wool Mixed
All sizes of wool mixed
I i
hose, good weight.
4prs. 31
Part wool union suits, a
good weight for this cool
er weather now
A good line of regular j$ 1.45 pajamas,
made of plain and fancy materials, now
Rain Coats
Light tan; trench coats, or black or tan
rubberized coats, reg. $7.50, now
Regular $6 aQ wool slip
orer sweaters, made with
V or round neck.
All Goods
Without an exception we
have reduced the price
of every, article in . the
store. '.
AD dress or work trousers
are reduced
New styles, satin lined,
all regular $5 . values.
1 "
J 6 9 70 IT A tOMS S ITElEEIi
1S5 X.' CW1 - Dial 5107