rr n.nn:nv KrtTy.sMkv ' w.h The OREGON. 4STATESM AN. Salem. Oregon,, Wednesday-.Morning. December 23, 1931 r A-r: v rWt PAGE SEVEN ww..f JUDGE FE UPHELD MORTGAGE CASE Frenzied Finance in Eastern Oregon is Recalled in Supreme Court Case The state supreme court Toes day handed down an opinion af firming the decree of Judge James Algerr Fee of thrt'fnatllla coun ty circuit court in the suit brought by the First National bank of Walla Walla, Wash., to foreclose a mortgage on approximately 1. 200 acres of land in Umatilla county, given to secure payment of six promissory notes aggregat ion $lei,tO."-i!,t .The opinion -was written by Jus tice Belt. Hugh g. Murray and other residents of Umatilla coun ty were named as defendants in the suit. The lower court held for the plaintiff. The defendants, appealed to the supreme court ta the ground that there was lack of iconsldera tion. ' i "This case presents a story of irennea unance in which three banks were victimized through the fraudulent and crooked deal ings of John Cameron, president of the Cameron-Yennev Grain company, a corporation engaged in general grain Brokerage bus iness in eastern Oregon and east ern Washington", the supreme couri opinion read. "His check kiting o DerationH and nhr crim inal business transactions finally ianaea mm in the state peniten ttary." Several Banks Are Involved In Affair The financial difficulties of the grain company involved the bank or r reewaier, wmch had over drafts of $135,000. the old N tional bank of Spokane, a creditor oi tne company in excess of $100. 000. and the First National bank of Walla Walla. The transactions occurred in 1928. At that tim Murray, one of the defendants in the suit, was chief executive of the bank of Freewater. The mortgages on the land were given oy Murray anu other de fendants to secure a loan from the other two banks to save the treewater Institution from a crash. Justice Belt held that the charge of fraud on the part of Murray was "utterly without mer it", and upheld the foreclosure decree. Murray had alleged that the de fendants . In the action were in duced to execute the mortgage be cause of fraudulent representa tions that the grain company would pay more than 40 per cent upon liquidation. Other Opinion Are Handed Down Other opinions handed down by the supreme court Tuesday fol low: Linus Olson, appellant, vs E. Pixler and others: appeal from Multnomah county. Suit to en force contract. Opinion by Justice Campbell. Decree of Judge Luskl affirmed as modified. . C. A. Kern, appellant, vs James Pullen; appeal from Multnomah county. Suit to recover damages. Opinion by Justice Campbell. Judge Robert G. Morrow 'af firmed. Ernest Harris and Edrie Har ris, plaintiffs and respondents, va Laura Harris, defendant and ap pellant; David Harris, et al, de fendants and respondents: appeal from Umatilla county. Suit for partition of real property. Opin ion by Justice Rand. Judge Sweek reversed. Fred Klingback vs Vincente Mendiola, appellant: appeal from Malheur county. Suit involving rick of alfalfa hay. Opinion by Justice Brown. Judge W. W. Wood affirmed. E. S. McKinney, appellant, vs C. M. Nayberger and Simon Guild: appeal from Multnomah county. Petition for rehearing de nied in opinion by Justice Ross- man. E. S. McKinney, appellant, vs C. M. Nayberger and Simon Guild; appeal from Multnomah county. Motion to strike cost bill denied in opinion by Justice Rossman. Wishing a very merry Christmas to the many friends who have giv en ua their patronage and support during tills past year. NOTICE Our 15c Saturday sur prise specials will be resumed after the first of the year. OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENING IMS HIGHEST IN QUALITY t37 S. Commercial Tel. 4010 LOWEST IN PRICE Fresh FIG BARS 2 pounds 15c Armour's PORK & BEANS 5c 16-oz. cans New Crop Nuts Mixed Lt pounds .. 25c U. S. MALT large cans 2 for :49c POST TOASJIES U pkgs. ... 13c Citrus Laundry Soap 10 cakes ... 25c 10s Graham 10$ Whole Wheat 24c MORTON'S Iodized Salt Package 8c Fine Granulated SUGAR 10 pounds . 39c . Van Camp's TOMATO SOUP Can 5C BROWN SUGAR 4 pounds I Q Powdrd, 3 lbs Ut Best Grade Bulk SALAD OIL Per quart .. . 25c Gallon 85c Small White BEANS ib5 21c 1fcg16c Fancy DRIED PRUNES U pounds . Fancy HEAD RICE x pounds 18c GOLDEN WEST COFFEE O Ib. cans ......... 89c 137 SOUTH COMMERCIAL Both Shaw Schools Give Yule Programs SHAW, Dee. 22 Both paroch ial and public schools arranged Christmas programs. The paroch ial program wag given Tuesday night, with a large crowd attend ing, and the public school program will be held Thursday at 8 o'clock. The Women's community club will hare its Christmas party Tuesday night, Dec. 29, at the hall. Presents will be distributed Asterman Cuts Deep Gash in Right Leg GERVAIS. Dec. 22 William Asterman, who is employed by Sam Brown & Sons, pork packers. cut a deep gash in his right leg Monday morning while cutting ba con. His knife slipped .when it struck a bone in the meat. He was brought to Gervais where Dr. Ad- kisson took three stitches im the wound. Mr. Asterman was un able to be out for a day or two following the accident. by means of a grab, bar. Teacher Spends Day At ML Angel Home ROCK POINT,; Dec 22 Miss Florence- Walker, Rock Point school teacher, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr Joe Walker of Mt. Angel. Norrfi Hunt was called to Sa lem by the death Sunday of his father, J. T. Hunt, former county judge. lifefcl Originators of Low Prices 351 State Street TO EQUAL OUR PRICES isn't very difficult and many of the reliable markets can sell you just as good a grade of meat as we handle. But we do hot thing it is possible for you to equal our quality at the prices quoted below. Regular Prices Not "Specials" " Young Pig Dainty Lean Pork Roast Loin Chops 9c Ib. 15c Ib. From Oregon's Finest Young Grain-Fed Porkers Fresh Ham Roasts, lb 12 Vic A Delicious Substitute for Fowl at Less Than Half the Price! Prime Beef Roasts 10c !b. Fresh Ground Beef 10c Ib. A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CUT Sirloin Steak Roasts, lb 12Vic These Cuts are Wonderfully Tender and Juicy, Either Broiled or Roasted Best Margarine 11c Ib. Fresh Sauer Kraut 10c at. "Nut Sweet" Sliced Bacon, lb nlzc Since completing our new cooler we are in a better position to supply the demand for this high grade ba con. Strictly dry sugar-cured. FANCY MILK FED VEAL A tasty veal roast with dressing and cranberries wouldn't be bad for Christmas. Look what you save. This is the firm, white-mealed kind. Veal Roasts Leg of Veal 12'?c Ib. 15c Ib. "Nut Sweet" Hams, Whole or half, lb 15c Another Christmas suggestion. The lowest price in 20 years. Unexcelled by any for flavor. Sugar Cured B"" m Back 120 lb Home Rendered Pure Lard 10c Ib. Out of Consideration to Our Employes We Close at 6 P. M. on Saturdays at 7 P. M. HARRY M. LEVY FOR THE Of 52 i 5k TUCDC ARF iGifts and Gift Suggestions! Last-Minute Shoppe Galore JUST A FEW OF THEM: Cigars Tobaccos Cigarettes Toiletries Remedies Cosmetics isirnaEsFiis's oca 184 N. Coxxpnercial St. ; " Open 'till 9 Each Night Until Christmas It is certainly wonderful to shop In a store where yon can so easily select the many items on your Christmas snopping list ana ai sucn wonaerxni -savings, for me laie innsf.mas snoppcr we oner vuuttuiS i For Mother . . For Father For Daughter For Sister Fred Meyer Hand-Made Chocolates 1 49c 3 & 98c 5 L $1.69 Delicious, fresh, hand-mad chocolate. A real quality prod act. Assorted creams, caramels, nuts, etc Christmas wrapped. Satin Mix Hard Candies 2 lbs. 25c The. youngsters expect plenty of these pure, tasty hard can dles at Christmas time. Assorted shapes and flarors. Cranchy Peanut Squares, 10c lb.; 4 Ib. box 35c 5c Canes. 6 for 25c French Mix, 2 lbs. 35c Candy canes, packed 2 t Fr and pare. Assorted a box. Cellophaned. shapes, colors ana iiaTors. Fresh Toasted Old-Fashioned Marsh mallows, 2 lbs. 35c Chocolates, 2 lbs. 25c Buy His Cigars at Salem's Lowest Prices! Reg. $2.50 Box of 25 $1 35 Prophylactic Brush Set For Son For Brother 10c Cigars Aurelias Websters Robert Burns, etc. Xmas wrapped. Ideal gifts for men who smoke. $199 1 $1.25 Boxes of 5c Cigars $1 Boxes of 25 Wm. Penns, 44's, Cremos, etc. Xmas wrapped. 1 Box of 10 Corinas, Van Dycks, El Sidelos, 75c 15c 1886's Cigars, Box of 25 $3; Box of 50, $5.98 2 for 25c, Jose Villas, box of 25, $1.69 box of 50 $3.25 5c Tampa Tropics, box of 25, 89c; box of 50, $1.75 Reg. 15c Cigarettes $1.25 Carton Carton of 10 pkgs.. Camels, Lucktes, Old Golds and Ches terfields. Xmas wrapped. Prince Albert or Velvet, 16-oz. tins 95c Frangrant "smoking tobaccos, all In holiday cartons. Granger Smoking Tobacco, 16-oz. Tin 75c $7.50 Humidors $2.98 $1 Humidors 69c For cigars and tobaccos. For cigarettes, keeps them Leather, coppery chromium. fresh & sweet. Ornamental. Large Selection of Fine Pipes at Lowest Prices Sale! Toilet Water $4 Coty Assorted Toilet Waters $1.59 85cApril Showers 69c $1 Cheramy Jasm.50c $1.50 DJer Kiss $1.20 1.50 Houbigant $1.29 3.50 Houbigant $2.89 $1 Coty Spec. 73c $2 Le Jade $1.59 $1 Colgate's 89c Sale! Dusting Powders $1 Fleurs r A d'Egypte 07 C 50c Arlene Sweet Pea 29c $1 April Showers 69c 75c Cheramy Dulcia 39c 51.50 Coty's 98c 50c Luxor 29c $1 Marls 59c $1 Squibb 49c $1 Djer Kiss 59c 1 Pompeiian 59c Gift Sets That Men $5 Kleenwell Set $3.29 nat. ebony military brushes $1 Coty Gift Set 79c Sharing cream and talc. $1 Jergen's Set 69c Shr. crm., talc, lotion, soap $1 Mermen's Set 69c Sharing cream, talc, bracer Will Appreciate $1 Palmolive Sets 69c 6h. crm lotion, talc, Gillete $1 Melba Set 59c Shr. cream, talc, lotion. $1 Williams' Set 79e Cream, lotion, talc, soap $1 Krank's Set 79c Shv. crm., lotion, hair tonic Sale! Bath Salts 75c Joli Soir QQ Bath Crystals OU C 75c April Showers Bath Salts 49c $1 Bathasweet 69c $1.50 Coty's $1.29 $1 Yardley's 89c 75c Cappi 59c 25c Cheramy 12c $1 4711 Bth Sits 79c &P2 Gift Box French Perfume and Face Powder Gardenia. Jasmine, odors. Powder deml - metal box both for only . . . Chypre -79c PARENTS, FR1EHDS B1DDENT0 PROGRAM Books Leather Goods Desk Sets Desk Supplies Fountain Pens Mechanical Pencils Stationery Book Ends Incense Burners Bridge Supplies Memory Books Snapshot Albums Mottos Kodaks Gift Wrappings, Cards, Seals and Ribbons OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Commercial Book Store 1 163 North Commercial Street j TURNER. Dec. 22 Parents and, friends are inrited to the Turner school Christmas program which will be glren Thnrsaay an ernoon at 1:30 o'clock in the school auditorium. The program will be made op with numbers from each grade, after which the tower grades will march to their rooms and each teacher's pupils will enjoy their own tree and treats. Tda&l Rebekah lodce elected new officers as follows: Noble grand. Mrs. Margaret Riches; Tlce grand. Mrs. Gayette isarneii; i nanelal secretary. Miss Mabel Walker J recording secretary, Mrs. Lucille McKinnr: district deputy. Mist Mortal Salisbury. The Initia tion will take place at the next regular meeting, Jan. Mrs. Ethel Melgram. the state presi dent, was present and gare a talk. GUESTS OP.BCOTTS . AURORA, Dec. 22 Mr. and Mrs.. Franklin Tyler offend and Mr. and Mrs. Lane Gribble and son Lowell, will spend Christmas day in Woodbnrn, the guests of Mrs. Robert Scott Sr. and Mrs. Robert Scott Jr. who are enter taining with a large family din ner. The Tylers have been yisft ing their parents Mr. and Mrs. Gribble and are leaving for their home Saturday with a short stop over at Hood River. MRS. M. M. MAG IS CLUB PRESIDENT MACLEAY, Dec, 22 The last meeting of the Home Economics club for the year was held Thurs day at the hall. At the request of H. E. Martin, names of of ficers to be appointed for year were suggested by the dab. The club Toted that Mrs. M. M. Ma gee be appointed president; Mrs. Charles Baker, Tlce president, and Mrs. J. F. C. Tekenhurg. secretary-treasurer. The afternoon was snent oleeing on a Quilt. The next meeting will be held the third Thursday in January 89c 2 handsome military brashes with extra stiff bristles and a gentleman's comb in Christmas box 75c Brush & Comb Set 59c $1 Military Set for 79c $1.50 Military Set for $1.09 $1.75 Military Set for $1.29 (comb, sharing brush, stick) s Yardley s Gift Sets . $1.75 Travel Kit $1.23 Lavender, bath tablets, soap $2.75 Shaving Set $2.49 Shav. stick, lotion, talc, soap Handsome Set $1.25 Ladies' Set 98c Bottle Lavender, cake soap $3.50 Ladies Set $3.19 Lavender, talc, soap $1.50 Gift Set $1.23 Bath salts and soap $3 Shaving Set $2.19 Shaving stick, lotion and in visible talc in traveling case $3.25 Men's Set $2.93 Shaving bowl, lotion A talc $5 Men's Set $4.69 Bowl, crm. lotion, soap, talc Sale! Toilet Waters $1 Mareis Toilet Water 70c $1 Raffay French 79c $1.50 Houbigant 89c $1 Coty Special 73c II Colgate Asst. Odors 80c Sale! Compacts $2.50 Coty Double $1 Three Flowers Loose 60c $1.50 Vral Bouble Boxes 5c 50c Mavis Singles 19c $1 Krank's Double 79c Sale! Perfumes $1 Isabey French odors 98c $1 Colgate Perfumes 79c $1 Cheramy Perfumes 79c $2 Voice of Paris $1.39 $1 Coty Perfunies 69c Beverages for Holiday Parties 25c Cliquot Club Ginger Ale, 2 bottles 35c; $1.89 doz. 25c Rainier Lime Rickey, 2 for 33c; $1.75 doz. 20c Canada Dry Ginger Ale, 2 bottles 33c; $1.79 doz. 25c Weinhard's Lime Rickey, 2 bottles 29; $1.69 doz. 5-Piece Golf Set Wright & Ditson St. An drews matched set of driver, midiron, mashie, putter and reinforced canvas bag. An ideal Christmas f Qf gift. D.iJD Red Arrow Golf Balls Moulded balls that drive far and putt true, o for Guaranteed. 3 49c Ingersoll Watches $4 Radiolite Wrist 81.69 $3.50 Pin. Dial Wrist $1.49 $1.50 Yankee, plain dial 89c $3 Junior, plain dial $1.29 $3 Midiret. plain dial $1.29 Sale! Playing Cards 50c Duotone Gold Edge 33c 35c Hudson Pinochle 29c 50c Artcract Decorated S6c $1 Hoot Mon 2s fancies 79c $1 Fads & Rule 2s 89c Save On Every Day Needs! Miscellaneous 45c Modes 2.V 25c Pond's Tissues 9c 10c Turknlt Face Cloths 5c 25c Colgate Tooth Paste 9c 1 Pt. Hot Water Bottles 19c 10c 3-in. Velour Puffs 5c 50c Vivadou Shv. Cream 19c 50c Zipshave Cream 36c Toiletries 12 Sanitary Napkins 15c 60c D.&R. Cold Cream S9c 60c Pompeian Cream 39c $1 Pond's Creams 59c $1 Hopper Restor. Crm. 69c 50c Ponds Skin Freshnr 33c 75c VIvatone 49c $1 Fiancee Face Powder 49c $1.50 Am. Royale Powd 79c 1 Pacquln's Hand Cream 79c $1 Jergen's Lotion 59c 35c Italian Balm 26c Shaving Aids $1 Gillette Blades 65c $1 Probak Blades 65c 35c Gem Blades 23e 75c Jar Molle 59c 35c Burma Shave 26c 25cMennen's Talc 15c 45cSquibb's Shav. Crm. 34c 25cListerine Shv. Crm. 19c For Coughs and Colds 50c Afzen 39c 50c Mistol 39c $1 Vapex 79c 30c Bromo Quinine 17c 30c Hill's Cascara Qui. 23c 35c Pape's Cold Comp. 26c 60c Bottles REM 49c For the Teeth 60c Wernets or Corega 39c 60c Lj-ons Tooth Powdr 39c 50c Pepsdent or Ipana 29c 50 Kolynos Tooth Paste 26c 50c Tek Tooth Brushes 26c 50c Prophylactic T Brsh 19c Remedies 85c Jad Salts 59c S5cKruschen Salts 49c $1.20 Sal Hepatic 79c $1.20 Bromo Seltzer 89c $1.50 Citrocarbonate8 98c $1 Super D Cod Liv. Oil 50c $1.20 Scott's Emulsion 69c $1.25 Pierce's Remedies 98c 60c Syrup Figs 33c Toilet Soaps 10c Big Bath Soap 5c 10c Golden Gate Soap 5c 25c Woodbury's Soap 19c 25c Packer's Tar Soap 17c Cod Liver Oil $1 Squibb's C. L. O. 79c $ 1 Peter Moller 79c $1 Norwich Oil 69c 1 pt. Norwegian Oil S9c $1.25 Mead's Oil 59c $1 Kepler's Prep' rations 79c Home Remedies 6 oz. Glycerin Rose Wtr. 15e 4 oz. Camphorated Oil 23c 4 oz. Oil Eucalyptus 23c 8 oz. Pure Glycerin 19c 1 pt. Milk Magnesia 23c 1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol 21c 1 pt. Witch Hazel 23c 1 pt.Pure Olive Oil 39c Pt. Petrolatum (min oil) 85c 10 Ib. Epsom Bath Salts 89c Something new in an ex tremely practical gift: Turknit Gift Sets Towel and Face Cloth A dozen assorted towels and face cloths with crocheted edges and in delicate pastel shades. Wrapped with rib bons and cellophane. 79c $5 3-pc. Ivory Sets $3.98 Consisting of a comb, brush and mirror, all in pastel shades. A handsome gift. Sale! Safety Razors $5 Ronson Razors $2.98 $1 Gillette, 10 Blades 65c $1 Enders and Blades 65c $1 Gem Micromatic 69c $2.50 Segal, 10 blades 75e $3.50 Twinplex Stropr $2.23 $1 Shaving Brushes 59c Sale! Powder Boxes $4.50 Musical Boxes $2.98 $2.9S Boxes $1.69 $1 Dust. Powdr. in box 59c $1 Powder Boxes 69c Society Mrs. C. T. Cooper entertained members of the Nimble Needle Four H club at her home in com pliment to her daughter. Carol Cooper, who Is a member of the club. The group has been making stuffed animals and dolls and these it was decided at this meet ing will be given to charity in ad dition to a money gift which has huAn realised throuxh the sale ot some of the stuffed animals. Mrs. r T. TTarrlnrton. leader of the clnb. presented Christmas favors to the small members, and -gifts were exchanged. Rowena upjonn. with Mrs. W. Frink and Mrs. W. Welch in charge of the program and Mrs. J. Amort and Mrs. Lou ise McGee ot the refreshments. Those present were Mrs. Alice Patton, Mrs. J. Patton, Mrs. A. Mider. Mrs. E. Tooker. Mrs. W. Welch. Mrs. J. F. C. Tekenhurg, Mrs. H. E. Martin. Mrs. w. ki. Humphreys, Mrs W. Frink, Mrs. Charles Baker. Mrs. M. M. Magee. Patricia Schramm, and Jean Har rington won prizes for contests enjoyed during the afternoon. Another club celebrated Christ mas witn tne xuesaay tuncneon and afternoon of cards at the home of Mrs. Edwin Viesko. Hol ly, scarlet tapers, and polnsettia centered the luncheon table. An exchange of gifts from the festive Christmas tree added pleasure to the afternoon. Mrs. Gordon Wil son. Mrs. Henry Schmahl, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Ernest Thorn. Mrs. Tom Galloway, Mrs. Brazier Small, Mrs. William Gosser, and Mrs. Viesko werepresent. Mrs. Frank Jordan entertained members ot her contract bridge club Monday afternoon at the Elks club with a luncheon and afternoon of cards. Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs . Milton Meyers, and Mrs. Ed Baker were special guests. Miss Edith Schryver and Miss Elizabeth Lord have left for their beach home at Seal Rocks where they will spend the Christmas hol idays. Miss Grace Taylor and her mother, Mrs. Josephine Taylor, wOl spend Christmas day with Mrs. C. W. Taylor. N. I