The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 48, 1931
' i , : 1 : : - ;
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Affairs I
Society News and Glub
Yuletide Party
Is Colorful
' Each Christmas time seems
more attractive than the one be
fore tor the happy people ot the
-world, and one such group Is
Chapter O ot the P. E. O. sister
hood. Eaeh year a yoletlde party
Is held bnt the luncheon and par
ty for which Mrs. G. W. Laflar
and Mrs. W. T. Rickey were host
esses Thursday seemed one ot the
very splendid annual parties to be
enjoyed' by this organization.
The guest rooms and tables
were colorful with red and green
tapers and frosted fir boughs.
Tiay booklets in unique covers
were 4lace cards. Favors were
' drawn and each proved to contain
the name .of the "Marguerite sis
ter" of each Chapter O P. E. O.
for the coming year. This "sister"
U a secret known only to the per-
aon drawing the name and is one
of the nroiects of the order eacn
year. Names of last year's "sis
ter" were revealed at this lunch
eon. -
Covers were placed for Mrs. V.
n. T.ndlnm of Charlott. Michigan,
and Mrs. Martha Schmuck. special
meets, and for members, Mrs. w
H. Bvrd. Mrs. Frank Churchill,
Mrs. W. T. "Hickey, Mrs. E. J
Huffman, Mrs. Harold Hughes,
Mrs. Oren Washburn of Portland,
Mrs. J. Q. Knapp, Mrs. Fred Lang.
Mrs. C. K. Logan, Mrs. w. w
Moore. Mrs. A. E. Robins. Mrs. A
A. Schramm, Mrs. F. W. lee,
Mrs. C. A. Sprague, Mrs. Fred
Tooce. Mrs. Frank Voight. Mrs. A.
T. Wain, Miss Anora Welch, Mrs,
A. T. Woolpert. and Mrs. Hickey
and Mrs. Laflar.
At the business meeting It was
announced that the next meeting
will be with Mrs .Harold Hughes
rather than with Mrs. Hickey
who was assistant hostess for the
Thursday meeting.
A large Christmas tree gay with
many trimmings and electric
lights held presents which were
exchanged among the members
following the business meeting.
Mrs. Arthur Morgan was 'host
ess for a surprise party in com
pliment to her husband's birth
day Friday at their home in
Parkersville. Cards followed by a
luncheon made a pleasant even
ing for the honor guest, Mr. Mor
gan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Redding, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Krause, Mrs. Jester Jefferson, Mr.
and Mrs. John Beals, Carl Jen
son, and Mrs. Morgan.
Mrs. Jennie K. Miller will open
her home at 351 South 19th street
for a tea Saturday afternoon be
tween the hours of 2 and S o'clock
In compliment to the wives and
widows of Civil War veterans.
Members of Barbara Freitchie
tent. Daughters of Veterans of the
Civil War will assist.
irjm wm mm
Olive M. Doak, Society Editor
Friday, December 18
luncheon la
with Mrs-
Woman's Alliance annual Christmas
Emerson room of church, 11:80 o'clock.
inTiHarr tn St. Pauls Episcopal char
V. R- Griggs, 1745 Johns street, 2:30 o'clock.
Annual Christmas party of Tomarco class of First
Methodist church, with Prof, and Mrs. T. 8. Roberta,
105 North Summer street; t o'clock.
Calvary Baptist Missionary society, meet at chureh.
2:30 o'clock. . .
Sewing circle of B. P. W. will meet at home of
Miss Juana Holmes, 607 North Commercial street
West Side Circle of Ladies Aid ot Jason Lee
church, with Mrs. Fred Prince, 1545 North Commercial
street; 2 o'clock; working for Associated Charities.
Neighbors of Woodcraft and W. O. W. will have
potluck supper, 6:30 o'clock; annual home-coming din-
Y. M. C. A. lobby program at 8 o'clock; internation
al program will be repeated.
Saturday, December 19
Past Matron's association of Eastern Star, Christ
mas party and exchange of gifts at home 'of Mrs. Ida
First Spiritualist church social evening at 1480
Broadway street.
Tea for wives and widows of Civil war veterans, at
borne of Mrs. Jennie K. Miller, 351 South 19th street; 2
to 5 o'clock; Daughters of Veterans of Civil war assist
ing., hostesses.
Sunday, December SO
Play "Other Wise Man" at 7:30 o'clock in First
Methodist church.
Young People's soaial hour. 4 to 5 o'clocl: in Y. M.
C. A. lobby. Music and a social hour; open to public.
Christmas Musical and Cantata, .7:30 o'clock, First
Evangelical church; open to public.
Husbands Night
Program Success
Independence Approximate
ly sixty persons were present at
the "Husbands' Night" program
of the Independence Woman's
club at the club room Tuesday
night. Seasonal decorations of
poinsettid. and holly wreaths made
a colorful setting for the program
under the supervision of the
training school faculty.
Miss Margaret Burroughs of
Salem, in colonial costume, de
lightfully entert.ined with the
reading, "Ashes of Roses" and
other selections. Miss Frances
Shogren, student of the Oregon
state normal schTol gave three
pleasing piano solos. Miss Helen
Ralph, Miss Jean Campben, miss
Mildred Gardener. Miss Marjorie
Van Nice, Miss Ann Doeckli, and
Miss Evelyn Frazer, members of a
women's sextette of the O. S. N.
S., entertained with a group of
Christmas songs. They were ac
companied y Miss Margaret Lee
Slusher, of the music department
of the Normal school. Miss Slush
er led the audience in the singing
of Christmas songs accompanied
by Miss Shogrt-n.
The prograr was announcea oy
Mrs. Harry Keeney, sixtn graae
critic of the training school.
The hostesses were Mrs. J. S.
Robbie, Mrs. Bert Keller, Mr.
Irvin Baun. Mrs. Grover Mattison,
Mrs. Ed Wunder, Mrs. H. N. Mat
tison, Mrs. A. Dunckle ana
Mrs. Will Wood.
Hanna Rosa Court
Elects Officers
Hanna Rosa Court No. 6, Or
der of the Amaranth held its reg
ular meeting in the lodge room
in the Masonic Temple, Wednes
day evening Dec. 16th. After the
regular business of the order was
disposed of the following officers
were elected to serve for the en
suing year:
Royal matron, Irva Hewitt;
royal patron, T. A. Raiiety; as
sociate matron, Norma Terwilli
ger; associate patron, L. P. Camp
bell; conductress, Ella Hatha
way: associate conductress, Fan
nie Booster; secretary, Jessie Fol-
lis; treasurer, G. E. Terwilliger;
trustees, Cora Raffety and Wm.
P. Ellis. These officers .will be
Installed at the January meeting
Banquet Will be
- Welcoming
One ot the brilliant affairs of
the Christmas holidays will be
the banquet planned for Decem
ber 21 In the Silver Grills' of the
Gray Belle complimenting several
maids back In Sales for the holi
Miss Roberta Smith of Salt
Lake City, Utah, Miss Marraret
Brown of Portland, Miss Mar
garet En gel and Miss Esther
Wood ot Corvallls and Miss Kath
eryn Hayward of Eugene will be
the complimented guests.
The table and rooms will be
done in a color scheme of bine
tapers In silver candlesticks, and
yellow rosea and forget-me-nots
Bridge will fellow the banquet.
covers win be placed for the
honor guests and Maxine Myera,
lynthia Deano, Bertha Bally.
Margaret Corey, Dorothea Corey.
Lois Wilkes, Viola Crosier. Fran
ces Martin, Claudia Buntin, Lor-
ram Kinzer, isobel George. Phvl
lis Day, Margaret Evans, Frances
Marie Cupper, Ruth Brledwell,
Faye Drlscoll. Margaret Burdette,
Betty Stewart, Jean Eastridge,
Hazel Johnson and Gwendolyn
s ioniser.
Frocks made half light and halt
dark, frocks made of two fabrics
or two colors, or both, are ex
tremely smart and promise to re
main fashion highlights through
out the Spring season. This mod
el, attractively seamed, formed
Its bodice yoke and sleeve top of
the new light green; the darker
fabric was brown. Both were can
ton crepe. You'll find a delight
fnl choice of new shades just ideal
lor this frock.
Pattern 2219 is obtainable only
In sixes 16. 18, 20, 34, 36, 38, 40,
42, 44. Size 16 requires 3 yards
dark and 1U yards light fabric.
39 inches in width. Yardage for
erery size, and simple, exact in
structions are given. No dress
making experience is necessary to
make this model with our pattern.
Te aew winter catalof ie' bow
read;. It features the neveat la
afternoon, tporta and aooae
: ntri. pajamaa aad kid-
alee' elothea. Alto delifbtfal gift
eagfeetiooe ja aeceaaory and traaa-
patterns. Priea of eatalofc
fifteen eeata. Catalog with pal
em, twenty Are easts. Addreas
all nail aad orden to Tbe fitatee
a Pattern - Department, S43
Weet 17tfc etreet. New Tori City,
eat fiftrta cents tn earns
aaaaps (ootas preferred), for
.. panera.
, eddrece
to tUto
ootas preferred), for ee -
, Writ plainly yow Mate, -
aa4 atylo - aiaibe. Be
Ute alia wanted. .
A Lovely GIFT...
aT tl
and a useful one
What would be nicer than
a lovely new dress for a
Christmas gift?
We have just received a
new shipment of
See these new frocks at Mack's.
They will be especially appropriate
for the holiday dances and parties.
For a ladies gift let us
show you our beautiftd
handmade, all silk sofa
Mrs, Sam Laughlin '
lira. Sam Laashlla entertained
Thursday afternoon wth a charm
ing Christmas bridge luncheon at
her home In Woodburn. The
luncheon table wm arranged with
tapers, Santa Clans favors and
tiny Christmae trees.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
George Forge, Mrs. Mose Adams,
Mrs, H. H. Belt, Mrs. R. W. Hans
Selts, Mrs. Fred Williams. Mrs.
Paul Hauser, Mrs. Gene Graben
horst, Mrs. Charles Pratt. Mrs.
Roy Mills. Mrs. Frank Hallk. Mrs.
John Orr of Portland, and Mrs.
Wincing scores for cards which
followed the luncheon hour were
held by Mrs. Belt, Mrs. Hallk and
Mrs. Williams. After cards an in
teresting tonr of the beys train
ing school was enjoyed by the
guests. Mr. Laughlin is superin
tendent of the school.
Silverton. Mrs. Will Linn and
Mrs. Sarah Adamson were host
esses at a party Wednesday after
noon to the members of the Sis
terhood class of the Methodist
church. Mrs. Charlotte Morrison
was also to have been one of the
hostesses but was called to Idaho
because of the serious Illness of
In January the Brotherhood
class will entertain the Sister
hood at its meeting time and the
Sisterhood will not hold a meet
Ing of Its own until the third
Friday In February, when a pot
luck 1 o'clock luncheon will be
held at the home of Mrs. Picket
on Eureka avenue.
During the social hour, of
which Mrs. Foot was m charge.
Mrs, Frank Ire cat humor
ous reading and Mrs. 8. Ackley
gave group of riddles. Tea was
served in the dining room,
which was decorated In keeping
with the eeason.
Mrs. Edson Comitock and Mrs.
Mollis Nobis poured.
Present were Mrs. G. 8. -Fol-
som, Mrs. Edson Comstock, Mrs.
S. J. Comstock, Mrs. Foots, Mrs.
Mary Townly, Mrs. A. L. Palmer.
Mrs. W1U Arthur, Mrs. Frank
Ives, Mrs. C. S. Bristol. Mrs. Pick
ett, Mrs. W. S. Gordon. Mrs. Mol
lis Noble, Mrs. Ackley, Mrs. Sar
ah Adamson. Grace Folsom and
Mrs. Will Linn.
Mrs. Ray Clark
Mrs. Ray Clark, entertained
members of the K. C K. T. club
at her home Thursday afternoon.
An informal time of conversation
and Christmas sewing preceded
the tea hour at which time Mrs.
Clark was assisted by her daugh
ter. Miss Maxine Clark.
Guests were Mrs. Alma Thomp
son, Mrs. Bert Waller, Mrs. Otto
Schelberg, Mrs. T. C. Mclntyre,
Mrs. Nellie Knox, Mrs. Fred Bar
ker, Mrs. Alice Pugh and Miss
Maxine Clark.
Mrs. Otho Whits was hostess in
compliment to members of her
club Thursday with Miss Audra
Wlnshlp and Mrs. Fred Bernardi
as special guests. Christmas dec
orations made a festive note for
the party. Bridge was In play for
several hours and at the tea hour
Mrs. Loren Loose assisted Mrs.
Loose. Mrs. Lee Galloway will be
nostess to the group In two weeks
McCrmick Class ;
Celebrates Christmas
Xaeh Tear at Christmas time
the men of the McCormick class
ot the First Methodist church en
tertain their wives with a yuie
Ude party. The IS 11 party was
celebrated Wednesday night. The
group met at the home of Mr.
anil Mrs. Foster Odom and from
there went to the Tlsinore the
atre for a line party.
Following the theatre las
guests were taken to the Gray
Belle where a late supper was
served In the Silver Grille room
and an Informal social time was
The group included Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Acton, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Monk. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Foster L.
Odom, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Lee,
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Marsters, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Kletaing, Dr. and
Mrs. George Lewis, Dr. and Mrs.
Frank D. Voight, Mr. and Mrs.
Bryson Lausch, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old TeffL Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Currr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc-
Mlllin. Mr. and Mrs. John Marr,
Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson.
West Salem. A pleasant after-
non was spent Wednesday by
members ot he Ford Memorial
Ladies' Aid society when they
met at the home of Mrs. D. T
Bradford for their monthly silver
tea. A social hour was spent In
which, following a pencil game
charitable plans were discussed
for the needy of the community
Mrs. Eusene Krebs and Mrs.
J. M. Fisher served as the lunch
eon committee.
Those present were Mrs. George
Lathrop. Mrs. J. JU Gosser. Mrs,
J. Miller. Mrs. B. A, Diekson,
Mrs. Donald KBha, Mrs. Eugenej
ttv. &rr r.. y. Dark. Mrs. J
VBv 3S evaew " - M
W. Bedford. Mrs. W. D. Phillips
Mrs. J. M. Flsner, : Airs. &tbd4
and the hostess, Mrs. Bradford. ,
Mrs. Bertha Wolfe
Noble Grand Head
Mrs. Bertha Wolf was elected
to head -the Past noDie urana
dab at the regular election held
Wednesday afternoon at the ioms
of Mrs. Ida Hofstettec. Mrs.
Sarah Hutton will serve as vice
president; and Mrs. sua smiti
Is secretary-treasurer.
Th afternoon following thai
business meeting was the annual
Christmas party of the elnb. Aj
Christmas tree and exchange of
gifts made a happy tune ro? au
present. Christmas carols and
readings added pleasure to the
Mm. Hofstetter was assisted at
the tea hour by Mrs. Ethel Fletch-
Mrs. Hazel Price, Mrs. uora
Van Pelt, and Mrs. Dora hui.
Silverton. At the December
meeting of the Tryphena Girls, at;
which-Miss Ora Larson was host-,
ess, the evening was spent in
making clothing for a group of
needy little girls. Following the
work Miss Larson served lunch
carried out In Christmas colors.
Present for the evening were
Emma Adamson, Ruth Lorenion.
Letha Cavender, Winifred and
Lola Riches, Helvie Silver and
Ora Larson.
The next meeting will be at the
homo of Miss Lorenxon and at
that time the club will quilt.
of the order at which time a nnm
ber ot grand officers of the state
will be present. "
It was also announced that the
men of the Amaranth would en
tertain the ladles with a Christ
mas party to be given early next
Membership in the Amaranth Is
permitted only those wno affili
ated with the Masonic fraternity
and while the court in Salem has
not been organized so many years,
It is steadily growing and mem
bers are looking forward to the
future activities with much pleas
Zontas Discuss
Service Project
Members of the Salem Zonta
club discussed vocational educa
tion as a service project tor the
club at the Thursday dinner busi
ness meeting held at the Marlon
The club's contribution to the
American Red Cross was also vot
ed at this time and plans were
made for providing gifts for a
group of the patients at the tu
berculosis hospital.
Present were Alene Philips,
Roberta Butler, Mabel Brownell,
Ruby Morris, Dorothy Pearce,
Lena Belle Tartar, Hasel Cook,
Thora Boesen, Helen Louise Cos
by, Winifred Herrick, Nellie
Schwab, Ella Wilson and Belle
Niles Brown.
Gervais The Presbyterian
Women's Missionary society met
at the church Wednesday after
noon with 22 members present.
Mrs. C. A. Sawyer led the devo
tional service and Mrs. A. R.
Siegmund, the lesson study. The
society voted $5.00 to till a
Christmas box as a part In the
community welfare work. Mrs. B.
Jelderks and Mrs. Herman Jel-
derks served refreshments dur
ing the social hour!
i o
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Morse of
Oswejro, Oregon, announce the
birth of 'a son Thursday. Three
sisters welcomed the new arrival.
Mrs. Morse will be remembered In
Salem as Muriel Steeves, daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves.
o o
Additional Society
on Page 9
1 1 1
' 4 S
( V-J
A w
Dress Shirts
Plain broadcloth or rayon striped patterns,
each one in a Christmas box. Regular $2.00
value Special
8 for $3.85
With every Monroe Suit or Overcoat sold we giv
you a hat absolutely free! You will have your
unrestricted choice of any hat in the store All
of the new styles and colors are included In this
High grade pure silk ties, hand
made. Just the tie for a handsome
Christmas gift. Regular
$1.50 now
All of the latest styles and,
shapes in shades of gray,
brown or tan. Regular values
$5.00 now
All pure wool sweaters, with or
without sleeves, in the wanted
plain colors. Regular &O QC
values to $6.00. Now $d7JD
Wool mixed union suits or very
soft materials, well made. Regular
to $2.50 now
and Remember. A FREE HAT with
Every Monroe Suit or Overcoat!
75c values in
New patterns in cut silk ties made
with the new stripes and figures.
Dark or light
Regular $1.00 now
plain and fancy colors.
.Extra pmj
Special.... pair I DC
Rayon & Silk Hose
All desirable light and
dark colors in sizes 9VS
to 12. Regular 50c
value o on
O pairs OUC
1T Ifft TfS nTFTY
O QJ ULL Jill JACU) Viii L J L
469 STATE ST. :