The OREGON STATESMAN Salem, kocal News Brief s Hrmn- Prlilav Mnrnfrurl TWmhfr 18. 1931 I - k i v : , PAGE FIVE- RFSFRV01R PERMITS fWlWW CITY BEGISMIOil Pupil gel! Seals At a climax j Sign Restored A "keep off" Low Student Warned Fresh- I Say Be Can Fay Answer .tniianf winfnttA ant-I in tha cat X the Eena. company u. -vx i. vs. J. W. LafolletU hat been 11- frot their wE wto be put :S t allege- he S to ester, states Dean Erlckaan. in r Z to their health' projects .pupils atUigu on the postoftlce path lead- Rrr Jir,ftt fc ri elalm has made payment donbly . - i saii Kf ina tKar Miiinin tr rn - nil ri ww v . w v . - i w A m Christmas seals. The sale Is being street has been posted again by JJ f Whan o he the court to set aside the conducted at a decorated table in Postmaster John Farrar who thu loathe "Wmt" I clalm becan8 he has been 1m- thehaU. In keeping with the Yu!e- thus protest, agains. the despoil- ""'. ZVeraM thVfoTtow- P th ,a bU bll,ty tide spirit and in preparation for ing of the postotfice walk. The l ls drDDed Torn to make settlement, wi rhritm nrorram which nath has been used by pedestrians la? ?meflter or do oroppea irom SnOy liVen at o'clock next wine to and from the postoftlce MhooL Any rresnman sin aeniwno Mrfc wmU r,,, - - . I ... . . a. I n flAI nnr HIIRI lfl M.L IHM.BL BlaUl Tuesday morning, they bare aeco- and the x. M. u. A. ana xne - - d" JTi .rates rated the huUdinV with a tree and ter insUtuUon had requested the hours of work, is dropped, states m&ni(Tits. At the nroxram. a pa- city goTernment to hare a - traf- e vB geant, "Christmas in pictures" di- Iflc lane placed across Court street (guting, for photographs taken up ritrtftd fiv Mrs. Merle Dayenport to the "Y". The request has not fn cnA nin, .ni omnleted win va rlYn a. chorus of 20 (been granted and the postmaster I ny,r,atmn r.mntoii nnd Robb Yulrn of the fifth and sixth has announced that to continue I tnAin rntni Th.atr huildinr I haying been sent trades. In charge of Miss Ruth to use the path longer would in-1 J Multnomah county whose seren Suit for divorce was begun in circuit court here yesterday . by Mrs. Iliean E. Rose, wife ot Lee R. Rose, to whom she was mar rind In 1124 In KanstUJ. Rose is now in the state penitentiary there irom In 1929 on rw... m annniTnomt the nart HimrtlT mntribnte to.nossible ae-1 Hah Attends Court The I charge of assault with attempt "'"l . '. I - -- -- ... , . " " I . . r, t 1 . . i. nt ifl r mnre cnuaren m me cidents wnicn nuxai occur w i presence ot a. . xas, icunm to rDD. Mrs. now nfiMtatian. Tha naxeant will nedestrians crossed Court street, j president of Cascade srea, BoyflT of her fire children k-, Mivaatait it th nuem-ieuoer t . ... iscouis 01 America. l iuc i area run irom mrc i.w HC ir--v - - . mm V. . A allR I . ... m 1 meeting that night. Tbe chorus Don i lergei. a t "T1 ""1 court at the state nouse on wea- years meeiins iuov u.n I ., .! n W Johnson & Co. 1 ..... -j.w I ' will sing carois in xne stnuvi n;, " aa ; i , - oiv tn h the on Wednesday. ' Mert- The Chris- ted in the report of the proceed- Miss yyonne smu .... .1.. jA..n. nolet Of inA l xo . o I . . ... 1 ni.n Good oak desk wit chair io u.u III est ever held in the area, was the ing during nuwra .v .oi -viBan Tholes nice Evangencai cumcu ow 1 TT , ,4 j .Mm. Tome, near liny toic vi .-. -r- . . . I- . in - ,m naw wsr I UlBl Air. nui wi tiiu I . . . i. t.ic new.Seeitatthelmpena, run.,- "7 ot eanc" tb !. f.g,v CrU,B' mre to. i .i.nnu. I coming Tear. He sat on me ros- t, nn-Receints Slt Uf nV- VecTetarr. trum along with the Justice, of for the estate ot Ines Barnett. de- Ruth storer; treasurer. Dolph the npremj court Ma.d. amounted to $1249 ac- Uallantyne: corresponding secre- council members. cording to a final accounting filed tary, Gladys Hilfiker; superinten- Mack.s hare lovely new frocks for yesterday : in tne prooaie 4e 01 junior ana mieriu, . Gifts. See advertise All the receipts came from a set- Genevieve Martin. ment rn Pacific railroad. The young Genuine tile top coffee tables ForefatlierB Honored Fore- SOUGHT AT GAPlTfiL and other to 9 o'clock. Estate Appraised The estate of Helena Lindexen, aeceaneu, ha an annraised value 01 sio.s" according to a statement filed yes terday in probate court here. In heritance tax of $53.92 is to be paid on a net yaluatie oi sio.tno. 07i having been deducted for costs of handling the estate. There are nine heirs woman was killed in September, $3.95 and $4.45 tms wee, imper- fatner8. daT waB celebrated at 1930, in a railroad crossing accl- ial Furniture Co. Willamette university Thursday dent at Turner. Expenaimrea oy gocletT Elects-!-The Woman's with uean Aiaen, nisiory proies- f health and the administrator H M Barnett Sod Elects 8lon bq Bor recountlng the story of the lJtSll are $334. leaving $914 to be paid "e"ath WvnBftlieai church first settlement In New England happiness, give a oicy out to the two heirs. H. M. Bar- - ' work Wednesday by the Pilgrims. He stated that nett and Martha Barnett. parents "ftL001 ' New officers were the date of their land ng Is not ot the deceased. elected a9"fonow8: President. Mrs. certain, but was Probably between , v .wrrBllnt. January 1 and 22. Alden told Turkey Shoot Shaw sun. Dec. - '-Itar; "Mri: I T. that the Pilgrims were forced to Two Important applications, in volving water and reservoir rights In eastern Oregon, were tiled In the offices of the state engineer here today by the federal goT ernment. One application seeks permis sion to construct the Thief val ley reservoir on 'Powder river. near North Powder, tor tne stor age of 31.009 acre feet of water for irrigation and domestic pur noses. The other asks permission to construct the Agency valley reservoir on the North Fork ot the Malheur river near Beulah, for the storage ot 120,000 acre feet of water. The estimated cost of the Thief valley project is $130,000. The Agency valley pro ject will cost approximately $1,- 100.000. The proposed Thief valley dam. which is to be completed during 1932, is to bo of reinforeed con crete. It will be 05 feet in height and 380 feet in length. The dam for the Agency valley reservoir will be an earth fill 94 feet in height and a length on top of 1700 feet. The Thief valley dam will cre ate an artificial lake having an area of 760 acres when full, and the Agency valley reservoir when full will cover 1900 acres. . . I XT! Av.m. Im.l.V. 4naanVAV fl belabor etchers,; applicant, for Thornton ; superintendent of her- efficient m one f o, th , expedi- k at th. ottte- .1 the county L. - l. I sell their store of butter to get r.nw r.ninir to Meet Many teachers from various schools in tha mnntv will attend the Oregon stata Teachers' association meet ing which convenes December 2i, according to reports recni elemenUry sehool , certmcaies. continued their examinations at the courthouse yesterday. The exams will b completed today. Examinations for life certificates are to be conducted Saturday, but aids, Mrs. Beulah. Christmas suggestions: tion before leaving Holland. niriiiar Turkeys No. 1 dressed 28c lb. 5a- 75c cashmere hose, now 2 pairs lem Public Market. 350 N. High, t Km n w Tnhnson a.rtt Co. I Phone 6031. for 75c. G Scouts Told of Indians O. P. Sonic Students Stay Wil- fffenni annrintsndent here. The sessions last three days. Gt.inor Ofta Leave The state hoard of control, at a special Atinr Thursday, granted Dr. R E. Lee Steiner, supennienueni ui ... . I avuu. I . . . . J 1 to date no applicants nave "a"1" West, executive of Cascade area, uameue umversuy smuen wm Oregon state hospital, a three tied their Intention of taking the B Scouts. and an adopted mem- homes are away, but who intend "re.f nt -h8Bnce. 'Dr. and m m -W m.m AOtl Vk I " . . A. I A . mm w Mlk 1 M UA I MV tests, Mrs. wary ruia-crsu". w w f th sioiit Indian tribe, last to remain in Salem over the hol- lo leave wAAka leave of absence. Dr Mr stAlner will snend most of ty school superintendent, Bu ni ht went to Daiia8 with Grant mays, are reyuesieu uu I 7v that time In California ..iudM. n.pnr.h simit of Phemawa In- their names and addresses at the luni dian school, to tell scouts of registrar's office. Frequently Something new and different. The The new "Ensemble pack in line t 24 and 27 tne honor codes town people who are interested g .En9emble" fancy pack choc- cuuiumira -- . th Indiana, whloh were Similar in mo univeraiiy aiuucuia, nlatAB This new wor 13 aone uj T On OPENS AT WLIAMETTE T Under the Dome UU gormmmii A RUMOR went arouna me lUU eapltol yesterday that a ; rn ml 1mm utnn was waiting the press members tn the state office bunding. Investiga tion was started at once. Bat upon arrival tt waa learned the only Tom and Jerry aromnd was Tom Rile and Jer ry Owe. These boys are nice fellows, bat the disappointment was keen. News went out from the eapltol yesterday reviewing the old' time expression, which e e r,y o n e knows, about what tne governor of North Carolina said to tha gov ernor ot South Carolina. But the question asked Mr. Marks yester day was what tne governor oi Oregon said to the governor of Oregon. Jnlius L Meier, absentee gov ernor of the state, talked to Governor WUlard L. Marks over long distance phone from Los Angeles. Marks said they exchanged felicitations, and that Meier reported he was feel ing fine down there. Marka as sared him everything was going well here, upon which the gov ernor replied "1 knew It wonld." tlary and the other was the tn stallatkm of a new boiler tn the capitol. The cell fronts wers reported 91 per cent completed, and that the job was expected to be fin ished by the first of the year. There has been a lot of contro versy over the cell fronts, and there probably will be more be fore the job is accepted and the issue disposed of. There is also disagreement over the need ot a new heating plant boiler. Spa. Invited to Exercises Among the many invitations to Christmas exercises received recently by Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, county school superintendent, are ones from the McKee and the Sidney schools, each of which will cele brate December 23 Mrs. Fulker- son was unaeciaeu jbbictu.j which invitation she would cept. in meaning to the scout oath. The to know If certain ones are here Mlsg Maxine Myers. Prices are two men dressed themselves in Indian costume. Genuine tile top coffee tables $3-95 and $4.45 this week. Imper ial Furniture Co. and In the past there has been no way of knowing, states Regis trar Tennent. Mack's have lovely new frocks tor Christmas Gifts. See advertise Balmcr From Reno Levi Bal mer has returned to Salem from Reno where he ient after the c- state law went Into effect permit ting gambling there. He will re main herA until tha middle of Genuine tile top tables Marcn i00klng after his ranching mas program was enjoyed. Pro- 13.95 and $4.45 tms wees:, imper- ... h business is fessor Mathews gave a well re- . t . t n I . . . . t . 1 . t 1.1 . ..11, A iai f urniture v."- slow in Reno auring ine winter i ceivea inrisiuins mm Canvas Shows Increase For- season. mal canvass of Tuesday's vote on gpa Christmas boxes now on dis- Students Enjoy Social Christ mas songs were ung by the group at a Willamette university student social held at Waller hall Thursday night, and a Christ- the municipal water Donaing amendment yesterday showed the majority in favor of the issue to b 604. one more than the unoffi cial figures first released. The ... . . m mi v M canvass wui Decome omcii soon as Mayor P. M. Gregory and Recorder Mark Poiilsen sign the statement. Case Is Continued Morris Broyles, arrested on a charge of non-support, was given prelimin ary hearing before Justi-e of the Peace Hayden yesterday, l ne case play "Ensemble." Two Pedestrians Struck Mo torists yesterday reported to the police having struck two pedes trians on Wednesday. Peter Nairn, 1973 North Capitol street, stated that a newsboy, Gordon Lacey, suffered an injured leg when hit by his car. A girl ran into the rear fender of his car on 12th street, H. E. Barker, 1065 Jud son street, reported. Beautiful, handmade, all silk A violin duet was given by Jeanette Smith and Marjorle Wonder, followed by a Christmas tree scene, with a little boy hanging his stocking. Trial Date Set Trial of the case of D'Arcy vs. Director has been set for December 21 in cir cuit court here. Judge Bagley of Hlllsboro will hear the case, which involves a lease granted by plaintiff to defendant on busi ness property on North Liberty street. lower this year. Trailer Breaks Loose A. Bone- clellan, 2249 Claude street, re ported to the police yesterday that his trailer broke loose from his automobile and hit anoiner car, license number 67-384, on State street. No damages were listed. Color "Ensemble" packed boxes oi home-made, fresh hand-rouea cream centers, now ready. The Spa. Bridge Opened The South Capitol street bridge between Bellevue and Oak streets was opened to traffic yesterday af ter being closed, for two months. An entirely new . structure was built to replace tha old one which was too decrepit to merit repair To Montana Hal Bollinger TatftrdY left Balem for Port land where he will remain until December 22. At that time he wui nrorAd to Bozeman, Mont. School will close officially for the remainder of the year at Wil lamette university today noon fol lowing regular classes for the morning and a student assembly at which time awards will be pre sented. Vacation for the students will consist of two full weeks and three week ends, with -classes starting again Monday, January 4. Three more weeks of Tegular school will be held in 1932 for the first semester and final ex amination week will be from Jan uary 25 to 29. Twenty-five football men will receive awards for the past sea son's play. Those to receive let ters are: Max Allen, Keith Jones, Gus Lor en z, Roy Benjamin, Jack Connor, Wenzel Kaiser, Fred Smith. Puts Aerns, Percy Carpen ter, Howard Orr, Marion Boyd, Loren Grannis, Robert Houck, Dan Mahan, Edward Frantz, Wal ter Erickson, Gordon Williams, George Cannady, Don Faber, Fred Paul. William Ross. Louis Johnson, Manford Olson. Charles Ingereol and Lloyd Girod. Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, head ot the state hospital for the Insane will leave in a few days on a three weeks' trip to California and other southwest states. The board of control granted him the leave ot absence yesterday, gladly. Dr. Steiner is one of the most popular Institution . heads In Oregon, and has been In the service of the state many years. At the board of control meet ing yesterday two important matters were brought up, but both were deferred until the re turn of Governor Meier, as he has been personally Interested In both. One was the matter of cell fronts at the state penlten- The governor's office and the state purchasing department will permit most of their staffs a three-day vacation over Christmas. The treasurer's of fice likewise, following the ex ample of the department of state. These office however .win be - open on Saturday as nsnal for any argent basinees transactions, it was announced. There will be no board meet ings ot any kind next week, Gov ernor wuiara I. Marks an nounced, although Marks will be here most of the week. From all indications next week, and eren the week after, look like slim news weeks for state house re porters at least. But the press boys will no doubt be busy open ing Christmas packages received from the various departments. REOPETtS TtllinSDAY Registration of voters was re sumed for the Salem precincts yesterday at the county clerk's of fice, the poll books having been closed for SO days prior to the special election December II. The books will be open until April 20, 1932, when they will close for a 30-day period prior to the May primaries. A number of citizens appearea at the courthouse yesterday to register, the majority of the per sons being those who had found. too late, that they were unaaie to vote Tuesday. The law requires registration of all voters who are moved their residence within the city 39 or more days before the voting day as well as ot newcomers to the city or persons who have not. vot ed In any election for two or more years. Mark Jones and Bob Hubbard will be co-captains of the North Carolina cross-country team next year. WHEN IN TILLAMOOK STOP HOTEL NEFF Rates 91.00 to I l.OO Modern, Hot and Cold Water, Steam Heat The Yale bowl, football trophy in St. Louis high school competi tion for 16 years, has been perm antly awarded to Roosevelt high. was continued. Meanwhile Broyles sofa pillows for Christmas Gifts. Is out on his own recognizance. Mack's. Butler Estate Valued The estate of C. Word Butler, de ceased, has a value of $304.50 for commissions due from the New York Life Insurance company, ac cording to an appraisal with the probate court yesterday. B. F. Patton, Leo Huddleson and Ted Chalmers made the appraisal. Ed na Butler is administratrix. All regular $1 ties, now 69c. G. W. Johnson & Co. Obituary Cave At the residence, North Church St., Dec. 14, Mrs. Martha M. Cave, 71. Survived by widower, William H. Cave, daughters, Vic toria M. Byerlee ot Bolenge, Afri ca, Myra Clark of North Pine, B. C., Ethel Jones of Saskatchewan, Can.; one son, Ira B. Cave of Al ameda, Calif.; eight grandchil dren. Funeral services Friday, TW. 18 at 1:30 p. m. from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Son Births i o McDowell Market Where a Dollar Dots Its Duty! 173 South Commercial - - - Phone 8757 The following low prices on the .high grade meats we handle are nothing less than sensational. Cherry Growers Meet The Sa lem Cherry Growers' association held a meeting last night at the cnamber of commerce. No infor mation was given concerning what transpired at the time. An otner meeting will be held to night. PHONE 7536 Schaefer's Candy Special HARD MIXED Christmas Candies Pure, hard, sugar panned candies with a large per centage of fancy candies. 15c per lb 2 lbs. 25c 4 lbs. 49c Special prices to churches, schools and other organ izations. Schaefer's DRUG STORE iftil N. Cornel .. Dial Sl7 Penslar Agency WE DELIVER HOW 'r- Orciitt I Ffister 171 South Commercial Street Our Prices are Extremely Low at All Times John To Mr. and Mrs. Griffin John of Siletz, a girl, Patricia, Interment Belcrest Memorial born on December 11 on Salem Mrv route eigni r McCall it th residence, route 1. Sa lem, Dec. 18, William F. McCall. cember 14 77. Survived by wiaow, wane Flint McCall; son, James F. Mc Call of Sioux City. Ia.; daughters. Un Jennie E. Utlev and Mrs. Berenice Blodgett, both of Salem Toute 1; brother H. T. McCall of Salem; grandchildren, Billy Ct ley, Corydon Blodgett and Jlm mle McCall. Funeral services Sat nTdAT. Dec. 19 at 1:30 p. m. from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Rn. W. C. Kantner officiating. Interment Belcrest Memorial park with graveside services by the Masons. Keusher To Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence E. Keusber, route seven, a boy, Ronald En gene, born on De- OUR EVERY DAY PRICES Beef to Boil Lb. 7c Raisins 20c Seedless, 4-pound package RAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT QUISENBERRY'S CENTRAL PHARMACY 410 State TeL 0123 Ask Your Doctor Pure Pork Sausage Lb. 12g Beef to Roast Lb. 8c - 18c Hamburger lb Ah Flour k .29 Pillsbury' Best 49-lb. sack Peets CITY VIEW CEMETERY Established 1893 Tel. 8052 ' Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided Jor Prices Reasonable Dr. Chan Chinese Medicine 180 N. Commercial St,, Salem ' i Tnesdav and Satnr- day 2 to 5 7 . M. We take a real pride in our hamburger and sausage, and think there is no better. Washing Machine Soap, lg. pkg. 33c 5g r Belcrest iflemortal A Park Cemetery With Perpetual Care Jnat ten minutes from the heart of town Invalid Chairs to Rent Sm A,. SIM ! mm tA Call 9610, Used Furniture Department 151 North High Beef Steak 2 lbs. 2 Pork to Roast 8 - H lb. Mutton Stew 6 lbs. 286 Mutton to Roast Gelt). Pure Lard 8c lb. Bacon, Any Kind 14c lb. Lettuce 15c Crisp, Solid Heads 2 for Soap ....Start Your 1932 Christmas Savings Account Now! Christmas gifts will be easy to pay tor next December If you start a Christmas Savings Account now. Just tell us how much you will need, and we'U tell you what to save. Ask us. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK in Salem Tun In! KOIN Every Mondmy at 9 P. M. for Our GREATER OREGON Program! Feldman's Naptha, 10 bars 42c A nr?eots 17c Buffet Ting, 3 for am Tomato Juice 14c Buffet Tina, 3 for Sweet Potatoes 6 lbs. 18c Hm.Z HER Christmas Choice AFTER ALL what Mother rtaJly wants should dictate your choice of s Chrlstjnss Oft. And what other selec tion will bring her the year-round freedom from house cleaning toll that is possessed by every woman who owns the new PREMIER DUPLEX electric vacuum cleaner. More than an ordinary cleaner, the PREMIER gets ALL the dirt In half the time with half the effort. Mn. American Housewife recognizes It as the finest Cleaner ever manufactured the last word in labor saving. Lombard's Coffee, lb. 33c To acquaint the people of Salem with this famous blend, we will deliver a can any place ia Salem, wheth er you buy anything else or not. Just phone 7536. ( SAVE I7 I on Hil tpclsl 'V. Xmn offer lams . 16c These are our best sugar-cured hams smoked with oak wood. We buy all our livestock direct from the farmer, mak ing all our hams, bacon and lard. Ton pay only one profit when trading with us. We hare been in the meat business in Salem since 1895. In our present location 11 years, v THERE IS NO LIMIT HERE YOU CAN BUY ALL THAT YOU WANT I Oranges 25c Large Navels Sweet & Juicy per doz. Milk The factory has authorized us to place tr, newest PREMIER DUPLEX on sale at $10.50 less than its standard pries and to add the $6.50 floor polisher attachment without extra charge. You save $17 on this special dsal. Investigate It at our e'ectric sore and at all Premier dealers. Morning tall cans 4 for 22c "Electrical Gifts Bring Year Round Luxury" wci $5 DOWN Buy. a Premier PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CQ ;vpowcp. 171 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET NEXT DOOR TO MeIX)WELLS MARKET LIGHT Uf JL Liber Si, Ore. tVA A A A, A ' A, -A ; 1'