The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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Unsettled wittt rains to
day and Saturday; Max.
temp. Thursday 4S, Min. 39,
rain .73 inch, river 1.8 feet,
cloudy, southeast wind.
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 18, 1931
No. 223
One dollar per year Is the
cost of the Automobile,
Traffic and Travel Accident
Insurance Policy issued to
Statesman subscribers.
Rioting Chinese Students
Fired Upon by Troops,
Many are Wounded
Southern Leaders Indicate
Stiffer Policy due in
Manchuria Trouble
TOKYO, Dec. 18 (Friday)
(AP) A spokesman for the
Japanese war office announced
today the army in Manchuria
has been obliged to make plans
to launch an extensive military
campaign in the area of the
South Manchurian railway to
suppress bandits there.
Chinese troops fired on rioting
university students who wrecked
a newspaper plant and Kuoiuin
tang (nationalist) headquarters
at Nanking yesterday.
The students cleared away
their own wounded and it was
Impossible to determine how
many had fallen.
The demonstration. staged
against China's "weak" policy to
ward Japan, took place as south
ern nationalist leaders arrived in
Nanking to set up a new and
stronger government.
Sun Fo, one of the principal
members of the southern group,
declared the new ; administration
would inaugurate a stiffer policy
in connection with Manchurian
affairs and would "exert every
effort to recover our lost rights
and lost territory."
Bloodless Outcome
Hoped For in Tokyo
Japanese authorities in Mukden
said prospects for a bloodless
settlement of the controversy ov
er Chinchow were increasing.
Both civilian and military offi
cials reiterated the Chinese gov
ernment and army must be re
moved from Chinchow, but it was
held that force might not be ne
cessary to bring about the eva
cuation. In Tokyo the cabinet authoriz
ed the sending of another mixed
brigade to Manchuria after re
ceiving reports that not one 'car
load of Chinese troops had left
Chinchow for home.
Some Japanese commentators
said there was little significance
in the resignation of Chang
Hsueh-Liang from the post of
Chinese military commander in
They asserted he still intended
to wield power.
NEW YORK, Dec. 18 (Fri
day) (AP) High tide of the
CuIbertBOn contract bridge Bystem
came at the eighth session of the
series ending early today. Ely Cul
bertson and his new partner, The
odore A. Lightner, gained 4,555
points on Sidney S. Lenz and Os
wald Jacoby, adjourning tin to
night with a plus of 4,965 points.
Lightner, an ace of the Cul
bertson system, held good cards
and his playing was admired by
his opponents, while Mrs. Cul
bertson's playing has been prais
ed, the man who replaced her was
extolled as a super-player.
Culbertson and Lightner won
the first five rubbers of the six
clayed in the session. They in
creased their rubber total to 28 as
contrasted with 26 for the repre
sentative of the official system. It
was the first time the Culbertson
side was in the lead in rubbers
TROY. N..Y.. Dec. 17 (AP)
Jack "Legs" Diamond, gangster
chief, was acquitted tonight in tne
Rensselaer county supreme court
of kidnaping James Duncan, 20
year old Greene county farm boy.
Depression Talk Here is
All Wrong, Gedat Aveis
Offering Salem residents an op
portunity to gain first hand in
formation concerning the German
aituation, Y. M. C. A. officials
have arranged for a banquet in
the association building this even
ing at which time Gustav Adolph
Gedat of Berlin, Germany, nation
al Y secretary for that country,
will speak.
The affair is open to the pub
lic Registration must be made be
fore the banquet, which will start
at o'clock.
Mr. Gedat arrived In Salem
yesterday from Corvallis where
fee made a noon address which
was declared the finest exposition
of International affairs ever heard
In the state college eity.
The German secretary came to
this continent eight months ago
to attend the world Y. M. C. A.
conference at Toronto, Ont. Since
that time he has been touring the
United States with the intent of
fostering friendly relatione be
tween this country and his own.
Assessed Valuations
For Salem Slightly
Below 1930 Figures
City's Total $18,021,498 and That of School
District $19,125,494; County Shows
Increase Due to Utilities
LIGHT reductions in the
the city of Salem and for
were reported yesterday by
assessor, tne valuation ior oaiem is piacea ai $ib,uzi,4J0,
or $61,802 less than the 1930 assessment of $18,083,300.
The total assessment of the school district for 1931 is
$19,125,494, which is $12.0600
less than the 1930 figure of $19,
147,554. The school district em
braces considerable territory not
in the city limits of Salem.
The total assessment of Mar
lon county, however, went up
slightly during the year, Steel
hammer announced. The 1931
assessment is $49,114,441, a gain
of $120,713 over the $48,993,728
mark of 1930. Increases in the
valuations of utilities more than
offset the slight reduction in real
estate valuations.
Steelhammer's office has not
yet completed the distribution of
the total assessments to all the
municipal and school districts In
the county. The apportionment of
the assessment did not begin un
til the state tax commission re
leased its utilities valuations for
931 to Mr. Steelhammer.
The assessment roll is based on
valuations made as of March 1,
Tax rolls for collection will not
be turned over to Sheriff Oscar
Bower until early next spring,
Steelhammer said. The day the
rolls are turned over to the sher
iff for collection the 1931 taxes
become a liability of the property
owner on that date. The taxes be
come past due after May 5 and
November 5 of each year.
While the question as to wheth
er bonds can legally be issued via
the device of a charter amend
ment adopted by a majority vote
when the charter requires a two
thirds vote has never been adjud
icated in an Oregon court, the
Question was submitted to the
state attorney general In 1928
when banks sought to post Salem
bridge bonds as collateral for pub
lic deposits. The attorney gener
al advised the state treasurer in
an opinion dated July IS, 1928
that the city, in his Judgment
could issue the bonds on such
charter amendment.
Some California cases touching
similar questions have held to the
contrary, but acting on the advice
of the attorney general the state
treasurer admitted the Salem
bonds as collateral. With the ten
sion existing over the water bond
issue it is regarded as certain
that the point will be fought out
in courts for a final determina
Black Dragons
To Swim River
New Year's day
Braving of the cold winter wa
ters of the Willamette river will
be inaugurated as an annual cus
tom here on New Years day, mem
bers of the Black Dragons, senior
Red Cross Hfesavers, have an
nounced. They plan to stage the
affair at Spong'a boathouse at
the foot of Chemeketa street.
Regardless of the weather
man's order for the day, the
swimmers declare they will put
on a full progra-1 of acquatic
events, probably including surf
board riding and diving.
MEDFORD, Ore., Dec. 17
fAP) Police said today they had
arrested Charles Shea of Portland
on charges of possession of liquor
after they found 794 gallons of
grain alcohol in his car.
He will leave for California points
tomorrow morning.
At noon today. Mr. Gedat will
address members of the Salem Ad
club concerning economic and po
litical conditions In Europe. At
the banquet he also will tell of
the much talked about German
youth movement.
Contrasting conditions in tne
United States as he hat observed
them during the past eight
months, with those in his own
country, Mr. Gedat says he Is led
to believe that Americana do not
realize now well off they really
"I think one should not talk
depression here," he declared
shortly after arriving in the city.
"You should be thankfuL Condi
tions here can not compare with
"We have 1,000,000 unemploy
ed and probably will have 7.00Q,
000 before' the winter is Over.
These men, many of them, hare
(Turn to page 2, cou 7)
1931 assessed valuations for
school district No. 24, Salem,
Oscar Steelhammer, county
Generous Support to Army
Fund Will Alleviate
Much Suffering
need m
Previously reported $239.54
Kettles Thursday . . 22.85
J. B. Alverson .... 2.00
Total 2G4.r
A half .1 K J -
IT .11 t.r Z :: u' . , ce
o u luoh uuu tv uiuau ill oaloia
has left from her marriage not
too many years ago. Things got
hard and the love and devotion
the promise to protect and cher-
isii nreui uy me uoara ana now
me protecting maie is among
those missing and the mother is
starving with her youngster.
The Salvation Army is doing its
best to aid in this situation but
said Adjutant Parsons, "there are
so many such cases, and they are
so pitifully in need of help
and one might add in need of
much help that the Army is sore
pressed to give even a tiny bit of
Are there not among you read
ers some who can make up in
human service some of the heart
aches suffered by this mother?
By giving aid at this time make
her know that humanity Is not as I
rickiA aa her tiresent exnerience I
I",, :aA V :tn Bnma.
would ead her to believe? Some
miif? wTTngth0J ?rSni flf
. " "
There is also a family which
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Greater demand, and quantity I
productlon to meet it, have mission, said If the state engln
bronght outdoor Christmas elec- ers couldn't design a wider road
trlcal cords tumbling down -In with the present right-of-way
nrice this season.
One of Salem's 33 dealers in
the weatherproof light units so
popular in putting Christmas ra-
diance on the outside of homes
as well as in. reported prices re-
duced from 150 to 200 percent
since last year.
The Salem Ad club Is sponsor- "Rni-oi-way ior me c uu
ing its fifth annual Christmas wa onth. of Ton City. The
outdoor Illumination contest.
Many householders have applian
ces which they will arrange in
new ways, and to which they will
The low prices and rivalry in
displaying something different
will bring many into the contest
this year who have not participa
ted before, In the opinion of Ad
club members.
Another dealer said a seven
lamp unit that sold for $7.50 last
year was priced at $1.65 this
year. The most successful con
testants in past seasons have been
those "who used outdoor illumina-
tion in ways that best fitted the
surroundings of their particular
ttesoivea, that warm rains are
more to be desired than freezing
weamer. iesteraaye street de-
ui B wageu vigorously
among tne weather-minded with on ooin me amrmative
and tne negative.
rne weatnerman did not wait
to learn the outcome of the de-
pate, However, but raised the
thermometer readings 10 degrees
apove the it minimum and 1
aoove the is maximum of the
day before, all the time shower-
Ing down a gentle rain.
p Total precipitation yesterday
was 0.7S inches, with 0.34 inches
of this amount falling between 7
a.m. and f pjn.
Little change in the weather is
in sight before Sunday. The offi
cial prediction from Portland
last night was "unsettled with
I continued rains today and Saturday."
Helped Hoover, Then Comes
Hurley Charge They
Have no Policy
Independent Republicans
Join in Lambasting
Senate democrats made the
chamber ring and the galleries
lean forward today with charges
that President Hoover got them to
help him and then claimed the
credit through his spokesmen.
Before it was over, republican
Independents Joined in lambast
ing fhft BfTmfnlQtrntlAn wIiITa ttiii
regular republicans listened.
ine inciaeni wnicn caused me
display of party feeling was Sec
retary Hurley's speech before the
republican national committee
yesterday, in which he combined
high praise of the president with
the assertion the democrats had
no program. The party leaders,
Robinson of Arkansas and Harri
son of Mississippi, snapped verbal
lashes at the administration, Rob
inson charging the administration
with playing poltlcs.
Harrison accused Hurley of at
tempting to revive the religious
lam.n I 9 . T 1 T
'"u " "'3 IBinouws to JUUU J.
cratlc national committee.
Senator Borah, of Idaho, Joined
in from the republican side with
a condemnation of the president
fnr nnt riavfn v tall eA on aw f
86saIon to consider the economic
100-F00t Right-Of-Way nOt
Needed, Sam Brown and
Spaulding Declare
PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 17
Am mfai
Vw ? ;r
county spokesmen told the Ore-
f "Vt l?T ?omm,,88lon
or propooea uper-nignway
umwCTD rwtu.u .no Diem "
unnecessary ana mai ia present
Bu-root rignt-or-way is sumcient
ior any au-root surfacing, even
wun reasoname snouiaers.
State highway engineers have
held that a 100-foot right-of-way
Is necessary and the commission
recently authorized a full three-
lane highway between Oregon
City and Salem.
aam crown, state senator irom
Marion county, called the engin
eers "dreamers." Charles K.
Spaulding, member of the com-
"there were engineers who
Donald J. Ryan, Clackamas
a l a aj nil
cuni7 cier. presemea pennon.
81gnKX r iaamas county tax-
Payer &na referred to tne com-
miBBlon OJ lUB c"""1' tuuri. ru
lesung me proyoseu ivu-luui.
petition aeciarea sucn a wmiu
was unnecessary, that securing
(Turn to page 2, col. 6)
Charles William Pugh, born in
a log cabin a mile west of Che
mftwa in 1854. died late Thursday
night at his home at Clear Lake.
He was a son of John M. Pugh
who crossed the nlains in 1847.
and Sally Claggett Pugh, also of
an early pioneer family.
Charles William Pugh was mar
ried to Joan Hamilton lh 1875.
The home at Clear Lake which
they have lived on for 39 years is
donation claim taken by Mrs.
Push's father In 1864. They have
operated a store there for the last
eight years.
I .mmk . rm xrh nflntvht wm -h nn.firui at
Kennewick. Wash.. Chester Pugh
ot woodburn and Mrs. Willa
Evans of Salem. Funeral arrange-
ment8 have not been made.
the eouncilmen the matter of
tabllshinsr a water commission
, 4 a
, . r-Zr,7rM.V .trt
" North Craerelal iteeet
I . . 2 "1 ., J. ZZ.
WT,,rv""fc . . 8 . '
clty pollc ww? 4fomed 71167
were not appreueaueu.
HARTFORD, Conn., Dec. 17.
( AP ) Herbert Knox Smith, fl.
commissioner of corporations us
der President .Theodore Roose-
I velt and a national leader in the
progressive party in 1912 died to -
May aid Peace
Move in Orient
7 ' - ' -
, fs
i f v.:-'..1
-:x.-y .-.- :;-,
t : ' '
f ' iv
, t i
! .-,', I L-,,,. .. h
Walter D. Hints, director of raU-
ways In the United States dur
ing the world war, who Is being
considered by the league of na
tions aa the probable American
member of the commission to
Inquire into the 8in-Japanese
troubles in Manchuria.
Gedat, Noted German, Says
Appearance of Wealth
In Berlin False
"Stomachs speak a big role In
life", said GusUt Adolph Gedat,
national secretary of the German
Y. M. C. A. speaking before an
audience in the First Methodist
church Thursday night .
He was touching on the right
nf .fren RriftAch In th TTnitad States
andexflrwed the opinion that
wall . peopi were wen ia sua
clothed It was all right to "let
them talk", bat with conditions
such as they are, "some day you
will be surprised" warned Mr. Ge
Answering a question in the
rnn, -Mili--ttiftn t th nd
Answering a Question in the
of his lecture Mr. Gedat said that
capitalism wa. r-
gpongible for the fall of the Ger
man mark, and not the German
I government.
Asked concerning the wealth
displayed in Berlin Mr. Gedat ex
pressed the opinion that travelers
Baw only the rlch Blde of things
hi&nsii thv mnnev to imend
and went to rich places seeing
oniy a ew of these in their speed
mad tours. Then too, Mr. Gedat
pointed ont that the German peo-
(Turn to page 2, col. 6)
An American was chosen today
and another proposed to help set
tie international disagreements
through arbitration and concilia
tion. President Hoover today named
Robert E. Olds of St Paul, Minn.,
former under secretary of state,
as American member of the per
manent court of arbitration at
The Hague. He will succeed the
late Roland W. Boyden. The court
consists of a permanent panel of
Jurors from which nations se
lect arbiters of disputes.
The state department received
word from Geneva that Walker
D. Hines, director of railways
during the World war, is being
considered by the League of Na
tions as American members of
the commission which will inquire
into the Sino-Japanese troubles in
?prV Actinn DTI
AvcJI iy SllliUii UU
Water Question
Gregory's Plan
1 Mayor P. M. Gregory expects
immediate consideration of tne
I municipal water problem by the
the meeting on Monday night? I
shall be highly disappointed It it
isn't." he declared.
Asked if he would present to
a tian for de&iinr with water
question, the mayor indicated be
believed that up to the aldermen,
ghaU work wItn them." he
I added.
Four persons were burned to
death in a tlrexaused by an ex
plosion of flreworka in La Gunllla
I market today. -
I A raid staged at 018 Trade last
I night by city police resulted in
1 the taking ot a quantity of alleged
beer. Mary wells was arrested.
Committee However Inserts
Clause Opposing any
Revision of Debt
One Republican Joins With
Bourbons in Support
Of Amendment
President Hoover's moratorium
on governmental debts emerged
victorious but scarred today from
its first tilt with its congressional
The debt holiday will be de-
bated in the house tomorrow. A
favorable vote is expected by Sat
urday night.
The no-revision amendment
was attained by a vote of 16 to 9
in the fact of an administration
proposal for revision of Europe's
obligations to America.
Then, the committee voted 21
to 4 to report the resolution to
the house. Four democrats were
in the opposition: Representatives
Sanders of Texas; Vinson of Ken
tucky; Dickson, of Missouri, and
Eslick of Tennessee.
The amendment against revi
sion was proposed by Representa
tive Ragon, Arkansas democrat,
and received unanimous democra
tic support plus the vote of Repre
sentative Crowther, republican,
New York.
This section read
It is hereby expresslv de-
clared to be against the policy of
congress that any of the indebted-
ness of foreign countries to the
United States should be in anv
manner rnoalleri nr raAnraA anH
nothing in this Joint resolution
shall be construed as indicating a
contrary policy, or as implying
that favorable consideration will
be given to a change in the pol-
Icy hereby declared."
Manv more hours of work in
the committee than was expected
had virtually eliminated the last
chance of enacting the morator-
lum before the holidays. Opposi-
tion in the senate will be Intense.
SEATTLE. Dec. 1T.(AP)-
The "Klondyke" variety of poker.
played by that old Alaska sour-
dough. Carl Weber, ran Into a
winning streak near the end of
today s battle and tonight he's
oniy f cnips nenina.
Any and every card may be
worth something in my kind of Cf university girls sponsored a
game, he said, explaining his dance and invited principally Wll
winning spurt. lamett men.
Starting the day's session 150
chips behind George Broom, who dance ever given by any Willam
plays the "seagoing" variety, ette students and word of it
Weber saw his rival's conserva- reached the administration. As a
tive and safe and sane" play run result 10 quality hours were tak
hls lead up to 201 chips. The two en from each student who was
are testing their rival "systems." known to attend, but were return-
Then, about the 40th hand,
Weber got his winning streak go-
Broom was cheered during the
session by a congratulatory tele
gram from Larry McEwe. of
trer,rewS'.0Jf:mcr ae-
They'll resume play for the fi
nal 50 hands tomorrow afternoon
Telephone Line
Broken by ice
PORTLAND, Dec. 17. (AP)
uniciais or the facilic Telephone
& leiegrapn company said tonight
ice forming on telephone wires
naa oroicen down lines near Bon-
neville, 40 miles east of Portland, the music department under su
and In the Blue mountains near I pervislon of Miss Margaret Slush-
Deficit of State Fair
One of the problems which
Max Gehlhar, state director of
agriculture Is wrestling with is
the deficiency in the state fair.
Not enough money was received
to take care of all liabilities as
a result of the 1931 show, so that
numerous bills remain unpaid.
In past years the state fair
board would borrow the money
on their personal guarantees to
tide over periods of short funds.
With the authority now all rest
ed in a state official it is not
easy, under conditions, to borrow
to pay the bills, so numerous
creditors, chiefly in and around
Salem are having to wait for their
money. After January 1 Mr.
Gehlhar hopes to work out some
plan by which the accounts may
bo put in shape, perhaps by is
suing Touchers acknowledging- the
The 1981 maturities on the
grandstand bonds were not paid.
amounting to $5500, although the
interest on the issue was paid.
According to the report of the
Ten Receive
Or Commutations oi
Four Banks are
Closed due to
Big Withdrawal
BOSTON, Dec. 17. (AP)
Four banks in New England clos
ed their doors today as the re
sult of heavy withdrawals.
The Institutions which either
did not open for business or
which closed late in the day were
the Boston-Continental National
bank of Boston; the Hamden
Bank & Trust company of Ham-
den Conn.t tne Arlington Trust
company of Lawrence, and the
Plymouth County Trust company
of Brockton.
No Strings on Endowment,
Explained; Policy not
Dictated by Donors
That endowment money which
Willamette university holds, was
given wltn tne understanding
that dancing would not De per-
mmea, was aeciarea iaise Dy r
M. Erickson, dean of the univer-
Dean ErlCKSOn stated hOWOVer
that he is of theoplnlon tnat
some persons had donated money
to Willamette, being influenced
pernaps Dy me iact mat tne
university takes a stand against
Many students nave Deen un
der the impression that some of
the Willamette endowment money
was given with such strings at-
tached to it, as to dictate future
policy. "No university would ac
cept money under those condi
tions," states Dean Erickson.
The Willamette university cat
alogue is specific on the subject
of conduct expected of students
that matriculate. It states:
The student is required to ab
stain from the use of Intoxicants
and cigarettes at all times, and
of tobacco in any form on the
campus. Undue attendance at so-
, I
forbldden to hold dances and are
requested and advised not to
Ancl nvwhera "
It lg common knowledge of
students that the letter and some-
times the spirit of this is not ear-
rid out. TAt BPhooi vmt a rmnn
This was nerhana the larireat
ed at the close of the semester
in all cases as the conduct of the
students had been satisfactory
during the remainder of the time.
Wormal School
To Graduate 24
Students Today
MONMOUTH, Dec. 17 Gradu
atlon exercises for 24 Oregon Nor
mal school students will be held
at thfl Hchnol hera thin mnmlnr at
11 o'clock. President J. S Lan-
I ders will deliver the address, on
I "Power of Thought in World
Sneclal music will he eiven bv
er and Mrs. Florence Hutchinson
for Officials
secretary, Mrs. Ella Wilson,
which was filed with the secre
tary of state some days ago the
overdraft in the general fund on
November 30 was $4,877.73
However from the general fund
$11,000 had been transferred to
the premium fund to supplement
the legislative appropriation of
$37,500. The premium fund over
draft was $495.98. Add to this
$3,500 of past due bonds and
the total deficiency of that date
was $8,873.71.
Director Gehlhar states there
were a number of liabilities when
he took charge on July 1 which
had to be taken care of, indud
lag a bank loan and accrued ex
The secretary's report lists the
receipts and expenses in detail.
Monkey Island which was a new
feature this year shows receipts
of $81.11 while the publicity and
advertising-charged to it are
$4,493.11. Newspaper general
advertising lost $2,111.13; cuts
and eograTings- $804.14.
at Prison
Tavern Murderer one
of Those Handed
Shorter Term
Banker Cooke Also to
Leave Penitentiary
by Meier's aid
Christmas presents to ten Ore
gon penitentiary Inmates were
announced late yesterday by the
executive offices here in the form
of five conditional pardons and
five commutations o sentences
issued by Governor Julius L. Mei
er as of December 3. prior to his
departure for Californa. Included
in the list were the names ot
Walter Bannister, one of the
three Claremont tavern murder
ers, and James O. Cooke, ex-
Portland banker. The pardons and
commutations of sentences were
filed with Secretary of State Hoes
Thursday afternoon.
Bannister, whose sentence was
commuted from llfo to 20 years.
win De released from the peni
tentiary in March, 1933. He was
received at the Institution from
Multnomah county November 28,
1919, for his participation in the
slaying of George Perringer and
Jasper N. Burgess, both residents
of Umatilla county. Burgess, at
the time of his death, was a mem
ber of the state highway com
mission. Bannister was convict
ed of second degree murder.
Other men Involved in the
Claremont murders, including
James Ogle and Dave Smith. Ogle
later was killed while attempting
to escape from the penitentiary,
while Smith died in the institu
tion several years ago. Governor
Meier, in commuting Bannister's
sentence, said he had a model
record as a prisoner and had giv
en the prison valuable Service.
Cooke's Sentence
Cut to Three Yean
Cooke's sentence was commut
ed from seven to three years,
which will insure his release in
repruary of next year. Ha wa
received at the penitentiary from
Multnomah county October ti
929, following conviction on a
charge of larceny by embezzle
ment, uooke had ben Hmnlnnui
in the penitentiary office most of
me time since he arrived in Sa
lem. Prior to his arrest and con
viction Cooke was prominent in
Danamg circles in Portland for
many years.
The sentence of Thomn
tisso, wife slayer, who was re
ceived at the penitentiary from
Multnomah county on March 31,
io serve a life term fo
murder in the first degree, has
been" commuted to 20 years. Un
der the terms of his commutation
he will be released In July, 193.
uniciais said that Lottiso had
proved a model prisoner.
otner commutations of sen
tence were issued to James Ryan
and Bernard Carter, both former
residents of Umatilla county.
Ryan was received at the pent
tentlary November 19, 1927. to
serve a term of 15 years, for rob
bery by force, not armed with a
dangerous weapon. He will be re
leased from the penitentiary in
July, 1934. The commutation of
sentence set out that another per
son involved in this crime was pa
roled from the bench.
Mast Return to
Relatives' Home
Carter was received at the pen
itentiary May 30, 1930, to serve a
term of 15 years for assault with
Intent to rob. His sentence was
commuted to three years, and he
will be released In May of next
year. He was 19 years of age at
the time of his conviction. The
commutation of sentence provides
that Carter shall return to the
home of relatives in Long Island
N. Y. Both Carter and Ryan were
received at the prison from Uma
tilla county.
Two of the conditional pardons
were Issued to men serving life
terms In the penitentiary for mur
der in the second degree.
One of these men, M. D. Boas-
man, was received at the institu
tion April 13, 1916, from Jose
phine county. He is now 78 years
of age and is an Indian war ret
eral. Bousman already has served
15 years of his life sentence. Un
der the terms of the pardon Bess-
man must leave Oregon and go to
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