PAGE NINC Where Supply Meets Beriidnd and Many Wants are Sa TSe OREGON STATESMAN, Saleai. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, December 16, 1931 tisfied Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per llne.lOc Three Insertions per line 10c Six insertions per line. .30c , One month per line.. II. 00 Uidm am charge .....25c Copy for this page ac cepted until 6:30 the even ing before publication tor classification. Copy re ceived after this time will ' be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. The -Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished in its columns, and in eases where this paper 1 at fanlt will reprint that part of an advertisement in which . the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves" the right to reject objec tional advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify, all advertising un der the proper classification. LABISH LAND IS acres of real beaver-dam. SI acres upland, part In strawberries, good building Including dryer. Priced low at 110,000. Will accept rood house la Salem or Newport a part payment. No better deal on market today. Will show It any time. cEK Mrs. Kills with LEO N. CHILD3 CO- Realtor 320 State Street Phone 1708. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Prom 3 to 6 R. house on easy terms. Box OS 9, Statesman. HELP WANTED jtmr - ------ - - - U. a GOVERNMENT JOB. 10 to aw c A Ijrn wmnfrt. I X- SO. Paid vacation. Experience usually unnecessary. Full particulars with sample coaching- FREE. Write 1mm- . ...---- - . R. Rochester, N. x. HELP WANTED MALE IlToV to I!3fl0 yearT Steady wort. MAlL CiRKS-MAIL CARRIERS. dent Paid vacation. 25 .coached i ww . . A 1 an tm .- Tt t I 1 Yt4 rw I Kbiti. wrue xouay euio ui ticulars. Box 783. Statesman. ' RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. Men 18-35. Commence $158.00 month. Steady. Paid vacations. Early examin ations expected. Common education sufficient. Full particulars with sam ple coaching FREE. Apply today sure. JPtoT 624 Statesman. FOR RENTHOUSES FOR RENT Flats for adults. S to I rwonts. 830 to 840. Also houses, etc. BECKS HENDRICKS 110 North High Street 8 room furnished modern house. Very cheap rent. (24 N. CapitoL 5 room, also 1 far. Tel. 6(01. FOR SALE Real Estate Good investment property, 7 room semi-modern home, . fireplace, baser merit etc., with quarter-block or half- block of choice lots all in ornamental shrubbery, nuts and fruit, receipts from which pays taxes yearly. Two garages, paved street, in growing res idence district. House and quarter block 13.800 or with hair block 85.300, terms. Owner, 765 corner .Rural and Winter Sts. Phone 8854. SITUATIONS WANTED xT'Mnw lovr want work housekeep- In or dav work. P. O. Box 07. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR S A LBOld payers' ' 16c ' bun file. Statesman office. VT.-I.-Lff.- ...... i . MW Typewriters, all makes, new and used Adders and type wrltetrji for rent Typewriter Ei change. f M cur,. Washing Machines Ail makes RENTED, sold and re- HOQQ BROS. thi. lb. virgin wool blanket. 3t pair. Orcenbaum's. 240 North Com L For cut flowers, floral work, pot plants, perennials, and shrubs. Phone JAT MORRIS. FLORIST "Liberty Road A Ewtlii Ave. English walnuts. 12c Tel. 11F22. Walnuts, 10c lb., delivered, phone T715. New style 4 room modern home 32.- 7 a U : easy terms. 6 room semi-modern home IloOO ; easy terms. 5 acres close in, well improved, small cash naympnt. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street SPECIAL SACRIFICE IN NEW HOME Seven nice large rooms with hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, tUe bath, double plumbing, double -garage. corner lot with both sts. paved, new addition, near bus and school. OFFER ED FOR A FEW DATS ONLY AT 85100. 81725 cash. bal. terms. IMME i DIATE POSSESSION. DON'T NEG LECT TO SEE THIS BARGAIN. W. H. QRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 8488. We have a beautiful Salem home, good location, strictly modern, and I owner wants a nice country home. A splendid income property In Sa lem and will take a farm near Salem. A splendid farm near Salem at rare bargain and you can use a Sa lem home for the down payment. We have two nicely furnished houses for rent. McGILCHRlST A PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bids. Phone 4838 wVwWVwAA Holly wreaths, mlstltoe. Christmas trH. chMP. Tl. ?64. 177:. IS. from. WANTED Miscellaneous Vltl-loj 1 I-1 ox. Ml kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguns, old gold and Jewelry. Condition no ob- fNCH-VNGE 324 N. Commercial yi--nj-L.f'-iriir--iiriri-i-i-i- --- WANTED Csed ptxoos. la ex change en radios, phonographs, or fur alture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company WANTED Will pay Se a pound for GOOD CLEAN COTTON rags. Must be pieces at least a square yard. Statesman office. - - - - - - - . m.. Original poems, songs. Sunset Mu sic Pub'. f. Cel. Send stamps). Misrrci.LJvNEOUS VWLTLrL- --- wi LEAKY ROOF? Let me fix it Guar. work. price reasonable. Tel. 5094. FOR RENT ROOMS yuxnj-u-i - - " " " "m m "'-'"' Room for rent, reasonable, modern home? walking distance. 830- Bellevue s reet. 2300. down, one room. furnished house, lights, water .toilet, garage, also 3 room house, bath, llgnts, wood shed. N. Salem, both 31050. 3200. down, 5 room modern furnished home, garage, lawn and shrub bery. A bargain at 8260. $150. down, stucco home, living room, dining room, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, garage and paving Included, 1 2, ZiO. MELVTN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 878. H acre tract, good 5 room house, with electric lights, gas, large chicken house, 4 ml. E. of Engtewood school. iOUO, can be sold on very easy terms. ACREAGE Business Opportunities ' SERVICE STATION? I RAVE SEVERAL A SAMPLE : 82150. Lot 100x258 on highway north. Gftrage and living Quarters in new bunding 85x50. Projection over driveway 14 ft- Gas pump and oil lubes.' Terms. m R. A. FORKNER 1810 N. Cottage Phone 2031 Good -concrete bldg., located ta Sa lem, splendid location; business rooms on first floor with- apart, above, to ex- cnaage lor farm to Fine bunch of chickens for sale, easy terms; if you want to go into the chicken business, hero Is your chance ; contract xor hatching eggs. , H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL S90I MONEY TO LOAN CITT AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers yon sx pert advice and service In all linaa HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inn.) TeL 4108 80S Oregon Bldg. PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries sr other good security. tie payable monthly, wnea in nnancuu weed 1 us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMKMT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phono SSSS MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your parmenta Ton keep the car. P. A. EIKER Cat. Liberty St. and Ferr Phone 4731 Salem. Ore. . 'Bells ol; Harmony Hoard over KOIN dally riog out a loan service that Is really, really, different. NO DEDOCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST 8TRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON liOANS IIS to SS00 Beneficial Loan Society OF OREGON Room 110 New Bllgh Bldg 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 818 State St. TeL 8-T-4-0 Private money to loan on improved real estate. P. H. Bell, 224 N. High. TeL 8678 or 3427. C&rfetma Mt uggesituinsi 8 Shopping day$ 'til Christmas 2 0 1 FESSUR HIS FOR HIM SHIRTS. Present him with a single shirt or a set from Alex Jones. NECKTIES are popular and practi cal gifts. Alex Jones. 218 N. High St FURNISHINGS make th most pop ular gifts for men. WE can supply you. Alex Jones. 218 N. High St. FOR ANYBODY LEATHER GOODS, electrio clocks. fountain pens are always acceptable. GET yours at the Atlas Book Store. CHRISTMAS TREK LIGHTS numni Tour trea aefelT and inexpen sively with a set of lights from EofX Electric Co.. S4T Court. BRIDGE SUPPLIES, games la wide assortments. The Atlas Boo FOR HER JEWELRY for milady is a pleas are to give and to receive. 41m Fs shlonette Shop, 428 Court St. WWMMWMWOW FOR CHILDREN TOTS large assortment from lOo to 13.00. Also gifts for grownups. Mar ket Drug Store, 470 N. Com'L BICTCLES, "trykes." eta. Popular prices. Lloyd Kamsden. 148 & Liberty. FOR ANYBODY PLUM PUDDING. Real southern recipe. Three sixes, iOe lb. TeL 8538. BOOKS, travel notion. Juvenile sta tionery for gifts. Atlas Book Store, Christmas cards, excellent selection. We do printing oa any card. States- man raoimning tjo. FOR SALE USED CARS administrator's saijb 1910 Chevrolet Six ltfc ton truck equipped with 1 cublo yards, hydrau lic dump body. Price 1375.00. McKay Chevrolet Co- 838 Center. NOTTC JJ - IS HEREBY GIVEN That tha undersigned, by or der of tha County Court of tha State- of Oregon, for tha County ot Marion, duly made and en tered on the Eth day ot Decern ber, 19 II, was appointed Admin istrator of the Estate of JACOB Believe It or not! 1828 Standard Stx SCHNEBELI, Deceased, and that Lata '27 Pont lac Do Luxe Landeau Sedan. Win sacrifice at a Quick sale. A-l condition. John Lofthers, Routs 3, Sllverton, Ore. Bulck Sport Coupe. Only 816. This car may oe seen at ssi center aw where McKay Chevrolet co. Keeps their good used cars. Used Cars Sine our new '22 model Chevrolet arrived we have made several good deals on late model cars which are being offered at a very attractive price. Some of these cars when we re ceive them, do not require much me chanical repair and lust a little touch up hero and there, makes them look suck, ana smootn running as a new car. Here's a few: 1930-Chev. "8 4 -door Sedan 4t. 1831-Chev. "8" Cabriolet (6210 miles) - 880. 1830-Chev. -" Sport Roadster, (rumble seat) 438. l28-Dodge Six Coupe 415. 1928-Essex Sedan (Challenger 1 model) 418. 1930-Ford Coach (looks new) only : 380. McKAY CHEV. CO. "Where the name over the door. means more than the name on the radiator. 833 Center he has duly qualified as such ad ministrator. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law, to him at the law offices ot JAS. O. HELTZEL, In the City of Salem, Marion County, Ore gon, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated this 9th di- of Decern ber, 1981. JOHN SCHINDLER, Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Schnebeli, Deceased JAS. O. HELTZEL Attorney tor Estate Salem, Oregon DATE OF FIRST PUBLICA TION: December t, 1$51 DATE OF LAST PUBLICATION January C, 1931 D-9-ie--S0-J Bid EAST WOODBURN. Dec. II Ray Fessler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fessler, Is confined to his bed at bis home due to a serious case of blood poisoning. It Is be lieved that a boil on his arm be came Infected causing the present difficulty. C. W. Hall, representative for the Farmer's Mutual Fire Relief association of MeMinnville, re cently Inspected the school house and other privately owned build ings in this section, to determine whether or not the buildings were Insured too highly. Little Theresa, youngest daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Steve Fessler, has the chicken pox. she is a first grade pupil In the Grassy Pond district. Another pupiL Elsie Fawlkner, Is Just recovering from serious siege ot scarlet fever. While In the Union school district. Marie and Harold Bllyeu were al so -victims at nearly the' same time ot the former. Marie has re turned to school, .but the condi tion of Harold's health will -not permit his return at present. The boys and girls of the Me- Kee school under the direction of their teacher, Lillian Saaner, are working diligently on their Christ ma program, which will be held the night of Dec. 2 J at 7: JO o'clock. Home made candy will be sold before the program. The children wish to start a junior Red Cross Fund which will be used for making toys, sun suits, and other needed materials which they can make tor the boys and girls who are confined to the T. B. hospital in Salem. land aX HUlsboro, Id Etsel of Portland, returned nome alter pending the past few days with relatives And attending the fan- era! of Veatrlce Maria Lam- brechL Mrs. R. T. Andreaon. who has spent the past two weeks taking care ot her sister, Edna Slaught er of Dallas, who hat been 111, returned home. Mrs. George Etzel and chil dren of Independence, spent sev eral days with her sister Mrs. J. T, Horner. IflOF, ROLL TOLD FOR WEST SALEM It will be held next Friday af ternoon, December 18, from t to 4:30 o'clock In the new school building. Refreshments wDS be served and a short program given under the direction ot Miss Cath erine Chandler, Mrs. E. A, Dick son and Mrs. Ray Lacey. Num bers will include a playlet by fifth graders, a reading by Thel ma Jane Anderson and a piano number by There! Brown. Mrs. Murdoch of Monmouth is lo expected to be present and to ad dress the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brown and family spent the weekend with, relatives at Swiss Home. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor are leaving for San Francisco, where they expect to spend the winter with Mr. Taylor's parents. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County ot Marion, WEST SALEM, December 15 Teachers of the West Salem schools report the following pupils on the roll of honor: eighth grade, Haxel Myers, Mary (her duly verified Final Account. Helen unrun, Francis wise; nun as executrix or me last win ana Children Sending ' Forth Invitations For Holiday Event ROCKY POINT, Dec. 15 The pupils of the Rocky Point school are busy printing and handing out invitations for the Christmas program, to be held December 23. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Etxel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schnlder. A McFar- grade. Dorothy Raster, Robert Adams. Mary Ann Owen; fourth grade: Bethel SmUh. Dorothy Johnson; third grade: John Cot tier, Genevieve Kayser, Thelma Jane Anderson, Mary Elisabeth Patterson: second grade: Doro thy Pyeatt. Bonnie Dickson. Shir ley Swigart and Betty Krebs; first grade: Wesley Miller. Pupils of the schools are hav ing at P.-T. A. membership drive and have procured 13 new addi tions to date. The Impression seems t j be somewhat general that the monthly P.-T. A. meeting was held last Friday. This Is sn error. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FIN AL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Final Account of EARL GARDINER as Executor of the Last Will and Testament and Es tate ot ADA F. GARDINIER, De ceased, has been filed in the County Court of Marion County, State of Oregon, and that the testament and estate of Rachel ft. Flesher, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 22nd day of December. 1921, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day. as the time, and tho County Court Room In the County Court House, at Salem. In Marten county, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 18th day of November, 1921. MINNIE R. FISHWOOD, Exe cutrix ot the last will and testa ment and estate of Rachel 8. Flesher. Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attor ney for Executrix. Salem, Oregon. N. 18-25 D. 2-9-16. NOTICE TO CR DITORS No. mis In the County Court ot the State of Oregon for Marion County In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate ot: O. D. WOLFE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that tho 16th day ot January 1932, at the undersigned has been appointed hour of ten o'clock A. M., has Administrator, with the Will an- Here Are Some Real Buys! 1 o- Busine&s Directory AMUSEMENTS MUSIC STORES 180 acres wheat land In Morrow county, no encumbrance, for clear Sa lem house. S room house In N. Salem, will take property In small town near Salem as part payment. W. G. KRUEGER I Phone 4728 147 N. Com'L EXTRA MONET FOR CHRISTMAS If you are In need of some extra money for end of the year expenses. see ua we advance casn to saianea people on plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture, pianos, etc. Repayment ar ranged to suit your convenience. Our service Is quick, courteous and confi dential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 12 Oregon Bldar. 2nd Floor. Office hrs. 10:00 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Telephone 778S Licensed by 8tate 19S1 Deluxe Roadster 19S1 Sedan Demonstrator 19J0 Coupe . 1920 Fordor , 1920 Coupe 1929 Roadster 1920 Coupe 1926 Touring- 1929 Std. Dodge Sedan 1SJ7 Std. Bulck Coach 1920 Pont lac Coach 1325 Dodge Sedan Some Trucks ft Closed Deliveries $445.00 485.00 345.00 200.00 . 250.00 195.00 , 81.00 , 45.00 , 300.00 , 275.00 , 145.00 05.00 , LOOK LOOK Laboring man's chance to own his own home with payment down, balance IIS month. Just Use rent, buys a cosy 4 room house. All furniture goes with deal. Two fine lots, black loam soil. Price cut to 11250. Owner leaving state reason for selling at sacrlfcle price. Shown by appointment only. ; Ye bargain hunters Investigate. SEE BECHTEL & THOMASON 311 State Room 4. For the best buys, trades and rentals. WANTED Private money to loan on real estate. W. H. ORABSMHCIKSX REALTORS 134 & Liberty 8t Tel. 141S. ROOM and BOARD FOR RENTAPARTMENTS PattOfl aparrmeni. V . , K.HT nlcelv furnished. Located in I district. Call Patton a boos Duples Apt unfur. 051 N. Winter. Stratton apta 3 rm. fur. or unfur.. basement apt. elec range, modern. Tour husband can afford this beau tiful 5 room home, fireplace, furnace, bullt-lna, beautifully decorated. Reas onable price and terms like rent. Just in time to get located for Christmas. 1495 N. 18th. Owner 1435 N. 18th. TeL 4277. ssjsssafcsssssasss ... - . fn-Bsnlahed rooms Modern, heat, water, garage. Elec rernrerauou, w " . ,1 2-rm. furn. apt. 2201 Hazel Ave. Tel. Fur. 18t Iioor ayu, JTlZL S. Winter. - r fvvvsri Nice 1 room and kitchenette. 6a8 Center. . . . n - - - - A nnta 433 Marlon. Two room apartment, hea t, light, water, telephone, ga ra ge. 1010 Oak at. 1 and 3 room furnished apts., 43 T;vllon St. TRADES BUSINESS OPPOR TUNIT1ES Nice homo at Dallas, Ore., price only 32400.00 clear. Will trade this Dlace and pay $1000.00 difference for ranch of from 10 to 20 acres close to Salem. SUMMER STREET HOME Nice 5-R. modern home to trade for 5-Acres close to Salem. BUSINESS Nice business lot on N. High St- closo In; price reduced to S500.00 ioo.oo down. This is a good b:iy. One story store building on lot 15x100, Trade for Salem property. This store building is paying now 11 on in vestment. Price $8500.00: take a nice ho on up to $3500.00 as first payment. SERVICE STATION Dand service station, dwelling and larg lot on N. Pacific highway at a bargain. No matter what you want, we will have it or get It for you. It pays to Mtt HEA ks ft TUCKER, Realtors 132 South Hlfrh Street EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR RENT HOUSES 9 room fur. house, adults. 498 N. Liberty. jer- Tel- 74?r-. RENTALS THAI A". c "'"irr-ftft $1 Furnished apt.. 4 R.. worth 2o.00 foO -urnisneu mw. J - ' j, Others funsl.ed $10-11S-$1 A up. See some of our 12.50-$15-$1S $20- t'TXT' I 12 a ana up. t;- . . Gvc For rentals if you want the best. Our office 341 State St, Room 4. Hare 2-10 acre places with Improve ments, on paved highway to exchange ror Oregon ranch, by owner. C. P. Cunningham, Santa Ana, R. 3, Box 4, 'aitr. FOR SALE FARMS FARM SPECIAL Owner has distant property that de mands his moving from Salem. Offers for quick sale 30 acres, stocked and equipped for $5000, $1000 down. This is located north of Salem in good dis trict. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone $708. LOANS WANTED TERMS TRADE Valley Motor Co. Phone 3158 Center Street Phone 7910 Lot Marlon A Liberty It upen Sundays Good-Will Used Cars SOLD WITH A GUARANTT 1930-Chevrolet Sedan $471.00 Salem Golf Ceurse 1 miles sooth on River Drive. It hots watered fair ways, large green a Fees 75c Sundays tnd hoi M hts $1 00 BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R D. Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, cor- ner Cotirt end cmnrcn. BICYCLE REPAIRING The best ta bicycles and reparrtns. H. w Scott 147 a Ootm Tel 4S1S. CHIMNEY SWEEP GEO. a WILL Pianos, Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music. ana piano studies. Repairing phone graphs and sewing machines. 483 State Street. Halem. PLUMBING and HEATING been duly appointed by such Court for the hearing of objec tions to such Final Account and the settlement thereof, at which time any person Interested in such estate may appear and tile objections thereto In writing and contest the same. Dated this 16th day of Decem ber, 19S1. EARL GARDINER, Executor ot the Estate ot Ada T. Gardiner, Deceased. JAS. G. HELTZEL Attorney for Estate Salem, Oregon Date of First Publication: Decem ber 16, 1931. Date of Last Publication: Janu ary IS, 1932. D-16-2 3-3 0-J- e-is. nexed. of the Estate ot O. D. olfe. deceased, by the County ourt of the State ot Oregon for Marion County, and has qualified, and any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present said claims to F. Reed Mc Bride, at his office, 626 Pacific Building. Port land, Oregon, or at the office ot The Oregon Statesman,' Salem, Oregon, with Touchers, and duly verified, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published De cember 9, 1931. Last Publication January 6, 1932. F. REED McBRIDE. John Wilkinson. Attorney, U. S. National Bank Bldg., Vancou ver. Wash. . D 9-1 6-2 3-3 0J 6 PLUMBING and work. Graber Bros. TeL B4. general repair lis s. LJ erty. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS for boose aectos-atrng. paper hanslna. Matins. etc. Reltsble workman. Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER Telephone 4 4 SO. R. NorthnessL PRINTING FOR SALE WOOD 300.00 300.00 S75.00 335.00 335.00 190.00 12S.00 A few mighty cheap yet very good 1928-Oakland Cabriolet 1928-Pontlao Cabriolet 1939-Graham Sedan 1937-Oldsmobtle Sedan 192-Bulck Roadster 1927-Chevrolet Coupe isz7-tord Koaaster CHIROPRACTORS Dr. a L SCOTT. P8C Chiropractor. 361 N. High. Tel. KSSL 1STX. DRS. 8COF1KLD, Palmer Chiroprac tors. X-ray u4K.CU. New Bank Bldg FOB BTATTONKltT. ixnla Mimk. lets, programs, bsoks or any kind' of pruning, can isi Biatssmaa rant-1 ins ueparcmeni. us tv. tmmerciai. TeWhoe 01 01. RADIO 1 cars. ....:.h..!: Wood -Wheaton Motor CLEANING SERVICE Dry 16" 2nd growth, good wood, good measure. Very fair price .TeL 7033. Company imB ...r. mil i ii.. t fm m.w All standard si see of Radfs Tubes. Court St Tel till. For good wood phone 39S&. Tracy's wood yard. 2nd growth fir 4 ft 14.50, delivered. Dick Hampton, jerrerson, uregon. Well seasoned 14" 2nd growth Or. good measure. Reasonable. Phone 3297. Old fir 1". 35.00. Second growth fir 16", 34.75. Call 6136. Wood 14.50. up. Phone 7017. All kind, of wood. TeL 3933. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel otL Call on us for prlcea We give good measure, good quality ana Kood service. LARMER TRANSFER 4 STORAGE Telephone 3131 ALL KINDS, any length. Call 3739. Good 16" old fir. heavy bark. Oak any length. Howard. Tel. 6052. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TeL 6000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade A Cottage. 2nd and old fir. oak. TeL 9565. Good sound dry 1st and 2nd growth fir. TeL 8673. 16 in. 2nd growth fir 4.50 and $5. 00. TeL 564S. Dry slab, 16" old fir. Tsl. 5746. 16 In. 2nd growth frr 4.50 and 5. 00. Old fir 36.00 cd. Tel. 7475. Oakland Phone 9583 Pontlas Used Car Department 540 Chemeketa 18 Months to Pay Our used cars are In such good con dition that our finance company will let us give our customers IS months to i pay for them. HUDSON STD. SEDAN '31 model, free wheeling. This car cant be told from new 31160 STUDEBAKKR 6 REGULAR SEDAN 31 Free wheeling model. Run less than 3000 miles 1996 HUDSON 4 -PASS. VICTORIA. 29 type, an extra good one 3650 STUDEBAKKR COMMAND. SEDAN. '28 model 3531 STUDEBAKER DICTATOR COUPS. '2R model ..349I ESSEX CHALLENGER COACH '29 model 3461 ESSEX SUPER SIX SEDAN 28 Model J76 Many others from which to choose. STATE MOTORS, INC. Hudson Esse x Studebaker 525 Chemeketa Street Open Evenings and Sundays I -- -- -- - i.v,.iji.iiMiririLn-ruLA Sale or trade 1928 Chev. Del., good snaps, good tires. ELFBERG. 454 Sa 17th ------- - aumuMmrkl0 Reo ton truck, good shape. Trade for stock or anything. J... Kaffun, Rt. 6, Itfnr 7 7 rf. Center 8t Valeterla. Tel 0683. FLORISTS i ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist. 16th St Market. Tei. 9513. CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations. C F. Breithaapt florist, fit State Street TeL 6904. Hoosede&ning Floor Waxing "We clean anvthtnc that s painted". pltol Window Cleaners. Phone 3778. GARBAGE Salem Scavenger. Tel 4920 or T600. INSURANCE STOVES STOVES and store repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of worse) wire fenca, fancy and piain. nop bassets, books, logaa books. Salem Fence sad Stove Works. 363 unemesefa. tw TT4. K b Fleming. TAILORS D- H. MOSHER Tailor for women. 474 Ceort St TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer C 326 i State 8t TeL f 773. Distributing, for warding sad storstgs our specialty. use our rates FOR local or distant transfer stor age, call S1SL Larmer Transfer Co. Tracks to Portland daily. ! T-" r 1 f-" t- I- r ?rp t" t . n i " w zzz n n BECKS S HENDRICKS 111 N. High TeL 494t WILLAMETTE IN& AGENCY Wnv Bllvsn. Mgr. Exclnslvs Butte Tills Agent 211 Wssoale Bldg TeL T90I Real Estate Directory 1 LAUNDRIES WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Tel. LOST and FOUND LOST 3 high school text booka Re turn to Ore.-Elec depot BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION. Of fice of the U. 8. Property A Disburs ing Officer, for Oregon, Salem, Oregon. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received here until 13 m December IS. 1931, and then opened, for con struction of 453 tent floors at Cams Clatsop, Oregon. Further Information ) on application. N.-28-29-D.-1-3-IS-1T, Mil. THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WSIDEB LAUNDRY 363 a High Tel. 111! CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "We Wash ETsrythlng In Lux" . Telephone 3161 1344 Broadway MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to horns. New 60 lb. mattress $5.00. Ronovst- ers and rum Irs tors, capital Bea ding Co. TeL 4061. 3030 North CapitoL BECKS, a. HENDRICKS 111 N. High ' TeL 4947 B. If. BARLB 134 N. High St. TeL 1671 LINCOLN ELLIS TeL 1611 411 State SOCOLOrSKY 4k SON 104-1 First Nat Bk. Bldg, TeL fill J. F. DLRICH 111 Stats 8trewt TeL 1671. r. L WOOD 441 State 8t TeL 7114 HOMER a FOSTER REALTY CO. 870 S State St TeL TIS8 W. H. QRABENHORST ACO. 124 a Liberty SL TsL 04IA POLLY AND HER PALS "Two of a Kind By CLIFF STERRETT Kl- 4 -r DON'T you CARS PREACH ANY ) l i I 4 J KrOKlCnLJNJn IT O Al K 1 f ff "N 1VE EXPLAINED TO JUNIOQ HCW SANTA CLAUS NONS&NS6 J11L JSS&Jil VOULDNT CALL SANTA CLAUS SEES EVERVTrilNK AND J 7 DEAREST, SAMUELf J rji J 1 L UAtTHO J CS A H THE: SANTY CLAUS A HORIZONTAL 1 -cleans ing asjant 5 form by heating and hammering; 10 hypothet ical lores 18 Anglo- Saxon hireling 141 airy spirit in Shake speare's JTemp-esf 15 city in Italy 17 large ornament al candlesticks 19 always 20 walks heavily 21 soak 23 fastened 25 liver- brown col ored mixture 26 generator SO propor tions 82 native eomnouxki 8 $ blemish 85 dry; used of wines St refuse re- snaining alter grapes ars pressed 88 more an . eient 40 matron 42 unruly crowa 44 separate 16 number T stairs for climbing over a fence) (pLJ 49 clergy. man's title 51 observed 51 slender, bristlellk organ 54 acted enigma ST part of a river where tha current flows swiftly 61 particle 62 indigen ous 68 placed a golf ball 64 tflt 65 vessel te heat liquids 66 make 67 character f a peo- 68 ramble VERTICAL 1 religious faction 2 openings of organs 8 famous English queen 4 footlike 5 unnatur ally high man's voice 6 Anglo Saxon money of account T prominent ridges in cloth 8 one-twen-4ath of shekel click beetle 10 perform ed a work of labor 11 parts into two branches 12 price of a person's Herewith is the solution to terday's Puzxle. ye- EBM3 Pier lEibisi If !l lAtfel rjBL'y IU IU V ijsiM V 11 16 fix 18 prepares for publi cation 22 tall Javan ese tree 24 dis tributes 26 spherical shells 27 period of time 28 sprouted 29 driver 81 consume by using 84 birthmarks 87 one of the United States 89 day dreams 41 males 48 letter of the Greek alphabet 45 relabel 48 staid 50 straight two-edged sword 52 entry in an account of some thing owed 54 quota 55 garden implement 56 college term fee second year student 58 preposi-. tion 59 author of. -Two Tears Be for tha Mast" 60 shut violently