The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 16, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    i V
- s - 1 - -
Cktady- today ud Thurs
day, probably rata Thursday .
might; Max. Temp. -Tuesday
83, Mia. 10, rtver 2 feet;
southeast w ind.
Average '; ,V.
November, '81
Net paid, daily,' Sunday $633
ME1TBE& A." B. O.
Salem, Oregon, "Wednesday Morning, December 16, 1931
No. 226
- V
Implicates two Youths who
Are Being Held Here;
Contradicts Self
Krier and Hyland Deny any
Part; Detailed Story
Of Slaying Told
Unnamed Sil vert on
Man to Get Reward
. If Ripley Convicted
Mayor Eastman Hands Credit to State Police
And Luke May; Thinks Youth who Made
Confessions is the Actual Killer
A first and most Important
step In solving the murder ot
James Iverson, 70, night patrol
man at Silverton early on the
morning of May 2, 1931, has been
made with the confession of one
participant, Joseph Robert Rip
ley, 23, now confined in the Wash
ington state reformatory at Mon
roe, where he is serving a term
of from one to 10 years for the
theft of chickens at Everett,
Wash. The confession was made,
public Tuesday.
Four different men are named
as accomplices in three separate
tatements made to state and
county officers who visited him.
Two of the quartet are held in
Jails in this city. Paul Krier, 24,
Is incarcerated In the county Jail,
and Dick Hyland, 22, in the city
jail. Both deny any part in the
crime after hours of grilling by
officers and members of the dis
trict attorney's staff. Krier has
been held in the county jail for
several weeks, arrested In Silver
ton on a charge ot switching auto
licenses. During his stay in Jail in
formation was received In regard
to the Iverson murder and theft
of goods from the cabin of Ro
bert Downs on Silver Creek.
Talr Are Facing
Bnrglary Charge
Hyland was arrested Saturday
at Lake Labish by Sheriff Bower.
Both now face a charge of burg
lary not in a dwelling, tiled late
Saturday by District Attorney
John H. Carson, after officers Sat
urday .morning had found goods
in Krier's home in Silverton,
which he admitted he and Hyland
stole last July.
The two other accomplices nam
ed by Ripley in one of his confes
sions were .a Frank Manning and
a man named "Myron." For sev
eral weeks officers have searched
for such a pair Sheriff Bower
said Tuesday he believed that the
two names were Just picked at
random by Ripley, for the want
of something to say. The sheriff
declared that Ripley's father has
two brothers in business in north
ern Washington whose first names
are Frank and Myron. Thus the
choice of those two names.
The writter confession .was
made to Sam Burkhart, deputy
sheriff ot Marlon county, and F.
E. Dodele, sergeant of the state
police department.
Three tSatementa
Credited to Ripley
Ripley made three separate
statements to the officers since
he arrived at the Monroe reforma
tory. In one of these statements he
gave a detailed description ot at
tempting to blow the safe and rob
the Club pool hall, in front ot
wbfeb Iverson'a body was found.
Iuanother statement Ripley
nemed Krier and Hyland as his
accomplices in the murder of Iver
son, and alleged that one of these
two men fired the shot that kinea
the police officer. A few days la
ter RtDlev repudiated the state
ment that Krier and Hyland had
anything to do with the robbery
and murder, and named "Frank
Manning" and another man by
the name of Myron or Buck as his
accomplices. Officers expressed
the oninion that the last two
names are ficticious.
Ripley signed his first confes
sion November 25. In this state
ment Ripley declared that' on the
dav before Iverson's murder he
and Manning and Myron left Port
(Torn to page 10, col. )
C1ILVERTON, Dec. 15 "I fully believe that Joseph Robert
Ripley shot Iverson," is the statement that Mayor East
man made at Silverton Tuesday night.
That, Mayor Eastman explained, had been his belief
since he first saw the signed confession of Ripley on No
vember 25. Ripley's statements have been too contradic-
Otory and indications are that he
himself did the shooting, said
Mayor Eastman. The shot was
tired from the back seat ot the
car, accordllng to Information
given by Eastman.
'Impeachment Is Mentioned Must Then Make Offer to
But by Defenders of Company Which has 20
The President I Days to Make Reply
Ogden Mills Gives Lengthy Appointment of Commission
Explanation of Policy Provided for In Bond
For Aiding Europe Issue Amendment
Summary oi Election Returns
On Municipal Water Proposal
Bonds Preference Ballot
Ward Yes No Santlam Willamette Wells
One. SOO 807 SOO 182 71
Two 10a 201 109 143 40
Three.. 158 161 147 7 40
Four 822 203 313 89 51
Five... 630 145 619 52 45
Six. ......... . 839 804. 313 103 112
Seven 814 250 291 133 45
Total 2264 1661 ' 2182 719 416
on Vote
Statements from. city officials
and others following word that
the water ; bond issue amend
ment had been approved by Sa
lem's voters
P. M. Gregory, mayor ot Salem :
'I'm mighty glad, and I can only
say that I am very grateful and
By WILLIAM L. BE ALE Salient features of the charter thankful to the voters for their
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 (AP) amendment providing for issuance Interest. I shall endeavor to canry
The word "Impeachment" was l0f $2,600,000 water bonds: out the desires of the people as
heard in the house today during I Authorizes revised appraisal of best I can, and to this end I ask
debate on President Hoover s I the nresent water eomnanv nlant. I their continued support.
iuKsMay, criminologist irom debt moratorium which the ad- I nronertr and eouloment as of De-
Seattle who has been working on ministration at that moment was Icember 1. 1S31. annralsal to be I Dr. O. A. Olson, councilman: "I
the case, had Identified Ripley's I asking a committee to approve. I tiled 30 days after council directs lam quite surprised that the issue
linger prints wuu tnose on the A charge br Renresentatlve Me- it. carried In view of the campaign
1 Uoii Ui!f rrtIU; 8tolen car whlcl wa ler at ThelFadden, republican, Pennsylvan-1 Authorizes submission of offer, waged against it. It Is my attitude
icd man iian uuiiciiiuii uaiiee. la. that that the chief executive based on revised aDDraisal. and at that the people are entiUed to ex
From the beeinninr it has "proposed to sell us out to Oer- price determined by council, for press their opinion, and I pledge
been the belief of May and East- many", brought a dozen repre- purchase of present water plant, my support to see that the pro-
man that the car found at Th sentatlves to their feet. Allows 20 days for water com- Meet is carried on in a business
! Dalles was connected with the Representative O'Connor, New pany to accept or reject offer. way to the adantage and benefit
murder and Dudele has con-1 York .democrat, demanded some I If not accepted, council may lot the citizens.
firmed that belief since ha work. I republican "should defend the I either start condemnation pro-
ed on thA case. I president from charges which I ceedlngs. or build an entirely new I 8. A. Hutches, councilman: "I
Mayor Eastman also mad a th I were grounds for Impeachment." system. I feel that the vote today is a won
statement that the reason the While Under Secretary Mlils-of l Authorizes council to secure I derful expression of confidence m
V. E. Ktthn, councilman: "I'm
not at all surprised although
personally opposed the issue. But
if the majority want it, as a mem
ber of the council I will do all In
my power to see that it is carried
Up to Same Date Year
Ago; Need Greater
Previously reported f 198.50
Tuesday's Kettles 22.12
Total .f220.62
The total fund for today which
the Salvation Army is gathering
gun had not been found in the th treasuery told the ways and plans for, construct and operate the ability and Integrity of the
lake so far was because the means committee that failure to such dam and pipelines as needed present mayor and councilmen. I
searchers had had to work care- approve the moratorium "would to bring water from North Fork also realize a great responsibility
fully as the nltro-lvAHnA hod I be an everlasting disgrace to the of the Santlam. has been placed on our shoulders
been thrown in with tA government and people of the! Creates a water commission, and assure the eitlsens of Salem
Krier is the son of the Krlers UnIted States," Representative for which the common eouncil that I will do my best to see that
Who have hpfn rnn ti Hti a . V. a Chiperfleld, Illinois republican, shall within SO days after amend- I their wishes are carried out at the
to be used in its annual Christmas Free Gospel Mission at Silverton 1aD6d n? mnd answered McFad- ment becomes effective appoint least possible cost.'
cneer wora is iar inon oi one brother, David was recently aen u was 18 "l "Peecn nve quanuea eieciora inbui
lt was last year at this same time arrested near Rii,T-trt Denounces Charges bers. Determines manner in which
$549.19 last year against $220.- charged with stealing an auto- 01 Dlpect Parleying commission shall be elected In fu
2 this vear. I mnMin r t,. , . . I "I denounce as false and un-lture.
v- j wot- r t. t tt r-.v-.i r 7 tru anv statement that the nresi- Reonires the commission to
.,.n twa nf lust vear. I hA wa nivA nn t, . I dent has negotiated directly with I meet once a month.
There are more men out of work, connection with a shady car deal German financial interests," he Empowers commission to estab-
more families without tho necessi- Another brother. Jack, has also BaJd "X anunce tn statement lish reasonable rates for use of
ties of life in the wy of food, been implicated in shady affairs that the Bresld?nt the aent of water- nd to emploT and dls"
AintiiiTir and bed clothes. Not A vouneer hrnthor ti . any interest adverse to the peo- charge manager.
l?!f-f-ifL.un: ZnfPLyiZ1' Jlm- 11 at nle of the Unltsd States. . . If Provides for disposal of Income.
out a stove. The warmth of your Ripley's mother is said to Ut J there is one arUcle of Integrity in first for -operation cost. .and - Ahea(J 76Q point$ at Qne
own home makes the winter days at Salem and it wa m t mf ine iemeni megenueman imc- penses; bbcoqu ior i . .... ,
eem fun but ii "thTro waV no fur- verton Tuesdav nteht 'fha? I Madden) has made, left the gen- terest; third for extension and ad- Tme but Margin Only
t .nmfnrt f.ii,.. .v. . I tleman nroauce nrooi oi nisi anions: iourm ior sinking muu
nace, not eu - -'r ?k"Di u lu" cl -nier service v-- l, n9Tn,nt f hondar fifth for
from the chill wouia you noi sianon on the Chemawa-Sllver- v,. .v ... v. . I ' ' 1 7 ,Z , Va.
IB giving Sil I i , v. . vi.i. ln - i.i I. a1i kv.a U am nf Tint more
. . i Luyj lug iuab uifiu vi iqi dcu uuuuo
feel life no longer worth while? ton highway,
Especially would you not ieei i Mayor Eastman
410 at the Finish
may cas aone every
(Turn to page 10, col. 1)
in this spirit if your misioriune credit to Sgt. F. E. Dudele of the
were none of your own maaing, state police and Luke May
but that which naa come upou
you through the misfortune of ill
ness and economic distress from
which all the United States is sui
fering, rich and poor alike.
There are requests ior loys
from parents who are dreading
the thought of the wee people
waking up Christmas morn and
finding no remembrance irom oia
St. Nick in whom they now have
so much confidence. There are re-
iimg fnr fond and clothes, ana
osta for an I Facts Will he atlnnlataf ont In
lucio - I. .... - . -r I . ! v .V .
opportunity to work. terpreiauon or the law will be the w"4jr "f
Will you not heed tne tmKie oi i question wnen tne case of , v"""t0
th. nn Armv bell as you usaoeua in. uarnen and Mind. Tt vu
walk down the street today? Go Greene vs. the state tax commis-
. . I - . l K am A, linn TABt n. V A -rrm. 1 1 t - .
wiwoui a pices i io iui --- '"w "u"j oi me i v A
in some way save a few pennies intangibles tax law, comes to trial IflUOUV ACQUireS
and give them to the kettles. Give January 4 in the circuit court of I w . t
a hand to the less happy! juage uaie s. Hill, it was decided
yesterday following the hearing of
demurrers presented Porter and
George W. Hobson, interveners in
both cases.
him go from this chamber as a than $2, 500,000 In denominations
foul traducer of the character of of not more than 11000.
an honest man. . . .
"If the gentleman is sincere.
let him and his associates prepare 1
articles of impeachment against
the president and let those articles
ot impeachment be tried and then
the truth may be known, and let
the guilt and infamy and horror
fall where It is due."
McFadden, last chairman of the
ranking committee, made no an
swer. He declined any further
statement except that he would
Balloting is Light; Only
Two Wards Oppose Move
For City Ownership
Hollywood Comes in -With
Heavy Majority; Much
Interest Manifest
Voters of Salem decreed Tues
day that the city council should
issue 12.500,000 or any smaller
sum that is necessary. In bonds
fni fha aannfaftfn and rTttrr
Hal Patton, councilman: "It's t!o - mtinidnal water aTatm.
a shame people don't get out and and Btrongly indicated preference
vote; it s too bad that they leave that the water BaPpiy Bhould coma
11 an lo a lew. from thn Knrth ITnrlrof tha Ra-
tiam river.
Frank E. Needham, council- The majority for municipal
man: "I aldn l tnins: mere was ownerahln was hv no meani so ov-
any chance of it going over; the erwhelmlng as in the election
business section certainly dldn 1 1 ., . nn .mu,-
expect it." I nronosal. Tnesdav the maioritv
waa R03 Tot ah. 5 8 hallota b-
W. H. Dancy, councilman: "I in. raf,t for the bond amendmeat
haven't anything to say, except and 1661 against.
that I think the people have made
an awful mistake. That's all.
NEW YORK, N. Y., Dec. 1
fAP) (Wednesday) Mr. and
Mrs. Ely Culbertson gained 425
points in a prolonged and argu
mentative session ot their mara- t
thon contract match with Sidney '
S. Lenz and Oswald Jacoby end- i
lng at 1:40 a. m. today
For the first time after a ses
sion the Culbertsons were in the
lead. After 48 rubbers of the ser
ies they were 410 points plus,
having won 23 rubbers to 25 for
Lenz and Jacoby.
After rubber 47 the Culbert-
On the preference ballot 2112
indicated preference for the San
tlam, 71S for the Willamette riv
er and 416 for wells.
Voting is Light;
Around 38 Per Cent
The vote cast was light, being
38 per cent of the total city reg
istration. Three thousand nine
hundred and sixty-one men and
women cast their ballots out of a
total of 10,619. This registration
figure was considerably below the
mark of 11.300 set in the fall
elections of 1930, the county clerk
under the 1931 laws beinr com
David O'Hara, councilman: nelled to strike from th elertnr
"It's a great victory for advocates rolls all voters who have not exer
of municipal ownership who have cisei their franchise in a two
waged ajtntless fight for a city- year period.
owned wcter plant for a number As the early returns came in,
of years, against what appeared to the bond proponents showed a
be overwhelming odds. I person- marked lead which quickly as-
ally feel that the one great ob- sumed a two to one affirmative
stacle to Salem's future greatness ratio. Early returns from Ward
has been removed. A large share five, the Hollywood area, showed
of the credit for securing the the bond Issue leading by a four
piant ior ine city is quo me uauy to one ratio, a proportion which
H. H. Vandevort, councilman:
"I'm surprised; that's all."
Will D. Evans, councilman: "I
have nothing to say, except that I
am glad the city is going to take
over municipal ownership."
Paul Hendricks, councilman: "I
have no statement to make. I
don't know whether it was a good
thing or a bad thing." -
papers which have very accur
ately supported municipal owner
ship, despite their opposition to
the 12,500,000 bond Issue.
Much Poundage i
Divorce Sought
PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 15
Charles A. Johns, associate Justice
of the supreme court of the Phil- sons were 1550 ahead but in 48,
ipplne Islands, has decided to re- prolonged affair of thirteen
sign because ot 111 health, an an- hands, one of which was passed
nouncement Issued from the 74- out, they were defeated
year-old Jurist's home here today After two hands in 48 they had
said. a lead of 1760, their high water
Justice Johns, formerly a mem- mark of the series. The eight rub
ber of the Oregon supreme court, bers played in the seventh session
arrived In the United States from were divided four and four,
was retained throughout the
First ballots counted were those
cast in the closing hours of the
election and these were evidentlv
Chris Kowitz, councilman: "I those of strong advocates of ma
am surprised. I feel it is now the niclpally owned water,
duty of the council to carry oat Opposition Shows
nis manaate oi ine people ana strength Later
put in Santlam water." As the count reached the hall-
wav mark bv 9:30 d. m. obdosS-
Ed Rostein, business man: Hon to the bond issue bezan ta
'Within a few years the people show strength, the earlv dav haJ-
that have opposed us will be iota being then counted. At on
'V I r"i a a a. x
CHICAGO, Dec. 11
the Islands last July. Later he
underwent an operation at
Rochester, Minn., and returned
(AP) to Portland two months ago. He
Vandals Destroy
Holly l rees at ywSui tn" when MrB- l8ob,el Jor? marrled ln hM been j lnce then ih-
a a, . Vf IC DM - . AH . . IJIO DUO DUVUlalCU UCf UUSUKUU I WiUW.UVfCluoln DWU,
Monmoutn n omes tie intoT" iSS f-Ld " "
brought to light a statement in r.?Z "tl.J Z
MONMOUTH. Dec. 15 With the constitution of the state which B0.?wo b ?Knee"JL d(!7I?'..
e approach of Christmas sea- provides that the legislature shall .Tbi"1!lAll!f.,lSmn
Mnnmnnth homes nrnvJdA fnr . .4-i she complained to Judge Harry B
have be'en invaded by holly van- cover estimated expenditure for H1"61" J,!'8-!
dais. the ensuing two years as well as
Trees at the C. C. Mulkey and an amount sufficient to meet ex-
J. B. Stump homes were riddled, isting deficiencies,
and, emboldened by successful It is the claim of the interven-
getaways at these two places, the ors that the 6 per cent limitation
vandals cut down and destroyed amendment violates an earlier or-
a holly tree at the Charles Stew- ganlc law of the state and may
art home. therefore have nothing to do with
Guy Deming also reported to I the cases In question.
city officials that a holly tree at
his nlace had been cut down, teraay complained mat tne piain-
Demings said he paid 110 orig-j tiffs were presenting insufficient
ty he eats all the refreshments.
ROSEBURG, Ore., Dec. 16.-
(AP) Art Izer, 20, convicted of
forgery and auto theft, was sen
tenced today to two five-year
terms and one three-year term ln
the state penitentiary. The sen-
The demurrers presented yes- tences are to run concurrently.
Justice Johns served with the
Oregon supreme court from 1918
to 1921 when he was appointed
to the Manila bench by President
Justice and Mrs. Johns and
their three children will make
their future home here.
lnally for his tree.
City officials are Investigating.
reasons for their cases.
Chinese Upheaval Means
'Stronger Foreign Policy
Late Sports L
in s
-The senate struggle over elec-
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 15 UoB.e president pro tempore
IT Afta- aH narnvlw V,d I WfUW 1UIU ll BCCUUU WWI IUUAJ
taken one tall. Bob Kruse, 205. 7itb?Qt ot bvreak. to the
Portland. Ore., tossed Dr. Karl -u
Sarpolis. 212. Cleveland. O.. un bn Jpo"1"f
through the ropes and won the western Independent "Poblicans
PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. 15.-
AP) Winter drew tighter its
grip upon Oregon today and in
many sections sent the mercury
skidding to new lows for the sea
Here are some of the minimum
temperatures for the day:
Madras, 8 below zero; Burns,
two below; Baker, zero; Medford,
16 above; Klamath Falls, 9
above; Portland, 27 above; Rose-
burg, 30 above; Seaside, 28
Deep snow covers the ground
in the vicinity of Madras and re
ports indicated the cold had not
damaged grain crops.
Most of the state had clear
weather. At Pendleton, however.
heavy fog was reported.
main event of the wrestling pro-
(Copyrlght, 1931, the Associated
NANKING. China, Dec. 16.
(Wednesday) (AP) The con
flict with Japan in Manchuria
brought about a complete shake
up in the ' Nanking government
which was expected today to pave
the way for a united China.
Bowing to bitter criticism of
his "weak-kneed" foreign policy
which came to a head in tumnltu
us students' riots, Chiang Kai
Shek resigned yesterday from the
presidency and was replaced by
Lin Sen, veteran member ot the
nationalist party. Chiang was
tripped of all his ministerial
I The removal of Chiang was
looked unon as the one thing need
ed to close up the nation's poli
tical cleavage which last spring
resulted in the formation of the
Canton government ;
- Chiang's passing was dramatic.
He had been under Increasing
pressure since the Manchurian
conflict started last September.
gram when the Cleveland mMMrf!!
failed to return to the ring. I"00-. 7 Z .
1 W IVnO, fCt. JO IATI I IWUl wao VMW V nw wu- ajrw- at v . 1, . ,v-
Throughout China students sUged An airplane carrying two men est seen here ln months. Kruse " Taat vaaterda with
demonstrations against him. was picked up in the open sea to- won the first tall ln 28 minutes "Jtin, vote' Pitt-
Yesterday 600 students from night about 300 miles south of witn a aounie wrist lock; sarpo- ::r:" Nevada it and
Pelping wrecked the foreign of- Boston by the steamship Frienda Is the second In five minutes with v"-., iicai' Mlchlaah
lice and attacked the headquar- of the Union Sulphur lines, the a double arm lock and they had Vandenberg, republican. Michigan
at A . Ifa..!.- TtaaJIt. at A auk aak A aah aav Baa atttt A aS A,-UfUJ AUhV Mllfltlfaa VaaM Cam.
v- . - . ..... . . aaninsBi uvii nn nm uu a. luh aaauvar
pons was catapulted tnrougn Senator Mc.
Nary, assistant republican leader.
In all, 17 ballots have been taken.
alist party), where the president Both fliers were uninjured.
and other leaders were conferring. I The plane was bound from New ropes.
The riot ins: students Injured tour I York to Porto Rico
government officials. I The message follows: roRiiwuu, ure., Lec. it
The Intervention of police fl- I "Rescued Paul Zimmerman and riaei la Baroa, ixs Angeies tea-
nally put an end to tne aisturo- I ma jaoaaie irom airpiane ana iinerweigot, won a six rouna ueci-i r ATT J
ance, and a few hours later took machine on board 10 miles sion over Benny Pels, Portland, r UnCtS AUOtteCt
Chiang's resignation was announc- I south of live fathom light vessel, ln the mam event bout here to
ed. I They were forced to land at lit night.
Chiang himself intimated the I a. m. Plane bound New York to I La Barba's skillful left hand
Canton faction was to take the 1 Porto Rico. was the deciding factor In the
umer hand. I (Signed) "Gillway, master." fight. La Barba weighed lit, WASHINGTON, Dec 15 (AP)
"My comrades at Canton said I The MacKay company said the Pelz, 134. i The war department today al-
thev would come to Nankinc only I nosition riven was about 300 Johnny Hansen, 147, Portland, I lotted $75,000 for surveys of Coos
on condition that I resign." he de-I miles at sea. - and Tony Jortlllo, 149. Seattle, Bay and of the Willamette river
clared. "This means that I must! The filers apparently made a I fought six rounds to a draw. Many I at Portland and $4,500 for oper-
retire before peace and unity are I quiet take-off for nothing was iringsiders thought Hansen should latlng locks and dam on Yamhill
restored. known here of their flight have had the decision. t river in Oregon.
To River Survey
thanking those who have fought
for mountain water."
(Turn to page 10, col. 1)
Louis Lachmund, business
man: Im greviousiy aisappoini
ed at the outcome."
Paul Wallace, president of the
old Salem water company:
"Whatever the people decide is
right in the matter, I presume."
Possibility for warmer weather
is seen in the Portland observer's
forecast of cloudy today and to
morrow and probable rain tomor
row night Meanwhile the stoker
of the furnace works overtime to
keep the home fires burning at
top heat.
Southeast wind yesterday
morning saved this most chill
Hlaat fnr ttiA nfftsA enpra and
Decision as to the activities to nah., th ..-... th-
be dropped by the Marlon county d mmImDm at the lato hor
health department as a result of o ? 0.clock The temperature rose
reductions In its budget, is ex- but glowly durlng tQ6 neit tw.
pected to be made at the month- hour reaching 24 by o'clock.
iy meeung louigui i unn n fton ... mprMirv had -limb
ed to its peak for the day, 35 de
grees. At 1 o'clock it had drop
ped a point but like stocks and
bonds regained the point at 2:lt
n'rlooV nnlv tn lnaA Iwn an (muiV
mlttee are: J. C. Slegmund, coun- late
ly Judge; W. D. Evans, city coun- A 'doWntown midnight reading,
cil; Mrs. Roy Keene, Salem however, stood at 27 degrees, an
school board; Supt. Robert Goetz. cbanged since 5 o'clock.
Silverton schools; L. C. Eastman. Hour bv hour temperatures yea-
cuy oi euverion; w. w. Aiieo, terday were as follows:
executive committee. The meet
ing will be held at the depart
ment headquarters on North
High street.
Members of the executive corn-
Mill City school board; George
McCurdy, school board; C. A.
Sprague, Marlon county public
health association.
Silveiton Man Involved
In Murder and Suicide
1 o'clock
.19 degrees
-30 -.15
.$4 -
-j r
.3$ -.81
I7 "
OREGON CITY, Ore.. Dec. 15 ,
(AP) Maniacal Jealousy was
blamed by poliee for the deaths
of two persons here today. Ray
Loquet, 40, shot and mortally
wounded Dorothy DeBok, 22, and
then shot himself to death when
the girl refused to admit him to
the De Bok home. He had gone
to the place to see Thelma De Bok
whom he had sought to marry.
"I want to see Thelma," Lo
quet said as he came to the De
Bok front gate.
"She doesn't want to see you.
You cant come In," Dorothy de
clared, dosing the gate against
him and holding It as he attempt
ed to open it
' Loquet drew a pistol and fired
three times. One bullet entered
the girl's head and two struck her
body. Loquet then fired a shot !
through his own temple, dying in
stantly. The girl died several
hours later.
Frienda of Thelma said Loquet
has been extremely Jeolous since
last May when she refused to
marry him and began keeping
company with another man.
Loquet, who shot Dorothy De Bok
and then killed himself at Ore
gon City Tuesday, was a Silverton
man and had left here only a few
days ago. He has been operating
a blacksmith shop on South Wa
ter street opposite from the Chev
rolet garage.