PAGE NINE Ths OREGON STATESMAN, a!esi Oregon, Tcsdar Mtnlnir; Decembr 1S Wl Where Supply Meets Demand : and B Wants are Sa tisfied S Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising 8tagie Insertion per llna.lOe Three Insertion per line 20e Six insertions per tlne..lOe Ob month per line. .$1.00 ttiz. Imam chart 25e Copy for this pat a cepted until C:20 the even ing before publication tor clarification. Copy re ceived after, this time will be ran under the heading Too Late to, Classify. The Statesman a times - SITUATIONS WANTED Widow lady -wants work fcousSkeep- tnff or day worn, y. v. twr! FOR SALE Miscellaneous ' -u-rr .- FOR SA LB Old W 10c a bun die 8ttemn jf- n r nrLn r ,-,- Typewriters, all km. d w seed. aadersna WP"" '""Sr 1 Typewriter Gxcbansa. .un o. I Washing Machines AH makes RENTED, sold and re- pal tioaa bros. W. a Mangum, Manager va sr. Hiffh Phone fiOSS. Ftoc cot flowers, floral worVc pot I pi acta, perennials, and nte. nerennlala. and shrubs. Phone i 1 VAT MORRIS. FLORIST Liberty Road tc Ewald Ave. Saaelal nrlces on good Delicious ap- I " . nnntv sarTtce station I acroea street from Salem Box Co. J rrMt)www.Mw 1 Holly wreaths, mistletoe, unxisiaia-i treeaTetoeap. TeL 86. 1775 N. Front fu-sjy,fcftsrsrM'" j,,-m-'"'"'"-'p'" "'" KnglMh walnuts. 12c Tel. 11F22; anri nnnri-i "Vi 1,1 Walnuts, 10c lb., delivered, phone TT1S. WANTED Miscellaneous T'.T'tTV ViHtoi!! Bhota-una. 1 , f'LM".0 LHle rftI(m nfVv 1 . r-" . Vi.i nh- 1 ,inr nrlce NmS"cPtJ?rt i vnTS 1 JSj Ortmrnercial I ehagVa7radtos. phonographs, fur 1 funrfcrxn.n.rrtfi r 44 to. virgin wool blanket. !. pair. ckeenoaum"B, ""o"jl")jrr Li " um" -J." - lwT . j New style 4 room raolern home 2,- as Asrrirn Will oav 8c a pound fot 1750; eaay terma eirmtn pi RAN COTTON rags. Must! 5 room semi-modern home $1600; "'V rl . mnrt rard leasy terms. o?.!Vn Jrffic I r V..l Zmi songs. Sunset Mu- Jo . oTi-r P. Cal. Send etamps). I MISCELLANEOUS vmmwa.-- '""Tfy'V rJRAtTV ROOFT Let me fix It UUar. work, twice reawonanie. y- -jiz: 1 nnnM and BOAKLI oZ iwrd earaef $25 Call 2271. I - - - ii riri ri rM'uum in ------ Ft.R RENT APARTMENTS mm ik ftfM-M-n-w-.-i ' ' ' Psitnn atartmems wiu "--;r I ath. nicely furnished. Locatea in i owner wanu a nice country home. I 12500. New stucco 4 rooms for acre tMisinae district Call Patton s Boos K .pVemlld income property in Ba- aee. ter. 1 wmmwww" ... mm I Duolsx Apt. unrur. " i OtriMvu K1 - mrtnAmrtk b&seraent apt, eUc range, moaem. 70 K. Winter St I '"'" T": mnM. S Weil lurnmicu i u-m rar nnn I noma Modern heat water, garas Btec refrigeration, elec. atove. I i-rm, turn, apt 2201 Hasel Ave. Tel. T44. Fnr. 1st floor apt. 1S25 State. t room apt. 441 S. Winter. Clean, heated apt. 422 Marion. Two room apartment, "'hS;' water, telephone, garage. I9iw wa." 10S4ej4A0Bna 4 2R Bl--, 4 and t room furnished FOR RENT HOUSES WOK REM UPHTUKiMJ""" ..A niiuide St. 2 rma. ' I Claude St., 3 rroa. t xi ith St.. 4 rma . m m. i ktn Mr.. nun. - fcuse on W. side of N. Pactt to highway. Just past Valley Packing Co., 4 rma " nn w at ile of N. Paclf- 1T10 Lee St, S rma : " 2241 M. Fourth St.. I rma. 404 MSI Street, rail It! M. 18th St. S rma. ihB. 17th St. 4 rma II Avi lilt Center St, 8 rms. 041 S. lth St, 6 rms. 17 4 8. Capitol St, 4 rma. 711 N. 14th St. 6 rma. 12tl Laurel Avejr 6 rma. 1211 N. Uberty St, T rm. 1UI a Com'L St. 6 rma - 1221 Myrtle Ave., S rma. It A lh St, rma. 414 M. lttb St. I rma. 111! Center St, I nut i 1! 20 10 25 - Lit n "VVySr ""..VV,,Vr,a CO Realtors mmJmr Phone 6701 icNT ALS THAT ARB GOOD $11! $21 Jarvla Ave., rwu : a nth a rooms . Ik ! "T..' 8. Salem. I R St . . kiaanuwil 111 S Lefelle St, I S iiil N tt room 12 Hl aVoierclat R. If Modern ill u Choice acre, tzr--?l"ri,JL FDRNISHEU " -L" low: want references. Other at $i TTC--.TTTtTTTHOMASON $l atricuy moern -r "rr, f c.a Room C I room, also 1 fur. TeL ISOL 0 room fur. house, .adult. 4l N. Uberty. Owner. TeL 7402. POLLY AND HER arte 1 room and kitchenette. 651 Center. .nnn- ir-rr V IS ONLV TEN WAN' r- ( ASSAULT Mfe OR flGHT kSX ' C POSITTVS: VKiN. ) jlJ C THAT'S A MIGHTY SHORT y-Jj SANTA CLAUS WONT ) rTtWE ' I 1 L V CCfsiFOUNID IT 1 J 8 ? TIME TO REFORM DM BRING MXI ANY m Cco- - i ' 7f no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear In advertisements pub lished ib It columns, and In cases where this paper i at fanH will reprint that part ef an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tlooal advertising, it far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising an der the proper classification FOR itKNT HOUSES i rwomfc $ to 140 Also houses, etc. J BrXTKeS HENDRICKS I lit ferth FHrh Street 1 FOR RKNT; 4 room jfurnlahed house I with plumbing and electricity, I irarage. pared st. Located at 1140 Norway St per mo. SKK W. H, ORABENHORST COM REALTORS 1J4 & Liberty St. mwwwwwwmwwmiwmwwmw I Kit.ix i AU i S196 N. 4CA. I . tlO.UV I 16 Lee. 4 R. 10.00 J bwS a lth, S K. lu.oe i 13.50 I 235 N. ISth. 4 K. 1S42 N. Capitol, T R. 1885 Fairgrounds, S R. 1245 N. Liberty. 1 It. 20.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 zi3 Myrtle, s ic 1880 Court, S R. furnished 25.00 I && 14. 20th, 6 l. furnlaheA 25.00 I W. U. KKUEUER I t-none iizs i in. lwl i --. I a room rurnisnea modern house. Very cheap rent. 024 N. CapitoL FURNISHED 125. Real home. 5 K. strictly mod- I era. best of lurnitorf. Owner leaving I city, want references. Phone .6963. I Shown by appointment only. , I BEOHTEL 4 THOMASON I i owe uoom 4. t mm auiiiv uuuws iuriiineu that are good for $l.f.0, $20 and $25. rUK SAL. IS Keai JiSiaie- v'.iwxwMxxMw I Good investment property, 7 room I apmi -Ttwkfirn hAmii. firpnlace Tnaa. I ment. etc. with quarter-block or half- block of choice lots all in ornamental 1 hr bber y , nut. and fruit, receipts I shrubbery, n from whtch "a" taxes yearly. Two garages, paved street. In growing res- district House and quarter Winter Sts Phone 884. acre close In, well Improved, small I WINNIK PETTTJOHN. Realtor 1& bouth Ulgh btreet SPECIAL SACRIFICE IN NEW HOMFl Seven nice largo rooms with hard- I I wood floors, fireplace, furnace, tile I Ihnth dnuhU nlumhin? 1,mhl (rarns-e. I comer lot with ooth sta paven. new I addition, near bun and school. OFFER- I 5100. II7 cash, bal. terms. IHME 1 ni.i.iEiraiwn, mm i ncjur- LECT TO SKE THIS BARGAIN. REALTORS 124 S. Liberty St. Phone 64 OS. wwvwsaaawwvwwsiw I we nave a Deauuiu oaiem noma, l good location, smcuy modern, ana 1 1cm and will take a farm near Salem. a. spteoaia una near oaiem ul a I rare barealn and you can use a Ba-1 em noma ior uie uown paj menu i I iui uuuicu uuuac, I itor reM- McQILCHRIST & PENNINGTON ICS.1S II. A Bank BiHe Phoni 4828 I .... . . . i JIM. down, one room furnished house, lights, water .toUet, garage, also I iwra A , ' "am. 115 iiis, wooa- hod. N. Salem, both 11050. I a.m. . . . . . . . 96vv. awrn, v rtfuui iiiuuern xurnimieu borne, garage, lawn and shrub- eery. A bargain at 12000. $150 down, stucco home, living room, dlnfng room, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, garage and paving Included, $2,- MELVIN JOHNSON Down te earth that's real estate J ladle and gentlemen if you have I amount of money from $100 on up 1 that you want to be certain to be safe n Kara Silom arA Sil.m Jln.l real estate today, at bargain price Lots In Leslie school district as chean as $110 with abstract-lots In Engle- I lem, bottom land, I A. strawber wood district at $275 on up, lots In I rles, 4 A logana, I rm. house. Hollywood district ror S32o on up, lota In Falmuinffi Atatr4jt 'm a lm, I $300 plus paving. Houses, tracts and . mini. ,u wiw .ar7m iwi iu, nuiuuui I of the mortgage. Just where would on estate properties and properties that must be sohL Becke A Hendricks, ISO N. Hieh Rtreet. I wf--f---1 lout, good road. 00 acres clear, fair run irra iRrm limiui lsiouuainga, spring water, $40. per acre. l so acres extra good land, an clear. I good location: tzi per acre Plus nrlce rZTS bouse North Salem. ba- 1 ment aad fiimac. wired for ran. 1 fruit and walnut treea Want, offer or 20 j will trade for cheaper house. 00 acres ISlavwwl Mmk 1VKAA L Rent Hire room furnished bona. ?h'- - I . . v swm. uuuci si m.i. m I V. L. WOOD 241 mat Street I acres, 7 ml from Salem, $500. 1 acres to rent, easi, line soil, new 20 acres to rent, east, fine soil, new I house. Want to nrth on high- Way.r, XlntZ ome taP"v menta. tor caah. C. J. JACKSON el Room 1 147 N. Cornl t I - . , .,m VOVTHFJ TVTf T . ttS"A . Am - rAIMTOUNT HILL: Modern un to date six room home on corner lot with bota sts. paved, hardwood floors, . throughout modern In ev ery way, double garage, a home built to last Price 17500. terms. SKR W. IL ORABENHORST as CO., Di-iiTripa 124 S. Ltbertr St Phone 44(1. PALS FOR SALE Real Estate- SNAP: Five room bom corner lot. both eta. paved, located near Hol lywood, Price for IMMEDIATE 8ALK. fl4S. $5. cash, baL I1L per mo. to lnchide Int. Don't mis seeing this horn. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO, REALTORS ' m a liberty Pfaooe . TpDATS BEST BUT Za a ( room modern home located In & Balm. Priced for tern days at S4S00. Will accept small house, va cant lota or unhnprored tract as part. LEO N. CUL, KeattOT 320 State Street Phone IT0I Tour husband can afford thla beau tiful K roam borne, fireplace, furnace, built-in. beantLfullr decorated. Rea- onable price end terms like rent. Juat In time te g locatea zor uinsanma, 1495 N. LStn. Owner 14S5 N. llth. TeL 4377. CITY CONVENIENCES AND COUN TRY PRIVILEGES Oho Ira l aera tract not far out on pa-ved road, 4 room plastered bos with nook, cood rdumblnjc. electrla I liirhta. Dlttoir of built lna. fireplace. water system, game, woodshed and chicaen coop. m szsvv, own baL monthly; Will accept gooo vacant lot as part. LEO N. ' CHILD 3 CO., Realtors S20 State Street Phone S70S TRADES & BUSINESS OPPOR TUN ITIES Kl(H hme at Dallas. Ore., price only and oav 11000.00 difference tor ranch of from IS to zv acres cioxe m mem. 3UMMJSK BTKIiii HlMUr Kice 5-Ii. modern home to trade for (.Acres close to Salem. BUSINESS Nice business lot on K. High St, close in; price reduced to 1600.00 $100.00 down. This is a good boy. One store store building on lot fSxlOO. Trade for Salem property. This store building Is paying now 11 on tn- natmeaL Price 18500.00: talte a nice home un to S3500.00 as nrst payment SERVICE STATION Dandy servlre station, dwelling and large lot on N. Pacific highway at a bargain. No matter what you want we will have it or get it ior you. ii nnvm tn SfrF. SEAHS & TUCKER, Realtors i Ttia-h Rtroet Nv.---.. 5j,-in i believlntr. Drive bv T6I N winter St. (new house Just nortn or i tne lire stauon), iook it over; you twill say tt la the best buy in Salem for 13800. Terms. trade for acreage near Salem. My Hat is complete ; see me for excaangea TT (i SHIELDS Oregon Blug. Tel. WONDERFUL BARGAIN : Fire room modern home with basement fur nace, fireplace, garage, nice east front lot with bearing fruit nice location. Price 137&0. for IUALB DIATE BALE. $550. down, baL verv easy terms. W. II. GRABENHORST Jb CO. REALTORS 134 & Liberty Street EXCHANGE Real Estate WANTED Good service station or store In ex change for my 10 acre tract located H mile from bus line, modern room house with basement 2 sets of plumb- ing, good barn and chicken house, nhunrianivt of fruit and Shade treea No mortgage- SEE Mrs. Kins witn 320 State Street Phone 0708. Have 2-10 acre placea with lmprove- for Oreron ranch, by owner. C P. Cunningham, Santa Ana, R. I, Box 4g5a Calif. vwwwww GOOD trades $2500. 0 R. hou9e, trade for better nome I will pay or assume some. SUBURBAN HOME 4goo. Choice A. tract, ncn ou loam SO II. as KWa a Li 7 in valley. On Daved rd. Z R. house, elec Ughts, garage, poultry house, good "V.? ?.TL. V."' aT 7 . pan. many ouitr guuu vru. have you? We can match yours: come n and teU what you have. SEE BBCHTEL te THOMASON -, c.t. rtrm 1 1 . . uiaio vitcv, - BEST RENTALS - 111. Good C R. house, near State: two gooi 6 r. houses on ,15- Modern house N. Sale l5. others at $8-$10-$12.1 BKPHTRt. TTTOM state; eacn Salem. S rooms. 50 to 140. l... - "JiL " " . ACREAGE I A. clone to town, paved road, berries, I rttt Email hmiKA. elfWtrfoltV. I barn, etc. $2000, easy term I 20 A., caved highway. mt from Sa I barn, I ben houses, electricity, ! (vttilnnwnf SRAO I 41 A. mostly In timber, small bidga i .i.vv. uviiuk 1 10 A. all under cultivation. 4 A. ber- I boo. Trade for house in w ooaourn. I 51 A. 1 mt off paved highway on good I vramlul mail mftatl V all under l cult, good spring, oiags. vuw, I j. p. ULRICH COMPANT . o .v .ma I js ptnte Street Phono 8072. vVANTF-I) REAL ESTATE wNwy I Want modern four or Hv room I modern house. North Sa I P. L. WOOD I 1 SUte Street I ' WANTEUI-Im ' I ' Vo' "R." "bouse ... m rr, . ., ion eaay lenna. dpi n Business Opportunities 1 SERVICE STATION T I T HAVE SEVERAL A SAMPLE I t 1 r A iDlt.Et nn hto-karav noh. Garage and living quarters I new building 25x50. Projection over driveway 14 ft Gas pump and 11 lubea. Term i ri yv. x j iviAi tit I .... v I ,. ...ii Phone 2021 MONEY TO LOAN CITY AND FARM loan at lowest 1 rate Best terms ibtalnable. Our I insurance i pa rim em oners you x nert advice and service In all line I HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc. I I TeL 4101 zee fvreso tuas- "Starting Cljtfetmasi (Sift 9 Shopping day FOR HDX SHIRTS. Present him with a single shirt or a set from Alex Jones. NECKTIES are nonular and practi cal slfta. Alex Jones, tl( N. Bigb St FURNISHINGS make the moat pop ular glfta for men. WE can supply you. Alex Jones. Ill K. High St FOR ANYBODY LEATHER GOODS, eleotrlo clocks. fountain pens are always acceptable. GET yours at the Atlas Book Store. , CHRISTMAS TREK LIGHTS Decorate ror tree safely and Inexpen sively with a art of lights from Eoff Kiectrlo CO- court BRIDGE SUPPLIES, games ta wide assortments. The Atlas Book MONEY TO LOAN PHRSONAL LOANS JfADB On furniture, cars, salaries aiwss vn iiuuiiiu) va p other good security. Repayable nthly. when n financial need sea r monthly, us before closina a loan. GBLNU.HAL. I N V co 1 StawTX mRPORA TION First National Bank Bids. Phone SSSI I MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Herman ceo Arrange to reduce your payment Tea keep the car. P. A. BIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferrr Phone 4722 Salem, Ore, 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that la really, really, different. NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST RTMCT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS 6ERVICX Beneficial Loan Society OF OREGON Rami no Now Biicb Bldc 2nd Floor LICENSED Bl STATS . I 111 BtAU St Tel. S-T-4-C I I Private monev to loan on Improved real estate. P. H. BelL 124 N. High. TeL 0071 or 1427. esssvsaasaaasas4s,ssj EXTRA MONET FOR CHRISTMAS If you are In need f aome extra money for end of the year expenses, so ua We advance cash to salaried nunh An nlvln nntM. endorsed note. furniture, d lan os. etc. Repayment ar-1 rT,iA tn milt rour convenience. Our service la quick, courteous and confl- rtRntiai. STATE LOAN COMPANY S11 Oregon Bldc 2nd Floor. OfflM hra 10 :0 A. M. to 4 :20 P. M. Telephone 77 22 Licensed by SUte LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loan on real estate. W H. O RA BEN HOK3T CO, REALTORS 114 a. Liberty St TeL S4fs. FOR SALE WOOD yVaSaabavsaaaenieataaaaaa Fir wood, $4.1 to $4.00. TeL 19F4. rrr 10 2ndTOwth. rood wood, good measure, very tair pnee .iei. i. For good wood phone 1910. Tracy's wooa yaro. 2nd growth fir 4 ft $4.50. delivered. JJ1CK lUmpiOn, JVLLKL tWU. UlCSUUi mmfmmtmm.ivmm)00mmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmt m m mj m Well seasoned 10' 2nd growth fir. good measure. Reasonable. phone $207. ajwWwVwVwVMMwVwrVVrrV Old fir If. $l.eo. Second growth fir IB , 94.7S. uau aisa. Wood $4.10. up. Phone 701T. All srintisi Af wMd. T-tL till aaysMMMMMMMMV0Vsasse DRT riR AND. OAK WOOD, oal and fuel oil Call on u for price We i v mm measnra. aooa oimjict ana good service, I .A rukr TKAisat- niK oiiituuBi wwwwwwwwweMMwe ALL KINDS, any length. Call 1721 VrWU A W V1U V f vMmt, m I 1 kaasw Kilr AW any length. Howard, TeL sets. WWMWMMwVWwWWiVWwVWWrVVrV GUARANTEED DST wood coal TeL 1000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade t Cottage. 2nd and old fir. oak. TeL Oill. Good sound dry lit and 2nd enmth Ul A9a Sf I B, It in. Ind growth fir $4.60 and $.- 00. TL SC4B. Dry slab. 10" old fir. TeL 1740. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Tel. 8390. LOST and FOUND LOST I high school text book. Sa turn to oro.-Kiee. depot FOR SALE USED CARS late m.. . ,j.f ntw iu tiia inw.t eoulDoed with 1 eublo yards, hydrau lic dump body. Price $171.00. McKay Chevrolet Co, 231 Center. Late '27 Pontlae De Luxe Landean Sedan, will sacrifice at quick sale. I New 10 lb. mattress 11.00 Ronovat-A-l condition. John Lofthers, Route I era and furabratora Capita! BeoV I. SUverton. Or. From Scratch" 'K5S1 5 'til Christmas FOR. HER JEWELRY tor milady la a pleas ure to give and tor receive. The Fa ablonette Shop. 429 Court St FOR CHILDREN TOTS Urge assortment from 10e te f 2.00. Also glfta for grownups, liar ket Drag Store. 470 N. Com'L BICTCLHg, "trykes." etc. Popular prices. Lloyd Ranssden. 142 8. Liberty. FOR ANYBODY PLUM PUDDINO. Real southern recipe. Three slsea. 50s i. Tot lilt. BOOKS, travel fiction, tuvenfle ata tionery for glfta. Atlas Book Store, Christmas cards, excellent selection. We 0o printing on any card. States- man Publish ma; CO. FOR SALE USED CARS 16 Months to Pay Our used care are In such good con dition that our finance company will Dar for them. let us give our customers IS months to HUDSON STD. SEDAN '21 model, free wheeling. This car can't be toid from new fine 8THDKBAKKR REGULAR SEDAN '11 Free wheeling model. Run less than 2000 mtiee ( HUDSON 4-PASS. VICTORIA. '20 troe. an extra good one I6S0 BTUDEBAKcR COMMAND. SEDAN. 2 model till I STUDEBAKER DICTATOR COUPS. 21 model 1401 I ESSEX CHALLENGER COACH 20 model III! IE88HX SUPER SIX SEDAN 21 Model I2TI Many others from which to choose. STATE MOTORS, INC. Hudson Essex Studebaker 020 Chemeketa Street Open Evenings and Bus days Bala or trade 1)21 Chev. DeL, good aaape, geea urea. Reo ton truck, good shape. Trade for stock or anything. J. Kaf fun, Rt C, EbTBGRU, 404 So. lTth I Business AMUSEMENTS Salem Oolf Course 1 mfle sooth I on River Drive II hole watered fair- 1 ways, large greena Feee 75c Sundays I " holMsvs 01 ftft BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D Barton Batteries Starter and generator work Texaco station, ear ner CVmrt end Chwrrh BICYCLE REPAIRING Th beat hi bicycle and reparrln. H W Boort MT B Comt Tel 410 CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4456. R. E. Korthneaa. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. a L SCOTT. PSa Chiropractor I ts M hi4 ti rm tST. rVJT rI. -ZZtb n u k, hnk I Bid CLEANING SERVICE Center St VaWorta Tel 0tl FLORISTS 1 ALL kinds ot TJeraJ work. Lots rior- 1 1st 14th Market TeL vsts. I COT Flowers, wedding bouquet-- i runerai wreatns. secorauona u. . I TeL $90 Hoosedeaning Floor Waxing W dean anrthtn that's osJnted Capftol Window Cleaners. Phone 177. GARBAGE I .i n... tvi aA ran.A INSURANCE BECKB A HENDRICKS lis ft High TeL lilt WILLAMEJTTB INS AGENCY Wm. Btlren, Mgr. Exclusive Buttevtlle Agent ill! Masonic Bid TeL 7900 LAUNDRIES THTB NBW SALEM LAUNDRY THE) WEI DER LAUNDRY III a High Tel 0121 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "We Wash everything In Lag" 1 Te'ehooe 1101 1244 Brosdw MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to horn I dins Co TeL 4060. 1010 North Capitol FOB SALE USED CARS Used Cars Biace our saw 'It model ChevreUt Eg urtm we have made several deals en lata model car which betas; offered at a very attractive price, seen oc tnees cars wnen w ceive theca. d aot require much tip Here and there, makes tnem looci slick, and smooth running as a new! car. Here's a fews ills-Cher. 4-door Sedan 4li. I 1131-Chev. "I" Cabriolet (5110 I miles) - fit. I 1030-Caev. "0" 8port Roadster, 1 (rumble 'seat) 4X1.1 li:s-Dedge six coupe 411. 1 mo-Essex sedan (Challenger I model) !. , , - 435. 1 1920-Perd Coach (looks new) I air , ISO. I McKAY CHEV. CO. "Where the name over the door, mean mora than the nam on the radiator." 222 Center Here Are Some Real Buys! If 11 Deluxe Roadster 1021 Sedan Demonstrator 1020 Coupe Z 9.V0 ooo.eo I 1121 For dor 1020 Coupe 1020 Roadster 1021 Coupe It 1.00 MOO 41.00 1020 Touring 1020 Std. Dodge Sedan 102f 8td. Bulck Coach , 1020 Pontlac Coaoh ISIS Dodce Sedan 141.00 Some Trucks Closed Deliveries TERMS TRADE Valley Motor Co. Phone till Center Street Phone T sie Lot Marion ft Liberty St. (".Mirer Mrris 1-Ir.ef. , . ror orouD or rriends Davis returned from Independence Saturday where she has been Tory 111 the past week. Mr. and Mra. George March en- tertalned Saturday evening with a nartv. Present were Mr. and; Mrs. J. L. Dodson and children. Evelyn and Raymond, Mrs. Mot- ley, Louis March, Pat Murphy and th host and hostess. Mr. and Mra. March. Th evening wasl11 Irn Windsor . Mrs. Oscar anent In nlarlnr cards. HARTLKYS HOMB HAYESS1LLK Dec 14 rr and Mrs. R. Hartley and daugh - ter Helen. Mrs. Pardee and two small children returned Sunday a a VIA. s v t vcao Tlolh V llWfU' field. Directory MUSIC STORES QKO. C WILL Piano. Pbono- grsjpha. sewing machines, sheet musta and plan studies Repairing Phono graphs and sewlna machine 422 STnfe Rfreet. Rnlem. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMB! NO and reneral rsDJr wor. uraoor uro. 111 b Libert Tel C$04 PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS for bona dectoraunc. oaDer hanainc tin tin. era nenrna PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, card Damn-1 lets, program book or any kind of printing, can Tn 8 ta teaman Print ing Department 111 a Commercial Telerbofe 011 RADIO ROB every purpose, for every nur- All standard slse of Radio Tube EOPV ELECTRICAL 8 BOP. 147 Court Bt Tel Silt STOVES STOVES asttl atev repairing. Stave ror ai, rewout ana repaired. All Kinds r erovea wtr fsnoe, fancy and plain, no baskets, hooks, logaa hook Salem Fnc and Stove Work. SSt Chamkt Tel 4T74 R B Flrnfn TAILORS Ot B. M08TTER Tailor for women 4T4 Court St and TRANSFER CAPTTAX. OT! Transfsr o. till Stat SL TL TTTa DiatribvUna, for- wmrosns ana tors oar poiity Oat our rat FOB local r distant traaaCer toe as, call llll Larmer Transfer Co Trucks t Portland daily. Real Estate Directory 1 BBCICli HENDRICKS lit N. Hlsb Tat, 4147 a. m. 211 N. Hlsb St EAJtLB TeL fit! J LINCOLN ELLIS 441 Stat TeL KT1 SOOOLOrSKY SON !- rirst Nat Bk. Bids, TeL fill J P. ULRICH III State Street TeL 1171 r. l wood 441 State St TeL Till HOMER Bt POSTER REALTY CO. I7SH Stat 8t TeL fill VT a. ORABENHORST AOO. 114 S Ubsrty 8t T4 S4IS By CLIFF STERRETT HOOK STIFF IS SELECTED HT SUIU, UC 1 1 in sxau vi v fcfvfc alinnl annnal. Thai .. i .. st -c.- lows: Prill nr TTrolvn Prnnann1 aaslqi. wim, .u. ness manager, Ralph Johnston; advertising manaser. ' Juanlta o--v-,'fc.. . . ... . ,. i suart Mnnii juao eaiur, aih oi Ynnkers; snbscrtptioa. Lorena Thurston; girls' athletic editor, Marjorie Hoppe; boys' athletics, Leland Miller; calendar, Virginia Bligdier; senior history, Rollie Rain bolt; senior prophecy, Orap Shillings; senior will. Max Lane; jnnJor history, Marjorie Zovod-S skr: soshomore history. Sillver I BaJcer; freshman history, Irene POIOE. The staff voted Rawlings as s :!!:IlPnter for the annual. : Springr Valley Has Heavy Snow; Hangs From Trees' Limbs SPRING VALLEY. Dec. 14. I Large flakes of anew 111 here late of rain. The hills sarronndlaa; this I community were quite white wKh I snow, which conld be seen hang- ms n the tree iimb. I A group of people of this dis trict met Thursday afternoon at ham8 ot v - Stratton, where the7 Packed and delivered clothes provisions for a needy family. Those present for the afternoon's work wre Mrs. Frank Matthews, Mr. Dosnel Crawford, Mrs. Sey- raour Wilson, Mrs. Hugh Craig. Mrs- Clyde Ebeert. Mrs. John Chllders, Mrs.. Frank Smith, Mrs. Rreh Sohn, Mrs. Frank Windsor. 1 jviisn mrauon na oarm. inan mniura. I isb"y is having nu new 4 ly-remoaeied Home wired for elec 1 triclty this Feek. J Large Delegation at Meeting in Portland WOODBURN, Dec. 14 About 49 persons from Woodburn who are members ot the Wood burn as sembly of the United Artisans, No 415. went to Portland Saturday night to partake in a special Cross -Word Puzzle Bj EUGENE SHEFFER j t- i" 1 r m jjj r t fr- 1 pi n it" lilln- l-r-lppn qp vtK m p pp n 1 HI rr- :-. HORIZONTAL. 1 Trade-marks. T Violent rusts et wind. 11 What clf Uvr n styyei tat Boh by i fle s cbaaay! 14 Card gum. 16 Thinf, 18 Pronoun. IT The civil (Scot) It Neuter pronoun. . 19 Prefix, twofold. 20 Aerofonn fluid, tl Lfkalv. 22 WVat U the capital ef th fTwa formerly kaw as th Saadwich Ialad7 24 Musical instroment. 25 Nocturnal bird. Z7 Wka rvelatiMry eitwer.i n: rt.: dUfwiMd a a DtA !?Vf 'mr?4 fcT B"1 nVVl K" aDDr '- . . 9V Wt VJSI SSS aBSiacisnsi I .v r .vy zs wb u tk rroi i i1 w uw" I. WTu 24 Wrath. . s lsiana taoDr.i. 3 a niaxoncai cyw i aiuox,. ,145 Man. 42 Wbt Mat Uct ws dntd 48ThTarmpit. a et i th U. S. St fr ia .cni,.. , - vioiatio f lb Crrwp Pr tcs Act 1 McklfT Distant. , wnc. as Towara ue xeauta. . spmcU t r Neeesab! 48 The entirety. 49 Olympiad, (abbr.) 50 A bird. 52 What b tb yrlmcip! seaport f Frw.T 54 PfflAM. 54 Mistakes In Drintisr. 57 What Frcb Statossaa f fctod th Pntis Pact with fnar Secretary Kuf g T VERTICAL. 1 What U. 5. Seator recently proposed a Fiv yr siaval hUdT n Z -Three toed sloths. 4 What tt (abbr.) srae last admitted to the UW7 I What rnerU Brdawr kaa nt meeting and watch the tnltlatloa of nearly new members. Amonr those initiated were nlno) wooodharn people. Seven drill teams, from various lodges over the state, were la uniform and assisted la the initiatory work. After the business meeting the) glee club of the Portland Ad el ah gave a concert. Dancing- tilled ott the program. The address ot th Jlfe tuii4V ing la l Drumm street la Saa -Francisco. NOTIC3S OF APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned have beam duly ap pointed by the Ooaaty Court of the SUte ot Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marlon, as Executors or the last win and testtament and estate of Ella ben O. Loughridge. de ceased, and that they have duly aoaiinea as such Execators; all persona having claims against th estate of said decent are hereby notified to present th same, duly verified, to us. at the office oc Ronald C Glover, oar attorney Z03 Oregon Building, Salem, Mar lon County, Oregon, within atx months from th date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 16th day of December, ltJL. B. A. MILLER D. D. SOCOLOFSKT Executors ot the estate ot Elisa beth O. Loughridge. Deceased. 4 RONALD C. GLOVER. Salem, Oregon. Attorney for Executors. D 16-22-21 J 5-11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYENt That the undersigned, by an or der of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County et Marion, duly made and entered on the 14th day ot November, 1821. was appointed Executrix ot the Last Will and Testament and Et ta te ot F. B. WEDEL, Deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such Executrix. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law to her at the law offices ot Jas. G. Heltzel, in the City ot Sa lem, Marion County, Oregon within six months ot th date ot this notice. Dated this 17th day ot Novem ber, l21v LA VINA WEDEL. Executrix of the Estate et F. B. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION! November 17, 1921. DATE OF LAST PUBLICATION! December 15. 151. N.-1T-24- D-l-8-16. rr 7 .Therefor. 8 Spanish form of Louis. Perform. 10 Shfllinf. (abbe) Uy1 WtL -..ft m,mm 14. AMam co-mtry dU the U. S. epw waaw war? 12 -Beaches. IS What fsmini e4wrHy k4 th La4 ia th htmb vwrsi- t "MatraM? 20 Aids te vision. 21 Camel hair Arab carment. 22 Negative. 24 Exclamation. 28 Preloffne. . 29 What rivr r ast sntam Niceria. Africa, Hw it th Pi in estaarr? 31 What Maxica state I o f I tkrw which reewadv ct4 32 VVnat is tk kyptkU rrw M-ted by Kant. HrhI. La- Un aad tkr to c.l I tr tk frmtw f tb (. f Ky LW. wpt? I8 Half an em. ) 89 Kind of doth. 1 40 Surface measure. 48 Veered wildly. - 80 Prefix, throwrh. 51 What U th saissUf naaae f I the Mti f th U!vrity f I Micbig! " Arbr"T 1 k t a. DutrfH .Kh bb Mixed type. 1 r Herewith is the eolation to yes. terdaYs Puxxle. OlHlNiAlT' M. I. 5 :,F E RiEIEIDFDiEIEnsmePI the oHtraw saad tb M5oaw Mam1, for the third Cm 7 Hot wallow.