The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 15, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    iSoiiefy News
' " V; ' ' ; Olive M. Doak, Society Editor ' ' " ' -'
'"Messiah to be Heard
In Portland .
v ' The Portland aympbony orches
"J trm. Kith, tb chorus and a group
.of disliucuished artists, Includ
ing -Barbara- Thofne. soprano,
Mabel r-leneaa. contralto Hal
Young, tenor, and Roy Bryaonj
baritone, in the solo roles, will
present Handel's great oratorio,
the "Messiah" at the "auditorium
tho afteraoon ot Sunday, Decem
ber 20.
"Music from the "Messiah" Is
familiar to all who like good mu-
sic, whether for the church or oth
erwise. It has an appeal that has
' lasted ,years, and probably will
continue to last as long as either
" church ' or musicians exist. - And
generally, it U giren over and
oref In. a community without af
'fecting its appeal, except to in
v crease Its popularity.
, This will be the third time that
''..the "Messiah" -has been giren in
. Portland by the symphony and
. chorus under, the direction of Wil
i len ttan Hoogstraten, conductor.
With a better chorus this season
' and with excellent soloists, he
' hopes to make this year's presen
tation better than in the past.
Mail orders for tickets are now
being receired by the orchestra.
' The seat sale opens at the box of
fice at J. K. Gill's. Fifth and
Stark streets, Portland, December
Y: W. C. A. Tea is
Event of Today
The Y. W. C. A. election tea
T will draw large numbers of Salem
women out this afternoon to meet
In the Y. W. C. A. social rooms be
tween the-hours of 3 and 5:30
This is one ot! the social occa
slons of the year for a rery large
: cross- section of Salem society is
interested in the work of the Y. W.
C. A. and attend the annual tea.
Prospectire new board members
will be introduced by the presi
dent, Mrs. William McGilchrist.
. Jr. A musical program and a play
let will be siren in addition to
brief talks by sereral members,
including the local secretary, Mrs.
Elizabeth (Jallaher. who will tett
something of the progress of the
. organization this year.
On Invitation of Mrs. S. M.
Endicott, chairman of the insti
tutions department of the Salem
' Woman's club, the West Salem
L Community club's vaudeville pro-
gram,-which will be given Thurs-
- day and Friday' nights of this
.week for the benefit of West Sa-'-
lem'a needy, was presented in
dress rehearsal last night at the
school for the feeble minded. To-
' night the program, which con
, sists of songs, dances, mono
' logues, and one-act skits, will be
: given at .the Girls' Industrial
school. The vaudeville is under
the direction of Perry Reigelman.
ajff f 2244
Tuesday, December , 15
American War Mothers, J o'clock in American Lu
theran ehurch.
Chadwick chapter. Order of Eastern Star, annual
Christmas party. ,
Y. W. C. A. election tea In Y .W. C A. aocial rooms,
hours from 3 to 5:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Murray Wade hostess to members of the Sa
lem Woman's Press club in Silver Grille room of Gray
Belle; sewfag for charity; tea at 4:30 o'clock.
- December meeting of Writer's section of Salem
Arts league, at Willamette lodge, home of Mrs. Claudius
P. L. E. and F. club with Mrs. Wayne Greenwood,
2 o'clock, at her home, 1285 South Liberty street
Salem W. C. TvU. special tea to be given in Union
hall, corner of Ferry and South Commercial streets.
Salm Music Teachers association, Christmas meet
ing at studio of Lena Belle Tartar, Liberty street.
A. A. U. W. child study class,-with Mrs. George
Moorehead. 270 Trade street, 2:30 o'clock. All mothers
of small children invited.
Wednesday, December 16
West Central Circle -of First M. E. church, with
Mrs. J. H. Baker, 545 Court street; 2 o'clock.
East Central Circle of First Methodist church,
'guests of Yew Park circle at home of Mrs. John Carkin,
610 South Winter street.
Woman's Union of First Congregational church, 2:
30 o'clock in church; election of officers.
South circle of First Christian church, all day meet
ing with Mrs. D. A. White, 749 South Liberty street;
covered dish luncheon at noon.
Past Noble Grands, Christmas party, exchange of
Inexpensive gifts, with Mrs. Ida Hostetler, UK North
Fifth street.
Music Section of Salem Arts League with Mr. and
Mrs. John Clifford, 1585 Ferry street. Any one Interest
ed invited to come, 7:30 o'clock.
Sweet Briar club, annual Christmas party at home
of Mrs. William Franklin, Wallace Road; potluck
Thursday, December 17
North Salem W. C. T. U. meet In fireplace room of
Jason Lee church, between hours of 2 and 4 o'clock.
Rev. Hugh B. Fouke, Jr., speak on ""Antidote to War."
Christmas music and stories will complete program.
Thimble club of Maccabees, with Mrs. Bertha Love
land, 405 South 23rd street; 2 o'clock; each bring nee
dle work; exchange of inexpensive presents.
Zonta club monthly business session and dinner
6:30 o'clock at Marion -hotel.
Hayesville Woman's club, with Mrs. E. L. Moor.
Fidelis class of First Baptist church, with Mrs. John
Skiff, 2:30 o'clock. Special invitation to all members to
be present.
Friday, December 18
Woman's Alliance annual Christmas luncheon in
Emerson room of church, 12:30 o'clock.
Auxiliary to St. Pauls Episcopal church, with Mrs.
V. R. Griggs, 1745 Johns street, 2:30 o'cjock.
Annual Christmas party of Yomarco class of First
Methodist church, with Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Roberts,
505 North Summer street; 8 o'clock.
Calvary Baptist Missionary society, meet at church,
2:30 o'clock.
Sewing circle of B. & P. W. will meet at home of
Miss Juana Holmes, 607 North Commercial street.
Here la the tailored frock you
are hearing so much about these
dlYS in BTOod (ut tn VMr frm
morning until fwlligbt and espe
cially smart In sheer' wool or Ro
hanara crepe. Tbe .linea ot the
bodice, desirned to simula.tA a
bolera, are repeated beiaw juwug.
nip section in Joining the front
pleated skirt. A becoming collar
cut from contrasting fabric, a
-dark leather belt and - matching
buttons edmnlet IW
v . Pattern 2244- la,hLaJnahl..nnlT
in sizes if, n. 18, 20. 32, 34, 36;
39. 40. 42. Rise 14 renntrM il
yards of 39 Inch fabric, 5-8 of a
f yard r 3 liiebi- contrasts g: No
dress ; dressmaking, experience Is
necessary to make- this .model with
-. ur pauero. : .''- y.
- "X
Club Has Christmas
Mrs. Ralph Curtis entertained
members of her club and the hus
bands of the club at her home
Sunday night. A festive Christmas-
tree, holly, and red tapers
gave the guest rooms a gay holi
day attire.
An exchange of presents, "300"
in play, and refreshments as a
concluding episode made an un
usually pleasing evening. High
score was held by Mrs. Al Young-
blood and A. E. Lllman.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Wilbur, Miss Lois Kaiser, Robert
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Art Weddle,
Mr. and Mrs. Al Youngblood, Mr.
and Mrs. Collett Rust, Mr. and
Mrs, Darrell Walker, and Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis.
Monmouth - Mr. and Mrs. Or-
val White were hosts Thursday
night Jo a group of Sunday school
members of the Evangelical
church. Mrs. Bernard Sellers di
rected the evening's entertain
ment consisting of various games.
Those enjoying the occasion were:
Mr. and Mrs.- J. Hagemeler, Mr.
and Mrs: G. C. Berreman, Mr. and
Mrs; Carl Iverson, Mr. and Mrs.'
E. M. Ebbert, Mr. and Mrs. Ever
ett Evans, Mr. andMra. Earl Con-
key, Mr. 'and Mrs. E. Stebbins,
Mrs. Charles Petrie, Mrs. Sellers,
Mr. and Mrs. White. Verl White
and Eloise Ebbert.
Salem Heights Saturday eve
ning at the "home of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Bobannon a pretty party was
given In compliment to the
eighth grade pupils ot the Salem
Heights grade school. Last year's
eighth grade students who are
now attending high school in the
city of Salem, were hosts. The
tables, were prettily decorated
with tall red tapers and holly
decorations and the spirit of
Christmas prevailed throughout
the evening. Games and music
were the features of the evening
after which delightful refresh
ments were' served assisted by Ce-
elle WIegand, principal at Salem
Heights: Master Jack Bohannon
was host.
Salem Heights The Young
People's class of the Salem
Heights Sunday school of which
Mrs. Miles Sautter Is teacher, met
at the home of Mrs. P. F. Stoltx
hetse Friday evening at a Cbriat-
ntas party. The young folk en
joyed themselves at games and
music after which Christmas car
ols were practiced. Refreshments
were then served, the house be
ing oeatrttfnlly decorated In
green, red- and velA for the occa
sion, c Mrs.'.StoItthelse. danahter
Era - .and. Ttfrs. Sautter served
There, were about 35 -yoaag peo
ple present. :
Mrs. Walter Denton, who re
cently sustained a very bad fall
and who has been confined to her
home since that time, la now
much improved and plans, soon
to be back in ber studio. Mrs.
Denton has been meeting her mu
sic students at her home while
she has had to remain quiet be
cause of her fall.
Friday Musical
Program Grows
Interest grows 4 the Friday
night musical which will be pre
sented In the senior high school
under the sponsorship ot the Mar
ion County School Principals as
sociation. The program begins at
S o'clock and Is open to the public.
The numbers to be presented
from Woodbnrn have been an
nounced and include a trio, a
group of 12 boys voices and a
girl's glee club.
The trio Includes Opan Vlckey,
Edith Shrock, and Zona Schwab.
Miss Elizabeth Miller will accomv
pady them. They will sing
'Southern Moon;"
The girls' glee club personnel
Includes Daisy Shrock; - Kathleen
Slearey, Hazel Shrock, Donnle
Conyue. Joyce Jones, Rea Mc
Peak, Opan Vlckey, Arlene Kol
lock, Eetta Ishan, Dorothy Cocker,
Evelyn Cocker, Katherine McCor
nalck, Martha Arney, Marraret
Rich, Edlthe Shrock, Jean- Rich
mond, Hazel Hastie, Delia Wte
senberg, Peggy Shorey, Helen
Woodfln, Thelma Leek, Mary
Alice Conyue, Maud Martin, Non-
na Moshberger.
The glee club will sing "Sand
Man Am a-softly Com in'."
Child Study Group
A child study group of the
American Association of Univer
sity Women will meet with Mrs
George Moorehead at her home at
1470 Trade street this afternoon
to begin a course ot study in con
nection with the radio lectures
which are being broadcast as part
of the extension work of the Ore
gon State college.
This Is the first meeting of the
section and to It all mothers of
young children are being invited
whether they belong to the A. A
U. W. or not.
The group will gather at 2:30
o'clock and at 3 o'clock will listen
to the broadcast of the lecture
being given by Sara Prentiss.
It is expected that the meetings
will occur every two weeks from
now on during the winter months.
Mrs. B. E. Otjen entertained
in compliment to the 13th birth
day of her daughter Elizabeth,
Saturday afternoon. Games and a
jolly afternoon preceded the
birthday tea, a feature of which
was the birthday cake. Eunice
Schlelsner and Marie Lane assist
ed at the tea hour. Guests were
Marie Lane, Eunice Schlelsher,
Frances French, Helen Wilson,
Arlene Sholseth, Birdie Hebel,
Virginia Hart, Frances Gildow,
Harriett Vick, Marcele Settler.
Opal Crura and Nelda Crura.
Stayton. Stanley L. Stewart
was united in marriage recently
to Misa Marie Huggins, at Old
St. Francis church in San Fran
cisco, according to word received
here by his cousin, Mrs. J. W.
Mayo. Mr. Stewart is well known
here, where he was one of the or
ganizers of the Farmers & Mer
chants bank, and where-he served
as cashier. for several year.. This
oank was later absorbed hy the
Bank of Stayton. After leaving
Stayton, Mr. Stewart was connect
ed with the state bank examiner'.
office. .
Past Noble Grands to
Elect Officers
Members of the Past Noble
Grands club will meet at the home
of Mrs. Ida Hostetler,. 1C1C North
Fifth street, Wednesday afternoon
tor the annual Christmas party
and for the election ot officers for
the coming year. .
Assisting Mrs. Hostetler for the
social hour will be Mrs. Ethel
Fletcher, Mrs. Cora Van Pelt, Mrs.
Dora Hill and Mrs: Hazel Price.
The club's officers are: Presi
dent, Mrs. Josephine Erlckson;
vice-president, Mrs. Mertha Wolfe,
ana secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Anna
Independence. Howard Ben
nett, Smith-Hughes Instructor In
the Independence high school, an
nounced his marriage to Miss
Gladys McCumsey, In : Portland
Saturday, December 6.
Mrs. Bennett, a teacher at Al
pine, graduated from the Mon
mouth Normal school In IS 30
Mr. Bennett is a member of the
June, '31 graduating class of Ore
gon State college, and Is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Bennett of
Independence. Mrs. Bennett plans
to continue her teaching at Alpine,
An interesting Christmas nlav
let will be riven, which hi been
coached by Miss Esther McMln-
nimee. A jrroun of elsrhth rrade
Parrlsh Reserves take the charac
ters; they are Rachel Bonnell, Na
talie Neer, Dorothy Pro, Dorothy
Gibson, Frances Hoskins, Louise
Wneeler. Doris Cramer and Marv
The music which accomnanles
the play is to be given by ninth
rrade Parrish Reserve m.nA b.
ing directed by Miss Helen Prang.
Mrs. Ruskln Blatchford has charge
of the costumes.
Stayton. Mrs. Glen E. Fox.
Mrs. F. VanErmen and Mrs. E. D.
Alexander entertained the group
of Catholie women who have been
meeting each week to work on
quilts for the parish house and
for the sisters. The meeting this
time was at the home of Mrs. Fox,
Thursday evening. After sewing
and visiting, the hostesses served
a dainty lunch.
Mrs. Herbert Rahe will assist
Mrs. John Carkin Wednesday aft
ernoon at which time she will re
ceive members of the East Cen
tral circle and the Yew Park cir
cle of the Methodist Ladles aid
society. The Yew Park is enter
taining for the East Central circle.
Round-Up Club
Mrs. Max Buren . entertained
with a pretty - Christmas luneh?
eon at her home Monday la com
pliment to members of the Round
Up dub.
Brilliant red tapers combined
with' holiday decorations made a
lovely decorative note for the
luncheon hour.
Mrs. Lad' Reed and Mrs, George
Whit were special guests. Club
members present were Mrs. J. C.
Griffith, Mrs. John Scott, Mrs. Jo
seph Albert. Mrs. J. T. Whlttlg.
Mrs. R. E. Downing, Mrs. E. Hart
ley, Mrs. : C. K. Spanldlng, Mrs.
C. H. Robertson, Mrs. T. B. Kay,
Mrs J. N. Smith. Mrs. John L.
Rand and Mrs. Buren.
Music Selection Will
Plan Year's Work
The newly organized music
section of the Salem Arts league
will meet at the home of the
president of the league, John
Clifford, 1585 Ferry street Wed
nesday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
' The group met for the first
meeting about a month ago and
this .Wednesday will complete
plans for the work of the year.
It Is' expected" that perhaps the
group' will meet twice a month,
one meeting to be given over to
the study of music and the next
to playing. Anyone Interested
may come and is asked to bring
instruments or to bring music as
vocal work is to be done.
Oak Point. Mr. and Mrs. John
Walker have received an in sta
tion to the wedding of their son.
Harry, to Miss Ruby Alice Maud
Strawson of Scotts, Saskatchewan
Canada. They are to be married
In United church Tuesday after
noon at 5:30 o'clock. They will
leave Immediately after the cere
mony for Oregon, to spend the
winter at the home of the groom's
L. Town send enjoyed a happy
family birthday dinner and so
cial time at his home on South
Commercial street Saturday.
Out Musical
Travel Story
"The Catacomb of Italy," a mu
sical story composed - by - Miss
Frances Illff. a student f the sev
enth grade, won -admiration for JU
youthful composer by all who had
the pleasure of witnessing the per
formance in the training -school
auditorium Friday afternoon.
The seventh grade, under the
supervision of the teacher. Miss
Mona Sheldon, has been -studying
Italy and Miss ILff worked out
an original pantomime of a story
of tourists going through the cata
comb at Rome with. a guide.
Miss Illff Interpreted her story
by music throughout the time of
the performance. She also played
for the two original - dances,
Ghost" and "Gondola.
from the Isis Laboratories,
Portland, Ore., are in Salem
for a short time to introduce
the new Youth Skin line of
Call Room 311 Senator Hotel
for free facials
Also free Marcel with each
Two dollar purchase or over
m. : .Jak. tit tii nrocram
4 U .
mado -. their -own costumes -and
scenery, ana mo wor
gram ereat-1 Interest la the -
study of tne uaiian -.pop. . . h :
Mrs Frank Skinner
Passes Away at Her
Home in Portland
twnrPTKTiEJJCE. Dee. 14
Mrs. Frank 1 Skinner, Lena HUte-
brand. 5 1 years oT age, daughter
of Mrs. U lllrteirmnd f this city ,
died at Bar hewlJ Portland
Sunday srfterBoiim filiwln; a
short lUnews'sf-thwaisonla,
Glen. HIMebrand, . ker ' brother,
and Mrs. Hiltebrand were called
to Portland at. midnight Thursday
because of the serious Illness of
Mrs. Skinner. She formerly lived
In Independence) and both her
mother's and her husband's fami
lies are well known In this vi
cinity having lived, here many
Listen to aay of the SO stations
on the nation-wide N. B. C
WJZ Network for details about
Frigid aire's Christmas contest.
Programs every Monday, Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday al
4:43 P. M- E. S. T and Friday
at S:1S P. KL, E. S. T from
November 30th to December
16th. Come to our showroom
and get full ioiormetion. Let
as help you. See a Frigidaire
demonstration. Ask for a coa
Tenient entry blank. Comein now
and you may win a valuable prixa.
Tune in KGW at 1:45 to 2:00 P. M.
Monday, Tuesday, Wed., Thursday, 2:15 to 2:80 P. M. Friday
It seems that
everyone is
about our
and why not when we un
packed this new shipment we
aat down on the big box and
blew about them ourselves.
Tk Mw wiattt eataloff ia aw
it. (Mtim b awi ,
. afUraoen, , sports - Vaaji - htfaa
dmiia, tingtrl. pajamafrn kJ4-
aUaa' ploUiea, Alt Misatra! gift
UfXMtiooa ia aceetMrr-ans ttaa
rtt pclUa; iri . iul;i'
fjfta-eat Catals frtfh-.
tra, twaatrfl- eaata. Adilrasa-:
; all anil aad orders to- Th JStatra-. v
bum : Psttm- DfpiHnit.H f 43V
:;Was 1 7th. mill fit Ttrlt City? '
Sens' fiflsssj -nts. nt estas-
stafepa in'rn- BrwfMredl.&r tart. -,
patter. '. Writs elaifcdr TW , -
addrsat. and' tyls aaajber.. B
Independence The. ' II-Co-I-flo
club members enjoyed' , av happy
auernoon at tne : L . O'Kelley
home Frldav. Sewinar and
versation were enjoyed 'Guests
wara ara ri. w. iwaiL'.jnnt pir.
cy J." Dickinson, Mrs. WilUrd
craven, Mrs. Pearl Hedge," mem
bers, and 3rs. 0A.,iyday," spe
cial rnesL' " " l. ' '
I nvl: Vl,..tta- .
' aXlVTSS LI H ac ZX it' II If 111 U .SSL
Cbristm 'trve- and: eicbangft iotJ.
ALL PURE LINEN, hand em.
broidered and appliqued. Amer-
made 25c, 35c, 50c
SILK NET, in black or white QKg
embroidered tUv
s A
50c 95c, 1.45
You select them and
we will box them attractively.
Bf a mom aad Dsceatbcr 23td
wt aw snafc in it eacs pciosailiy aaay
ioeyoa to owa PriyMaiw. Daliwjr
As eady cltctric tanasttaaoc that
kaa ike FrisidaiK aaaa. Doa't
amis tkis sarsis1s)s1rltrsl -
mumint Aadf inisif taiassTst
applica to a ihmm Priaidairo
It will taks Wrttf'
rear tiata to
347 Court St.
TeL 9119
Ladies' Leather and Silk
Black, Blue, Green & Pastel Shades
Three Hundred Bags to
Select From
Formerly to $5.95
95 , $H)95
Oregon Beauty"
. Permanent
DIAL 5754
m V aaasaam - w M mm mm arm mmm m fmmmmm
Dn L. J. Williams
Licenced Chiropodist
; 111 attendance .
Mr. C O. Rots
Expert Repair Man?
Fine Work Solicited
- - -; t ,
gilts. ' '