' L. z '-.-...r. ' ' v; i..-.;..-! :fLi.. PAGE ELEVEN - ! . 'ma -uitiauurnsAAHaaAiAxi, -saiga. vregimgaMir """g Ay i 1 1 " 11 ' . i. I !'. , n j . i i - : a a :: " -" - ; I ' 1 " ' , " . - .- . WWhettr&iipplu wU-dbMld maky Wants are Satished ... . . L i : . - " ' 6 f ll FOR SALE Real EstaU r Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Stasia Insertion per llae.lOe Three Insertions per line t 8lx Insertions per line.. 80c One month per line. .$1.00 Uibtmum charge 25c Copy lor this pace ac cepted until I: JO the even las before publication (or classification. Copy re eelred after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED If R GOVERNMENT JOBS. 1105 J . iko month. Steady. Men women, so l$-66. Paid vacation. Experience us- , particulars with sTmpTe Aching FREE. Wri" Immediately. Fransiin inaiuuic. ll R, Rochester, . x. I "" "".r?."Tr I I made $200 monthly my first year 1 corresponding lor newepapt . I vasalng; either sex; eena iur j booklet: tells how. Heacock, 1131 Iun Blds Buffalo, N. z. HELP WANTED MALE pIwwtT'MAIL CLERKS. Men . RAIL.AIA?' r,s8D month. Bt?ady. M TJSnSS jm Lite lent- r un r"11 vs Se coaching FREE. Apply today sure Box IU, Statesman. SALESMEN WANTED - -k-rlM"" BAX.K8MAN, experience not neces siry. We are now aBoting; territory to endars. Must have auto to travel ter r iieaaoa ooens shortly. Our rltory. wew season "f location on coast is tig aavaniago w i salesman ana ctkwiw. cV paid weekly. V. S. Walsh, 168-2nd St SITUATIONS WANTED - an r rniM.. i" " 1 wtAnw 1-1 fly wants work hmisekeep- lny or day worn, f. v. ' FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Old tapers ic mo- Ala Stateaman oriice. T.rii.r. all makes, new and J mnA vrMwrtters torrent A " " . .a. . G I Typewriter ISXCnanse. -wul 1 l Washing Machines All makes RENTED, sold and re- palr HOQG BROS. W. C. Mangum, T$ N. High Manaser Phone 602. Vm, I pair. Orwnbaum-s, zm r.ori vrwr""'':..' it n - ",er. f?Sn Salem ff: ""J"' ' Btan. . "" ;t cwons. faroam . TdwrtisS nert In S? ""-"SS? nrtr celumn next Sunday. iv,. rinwera. floral work, pot plants, perennials, ana o;irui-o. , . . . . l Dl,..nl. ' JAT MORRIS. FLORIST Liberty Road ft Ewald Ave. .i- P. k count? service station -Z,J.rt from Salem Box Co. Kjiliuij-i-n.nu'rinir-iirir-.r--- -.. I nrniiv wreaths, mistletoe. Christmas I trees, cheap. TeL 8684. 1775 N. Front nnr nnfuin - I vtchaa reanonsible bid- I jiJi tT r.h one 6000-tfallon iron I tank, suitable for water or gasoline I nit rTinil of Gervals re- I serves rliht to accept or reject any 7 m J;.. - r,..i i,.ir f.T 10 of I nout. Address. Recorder. Oervais. wartime bldTVlU be opened, L V. k A waAror ierva.ia. urtKuu. i Kndtsb walnuts. 12c TeL 11F22. i-i.. u Tiiac v Dm. 15. 11 a. m. on the Bewail (Archerd) farm 1 adjolntag Daaias-ajem nnsu-.a "'J en miles west from Salem. 25 dairy T... anA rStwmWV bull. youn k! Abortion snd TB tested. -"..:. rtalrv piSenL AU the ab wld' without SaervT Also there will be offered at rrlvate sale four Ftrdor tractors and ni,ia. mntnr and ruuZn Terma can be arranged on 1880 Court. 8 R. furnished -V- .Tl!! m JhioTrerms 556 N. 20th, 5 R-. furnished u,ti .hirrl nuh. balance In i. avuioi tnonthlv payments. Mini mum cash down payment $20,00, min imum monthly payment $5.00. Lunch to be served by the Rlckreall grange. k.i wtii twt held under cover, rain or shine. Col. Pen T. Sudtell, auction eer, R A. Khoten. sale Tnanagrr, TRADE Miscellaneous Tninn-JVir wood, a 1 bottom. 12 In. John Deer riding plow, $25 and a a w-lt built stock trailer. Never tsed. 878. Jonn a. ocoiu jh.- St. Tw, 464 WANTED Miscellaneous aajaaaaaaa All kinds of tines. Pistols, snotguna, Id (Ota ana jeweiry. wnoiuw "w lecL Mim T7Tir price jecu gjjng EXCHANGE 224 N. Commercial WANTED Useo pianos m hancs on radios, phonograph a, or fur- nlture. H nrur runrnw WANTED Will pay $8 s pound for GOOD CI.KAN COTTON- raga must h nlMtea at least a sqnara r Statesman office n n inr n - - - Original poems, songs unsei aau al poems, songs tunsei aau- lo Pub's.. S. F.. Cal. nni stamps . MISCELLANEOUS wmmu, m m W n ; w o a xtt onnrr iai tna ix iu uu 'Vonable. TeL 604. POLLY AND HER bo financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear In advertisement pub lished in Its columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tlonal advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify ell advertising un der the proper classification. FOR RENT ROOMS 2 large furn. rooms, mala floor, $.- wr. use Pa. T1. RENT APARTMENTS Patloa apartments with private oath, nicely furalahed. Located In uinlnMa ilatrtct Call Patton's Book stor Duplex Apt ticfur. 51 N Winter. Stcattoa axrta. I rm. fur. or unfur.. fcasemeMt apt-, eloc. rang, modern. 670 N. Winter St. Virginia apta. S well furnished rooms Modern, heat, water, garage. Elec refrigeration, elec stove. el Ave. Tel. SmaH turn, heated apt. C90 Union. Fur. 1st floor apt, 1325 State. t room apL. 45 R Winter. Kloe 1 room and kitchenette. 658 Center. Clean, beat ad apta 432 Marlon. Two room apartment, neat, light, tywa. iai rwi. t r, r". "irrrrTl TT- . . To auiet. middle afced neople. two room rirst rioor xumianea apt., gar asm. f 5 and heto. Tel. S9. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. 0 room house, suitable for roomers. I oik a. Trom Capital. 1144 Center. Inquire 1125 N. 18th. Tel. 4277. FOR RENT Flaia tor adults I to ( ruoma IM to S40 Also houses, eta BECKS HENDRICKS III North High Street S room, also 1 fur. Tel. 6(91. n.n t ..-.rrr. . . . . F w r. xvjuix. nwrni v i win uuuic WHU wuveiucTlK. iuinavvi xiivjixi;ct oak floors, across the st from school, paved L, large attic, gar age. I -Ate construction. S35. per mo. Located at 435 Richmond Avenue. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., RBAIiTORS 181 S. Liberty t. Phone 8468 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 465 N lgth 4 10 2nd house on W. akle of N. Pacif c highway. Just past Valley Packing Co., rm 1710 Lee Bt. iras. 25 N. Ftwrthet., rms. Mill Street. S rms . 810 N. 18th 8t I rms. 635 8. I7th Ht rma 21S1 Center SL. 8 rms. ... 45 S. 18th St.. S rms. 1740 S. Capitol St., 4 rms. 736 N. 14th Bt I rma 2275 Laurel Ave., 5 rms. 1245 N. liberty BL, 7 rms. 1S36 8. Com'l. St, 8 rms 2325 Myrtle Ave. 6 rms. 270 a 14th Bt, S rms. 444 N. 14th St, 6 rma 1U9 Center 8t . 8 rma. JJQ ). 24th Ht, mil. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street Phone 8708 9 room fur. honse, adults. 498 N Liberty. Owner Tel. 7492 8 room furnished modern house. Ver' cheap rent 824 N. CapitoL FOR .JUKI U 4 room fished house . ' . ... j . garage, paved st Located at 1140 Norway St $16. per mo. SEE W. IL GRAP.KNHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 S. Uberty St Phone $468. RRNTAL3 195 N. 4th, 8 K. $10.00 1595 Lee 4 R- 10.00 10.00 12.50 20,00 285 N. 25th. 4 R. 1242 N. Oapitol T R. 1885 Fa irgrounda, R. 20.00 20.00 k I -10 Siyrtje. & K. 25.00 25.00 25.00 I O. KRLEGER Phone 4728 147 N. Com'L RENTALS THAT ARE GOOD 222 Jar vis Aveu, 4 rooms $15 $46 A 14th, 8 rooms 15 Modern heme, a Salem. 5 R. 30 1820 State, 6 rooma, basement 15 265 Lefelie t. K. ig 1216 N. 17th. 6 recros 18 1785 a CommercUI. 6 R, 15 Modern 6 room. N. Salem 25 Choice half acre, 4. rooms .. . 10 Choice acre. 2 R, bungalow FURNISHED HOUSES ft APTS. 3u strictly modem t room bunga- 1 low; want reference. Others at $10 to $0. FOR RENT I vwMWWWVWMWMWWWlwawww i Modern 4 room hsuse nicely furnish led, I2s.0 with garage. Modern 4 room house and hi acre st Haiem lieupKa, ib.o. a M EARLE $24 North High Phone M78 FOR SALE Real Estate Good Investment property. 7 room semi-modern home, fireplace, base ment, eta., with quarter-block or half i block of choice lots all in ornamental I shrubbery, nuts sad fruit receipts rrom wntcn pays taxes yearly, iwo Miaaa nsaA afrmmt In afvivnila Ml. L.il SEiuflSr fmTmSL fw-,, -ec corner Tlnrol unrl . Winter Bts Phone 8864. PALS 1 12 15 IK IS 15 15 18 18 18 20 20 20 SO 25 25 50 SSr Wins?; fc , font fTsl (V het? k sam'l ole sockXQC SfAP: Oae acre with practically new three room plastered noose, rar as and woodshed. one acre of good laud, gravel st, elect rlo Use. close in. $100. $50. down, balance $;. per mo. to include Int. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. O RABENHORST CO, RK ALTO Ril 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6168. S acres, T mi. from Salem. $3 a. SO acres to rent. east, fine soil, new house. Want to 2 acres north -on high way or near, prefer some Improve ments, for 12000 cash. C. J. JACKSON' Room 1 14T ST. ConYL TODAY'S BEST BUT Is a 6 room modern home located In a Stalem. Priced for few days at 1 150V. win accent small house, va cant lots or unimproved tract as part. LEO In. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street Phone 87$ 8 Tour husband can afford this bean tlful 5 room, home, fireplace, furnace, built-tns, beautifully decorated. Reas onable price and terms like rent. Just in time , to get located tor Christmas. 1495 N. 18th. Owner 1425 N. 18th. Tel 4JI7. CITY CONVENIENCES AND COUN ; TRT PRIVILEQES Choice 1 acre tract not far wat on paved read. 4 room plastered house with nook, good plumbing, electric lights, plenty of built Ins. fireplace, water system, garage, woodshed and chicken coon. Price 22800. cash 250, bal. monthly. Will accept good vacant lot as part. leo N. CHILD3 CO- Realtors 220 State Street Phone 8701 New stylo 4 room modern horns 82, 750 : easy terms. 5 room sezni-modern home fisvv; easv terms. b acres close in. west improved, small cash payment. WUsailB PETTYJOHN. Realtor 1T5 South High Street SPECIAL SACRIFICE IN NEW HOME Seven nice large rooms with hard wood floors. flreDlace. furnace, tile bath, double plumbing, double garage, corner lot with both sta paved, new addition, near bus and school. OFFER ED FOR A FEW DATS ONLY AT $5100. II72S cash. bal. terms. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. DON J: NfciU LECT TO SEE THIS BAROAIN. W. H, GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 a liberty St Phone 8188 We have a beautiful Salem home good location, strictly modern, and owner wants a nice country home. A splendid Income property In Ba- lem and Will talcs a rarra near saiem A splendid farm near Salem at i rare bargain and you can use a Sa lem hom for the down payment v e have two nicely furnished bouses for rent M -GILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209-10 U. a Bank Bid. Phone 4838 $300. down, one room furnished house, lights, water .toilet, garage, also S room bouse, bath, lights, wood' shei-N. Salem, both $1050. 100. down, 5 room modern furnished home, garage, lawn and shrub bery, i A bargain at $2800. $150. down, stucco home, living room, dining room, fireplace, 2 bedrooms. Kara sb and paving Included, 20. MEL VI N JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 875 8. SSSSSSSSMrfS4S1VMMV. 32-A. 2 miles north. Just off Pacific highway on road to Indian school. Good soil,; Improvements, water, elec tricity, telephone, mail. Team, imple ments, furniture. No encumbrance. No trade. Good Income. Immediate pos session. $10,800.00 ; terms if sold be fore Christmas. Nielson, R. 9, Box S4C. SSSSSS1MMSS4SaSSSSa.i 4 room modern house, basement fur nace, etc. and hi acre at city limits south for sale at a bargain $2200.00 ; looo.oo will handle. 5 room modern house North Salem on paved at, price $2975.00; $200.00 down; bat $25.00 a month. 5 room modern house well located on paved street close In, no mortgage. win exchange for acreage and assume around $1600.00. 7 room hous4 on paved st in excel lent sliapet close In, mortgage $2, 000.00 ; exchange equity for vacant lot 4 room modern house at McKInlev school, prlre $2500.00; $150.00 down or vacant lot as first payment S. M. EAR HE 224 North High Phone 9678 Down to' earth that's real " estate ladles and gentlemen If you have amounts of money from $100 on up inar. you want to oe certain to te safe you can biry Salem and Salem district real estate- today, at bargain prices Lots In Leslie school district as cheap as $150 with abstract-lots tn Engle- wood district at 1275 on up, lots In Hollywood district for $325 on no. lots In J-alrmount district as low as $300 plus paving. Houses, tracts and farms in some cases for the amount of tho mortgage. Just where would your money be safer T We specialize on estate properties and properties mat must fre sold, uecke ft Hendricks, is im. tiign street FOR SALE 160 acre farm 11 miles out good road. 80 acres clear, fair Duucunga, spring water. $40. per acre. 80 acres extra rood land, all clear. good location; $26 per acre plus price oi Duiiaings. Five room bouse North Salem, base ment and furnace, wired for ranse. fruit and walnut trees. Want offer or will trade for cheaper house. 60 acres good timber, $3500. Kent three room furnished house, $15. Five room fist furnished. $12, rive room' imoaern nouse sza. ! r . la WOOD $41 8tate Street SNAP: Five room home corner lot Doth sza. psved. located near Hol lywood. Pries for IMMEDIATE SALE.; $1450. $50. cash. baL $14 per ma to Include int. Don't miss seems this home. W. H. Q RABENHORST ft CO i REALTORS 184 a Liberty Phone $468 FAIRMOUNT HILL: Modern up to date six room home on corner lot with hots sts. paved, hardwood floors, throughout modern In ev ery way, double garage, a horns built tf last Price $7600. terms. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., , REALTORS 124 a Liberty St Phone 6486. "It'B i - . f 10 Shopping day 8 FOR Dili SHIRTa Present him with a single Shirt or a set from Alex Jones KizciCTTEa are noMilar and practi cal gifts. Alex Jones. 814 N. High St FURNISHINGS make the most pop ular gifts for men. WE csa supply you. Alex Jones. lis r. rasa bu FOR ANYBODY TJCATHRR CtoODa dectrla clocks. fountain pens are slways acceptable. GET yours at ui Auas toos ou". miorenrwia I .IOHTS Decorate your tree safely and Inexpen sively With S set ox xigaia trout muu auectno Jr. lti wiitu BRIDGE! SUPPLIES, games In wide assortment The Atlas bwi FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Seeing Is believing. Drive by 785 N. Winter St. (new house Just north of the fire station), look It oyer; you will say It "Js the best buy la Salem for $2800. Terms rismA farm aniithem Oregon! clear. frai for acreaare near Salem. My list Is complete; see me for exchanges It C. SHIELDS . Oregon Bldg. TsL xoi WONDERFUL BARGAIN j Five room modern home witn Dasemeni. w nace. fireplace, garage, ntee east front lot with bearing fruit, hies locaftoft. Price $2760. for IMME DIATE SALE. 550. down, baL very easy terms. W. It GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 1J4 a Liberty Street EXCHANGE Real Estate WANTED SALEM HOME: As part navment on a 160 acre red mu ranch, part plow land, balance timber and pasture, located nine miles south. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone ! 8ysMss4VWWMMWaNSs WANTED Rivul jtervim station or store In ex change for my 10 acre tract located hi mile from bus Una, modern room house with basement 2 sets of plumb ing, good barn and chicken house, abundance of fruit and shade trees No mortgage. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 2S0 State Street Phone 6708 TRADE RANCHES 8ELL IfiH-acrea 6-R. house. electric lights and gravity water system. Barn 20x33. poultry house, uarx soil, au In cultivation. Trade for city property up to $4000.00. 20 -acres, 4-R. house, electric lights and water system, good barn, garage. A, lorans, Z-A. m&erts; traaa ror Corvallls property. 61 -acres, fair improvements, an plow land. Price $3000.00 ; trade for Salem home. lll-nrroi. 1-6 R. houses I barns. garage and etc., 100-A. cultivation, IZS hearing watnuts, oanuaiu nvor bottom land; take nice home in Sa lem as part 146 hi -acres, s-u. nousa, nam ana 11 other necessarr houses, water sys tem, running water, fenced, hog tight trade for small acreage or Business. 165-acres. fair improvements ,- 000.00 ; trade for smaller place or city property up to $3600.00. This is only a few. If you want to traae out or sen it will pay you to look over our bar gains. Yours to please SEARS ft e.iiori 122 South High Street Havs 3-10 acre places with Improve ments, on paved highway ts exchange for Oregon ranch, by owner, C. P. Cunningham, Santa Ana, R. 2, Box 465, Calif. FOR TRADE 800 acre stock ranch with horses and machinery la Klam ath valley free of encumbrance ror in come property in Willamette valley. FAVE UrUTlLlv I KKALTI CV Klamath Falls, Ore, ACREAGE S A. close to town, paved road, berries. fruit small house, electricity, bam. etc 82000. easv terms 1A A . naved hlrhwav. S mL from Sa lem. bottom land, A. strawoer- riea 4 A. lorans. 5 rm. house barn, 2 hen houses, electricity, equipment $5500. 4$ A. mostly In timber, small bldgs. $150, terms 10 A. all under cultivation, 4 A. ber ries, rood bldrs. electricity, si,- 800. Trade for house in Wood burn. El A. 1 mL off paved highway on good graveled road, mostly all under cult, good spring, bldgs. i.vuu. easy terms J. F. TJLRICH COMPANT 325 State Street Phone 8$TI Buy Real Estate Better Than Bonds Assortment of Real Bargains--In farms, houses, lots and rentals. Somebody that knows values should so) thofio. 63E00. 80 A. farm, half In CnS tlm Iter, about 40 A. Blow land, best of walnut filbert, rruit or gram lano, no bldgs, 88 A. farm, 84S per acre, half plow land, spring. Oood land, no bldgs. Trade for house. Choice 18 A. tract east of Salem; price $4106 ; take some trade. FOR NKWLT WEDS $1600. Cosy 4 room bunralow. com pletely furnished. Small payment down, $16 month. Why rentt No trade. $3006. -Good $ room house. North Salem, for rood one or two sere tract Not too far out, soma, good lots with oavlrur paid for $200 tux House snd apta. for rent $$. up, good warehouse izo month. SEE BECHTeL-THOMASON 241 State Room 6 For appointment! 6963 In the air" 4Wf tU Cliristm&t FOR HER JEWELRY for milady Is s pleas ure to give and to receive. The Ts shionette Shop, 429 Court St FOR CHILDREN TOTS targs assortment tram lc to 1 2.09. Also gifts for grownups. Mar ket Drue -Store. 47 X. Com'L BtCYCLES. trykes." eta. Popular prices. Lloyd Ramadan. 18 a Liberty. FOR ANYBODY PLtJM PUDDINO. Real southern. recipe. Three sises. 80a 16. TeL 85J8. BOOKS, travel flL-tkm. IrrrenUe sta tionery tor gifts. Atlas Book Store, Christmas cards, excellent selection, Ws do printing on any card. States man PubllHhinar oo. WANTED REAL ESTATE Want modern four or five room modern house, North Salem. F. L. WOOD $41 State Street WANTED From $ to 5 R. house on easy terms. Box 690, Statesman. Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION? I HAVE SEVERAL A SAMPLE 621E0. Lat 100k26S on hhrkway north. Garage and living quarters la hew hulldlng 25x86. Projection over driveway 14 ft Gas pump and oil lubes Terms R A. FORKS EH 1410 N. Cottage Phone 30tL SIONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries sr other rood security. Repayable monthly When In financial need see us before cloasaa a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone $58$ MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce four payments. xoa seep tne car P. A EIKER Cor. Liberty 6t and Ferry Phone 4T32 Salem, Ore. Business o- AMUSEMENTS Salem Golf Course 8 miles south on River Driva 1$ hole watered fair ways, large greens tees 7 so. tiunaar" nrt hoimhts ii-us BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D Barron Batteries Startarand generator work. Texaco station, car er Cniirf nl t;miren BICYCLE REPAIRING The best fa bicycles and repairing H W Snutt 111 9 (Will T1 M'l CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. U Northness. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. a U SCOTT. PSO. Chiropractor 266 N High. TeL Rea B3T3. DRS SCO FIELD. Palmer Chiroprac tors. X-ray and N C M New Bank Bldg CLEANING SERVICE Center 8t Veleterta Trt 6882 FLORISTS ALL kinds of floral work. Lata flor ist 16th ft Market TeL f9X. CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreatha. decorations C Brelthaupt Qorist 612 8taU Street TeL 5804. Housecleaning Floor Waxing "Wi Hean anvthtnr thftfa oalnted" Capitol Window Cleaners. Phone 3776. GARBAGE Salem Scavenger. Tel 420 or T606 INSURANCE BECKS) ft 16$ tt High HENDRICKS TsL . 4141 WTLLAMETTB tN& AOENCT Wra. Bllven, Mar. Bxelnalva Battarrille Aicent $16 Maaotile Bids TeL Tt LAUNDRIES THB NSW SALEM LAUNDRY Title WEIDBR LAUNDRY 268 a Blab TsL flXS CAPITA! CITY LAUNDRY Ws Wssb Everything tn Lux" Telephone 21 66 1264 Broadway MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. New 66 lb. mattress $6.00 Roaovst ers sad fumlgstsrs. Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 4666. $6 2$ North Capitol MONET TO LOAN CrTT AMD FARM loans at lowest Bass terms Dtatnaus. mu rasunkftes department offers ro-j sx psrt.advlcs and service In all Unas. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Ino.) TsL 4119 is oreroa mat, aajaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 'Bells of Harmony Heard over KOIN dally ring oat v loan service that Is really, really, different NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES no other charges only Lawful interest STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE on lAJAjsa lie is ue Beneflcial Loan Society OF OREGON Room 111 New Bllcb Bide. 2nd Floor LICENSED. Bt STATE II State 8t TeL 3-7-4-a Private money to loan on Improved real estate. P. H. Belt 224 N. High. TeL 8618 Or 8427. EXTRA MONET FOR CHRISTMAS If you are la need of some extra monev for end of the rear Sinenses, see us, we advance cash to salaried DeoDle on nlain notes, endorsed notes. furnltare, pianos, etc Repayment ar ranged to suit your convenience. Our service is Quick, courteous and conn- dentlaL STATE LOAN COMPANT 112 Ore con Bldg. 2nd Floor. Office hrs, 10:00 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. Telephone 7783 Licensed by 8tate LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loan on real estate. W H GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St Tel 8468 LIVE STOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE SHEEP Registered Hampshire ewes, regis tered Hampshire rams. Shropshire ewes, yearling ewes J. B. Kiatt hair-l way between Newberg and St Paul on pavement FOR SALE WOOD Fir wood. $4.60 to $6.00. TeL 19F4. Dry 16" 2nd growth, good wood, good measure. Very fair pries .TeL' 7032. For rood wood phone 2886. Tracy's .wood yard. Snd growth fir 4 ft $4.80, delivered. Dick Hampton, Jefferson. Oregon. Well seasoned 16" Snd growth fir, good measure. Reasonable. Phone 1297. Directory MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies Repainn phona- Kraohs and sewlns mathlnea 433 State Street Sslem PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repair work Oraber Broa 144 Ro Liberty Tei 6S64 PAPER HANGING T'HfTNE GLENN ADAMS for house clectoratlng. paper hanging, tinting. etc Reliable workman PRINTING vrn HTATTrMiro mh, namnh. lets, programs dooks or any kind or Diintlnr. call fhe Stataamaa Print- as Department 315 a Commercial Telephone 8101 RADIO FOR every purpose, for every pur All standard aires of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELBOTRICAI SHOP. S4T Court 8t Tel 61 16 STOVES STOVES sad stove repairing. Stoves for sals, rebuilt and raps I red. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, nop baskets, hooka, logaa hooka Salem Fence and 8tovs Works 248 Chemeketa Tel 4T74 R B Ftemtng TAILORS D. EL M OS HER Tailor for men sad women 474 Court 8t TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer C. 228 Bte Bt TeL T778 Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty Get our rata. FOR local or distant transfer ator - are. can Illl Larmer Transfer Co Tracks to Portland daily. Real Estate Directory BECKk, ft 181 N. Hick HENDRICKS TeL 4947 ft M, BARLB 224 M. High St TsL $678 J LINCOLN ELLI8 482 Stats TsL 8671 SOOOLOF8KT ft BON $64-6 First Nat 8k. Bids. TsL 780T J F. CLRICH 226 Cuts 8 treat TsL $672. r. u wood 441 Stats St Tst T184 HOMBR D FOSTER REALTY CO. 870 U 8taU St TsL 7588 W H. ORA BENHORST CO. 184 S Liberty St fel 6468 By CLIFF STERRETT FOR SALE WOOD Old fir 16. 85. Second growtn fir 16", $4.76. Call 6186. Wood npw Phono TUT. AU klkkdJ of Wood. TeL 8.t DRY FIR AMD OAK WOOD. and fuel OIL Call on us for prices. Ws gtvs good measnre, good quality ana good service. LARMKB TRANSFER ft STORAGE TeUssbons 8131 FIRST CLASS FUEL 18" Old Fir mill block $5 00 H load mlU block Z.76 6.66 8.00 - 6.66 3.60 16" dry sec. growth fir hi load sec. growth 16" dry old Fir hi load old Fir Oar large load is a cord of 4 -ft wood sawed 16-inch. Phone 684T. FRED E. WELLS, INC ALL KINDS, any length. CsB T8t Good 16" old fir. fcesvy bark. Oak any length. Howard. TeL 6053. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TsL 6000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade ft Cettage. 2nd and old fir. oak. TeL 9565. Good sound dry 1st snd 2nd growth Rr. TeL 3673. Dry 2nd growth $4. TeL 3948. 16 In. 2nd growth fir $4.60 snd $5. 0. TeL 66(8. Dry slab, 16" Old fir. TeL 6746 WOOD SAWING Wood sawtnr reasonable. Tel. 820. LOST and FOUND LOST 3 hlrh school text books Re- firn to Ore.-F.leo. depot PERSONAL Like to know whereabouts of James Pleasant Last heard of Omaha. Neb. J. Pleasant 207 W. Sixth St, Tuc son, Ariz. FOR SALE USED CARS Used Cars Since our new '2! model Chevrolet I arrived we have made several rood deals on late model cars which srs belnr offered at a very attractive I price. Some of these cars when we re ceive them, do not reouire much me- I chanlcal repair and just a little touch up here snd there, makes tnem look slick, and smooth running ss a new car. Here a s few: 1980-Chev. "6" 4-door Sedan $195 1931-Chev. "6" Cabriolet miles) 650, 130-Chev. "6'' Sport Roadster. (rumble seat) 425, 1928-Dodge Six Coupe 415 1929-Essex Sedan (Challenger model) . 423. 1930-Ford Coach (looks new) n1v ISO. McfCAY CHEV. CO. "Wliere tlie name over the door. means more than tr.e name on the radiator." 223 Center Qood-Will Used Cars SOLD WITH A GUARANTT ' ISSO-Chevrolet Coach $450.00 19z8-OakUnd Sport Coupe 390.00 192-PonUac Cabriolet u.ou 1929-Graham Sedan S7S.0O 1927-Bulck Coach 345.00 1927-Oakland Coach 276 00 1927-Chevrolet Coupe 10.00 192T-Oidsmobile Bedan 165.00 We have a few good buys in the cheaper cars: be sure to see them. Wood -Wheaton Motor Company (Oakland Phone 9568 Pont lac USED CAR DEPARTMENT 540 Chemeketa I Reo ton truck, good shape. Trade for I u . I 1 77 B. Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER ri p . , n "ZZZ T7j wW-wp 0k , p H rrrr 4 m, & 73 sr zn- w y j 1 HORIZONTAL. 1 cartilafe T ommon- placo 12 display IS decorative 14 prefix meaning no" 15 street railroad 17 symbol for tan talons 18 wager l0Jter 21 middle 22 native of Serbia 24 beast of burden 25 front 26 msirnHno 2t larra sea dack of porthem reclona SO ring forta tl capablo 49 note of tho musical ealo 50 pertain Inttoths ocean 62 deep covered dish 54 vehicles having runners 55 angle VERTICAL. 1 seises 2 regain 2 Roman numeral four 4 place Herewith Is nrday's pozxle. lAmTltTNiOF I R lJTiiJ5J FOR SALE USED CABS 18 Months to Pay Our used ears are ia such rood coa ditloa that our fin nee company wtH let us civs our customers 16 months ts pay tor them. HUDSON STD. SEDAN 21 model, free wheeling. This car can't be tvld from new $116. STU&EBAKER REGULAR 8 ED AW '81 Free wheeling modeL Run leas than 300S miles 8sl6 HUUaOK 4-PASa Y1CTOBXA. '28 tree, an extra rood one $88. STUDEBAKER COMMAND. BED AM. is model S&86, STUDEBAKER DICTATOR COUFH. . s mooei (Of ESSEX CHALLENGER COACH z model itf ESSEX SUPER SIX SEDAN !?2 ATfWlaaJ JTJ Many others from which to choose. STATE MOTORS, INC. Hudaan Essex Stndebaker 625 Chemeketa Street Open Evenings snd Sundays - - - "i ,-,rr, n rtn ,- n n Compare These Prices 1920 Ford Standard Coupe 1628 Ferd To dor Sedan 193 Ford Coupe $sttss 27S.0S 2506- 1950S 200.04 175.0S IlS.t 250.0S lli.00 gravel. rora Fhaeton . 1928 Ford Readster -19S8 Ford Coupe izs rd Koadjster 1939 Chevrolet Truck 1938 Chevrolet Coach lz (J&evrolet Sedan Wrt trucks with fc'a Va dump snd panel bod lea TERiLS TRADES. Valley Motor Co. Phone Center Street J1E8 LOT Marlon ft Liberty 7910 Late Z7 Pontiae D Lnn L.k.i. Sedan. Will sacrifice at a quick sale. n.-i conation, jonn Larthers, Routs 3. Kilverton. Ore. WANTED USED CARS WANTED 2nd hand roadster with box or delivery back. Must be reaaon Wj. Will pay cash. Call at UOS if. 17th. Weeks Elected As High Priest Of Royal Arch At the regular meeting of tha Royal Arch" Masons Friday night, the following officers wera elected: C. Philip Weeks, excellent high priest; Henry B. Seagrove, king; Paul C. Zlrkel. scribe; Earle M. Dau, treasurer; Glenn C. Nile. secretary; Joseph P. Shlrnamaa, captain of the host. The excellent high priest has appointed for his following offi cers, Wflliam C. Kantner, chap lain; willard T. Davis, principal sojourner; Orrin W. Emmons, royal arch captain; Lewis B. Gil- bertson, master of the third veilj William H. Mills, master of tha second rell; Harry K. Clark. .master of the first veil; Ralph K. Ohling. sentinel. Deputy Sheriit TMes Victim When Water Gerth, Polk coua ty deputy sheriff In West Salem, was about to leave the Elks lodga hall here Thursday night, ha found some person Lad stolea his hat, overcoat and keys. He recruited a friend to driva hint, home after a duplicate key tor his car. 5 allowance made for tho weight of a container 6 South American animal 7 small, slender nail 8 some 9 symbol for sodium 10 apparel 1 1 command ers . 15 possesses 16 Jumble 19 one whoso occupa tion U tho trapping of animals 21 delicacy, decorum 23 shed or exude 25 ranks 27 organ of hearing 28 recede 29 otters a , piercing cry SS an antenna 24 eldest daughter of Laban 38 to seesaw 18 deter minate quantity or portion 39 moae of lyric poetry ' 41 aches 45 Japanese coins 44 urge on . 47 remove 48 sea eagle 61 prefix, 68 electrical engineer (kbbr.). the solution to Sat JZ-roranca 25 -to ootdo 27 aepherd's pipo 28 river ta Seotlaad 40 pace 42 mistaka 42 4ueends 4S affirma tiro 48 tbxee-tood sloth 47 romoll IplelWArflfiRMLlEtTlT