The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    "'. - - V -r.
Cloady ad cold today, '
Saturday unsettled, probab
ly rain; Max. Temp. Thurs
day 42, Mia. 83, rain .23
Inch, river 8 feet.
Distribution . "
"November, 8
Net paid, daily, Sunday 6633
Salem, Oregon, Friday. Morning, December II, 1931
No. 222
Spaulding Discusses Road
Widening Problems at
Oregon City
Renews Insistence Highway
Engineers' Salaries be
' Much Reduced
-Apparently undeterred by
threats Of flank attacks from
other members of the state high
way commission, Senator Charles
K. Spaulding of Salem continued
his driving attack on commission
policies In an address given before
the Klwanis club at Oregon City
Tuesday noon. Spaulding was ac
companied to Oregon City by a
number of. Salem chamber of
commerce members, who were In
terested to hear what Spaulding
would hare to say on Pacific
highway widening
Water Bonds Would
Sell Far -Below Par
If at All, Advised
Only Possible Purchasers are in East Where
Oregon Issues Under Cloud Because of
Statle Laws, Astoria Default
TlfUNICIPAL bonds of the city of Salem to the extent of
If A $2,500,000 proposed for a city water plant would only
Adachi Bone of Contention
At Tokyo; Paris Peace
Plan is Accepted
be saleable far below, par if saleable at all under existing I Both Nations in Manchuria
market conditions. T. H. Boyd of Blyth & Co., nationally-
established bond house, declared here yesterday while on a
visit to state officials. "I doubt very much if any can be
sold; there's no place for them," O
Boyd stated
Row Reserve Rights;
Board not Named
"There, are three specific rea
sons I think the bonds would not
now be saleable," Boyd stated.
"First, the Oregon individual
buyer is pretty well out of the
market due to present conditions
and to the intangibles tax law
which is forcing many of our in
dividual buyers to form out-of-state
corporations for their pur
chase of securities.
"Second, banks, usually a po
tential market, will not be able
to absorb such a block of bonds
Spaulding wasted no time'In his at the present time
terse address In outlining his po
sition."" He Bald he favored:
1. A 3 0-foot, three lane high
way between, Oregon City and Sa
lem, i
2. The present BQ-ioot ngni-oi
For other place to sell the
bonds the city would be forced
to turn to the eastern bond hous
es. These will not be in the
market. For one thing, seasoned
securities are now selling at such
TOKYO. Dec. 11 (Friday)
(AP) The Japanese cabinet met
today to decide the fat of Prime
Minister Wakatsuki'i government,
with indications that If Kenzo
Adachi, home minister, refused to
step out the entire cabinet might
decide to resign.
A majority of the minseito
frrTAmninn nartv anneared to
Farmers say Woodburn Can- favor continuation of the wakat-
r i isukl caoinei against iicb
nerv sewaae uestrovina inom Minister Adachi after a
rich in Rivor lengthy conference last nignt
Mentioned For
Senate Leader
f - X , - s- - -
- A .v
" i - S
fj i
Empire Firm Probe is
Virtually Finished by
Jury is out Less Than two
Hours; Cheers Heard
As Verdict Read
County Grand Jurors
Asserted Slayer of Five is
Cairn on Hearing Fate;
New Trial Asked
MJS&SSSrVSi'LiS McNary Mentioned Again as
WOODBURN, Dec. 10 Farm- li&ito party, had proposed a eoal!-
ers who live along Pudding river
are expecting to send a delegation
before members of the state fish
and game commission soon, to
tell of the pollution of the stream
w with tild drainage as ade- market bargains there is little de- by the Ray-Brown cannery. There . change.
auate room for the highway wid- mand for. bonds. Then the east- has even been talk of carrying Mondav In an effort to break by wlllbe heard Satu
eaing. em bond houses are alarmed at the matter to the governor, or (Copyright, 1981, the Associated " ytlon the deadlock over the Cheer Break Out
3. Eventual improvement 01 tne i ine siaius or uregon. uur eigai imug mo tsr w cuun. iue pro-
(Turn to page Z, col. 1J posai 10 sena a ueiegaiion 10 ine
tion covernment. in which the
portfolios would be shared wun
the selyukal opposition party.
Foreign Minister Shidehara and
other cabinet members opposed
Compromise Candidate;
Adjournment Taken
Perplexed senate republican
leaders today adjourned .until
CLARKSBURG, "W. Va., Dec. 10
(AP) Harry F. Powers,
Lothario of the West Virginia
hills, was convicted today of mur
der In the first degree for the
"matrimonial racket" slaying of
Mrs. Dorothy Pressler Lemke,
Northboro, Mass., divorcee.
The verdict carries a manda
tory sentence of hanging. It took
one hour and 50 minutes for the
IS farmers and small town busi
ness men to decide that the man
who wooed dozens of 'women by
mall should go to the gallows for
the first of the five killings he
is accused of perpetrating in the
subterranean death chambers of
his windowless sound-proof gar-
axe at Quiet Dell.
J. Ed Law, defense counsel,
moved to have the verdict set
aside. Arguments for & new trial
will be heard Saturday.
wast side hixhway.
4. Elimination of $500,000 ex
pense annually from the overhead
of the state highway department.
5. Reduction of salaries paid
state highway engineers in the
higher brackets of pay.
Present Road. Said
Poorest la State
"The present road from Ore
gon City to Salem Is one of the
poorest, most unsafe highways In
tha state." SDauldlng deciared. "I
insist it must be made a three
way highway with three lanes of
traffic nnssible. Salem has two
highways tunneling travelers to
the north and when the North
Santiam highway Is finished many
eastern Oregon people win oe us
As Verdict Read
The trial was held in the town
cuns cut
omens' lead
fressi 1 '1 -1 . rn..
PARIS. Dec 10 Japan and kT .. ,00m0, nrn
state fish and game commission I china today accepted the compro- " v opera house to accommodate
Is an outgrowth of long-standing mise plan evolved by the League 'the w6atern IndependenU townspeople who for months had
uiMgicemcmo ""iwcru iae cau- 1 0I ISSUOns lor Miuemeui. w I tanrllnr (Irm aealnst Moses a
nery officials and the Pudding Uanchurlan dispute and the tan- ;teJUiiS torUi
river farmers. ,& Issue was nlaeed la the rilV
During the pear canning season hnds of a neutral Investigating! vnt r.tA
t!!v?V: bUJ. ?mtel0n. T!e J,lL embe" hring any change in the lineup of
i6 ,u.u U1 icuutg UTt doi ji uccii oiovu. th llent forces in this strange
cures m iub iruii were 1 Annroval dt mo iwu uwusn- f
Driver of Mail
Car Injured by
Hit-Run Machine
10 (Special) Two automobile
accidents occurred in this vicin
ity Thursday afternoon. The first
was reported at I o'clock wnen
the car driven by O. B. Lyday, a
brakeman on the Valley-Sllets
freight train, collided with tbat
of H. M. Broadbent or saiem, ai
the intersection of 4th and C
streets. The accident resulted
when both drivers thought they
had the right-of-way and kept on
going. Neither man was injured
and the machines only slightly
At 6 o'clock In the evening as
Francis Holt of Independence was
driving toward Monmouth with
the U. S. mall for that city his
ear was struck by that of an un
identified hit-and-run driver.
Holt was injured slightly and his
car almost completely wrecked
The collision occurred about one
mile out of Independence. The
other driver made good his es
been singing songs, reading books
and playing phonograph records
about the "Blue Beard" slayings
at Quiet Dell.
As the sealed verdict was open
ed Powers was chewing his gum
in th Rama methodical way he
Gain 260 Points in Third
Session of Contract;
Rubbers are Even
NEW YORK, N. Y.. Dec 11
I ground up very fine in a machine I nts made acceptance of the plan
at the cannery and run down the I unanimous and it also has been
sewer to Pudding river. endorsed by United States Am-
The farmers plan to send a del- baasodor Dawes.
egatlon before Marshall Dana, the Kenkiehl Yoshlsawa reserved
member of the fish and game If or japan the right to take such
commission who has jurisdiction measures as it considers necessary
over sucn ariairs, ana ask u some against bandits in Mancnuna. ur
I JIJ .11 .1 . IV. trial TTa tilt.
The "young guard" proposed .h,mw fn his swivel Qoluatinn Armv Punrf
during a round of informal con- ' wo,"u,u" in
ferences that the veteran Senator v v,.
Watson, of Indiana, the party
leader, be advanced as a com
promise candidate to replace
Moses. It was further proposed
that the popular McNary, of Ore-
fat was revealed, he
glanced at his counsel, but said
nothing and displayed no emotion.
A moment later he was nana-
enffed and led to the stage door.
Ontalde a cheer rippled down
Extend Day's Blessing
To Unfortunate Ones
steps can be taken by the commis- Alfred Sze, China's spokesman, 1T he made the leader in event I 08iae ene?5 "ppiea aowu
sion to do away with that method, ftinulated that China abandons ?nMV ,Q eTent the street when the news spread
inr the east side Pacific highway. (AP) (Friday) Mr. and Mrs. The farmers claim that the i
it mnit be widened. We can't af- Ely Culbertson reduced the lead er has been polluted to such
ML - . ... J . . . I ' ... .11 VU.O "VVU,
in larmers ciaim mai xne wai- none Of IU rlgliU unuer exisung t Watson declined and after
We can't ai- Ely Cuioertson reaucea tne ieaa poumea io sucu an treaties and expects me japanoso aaj0Qnling the session arranged
..m vttia i,M th traffic from of Sidney s. Lens and uswaia ja- "wm wm m ma in tne nver wm vacuate Mancnuna wun me , . .ia r rnnfrftni nvor
1U1 II u uvawav a : I - . . I . 1 . - I -v mm aa wa. --w www -
the south nor can we bottle up icoby to ibis in tne mira session rp wmi Aiso, n is ai-i greatest possible speed
the. Portland trattle going BOuth of their 150-rnbber contract egeu, me larmers. oesiaes oemg
over the new super-highway to bridge match here last night and forced to put up with the odor
nroron CItv by way Of Mliwau- eariy toaay. ow, ..av ""s"
Sie. . . . , I.. , 0A 1 frr t&l 1Imia.V
cim iv rinTari mat unless ine eessiun wan ou uuiuib. ...ovvv.
7 n . .ATI. I IT4.ll DMA WAn t Pi MA nihhara in Dean Rav. Bnnerintndent af
a tnree-way dixuwbj n v" i v." " " i r " ' .
strutted, state highway engineers a sensational series of deliberate the Ray-Brown cannery, haa i-
wAnlA h nrrlnr a super-nignway ibvis buu auumiog. iu was uui i - "u "- vwuV
W W U1U " ... 1 . ... iv. Jl I (nor tho affair
thnnrli WllHAnYille WniCn WODW IWJOUOIB. JOB ruooer i.uttius -
,,, oat of the established Wil- now ls: ni and Jacoby 10; Cul-
Densons six.
At one time during the six
hour session the Culbertsons had
la deficit or only 4i& points, tneir
high water mark of the series,
lamette valley clUes oft its route,
a 1 A 0-foot riht-of-way for an
Oregon City to Salem highway
-a,, hA a crime." Spaulding
said. "It would wreck scores of
Forty-seven thousand tront
were planted in Pudding river two
years ago below the pipe where
the cannery waste flows in. Of
(Turn to page 2, eol. 1)
the week end. .
The twelve western Independ
ents again voted for other repub
lican nominees today, preventing
an election since a majority Is
necessary. Senator Brookhart, of
Iowa, after voting three, times
with the twelve switched to Moses
on the last ballot.
Townspeople who had angrily
shouted Powers' name tor an hour
when a mob formed outside the
Jail, looked more with curiosity
than anger at him as he was tak
en back to his cell.
Previously reported $101.47
Thursday" kettles .... 20.52
Total f 121.90
Report not Expected
Until Next Week
Law is Cited
nieces of real property along the due to a redouble on which Lenz
it won I a destroy it cc i c ov
The sixteenth rubber was the
longest of the series taking 13
hands and if the Culbertsons had
not won it their deficit would
have mounted much. Due to de
liberate sets on which they were
doubled the Culbertsons had lost
which have been a century grow
in Tt la not needed. It is ex
tram iv emensive. the cost in
irarinn cotintv alone being esti
mated at $200,000."
Additional Land
The senator declared he did not more than, they gained when Lenz
believe there was any additional was reaouoieu.
aa tor widening There were bluff bids and in
t. P.Hflc hlrhwar. "Widen the cipient protests and wrangles, and
.r.nM if nMii he to 40 feet, put Culbertson raised his wagers to a
good tile drains aiong the present total of $10,000 taking more
road take down the telephone from Kibitzers before the third
im u wMrh are no lonzer useu u,b-
I o-foot nizhway wun io
The subject of hydrant rentals
has been agitated by proponents
of the $2,500,000 bond Issue; and
the assertion has been made that
the hydrant rentals are In excess
of the amounts named in the fran
chise. Paul Wallace, one of the
former owners of the water sys
tem, related yesterday how the
rate came to be changed.
A number of years ago, Wal
lace said, the city council wrote
PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 10
fAP) Rain and a hardly percep
tible flurry of snow reu in ron-
Reports from McKenzie bridge iu mu eucmia wucu
There are just 14 days between
now and unrlstmas time wnen
each and all of those people who
are fortunate enough to have a
home and family and a job are
planning festive times in com
memoration of the day so long
ago when the birth of a babe in a
manger started a civilization
built upon the broad principals of
good will and charity.
There are those who appreciate
that spirit just as much as the
most fortunate, but misfortune
Rehabilitation Start s
Made by Officers of
New Company
Investigation of the affair at
the Empire Holding corporation
was virtually concluded her late
yesterday and unless new testi.
mony is developed the jurors will
five their attention in the nest
few days to other matters thev
must probe. A grand Jury report
is not expected for at least a week,
the present jury desiring to clean
up the investigation of a number
of cases and to report on then
all at the same time. One report
was made by the jurors nearly a
month ago.
No additional witnesses wan
called yesterday. The Jurors spent
some time listening to the law as
presented by District Attorney
John H. Carson and by Barnett H.
Goldstein, special prosecutor nan
ed by James W. Mott, state cor
poration commissioner.
Overhead Expense
Of Firm Reduced
Meanwhile in Portland rehabili
tation of the Empire Holding cor
poration has been begun under
the leadership of Dr. R. W. Cla
cy, who was elected president
Monday at a meeting of the new
directors chosen by the stock
holders. Overhead expenses of the cor
poration, apart from commissions
paid salesmen which In lees than
a year totaled $120,000, have
been cut from $7325 a month to
$615 a month and the directors
Indicated yesterday further re
duction may be possible.
The old monthly overhead costs
of Empire were approximately:
Directors, officers $3750
Off ice salaries 2175
Telephone, telegraph ..v.. 350
Western Union, mlac .... 100
aid saren inches of snow fell
there last night and today.
Pendleton reported naif an men
may prey down upon any mortal
regardless of his station, came
upon them and today and Christ-
OSLO, Norway, Dec. lO.--(AP)
The Nobel peace prize was
awarded today to Dr. Nicholas
Murray Butler, president of Col
umbia university, New York, and
Miss Jane Addams, Chicago social
meeting or me executive Doara i-f. - " "7 I momhn,- nr thtnn lnt
... . . . . - a m i in i v vnA ran innw in liib raiu-w - o
rnr mi DfAn Tfcarrea i i .
to the newly formed public, ser- by the organizatlon thl. year and lumbia country ""'EK
vice commission and asked them ,483.63 disbursed. Cash on hand Klamath Falls reported a ngnt u " funded by to-
to-take jurlsUon and fixwat- wa9 ,247,3. ow and JMt- tJT 'rSlt
severe snow storm in the history the poor man who became ill and
Total $7325
New overhead costs adopted
this week are:
Directors, officers $...
Office salaries 105
Telephone, etc . 100
Western union, misc. . . . . xa
Rent 2V
Total fI
New directors of the corpora
tion raised $2000 In cash among
themselves Tuesday to start clean
ing up many miscellaneous bttls
past due. When the pressing ins
mediate obligations are cleared up
new capital will be sought witk
which to form one operating in
surance company.
and a-
feet of right-of-way on each side flyjp O TP POT! Man
will be adequate," Spaulding de- vyiic: Sl CgUU iMdii
Is selected as
The commissioner said when he
first went on the commission be
was . given to understand me
Judgment of its engineers was
perfection itself. He told the Ki
wanians he had changed his mind.
Don't be too sure of these en
rlnears. he counselled. "The
people should ask for what they
want; the people's opinion is as
rood as the best engineer's the
hitrhwav commission employs."
The speaker then turned to the
subject of highway engineers' sal
aries. He said ne continued to
favor a marked reduction in sal
aries paid in the higher brackets.
He characterized the ten per cent
donation made for four months
this winter as a "sop." Spaulding
said there were now 3S8 men on
the engineering staff of the de-
(Turn to page 12, col. 1)
er rates in Salem and to fix hy-1 Nearly two-thirds of the disr
drant rentals. The commission bursements were for emergency
held & hearing and in their decl- funds given the Salvation Army,
sion lowered the general rates 10 the Associated Charities and the
nprcftnt hnt increased the hvdrant aarrlM fnmmHtAM of the Ameri-
worker, "two of the finest repre- rental 0Ter what wre named in can Legion and its auxiliary. The
sentatives of the most vital ideal- tno frftiu.hi,e. tvn rrnnn. d the Lesion
Ism in the world." I xh council then resisted nar-1 onmrnittoA torather were riven
The recipients were so describ- ln tna !-.,- hvdrant rental and t inn on vnrrha of 49 aacka
ed by Halvdan Koht. noted his- th CMO was uken court be- of notatoes. which are now in
torian, who made presentation , finally decided in the federal storage, accounted for $S.03,
y-. f m ri V f I " . . I. court in mo thcibco m wmcu i ana or au pounas 01 ui rasou
RllOdeS bChOlar J United States was presenUng the the flxed D tn pnbWc Ber- mutton, now in cold storage, for
world with some of its most vital -ommlion alloweil t ii7 n
stand. The rates have continued
as determined by the commission
and upheld by the courts.
of the Klamath basin began. The now after 10 months must ask for
town, known then as Linkvllle,
was isolated for 30 days.
SEATTLE, Dec. 10 (AP)
The Northwest district Rhodes
scholarship committee announced
here today the award of four
scholarships to two men from
Washington, one from
aai one from Montana.
dates for the scholarships were
examined in Spokane yesterday
and today.
The students selected were
William H. Sweet, Centralis,
graduate of the University of
Washington, now attending Har
vard; Albert H. Garretson, Ta-
coma, graduate of Whitman col
lege, Walla Walla; Harold Fits
gerald, Montana, and David C
Williams, Oregon.
Neither Dr. Butler nor Miss Ad
dams was present. Hoffman Phil
lips. American minister to Nor
way, represented mem at tne cere-
monr. wnicn was attended dv
Oregon Klng Haakon, Crown Prince Olaf,
vnui- foreign diplomats, hign state oi-
ficials and other notables.
Dr. Koht said the United States
stood foremost among the nations
to which the prize has gone.
France, he recalled, has won the
award six times, and today's pre
sentation brought the American
score to seven.
THE DALLES, Ore., Dee. 10
(AP) Mrs, 8. A. Thornbury, 85,
of Willamette, was In a critical
condition In a hospital here today
as the result of injuries received
in.. an automobile accident near
Rufus Wednesday.
Donations of supplies and serv
ices were received as follows:
Rickey community, truckload of
farm tirodnce: Mr. and Mrs. H. F.
Durham, 50 boxes of apples; Mr.
and Mrs. B .O. Schucklng, 28
boxes of apples; O. H. Colgan,
sack of beans, and Terminal Ice
& Storage company, reingerauon.
S. Ellis Purvlne is treasurer for
Community Service and chairman
of the supplies committee.
help; they remind of the nine
families who needed aid badly
Thursday; they remind of chil
dren not able to attend school be
cause clothes are missing or there
is no food for lunebes.
A nickle saved on chewing gum,
a cigar nickle cigars too often
smell terrible anyway, or any one
of many tilings could be gone
without and the money thrown in
to the kettle and soon a smile
would appear where before there
was a tear,
Concrete Pipe Interests
Active; Rostein Assists
Representatives of Portland ce
ment interests have appeared on
the ground with a view to getting
the business of putting in -a con
crete pipeline In case the $2,500,
000 bond issue carries next Tues
day. Edward A. Rostein, It Is re
ported, is looking after their in
terests in Salem. Rostein was o
candidate for mayor In 1230 and
recently announced himself in fa
vor of the bond issue of $2,500,
00. .
r According to tho report which
came to Tho Statesman tho eon
crete pipe people want to work It
so that their material may be
used in place of steel. Tho Baar ft
Cunningham estimates contem
plate the nse of steel pipe. Con
crete pipe costs 25 per eent more
than 85-year steel pipe, but con
crete pipe is reputed to have
life of 70 years. Seventy-year Iron
more than 35-year steel pipe, so
on the comparison of length of
service the concrete pipe would
bo the cheaper. Bnt the bond is
sue is for 35 years and the Ques
tion is raised whether concrete
Hoover Invited
To Visit Salem
Governor Marks last night tent
a telegram to Lh w. uanman,
president of the Portland cham
ber of commerce who is now in
Washington, urging President
Hoover to stop off in Salem while
on his western trip to tho Olym
pic games in California next year.
President Hoover spent nls boy
hood days in Oregon, and at one
time was employed as messen
ger by a Salem concern.
County Reduced
nliut conM hm rotten within the
estimate of 2.500.000. C?inn Tav J?r
The concrete nine neonle. how-1 wawa a a vr
ever, are represented as being in-
teres ted in fixing matters ao their
product will receive consideration.
Mayor Gregory said be had bo
opinion as to the choice of pipo,
though ho knew Rostein was in
terested -with tho concrete pipe
Tho state tax to bo charged
aTainst Marlon county for 1182
will bo $194,417.78, County Clerk
Borer has been informed by the
Crrnr said ha would (state tax commission. This is not
havo to bo guided by engineers, strictly o state tax. as it is tno eio-
Rostein could not bo located last I mentary scnooi va ww"
ntrht to lAarn what hia interest (the state bnt nsed in its entirety
in th matt . nor whether hia I In Marion county. This amount is
reputed connection with tho con-lies by $f,tsz.i wan was esu-
rt ntn. Intareata lnflneneed nis I mated in me oounir ouutei. mo
decision to support tho bond issue I that the county levy will bo tedue-
of S2,l0f,o0. f , led by that amount.
Don't Miss
the first instalment
Gay Bandit
of the Border
by Tom Gill
A new serial of
Love, Action and
Turn to Page 4
Late Sports
Dec 10 (AP) The Whitman
mlleM basketball team defeat
ed the Florsheima, Salem la-
dependent ornmtet. 49 to 22
here tonight. They will play
again tomorrow night.
(AP)-Clarence (Buster) Crabbe,
University of Southern California
Junior, tonight broke three Amer
ican A. A. U. free-style swimming
records in one race.
A holder of halt a dozen world
rrnrit 7rahhA cracked three
marks from 600 yards to sou " resun oi water supplies
yard set in 1228 by Ray Ruddy. f four Marion county towns be
w .w.m tha una vard. in 7:10.2 ing found liable to contamination.
minutes 3.2 seconds better than H. C. Sinks, county sanitary ln
k. mr. th 700 varda spector, has ordered the water
Water Supplies
Ot Four Towns
Held Dangerous
Lions Majority
Onnoses Bonds
r . rr In 8:27.8. eight-tenths of a sec- JU iU -UK7S wn" "U8"-
In StraW Vote end to the good, and the 800 The town are: Woodburn. Jef-
KJfcrr w I .. i. a iiAA-'m Iferson. St. Paul and HnhbardL
yards in 9:42, beyond
Rnddv's Iferson, St. Paul and Hubbard.
I V . . - . . t A
. . , lhat thni. I eceni lesis 01 ins water aup-
The Salem Lions club does not plle ,aowed them containing
favor the proposed $2,500.ouo BOISE, Idaho, Dec 10 (AP) dangerous sedimentary matter,
bond issue for purchase of a mn- jonn prbrg, Portland, Ore., according to the Inspector. This
niclpal water system. If a straw 23ft won a decision over Count matter, ho said, probably entered
vote taken among th member Harkovskv. of Russia. 222. in a the mains when they were first
at yesterday's meeting la a ep- Mtlln matCh here tonight. llaid or seeped through the Joint.
reseniauve. ui tv tow
were opposed to the bond issue.
Th straw vote was taken
merely a a matter of interest
and not a official expression or
the club's favor or opposition to
the measure.
Booths tor Seal Sale
To be Placed Saturday
ALBANY. Ore., Dec. 10 (AP)
The Santiam Fish and Gam
Protective association at its annu
al meeting here this week adopt
ed a resolution authorizing a com
mittee to seek an injunction t
prevention further payment of
money to the state ponce depart
ment by the Oregon state gam
The association also decided!
seek action to remove from a
state police department the pw
er of enforcing state game lair.
The resolution called for aboli
tion of baiting or feeding et
game; banishment of lire decoy;
and proposed alternation of open
season on big game and migra
tory birds on the one hand
upland birds on the other.
The purpose of the last
mendatlon, the resolution said, x
to give each of the two classes- of
game an undisturbed breedimg
THBJ DALLES. Ore., Dec 10.
(AP) Wasco county tax hwr
den in 1222 will be $155,741.40
less than this year, the budget
committee announced today.
Boat is Upset,
Hunter Drowns
Have von bourht your Christ
mas seals yet? They are in the
maiL and Saturday win b found
at booths to be located in conve
nient nlaees downtown. TO
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Dec money returned rrom m saae o
10 (AP) Mike Purdoff, 23. these seal will go ior xnsj prevea-
drowned in tho Klamath river tlon of tubereulosU and tor troat-
nln mile outh of hero today, ment of those who now ar eur-
Hla boat overturned. . ed with the dread dlseas.
' Purdoff and Roy Harrl- had I - A proclamation rrom uovernox
been shooting dock and Purdoff I Meier urge upport to this civic
et ant In a am all name-made flat 1 enterprise in the followlnr letter
bottom boat to retrieve them. 1 to Mrs. Ivan Martin, city seal sai
Breaklnr lea eansed the boat to I chairman:
overturn. The body was recover- j "The Twenty -fifth annual seal
led an hour later. - Isalo by which tho Oregon Tuber
culosis association will finance its
activities for the coming year io
now in progress.
Th amount asked from each
individual is small and tho work
which la carried on by this organ
isation Is of the utmost benefit
not only in wiping out a dread
disease, bnt in promoting better
health conditions for tho future.
I hope vary eltixen of Oregon
who is .financially ablo to do so
will respond cheerfully and gen
erously to tho appeal for support
tor this valuable undertaking.
Governor Julius L. Meier.
days 'm
pipo So said to cost 60 per cent