The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 08, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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rlTer &8 feet.
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Homing, December 8, 1931
No. 219
-....----- . . , . ,
:? - ! - 1 .
County Budget is Re
. Csfy Health Item Unchanged
Lenz, Jacoby
At Contract
Health Appropriation Goes
In at $6000; Court to
Have Supervision
Powers Grins, Chews
Gum as Trial Starts
For Murders of Five
Yawns When Charges are Read, Sits Immobile
While Gruesome Evidence is Shown;
Courtroom Filled to Brim
Threatened Salary cut
Voted Down Because of
Already low Scale
The Marion county 1931 tax
levy will be $887,419.05, or a re
daction of $228,148.43 under tne
1930 figure. This was the recom
mendation Monday of a commit
tee of three citizens, meeting in
an all-day session with the county
court. One of the largest crowds
In history attended the session
which filled Judge Hill's court
room In the clunty courthouse to
Of the total reduction. $60,
095.01 was pared oft of county
Items, while state tax reductions
of $168,053.42 contributed main
ly to the decrease which is a ut
tle short of20 per cent. The 1930
tax levy was $1,081,356.03.
Th annroval of three items.
mart and highway appropriations
sr .000 for the county health fund
and retention of the present sal
ary scale for county employes
came after considerable wrang
ling after the consulting commit
tee had gone into executive ses
inn with the county court. Pros
ent were Judge J. C. Siegmund,
rnmrnltmlnners Jfm Smith and
John Porter and the citizens' com
mittee, Keith Powell, Wopdhurn,
George Keech, Stayton, ana-1. o
Jones, Salem farmer. In 'addition
were Louis Lachmund, Salem, and
Henry Zorn. Champoeg, both
members of the governor's tax re
duction committee for this coun
Road Patrolman
Office Abolished
Before taking- up budget items
the committee recommended to
the county court that the offices
of 61 county road patrolmen be
abolished and that one road ais
rict for the entire county be cre
ated. This plan met with the
hearty favor of Judge Siegmund
and the two commissioners.
"It will mean a saving of about
$20,000 a year," declared Com
missioner Smith. "In place of the
patrolmen we will hire a few1 su
pervisors. Six or sevn can prob
ably take care of the work."
The county health budret Item
was In a precarious position for
many minutes during the , star
chamber session of the budget
Burgeons. Mr. Zorn made a motion
that the original request for $8.
000 be eliminated entirely. His
motion died for the want of a
aecond. Mr. Powell then moved
that the Item be reduced 10 per
cent. It also lacked a second.
Lone discussion followed which
prompted the Woodburn banker
to make a motion that an
amount not to exceed $6000 be
allowed with the provision that
the county court be given a rea
sonable voice In the expenditure
- f the funds. Powell's motion was
seconded by Louis Lacnmuna
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 1)
NEW YORK, Dec. S. (Tues
day) (API Sidney S. Lens and
Oswald Jacoby triumph ed in all ,
three rubbers played at the open
ing session of the 150-rubber con
tract bridge match with Mr. and
a -n l a. . a.
Garner Speaker? Republican They acquired a lead of 1715
CLARKSBURG, W. Va. Dec. 7 ( AP) Chewing gum
and grinning, Harry F. Powers went on trial for his
life today.
Tax to be $403,153.41 and
Health Appropriation
Is Left at $6000
Hold on ; Senate Still
Remains Intact
Hoover to Submit Message
Today; Fight Looms on
Tenure of Moses
Lens and Jacoby wen the first
two rubber with a bonus in each
for winning the rubber. The bonus
In the third rubber went to the
Culbertsons, but they were set so
much that Lens and his partner
actually calned nolnta an that nn-
I " ' t m mm m mm9M 4 m B . safe
der expert.' interpretation the ah of former otticers ana Directors are out; Brana new
tBioercsons iosi me inira ruooer
I The nation's new congress con
vened today In a calm, quiet man
ner that belled under-surface
tension and the strife-filled Issues
awaiting its consideration.
The house went into the hands
Group Will Proceed; Includes Shambrook, Bailey,
Ogle and Smith; Hope to Reorganize on Sound Basiv
and Form Subsidiary Firms
coaay. I Pniinril'c Vipw llnnn Water Tne nouse went into me nana
With his back to the 1,200 men, women and children, uo"ncn s Vlw fUP,n waier of the democrats. Joyful "rebel
who filled every seat in the town opera house, he sat on the
stage of the improvised courtroom and watched eagerly
while a Jury was being selected. O ,
He yawned, however, when he j
was accused of murdering two j
women and three children for
profit and showed no trace of
emotion when a demand was
made he be hanged for one of
the killings, that of Mrs. Dorothy
Lemke, of Northboro, Mass.
During the testimony of three
Mandate Outlined; Fees
Of Utilities Raised
The city council approred with
by the budget committee Novem- tha nte. It went through the
yells greeter the Bmillng veteran
of the party, John N. Garner of
Texas, as he ascended the speak
er's rostrum, last held by a
democrat 12 years ago.
Republicans clung to their hold
Workers Active on Errands
Of Mercy; Need Great,
Leader Points out
Previous Leaders Announce They Will Terminate Their
Contracts Voluntarily; Methods and Salaries are
Defended; Stockholders Crowd Into Meeting, Seek
Information of Company's Affairs
ber 16. The total to be raised by
taxation will be I403.1S3.41,
which is slightly less than the
1931 budget of $409,276.57.
An attempt was made to con
solidate the Item for sanitary In-
brief routine of swearing in new
members in a formal 35 minute
session. Its organization problem
will be settled tomorrow. A dls-!
pute is Impending on the reelec
tion of George Moses, of New
witnesses heard before court ad- c ,,... nn.,;jA J stiector 11800 with the nrevions Hampshire, as president pro tem.
journed for the day, the bland Some Already PrOVlded and SSnt1 To this divided and politically
wooa uuning rroieci
Being Considered
defendant sat immobile. When
Police Chief Clarence A. Duck
worth stepped down from the
stand and pulled blood stained
rarmpnta worn hv Mrs. Lemke
- - i Tf r m ninn iniiiLn f 1 1 BHurKniH luml LU iic&jlu iiAminMit HmiHimii
SVTSS unemployed men may be hoard would retain him. the conn- iiem Reccld
u .u.vo. " " " - v-e,T, eiTAn an nnnnrtnTiitv to earn the Climen aereaiea me
bpt-tIo hnt th! wab Afntl hA. I hostile congress. President Hoov-
cause the councllmen rallied to er tomorrow will submit his leg
miVi rortain th Ttattv Pftnuor Mslatlva recommendations and a
was reUined as city Inspector. In report on the state of the union.
plan whereby epite of assurances that the health Domtnent Economic
Monday f 23.78
Total to date 47.72
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 7 (AP) R. W. Clancy, of Portland,
was elected president and general manager of the Empire Holding
corporation at a meeting tonight of the new board of directors
elected at the annual stockholders' meeting here earlier today.
Other officers elected were David R. Shambrook, Roseburg,
vice-president, and W. R. Bailey, Portland, secretary-treasurer.
PORTLAND, Dec. 7 (Special to The Oregon Statesman)
The tide of Empire changed Monday and as it turned
the five officers and directors who have directed the corpor
ation for one year were swept out of office and in their
stead five new men were chbsen. The action climaxed a three
hours' session of more than 100 stockholders who met in the
Half dollars, quarters, . dimes
and nickels yesterday continued
their merrv tinkle. Arnnneri In th
street corner kettles presided oy- Terminal Sales building here and listened to extensive oral
proposed Attention was called to the er by the Salvation Army Lassies, trn'Hm ronnrfs Viv trm former leaders of the corooration
dominant economic problems fae-and all but eo nailed the amount . ., - 4.1 4. 10 .Antv..
ia inr this seventy-second congress of money received Saturdav for on lis operations lor us yat ma.
a 1 - I TT j: 4.1 w.w. MAAwAM9nt,m nrafl 111 1
OCIancy rormer Mearora pnysi-
who had gathered proxies
fond and AthAr minnHen which they transier.
Coroner Le Roy C. Goff and .nrl thir famillea nfA is helnr A resolution was adopted
Dr. Herbert H. Haynes told how worked out by the work promo- which the city council set forth its by an unemployment demonstra- the annual Statesman-Salvation
Mrs. LiemKe, Mrs. Asta times: uu- tion committee of Community iposuion wun respect 10 me pro- m0n on the capitol piaxa. Keprs-iArmy "Good-wm fund" cam-
cher of Parkridge, 111., and two service under the direction of Posed purchase of the water sys- sentatives of the organized march- paign.
oi me lauers cnuaren .naa " Chairman W. H. Dancy. lem. iae council uy me resuiu- ers were nauea Dy xne ponce i The "Good-Will" kettles will be
Deen sirangiea 10 aeam, wnue While the Service is preparing commuiea u iuiuorueu the doors of the senate cnamoer. jon tne 8tr6t9 dany untn Christ
xiarry oicner, iz, naa peen gag- to furnish supplies as they are m tows 10 jurcuus iu WUn tomorrow's reading or m&s
gea ana strucit on me neaa wun needed, through the efforts of this Piam at me lowest possiDie pneo , DreBidentlal message, the con- Meanwhile the Army workers
a hammer. I mm mlttff It will undertake first not to exceea tne appaisea iue M. ...... immediately In- lntinn thlr omndi nt mT.
Townspeople who once had to create employment. thereof ; to select for permanent t0 ltg Ugk o deTi8ing a way to j partly made possible through the
filled the streets around the Jail starting tne service's empioy- I speed American prosperity. That funds obtained in this campaign
shouting his name and who more ment undertaking yesterday, Mr. approTea Dy iam jrweni Bumwr lg the keynote. Five famHIes yesterday were giv-
recently had torn down part of Dancy succeeded In having 10 men of oters: nama .,,m.D.rTe: Assuming; congressional auth- en needed supplies. In each case.
tne garage in which the killings sent to wora on coubij -"l " ... "ZY ' T7
ments ai ine lowest po I T , fint t.m- In . doxen the head of the famUv was out of
w v v cviuuiibicut uiiiiuu aiu uuu wuw - - m v -
in front of the opera house, un- bing Job. When the Community work fd m0Ttof cautiously but unitedly, lng without the dally necessities water bond Issue took up the ma
able to enter.. P5 ex""r m .at UoVan aid ItW tt eon h -U be no coalition. There unUl the Army came along. jor atfenUon of the Salem chap
. itha nriT nolle restaurant Thurs- I voters ana approvea oy tne coun i , ... , ,v. I Ti.irrv.fnn. tnn ni v.tAi- r . diuu.
Discussion of the coming spe
ars I work and his dependents were go- cial city election on the municipal
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 8)
tne uray uene restaurant " '.,.- . 7.11". 11 'nT-i. .V- will ha olltip for It Is the dawn Thirty-four transients yester- ter. Oreron Buildinir congress,
day noon. Mr. Dancy will present vl Uf . freildentlal year. But on the day were given meals at the Army board of directors, which met last
m . - . t A i mm mini nr ntinai at ariiirii hihv am i " sr- - s .
StJSSS. emP,0'meUNssy to Venire a complete ylW -tep. for natlonal reov
T n r IS DrUUllSV OI UlUUiyfc. UUU I AUJUVu aw. I UUl&lJ 1U1 tug UVIWUM iUiUluiM-
oartlsan action. voiced a cry or neea lor a num- tlon of the several directors, no
In keeping with the spirit of ber of cases which have come to formal action was taken concern-
thls congress elected a year ago nis attention. An lnvaiia nas no mg the eiecuon measures.
in the deoths of economic adver- crutches. Babies are coming to I Further consideraticn was glv
slty, the membership went about (three families, but the little ones en by the directors to the congress
its business today In Informal at- will find no clothes awaiting tneir i rorum meeting which win be neia
at cutting wood
During the first days or tne
registration at the U. S. employ
ment bureau for emergency work,
the majority of applicants were
Salem men and heads of families.
I With the end In view of relieving
! these men. the work promotion
mmmlttM In henneakinr the as-
IW .111.1 . m ai t I " r r w
lemaie ciouas or tne unrist- 8i8tance of Salem ciUsens both in
mas storm of parcels and letters contributing funds and In supply
ing employment. Community serv-
may be reacnea
chamber of com-
already have made their appear
ance on the horizon at the Salem
postofflce, according to Arthur E.
Gibbard, assistant postmaster.
Christmas packages and money
orders are being received from and
ice officials
through the
As 50 per cent of the downtown
Arrested as the result of crash
ing into a city street bus Sunday
morning. Eugene N. Burton of Eu
gene yesterday was fined 9 for
offw r.rt -tore heads have not re- """"""
dlanatched to foreign ronntrle in -'-- y a i, twn I recKiees ariving wnen ne appear-
m 11(11 ama hi nun wiu ss. as a as m j wnva v a . a
increaainr numher. K-V!" .; tnr ea Derore Mars; i-ouiBen, munici
0 IMI IMI LU uyvuit TJWMW w I . a
Tlia fnll fiirv nf tha annual era la I m j pAmmnnttv I DS1 jUQKc
is expected to burst forth early r' r i members of this or- I Jonn K.UD1' ino r . .
?! we! T? ?n'h. Uanlzation today wlU visit these
eaiis ia me wiuu, appuctiua lor (places to Call attention TO J", v. ,k:T ".,t AfRnfiftr,'! Mr
hiring 60 extra clerks and car- ?alinVe in addition to seeking the Ui6t b7 ip"t?f.?urtn..
and North Capitol streets.
Three occupants of the Burton
car suffered minor injuries. They
were: Burton, cut over eye; Nell
Wells of Albany, bruised, and
Wallace Kennedy of Albany,
scraped head and broken teeth.
Bus occupants were unharmed.
entry to this world unless gener- next Monday night at the cham-
ous persons supply them. The I ber of commerce. Farmers in Mar-
parents have no funds with which I Ion and Polk counties 'have been
to do so. I Invited to attend this meeting and
As the adjutant and the Salva- hear addresses by Colonel W. B
tion Army executive committee Greeley, secretary-manager of the
have determined they will need at West Coast Lumbermen's associa-
Tr4-s JFfzvf least 11500 In their Good-Will itlon, and Professor w. J. Hum ore,
UU fund" this year, many contribu-I of Oregon State college.
tire and in sombre attitude.
Wage Reduction
For Espee Will
riers has been sent In to the postal I appointment of the lieutenants,
department Three extra trucks tne solicitors will urge that dona-
wia ne usea in aenvering parcels, i tiong De made from November sai-
jno aaaitions are piannea tor tneiie, t0 the Service.
rural aeiivery crew.
As during the height of the let
ter and package storm Christmas -
mail Is liable to delay, postal; of-1
ficlals are urging that gifts and
cards be sent at an early date. Mr.
Gibbard states that during the
rush from five to six days Is the !
minimum time to allow in mail
ing packages to the mldwestern
Higher Schools Short of
Funds; Slash Imperative
Further economies In the oper
ation of the higher institutions
will be forced because of deficien
cies In the estimated receipts
amounting to some $80,000. Of
this $50,000 Is from millage taxes
because, of lower valuation of
property. About $17,000 is caused
by decrease in tuition fees over
the estimates. The state board of
higher education wrestled with
the problem at. Its meeting in Sa-
lem yesterday, and the conclusion
was that the schools should con
tinue strict economy and endeavor
to get along with the funds avail
Additional reductions in Insti
tution Income are reDorted for the
dormitories at the state college I ueiu
and some of the other schools.
President Kerr reported that the
dormitories at the college were
running at 28 per cent under ca
pacity. Students are rooming in
private homes where costs are now
less than in the dormitories. . The
receipts are expected to run $10,-
000 short of normal this 'year.
Two important committees of
the board were not prepared to
file reports. The normal school
committee, composed of Mrs. Cor-
... ,
Gay Bandit
of 'the Border?
TOM GILL'S romance of the mes
fculte oountry the great South
west where men fight for - lore
and gold etches aa &fon etta
ble sharaeter. half rogue, half
ifcobta Hood. Start reading it Fri
day a
iJ lillilT
(AP) Governor and Mrs. Julius
L. Meier, of Oregon, arrived here
tonight and made the first stop
of a mid-winter vacation trip In
The Oregon chief executive and
his wife will leave here either to
morrow or Wednesday for Los
Angeles, and will return here in
two weeks to spend Christmas
and New Tears with their two
daughters, Mrs. Joseph Ehrman,
Jr., and Mrs. Frederick M. Gang.
Christmas day will be the thir-
-wedding anniversary of
Fifty dollars in bail posted by
B. T. Jenkins of Newport Sunday
morning after be was arrested
on a charge of possession of 11
quor was declared forfeited yes
terday when he failed to appear
In municipal court.
tlons besides the coins In the
street kettles will be necessary to
attain the goal.
Contributions should be sent to
The committee of the Southern
pacific companyhaa directed that the Army nemdqnarter8 or to The
a. iuuc iu vi w w-- statesman office, from where tney
made effecUve January 1, lS.ln wlu be turBed 0Ter to AdjttUnt
tne salaries oi u uiiicera uu m- i
pioyes, wunoui excepuou u w
rank or srrade of the Southern Pa
cific system, except for time ne- 0-n.U
ing, however, those coverea oy Jdl iiCI &lAXaaiAC&
specific contracts or group wage
agreements or governed by the
provisions of the Feaerai Kauway
Labor Act with whom negotia
tions for reduction are In progress
nn mnfnAir a 011..
ft 1 P IrsT travel Falls Timber company camp No.
l was aesiroyea Dy lire ounuaj
caused from the exploding of a gas
WASHINGTON. Dec, 7 (AP) lamp used In the dining room
or will be initiated under dlreo- Speaker Garner broke his first There was an electric light plant
tlon of the proper officer of the gavel today. m me camp out mi uia no mn
respective employer company In- It was after the house, which until evening. The plant, a greater
volved. promoted him to the chair, had part of the bunkhousea and most
Similar reductions for the lines adjourned. The Texan consented of the equipment was destroyed,
in urin already nnder ae- to nose for ohotograDhefs and The exact extent of the loss was
tive consideration through the I took a few practice whacks with a 1 not known here Monday, as of-
nrocednre nrovided by the law of I new gavel.
that country. The handle snapped.
National Congress Convenes Again
Governor and Mrs. Meier.
Legion Member
List Increases
The six captains of the Capital
Post No. 9. American Legion,
membership teams met last night
and reported that 210 veterans
had Daid their 1932 dues. Al
though this figure is over 700 be-
nella Marvin Pierce, Albert Burch low the goal set for the coming
r t. c. ...f. Hfr.T-a I year, it Is satisfactory for the
UU Vh ., vw 1 " -. .
Ti htarA mAtlno- hnt no rftDort Present unit, accuruuis
was made. The board did rote to captains.
keep on file the resignation of I , u? ia" Ul"
President J. 8. Landers of MonlJPPry ...
tion was . lnresUgated earlier; in TTnirisntlflPfl Man
T MtmnilttM nn allofta. I w i-w. v
tlon of courses which will deal
with the touchy Quezon of divi
sion of work among the institu
tions Is working, but not yet ready
to report. Dr. B. II. Lindsey, ex-
Killed in Crash
PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. T.
f AP) An unidentified mas about
ecntlre secretary. I working on 78 years old was killed hers, to
tals question a a member oi tne nigm wnen n
mmittoi " 1 automobile drtren, poliee said, by
ww - - I wV.VSSw. - tlitlatail
Dr. , Burt Brown Barker, wno i kot xiexuuj,
hrratTlce-pridentotthe h;(M4tttM
university with the salary gnaran- otnnig T?'t u?vri
teed by n alumni group, was em-1 Smith, in care of W. H. McFar
(Turn to Page 1. CoL 1) J lnd. Sherwood, pre.
I ' lv.' T-
aim.... ;.; ) . ' ,
.... . . . - -.
':! 1 1 : ' ,
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... .r- y-. I
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t e
ficlals had gone up to look over
the situation and had not yet re
turned. Men came out of camp and
will not return until after the
holidays. Outside of a small con
struction camp this is the only one
of the Sliver Falls camps wnicn
has been running for some time.
Empire Hearing
To be Resumed
or direct votes for at least three
fourths of the shares of Empire
stock outstanding. Foreseeing de
feat at the election, each Empire
officer voluntarily announced be
would terminate his 10-year con
tract with the corporation as of
December 7, 1931, and would not
continue longer with the corpor
ation even if his services were de
Only Nominees Are
Five Men Elected
The election of the new direct
ors, made without the nomination
of anyone but the fire men elect
ed, marked a decisive victory for
the Clancy forces and an equally
overwhelming defeat for the for
mer officials of the company who
until the last few days have been
assailing Clancy In his attack a
the company and his demand for
new leadership.
New directors chosen were Dr.
R. W. Clancy, Portland; W. R.
Bailey, Portland; Dr. C. L. Ogle,
Grants Pass; F. Thornton Smith,
LaGrande; David Shambrook,
Roseburg. Retiring directors and
officers arev Judge Oliver P. Co
show, president; L. H. Fetty, vice-
president; WUson R. Adams,
treasurer; JayH. Stockman, le-,
gal counsel, and Frank J. Keller,
Jr., sales counsellor. Keller and
his brother, C. J. Keller, had ter
minated their sales contract with
the Empire Holding corporation
several weeks ago and the former
is now engaged in selling stock
for a Washington corporation.
Outlook Is Still
Bright Says Clancy
"I believe there are yet mar
velous possibilities for stockhold
ers in an Oregon fire insurance
and casualty company," Clancy
said In summing up his views on
the reorganization of the com
pany. "I do not care to ask pres
ent stockholders to put up aa ad
ditional dollar until we have com
panies organized and operating.
Some of my beet friends tell me
I will be unsuccessful but I be
lieve that within 0 to 90 days
I can secure sufficient . financial
support to have two companies
ready for organization and un
derwriting. If present stockhoiw
ers In the Empire Holding cor
poration wish to put in mere
money it will be welcomed bat
we shall not seek It. We have
heavy, pressing obligations te
meet and we are going to do our
best to pay them as ast as we
Clancy urged the stockholders
under the new directorship, te
have faith for a time. In company
the four other directors.
Investigation of the acta of of
ficer ef the Empire Holding cor-1 with
- - . -
i miration will be resumed today I Clancy pledged to take no salary
where it was left off last week, I whatever for the first year of the
District Attorney John Carson an-1 new organization's operations.
nnnneAd Monday nlcht. Changes I Ex-officers Are
made in the o Derating personnel I Thanked For Act
of the company at Monday's I Judge Oliver P. Coshow, obvi-
meeting in Portland will feave no I ously relaxed when the meeting
effect on the rrand jurors' prone i drew. to a ciose, accepter wun
into acts of the old officers, the I (Turn to Page 2, Col. 4)
district attorney Indicated.
Tha hearings will start at
10:30 o'clock this morning.
For the first time ia lfl yean the national bowse of Vepresentatives Is being organised by tlin democrats, 1 1015.
with John N. Gamer of Texas as speaker. Bertrand H. SneU. of Hew xore wa v
tender for the honor and failing that, win be the floor leader ef his party. CJe WDMsm T. Pnge
was -king for a day, his gavel pounding the boose te order for the opening session Monday. Vie
President Curtis li resuming ms regular duties as presiding mcer oi w wem.
Crew Sent Out
On Highway Job
The ft men sent to work yes-
i terday en county and state emer
gency highway projects from the
TJ. 8. Employment bureau con
stltuted Just 14 per cent of the
number ef men registered. Reg
istration of 15 " men yesterday
broucht the season's total to
Kmnlorment for three common
laborers also was obtained
through ' the bureau yesterday.
two of them for 10 days' work.
1 r7Z II
I i