The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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Th OREGON STATESMAN, Sakm, Oregon, Sunday; Morning, December 6, 1931
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Cvhnstmas T.ntertainina Wi
. lgiii vv nil a 1
- This Week
!i I"'' l' -i
ALL during the past week there has been increasing so- j
cial activities which tell in no uncertain signs that j
Christmas is just about to descend upon the old world again.
There is a spirit about it that reaches far ahead into the
days before December 25 arrives and -creates a conviviality
of spirit that demands entertaining and sharing of good
times. I
The past week culminated in a delightful Christmas
dance, at the Dlihee club with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Chambers,
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ohling, Dr. and Mrs. Wells Baum
and Mr. and Mrs, Wallace o
Bonesteele as hosts to about
150 guests. . ;
. - Fire boughs, a Christmas
' tree, a long serTice tail festive
ly centered with holly ; and seven
point candalabra holding gay red
tapers all breathed the nearness
of the Christmas time.
With the advent of I this week
there is scheduled more parties
and ; entertaining than the city
has seen for months. Mrs. J. T.
Delaney and Mrs. V. P. McNa
mara will, start the week with a
bridge tea Monday afternoon and
will again entertain Tuesday aft
ernoon with another bridge tea.
Cards will be In play at five ta
bles each afternoon. The parties
will both be' given at the home
of Mrs. McNamara.
Wednesday and Thursday aft
ernoons Mrs. C. A. Downs and
Mrs. H. K. Stockwell will enter
tain with bridge teas in compli
ment to Mrs. James Seares. Mrs.
Sears, with Dr. Sears only re
cently came to make her home
In Salem and a large group of
Salem matrons are being asked
to meet her on these afternoons.
Mrs. George Rossman will also
entertain Tuesday afternoon and
again Wednesday night with
bridge. Cards will be in play at
five tables for both affairs. Mrs.
W. D. Clarke will assist Mrs.
xvoMman l uesuay aiiernoon.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. C. K.
Spaulding, Mrs. W. E. Kirk,
Mrs. John Albert, and Mrs. F. A.
Elliott will entertain the Thurs
day club at the home of Mrs.
The Dine and Dance club will
enjoy a dinner and dance evening
at Its "regular meeting Wednes
day nilght.
The annual Christmas party of
the Daughters of the Nile is be
ing planned for Wednesday at
12 o'clock with a dinner in com
pliment to the husbands of the
club, and this followed in the
afternoon by an informal social
time and an exchange of gifts
fm the Christmas tree.
The Salem Woman's club and
the American Association of Uni
versity women will both meet
Saturday. The University women
win close their meeting early
enough to allow those members
who desire to attend the Worn
an's club meeting.
Dr. Levi Pennington, president
of Pacific college, Newberg, and
lecturer and writer on topics
or tne day will speak to the
members of the Woman's club on
the subject of the peace move
ment. Mrs. R. R. Hewitt, chair
man of the international rela
tions committee has charge of
tne program.
These are only a beginning of
the busy week which has many
more pians to develop as the
ays come along. . There seems
to be no lax moments until attar
the Christmas holidays so every
ue oraws a long breath and
plunges In to a good time and a
busy one.
Members of the Teachers Pri
mary Council will meet Wednes-
ver?,T at the Washington
chool building at 3:30 o'clock.
D. A. R. Plans
Luncheon Meeting
Chemeketa chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revol
ution planned for a luncheon
meeting for January 2, the next
regular meeting. This affair wUl
be given at the Elks temple. Plant
were effected at the Saturday
meeting of the organization held
in the fireplace room of the citf
The Saturday meeting was in
formal in nature with the mem
bers sitting around the open fire
place and listening with lauch
Interest to the talk given concern
lng the life and habits and conn
try of the Mexican people by Mrs.
B. L. Steeves. Mrs. Steeves hat
spent much time In Mexico and
spoke with visions concerning the
countrya nd people. She presented
many trophies which she brought
back with her from her visit In
Following her talk these tro
phies were examined and the
Chapter members enjoyed a
round table discussion of the
Reports were given at the busi
ness meeting by chapter chair
men. These inciuaea reports
from Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell concern
ing th planting of trees for the
Washington bicentennial which
will be observed this February.
There will be planted two trees by
the Salem chapter, an elm on the
state house grounds and a cedar
tree on the school grounds of tne
Leslie school. The planting will
be done -within the next two weeks
but the ceremony will be held this
Mrs. C. C. Geer was aammea
as a new member of the organi
zation. Other reports were given
by Mrs. H. J. Ostlind, Mrs. M. P.
Adams, Mrs. C. A. Sprague, Mrs.
Oscar Hayter.
Th packages for the Christmas
box to Angel Island were collected
and will be sent this week by Mrs.
C. F. Turner assisted by Mrs. U.
G. Shipley.
Ritualistic work for the Satur
day meeting was in charge of Mrs.
S. Minard, Mrs. W. D. Johnston
and Mrs. U. G. Shipley.
Democratic Women s
Club to Hear Debate
hip Tea
The newly formed Democratic Btand firm under the pressure of
Women's club will meet Tuesday ijfe
afternoon at 2 o'clock In the Ori
ental room of the Marion hotel.
This club while organized by
women Interested in Democratic
principals is open to those inter
ested in the broad subject of pol
itics and civic good.
The topic for discussion Tues
day will be bondiug for water for
Salem. It will take the form of
a debate with M. P. Gregory,
mayor of Salem, taking the af
firmative and C. A. Sprague, edi
tor of The Statesman, the nega
tive. Any one interested is welcome.
Oregon Girls Visit in
New York City
The Thanksgiving holidays gave
an opportunity for Oregon girls
now In the east to visit each oth
er. Mist Thelma Davis, who is tak
ing special vocal work In Phila
delphia, Penn., and making her
home with Rev. and Mrs. G. Mon
roe Everett, formerly of Corvallis,
spent her holidays in New York
City and while there called upon
Miss Josephine Albert who is tak
ing special vocal work la New
York City.
In a letter from Miss Albert it
was said that Miss Davis Is enjoy
ing her work In Philadelphia and
meeting with pleasing success.
As a part of her Thanksgiving
celebration Miss Albert and an
other student sang a group of
duet numbers at the "Volunteer
Mission" down" In the poor sec
tion of New York City. On
Thanksgiving day Miss Albert
said this mission fed BOO people
and there were 3000 standing in
line for food.
Miss Albert has added a post
tion as soloist In one of tho Meth
odist churches near Columbia
university to her list of activities
for this year of study In the east.
And this week she with one other
student will give a radio program
over W. N. Y. C, a municipal sta
Judge I. H. Van Winkle left Sa
lem the first of this week for
Washington D. C. where he went
on business and from there he
will go to New York to pay a vis
it to Miss Rosalind Van Winkle,
hla daughter, and to Miss Albert
Today we present Mrs. W. T. Jenks, right, who opened h r home for the attractive tea given by Sigma Nu chapter of
the Delphian society Wednesday. Mrs. Jenks has also just ac cepted the chairmanship of the girl s work committee of tne '
Y. W. C. A. Left is Mrs. WiUiam Merriott. vresident of Sigm a Nu chapter of Velphians. Mrs. Merrxott is also actively xn- mis. inc vouiciuu
terested in dramatic circles of tht city as well as in club work. Plwtos by Kennell-Ellis. Again W.R.C. Head
Mrs. Hattie Cameron was re
elected president of the Woman's
Relief corps in its regular meet
ing Saturday afternoon in Miller's
Other officers elected were
Mrs. Mary Wirtz, senior vice
president; Mrs. Florence Shipp.
Junior vice president: Mrs. Laura
McAdama, treasurer; Mrs. Clara
Adams, chaplain; . Mrs. Maud
Chittenden conductress; Mrs.
Bertha Loveland, guard.
Delegates to the -convention
which it Is expected will be held
some time in June are Maud
Chittenden, Myrtle Littlefield.
Hattie Kennen, Mable Lockwood.
Fanny Bard, Jenny Martin. Jessie
Crossan; alternates, Ida Traglio,
Myrtle Henderson, Amanda Crum,
Louisa Koon, Mary Kennedy.
Nellie Pierce and Maggie Cade.
Installation will be held Jan
uary 2 and at this time 12 ap
pointive officers will be named.
Eastern Star Social
Club Plans Program
W. Members
Will be Planned
Officers Elected
. . . ww yf A .if j d
MUCH attention is being given the x. vv. a. acuviue
for the next two weeks. This is -an organization in
which a laree nart of the nrominent women of Salem are in
terested and in which they take active parts. Some serve or
boards, some are especially interested in. the girl's work de-
partment ana otners in me suciai sefitc nw mc wigoit-
ization does. Mrs. Elizabeth uaiianer is local secretary.
Tuesday of this week the annual election of borad mem
bers will take Dlace at the residence of Mrs. B. E. Carrier,
There are to be seven members elected to the board thi
- o year. The present board m
-a kw tvT'tl . yi l
ciuaes Mrs. wimam aicuim
Leslie Mothers' Club to
Meet This Week
An interesting program meet
ing with tea at 4 o'clock Is being
planned by members of the Les
lie Mother's club which will meet
at 2:45 o'clock at the school Sec
tion 1 of the child's charter,
"challenge to the church", will
be discussed. The theme will be
"for every child spiritual and
moral training to help him to
There will be Christmas music
with "Holy Night" as a feature.
Mrs. V. R. Griggs will give a
"message of peace"; Mrs. John
Carkin will talk on "what spirit
ual values are desirable for chil
dren"; Mrs. A. C. F. Perry will
give Kipling's "The Recessional"
as a reading; Mrs. R. Bailey will
tell the Christmas story.
Mrs. Dan McLellan and Mrs. R.
Brady will be hostesses for the
tea hour.
Dakota Club Enjoys
Miss Mary Jo Hoagland, student Program
at Monmouth Normal, is a guesi "tv,w,
of Miss Martha Sprague for the
week end. Miss Hoaglund's home
is in Walla Walla. !
Monday, December 7
Royal Neighbors of America, Fraternal temple;
election of officers and Initiation of candidates.
Wesleyan service guild of Jason Lee church, Mrs.
Hugh B. Fouke, Jr. g o'clock.
-. Salem Garden club at chamber of comemrce rooms,
8 o'clock; Miss Elizabeth Lord will speak on "garden
literature"; Mrs. Chester Cox on Christmas table dec
orations. Tuesday, December 8
Eastern Star social club, in Masonic temple, for
program and work afternoon.
Salem Arts league program; auditorium of city li
brary; business meeting preceding program at 8:00
o'clock. Two one act plays to be presented. Public In
vited. Democratic Woman's club, Oriental room of Mar
Ion hotel. 2 o'clock; any one Interested may attend.
Delta Chi Delphian society chapter meeting with
Mrs. E. B. MHlard, 9:30 o'clock "Flemish Painters"
Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans, 7:30 o'clock,
Woman's clubhouse; Important that all members be
Board meeting of Zonta club, with Dorothy Pearce.
Mrs. Gustav Ebsen's drama class with Mrs. W. T.
Jenks, 635 North Summer street, 2:15 o'clock.
Yomarco class of First M. E. church, with Mrs. W.
M. Pennington, 13 9 Center street. Mrs. John D. Foley
assisting hostess.
St. Paul's Episcopal church Junior guild, with Mrs.
D. C. Roberts, 1110 North Fifth street; 2:30 o'clock.
Wednesday, December 9
Teachers Primary Council, Washington building, 3:
30 o'clock.
Woman'! Home Missionary society of Jason Lee
church, with Mrs. Hugh B. Fouke, Jr. 860 Jefferson
Nile club annual Christmas party; luncheon at 12
o'clock for which huebands are guests; party and Christ
mas tree in afternoon.
Thursday, December 10
Mother's meeting of Leslie school; 2:45 o'clock to
4 o'clock.
Friday, December 11
"No Host", dinner. :30 o'clock, Marion hotel, rep
resentative group of women from each department Is
state house. ; ( '
; i Saturday, December 12
Seabeck Dramatic tea. Beta Chl sorority home,
State street; hours 3 to 5 o'clock
. Salem Woman's club; Dr.: Levi Pennington speaker
of afternoon; program on international relations, Mrs.
, R. R. Hewitt in charge.
A. A. U. W. 1 o'clock-luncheon; Elks temple; Prof.
W. C. Jones will speak on "politics."
The Dakota club met Wednes
day evening at the country home
of Mr. and Mrs. Will Slewert for a
pot-luck supper and social time.
Mr. Quigley, Mr. Emmons and
Mr. Fuller gave interesting talks,
and readings were given by Doro
thy Gibson, J. B. Crary and Mrs.
Noyes. Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Em
mons presented a Firoup of con
undrums, while solos were given
bv Mr. Riley, and Mr. Blevins
Mr. Fuller, Miss Fu'ler and Mr.
Quigley told a group of stories.
Those present were Mr. afld
Mrs. R. A. Blevins, Mr. and Mrs.
O. A. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Emmons, Mrs. C. E. Whitney,
Mrs. Mauk, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Quig
ley, Mr., and Mrs. C. F. Riley, T.
E. Borkman, Eugene Prescott,
Mr. and Mrs. John Robins, Mr,
and Mrs. George Gibson, Dorothy
Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Haga-
dorn and Mr. and Mr3 Siewert.
Ladies of the club will meet
with Mrs. Gibson, 779 North Cot
tage street, December 11. The
next general meeting is to be Jan
uary 6 at the W. C. T. U. hall.
Cloverdale Mrs. Mary Shill
lng was hostess to the W. C. T. U
Wednesday at the home of her
daughter Mrs. Albert Hennies.
The women worked on a quilt
during the morning. A fine din
ner was served at noon.
The usual business meeting was
led by the president, Mrs. A. A
Six of the members discussed
subjects on prohibition. As spe
cial music "Joy to the World"
was sung and Mrs. Iran Hadley
gave several selections on the ac-
Members present were Mrs
Fred Feller. Ida FeUer, Mrs. Ha
tel Morris, Mrs. Kenneth Russell
Mrs. Charles Cummings, Mrs.
Frank Cook, Mrs. John Luke
Mrs. Joe Morris, Mrs. Frances
Whitehead. Mrs. Margaret Miller,
Mrs. L. E. Hennies. Mrs. Wm.
Anderson, Mrs. Arthur -Kunke,
Mrs. Ivan Hadley, Mrs. A. Dum
beck and the hostess Mrs. Shill
ing. Others present were Mrs. Vi
ola Cook, Mrs. J. Gilbert. Mrs.
Fred Luke. Mrs. P. Davis, Gladys
Davis, Gertrude. Anderson and
Mrs. Albert Hennies. The next
meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Hazel Morris January 6.
Matches account for 17 ner
cent of Sweden's total output of
chemicals. ; -t
Bridge Series
Are Pretty
-vNE of the prettiest series of
1 I bridge teas for the past week
v was that for which Mrs.
Lester Pearmine and Mrs. James
Jennings were hostesses Friday
and Saturday at the home of Mrs.
The guest rooms were bril
liantly decorated to suggest the
spirit of Christmas. Holly and
tapers with much greenery gave
a beautiful background for the
players and tables.
Friday afternoon Mrs. Leon
Barrick won high score and Mrs.
Marvin Roth second. At the tea
hour Mrs. Pearmine and Mrs.
Jennings were assisted by Mrs.
Carl Emmons and Mrs. Marvin
Guests for Friday were Mrs.
Leon Barrick, Mrs. Albert C.
Cragg. Mrs. Marvin Roth, Mrs.
Carl W. Emmons, Mrs. Otto N.
Hoppes, Mrs. Lee Gibson, Mrs.
Richard Slater. Mrs. Ralph Mer
cer, Mrs. Bailie Savage, Mrs. T.
A. Windishar, Mrs. H. T. Love,
Mrs. Willis Vincent, Mrs. Miles
McKey, Mrs. Worth Henry, Mrs.
E. B. Wood. Mrs. Lynn Crone
miller, Mrs. B. H. Barber, Miss
Iva Clare Love, Mrs. H. R. White,
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Louis
Lundsford, Mrs. Claude Settle-
meier, Mrs. E. Grsbenhorst, Mrs.
Ralph Wirth.
Saturday afternoon Mrs. C. L.
Newcomb and Mrs. Lawrence Im-
lah won high scores. Miss Iva
Clare Love and Mrs. E. E. Burch
assisted at the tea hour.
Guests were Mrs. E. E. Burch,
Mrs. Mona Yoder, Mrs. Tom Wol-
gamot, Mrs. E. A. Colony, Mrs.
Oral Lemon, Mrs. J. I. Teel. Mrs.
Lawrence Imlah. Mrs. C. C. Ga
Englewood Club Plans
Christmas Party
Mrs. J. C. Hill received mem
bers of the Englewood Woman's
club at her home Friday after
noon. A short business meeting
was followed by a talk on
"Christmas" by Mrs. Hugh B.
Fouke, Jr.
A pretty feature of the refresh
ment and social hour was small
Betty and Doris Hill dressed as
fairies, who came in and present
ed the guests with attractive fav
ors. Mrs. Hill was assisted at the
tea hour by Mrs. J. H. Ryan.
Mrs. Francis Welsh will be the
next hostess and at that time a
Christmas party will be observed
with husbands of the club as spe
cial guests.
Present Friday were Mrs. D. A.
Lear, Mrs. Roy Southmayed, Mrs.
E. A. Collier. Mrs. O. A. Chase,
Miss Anna Wens. Mrs R. V. Wil
son, Mrs. J. G. Marr, Mrs. H. P.
Grant. Mrs. R. A. Forkner, Mrs.
A. L. Skewls Mrs. Francis J.
Welsh, Mrs. L. M. Ramage, Mrs.
A. R. Tartar, Mrs. J. H. Ryan,
Mrs. Hugh B. Fouke, Jr.. Mrs. L.
M. Scharff and Mrs. J. O. Hill.
Statehouse Women
Plan Innovation
An interesting innovation for
women of the state house is the
dinner meeting which is being
planned for Friday night at the
Marion hotel. The affair will be
'no host" and the motive behind
it is to secure increased acquain
tance between women of the var
ious departments.
For the Friday meeting a group
of representative women from
each department will attend. The
dinner hour has been set at 6:30
o'clock. Miss Hla Austin is in gen
eral charge. Assisting her Is Mrs.
Florence Irwin, Miss Nell Thiel
sen. Miss Winifred Graham, Miss
C'ara Paterson and Miss Alene
Salem Arts
League to
briel, Mrs. Elmer McKee, Mrs. pL f rn -i.
Duane Gibson. Mrs. Newell Wll- VnriSimaS LeCOraUOn
Garden Club 1 opic
Mrs. Chester Cox will talk be
fore the members of the Salem
Garden club Monday night at the
chamber of commerce rooms up
on the subject of Christmas dec
orations. To add to the out
standing value of what Mrs. Cox
has to say members of the club
are preparing tables and decora
tive pieces to display at the
meeting. Any club member de
siring to enter decorative sugges
tions is Invited to do so.
In addition to the discussion
of Christmas decbration Miss
Elizabeth Lord will: talk on gar
den literature in view of making
the lesson. All guests are request- & Part ot the Christmas remera-
liams, Mrs. Paul Burris, Mrs. E
A. Kurtz, Mrs. Frank Needham,
Mrs. R. A. Meyers, Mrs. Fred D
Wolfe, Mrs. Lon Busick, Mrs. C.
L. Newman, Mrs. Howard Hul-
sey, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. E.
Viesko, Mrs. Dolf Haag, Mrs.
Philip Barrett, Mrs. Wm. New-
Mrs. Hugh B. Fouke, 'Jr. will
entertain members of the Wom
an's Home Missionary society of
the Jason Lee church at he- home,
860 Jefferson street. Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Miss
Washburn will lead the devotions
and Dr. Emma Rodgers will give
brances for friends this year.
ed to bring gifts which are to be
sent to the Manley Center mis-
a.oii .u rurnuuu. am wuiuru ui Mr and Mr. Pf Lon enter
the church and community are 1 VrM.
.a i.t. talned with an evening of bridge
which will conclude with a tea
rVO one-act plays, "London
derry Air," and "The Con
flict," will be the December
offering of the Salem Arts league
at its regular monthly meeting
Tuesday evening in the auditor
ium of the Salem public library.
These plays will be presented
by the entertainment bureau of
Willamette university. "London
derry Air" was written by Rachel
Field, and is being directed by
Miss Eloise White. "The Conflict"
is a tragedy and is directed by
Mrs. Paul Ackerman. Both are
student-directors under the super
vision of Professor Herbert E.
Rase, instructor in public speak
ing and drama at Willamette.
In the play-production depart
ment at the university, student
directors are given individual re- I
sponsibility in coaching plays up
to the preliminary presentation.
Then their work is criticized by
Professor Rahe. After this pre
liminary presentation, the student-director
is given an oppor
tunity to polish up the production.
These are two plays so produced.
Players appearing tn "The
Londonderry Air" are: Savilla
Phelps, Tyrus Hillway, Jean Pe
terson, Olven Bowe.
In "The Conflict," are Beulah
Graham, Elizabeth Badley, Gladys
Dodge and Joe Hershberger.
There will be a short business
session Immediately preceding the
program, which begins at 8
o'clock. Members of the arts
league are urged to come early
for this business session. The
public of Salem is cordially invit
ed to attend the program.
Prof. W. C. Jones to
Address A. A.U.W.
The regular meeting date of the
A. A. U. W. has been advanced
from December It to Dcember 12
In order to avoid conflict with
Christmas plans. Plans have been
made so that members will be
able to attend this meeting and
slill have time to attend the Sa-
lm Woman's club which meees at
30 o'clock.
The meeting will be a 1 o'clock
luncheon meettlng at the Elks
club and this will be followed by
a talk on politics by Prof. W. C.
Jones of the department of ec
onomics at Willamette university.
He is one of the recent members
on the university staff, and came
here from the University of South
ern California.
One of the several dances spon-
at their home Friday night. Mrs.
Walter Bon dell held high score
for women and C. H. Talmage held
high score for. men; consolation
sored by the PEP clnb of the v wen'l MTl' "' "i"
Portland General Electric com- " RaT S1"-. Gae" wer f r
pany will be observed Thursday and Mrs. Ray Clark. Mr, and Mrs.
i v.n ak ua win Walter Bondell. Mr. and Mrs.
k- . -M-i. Floyd Stlffler, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
committee in charge includes Mrs. Talmsdge Mr. iid Hn. Earl Un
Belle Brown, J. T. Weisser, Miss
Marr Heenan, W. A. Merriott.
Frank Boehringer and O. T. Arm
Paddling ot freshmen haa been
officlallr tabooed at .Columbia
ruh and Mr. and Mrs. Long,
Mrs. E. B. Millard' will be host
ess to the Delta Chl chapter of the
Delphian society at her home
Tuesday morning at s: 30 o'clock.
Mrs. T. H. Seder entertained The topic for discussion will again
the Pinochle club of the Macca- be "Flemish Painters." Those to
bees at her home at 1480 Broad- present topics are Mrs. R. D. Bar
way Friday evening. High score ton, Mrs. R. M. Walts, 'Mrs. a B.
was made bv Mrs. Georsia Breed- I Spencer. Mrs. R. H. Kletzing, Mrs.
love. The consolation prize was I Carl Nelson ana Mrs. ueorge
The Eastern Star social club is
planning a program afternoon of
interest for Tuesday in the social
rooms of the Masonic temple. The
program will be followed by a so
cial time and refreshment hour.
The committee in charge is
Mrs. Addle Dunsford, Jennie
Briethaupt, Lena Cherrington,
Anna M. Cable. Katie Emerlck,
Ellen Gabriel, Pauline Harrison,
Hazel Hughes, Helen Lafky. Alice
K. Miller, Blanche Nelson, Ida B.
Olsen, Bertha Pritchard, Effie
Ratcliff, Florence Taylor and
Frances M. Wells.
Mrs. Ferrel W. Covalt enter
tained the Thimble club of the
Maccabees at her home. 1840
Broadway, Wednesday afternoon
at a dainty 5 o'clock tea party.
Mrs. W. W. Craig presided at the
tea table, and entertained the la
dies by reading their future in the
Mrs. E. T. Barkus. accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. John Bestler,
left Salem November 23 for a vis
it in Washington, from which
Mrs. Barkus returned Thursday.
Mrs. Bestler remained In Tacoma.
Thanksgiving day was spent with
Mrs. Barkus' sister. Mrs. Frank
Bergsna of Ferndale, Wash. Visits
were also made In Seattle and Ta
coma before Mrs. Barkus return
ed to her home tn Salem.
but rocR
Gift Jewelry
At Big Saving
A small deposit will
hold nntll Christ
173 N. Liberty .
christ, president, and Mrs. W
D. Clarke, Mrs. Kitty Graver
Mrs. F. W. Erick on, Mrs. J. A
Bronson, Mrs.' John McNary, Miss
A. Putnum, Mrs. P. W. Byrd-
Mrs. B. E. Carrier. Mrs. M. L
Meyer, Mrs. B. C. Miles, Mrs. L
O. Clement, Mrs. . F. E. Brown-
Mrs. William Gahlsdorf, Mrs. C
Hamilton, Mrs. F. A. Elliott.
Mrs. George Hugg. Miss Doro
thea Steusloff, Dr. Mary Purvine4
and Mrs. Claud Glenn.
At the Tuesday meeting ther
will . be plans completed for thai
membership tea which is a large
social affair each year in. the
T. W. C. A. social rooms. It 1st
set for December 15 this year"
and at this time the new mem
bers elected to the board will be
introduced to the guests.
Thursday of this week Mrs. W.
T. Jenks will be hostess for a
group of Girl Reserve advisors
and Miss Zada French, national
secretary, who will meet with the
advisors and In a round table1
discussion during the tea hours
problems affecting the local work
will be discussed.
Mrs. Jenks has Just accepted
the chairmanship of the girls
work of the T. W. C. A. Other
members of this committee are
Mr Paul Ellis, Mrs. Roy Locke
nour. Miss Mabel Robertson, Mrs.
Ruskin Blatchford, Miss Doro
thea Steusloff. Mrs. J. R. Sim
onds, Mrs. Max Rogers, Miss
Helen Breithaupt, and Mrs. M. I
Barbara Freitchie
Plans Benefit
Barbara Freitchie tent. Daugh
ters of Civil War Veterans, will
entertain with a benefit bridge
tea at the Salem Woman's club
house Wednesday afternoon be
tween the hours of 2 and 5:30
The proceeds of the affair will
go toward the Christmas cheer
fund of the tent which Is used
for bringing Christmas spirit to
the Civil War veterans of the city.
Both -500" and bridge will be in
play during the afternoon hours
and at 4:30 o'clock tea will be
served. Reservations are to be
made by calling 8763 Tuesday.
The clubhouse will be decorated
in Christmas symbols. The affair
promises to be one of the very
happy social afternoons which are
being arranged before the holi
The committee in charge are
the council, Mrs. Mary E. Sterns,
and Mrs. Judith Boock, and the
social committee, Mrs. Mabel
Gardner, Mrs. Kathryn Brown,
Mrs. Louisa Horning. Mrs. Gladys
Eckerson, Mrs. Pearl Roth and
Mrs. Jennie K. Miller.
B.&P.W. Bridge Club
An Interesting card evening
was that for whieh Miss Juana
Holmes, Miss Edna Lucker, and
Miss Daisy Hayden entertained at
the home of Mrs. F. W. Steusloff
Friday evening. Both bridge and
"500" were in play.
Present were Miss Josephine
Shade, Mrs. Mona Yoder, Miss
Julia Webster. Miss Grace Gil
liam, Miss May Cleveland, Miss
Merl Dimick. Miss Phoebe Mc
Adams, Miss Ruth McAdams,
Miss Edith Burch, Miss Helen
Louise Crosby, Miss Austin, Miss
Helen Tyson, Mrs. Lillian Cad
well, Miss Holmes. Miss Lucker
and Miss Hayden.
All members of the Auxiliary to
the Sons of Union Veterans are
requested to be present for the
7:30 o'clock meting to be held
Tuesday night In the Salem Wo
man's clubhouse.
Regularly $2.00 Quality
We've Just received a direct shipment of new silk crepes
from New York and will place them on sale tomorrow
Monday, Dec. 7th. Youll miss a big bargain If yon miss
this sale! Silks for dresses, for lingerie, pajamas, etc.
All are 40 inch widths.
Plain Colors
Plain colors are: Black, white, 5 shades of green, five
el shades of blue. S shades of rose, anrlcot. neach. Snanlsh
tile, maroon, wlnetone, eggshell, yellow, cerise, gold and
many others. COME EARLY!
nr i
college, Dnbae.ue, la.
won by Mrs. Florence Bourson. (Lewis.