ft" Tnc OREGOn STATESMAN. SalenL Oregon, Sunday Morning, December 6, 1931 PACE SEVEN Depression Igno I Christmas Buyer s heady Work; red If f H v :1! I- 1 I M SELECTIONS i Syncro-Mesh and Free-Wheeling Announced by Chevrolet for 1932 M H Holly Sprigs, Tinsel and Red and Green Help Lure Shoppers By G. MORGAN Inconoclasta from time im memorial hare cried that Christ mas should be stripped of its commercial aspect s--and who doesn't wish that when the most used book in the world grows use less? But - Merchants insist on throwing out : that ' persuasire Christmas "-omtaiiner 10 me pudiic, ana uie ; public, forgetting that only the "flay before It wished for a white Yulettde, comes back with a rush a grand rush with the net result that Mr. and Mrs. Public buy things galore, ranging from sox to Rolls Royces. And now Christmas is less than three weeks away! Lack of money notwithstand ing. Salem people are doing plenty of buying for December 25 already, the merchants say. Let's just suppose that you, like farmers, transients and reporters, think you hare not the where withal to buy Yule tokens. Then, not being able entirely to resist the lure of holly and fir trees, we'll take a little tour of the windows. Window shopping. Only, here's a warning. This has an adrantage, you know. You don't hare to be Im mune to blondes or bright spark ly eyea and pleasant smiles. Or, maybe you do have to be Immune to window shop. Here's a window that a week ago looked quite commonplace; now, a sprig of holly, a few bright fltters and Christmas' lures. That baby fork and spoon all done up on a rare Mickey Mouse crea ture Gee, what fun it would be to get that for Molly's cherub. Aha, the same window has pewter, silverware, candlesticks. Let's go oo, lest someone weakens. For this is window shopping only. There's a thing that Dad would like. A paper money clip. Maybe they are as old as the hills, but we're not seen them before. Jt 's attractlye. That 3moking equip ment, too. What an array; hard to ehoose. Thank goodness we don't have to . . . . Brother Bill would fall for that cute elephant i offal AM AW IIiaI 1. too. Mother always said smoking j? was monkey business. . . . Thinking about men and smok ing. . . , they aren't' supposed to like pretty things ... but they do. Why not for the casual friend some of these monogramed matches ... or those colored ones .odd shaped boxes? Electrie irons with pretty handles .... a window with manv dishes - . all of thpm attrfMv .... varieties shades .... what a ? present that would make for mar ried sister .... that beautiful . . , 1 " teL.SwW mlim m m n Embodying silent syncro mesh transmission in combi nation with selective free wheeling, Chevrolet's new car for 1932 goes on display today in dealer showrooms throughout the nation. Other new features include down draft carburetion, radically , changed front end appear ance and "finger touch front seat adjustment. Upper left, Chevrolet d luxe sedan; upper center, roadster showing new "sta bilized" front end construc tion; upper right, coupe, showing the new hood doors instead of louvres. Lower left, syncro-mesh transmis sion; lower right, view of instrument board with f ree- wheelinpr kuttnn at- rtrm mm - 12 left. .S BLOCKED BY SHOW Others Being Kept Open in Spite of Drifts, Says Auto Association I glassware . . . what temptation . . . . gracious, even mixing bowls of pleasing hues cry that they'd like to be wrapped in Christmas boxes. . . . There's another novelty . . . those little Dresden China bridge bells .... Sally would like one . . . . probably not expensive, . . . but . . . Purses .... pretty handker chiefs by the hundreds . . . um brellas .... undies .... hose and more hose, meshed or plain . . . . All acceptable .... all useful . . all alluring if merchants just wouldn't make their windows 8 so terrihlv temntlnr at thia time farther of the year .... spring and fall opening . . . they just can't begin to compare. . . . Knitted scarfs . . . bright . . . new . . . Sister would like one . . one of those wide bracelets . . . . beads .... watches ..... ob, oh . . . . let's move on fast. . . Toys .... funny things . . . . we used to play with 'em . . . . Ned's yoangster'd like that monkey on the stick .... oh, bother! might as well go in and get that! (And of course we came out with an armload, and no blonde behind the either). Florists' windows . wreaths .... mistletoe plants .... Christmas out right . . . . jardinieres the old brown pot for plants gives way to enameled ones .... decorated . . . attractive. . . Mother wouldn't have to keep wrapping green paper about hers . . . Those- handkerchiefs with the big splashy initials take the eye .... for women too .... any woman would like to carry one of them .... Stationaries . . . smart too . . . those cabinets look better than ever .... white seems to be in most evidence .... good taste . . . that elephant with the bridge score and pencil that sticks up from his back .... ought to in trigue any player . . . auction or contract ... Books too .... what better for Christmas than books .... they, like other things, are available at reasonable cost .... reasonable yes, lots of things seem to be more reasonable ..... Why, what's the use of worry- , that dollar does go . . sure .... let's go In and buy a bit ... . WORD FROM FREITAGS RIVERVIEW. Dec. 5 Word was received here by relatives from Raleigh i-eitag and family now residing T Glendale, Aril. The Freltag family left here sev eral months ago to travel for Mrs. Freitag's health. Raleigh stated in his letter that Mrs. Freitan has Improved considerably since lo cating there. counter, . holly potted Nine Imperial airways' pilots together have traTeled nearly wuo.ooo miles, each aTeraging .- 65 5 hours flying time. 1932 Chevrolet Offers Syncro-Mesh, Free Wheeling Many new Features Mark This General Motors Product now on Display Chevrolet's new car for 1932 is on display in dealers showrooms. Embodying silent syncro-mesh transmission in combin ation with selective free-wheeling, a twenty per cent increase in power, top "speed of 65 to 70 miles an hour, the new car remains in the price range of the current series, the lowest at which a Chevrolet has ever sold. Jleralded as "the great Amerl-O can value for 1932," the car boasts more extensive changes than any annual Chevrolet mode since the change-over to a six in 1928. Yet changes are mostly re finements over the basic design of the 1931 car, which, from the standpoint of public acceptance, was the most successful in the history of the company and brought Chevrolet first place in the industry during the highly competitive market of the past 12 months. Practically every proven auto mobile feature of recent years is incorporated in the new car, as well as a new "stabilized" front end construction embodied for the first time .on any car in the new 1932 Chevrolet. Outstanding improvements in the '32 line over last year's models are down-draft carburetion, counter-ba lanced crankshaft, smaller wheels and larger tires, radically changed front end appearance, "finger touch" front seat adjustment, cowl ventilator on all models, hood doors instead of louvres, improved clutch and an additional cross member in the frame. Free wheeling Is provided by an over-running clutch, engaged at the discretion of the driver by a control button on the dash. The wheelbase remains at 109 In ches. In the new Chevrolet, the fen ders, radiators and headlamps are Here's a Suggestion! send The STATESMAN J! 'A' GIFT NiOT"' EVERY 'IsPfj Sd lj OFTHE JPml ' li -YEAR! t A ORDER BLANK .The Oregon Statesman Salem, Oregon. Please send The Oregon Statesman for Months to. , Ordered by ... V Kmp Address I --- Subscription rates: By carrier 1 Yr. $5.00, 1 Mo. 45 cents. I By Mail 1 Yr. $4.00, 1, Mo. 50 cents. Outside Oregon 50 cents per Mo. carried on a single fender support unit, which is anchored at the center of the front cross member of the frame, thus eliminating the annoying weave as well as the possibility of squeaks at points of stress. .. Goetz Will Address Delbert Reeves Post SILVERTON, Dec. 6. Robert Goets, superintendent of Silver ton schools, will be the speaker at the Monday night meeting of the Delbert Reeves post of the Ameri can Legion. Mr. Goetz' topic will be "To Foster and Perpetuate One Hundred Per Cent American ism," taken from the preamble to the American Legion constitution. Mrs. Anne R. Jones, president of district No. 1, will be present at the auxiliary meeting which will also be held Monday night. Regardless of additional snow in many parts of the state last week, only two state highways remain closed, the Mt. Hood Loop and the McKeniie Pass, the Sa lem branch of the American Au tomobile association reports. The Wapinitia cut-off road has felt heavy snows all week but snow plows are keeping the highway open to Maupin. Motorists are warned, however, to put on chains at Twin Bridges, which is west of Laurel Hill; before traversing the final stretch. Snow and rains have made Co lumbia river highway traveling far from easy. A report from The Dalles says that there is snow in that vicinity. Between Arlington and Pendleton there Is about five inches of snow, with about 15 inches of new snow in the Blue mountains. Snow is found In spots from Hood River on east ward, the A.A.A. report says. Those traveling east of Arlington are advised to carry chains and drive carefully. About five inches of snow Is reported on the Pendleton-Walla Walla highway, with snow and ice on the highway from Walla Walla to Lewlston. Some snow has failed during the week on the road from Goldendale to Yakima. The Pacific highway through the Siskiyou mountains is travers able, with little change In the con dition during the week. A telegram from the Auto club of Washington says that four inches of new snow has fallen on the Snosualmle Pass during the week. Thirty-six inches of snow is reported on the level places. Snow plows are operating, keep ing the road open but chains At necessary on both passes, the message warned. Shelburn, surprised him oil his fifty-seventh birthday by bringing in well filled baskets td spent the afternoon (visiting. The fol lowing were present. Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Osborne, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Smith of Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. Lotus Osborne and two children of Tur ner, D. A. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs Com Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. E. R Osborne and daughter, , Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Dagell Osborne, and - Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Miller and daughter, Vernelle. E. A. Maine was called to Idaho on account of the death of his sister, Mrs. C. L. Davis of Nampa, Idaho. W. H. McLain lost a valuable horse Thursday. Dr. Kornck was called but arrived to late to be of any assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yoeman spent Thanksgiving with her par ents in Eastern Oregon. Mrs. N. Croiser is spending this week in Portland and Vancouver visiting friends and relatives. Mr. Vaughn of Marlon is now employed at the Mania home, east of Shelburn. Mr. and Mrs. George Lentz who have been employed for several months by Mrs. Etta Manis are spending a few days with Mrs. Lentz parents, Mr. and Mrs. McCoy of Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Follis and children spent Thursday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Marion TIndoll. MILIEU'S BIRTHDAY 1 SHELBURN, Dee. 5 Friends of M. B. Miller, farmer of near Mi's. Cole's Talk On South America Gets Club Interest ROSEDALE, Dec. 4. About 16 women gathered at the home of Mrs. r. Tucker Thursday after noon for the regular Missionary society meeting. One quilt was tied for the Associated Charities and also some quilting done. Mrs. C. A. Cole gave an in teresting talk on South America preparatory to taking up the study of the missionary work in La Pat, Bolivia. An all-day meet ing will be held next Thursday at the home of Mrs. D. S. Pearson, a pot-luck dinner to be served at noon. All women of the commun ity are Invited. 8AUCYS IX SOUTH KEIZER. Dec. 5. Mr. and Mrs. David Saucy left early Friday morning, motoring to Los Angeles for a fortnight visit with a broth er of Mrs. Saucy. Prices Much Lower Than Last Year .... Larger Selection OUR NEW PAJAM A and ROBE DEPARTMENT Is now open and its spacious quarters enables one to lei surely inspect the hundreds Of new garments assembled here for Christmas giving One will find the new quilted robes, replicas of grandmother's log cabin quilt for 2.95 and 3.95 and the quilted robes of satin, crepe and rayon are most lovely. They are variously priced from 4.95 to 14.50. Indian Blanket robes are featured at 2.95 and the flannels at 4.95. Now let us take a peek at the Pajamas first we see some one piece rayon garments for ladies and children at 95c and here's some beautiful 3 piece two tone garments just like the picture 2.45 to 5.95. And oh! The crepe de chine sleeping pajamas for 2.95 to 9.75. We just can't mention them all but we do want to extend to you an invitation to come in and visit thia new depart ment Sh! Sh! "We cater to men who buy for women. SHIP LEY'S ,Ul21 iL F- J " J? 25c 50c 69c $1.00 89c 98c ...49c Yardley Sets, hr Both Men and Women DeVilbiss Perfnmizers Whitman Candies Greeting Cards Leather Goods Conhlin, Shaeffer, Parker Pens and'Pencils Prices are much lower than last year and we have a much wider selection. WIDE RANGE of GIFTS $1. or LESS Fancy Powder Puff.... Cigarette Case Cigarette Case . Kippy Kit Whisk Broom Armand Set Wooden Toys. Whisk Broom 75c Jewel Box 98c William Set (having) . 89c Au-To-Clean 'Up Kit 89c Old Snifter $1.00 Football 35c Tip-A-Lite 79c Bath Salts $1.00 Baby Bath Thermometers $1.00 Cigars $1.00 Gift Soap 50c Brush Broom 75c Compacts $1.00 Congress Cards 85c Poker Chips 89c Pcrfumizers $1.00 Yardley's Guest Soap $1.00 Kinky Dolls 39c Master Sharpeners 35c Wooden Toys 39c Wooden Toys 2 for 15c Key Kaddys 50c Cameras 98c Flash Lights 98c Co-ed Kit $1.00 Razors $1.00 Incense Burners $1.00 Stationery 39c Hearth Broom 75c Ash Trays $1.00 Shaving . Brushes 98c Fountain Pen Sets...!! 98c Perfume $1.00 Golf Balls 3 for $1.00 Shaving Set 89c Flaming Fanny Table Lighters....$1.00 Bath Salts Fancy. 39c Cigars 50c Snap Shots 98c Kiddie Toys 49c Baby Set . 50c Cutex Set. $1.00 Barbara Gould Ensemble... Read-Em and Weep Pottery Asst Hair Brushes , . $1.00 $1.00 .98c $1.00 QUISENBERRY S CENTRAL PHARMACY 410 STATE STREET a . f. i I..'- A) Ml