The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1931, Page 18, Image 18

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Sakny Oregon. Sunday Morning. December g, 1931
1 h
Alt Local Items Planned for
Big Dinner at For
ester's Hall I
West Salem News
STAYTON. Dec. S Wednes
day night, Dec. . the Women's
Community club will gire an Ore-
ron Products dinner at the For
ester hall. The meal will consist of
bom products in particular, and
eyerythlng will be an Oregon, pro-
duet. The dinner is ut connection
with the observance !f I Oregon
Horn Products week,. from Dec. 7
Thar will be an entertaining
program and several out of town
speakers, among them A. G.
Clarke who was appointed by Got
Meier to hare charge of this work
' throughout the state; L. M; Lep
per. Portland attorney arid J. L
Peacock a director of the East
Side Commercial fluD. or fort
land. . ' j !! !
Prices will be riven for the
best essays by grade school pupils
on the subject "Why Trade at
Home." Also prises for the best
Oregon Products posters made by
cbool children.
Krery dollar spent for an Ore
gon product means the : goods
tnust be replaced, thus it keeps
fome at work, and the money
etays here. When spent for goods
made elsewhere the money goes
cut of the state, to build tip pay
rolls there hence leaders here as
elsewhere are boosting Oregon
All are urged to attend the din
ner, where they may learn more
about what Oregon produces, in
the way of manufacture. Many
are buying goods produced else
where, that may be found manu
factured In Oregon. There is a
nominal charge for the dinner.
Services Popular
The evangelistic meetings at
the Baptist church are being well
attended. Special outside groups
of musicians and singers are as
sisting each night, among them
being the Frlessen chorus and or
chestra. Next Wednesday night
the Salvation army singers of Sa
lem will assist. The afternoon
bible studies and prayer meeting
are led by Orin Buckbee. Evange
list H. M. Mead, who ' has been
conducting meetings throughout
the valley has charge of the ev
ening service. The public is in
Tited to attend all meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Beauchamp
entertained a small group of
friends on Wednesday evening in
honor of C. A.'s birthday. Bridge
was played and Dr. and Mrs. G.
F. Korinek received prizes for
high score. Unusually tempting
refreshments were served, at a
late hour.
O. M. Baker, local Chevrolet
dealer Is now located in his new
quarters on Third street. His new
location gives him much better fa-
- cilities than the old one. He had
the new car on display today.
Ore.; Dec. 6 The highest total
registration in its history is an
nounced today by Albany college
with 303 students in its genera!
WEST SALEM, Dec. 6 The
congregation of Ford Memorial
church as well aa attendants of
more than 20 other Salem
chnrchea of different denomina
tions are due for a surprise at the
Sunday night service. A general
shake up of pastors is to take
place that day and the appearance
of the speakers in each pulpit will
be the first hint of his Identity.
This surprise wag arranged by the
Salem Ministerial association at a
recent meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Emll Seifferfand
family moved the first of the week
from 1091 Seventh street to the
M. E. Davis house at 10 S3 Skin
ner street Mrs. H. C. Ramey of
student body, extension courses
and school of music. Last year's
total was 351.
PERRYDALE, Dec. 5 Orvllle
Kurtz was guest of honor at a
surprise birthday party Tuesday
night. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Bennett, Mrs.
Rena Bush and Mrs. Roy Dona
hue of Dallas. Vern Peterson and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell..
Mrs. Henry McKee and Mrs.
Gideon iicKee have returned from
California where they have been
for several weeks attending to
business affairs after the sudden
death of Gideon McKee. Mrs.
Gideon McKee will make her
home with her sister Mrs. Henry
McKee for the present.
Llndley Bowles was visiting old
friends this week. He Is just ont
of the Veterans hospital after be
ing confined there some time be
fore undergoing a serious opera
tion on his back. He has been in
business in Seattle for several
Robert Walker was here Thurs
day looking over the ruins of his
burned ' warehouse. Mr. Walker
was in.' Portland Tuesday night
and was not aware of the fire un
til his wife called him Wednesday
morning after she herself had re
ceived a telephone message from
Bruce Walker, after he had driven
from their home in McMinnville
out to the warehouse for a load
of hay.
Mrs. Jane Baxter has returned
home after a weeks visit in Salem
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph RIggs
and Mrs. Adeiia Riggs.
Prlngle, a sister of Mrs. Seiffert
was her truest Wednesday .
Mrs. Myrtle Johnson of 1080
Skinner street is home from an
operation being barely averted.
Mrs. S. B. Tatom, a guest for
several days at the C. R. Brown
home returned Friday to her
home ia Portland.
Ia Silets Country
Eugene Radkey and Julian Gra
ham are in the suets country
where they have, a trap line,' The
boys will remain until Christmas
and If 'their venture proree profit
able will return to the mountains!
after the. holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tandr
and family of Astoria were recent
guests of Tandy! parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. E. Tandy.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Greene and
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ballberry, all ot
Scio were Friday luncheon guests
at the S. Pfelfaut home.
- Mr. and- Mrs. Allen Craig en-
oyed a recent fishing trip to
Alsea returning with some fine
specimens of salmon trout.
Mlsa Thelma May Hall under
went a recent serious operation
at a Salem hospital. She Is home
again and reported convalescing
Child Is Hart
Laurence, four-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Weisner suf
fered a painful accident when his
fingers were caught between the
rollers of an electric wringer. Be
fore his mother could reach him
the arm had gone through almost
to the shoulder and though terrib
ly bruised, no bones were broken.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McHale have
returned from a visit with rela
tives at Valsetz, former home of
the McHales.
Pat Ballard, transient was ar
rested Tuesday by City Marshal
Simpson for drunk and disorderly
HUBBARD, Dec. 5 Pupils of
the third and fourth grades
taught by Miss Frances Hatch
gave a play, "The Muddies from
Mussyland" before the high
Bchool assembly Friday afternoon
Several parents were in attend'
If yonr man travels much, se
lect In r a gift that will be appre
ciated is simple. A few minutes'
window shopping will reveal an
array ot those little accessories
which do much to take the in
conveniences out of living on
trains and In hotels.
Combination kits for shaving
equipment, military hair brashes.
tooth brnsnee ana soap are ln-
nemerahle and so handsome.
The. leather kits waterproofed
Inside, hear that simplicity and
serviceability that pleases the
Pajamas now come with pack
ing .bag to match. "Ne - longer
need the traveler search tor the
coat U on end ot his bar -and
for the trousers La tho other. '
Leather bags with- compart
ments keen- personal effects sep
arate. , A neat grip, like clothes,
makes the traveler feel gayer.
Little things, but, multiplied.
they - take exaspera'nc disorder
ont of the travelers life.
son. :v: :;. - 5--'
Tho names ot , the folio wlag
Chemawa students appear on the
howoT "roll tor tho past' six
weeks, denoting that these pupils
have an average of 10 or over In
both their academic sal Industri
al course: -
. Seniors riWnilam Flowers, Et
tU Bedard, Cerise Hogan, Jose
phine' Haghes, Charlotte Jordan,
Christine. Mailer, Hazel Pete and
Btnnlo Pikutarlk. Juniors: I. Cot
tonoir, Alice Jones and Frances
Jflats, Sophomores; PrUcilla Hay
ashl. Gertrude Lukla, Woodrow
Ball,-Francis Thomas and Adam
Williams. Freshmen: Dorothy
Henderson, Laura Morigeaa and
Alfred ObL Eighth grade: Wilbur
Pepton, Loreua Morigeaa, Myrtle
Clairm ont Anna Decker, Eliza
beth Wynaeo, Mary Paul, Flora
Bremmer and Florence Grenler. .
Beauty Glass
Girls Opens
CHEMAWA. Dec. 5 The Che
mawa beauty parlor, offering vo
cational training for girls In this
line of work, was opened tho first
part of tho week with Miss Mar
tha Funk of Salem in charge as
instructor. The shop has beea
modernly equipped Including per
manent waving machine, and oc
cupies half ot the stucco building
which is also the homo of the bar
ber shop. The following students
have enrolled for this course:
Anna Whltesell, Essie Bedard,
Hallle Bedard, Mariel Stensgar,
Delia Snyder and Ellen NIchol-
Christmas Gifts
Now is the Time to Choose
Books, Stationery, Bridge Supplies, Portable
Typewriters, Children's Games, Fountain Pens
and Pencils, Bibles, Leather Goods, Novelty Items
465 State Street
And Enjoy The
Substantial Savings
On Diamonds, Silverware, Jewelry,
Watches, Clocks, Leather Goods
And Novelties
French" Perfume
Renaud'a & Delta famous
o French perfume. Sizes $1
to $10, In sweet pea, orchid
and gardenia 1
now at....:
r2 Prico
' Ladies' Watches
One group of ladies' Gruen
14-k solid gold wrist watch
es, 15 and 17 jewel. Values
$45 to $80
now at
Elgin, Illinois, Waltham la
dies' and gents' wrist
watch SO to 50 OFF,
Community Silver
67 piece dinner sets, serv
ice for 8 in DeauvHle &
Nobless designs, $69.50
r. $51.75
Community China
Community 50 yr. plate,
42 pieces, service for 8 in
Deauville & Nobless de
signs. Reg.
$51.75, now
Ladies and gents' solid gold
set rings
now at 2 Price
Seth Thomas clocks, West
minster chime, mahogany
r'.?!f4:. $19.75
S'0. $12.50
$20.00 Seth Thomas 'docks
T... $10.00
Large -selection high grade
Toilet Sets, Military Brush
es, Manicure Sets at Big
See Our Windows for Specials in aB lines Open Saturday Nights
for IFSOQ 1PSrg ffltt IEsaWSG&DDfflM IPG'S:
All markets were combed to secure the best values obtainable . . . you may shop here
nri-fV 4-lr U-t 1 4-1 A. Ml 1 1 1 1 " J 1 1 11 t ss?
mm mc luiuiueitce uiai you win get me Diggest vaiue ior your aouar;
Speciiall Vaflmies ona mu?
IDoflHai? Comiimttei?
Automobiles with gyro drive some with rubber tires beautiful
toys with lasting quality.
Dozens of Dolls, including mamma dolls with and without hair, also
some imported felt dolls.
Rubber tired Scooters with stand also Kiddie Cars.
Cast iron Trctors - Fire Engines and Motor Busses.
Large, flashy Trucks Pile Drivers Police Patrols. Sturdy built
and a special value.
The most complete line we have ever shown
Prices from $3.95 to $55.00
Also a fine selection of accessories such as track,
signals, tunnels, extra cars, switches and water
Everything for The Boy Railroader
Including transformer for
This is to tht best of our knowledge the lowest
price such a set has ever been sold
Full six roller benrIos o QC
The qn&ntity Is limited so don't wait
Ipng to place your order
50c GAMES Your choice of Babe
Rath'a official BaaebaU game. Flight
to Paris and Table Croquet at tola
special a
low price OUC
erful tractor ia aluminum, finish. Al
wts sold before for qa
from J 1.00 to $1.1 03C
TEDDY BEARS Wooler bears with
Tolces. QQ
Priced from OyC a
Also docs, monkeys and cats
moring picture machine. Comes with
attract It theatre screen. i a a a
Complete for only vlUU
Mad be bad with electric motor drire
for small additional cost
PLAXES THAT FLY We have a good
selection of Tf" CC 7C
planes from.... fuCto vvWu
Ask to see the One Dollar Monoplane
BALLS The most complete line we
hare eTer shown. J f 1 1 4 ft T
Priced from.. 43Cto 14?
Also doll carriages, dishes, houses,
washing machines and all ether toys
to delight the little glrL