"Scenetv" for Mem Always Semomabh 'ai Christmas'; Mew handled. Also they are aislttlng the committees hi preparation for the "Oregon ProducU" dinner. store windows at this- time et icfes for Cleve Wood, who was lut ed in an automobne, wreck, were held at the Hopewell church; Fri np. The dub win meet the first and third Tuesday of each month. The many friends ot Panl Lee will be glad to. know he is im proTlng from an appendicitis op eration. Mrs. George Baumgartner en tertained in honor of her daugh ter Mabel's tenth birthday. Games were enjoyed by the small guesU, after which refreshments . were served. Those present were Lu eile Frey, Dorothy Krehbiel, Ina Witt. Florence Stewart, Elinore Olson, Nola Lee, Eileen Tarpley. WUletU -Griffith, Eloise Hawkins and the - honor gnest, .Mabel T year make the smoker's mouth water. A shiny new pape, wheth er briar or meerschaum, Is wel comed. Soared pipes -make-for soured dispositions. ' ' ' Or a lighter that has a high batting average Is a gift Joyfully received. Clgaret cases, tobacco pouches. eleTerly-deslgned ash uaumgaroaer. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fart 4 4 were Tisltlng in Forest Grere xe 1 Organized day afUrnoon by the Ladd funeral parlor ot McMlnnrllle.' Interment was made In the Hopewell ceme Members ot the association arei O.. XL Baker, Jordan Farm Ser rlce, Mt Statee Power Co W. T Klecker, J. A. Hendershott. Bon T6n, Pooler Klecker, McMarr Stores, SUyton Bakery. Gehlen'i store, Albus Drug store. Stanton Hardware. C. A. Beauchamp, V. P. Lancetleld, SUyton Meat Mar ket and Murphy-ar.dner Lum- cently. v tery. AUBURN, Dec. 6 The 4-H sewing club met at the home of the leader, MrsBen H. Hawkini Tuesday after school. The name of "Mother's Helpers' was adopt ed. Programs tor the Tear were made out. Sewing then was Uken Whew yoa think of - LIFE INSURANCE Think of Charlie McEIhinny THE WIDOWS FRIEND Tel. 7941 First Nat. Bank Blig. STAYTON, Not. f Stayton retail merchants lure organized If your man, be he husband, father or brother, smoker, gift problems already are solred. In novations are few ahd unwanted a retail easiness men' associa trays the accessory list ii en4 Shop Tour Reveals Myriad tion, onicers ; being, president, Chris NeltUng; secretary-treasurer, Pat ; Brantley. During Oregon Products . week they are maklnr less. r 'Articles for Husband, by the smoker,; but new! gadgets always flnd-cood use. SERVICES FOR WOOD , Son and Father a special display ot Oregon goods The lusclout-looklnr pines In AMITY, Dec. e.--Fneral seTT ner company, y GIFTS FOR SMOKER HO HARD PROBLEM Businessmen By STEPHEN. C. MERGLER: C- Redecorate your man this Christmas. V:' ; Sounds more like houses and offices.: But when one looks in shoo windows, eyes counter wares, he sees that Christmas might too be a time, for brightening up hubby," dad or son. About the only Items of men's clothing left dull and dark these days are shoes, suits, overcoats and hats. And those are but half his appar el. Bright, warm, colors take the chill out of winds -and fogs and rales. A word might be offered the wise, however. That Is, ob senre the colors .your man ; likes and buy accordingly. Although he might not tell you; he would, be sorely xexed at receiving a shirt, suspenders' or tie of the color he always has detested. With the price of textiles bo very low, selection of those nice 'garments is assured. At getting-up time, the man might like having a gay pair of ani hirt to don. neat clocked Bllk-and-wool hose, of either garter or no-gart type, the new smaller-pattern shirt with collar-attached or collar-to-match, and a new necktie. "- -i On the way to the office, the soft folds of a muffler come to the rescue In keeping out the. chill of winter days. Silk mufflers are both warm and .smart-looking. fiinn this rear are not expen sive Pigskin continues to lead the list ot materials .In popularity, with new shades such as the cork . eolor being offered. Grey suede and mochas also have their de mand. A neat silk handkerchief jaxzes up the austerity of a dark winter overcoat. Now your man my like to take his coat off-la the office and, if so. he needs, a "light Jacket -to keep him warm and protect his shirt from soiling. Coat sweat ers are admirably adspted to this purpose and- this year are unbe liOTably low in cost for the best of quality. Soft materials such as the alpaca, camel's hair and the fleeces, are the mode. Better tail oring stands out in these gar: ments. ... Handylittle desk knick-knacks .v- nioasinsr Christmas gifU and give variety over the year-ln-year-out neckties. If your man delights in taking it easy around home in the even ts he would be tickled pink at receiving a lounging robe ra flan nel or silk one.. Brigm piams u miin colors, some stripes, are be- in Rhown this year. And slip pers of course, in blacks, reds blues, with soft or hard soles, are a necessary adjunct to lounging. Twelve o'clock and time for bed. It you want your man to leen in utmost comfort, give him " a few pairs of the new pajamas. Reltless nalamas now featured in the shops are a decided Improve- ment in comfort. Bright colors won no aealn in this garment and new styles are being offered. In stead of the collarloss coat wmcn ; leU a man's neck shiver, the new Mtta have Chinese. Russian or - ahiwl collars. Both slip-on and coat style pajamas are "in". 1 The -task of selecting a Christ mas gjft tor your man is made easy' by the array of newish ar- tides being shown in me snops The Tarletr is available: a ais tlnetlve gift will be found during ' a brief shopping tour about the : city. I ElSMFS for" Greater Selections " ti - Better Vakes- PC , Kvn4r-:'T?NT-- t$i rAr;s u GENERAL BiOTORS : RADIO : SnperHeterodyno Converter ' - tcith remote control : - . . . - - - - - BwaW eatnnsiafU' eyerj wfcere May we afidl srouo 2ua ttl&e seBett5Mia 2 gSCtts for mmeim? Your thoughtfulness in giving will in itself, of course, be gratifying to him for the moment but how much more genuinely pleasing it will be if your selection evi dences real style discrimination.. Painstaking in choos ing things here will give him real enjoyment through out the year. Things that he would choose himself that's what you'll find here in our extensive showing and at values that will mean a great saving to you. . VAry Elaborately Designed and Trimmed, ; and Very Exceptional Values A ... EKOUSE 5DAir of Soft Wool and Fine Silks, Smart Contrast Trims Very Keen, and Real Values 05 op The New Nobelt Styles in Richest Materials for Lounging Bright, Smart Patterns Russian and Chinese Styles, and Moderately Priced E.9S to 75 Every style, every shade Pigskin, Mocas, Slipons & Button all at new low prices 2.00 to 5.00 . v V; V-. Wacljisatag he svewest tedie " IM MHiu mmwmww nAim 8imerBcteodTBM r. vWies- witk rcsoeteesdret It ay tasted ,raue Bre . - . ya, 8KffWti.- iaww, V';. ywwaat Ik taa la taJay.fsc ; ' ' u iemUmmitm.. tern will ' to V thrClMli ;'; 'ft. r't ' - - - " it h lUll Fine flannels & -beautiful Silks . in every smart pattern- shape - - iOO to 5i0 THE CHRISTMAS STORE jr.. s.. :&y x-yyy yyw . . f I . . fir li-y- ..v.y.v-.-. '. ..-.-:v.-: - v - j: 'V v ' u -w-? 4t 4V6 vl - Cvjr-: r C ' --vv-VM 1 V.; ; (SSnoose Ms g&SCs at owdh stti?e Coi? DMeDQ Throughout this man's store you will find a very smart collection of the fine things that contribute to a man's dressiness & comfort, clothes that give that feeling of confidence & satisfaction. It's the better part of gift shopping judgment to choose wearables for a man and to select them here, at a store with a trustworthy name and with a reputation of satisfaction first, last and al ways. Hundreds to choose from; the finest and most beautiful shirts ever. New designs in fine broadcloth; silks and madras in every shade and supreme values in every one. Choose yours from our large showing. to 65 The season's smartest ties, secured from the finest neckwear makers direct from Hol lywood. In every new design and color. See them in our windows. . 11.00 to 300 i i SWEATERS : In every style & color, coat, pullovers & sleeveless. The largest assortment & the best values 2.45 to O. I V imsiiECiir- V J l f Mm ." . Ma m w w . a i 1 bujc & jtaiK wool :iinesv maxes j hade T pattern- -3 Bv SEE ' OUR WINDOWS FOR A XMAS ARRAY OP SMARTEST TOGS FOR MEN Bns.iarP9 Clothinff and IWoolcn ; Malt Stored. Inc., 136 North Commercial THE CHRISTMAS STORE i v i - - I rt:( '5 .vjggfe j i" ! 'ii'sa'i'iiii ii--iJsiMMMMSMwasawssMfcwBSMaaaaaaa JfJ ' &&:VW!Ctt St. . r 1 K-,-- s J I ii il I I I m