The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 01, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning; December 1, 1931
ociety News and Club Affairs
Ouvs M. Doax, Scy Wtf:
Church Wedding is
A brilliant event of the tall and
winter season was the marriage of
' Miss Mary Kafoury, daughter of,
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Kafoury, to
Frank B. Shifer, son of the late
Frank E. Shafer, Sunday after
noon at 3:30 o'clock at the beau
tiful altar of St. "Paul's Episcopal
The church was filled with the
-mnnv Invited friends, most of
whom had known the young peo- i
pie since thei' childhood. :
Dignified simplicity maraeu iu
nervice and church decorations.
The tall ivory tapers which form
so distinctive part of St. Paul's
altar arrangement, burned stead
ily and cast a mystic glow over
those who stood within the radius
of their light.
'Yellow and white chrysanthe
mums were- entwined about the
beautiful silver cross which forms
the central figure of the altar
background. More or me same
flowers were arranged behind the
glowing altar tapers. Tall palms
gave the final note of dignity for
the background, which compli
mented the rare loveliness of the
bride. m .
Preceding the entry of the brid
al party, the vested choir of St.
Paul's, of which the bride had
been a member, entered singing
and took its place. Then the thrill
ing pipe organ notes of Lohen
grin's march were sounded by
Mrs. Kenneth Dalton, and the ush
ers, Donald Deckebach, Clark
Jackson, Homer Smith, Jr., and
Ivan Kafoury followed by the lit
tle flower girls. Ruth and Naomi
Kafoury, in white chiffon frocks
and wearing piquant white bows
in their hair, took their places at
the chancel rail, meeting there Mr.
Shafer and Fietcher Johnson, best
Following them came Miss Hel
en Kafoury. sister of the bride,
and as maid of honor, the only at
tendant. She wore a rose pink sat
in gown made with tight bodice,
ruffled cape sleeves and a long full
skirt -with several tiers of ruffles
extending from the waist line al
most to her Knees. Long white
gloves and a chic, close-fitting
silk turban completed her ensem
ble. She carried an arm bouquet
of deep pink and rose orchid
Then came the bride, radiantly
lovely at the side of her father,
fc F. Kafoury, who gave her in
marriage. The bride's gown was a
severely simple ivory satin made
in princess style, square neckline,
long sleeves, and floor-length
skirt. Her long, train-veil of Brus
sels net and point lace was caught
into a cap about her head. A
string of gold nuggets, valued
treasure of her mother, was the
onlv adornment worn by
bride. She carried a white prayer
book rather than flowers, and
tucked into the folds of this was
Tuesday, December 1
South division of First Presbyte.rian church, with
Mrs. Ed S. Byers, 1077 South High street, 2 o'clock.
Marion County Parent-Teacher association, fall
meeting in chamber of commerce rooms, 7:30 o'clock;
address by Mrs. Virginia Kletier.
Salem MacDowell club, Christmas propram. Grand
theatre. 8:15 o'clock; Jean Kantner, guest soloist.
Art appreciation section of Salem Arts league at
John Clifford home.
American War Mothers. 2 o'clock in American Lu
theran church parlors: important business meeting as
officers will be elected.
Wednesday, November 2
Mrs D. J. Fry. Sr.. hostess for Christmas meeting
of Missionary society of First Contrregational church,
at her home 606 South High street.
Home Missionary society of First Methodist church,
2:30 o'clock in church parlors; tea hour to follow bus
iness and program session.
Sigma Nu Delphian society tea, home of Mrs. v. i.
Jenks, 635 North Summer street; hours from 3 to 6
Cl Senior Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church, with
Mrs. James Walton. 1177 Center street. 2:30 o clock.
Officers are to be elected.
Foreign Missionary society of Jason Lee church,
2:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Herman Clark. 1625 North Win
ter street: tea to follow business meeting.
Leslie Ladies Aid. meet at church. 11 o'clock, to
sew for charity: potluck dinner at noon.
Dakota club with Mr. and Mrs. Will Slewerts.
route 5; potluck dinner 6:30 o'clock.
Thursday, December S
Hayesville Woman's club with Mrs. Robin Day.
Chapter G of the P. E. O. Sisterhood with Mrs. D. X.
Beechler; State organizer. Mrs. Arthur E. Welch of Port
land, inspect chapter. .....,
U. S. Grant circle, No. 5. Ladies of the Grand Army
of the Republic, important business meeting, 2 o clocK
in armory.
Saturday, December 5
Chemeketa chapter, D. A. R.. fireplace room of city
library; study of Mexico to be under leadership of Mrs.
B. L. Steeves; gifts collected for Angel Island Christ
mas box.
Friday, December U
Salem Lodge No. 19, Degree of Honor, Woman's
clubhouse, 8 o'clock for election of officers.
Nuptials Told
. Pattern
a handkerchief, heirloom from
Mr. Schaefer's mother.
The bride and her party took
their places at the chancel rail be
side the groom, and were greeted
by Rev. George H. Swith, rector
of St. Paul's. Then the choir sang
"Calm as the Night," with Miss
Julia Query as soloist, at the con
clusion of which the bride and
groom-elect took their places be
fore the altar and exchanged the
solemn vows cf marriage.
Following tne ceremony Mr. ind
Mrs. Shafer greeted the wedding
guests at the church door and lat
er about 100 close friends were
greeted in a formal reception at
the Kafoury home on bummer
thA ' street.
lne ... t-. t. nJ Mica
Mrs - ruuuudii uu
Vivian Eiker received at the door.
Assisting about the guest rooms,
which were beautifully arranged
in yellow and white chrysanthe
mums, were Mrs. L. R. LeFuvgy.
Mrs. Allen Kafoury, Mrs. Charles
Hudkins, Mrs. Leo Kafoury, Miss
Sophia Kafoury and Miss Kate
For the first hour Mrs. Homer
Smith and Mrs. Russell Catlin pre
sided at the lovely service table.
Mrs. Otto Wilson and Mrs. I. M.
Doughton presided during the sec
ond hour. In serving. Mrs. Henry
Cornoyer was asslstea Dy .miss
Irene "deLisle, Miss Marjorie Mar
cus, Miss Julia Query, Miss Elean
or Patton of Eugene and Miss
Florence Emmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Shafer will be at
home December 10 at the Shafer
home on State street following a
wedding trip.
Rev. and Mrs. G. F. Liening Sr.
entertained Sunday at their beau
tiful country home with a turkey
dinner In honor of their daugh
ter's birthday. Table decorations
were carried out in pink with two
candles each holding five pink
candles on either side of a boun
tiful fruit basket. After dinner
was served the afternoon was
spent socially Those present were
the honor guest. Mrs. Carl R.
Miller, Carl R. Miller and daugh
ter Janet of iaiem; Rev. and Mrs.
G. Liening Jr.. and daughter Flor
ence of Jefferson: Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Kruse. Fred L. Miller and
daughters Minnie and Edna of Sa
lem; and the hosts. Rev. and Mrs.
G. F. Liening.
Stayton A simple but charm
ing wedding was that of Miss
Gloria Weddle, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Weddle and Doug
las Heater, son of, Mr. and Mrs
W. A. Heater which took place
at the home of the bride's sister,
Mrs. W. W. Smith in Salem. Sun
day. The ceremony was read by
Rev. w. H. Lyman, pastor of tbe
Christian church of this place at
2 p.m. Preceding the ceremony.
Mr. Roy Hiatt, of Koseburg. and
a brother-in-law of the- bride
sang. 'Because." He was accom
panied by Miss Vashta Johnson, of
The young couple were unat
tended. The bride's gown was of
egg shell taffeta .and her. corsage
boquet was bride's roses. Tbe
groom ' wore a navy bine suit.
They were a most attractive look
ing couple.
The large living room in tbe
Smith home had been beautifully
decorated for tbe occasion with
chrysanthemums and ferns.
During the refreshment hour,
Miss Vashta Johnson and Miss
Clara Heater, sister of the groom,
poured, while Misses Beulah and
Gladys Weddle served. Those
present were Rev. Lyman, Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson and daughters,
Vashta and Helen, of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heater. Miss
Clara and Maurice Heater; Mr.
and Mrs. Dolph Heater and chil
dren; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hiatt and
daughter, Yvonne, of Roseburg;
Miss Martha Jlndra, Miss Mar
garet Ireland, Mrs. C. R. Howd
Stayton; Miss Iris Jorguson, Sa
lem; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weddle
Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. W. A
Weddle and daughters. Misses
Betalah and Gladys; F. Smith,
Stayton and Mr. and Mrs. W. W
Smith and little son, Salem.
These young people have grown
u n in this community and have a
host of friends who wish for them
much happiness. Mrs. Heater is
a graduate of Stayton high school.
and following her graduation was
for some time employed at tbe
bank here". Mr. Heater has been
assisting his father on their straw
berry acreage, which Is the larg
est planting of berries on one
farm of anv place in the world.
i Durine his spare time the past
The degree of Pocohontas. Im- ! year or more he took upaviatlon,
Reception to Follow
Tonight, the Salem MacDowell
club will present Its first chorus
program of the year, and It will
present tbe first theatre program
In a number of yean, singing as
It will at the Grand theatre.
Especial interest Is being tak
en in this chorus by the mnsical
circles in Salem because of the
guest solojst. Jean Kantner, who
returned to Salem after an ab
sence of several years. Mr. Kant
ner sang in Salem as a child and
has many friends of long stand
ing here. He is the grandson of
Rev. W. C. Kanjner at whose
home he is staying following his
arrival in Salem Monday. Mrs.
Ruth Wohlgemuth Kraft, accom
panist for Mr. Kantner is also a
guest at the Kantner home.
Expression of opinion is that
the chorus is in excellent form
for this program. Hard practice.
many times in small groups for
extra rehearsals, .and intensive
practice at regular rehearsals
with a full and consistent attend
ance of the chorus has given firm
ness and polish to a program
which. Is of itself interesting and
full of colorful music.
Following the program which
begins at 8:15 o'clock, Mrs. Clau
dius Thayer will open her home,
Willamette lodge, for a reception
In compliment to Mr. Kantner.
The chorus, Its director, Lena
Belle Tartar, accompanist, Ruth
Bedford, and special guests will
form the guest list.
Officers of the club for this
year are Miss Frances Virginie
Melton, president; Mrs. T. S.
Roberts, vice president; Mrs.
George Rhoten, secretary; Mrs.
A. A. Siewert. treasurer; Mrs. C.
L. Sherman, auditor.
U ''The Offidd Syttem9
M Adopted by Leading AuUswritfe.
Declarer's FrobabU Tricks.
UNTIL a player can value his w!jft''
hands accurately he barfly PiiWvS
knows what's what. The mereiy take their average 'value;
saest accurate method may be assume that equal numbers of Q's
found explained at length in my and 10's will be held.)
new text book on the official sys- A sohd suit 14. ngWjj
tern. The most simple short-cut K-Q-J-10-x evidently is worth
method is given below. 8 points (or 4 tricks), allowing
Quick trick values are employed that the ace must win a single de-
declarer and dummy employ play- ej. beyond 4 at 2 points
ing values," which exceed defen- ea. Value the following hand
sive values, because the declarer with spades as trumps,
possesses an enormous advantage $6-3-2
in having control of trumps, in JIC-Q-8
playing as a unit the 26 cards of 4 K6
his side, in having the declara- The table of values fjv1
tion that peculiarly fits the cards Spades, 8 points ; Hearts, 0 ; Clubs,
held by his side, and in knowing 3 points; Diamonds, 2 points:
from the start just what his re- total 13 points. Divide by 2 and
sources are. For example: you obtain 6V4 probable tricks,
Am mem ia worth only one trick which is as close to tne average
t aa adversary, bat wkB hU by value as any method can yield,
either declarer or dvatmy the ace Value the next hand at bo
mmt oaly sriae a trick, but also - trumps,
able the declaring aide, one-half e Q 10 7
tfc tiai it ia held, to wia another 8 - 6 - 3 - 2
trick which coald aot ha woa on- efrA-K-Q
lew tke ac had baaa held. ThU K-Q-J
rosnetional value of aa honor ax- Spades are worth 2 points;
teada to a laesar dagre to honor Hearts, O; Clubs, 6 points; Dia
lowar than aa ace. So tha playing monds, 4 points; the total value of
value of honor, include their aver- the hand IS 12 points, or 6 prob
a promotional value, able tricks. Could anything be
As declarer, use the following more simple?
?oint count, to avoid having to ado Deduct a point for unprotection,
raetions together. As each point as fellows: A Alone, value at only
is worth A trick, divide the point 2; K alone, 1 point; J-x, 0; 10
eount of the hand by 2, for ob- x-x. 0.
taining the final result in probable Tomorrow: Good and Bad Opoa.
tricks. Count points as follows: ing Bid.
A, 3 K, 2 either Q, J or 10, 1 Cepjtlakt. Kla Tauam Sixllrau. tea
Will Sew for ;
Women of the LU Ladle. Ati
society are being asked to laeet Wednesday morning
w " . -
at 11 o'clock at wncn um
will be begua for charity.
A potluck luncheon
served t noon. Tbe committee
In charge of the affair Is Mrs C.
T. Mdntyre. Mr. Alma Thomp
son, Mrs. Mason Bishop, and Mrs.
Daisy Mdntyre.
t tut. utaa riavla Downs,
daughter of Dr. aad Mrs. C. A.
Downs, appeared Oft the program
of the Salem Woman's club Sat
urday afternoon with a group of
piano solos during the tea hour.
Much favorable comment was giv
en concerning the presentations of
tta vounr musician.
The Woman's Foreign Mission
jary society of the Jason Lee
I church will meet Wednesday at
2-30 o'clock at the nome ui
Herman Clark. 125 N. Winter
Tea will be served. All women of
the community are invited.
7m Tne Serine Valley Mis
sionary society will be entertained
at the home of Mrs. W. W. Henry
for the regular meeting weanes-
day, December 2. Assistant nosi-
eeses will be Mrs. Kaipn ti. ocon.
and Mrs. W. T. Scott of Salem.
Clarence Sebo Gets
Job as Manager for
Silverton MacMarr
Mrs. Ethel Budlong
Heads Lodge Order
proved Order of Redmen, held a
combined business and social
meeting Friday night. The great
council of officers from Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sholtns
from the Los Angeles council
were guests.
There were a number of appli
cations on the table and great en-
has his own plane and does con
siderable flying.
They left amid showers of rice
and heartiest congratulations for
a week's honeymoon trip and af
ter their return will be at home
to their friends in the cottage
they have furnished and made
readv on the Heater farm.
.1 : , j 5 . .
progress and excellent condition : Surprise I arty lOT
of the order. ' ' A
After the business of the even- ! Anniversary
? . . . t 1. v e Ik a
wire served and a number ot in- I A..n.ver.r, ' delwjtl"!
tere.Uns lmMnt .peeches .ere j ""S e'Tor'nsS. Son,
and the festive spirit or a pany
The following- officers were
elected for the ensuing term:
Ethel Budlong, Pocahontas; Ale
na Vaughn, Wenonah; Florence
Craig, Minnehaha; Clara Lewis,
Prophetess; Mrs. C. E. Kertsen,
keeper of wampum; C. E. Kert
sen. keeper of records; trustees,
Effie Scott, E. S. Budlong and W.
W. Craig.
The auditing committee
pointed was E. S. Budlong, Mrs
Florence Craig, A. E. vaugnn
is the best sort of congratulations
to offer. With this Idea inspir
ing a group of friends Saturday
night Mr. and Mrs. Otto White
were surprised at their home in
compliment to the birthday of
Mrs. White and the wedding an
niversary of the couple.
Miss Audry Winship acted as
Salem Woman's Club
Meets Once December
The month of December is with
us today. Brisk cold and a flurry
of Christmas already in the air
stirs plans for the month that a,H
wanted to be done may be done
and with time enough for each
thing planned.
One conservation of time in
club meetings will be that of the
Salem Woman's club. Instead of
two meetings in December there
will be only one, a business and
program meeting December 12.
Mrs. R. R. Hewitt, chairman of
the international relations com
mittee will have charge of the
program. President Levi Pen
nington, of Pacific college, will be
the speaker of the afternoon.
The Woman's club will do its
share toward the aid of those in
economic need this winter and
will help to make several Christ
mas memories brighter with the
pledge of $10 a month for the
next five months, said money to
be taken up with the community
service group by Mrs. C. K.
Spaulding, chairman of the public
welfare committee of the club.
An error was made in announcing
this amount as $25 a month.
At the Saturday meeting of the
club it was also announced that
the 25 cents apportioned from
each membership fee to the state
scholarship loan fund would be
sent at this time rather tnan later
in the season as the custom has
Mrs. Albert Smith
Is Hostess
SILVERTON. Nov. 30 Clar
ence Sebo, who has been in charge
of a MacMarr store at Salem for
the past year, has been transier
red to the Silverton store where
he will be manager. Sebo Is a
Matthews and daughter Marjorie former Silverton boy. His parents
of Spring Valley, S. H. Barker, formerly owned tbe Byberg farm
Sammy Barker and the hosts. on tne ea8t end of Paradise Alley
and later the Elwood Small place
i .1.. tit.M. UTUa Vn nv n7 nift
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sturgis dnmto from Oregon State
were quests of their daughter, -rtnP-.a bo manared his fath-
Mrs. Albert Smith was one of
the hostesses of the weekend en-
evening of cards, officers and Mrs. Jeanne Machado in Portland er's farm in the W aldo Hills for
mmittA chairmen of the Order Wednesday evening Tor a ramuy a lew years ooic ulC..u
- l. t r C I -aa If. . ti AW am
f j. iuc ivn f ici u fcj 1 uu w 1 1 - . .jy rrm
husbands and wives. Mrs. Smith, C. and Francis E. sturgis or v. Mr. &o wu -
worthy matron of the new order, of O. law school were doio waay . ? . , " fnr n7
was assisted by Mrs. susan v any. gueaia ui iu- 'r 7 J.i :., .it H
Mrs. Ralnh Mercer. Mrs. Ira Dar- Thanksgiving vacation. years, has not said Just what ft
by, Mrs. H. S. Bosshard, Mrs. C
I 1 .1 - TT I m mm I
xtrc Umpa "Walton will re-
rev members of the Senior auail snur- urr..ia
finild of St. Paul's Episcopal SWEET HOME. Nov
will do.
Mrs. W. L. Fuller
Complimented j
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. WalteT
L. Fuller of Salem in their 19th
wedding anniversary, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Sturgis of Brooks
were hosts for dinner Friday eve
ning. As a surprise for the hon
or guests additional guests were
Invited in for an evening of
cards. At a late hour refresh
ments were served.
Those present were, the honor
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L.
Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. George Fer
rell, Mr. and Mrs. George Camp
bell, Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Gou
ley, Mr. and Mrs. George Ramp,
Mr. and Mrs. McKay, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Aspinwall, Miss Lu
cille Aspinwall, Velma Bump,
Elynor Fuller, Clarita Fuler.
Lewis Fuller and the hosts, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Sturgis.
C. Gabriel, and Mrs. George King.
Dr. and Mrs. D. X. Beechler
and Mrs. Ira Darby and J. E.
Russell held winning scores for
the evening of cards.
The guest list included Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Russell, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Henry. Mr. and Mrs. H.
30 The
..h at hr home. 1177 Center first agate shop in Sweet Home
ctraot w-odnpfuiav afternoon at was ooened last weex, unoer un
2:30 o'clock. proprietorsnip 01 jonn aaj. n
has a wonaerrui anspiay on nanu
Miss Irene Kiekenapp of Seat- and is doing good at the business.
S. Bosshard. Mrs. Alma Thomp- t,e l3' the nouse gueBt of Mr. and J It is situated In the Frank Ma-
Simplicity is the A B C of this
ravishing little frock with mould
ed bodice smartly pointed, and
flaring skirt joined in upward
curve. The binding affords a de
lightful contrast in color. Sleeves
may be made long and gathered
into narrow wrist bands, or cut
above the elbow and fashioned
A happy family reunion was en
joyed this past Thanksgiving at
the home of Mrs. Margaret J.
Brown when all her children but
one son, Ray Brown, of Long
Beach, Cal., were home for the
holiday. The guest list included
Mr. and Mrs. Everett P. Brown,
Virginia Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
Hany Brisbine, all of Salem: Mrs.
Henry C. Brown. Marjorie Brown
of Kiamath Falls: Mr. and Mrs.
Will?on Henwood. Jimmie Hen
wood, Portland.
Hollywood Mrs. W. W. Fisher
entertained the children of the
with a bit of binding. Bloomers neignoornooa at a aeugntrui 111-
are included with the pattern.
You'll find challis. wool crepe,
Jersey or a cotton print suitable
Pattern 2249 is obtainable
only in sires A, 6, 8, 10, 12. Slie
6 requires 2Vi yards of 36 inch
fabric, 3 yards of binding. No
dressmaking experience is neces
sary to make this model with our
St-ntl fifteen cent In coint .
ttampi (coin preferred), for eseb
pattern. Writa plainlj your Dime,
ddrctf and iyl number. Ba
lure to stale tiza vanted.
Tha aaw fall catalog it now
ready. Jt feature tha newest is
afternooa, tporta and bona
dretaaa, linrerie. pajamas and kid
diea' elotbea. Also dalica'tfnl gift
' tQCfeitloni In accessory and trans
fer patterns. Price of eatalng.
fifteen tents. Catalog with pat
ter, twenty fi?e centa. Address
all aaail aad orders to The Statea
naa Pattera Oepartasent. 24S
Wast 17th afreet. New Tor City.
tie party complimentine her
daughter. Mary Jean on the sev
enth anniversary of her birthday.
Painty refreshments, and the cus
tomary birthday cake, were
served by the hostess assisted by
her mother Mrs. T. Olsen
Those present were: Dorothy
Jeager, Lucile and Elaine Harms,
Edith and Irma Schweslnger, Re-
nee C apian, Barbara Leonhardt,
Dona Starr, Jack and Jean Bren
nen. Maxine LaDue, Lee Wagers
and Mary Jean Fisher.
Hubbard Ten tables were in
play at the second Pythian party
Saturday evening. Prizes were
won by Cora Smith. Anna Staof
fer, Charles Pybwin. with Elmer
Stauffer winning -the door prise.
The next party of the series will
be Saturday, December 12. Any
one coming at that time can com
pete for the series prises as one
need only attend three parties of
the series to be eligible for tbe
series prizes.
4 i i ss-i ,f i
CSC. 5 yn-
hostess for the evening. Bridge
,ap" i was In play at three tables and
at a late hour refreshments were
Guests for the evening were
th honor ruests. Mr. and Mrs.
White. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gallo
way, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Loose.
Miss Doris Bacon, Miss Mary Bel
linger. Miss Audrey Winship, Dr.
Max Moon, Daryl Evans, and
Robert Kitchen.
Hollywood The regular meet
ing of the "Same Over Here" club
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Ward Saturday night.
A delightful social was enjoyed
bv those present during which
time J. J. Kleeman lost his badge
to O. A. Forgard. Mrs. E. J. Ward
retained her badge for the third
consecutive week. Consolation
awards went to E. J. Ward and
Mrs. W. W. Fisher. The hostess
was assisted by Mrs. Fisher and
Mrs. Wiltsey. Parting brought Its
compliments and well wishes for
a recurrence of the occasion this
being the 25th anniversary of the
Ward's wedding day.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. F.
C. Wiltsey, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Kleeman, Miss Florence Klee
man. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fisher,
Miss Mary Jean Fisher, Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Thomas, Earl Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Forgard and
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ward.
Spring Valley Mrs. Ed Harris
and Glen Alderman entertained a
group of their friends with an in
formal dancing party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Alder
man Saturday night. Old time
music and dancing formed the
diversion of the evening.
Those present were, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Olmsted, wmara
Sharp and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Har
ris. Ava. Edna and Niles Harris
all of Dallas; Mrs. Geo. McKin
ley of Hopewell, Mr. and Mrs.
Ephraim Sohn and Mrs. Nancy
Atkins and son Bobby of Yampo:
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sohn and
children Elaine, Ella Belle and
Jesse of Independence; Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Gillon, Charles Gil-
lon, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Steven
son and daughter Shirley Marie,
Mr. and Mrs. Page Stevenson and
daughter Mabel, all of Salem;
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephens,
Misses Gertrude and Marguerite
Johnson, Misses Olga and Easter
Horten, Ted Horten, Frank and
Louis Butley, Mr. and Mrs. Walt
er Hunt, Helen and Kenneth
Hunt and La Verne Holland of
Zena; Iver Horten of Montana,
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Alderman.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Alderman and
Junior, Glen Alderman, Mr. and
Mrs. John Childers, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Sohn and Nadine, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Windsor. Doris and
Vernon Windsor, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben McKInney of Spring Valley.
son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Craw
ford. Dr. and Mrs. D. X. Beech
ler. Mr. and Mrs. George M.
King, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Mohr.
Mr. aud Mrs. Miller B. Hayden.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mercer, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Hulsey. Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Flagg, Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Gabriel. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Niles. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mc
Kee. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Herrick
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Darby. Mrs. Ida
Niles, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Flack, Mrs.
Susan Varty, Mr. and Mrs. A. E
Utlev. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ma-
runv, Mr. and Mrs. David Wrizht
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mr
and Mrs. Paul "Hauser, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Merriott, and Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Millard. J. E. Russell
of Medford was an additional
Sidney Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Johnston entertained with a
"500" party at their home Friday
night. High score was won by
George Marlott and Mrs. Belk
nap. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. Farr, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Marlatt. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Farr,
Mrs. Sidney Howard. Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. Belknap, Mr. and Mrs.
U. L. Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Johnston, Misses Edoise Math
ews, Lorna smmons, Geo. Rolle,
Sr., Loyd Marlatt and Geo. Rolle.
Zena Mr. and Mrs. Roy E.
Barker entertained with a family
dinner at their country home at
Zena Thanksgilng day. Included
in the guest group were Mr. and
Mrs. M. B. Henderson and daugh
ter Mary Frances, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Woelke and daughter, Jus
tine and S. Phillips, all of Salem;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beals of Pa
cific City, Mr. and Mrs. L. Frank
Mrs. W. J. Minkiewiti.
lone Barber shop.
Tune in on the nation-wide N.
B. C WJZ Network for details
of Frigidaire's Christmas prize
contest. Programs eery Moo-day,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thurs-day
at 4:45 P. M, E.S.T, and
Friday at 5:15 P. M., E. S.
November 30th to December
16th. Come into our showroom
and see a Frigidaire demonstra
tion so you will know what to
do. Also get our convenient entry
blank. Let us explain details of
contest and help you. Call oow
Tune in KGW at 1:45 to 2:00 P. M.
Monday, Tuesday, Wed., Thursday, 2:1 to 2:S0 P. M. Friday
To people who act before Decem
ber 2 3rd, we are makia aa asaraal
Christmas offer anakiaa Frigid
aire so easy to boy that yoa will
Certainly want to place roar order
while this ceneroul offer is still ia
effect. Retncmbec tail offer applies
Co a seoatae I risidairc product
erf General Ma sacs. Delivery gaar
aateed baser fa i i nana i moraine.
347 Court St.
Tel. 9119
A uniaue dinner party was
celebrated at the home of Mr
and Mrs. William Shearer Sunday
at which time a group of friends
were served an old fashioned
dinner, duplicate of the first
Thanksgiving dinner served by
Mrs. Shearer following her mar
riage 40 years ago. Covers were
placed for Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Emmons, Miss Florence Emmons,
Miss Genevieve " Emmons, Floyd
Emmons, and Mr. and Mrs.
i Mn. T. A. Raffetv entertained
for members of the G. X. P. clnb
at her home Saturday evening.
Mrs. R. E. Lee Wood was an ad
ditional guest for the evening,
and assisted Mrs. Ratfety at the
late supper hour. The next meet
ing for the clnb will be Decem
ber 21 at which times the annual
Christmas party for members and
husbands will be observed as the
progressive affair it always is. ;
Mrs. B. E. Sisson, Mrs. Dale Tay-;
lor, Mrs. H. S. Glle and Mrs. K. '
h. ncsens wui ne nosiesses.
The Degree of Pocahontas, Im
proved Order of Redmen, will
sponsor a card party for the bene
fit of the orphan fund of the or
der, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Keitsen. 1415 North Fourth
street, Tuesday, December 8. The
public Is cordially invited.
Bread and Batter Money
Bring or write as name of
Piano Buyer when Piano
Is sold and $15 is paid in
on aale
The $10 Is Yours
Lots of Good Sales
Just Round the Corner
Johnny FarrelL former national
open golf champ and rated as one
of tbe be3t golfers in the world to
day, with his bride and ex-pupil,
the former Catherine Hush, of
Greenwich, Conn. This first photo
of husband and wife was made just"
after the wedding ceremony at St
Joseph's Church, Bronxrille, N.
where the Rev. Fr. James A. Doylef
lr . efPeiated- . -
Talbot Mrs. D. E. Blinston en
tertained Saturday night with a
&00 party fn her home. Three ta
bles were In play. Guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. George Marlott, Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Freeman, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Kieper, Mlsa Eloise
Mathews, Olive Blinston, C. F.
Meter, Lloyd Marlott and the
hosts, v - - - . - -
34 Pianos sold out of our
Warehouse In month of
You Can Sell One
Bargain Piano Buyers
$&V30-65-85 Etc.
$1 Per Wk. - 5 Per Mo.
Kimball Piano Co.
Wholesale Dir.
S57 Court St. Phone 4930
0 rt
far walk
1 -ii'y
10 xaiK r
The modern idea of comfort in tha home includes
a telephone right by the easy chair. And the deeper
and more inviting the chair, the greater it. the com
fort of having that telephone conveniently at hand.
You can also have extension telephone in bed
"room, kitchen, garage and elsewhere, at small cost.
Please call our business office for the few simple
details. r
The ; Pacific Telephone Ant Tewsjum Company,
auaiiress onice ,4U &tate TOepltoti 3101