The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning. November 29, 1931 PAGE NINE Oa Th HOPE OF in MlliVlH anksgiving Permeates plural SoGiety JWjith Many Functions Weekend Parties Nelson, and Mrs. Betty Coulter of .. A f iPortland. iref many ax Mr. and srrs. Monmouth Bob MuhUmaa were Thanksrlrlae day hosts to Mr. and Mra. T. SlTers of Boise, Idaho: Mist Tnelma HlaUe of Monmouth' Many Thsnksrlr-1 Portland and Mra. Anna Hlnkla In parties were obserred orer I and sons. Bad and Kenneth. j town this weekend; and many fae-1 Mr. .and Mr. Charlea SUntpn nicy ana undent members ot the and Mra. - Sarah -Howell were NEW YORK, Not. U UP) The stock market waa unable to emerge from the shadows of I Orecon Normal school went away I Thankstlrlar day most of Mr. the October ftreragje lows today, 'or the holiday ot fonr days. Stanton's brother-in-law and sis Stocks mad gesture; oil Mr. and Mrs. R..BL Derby snd i ter, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Pnlkersos Dicaumena la me iirst nonr wnen i daughter Blrdlne were, la Mo-lor 8uem It aDDeared ftl trirtneh vuVnil I MinnlU th. ).; i. I - - - e - fluenee of the rails. The markf h.(. t -vii. 1 Tnaniigmag aay. Tneir aauga tn..s i,;" V " .r:;: r"'1"11. .1 tsrs. Miss Thelm who ls t teach . . .. w inanasginng dinner, inciua-l. -..-. m. -.aA a.hitni potato oft The Associated Press- hag- Mr and Mrs. A B Holrite. er iJt Vt CrTUI d?fr fiu.ds.rd etatl.tic -v.,-. I .a f; J'P1 reached noma for tho holiday. ge tor ft stocks was 72.8 or 2.8 points shore the October S bot tom. Transactions' totaled 838, (? shares. BrownsTUle: Mr. and Mrs. M. A. J. i.m r Mra. For"d; Mr-nd Mrs. a u Denyer. Mr. and Mrs. U. X. n Z&Jl' Mf' d Mr, Denyer,A. K. Schlrmsn. Mlas Bm- McKern Toncalla; Mr. and ma, 'juuel and James Denjrer. Mrs. E. C. McKern. Tillamook. av.n. r.i.n AT' 7 ' . I CL;. I... and the host and hostess. Mr. and .m uu ouiuii uruero wnica I ",i n. ei, aicxu" i jjrg. DolsolL uDtnrea i aown to Z5, a loss I aor ai tiome, ana Mrs. u. T. 1 e e I Ilk. western Union hrk I AlcKern. Medford. also a number to SO and U. 8. Steel an-1 of grandchildren. I Turner Mr. and Mrs. I. H. r-oxlmately 3 yolnts to 6. Mr. and Mrs. denn Whiteaker Small entertained Thursday for m erica n Can sold at 67, the were hosts to Mrs. Addle Whites- their children and families, who lowest In four years. In finishing ker. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White- ate Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Small and at 7, off 1. Radio dipped ker and Mr. and Mrs, A. J. daughters Ella May and Jacqut t point to a new minimum. Bal- Whiteaker. at dinner Monday er- line, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Small more Ohio. 8anta Pe. New ening. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and daughter, Mary Roberta, ot area. Jersey Central and Union I Whiteaker left Wednesday for 1 Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. L. D.- Ro- aclfic were off roughly l to 1.1 Florence to rlsit friends. berts and children, Deane, Bar- enerai Electric and General Mo- Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Huber en- bara and Alice ot Turner. . v. ora were about steadr wfcu i tertalned these euests at Thanks- Small or Salem. national Biscuit. Case and Amer- ging dinner: Mr. and Mrs. N. A. lean Tobacco "B" made small I Nelson Sr., and Juanlta; Mr. and fractional gains. 'Argentina Heat Wav Brings on Rally Mrs. J. I Nelson and Betty Jane; I Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Nelson , T 'MASQUERADE' : I (Continued from Daee 4) in Wheat he wa. to u IntenU and pur poses, roucnea tor; ana ne wa The Home Missionary society ot the First Methodist church will N. A. Nelson Jr., meet at the church Wednesday at O 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. E. J. Bwanoru and Mrs. Marlon curry win do ia charge of the program. The tea which will follow the business and program hours will bo in charge of Mrs. H. M. uursneimer hu iw group. CHICAGO, Not. 2S (AP) he ,must be eligible. He dressed v 7 I wall aftMAAVAif . w a mtnov The Membership committee of i . "1 : ... . UUL I nnH na And thn rtnrn(vl tha th T. W. C. A. will mee m.on- ireZZ ' iZr dLr imitation, giren to him by small, day night in the social rooms of ?Jff!???5 ..10J dSr and ertctl correct mtla 7D.rti ' th' y. W. C. A. with Mrs. W. D. iraln orlcp. riiifZiTt. T"' The irl found Wm "knoc Clarke chairman presiding. Plans grain prices rallied Ute today. 0ut. the men agreed that he was will be made at this time for the Earlier, the train. markets had a mn nnrf mmhnhin tea which o contend most of the time Rnt Fanchon knew h waa .in h n Tnt ot December 15 gainst disturbing effects of fre3h marking time. Dreaas in wail street securities. One day, In early winter, she Stubborn resistance to sellinic had a letter from him. She onened i pressure, howeyer, developed from eTiaence that standing or ders were executed to purchase wheat on downturns. Recoveries which followed came cliieflr aft Jr trading in stocks had ended. Mr Carl A. Taylor of Port land aro the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pease. Brash College Haa Many Guests ' Brush CoUogs ThaaksgiTiag day waa ejoyad fay many Brush College folk with family dinners at thir homes or- tho homos ralatiraa. Amoaa those .who oo served tho day were Mr. aad Mrs. : F. C. Swing, who had as' their dlnaer guoaU: Mr. al Mrav W. S. Swing and da ugher. Helen ani; son, Herbert ot Oswego; Mrs. Gertrude McElfreth. ox Corral list Mlas Georgia Ewiag. of Portland; ; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bwing - aad sons, Donald, Alrla and Ralph, of Brush College, aad tha Immedi ate family. Mr. aad Mra, A. K. Utloy and son, Billy; Dr. and Mra. C Ii. Blodgott and son. Corydoa, and W. F. McCall. aU of Brush College, were guests for tho day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allaq, of 8alem. . Aa Interesting Christmas uro gram la being prepared for tho next meeting of tho Brush College grange, Friday sight, December 4. by Burs. A. R. JSwlng, lecturer. A ChrUtmaa troo will also bo ft special feature. Mrs. T. C. Swing will bo host ess at tho aext meeting of tho Brush College helpers at her rural homo at Brush College, Thursday, December S. A charmingly appointed dinner with eorers for 21 guests began a series of such parties for which Mr. and Mrs: Ellis Purrine will bo hosts at their homo within tho next few weeks. Corers were plac ed for Mr. and Mrs. J. J .Stratton, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. O'Relley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Windsor, -Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Purrine. Mr. and Mrs. ViTian Stratton, Mr. aad Mra. Jesso Walling, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Purrine. - Independence A delightful family reunion was held Thanks glrlng day at tho homo ot Mrs. F. G. Hewett with her mother, Mrs, N. C. Walnscott, a member of tho household, tho sruest of honor. Tho table was beautifully dec orated and coTSTs were placed for Mrs. Walnscott. H. C- Mack. Hub- Mr f. H.' J. Walnscott And daugh ter. Berato, UniTerslty of Orogoa student, from Rosoburf. H. L. Brantl. Waeeler. Mrs. BrantL and oft Junior. Mr. aad Mrs. Gorald R. Hewett aad ebUdroft, Dleklo and MarlMo ot TUlamoek. Him Naomi Hewett, student at Willam ette, Fred Hewett, McMlnnmio, w syne Mack, jndopoadoaeo. Mrs. Mack ad daughter .Bolty ad tho hostess. Mrs. F. OK Hewett. . Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kreamor entertained at a lovoly Thaaks gMug dlftftor at their home. Tho table aad rooms woro lorolr with bonnets of chrysanthemums aad eorers were placed tor Mr. and Mrs. Dl a. Hodge, Mrs. Merle Rosocrans aad Mra. Ida Steels, Mrs. Kraamer's sister, all of Sa lom; Miss Francos Hodge. Port laud; Mlas Alta Korcroaa, Ash- taai; Mr. and Mrs. B. JL Smith, Mr. aad Mra. O. A. Kroamar. and daughters, Mrs. Orotchoa Kream or and Mrs. Wayne Hanna, aad Mr. Hanna. Tho Saa Soud slab enjoyed a holiday party at tho homo ot Mr. aad Mrs. William E. Moses Friday night. Tho evening was spent la playing "leg" with cards la play at tire tables. Mr. aad Mrs. Isaac Thomas, new members la tho dab. woa high score nrlso and Mr. aad Mrs. euro Yibbert woa tho guest prise. Mr. aad Mrs. Bryan Goodo aough. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Turner of Seattle, Mr. aad Mrs. Iran Mar tin and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Yib bert woro special guests. Mr. and Mrs. Joha Clifford will entertain members ot the art ap preciation section ot the Salem Arts league at their home Tues day night. George Innesa. Whistler, and Wlnalow Homer will bo tho artists discussed. This section Is attracting much atten tion and offering much of inter est to those who are partici pating. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Turner ot Seattle hare been the Thanksgiv ing holiday guests ot Mr. Turn er's sister. Mrs. W. B. Moses. Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. Clare Inman entertained with dinner la compliment to' Mr. aad Mrs. Turner and Mr. and Mrs, Radio Ptog tarns Sunday, Hot. 29 KZ 1180 Ke. S 00 Neapolitan Day, NBC 8 10 Itorainr Muiical. NBC. 9:30 Piano Picture, NBC. 3(: ;0 Collegians orchestra, SBG. 41 00 Bible Uoriei. KHC. 41 : ?0 America Lecivu tonrert 1 :00 Soagland. iiSc. - 2:0 Tlrilirtl hoar. XBO. $ :oo Catholie hoar, SBC. ; 4 Itadio Coapel Sunday oliool. . 8:'S riftooa niaotes with the poet. "8:30 Rody 8eigr'a orcheitra. KB0. A Mght in faria. 0:00 Damtkt'l orchestra. KBC. 11:00 Midnirht Melodiata. KOW 620 Ke. Portland 8:00 Arlon trio, NBC. 8 :4S American Lesion. 9:0 Orcaa. NBC. 10:1 5 Symphony. NBC. ai:lS Bright Spot. NEC. 11 :3e Barnett'a oreheatra. NBC. J! :00 Toath Conference, XBO. 1 : is Friendly Tift. t: 30 Auto raeei. NBC. , 4:00 Stokea oreheatra, NBC. 4:15 Jolly Time oreheatra. NB0. 6:00 Melodiea. NBC. 5: IS Collier'a honr. NBC. , : 15 Connteat Albaai. male quartet. 7:15 Chrietr Walsh all-American, XBO. ' 8:15 Tom MltehelL 0:00 Male quartet, NBO. it with a sinking heart and read the few lines it contained. ' i . . . . . i A .. i l must eeo you, aiuno. is ur ...n,rv ifAl TOtT gan without preamble. "Please MlClVC.1 MOUbti arrange a time. I spoke the other day of wishing to Tislt the Metro politan Museum. Unless I hear from you I willcall for you to morrow at three." He had moved to a small, good hotel in New York and was liv ing there for the time being. To Fanchon's inquiries . . . "Evelyn "." he answered carelessly that she waa still in Brooklyn and was cared for; he saw her often. (To be Continued) bard, and Mrs. Mack. Dr. and Moees. V oft in -Barrett Nuptials-Are-Celebrated Independence Mlas Lucy Tal lin, daughter of Br. aad Mra. B. I . ;viun. ooeamo ino onus . ot Thomas Barrett of Hood Btror at 6'doek Thanksgiving morning at tho Catholic church. Tho wad ding .ceremony was road la tho presence of relatives .'and. friends by Father Muraaae of CorralUs. Tho bride woro a lovely gowa ot shon-alah silk, a whlto retL aad carried a. beautiful of piak and white roee buds. Saa was attended by her sister, Mlsr Eileen Yoltla. Bea Voltla, brbther of tho bride, was boat man tor Mr. Barrett: Miss Genevieve Yoltla. tho bride's youngest -sister,- played tho wedding march.' Miss Mao Weasel of salem. Miss Franoes Jeaaoa. aad Mlas Mabel Roblnaoa. both of Moa- mouta, aad. Mlas Pa sine Prlmls of Oak Potat oaag sororal special selections. Tho alter waa prettily decorat ed la English fry. ferns aad love ly chrysanthemums while baskets of beautiful Dowers woro placed artistically about tho room. Tho weddlag at tho church was fallowed by a dinner party at tho voltla homo west of Iadepea- deaco aad eorers were placed for 15 guests among . whom were Jaek Kami and Jack Ororstroot of Hood River, Peter 8ehmldt of JHlverton, tho Promts and Yoltla families. Miss Wenxell of Salem and tho honored couple. Mr. and Mrs. Barrtett will make their homo lnr Hood River A clever newspaper "extra" Is being received by tho parents of Helen Jeanne Webb wee daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Kara 8. Webb, an nouncing tho arrival of the young lady November Is. Mrs. Winifred "Harrick. Mrs. Dena Mack, Miss Irene Brelt haupt, and Miss Merlo Dimlck, president of tho Business and Professional club of Salem, mo tored to Portland Friday night to attend tho banquet given In com pliment to Mrs. Gellne McDonald Bowmaa, pst"' president of tho Business aad Professloaal Womea's clubs ot America aad who ts traveling la tho west for tho On time alneo her election at Richmond, Ytrglala, last sum mer. Zona Thaaksglrlng day dla- aor guests at tho homo of Mr. aad Mra. Ralph C Shepard ot 2eaa woro Mr. and Mrs, Walter Klmo. Dorothy 8hepard ot Salem, Maurice Shepard aad Dick' Trust, both a S.-a students. Ray Mil ler ot Salem, aad Julia, Rath. Jimmy, David. Joe aad Ardoa Shepard all of Zooa. Thursday evening dinner .' guests at tho homo of Mr. aad Mra. C.M. Pur- Tlao of Zeaa woro Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henry. Miss Dorothy Wet- demaa, Sylvia wlodomaa, Byroa Purvtne, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Parrlao aad tho hosts. Koisor - Mrs. W. K. Savage hostess for the Ladles Aid Friday afternoon. Mrs. Cummiags assisted the hostess. Present woro Mrs. Boa Claggett. Mra. Archie Claggett. Mra. E. T. Hall. Ethel Hall, Mrs. Clarenco Poole, Mrs. Carrol Poole, Mra. M. F. Bliroa. Mrs, Gobort, Lois and Irma Koo fer. Mra. Robert MeClay, Mra. Uadgroa, Mra Arthur Cummiags, Mrs. Joe Bartrutf. Lula MeClay. Mrs. Roy Melson. Mrs. O. N. Thompson. Tho afternoon was spent la finishing articles for the baxaar. Zona Thanksgiving dinner guests at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. R. Edwards of Lincoln la eluded. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gesner and children, LaJune. Mayetta. Richard. Donald aad Robert ot Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Durham and two children. Evelyn aad Lowell. George Davis. Louis Eltelgeorgo and tho imme diate family, Miss Elnora aad Kenneth Edwards. Zena Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mer rick of Lincoln had aa their din ner guests Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Clarenco f. Merrick and children Audrey and Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rldgeway, Vernon Merrick and tho hosts. Dancing Club Has Holiday Party Independence The T. X. D. dancing club enjoyed a party at tho armory Friday night with Mrs. George Carbray, Mra. Ellea Davis aad Prof. Paul B. Robinson, tho hostesses aad host. At s Wto hour refreshments wore served at prettily appointed-table with yellow tapers in crystal holders aad centered with lovely yellow buttonhole chrysanthemums. Mr. aad Mrs. A. B Horten ana Mr. and Mrs, Robert Craven woro tho special guests. Members la eluded Mr. aad Mrs. Z. C. Kim ball. Mr. aad Mra. W. H. Cockle, Mr. aad Mrs. C. O. Sloper, Mr. aad Mrs. Harrison Brandt. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiles. Mr. aad Mra. Harry Keener, Mr. aad Mrs. A. C Moore. Dr. aad Mrs. George Knott. Mr. aad Mrs. Heary Mat tisoa. Mr. aad Mra. Goorgo Car bray. Mrs. Ellen Davis aad Prof- Pa ni B. Robiasoa. aad Mr. aad Mrs. James Robbie. Lincoln Mr. and Mra.. Alrla Madsoa and three sons. Richard. Robert and Alvla. Jr.. of Lincoln ware gaosts at tho diaaer given to eel eh rat tho sixth weddlag anniversary of Mr. aad Mrs. Via tor Madsen at their Sttvertoa homo Thursday. Additional gnoaU were Mr. and Mra. C Saturn. Mr. aad Mrs. Harold Return aad children. Marshall aad Wallace. Miss Lily Madsoa. Henry HJorth, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 8atura aad children. Joaa aad DarrelL Mrs. M. J. Madsen Colleen and Roger Madsen and the hosts. Wallace Road Mr. aad Mra. Lou Grots and sons. LeRoy aad Francis ot Wallaee Road enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mra. John Crabtree of West Salem Thanksgiving day. Mr. aad Mrs. Ed Townsend ot Salem wore ad ditional guests for the dsy. Mrs. Ellse Jismbell of Eugeno Is fn Salem for tho weekend. Mrs. Hambell who formerly made her home la Salem Is a member of the Eugene school system. 'A Burnt Offering" By WALT DISNEY General Markets POilTLAXD. Ore.. Nov. 2S CAP) Prodsee exchange, aet prices, butter; as tral, tl; atandarda, 31; nriae firsts, SO; . nrita. Eg: freis extras, S3; Iresa mediami 23. Portland Grain ' ' ljaJ???j5'dr' ( rf?T1T?T-r T ; ( YEAH, I'VE SEEN nREy STARTED ) , WAMT TO U(AMKiOU, id $ - I 1 PVXTiN' K Fflltr OUT LltCt? A LOT wSiS AMCC fO POETT.A.XD, WUest : Ore.. Nov. 28 (AP) He Dee. Opea His 60 COtt .50 69 Low 6tt S8 Cloae 0 H SB THIMBLE THEATREtarring Popeye Now Showing "A Feller's Gotta Hare Ms Jara" By SEGAR Cash train: bt BeaS blnesteaa .71 Ml so!t white, weatera white, hard wtater. northern spriac western re4 .87 . uata: . a white 25.oo. Corn: No. S E. T. S37.00. Millrun etaadard 121.00. Portland Produce KOZH S10 KC rortlanl ":00 rirat Friends chnreh. 0:30 International -broadraat. CBS. 10:00 Cathedral honr. CBS. 10:45 Cecil Teasoe, organist. J 1 (M Sannyslde Consreratienal church. 4 4 AA InraliaM ir,lMtn CBS. " " k v . , i lvuut wmww; huiuk pnen w ir 1:30 ChereU ( the. t ouraqnare loiiwu uiIfrl , country klHe hoxa. beat batchers POBTLAKD. Ora, Hot. J9 (AP Batter: prints. 92 score or hotter. II- 34e: standards. S3-Se carton. Z(t: Pacific poultry producers' sell-1 iS 'Prices: Ireaa extras. SSe; standards. SLe: asediosas. 27e: pallota. xOc Uilk: contract price, xrade S. 97.17e, rortiaad deuverr aad inspection. Country meats: eeiiint pneas to ' a. rwv 1 Jnlln Klein. M 4 :13 Swiss Todelers. CBS. K 15 Concert orsranlst. f 00 gytaphoay oreheatra, CB3. I 7:45 Ernest Hutchinson, pianist. CBS. 8:09 First Church of Christ. Scientist. 30:00 Vonat Olivet quart. Ill :90 Mldnirht Hoods. DLB9. Salem Markets erode B. row 4 eo-ef) pool price f 1.00 per Itauidred. Factory milk. $1.40. Botterfst, sweet. S3c Batterf st, soar, Sle. nnder 100 lbs.. 7-7 e; veaiora. SS U 110 lbs., 10-10H: ln, 10-lle; haavv owes. 4-5e; cannar cows, 8c; balls, 8 eentf. Mohair: nominal, bayinc price, 1911 elio. Ions hair, 10s: kid, 15a lb. Kots: Orefon wataata, lS-99c; pea ants. lSe ib.: Erasils. 11-lae : laMaSa, l$-16c; filberts. t0-33e; Peaaa, SOo lb. Caseara bark: bayinc price. 1BS1 pool 8c lb. Boas: nominal. 1929 ero 1930 . lSU-lde: 1981. UVi-llUe Battorfat: direct to shippers, track, 80e. Station Ko. 1. 19-S0e. Portland da MTery prices: Ko. 1. Si 3; Ko. S. St 8 Sc. Lire poultry: net buying price: heary hens, colored, 4 lbs, ap, 18-100 lb.; do medium. 17e; litht, 15 lb.; broiler, aader 1H Ibsv lfte; orer 1V lb.. IS: colored roaster. OTr 8 lbs., 18e;- old rooster, $e; dock, Pekla. 16c; tees, tie. Onions v selliaf price to retailers: Ta kiaaa Globes. 83.25; Orefoa. 83.8S-S.50. Potatoes: local, 14 lb.; Deoehutea. 81.M-1.85; eastern Washington, 75e-$1.35. Wool: 1911 crop nominal. wtna K SORCf YE$.0OST SUP OP YOUHfT 7 8EWN0 TrW -TOROHl HIM rhVO STRIKE RIMOOTJ . . a-.. S "V. aSan rrKy ' . . II SAWV J BUSOACt?rTC VjnHOUTRO IrVMlM a? I A t SV a.t SB Oa.O aa OTk t riotsa. ovv I ?aM04S LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY " 3-r MSIT hsssx' BOV- BRlNCs A HOTHCtt COPJ k OF COFTO I I ' II 'SkiDed UboP By BRANDON WALSH wwrrrr sjrn vzorAXLBS J?rice pail to crewers by Saiem buyrn.ette valley. 13-15 l-8e; eastern Oregon, 141 C POUHOt Hay: baying price from producer: al falfa. 813-14.25: clover. $10-13 : Willam ette t1!ct timothy, $15; eastern Oregea timothy. 913.50; oats and vetch. $13- 12.50. Droned poultry: selling price to toilers: turkeys: bona, 35-33e: yoaag totns. 25 82c; old ton. 2S 27e lb. Navomhor 37 Eadibe, do. 52 Onioaa. doa . , , - 80 5n.oaa; sack .3.00 to l.M CarrM "2 Beet 27 CahbaM 99 Canlitlewer. erato . rotatooa, cwi. Tamipo, dos. Hubbard oqvssa Oreo Peppers, lb. banish 4sah Bpiaach, erato AptJes, bo. 60 75 35 00 .10 00 Fruits, Vegetables .50,aa moassttors. doa. .Q Ilotkoeoe soaatooa 5.00 to 8.50 Celery hearts, doa. I Celor.arate, 2-2 tttnm. Calif. i S.a fxtra taadarda f'edis ZOOS . Bsrlsf Prtees .81 Roosters, o'd Broiler Oolerod Buying Price .OS Logbora Besvie. boas Sledlaa ban 62. ACT AJTO HAY Bnyins rnces JTbeat. westora red .. , .. Wbite, bo. Barley ton, top Oat, toe, top 1$ IS ie 13 ...,-.47 .49 38.00 Jl.0t, Hay l bflyjag prices 0U al Tteb. ton Olr , AlfaU. Taller. ! cutting Eastern Oregea n Gttamasoa . tt gra HOPS ii m 11.09- 14.00 10.00 - 130 MSAT . Bsylsg Prloo Lambs. . top , r, , Hoga. top , ... ..... Hog, first eat . , Stoert .,, -; m .4.78 .4.85 PORTTJL.5TD. Ora, Nov. 28 (AP) Oranges : California Talenciaa, 84.35- 0; eaveM. gs.7. uraporruia: lexas, 25-4; Cslifornla. $8.25; Plorid. S4- 4.25 esse. IiomoMt California, $4.50 5.25. Lima: 5 doseat cartons, 8.35. ba nana: 5-5 H a lb. Paget Bound. 4-B is. Grapes: empemr, 7e lb. Pears: Aajem, SOc-Sl bos. uroans enemas: u. Craaberrie: $3-9.75 par box. Cabbsrer leooJ, bow, mh ra- tetoee: local. DoscbaUa. 81.35- 1.85; ositern Washington. 7o-fl-10. Onions: Uing priee to retailer: Tskl- ma Globes, $3-35; Orogoa. $3.85-3.50. Coeaaabera: hothouse, $1-1.60 doson. Spinach: local, vo-eoe. Celery: weal, 70 90c doxea; heart. $1.35. Afashrooass: feotfeoaso. a-eoa n. rep rs: Bell. CaBforBia. 10-lSe lb.j twd. 15e lb. Sweet potatoes: new Calif era U, 3H-24e. Csuliftower: northwest, 40-90 mtau Tomatoes: locaL. - 80-T5e box: California. $2.25-2.50 lag raaacred; bv houee, fancy and extra taney, $1.75-3 per 10-lb box. " . . . Cora: local $t sack. Lettuce: local. $l-l.f5t,PaaeV $3: Sacramento, $8 erato. vaniss squats: iH't uroee CalUoraia. 151.35 dosoa. - f- m "OS UKE I HAD ALL "THE 6RUB X C0UIO tf GRAMOf-WCe Atf VtoRMJOO 'coucse.vou heacovwHat wrotrCcVJ 0&8AMlFXiOrwr BCnnrUfSHEO UAV2 AS6EMTTD SXOANORPtlAMASvliJM aST fJ I i suaaj . . 1 IF TVCV PUTME IM AM OJ?PWAKI A6VLUM. t MEVEJ? COULD REACH UNCLE PADO O'FLVWM WELL, OKE GCODTPtlMG XM A Pf?0nv56l0WAL DlSM-W6HEJ5, fJOW WHEM X ASK FErJAiTDByl . trm tpi I'Fim t cere vx&roxvMfi&i 1 a. Wl v ai v v 9 IW1. KMg Festurts SrooKss. Us. Ciaat Ootaia webts rsstwsd. dAWLuRe- TOOTS AND CASPER "No Sfcrinkago In CostT By JIMMY MURPHY Coarao , Medium WOOli MOHAXB 15 OH, DEAR1 m f01M(4 SHOPPING WITH NELL. TOMORROW, BUT I HAVNTT A THlNA TO WEAR Ci A JPg & NOW I5NT Spt 'OHOl. Y00rmTAMV I IZeffik THAT iU5T 1 Irtintai H4' TOWCAftt UOTATHtNsV ZrfYi OAO, y I rr3JJAL?I ALLVOUVS 0T I VTVtX I I v Toorat Ji closets full op dresses.! h A TyiV a3. v. I rcftTA f I J I'l 1 1 -: tllA oe'l THSTRa HOmY OUO THiw4S THAT AR3 OUT OP STYUl tvlOWl dtrfETODT OP HERS tXrUULl CUANgil Kf CLOTHCS AJO TH, SHOW VOU OH3 OP TKZMl . r. 1 THCUtAAT THIS! fWTHECATJ. FCOWttw SZ1 BUT IT LOOKS NOW, 7, I rVLWrVYS UKEO THE SHORT SKIRTS eTOOTSuBUT THEY CHARGED PlJErsTV PORTHEl DRESSES THEN C0tClDtf44i THPfT THEY MAOS ABOUT SIXTEEN SKIRTS OUT OP EVERY YARO OP I MATERIAL v TSX.TSK. 05 to 8 oii Kid .sominsl .nominal Coer 01 t .05 .04 to .05 es ST JlMMf HMfcrs I) rested Teal scarr 11-00' Pepperarlat Oil, Ugh bona .80 to 1.00 Pr .65