PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salens Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 28, 1931 Society N ews an d Club Aff airs Oun XL DMX, SeMy EdXi IS Fireside Tea ) Delightful . Affair Oa ot the nappy things about Thanksgiving time Is the number ot guests who ere celled back to their, eld " homes to pay fleeting rtslta to the many friends left tteslnd wheri a chance of resi dence occurred. , Informal enter taining to renew these- friend ships takes the form of any number of char mine affairs. Among such delightful affairs for this Thanksgiving was the , tlre-slde tea given by Mrs. J. H. Scott at her Court street home. In , compliment to her house guest, Mrs. Alice DoJd of Port land, Friday afternoon. Mrs. John H. Albert presided at the tea table and Mrs. Seymour "Jones and Mrs. Hal B. Patton as sisted Mrs. Scott in serving and receiving. At least 55 former friends of " Mrs. Dodd called during - the harmlngly informal tea hours And paid their compliments to the guest of honor. Mrs. Dodd "Will spend several days In Salem .during this holiday visit. Woman's Club WO! Meet Today On of the very social meetings . of the year will be enjoyed by the Salem Woman's club this after noon at the clubhouse. It is guest -day and at this time members are Asked to bring a friend or friends , for the afternoon program. A special Invitation is being ex tended to the teachers of the city .schools for this afternoon. Miss Beatrice Walton will speak on "Impressions of Russia" gleaned by her from her recent tour of Europe. Many 'Interesting exper lenees were had by Miss Walton while in Russia which are not common to the regular tourist. . She with her traveling compan ions were able to take many ad ditional side trips which added jnueh'color to the tour. Musical numbers will suppl ' ttent the talk by Miss Walton. A violin, cello, and piano trio will resent a group of numbers and Miss Flavla Downs will give a tgroup of piano numbers at the tea hour at 4 o clock. Hasel Oreen Mrs. Louis Wam pler entertained Thanksgiving aft ernoon with a party honoring her son, Clinton on his tenth birth day. Various guessing games were played, Marvin Van Cleave and his Geneva winning first and sec ond prises. The following were guests: hon or guest, Clinton Wampler, Dor othy and Harriet Dunnigan, M ax le Wolf, Geneva Van Cleave, Beu- lah Cook, Daisy and Archie Rutherford, Marion Wampler. Ed ward Yada, Donald Dunnigan, Leon Clemens, Marvin Vau. MOVIjE "PRINCESS" WEDS NOBLE 1 Pattern ' ; - 1 0 o : 1 r " ; ... r. . . .. 1 r 71 K UWJ i'llS . II I M-.IIMI , I ? I Mrs? B. 11 Stccycs o A delightful post-Thanksgiving afternoon was enjoyed by mem- ben of the Woman's 'Bible elass of the . First Methodist : church Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. L. Steeves A short business meeting and a projrxm wnicn was - leaturea with Thanksgmng ideas mciud Ing readings and reports of char ity work done Thanksgiving day was enjoyed before the refresh ment and' social hour. Mrs, Steeves was assisted by Mrs. A A. Lee and Mrs. Lsura McAdams at the tea hour. Present were Mrs. C. F. Breit haupt, Mrs. Mettle Schramm, Mrs. Roy Ohmart, Mrs. O. W. Emmons, Mrs. R. K. Ohling, Mrs Geofge Moore, Mrs. Josephine Shanks, Mrs. John Robins, Mrs. Emma Bresh-r, Mrs. . N. S. Sav age, Mrs. B. Blatchford, Mrs. Charles Fessendon, Mrs. B. L. Steeves, Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mrs. W. C. Toung, Mrs. W. G. Bates, Mrs W. A. Swingle, Mrs. G. F. John ston, Mrs. Almlra Hale. Mrs. H, E. Hen-en, Mrs. M. Durkhelmer, Mrs. C. G. Doney, Mrs. Laura McAdams. Mrs. L. D. Waterman and Miss Schrelber. Guests Received At Underhill Home Orore, and Mrs. Mary-Littler, and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Underbill. - w.cT.u. WiU . ; Meet Tuesday;; . ' Hays Bealt, a ' delegate' from the T. M. c. A. to the recent world. conference tor T. M. C A; workers held in Toronto recently. wui speak on the subject ot -prob lems or peace today. , Additional numbers will be a vocal solo to be riven br R. Plow man ot wuiamette university glee club; Miss Jane Shipp. vocal solo: a trio of Philiplno young people wiu give me aoxoiogy played on native instruments; Francis May ada will give a five minute talk Mrs. L. D. Waterman will lead the devotions and group singing with Mrs. Charles Fessenden at the piano will be enjoyed. Plans will be made for a sliver tea and Christmas program to be given December IS. VERSAILLES PLEDGE POIIHED Of B01I KESHllED SUTESffil CfMO Speaks to Peace Delegates vas; Secretary , of Interior At . Paris Over Radio; Sees Present Need Under Cleveland, Later Senator, Governor "i rAni.tiM Rnntt nn. of America's loveliest screen stars, with her new husband, the Marquis Henri de la Falaise de la Coudraye, of France, after their wedding ceremony in tseveriy, uaiu. a wa Miss Bennett's third marriage, the license giving her age as 2. The Marquis, only recently divorced from Gloria Swanson, film luminary. sia.ea ne wu oo. SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturday, November 28 the Neighbors ot Woodcraft and Woodman of World, Joint dancing party at Fraternal Temple. Ladies Aid society of Woman's Relief Corps, all-day meeting, fairgrounds. Salem Woman's club, regular meeting at clubhouse. Cottage street; Miss Beatrice Walton will speak on "Impressions of Russia"; guest day also and members urged to Invite guests. A happy Thanksgiving dinner party was that for which Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Underhill were hosts at their home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The dinner table was centered with a large basket of fruit and lighted -yellow tapers added soft beauty to the effect. On the side board a large ship in token of the "Mayflower" had been arranged and in this were contained the fa vors. Covers were pla'eed for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Connet, John Robert Connet of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. D. Neal Littler, Neal Littler. Jr., Mrs. J. W. Muniles, and Miss Ida Meniies all of Portland, Mr. and HIT CLINICS ON WEEK'S SCHEDULE A busy week is ahead for nurses and doctors on the Marion county health department staff. More than twice as many clinics and ex amination periods are scheduled next week as during the week just ending. The IS clinics will occur as follows: Monday: All-day dental exam inations. Woodburn, and school. preschool and toxoid clinic. Tur ner; afternoon m ilk handlers. health center, 434 North High street. Tuesday: All-day Schick clin ic, health eenter, and school, pre school and toxoid clinic. Silver- ton. Wednesday All-day, school clinic, Woodburn; morning den tal corrective clinic, health cen ter; afternoon school clinic, Par- rish junior high boys. - Thursday: All-day dental ex aminations, district five, and school, preschool and toxoic clin ics, Bcotts Mills; morning school Parrish boys, and preschool, health eenter. Saturday: 8:30 to ! a. m. . WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 ; ATLANTA. Oa.. Not. 27 r (AP)Europe, was told over tnej (AP) Hoka gmith,, fpr many air tonight by Senator Borah, of I -. . dramatic and ( dynamic Idaho, that the. pledge of the 1 fjrnr i- ,ute and national pollti- Versaillea- treaty for disarms-1 Ufe) died here today at the ment has gone unredeemed. f of It. 1 He called upon the pnblic tol Secretary of the interior under use the "lash." on their govern president Cleveland, twice uov ments to force armament rednc-1 ernor of Georsria and twice Unit- ttons at the conference at Geneva led States senator,, the (venerable In Triintm. I ititpinun nassed awaVr St his Borah's hlnnt words were ad- I home after a long Illness, dressed directly to Paris to a - Mr. smith first attracted auen gathering ot peace delegates from tion in a political way at the age Europe. He spoke over an In-of 20, wnen ne was mae ensar tftrn&tinnil radio hooknn which I man of the Fulton county (Geor- carried the voice of the chair- gla) democratic executive commu man of the senate foreign rela-1 tee. f tions committee to Europe for Born at Newton, n. v-. on w fhm ttmt Hmm and thronshout I tember 2. 1855. Mr. 5mun pre- the United States as welL P-"d hlmseu tor me ,iegai pro Referring to the controversal fesslon. His interests broadened, security pledge urged by Premier bowever. and in 1887 he purchas Laral of Krajice he said "In eon- ed the Atlanta Evening Journal, 4.i.-i,.. if na .A. .i. i becomina; nresiaen. ana eai.or, alone uoon armaments" He con- A year later he projected the m. paper into a fight which con in "The first line of defense for buted toward seating him in the every country Is not the navy nor president's cabinet. He the army nor both, but the physl- I cal and moral well being, the tft Ume w" V t,uA'SS rontntmnt th. h.nni.eM to grace a president s - .v- I cabinet. J l LUC IV Ml ViUKU While millions are on the verge of starvation, growing rest less and ugly, nearly 85.000,- 000,000 is being expended an nually for armaments and from 80 per cent to 85 per cent of all Mrs. Charles Littler of. Forest Toxoid clinic. of Italy b44V farewell to Americ : toiay and sailed for bis bsUvo, land, v-' v l': i- "At iho pier wherw the liner Au gustus waited na4.nly to.sar that since his yislt and conversa tions with . president Hoover rt'a believed the ; Ualted BUtes ana ftalT Joined In a new era or in ternational understanding. Into movie microphones he said: "My only feeling on leaving America Is a desire to retarm again.! " " -Mora than, a tnousana persons were crowdedvatside the pier to see him off. some sf them shout ing "T?1v GrtBdi! Vlra Fascls- mo!" - HiliKLER iK Ofl AFRICA SHORE Twelve days after his inaugura tion for second term as governor, United States Senator A. S. Clay died and the legislature electea Smith to succeed him. In 1915 he was re-elected to the senate but found himself op- taxes extorted from the People-1 nn.nH . fn th tI... nd noliclM go for war purposes. All this is of president Wilson in the League .uumer name tor biow pui in- of Katlnm onntrnTAnt-r Ttr his evltahie sulciae. name wu offered in! the nresi- i oo not comena inai arma- dential primaries in this state, menu aione en solve our great but he lost the fight and a year economic pro Diem, i ao comena later was defeated for the senate. tnat it win aid tremendously ror the betterment of conditions. We can all fight, therefore, for this fT n1i Dianorfc cause, knowing that we not only LSepQllb make less probable future wars, bnt that, we are helping to re lieve an Immediate situation, an economic condition in many re spects more cruel, more re morseless, more pitiless than war Itself." For Home Aiter Visit to Hoover NEW YORK. Nov. 27. (AP) Foreign Minister Dino Grandl PARIS. Nor. 27 CAP) Capt. Bert Hlnkler, noteo' British aviat or, was safe tonight In French West Africa after completing tne first eastward flight across the south Atlantic- He dropped, down at Bathurst, on the African coast, from Natal, Brasll, yesterday to complete a flight of more than 1,800 miles in about. 22 hours, said a message to the Aeropostale company. Soon afterward he left for . . v , . r l V . saini uouis oa senegsi, uuu distance north of Bathurst, ar riving there a little after 2 p. m. today. He planned to go to Port Etlenne, Mauritius, tomorrow. Saint Louis de Senegal Is s comparatively short distance north of Dakar, the town on the tip of Cape Verde for which Cap tain Hlnkler was headed when he took off from Natal at 10 a. m. Wednesday. Few knew when he left in his small place that he was headed eastward over the ocean and his progrss was unreported until word of his arrival reached Paris today. Captain Hinkler once held the speed record for a flight from England to Australia and last month established 4 new speeed record from New York to King ston, Jamrt-t, on his way to Natal. Percy Beard is not the only track man in his family. His brother Jeff li captain of the Au burn track team for 1132. College Guest Is Complimented Miss Edith May Jenks, who Is among the young people home from college for the Thanksgiv ing holidays, entertained in com pliment to her house guests. Miss Ruth Jones. Friday night. Miss Jones accompanied Miss Jenks home from the University of Washington -where they both are students this year. An informal evening of music and games was enjoyed. Guests In compliment to Miss Jones were Miss Ruth CHrk, Miss Edith Star rett. Miss Carol Stoddard, Miss Irene deLisle; Eric Anderson. Vic tor Jones, Hays Beall, Willis Jones, Mrs. deLisle, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jenks, Eldon Olson and Wynn Jenks. A late supper con cluded this Jolly party. Liberty Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Scott entertained with a family Thanksgiving dinner. Guests for the dav were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adrain, Miss Wilma Post and Ormal Trick of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian ot Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott and chil dren, Mr. i3d Mrs. J. E. Scott and Mrs. Lloyd Adair of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. T. D- Trick and children, Carl, Elwin, Virgil and Velleda, Pearl and Lelaud Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott. The F. L. club held its regular California Visitor Dinner Guest Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Callison entertained at their home on Winter street Thursday in com pliment to Donleigh Warren, Jr., of San Francisco. An elaborate dinner party pre ceded an informal social evening. The table was arranged with fouT tall golden tapers in amber hold ers sort light rrom which was thrown over table appointments In amber and black. Favors were flower nut cups from which streamers in deep amber ribbon extended to the fruit center piece. Covers were placed for Mr. Warren, and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lee all of Portland, Mr. ana Mrs. Esthel Benner, Miss Lora Callison, and Mr. and' Mrs. Rufess Callison. Liberty Mrs. Kate Holder was hostess Thursday for a family dinner. Those enjoying the day were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Trask and three children and Mrs. Helen Gibbs all of Lyons, Miss May Shaver of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holder, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Holder and children and Mrs. Kate Holder. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Darby and small daughter, Shirley, of Portland, were Salem guests Thanksgiving day at the home of Mrs. Anna Junk and Bertha meeting Wednesday night. The Junk Darby. The Thanksgiving early part ot the evening was celebration also celebrated the snent in preparing a Thanksgiv- rsi oirtnaay ol Miss snirley. ing basket. Later in the evening The Portland guests returned to the club held a line party, re turning to the home of the host ess, Mildred Martin, where dainty refreshments were served. Mem bers attending were Lula McClay, Myrtle McClay, Hazel McElroy, Evelyn Naderman. Adaline Sey mour and the hostess, Mildred Martin. 2235 By ANNE ADAMS An unmistakable French fla vour distinguishes this froek with all Its simplicity of detail. The diagonal bodice and skirt lines - are decidedly slenderizing, and are emphasised by top machine . stitching. Note, also, the back ' neck and waistline tucks, insuring -a perfect fitting . garment. Black Roshanara or canton crepe out lined with blue faille, or any color sheer wool piped with white pique will be smart. Pattern 2235 is obtainable only , In sizes 14. 16. 1$, 20, 32. 34, 36. 38, 40, 42. Size 16 requires 4 1 - yards ot 39 inch material. No dressmaking experience is neces ' sary to make this model with our pattern. Step-by-step instruction dia- 7 grams given with this pattern. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. W. K, Frank entertained a group of friends recently at their home east of Hubbard with a lovely dinner party. Covers were placed for Mrs. Augusta Riemer and daughters, Esther Dlrkson and Eileen Reimer; Mr. and Mrs. Adam White and grandson. Dar- rel Salter; Mr. and Mrs. William Dreher and children Walter and Irish Dreher; and Jimmie Klukis of Salem. Seat fiftcca teat ia ciaa tamps (coins preferred), tor aaca attars. Writ plainly roar-Sana, ad-rasa and itjla naaiber. B r to ttata tixa wapted. Tko . new fail catalog !i saw ready. It (aataret tba sweat is afternoon, port and hooao dreasea, lingerie, pijamal sad kid die' -clothes. Also deli.fatfol fifl RUoa Is aceeaaorr and traae fer sattoras. Price of catalog. fifteen cants. Catalog eitk pat ters, twenty rw casta. Address all asail and erdrrs to Tie States-' , asae Patten Department. tS ; Wet tTta street. Kew York City. Portland Thursday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Iyan Martin en tertained as luncheon guests Fri day, Col. and Mrs. E. Hofer ot Portland and their house guests. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jerome of Chicago. The Hofers and Jer omes were motoring through to Agate beach where they will spend a few days at the Hofer beach home. o Mr. ad Mrs. O. W. Emmons entertained with a family dinner at their home Thursday in com pliment to Mr. and Mrs. William Shearer, Monroe Cheek, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Emmons, Miss Gen evieve Emmons and Floyd Em-1 mons. e e Dean Ellis entertained for a group of his high school friends A liked Chesterfield right from the start NO, I don't know a blessed thing about how cigarettes are made. But, of course, I would want the tobacco to be PURE. And then I've heard that the blend ing is very important. I'd want that to be done just right. "THen the paper. I don't like paper that you can taste or smell when it's burning. I'd want that pure too. "Another thing. I want to smoke when ever I feel like it without worrying about smoking too many. So I want my ciga rettes MILD. "But the main thing, of course, is TASTE. I don't care for over-sweetened cigarettes. I much prefer those that are just sweet enough. 'Chesterfield seems to satisfy in every one of these ways. That is why I'd rather have a Chesterfield." 9f Gervais Mr. and Mrs. Fred at tne home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. night. P. Ellis, Wednesday Mrs. J. B. Hewitt and daughter Jean are guests of Mrs. Hewitt's parents in Cresswell. Mr. Hewitt Manning were hosts to a group of relatives Sunday on the oc casion of their twentieth wedding anniversary. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Mannintr and Cecil and Kenneth: Mr. and Mrs. Felix Seguln and Raymond; Mr. wil1 J5n his family Sunday and Mrs. H. D. Manning and Se rena a-d Adrian: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seguln and Rachel and Clarence; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seguln. 0 0 Independence. Guy G. Walker was honored at a surprise birthday Thanksgiving day guests at the J. D. Sears home were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Foster, Mrs. Gleeda Spoor, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sears, and daughters, Patsy and Peggy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien nartv at hi linm. t,,.,. I are spending the Thanksgiving The evening was spent at bridge hollday n Seattle. They expect with three tables in play. Those to return 1 Salem Sunday. enjoying the surprise with Mr. , ,.,' Walker r un -v.iv-., a Miss Marian Morange. member Mrs. Claud Skinner, Dr. 'and Mrs. ?f tbe Willamette university staff. Maurice Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peniing the Thanksgiving hoi-i walker, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Mat. ,a i tison and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wil- ... . . - Hams. Mr. and Mrs. I. Townsend of . Gervais were among the many Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hunt en- WP to motor to Salm to spend tertained at their home on Frlck- t8'1!; - nn7h.?r.STi sJN t Mr. and Mrs. Deuglas-McKay iler se,rTed. ocUM Und family spent Thanksgiving r,-. i .T! -f,Vr:!r "--?.0 V Portland a. the guest, of a. aitiu nauuig, vuuvru W BUI- I r let tape. mg. dir. ana Mrs. carroii Hunt, r. ana airs. John Petron. Phil-1 Vr n tit R-M-a fa anendlnc las and Norma Petron, and Mr. the holidays In a visit at Caldwell, j aaa-Mrs. it. f. Hunt. I Idaho. h" , ' I, ' : - V? iV, V'l - J ' ? V" - - - - VV - - Vj V - ' v " IV- v V X v s v . v .. I f. v I t ' I v , V ' --' ; v vl s , y ' - i s . I f4 ' I v t " v " ' f" ' ""J " ' A 5t :-: . f -.-: -;:-:-::-:-w-: M Jj-x-V: w' I v i-y'tt, - - I " rj I ft i v - I - l i'-v 1 s ' f 1 "I i Iv - i i fc:::-:::::v.. -v -v v- - v 4.' t- v - f X v, nffk f : ,u j z&?:r-1 : '-J ' -i ; ; , -1 ; - " '- 4 v . . ' ' X O - - ' I - I - ' - , s - , '-I ?V vi ' ? - Uj, Smokers tire of too much sweetness in a cigarette,' and they don't like rawness. For a steady cjict, they want a agarette like CIIESTHtrTELD a mild and mcQow srnoke, fre from any cTr-sweetncss or any harshness ?r bitterness. That's why mora nd men 'smokers every day are changing to CI -ESTERHHT). Good. . they've got to be good. 49 1531, Isssui Mtsu Tosaooo Co.