PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, SaJcm. Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 28, 1931 SIB In Holiday Program Given Jointly by Rooms of School at Roberts ROBERTS. Not. 27 A pro gram observing Thanksgiving day was held Wednesday afternoon at the school jointly by both rooms. The children had decorated the rooms with Oregon grape, autumn leaves, fenu and chrysanthe mums. The sand table In Mrs. Carpen ter's room bad been arranged by the 6ixth grade to represent a pi oneer scene. The log cabin was built by Gerald Shorey and Louts Salchenburr. A very realistic -wooden pioneer wagon was the contribution of Henry Klhs and Benny Salchenburg. A number of Indian teepees, Indian figures and ' canoes had been made and arran ged by Clara . Hansen, Rose Ann Goodrich, Francis Blankensbip. Jessie Evans and Josephine Wil son. Masaye Nakamura printed a very neat large sign and Mlchikp Usui and Tsunko Usui contributed a large blackboard drawing. John Davis depicted Puritan days in a large crayola picture. la Miss Query's room a mini ature barnyard had been worked out on the sand table. AH the children In the room made and arranged the different objects. Lawrence Cooper made a small poultry house for the barnyard fowls. Thanksgiving art and hand iwork, were displayed about the room. The sixth grade is working on an Oregon history project, which Is very interesting. At present they are- getting the history of their own community. Much valuable and interesting Information has been gathered, par of which was read at the close of the program. The class intends to get the his tory fully written and published later. ,lhe program of the afternoon was very well given and was as follows: Song by all, "America the Beau tiful"; Story of the Pilgrims, third grade; Thanksgiving story, John Davis; recitation, "Being Grateful." Bertha Klhs; song, "The Breaking Wares Dashed High," girls of upper grade; play, "Six Little Thankfuls," Virginia Davis, Frederick Jungwirth, Twil-d-i Selmer. Irene Selmer, Marjorie Judson, Jack Osborn and Buddy Zielke; recitation, "Mr. Turkey," Donald Salchenburg; recitation, "The , Best Day," Mabel Kihs; . song, "Thanksgiving D r a w e t h Near." upper grades; recitation, 'Giving Thanks," Dora Hansen; recitation, "Why We Keep the Day. Virginia Davis; "The Owl Song, primary room; "A City Maid's Poem." Neomia Crouser; "Thank .You on the Farm," pri mary pupils. Song "Thanksgiving," upper grades; recitation, "T o m m y s Thanksgiving Dinner," J. T. Lev ans; recitation. "The Festival Day," Francis Lott;' play, "Ungrateful- Children," Rose Anne - Goodrich, Clara Hanson, Jessie Levans, Leroy Edwards and. Ger ald Shorey; song by all, "Thanks giving Day"; recitation, "Good bye," Dwane Bettencourt. EH GUESTS ELSEWHERE ZEN A. Nov. 27 Zena folk who were entertained elsewhere r gave dinners on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. W. Ken neth Henry and daughter, Cor Inne, who were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ray f Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walling and two sons, Jesse, Jr., and Ellis. motored to Newberg where they had Thanksgiving din ner with Mrs. and Mrs. David Jerman. parents of Mrs. Walling. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Crawford and three children. Robert. Alice and Wllma were guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alice Simp son' or Lincoln. Mrs. Curtis Kennedy and son, Merle, and her two brothers Al ian and Howard Wilton were guests during the Thanksgiving holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kennedy of Zena. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephens . oc -Zena entertained as their guests Thursday Mr. and Mrs Ralph Sohn and small daughter, rvadtne of Spring Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Hunt and family were Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Roy Stoutenberg of union vale. Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Stoutenberg are sisters. C. A. Bears Hosts At Holiday Event : Faculty Scattered i TURNER, Nov. 27 Mr. and Mrs. EL C. Bear entertained with a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday, The color scheme of green and yeuow -was used effectively In table floral pieces, with tapers covers were placed foT Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gillett of Walla Walla, wasn., w&o are parents of Mrs. Bear, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gil lett and daughter Rosella of Portland, Miss Selma Crow of Oaksdale, Wash., Mrs. C. A. Bear and son Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs, E. C. -Bear and children Eunice and Billy. Prof, and Mrs. J. R. Cox and Thurlo W. Smith attended the ig football game at Albany col lege Thursday morning. Prof. nd Mrs. Cox were dinner guests at the parental Charles Cox home Bear Jefferson. Miss Rath Clark, Intermediate teacher. Is spending the holiday weekend at the home 3t ner parents in Portland. Miss . laota Sloan, primary teacher, Is spending the weekend at her n IE1 aome at Klng'a Valley. GOING HOME7 Feared at first to have been lured away from the home of Professor H. C MacDougalL of Wellesley, Mass., where she had been a guest for four months, Rosemary Palmer Gilding. 17-year-old daughter of an English banker, who has been miss ing since November 14, is now be lieved to be on her way home te England. A letter, received by the MacDougall3 in the girl's hand writing, stated that the writer was "going home." Many Festive Events Held At and for People of Clear Lake Area CLEAR LAKE. Nov. 27 The Ladies' Improvement club met at the club room for an all day meeting Tuesday. Quilting was in order. A special feature was a birthday cake for Miss Hazel Clement. Those present were Mrs. Clement. Mrs. Stolk, Mrs. Guy Smith, Mrs. V. Boyd, Mrs. Oecil Boyd and little son Dale, Mrs. Baker, Miss Hazel Clement, Mrs. John Bair and two children, Ruth and Roland, Mrs. Lois Stolk and three children. The next meet ing will be December 2. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Pugh ar rived here Wednesday night from Kenewick, Wash., to spend Thanksgiving with Percy's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Pugh. His father has been in poor health for several months. They returned Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Pugh en tertained for dinner Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Percy Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pugh from Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans and daughter Joan from Salem. Keith Sip ith came home from Roseburg to spend Thanksgiving. He is attending high school and taking an aviation course. He will soon get his license to fly. He has been at Roseburg for the past three months. Nick Vallick of Clear Lake re turned home from California Tuesday night where he has been visiting with a brother for the past four weeks. He reports peo ple in California are in worse shape and harder up than here. - About 30 relatives were enter tained for Thanksgiving at the Roy E. Smith home Thursday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Eck Dntoit, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. David Schlag. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smiths, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dutoit, Harold and Rex Dntoit, Orril and Betty Jean Smith, Dale" Boyd, Flora and Howard Schlag, Don Edward Dntoit. Keith Smith, Hildred and Verla McLaughlin from Roseburg, Jack Chaplin al- bu oi noseourg, ixeva, Aaa Mae, Loretta and Estllene Smith and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Clement and fam ily ate Thanksgiving dinner withl Mrs. Clement's sister. Miss Effle Bair. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dorman were also there, making 13 in all. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Truitt and family spent . Thanksgiving wun Mrs. Trams brother and his- family In Salem. A few of the unemployed men of the vicinity are working on the road down by the Wheatland ferry this week. Mr. and Mrs. Orril Garner and two sons, Delbert and John, and Mr. and Mrs. George Garner spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wheeler and famijy, ar. ua Mrs. sioie ana son Henry and Mr. and Mm. Vta Stolk and family were Thursday gueets of Mr. and Mrs. Stolk and daughter Fredia and family In Mrs. K. Zimmerman Is Improving Slowly AURORA. Nov. 29 The friend. of Mrs. Katherine Zimmerman are pleased to know that she is slowly improving from the effects of " a slight stroke of paralysis. Her sops j nuns Zimmerman and fam ily of Albany, and Elmer Zim merman and family of Portland, Tumea meir mother recently, i -,vg wrt, a daughter, uo aira. Zimmerman. 8TART RrtV armivra SWEET BOMK Nm 9i w B. pike, who resides in our eorn mumiy and who has had. several years experience as Scant tfutw at Tillamook and Bay City, has offered his services as Boy Scout leader if Sweet Home will hack nun. Arrangement have been made to hold the first meeting in the gym. Walter Powell, J. F. Mcuiomern, and James More- neaa nave oiiered- their, s err lees IMPROVEMENT CLUB IS BUSY SESSION PUPILS OFFER VARIETY SKITS Lincoln School Children Give Elaborate Holiday Entertainment LINCOLN. Nov. 27 An inter esting program of plays, headings and songs was given at the Lin coln school by the pupils weanea day.' afternoon. The program fol lows: . ' -Two songs, by Naomi Merrick, Merrilyn Boyd, Garland Wallace, Norman 'Merrick and Richard Madsen: a reading, "Giving Thanks." Richard Madsen; a dl alogne, "Why We are Thankful," by Naomi Merrick, Merrilyn Boyd, Garland Wallace and Norman Merrick: tambourine s6ng, Mar ion Walling. Verl McKinney. Ed- rudell Boyd and Helen Nelger: reading, "A Boy's November." Pearl McKinney; reading, "Why Are You Thankful." Marion Wall ing; two Thanksgiving songs, by Marion Walling. Verl and Pearl McKinney, Edrudell Boyd, Ken neth Edwards and Helen Nelger; Instrumental solo, by Helen Nel ger; playlet "1621" with all of the characters in Pilgrim or In dian costumes, Marion Walling read the prologue. Included in the cast were Ken neth Edwards as Elder Brewster, Pearl McKinney as Governor Bradford, Verl McKinney, Indian chief, Helen Nelger, Merrilyn Boyd, Edrudell Boyd and Naomi Merrick as Pilgrims and Garland Wallace. Richard Madsen and Norman Merrick as Indians. A play, "The First Thanksgiv ing," with characters: Edrudell Boyd as Priscilla, Verla McKin ney, Remember, Marion Walling as Prudence, Helen Nelger as Mrs. Brewster, Kenneth Edwards as Elder Brewster and Garland Wallace as Captain Mills Stand- ish. Refreshments served by the teacher. Mrs. Irene Castle and the pupils. The guest group Included Mr, and Mrs. Fred McKinney, Mrs. H. J. Neiger, Mrs. J. Hackett, Mrs. Ben McKinney, Mrs. Herman Hammers and daughter Lois, Mrs. Tracy Walling, Mrs. S. D. Wilson, Mrs. Bruce Wallace, Mrs. George Boyd, Mrs. Ivan Merrick and small daughter Dolores, Al vin Madsen and son Robert. Sturgeons Move Goods George Sturgeon of Lincoln motored to Valsets Monday and returned Tuesday bringing some of their household furnishings with him. The Sturgeon family moved here from Valsets last spring and have built a cottage on their recently -acquired prop erty. Mrs. Mosier who has been con fined to her bed for about two months, Is able to sit in a chair now. Mrs. C. C. Grimm returned to her home at Lincoln Wednesday after spending three days in Port land. While in Portland Mrs. Grimm had the interesting exper ience of watching her friends, Rev. Anna Lee Snider and Mar garet Carney broadcast from sta tion KXL. LIBERTY. Nov. 27 Mrs. R. L. Browning of Salem was honor guest this week at a family birth day luncheon given for her by Mrs. Fred Browning Her four sons and daughters-in-law and also her daughter Mrs. Harley Rupert were present. College students from this dis trict who came home for the hol idays are: Dorothy Jndd, Florlan Hrubetz, and Dale Dashch, who attend Oregon State at Corvallls. Miss Elizabeth Schmidt has re turned home for Thanksgiving af ter spending the summer In Ster ling City and Long Beach, Calif. Her sister, Mrs. Rex Williams and small son Billy, of Sterling City, accompanied her and will visit at the home ot her mother Mrs. K. Schmidt Mrs. Williams will be re membered here as Louise Schmidt. She plans to remain for the Christ mas holidays. The Keeney family has move to the Ohmart place for the winter as the road leading to their place has become Impassable for trav el with their car. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stacey spent the Thanksgiving holiday at Cath- lamet with Mrs. Stacey's mother and sister, Mrs. Winifred Stevens and Miss Frances Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright of Walla Walla arrived Wednesday to spend about two weeks visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Novis, parents of Mrs. Wright. She will be remembered here as Ruth Novis whoso mar riage occured here in October. Miss Etta Westenhause ' and Jeanette Dasch, Willamette stu dents, attended the Willamette- Whitman football game at Wal la Walla Thanksgiving day. L AMITY, Not. 27 T, a Rlch ter, who has been driving a school bus tor the last six years over the hill to Hopewell and Wheat land has told his outfit to R. R. Massey. Archie Massey la bow driving -this bus. Miss Helen Wood is suffering with a - badly infected thumb caused by a sliver that ran under her nail while working at the walnut dryer. ? Mrs. Doaa Buttrlck was taken to the McMinnville hospital Tues day, i J. , J Mr. F. L. Campbell assisted oy MBS. BE IS HONORED IT Din BUS OUTFIT BOUGHT B Wm day school 2aaf one evening this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Watt spent Thanksgiving In Seattle; at the home ot Ma ion.' Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hartman and son, Richard, spent Thanks giving with ; relatives in Carlton. Miss Edith Patterson of Mc- Mlnnvllle waa a ealler In town Wednesday. Miss Evelyn TJmphleite, who la attending school at Monmouth, was home over Thanksgiving. The Amity Study club met one day this week at the home ot Mrs. A. W. New by. -Ten members and one guest" were present. Mrs. Soren Sorensen gave the lesson. Farmer Union Car Goes Out Monday, 30th BETHEL, Nov. 27 The Ore gon Farmers' Union members from this section will Monday load a carload of vegetables tor Montana relief at. the Southern Pacific freight depot in Salem Monday, November 30. The Union voted recently to aid Farm Union members In Montana, where drought for the past three or four years has made farming a precarious business. . All who nave donations for the car should be sure to load them Monday. Residents of the Bethel dis trict who will donate may leave their supplies with J. M. Nichols, or can call by telephone W. L. Creech or Irvin Bart ell and the goods will be collected. LOOSE IT 52 PEAK LAKE LABISH, Nov. 27 The new $2.00 peak has occasioned much activity in the onion mar ket. Hayes Lablsh farms Is pur ported to have sold 40 cars at this. Many of the smaller grocers have cut loose with a car or two at this price. Miss Constance Weinman, who Is teaching in the high school at Sutherlin this year, returned the 26th for a four day visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wein man. Mr. and Mrs. Weinman, Miss Weinman, Bin Lensch, and W. R. Gwlnn motored to Portland for Thanksgiving dinner at the Lensch home. A local crack shot who had plenty of turkey to choose from for dinner yesterday was Hal Welton who won five turkeys at the recent Lablsh shoot. One, won by Frank leham, weighed 40 pounds, undressed. The water which for several days made the road near the Hayes farm unpassable has aub- slded. Art Starker, trucking onions to Portland for H. L Anderson, is making six trips per 24 hours, al ternatlng drivers. E ZENA, Nov. 27 A group of school patrons enjoyed the Thanksgiving program given by pupils of the Zena school Wednes day afternoon. As an opening number a Thanksgiving hymn waa sung by the 7 th and 8 th grade girls, Helen Kane, June Worthington, Isabell Kennedy, Alice Crawford and Lillian Kenn edy. Other numbers were: a pump kin pie drill by Dale Worthington, Jessie Worthington, Chester Mer rick, Sylvia Wiedeman, Jack Mc Kenzie, Joe Shepard, Paul Wor thington, Helen Hunt and Myrtle Kennedy: a reading "We're Thankful' by Jessie Worthington; reading "Small Girr-Sylvla Wiedemtn; "Thanksgiving" Song by 7th and 8th grade girls; read ing, "A seven year old boy" Chester Merrick? a reading "The Pilmrims", Alice Crawford; a drill, "What each Is thankful for" by Dale Worthington; Raymond Stephens and Jack McKenzle; a story, "First Thanksgiving," Isa bell Kennedy: reading. Thanks giving advice". Joe Shepard. The teacher, Miss Lillian Reynolds was accompanist. Helen nunt announc ed numbers. LIBERTY. Nov. 27 The chicken dinner sponsored by the various organizations of the Lib erty community Tuesday nignt proved very successful. Fifty six dollars were taken in. Tne ain ner was given to raise funds to heln nar for materials used in the alteration recently completed at the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krauger and daughter Ha motored to Klamath Falls to spend the Thanksgiving holidays. They will return home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dallas and children, Cathrine and Robert, spent Thursday as guests of Mr. Dallas' parents at Corvallls. Mr. aad Mrs. Bert Lathroy ot Camas, Wash., Mr. and Mrs, Har old Lathrop and son ana Mrs. Kate Dixon of Portland were call ers at the Oscar Dencer home Thursday. Mrs. Bert Lathrop nd Mrs. Dencer are sisters. Mission Efforts Parker's Theme Df. B. Earle Parker of the First Methodist cnureh will deliv er thanks day offering sermon for the Woman' Home Mission ary society of the. ehurch Sunday morning; at the regular worship il GROWERS CUT 1 Mi patrons CHICKEN FEED NETS S&6F0R BUILDING FIIBtDIII it A special- Thanksgiving night service at the First Baptist ehurch observed the. x 5th anniversary' of conversion and eall to the min istry of the new pastor. Brltton Ross. It also marked the culmina tion of a successful financial campaign. . "We are very happy over re sponse to the drive, and grateful to say that 'enough funds were raised to take care ot all out standing obligations," Mr. Ross said yesterday. Special musie at the service. which was largely attended, was furnished by the Gideon quartet, composed ot Milton Dirks, Dan Schirman, Oley Olsen and John Frelsan; and a trio, Fred Broer, and his brother, Charles Broer, of The Dalles, ana Mrs. Theodore Roth. iT- S1TS CIPU FALLS CITY, Nov. 27 A re vival campaign conducted by Rev: F. K. Bennett, A. M., ot Chicago, opened at the Free Methodist church here tonight, and will con tinue through December 14. Rev. Bennett is a nationally known speaker, and is president of the American Science Founda tion. He was reared in South Af rica, is an editor, college profes sor, chaplain In the U. S. Leper colony, and a former U. S. marine. He is a friend ot the local pastor, who persuaded him to preach here. His noted science lectures, "The Church at the Cross Roads" and The Bible Under Fire" will be both spiritual and educational, It is promised. Another Local Church to Give Sermon-Drama The dra,na, "Charged With Manslaughter", will be presented at a commuity meeting in the court street Christian church Sun day at 7:30 o'clock. The cast is as follows: pros ecuting attorney. Dr. W. J. John stone; father, W. M. Heacock; son, Clyde Randall; sheriff, Ben H. Hawkins; stenographer, Miss Opal Kruger. All are invited to the meeting. An offering will be taken for the promotion of the prohibition cause In Oregon. Children are welcome but must be accompan led by and sit with their parents. Hewitt to Speak To Luther Group About Orientals Special services will be held at the American Lutheran church Sunday night at 7: SO o'clock. when Dean R. R. Hewitt of Wil lamette university will be the speaker. His subject will be "Why Do the Orientals Do What They Do?", and will deal with the present war -situation. Dean Hew itt traveled through those coun tries recently. Wendall Robinson will sing a solo and the Salem high school girls' glee elub will sing. Endeavor Play Scheduled For Sunday Evening A two-act play, "A Pilgrim Wife" will be given at the First Christion church Sunday night at 6: SO o'clock by a cast composed of high school Christian Endeav or members. The cast includes: Carl Barnett, Velma Wagner, Howard Cole, Warner Jackson, Robert Carper, Delbert Bunn, William Judson and Esther Wirt. Joint Fellowship Event is Sunday The annual fellowship supper, of the First Congregational and the Knight Memorial Congrega tional churches will be held Wed nesday. December 2, at 6:45, with the Knight Memorial church The sneakers will be Dr. C. H. Harrison, superintendent of the Congregational churches of Ore gon, and Dr. Raymond B. Walk er, pastor of the First Congrega tional church of Portland. A bas ket supper will be served and large attendance is anticipated. Rally Services Will be Sunday Rally day will be observed Sunday in the Christian and Missionary alliance, and for this occasion the pastor. Rev. W. H. Caldwell, urges every member and friend to attend both worship periods during the day. BOARD TO MEET The official board ot the Jason Lee Methodist church will hold a meeting at the ehurch Tuesday night, beginning at 7:10 o'clock. SUCCESS SCENTS In the Churches - WB BAXEM The Bu4tT - aeaoote aaeei at Sanusit sad at ford Msmerial eanrebea si t:4S e ja. Tk fMUr win proae at the Tori Hesnerial nJrarek not anorniaf h4 rr stag. - Tli naieet tao ssorninf ie tniM tt 11 Valoek will t Tttk, itiMVM at 1:30 wiU be "Tb G4- S:Se fvm. O. U Dark. KiniaUr. XJLTTXXDAT lADTTl Okakta tad Liberty traata. NaUoa Han. Saaday sebool 10 a.aa. Preachiag 13 aoa. ZiABISK HXSSIOH SVAVaElICAX, LABISH CENTER Church school 10 bjb. Klanp. Supt. Worship at 11. Sabjaet, "Th Obj.ct ot oar Wonblp." E. U C K. tt 1 Topic, " Arc ICitaionarioa Koodod ia Tkia Coaatryl" leader. Ifr. Floroneo Barr. Biblo atadj and prmyer, Thunday .Ten iae CLEAR LAKE Canrca. aebnol lO a.m. W. P. CoUard. Supt. W.maa'a Ilia ioaary society aaaaal Thank Offerinl Mooting at 11. Iatenaediato JE. L. C. JC. at 7 p.m. Biblo study class Tuesday Toaiar at 7:80. J1IDDLE GROVE Cbureb school 10 a.ra. T. r. Walker. Supt. Annual Thank Offering nesting by W. M. 8. and P. M. O. at 11. Br. K. Li. U. E. at 6:80. Topie, "Where Are Missionaries Needed ia This Country t" Mid-week ser Tieo Wednesday evening at 7 :80. H. K. Beh.ueraian. pastor, uci union street. Salem. ZVOLEVTOOS TOTTED BKETHBE lTtft aad Nsbruka streets. Ber. R, V. Wilson, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 i. Korninr worship ll o c iocs', even ing worship. 7:30 o'clock. ' BKVAjnTEZa TUIX OOSFEL 17th aad Cbemeketa streets. Thomas Baird, pastor. Saaday school 10 a.wu Preaching 11 and 7:43 p.m. Mon day aight Toong People' prayer aseet ing 7:45. Tuesday Biblo study. 7 :4S. Wednesday, all day prayer Derinnmg u a.m. Friday, Youn People's meeting, 7:45. XT&ST 8PtRrTTJAXIST SerTtcea oTory Sunday eTening In the Nelson ball ea Chemeketa street. A circle for tbo public from 5:30 to 7:au, ioi- lowod by a short song serriee aad lee- tara at T:45. Topic "Tne hhowiihdi oa the WalL" Mary Schwedel. pastor. TsnAWTTKT. BAPTIST Oorner of Has el and Academy streets. Sunday achool at 10 a.m. Lesson: Joshua 16 and 17th chapters. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer and testimony meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. BBTOBJCBD CHTJBCH Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W. &. Llenkaemper, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.ra. W. K. Krnse, traps, uerman ser ricea 10 a.m. Subject: "Behold Thy King Comethl" An AdTent sermon. Eng lish serricea 11 o'clock. Subject "The Message ot the Book of Jonah. Spe cial musle. anthem. "Thou Art Near, ' by J P. Knight. 7:45 p.m. Toung People a meeting. 8ubjeet: w tier. re kionariei Needed in This Country!" HIGHLAND FBXEHDS HI h land aad Church streets. Edgar P. Sims, pastor. Bible school 9:45 a.m. E. M. Beckett. Supt. Momlag worship 11 a.m. Message by pastor. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic. Special sinking may be expected at each service. Junior 0 E. 5:80 p.m. Senior and Intermediate c! E. 6:80 p.m. Bible class in Exodua on Monday at 7:80 p.m. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday. 7:30 p.m. , South Commercial at Washington Sts. Chas. C. Haworth, pastor. Sunday ser vices 10 a.m. Sunday school, Nathan Cook. Sunt. 11:00 morning worship. Ser- mon: rna boui a vmi":. k--Tespera. Special program. Thursday, :30 p.m. Church nigns supper, wuw monthly meeting. BVAJTOEUSTIO TAXSKSTACXS Thirteenth and Ferry streets, a C. Weston, pastor. Sunday school at l:5 a.m. B. 0. Porguiom, Supt. Evangehstil serrieef at S aad 7:45 p.m. Evangelist BetU and party of New York City in charge. Evangellstlo serricea continue every night at 7:45 except Monday. Special musle will bo ' regular Special diviao healing nighU will be announced from the pulpit. Prayer meet ing Wednesday at 3:30 in the Taberna cle. TTRST GERMAN BAPTIST North Cottage and D streets. Q. . W. Rutsch. minister. Sunday achool 9.43 a.m. Sam Schlrman. 8npt. Serviee 11 a.m Sermon topie. "What Is Man That Thou Art Mindful of Hlrol" Berular mid-week prayer service Ja P-.- w": nesday. Topie, "What Doortho Name of Jesus Mean to Pal" KNIGHT MEMORIAL 19th and Perry atreeta. H. O. Stow minister. Morning worship at 11. Ser- v. t- Srehln MaeDonald. Dnet. V..v.i Thank Thee." Evening servlT. at 7:30. Dr ''Who KiUed Earl Wright." prMented by th 1 lju Saloon Loamo of Oreron 8o',T school at 10 aj.. O. O. Harrla. SupU Christian Endeavor meetings at 6.4a PJ. TOST METHODIST State and Chnrcb traots.. B Eart Parker, pastor. Church school 9:43. 11 am. Junior chnrcb. 11:00 morning worj ship. Sermoa: "Tha New 6:30 mr Epworth Leagues. 7:30 Even- i txriil.aistl. nnivenitT Oos- peT Team a'nder Professor Mathewa. Tha .tad.ata will partleipste: Paul Ackarman. Eugene Smith. Anna Jo Fleni' ing, and Walter Erlckaon. TTRST TTNTTED BRETHREN itv Vlnla. atreeta. A. B. Hen Kdersoa. pastor, 1155 Mission Phono 70?u. uorvicea 11 -. - t Tzr.i... n.vnid. will preach o ...1., at 11. Sunday achool 10 ant. Mrs. AHea M. Henderson SnpUl Toung People'o meeting Snbjaet: "Where Ar Missionaries Needed In This Country" by Henry Xoh feld. a man who ha spent 11 year as missionary with comacae muians. ti in t.n arrvnaTiT. Winter and Jefferaon atreeta. Hugh B. Fouke Jr, minister. 11 a.m. "qrh'P service: sermon theme, "Abnadant Chrls tisn Living." 7:80 p.m. Evening aerrlea. a -a a. m. Seasion of tbo Church ..t.l TT n Prnnter. Sunt. 6:30 p.m. Tin.' lTnwn'rth Leans croupa. High achool ioln with the Toung People' group to bT Martin Ferry speak on "Tha Cause of Crime." All ara wel come. 8:80 p.m. Fellowship boar. CHRISTIAV KISSJOWART AT.T.TAsTCB 655 Ferry street. W. H. Caldwell, pea tor. Phono 8693. Illustrated chart ser mon tonight 8nnday school 9:45 aJ. Moratag worship 11 o'clock. EvangelisUe servie T:80. Toung People' meeting 6:80 o'clock. Prayer mooting Tnoaday, 7:80 p.m. Tuag People'a eottag prayer sarrioo Thursday. Bible study class Fri dsy night. TTRST CHURCH OF THE XAZAREXB Conor 18th and Center streets. Rot. Fletcher Galloway, pastor. Residence 2025 Market street. Phono 9630. Tha pastor win speak Sunday froni the following subjects: 11 a.m. ."Our Croat High Priest.' ' Communion aerrloa. T:30 p.m. "A TMagnoaia of Our Troablo.' Chorus selection by the choir. "Ho Died aad Paid it AIL Sunday school 9:45 aja. F. M. IdtwiQer, rhrpt. N. T. P. & and Janlor Society. 6:80 p.m. John Fris son, junior supervisor. TTRST TJNTTARIAN North Cottage aad Chemeketa street. Rot. Fred Alban Wail, minister. Church school at 10 a.m. Miles H. MeKoy. Supt. Chareh sarviea at 11 a.m. Sarmon, "Measuring Rod." Orgs nut. Mrs. Wal ter A. Denton. American Wherab Chmdi Church St, Be. CbnieketA Jk Center 11 A. M. Shall ATI Israel Be Saved. Anthem: The Lord la my Shepherd Ashtord. Solo: 7:30 Why Do Orientals Do What They Do? By Dean Roy Hewitt, Willamette Law school. Anthem: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Ashford. Solo: Wendell Robinson. Girls Glee Clnb, Salem High School. Rer P. V Erlkscn, Pastor ! !4 High aad Ceate aireets. - D. J. Howe, pastor. Kesideaoe. 1036 JL Winter. :45 ajsu Bible aekooX O. 4. Ball, Supt. Tka school- i worklag for a record a eadaaea 11 ovas, worahip. Tka Lard's Supper followed by preaching. Seramam by the paster. "A Vision of Spiritual Progress'' Solo: "Behold What Maa r af LoTe," (MaeDormtd). Viator Wolfe. 6: SO Ohristiaa Kadoarov hoar. 7:0 OTeaiag serrieo. a two act playlet, f'X Pilgrim Wife" will preseated by the high school C X. A self denial offering will bo take for the Western Christian Homes. Mid week service Wedaesday, 7:0 p.m. - it. vnrcMrr papx (Catholic) ; Highland aad Myrtle arenae. Bar. Tboa. V. Koeaaa. pastor. Phono 6511. Saaday aaasse" at S aad 10 :80 o'clock. Week-day serrieea afl 8:15 o'clock. TiP.ST.rB MXMOaiAX hC S. South Commercial aad Mr.ra. Steeta. B. Darlow Johnson, pastor. 348 JS. My erg St. Phoao 87. Morning worship at 1L Sermon. "iViends of Jesus." Hap py' Eveninc Hoar at 7:30. Opening song test led by C. H. Orwig. Sermoa, ' The Careasa and. the Vapltores." - Church school. Stearn cCushinr. Sort- at t:45 Kpwerth 1m rues at t:MJ Leslie lee rue topic, "reeidlng For Jean a," loader, Stearns Cashing. Asbury Lea roe con tinues discussion of "Tattling." led by Jay Bertelaon. Mid-week Braver and study hoar Thursday. 7 z30, continuing Discussion oi paramo or tae tea Tirgins. " FXXB KBTHOSIST Market and W. Winter atreete. J. R. Btewart.. pastor. Snndsr school S:45 nv. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub ject: "Making Our Calling aad Elec tion Sura." Eroninr worship. 7:S0 o clock; subject: "The Passing of the wieseo. xoung Pooplo's meeting 6:80 o cteci. nxsT chtjxch or cebist, SCXESTIST Chemeketa and Liberty troeta. "Sun day services at 11 a.m. aad 8 p.m. Sub ject, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, anas Mesmerism and Hypnotism. De nounced." Sundsr school at 9:45 and 11. -.testimonial meetina- everv Wn.i day evening at 9. Reading Boom at 406 w io tempie open iron 11 to 5:S0 ax. eept Sundays and holidaya. AMXaiCAir rTxrfrcsAv Church atreet h.twM. ni.n.k. Center. Ken P. W. Eriksen. naat op. 1 1 a. "As it. Is WrittM All T.n.l R1..11 oe Bareu. - tMiadsy school at :45 a Arnold A. Kruerer, Supt. 6:30. Luther League. Mark Gehlhar, leader. At 7:30 Deaa Roy K. Hewitt Of W. TJ. Law school will deliver lecture on topie'Why " ' vnentais 00 wnat They del " (The Present War Rltn.twn r.u . China). The Salem high achool Girls' triee ciud will sing. rtasT BAPTIST 549 N. Liberty street. Brittoa Boss, sstor. Bible school 9:45, Fred Broer lupt. Morning worship at 11:00. Spo- mauo or Ul ehalr. 4jm.fl. "Growth, the J T J. .n B. T. P. U. Miss Oln ijj Evening service at 7:30. Special music. Sermon, "The Passing Days of Oppor tunity." Pastor Britton Rosa will preach at aota morning and evening service. COTTBT STREET CBRISTLUT Court and lTth atre.ta. V? r ttkm. maaer, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a Mwira weiier, upt. Morning wor ship 11 o'clock; subject: "How I May Help the Church to Advance." Eveaing wornnip 1 ;ju octoeK; (UDect: Prohi bition play and lecture announced elso- waere. Xonng People' meeting 9:30 o cioca: subject. "Where Are Mission aries Needed In This Country I" Aid oociery meeting Wednesday aad Friday meeting, v eaneadsy, 7:30, TTRST CONGXXOATIONAX Center and Liberty street. J. R. Si monds, pastor. Mornina serviee. 11 o'clock: subject: "The fjove or Christ unps ui." Evening serviM 7:80 o'clock suftjeet: Review of Lloyd Douglas Marnifieent Obaeaiinn' V V a: ends. Sundsy school, 9:45 a.m. T. E. Neer isupt. TEMP LB BAPTIST 19th and Breyman. Ret. Ray E. Tork u. u., Hupply. Minister. ' Sundsy: 9:45 Bible school; 11:00 Morning worship with sermon by Dr. Tork on "The Re vival Which the World Needs Today." 6:30. Toung People' Meeting: 7:80, Evening worship with sermon by Dr. lorx on "Homo Forgotten Fundamen tela." Thla Sermon ia repeated by spe Epworth League Will Give Play Sunday Evening JEFFERSON. Vot. 17Pv a F. Lienlng Jr. will speak on "The uuy or Keruge." at the Evangel ical church at 7:30 o'clock Sun day night. At the Methodist rlinrA tw T. H. Downs will gire the setoiui sermon in a series of fire on Neb- lt,ll,jln...A.. r-i . . ' a m ui cam 11 11 L m. From :30 to 7:30 the Fnwnrt). League will present a play, "Mys terious Happenings on Rush eireer, . Kohfeld to Talk Missionary Work Two special service will he held Sunday at the First United Brethren church. In the momlnr at 11 o'clock. Rer. Walter Rey nolds, the district superintendent, will preach. At :S0 o'clock that night Henry Kohfeld, who has pent ll years as missionary with the Comache Indians, will deliver an address on "Where. Aro Mis sionaries weeded La This Conn vryi" V"N,.'V t , ."V Ti Tempie Baptist Church ""io ovo. vvfbo diock Bowm or (Jester) Rev. Ray E. York, D. D, Supply Minister. SUNDAY. 11:00 A. M. - n . . " , - The Kind of Revival the World Needs Today SUNDAY. T:l P. M. '. "Some Forgotten Fundamentals - v by Dr. York. This sermon Is repeated by special reonestl EVANGELICAL BD3LE STUDIES EVERY EVEV NDNG, CONDUCTED BY DR. YORK Monday, 70j cHow Do I Know I have-a Soul?" -Tuesday, 7:30. What Does My SouL Contain?" Wednesday, 7:30. mat Does Conscience Havt to i Do with My Soul?- - -.S iZ- Thursday, 7:$0. What Is the Moral Nature of-My - . - Soul?" : : .TA Friday, 7:80.; What Is the Moral Condition of My - - ' " Soul?? " -r." , .... if,: EI a ennrt room scene depleting I the salient features of the trial ot n mnrderer and a bootlegger will ' be reproduced at the Knight Mem- j orlal CongTegauona) cnurcn eiu- day at 7:30 p. m. . . 5 The following local peopio win ; take part: prosectitor. Boy nar-, - land; defendant, rrancia ;is. Clark; judge, James E. JUlisont . bootlegger, I4oyd Fepper; aire, . French. Mrs. B. F. Adams; George, ; W. Cook - (coroner), B. e. wards, bailiff. C R .William. . sheriff, William Drakely; mother. Mrs. Avis Martin; rwporter. Missj Laura Yantls; widow, : Mr. Eu nice Martin? children, ; Quintoa Smith and Alice Fay Dangherty lurr. E. C. BnshneU, foreman:. Frank Martin, Mrs. Harvey Em erick. Mrs. E. Q. CUrk, Mrs. Kii al Cory, Mrs. Ethel Ritchie. O, n. Gaylord. Mrs. Pauune Karri on, J. O. MeGnne, Mrs. Etta Eyrea Elbert L. Powell, J. J. Thorn jm son. Rer. R. E. Close of Portland will act as defense attorney. -' An offering will be taken tc$ the promotion of the prohibition : cause in Oregon. Thank Offering Breakfast Held AtLooneyHomd Hazel Green, Nov. 27 The Ot terbeln Guild girls'. , missionary society had their Thank-offering breakfast at home of patrones Mrs. Looney, Thanksgiving morn ing. Miss Haiel Cook, president was toastmistrees. Each girl gave) areason for being thankful. A story and poem was read bx Iola Lnekey, Alice Cook made the) place cards of autumn leaves.. The) thank-offering boxes were opened! ' The table was decorated with Tur pie crepe paper, and white Cbrys anthemnms, the society' colors. Members present were: Alice. Hazel and Stella Cook. Iola Luck ey. Imegene and Lucille Wood, N Nora and Edna Rutherford, Helen; Davis, Monitor Church To See Popular Drama Offering MONITOR, Nor. S7 The dra ma, "Charged . with Manaiaagn- . ter," which has been proving of interest to large audiences In all parts of the state and nation; will be presented Sunday morning at 11 o'clock In the Congregational church of Monitor. "Charged With Manslaughter" is the story of a boy who followed in hit dad's footsteps" and of a fathei who awakened almost too late. The east Is as follows: prose cuting attorney, Rer.-R. B. Close; Father, W. M. Heacock; stenogra pher, Miss Donni Conyne; sheriff, J. A. Van Cleave: son, Kenneth Gillanders. An offering will be taken fol the promotion of the prohibition cause in Oregon. Children are wel come but must be accompanied by and sit with their parents. York to Conduct Revival Meeting Throughout Week Reviral services will be held at the Temple Baptist church ev ery night next week, conducted by the pastor. Dr. Ray B. Tork. No services will be held Saturday night. The messages will be la' the form of Bible studies, rather, than formal preaching. A black-, board will be nsed each night. For the first three nights the general theme will be "What Ia the Soul?" Monday night, he will answer the question? "How do I know that I Have a Soul?": Tuesday, "What Does My Soul Contain?"; Wednesday, "What Does Conscience Have to Do with My SoulT" Closing Revival Service Sunday Sunday will be the closing day; of a successful revival campaign at the Free Methodist church. J. R- Stewart, the pastor, has acted as evangelist, and has been assist ed by L. H. Shepherd, song lead er and soloist of Bloomlngton, 111. Rev. Stewart will preach at' both services Sunday. Special mu sic will he featured. $ CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH High and Ferry Sts. Near The Elsisore Graded Sunday School, t:40 p. m. Preaching Service 10:50 a. m. 4k 7:J0 p. m. ! B. Y. P. TJ.'b t:10 p. m. i A. M "Friendships Earthly and Hea venly5' Pastor. The Knights of Pythias will attend this service in a body. Solo, "I Shan Not Pass Agalm This Way." Hiss Grace Fawk. P. M. The SonFa Open Windows, . . Pastor Ll Baptism 8peclal Muslo at xroop Doara. I Miss -Watson entrts1es4 her San, (hoar, 11 o'clock.