The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 26, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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The OREGON. STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon; Thursday Morning, November 26, 1931"
." Society MeWs 1
Mary Deutsch Bride of
Stephen Bauman
GerraU. -Miss Mary Deutsch of
Woodburn and Stephen Bauman
of Gerrais were married at 9
o'clock Tuesday morning at St.
Luke's church In Woodburn, Fath
er J. B. Rubls officiating. Ther
were attended by Mlsi Rosina Par
elek of Woodburn and Albert
bauman, brother of the groom.
The bride was dressed in a
white cown with wreath and veil
aad carried a bouquet of white
enrysantnemums. Her maid of
Lonor wore a peach colored gown
and also carried chrysanthemums.
- A wedding dinner was given at
FinlIn tfc cfousk. Theain
the even. You can be sura
of perfect bakings in usinj
jxrr sz&Ti a if i m n
t IT
25 ounce for 25c
the home of the groom's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bauman In Ger
vais, and was attended by Father
Ruble, Father Walsh of Gerrals,
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bauman,
Miss Rosina Pavelek, Albert Ban
man, Mrs. Elisabeth Deutsch, Mrs.
Ollie Cox aad daughter Leila May,
Mrs. Rusher, Frank Pavelek,. Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Bauman and daugh
ter Margaret
Elks Cli h to Sponsor
Card Party
The second of the series of
benefit card parties being sponsor
ed by the Elks lodge at the tem
ple will be given Monday night.
The proceeds from these attrac
tive parties goes into the relief
fund of the lodge.
Both bridge and "500" will be
in play and prizes are being
awarded for scores. At the end of
the series it is planned to award
a grand prize.
Open house is being held by the
temple for all those guests who
care to be conducted through It.
The committee in charge is
George Henderson, Reed Rowland
and Willard Marshall.
Kinzwood. Personal reasons
for thankfulness was the subject
of roll call Tuesday afternoon by
members of the Laurel Social
TTmir Huh The meetinz was held
at the home of Mrs. Kaymona
Comnton. Mrs. G. L. Adams pre
sided at the business session and
Miss Vina Emmett entertained
with Tiolin numbers during the
social hour. Mrs. Eugene Kxeos
assisted Mrs. Compton in serving
Mrs. Karl P. Mobley will be nosi
est Tuesday. December 8.
Those enjoying the afternoon
ware Mrs. Warren B. Baker. Mrs
Eugene Wrebs, Mrs. J. B. Smith,
Mrs. Robert A. Blevlns. Mrs. a.
Tt. Truck. Mrs. Carl P. Mobley. Mrs
K. w. Emmett. Mrs. Bernard Ben
son, Miss Vina Emmett and the
hostess, Mrs. Compton.
Pythian Sisters Have
Roll Call
The Siatara Antavatt a
spienaid dinner meeting ana roil
rail at in r at Ant mftMfnr arrnnflArt
by many guests from Albany, Hub
bard ana independence.
a program was given ny Mrs.
Henrietta Ferguson, Mrs. Wayne
lirpcnwnod m ra j. i:. taceaii.
burg, George H. Todd and Wayne
All Knlehta of Pvthias and
Pythian Sisters plan to attend in
a body the Calvary Baptist church
services Sunday at 10:45 o clock.
The next reznlar meetlnr for
the group wiU be December 1 and
at this time nomination of offi
cers will be held.
Golden Wedding is of
Interest in Salem
Announcement la made that Mr
and Mrs. John Scott will hold
"open house" at their home, 1501
Seventh street. Oregon City. Sun
day between the hours of 2 and 5
o'clock. The affair is in compli
ment to their golden wedding.
Mra. O. L. Scott. Mrs. P. A
Hamilton and Mrs. Ted Lor en ten
will assist during the aiternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Scott are well
known in Salem and were former
ly residents of Scotts Mills. They
are the parents of Dr. O. L. Scott
Originators Of Low Prices
351 State St
Spends hundreds of thousands of dollars, explaining
how you can save $3.00 per year by using their tooth
paste. Here is what you can save when you buy your
meats from us.
Take a family of three, using two pounds of meat per
day. We save you at least 5c per pound, which- means
$3.00 PER MONTH. Isn't it worth trying, especially
when the meats we sell are equal and in many in
stances superior in quality? Here is something else
we are proud of. Last Monday our market passed
state inspection with a score of 97, which is almost
Regular Prices Not "Specials"
Delicious Steak
15c lb.
Beef Roasts
Choice Steak
15c lb.
10c lb.
Fresh Ground
1c lb.
After eating turkey, how about some of this fancy
milk fed veal for a change, ihe price is very low.
Milk Fed
Milk Fed
Veal Roasts
12 1-2c lb.
Veal Steak
15c lb.
"Nn Sweet." 20c lb.
Made in Salem. Has that home cured flavor. Buy
Salem products when you can. rlhey are always
better. -
nriees are for the finest pork Oregon
produces. That means the best in the world. Grain
fed, young, tender ana juicy.
Daintv Lean Young Pig
Loin Chops Pork Roast
15c lb. 8c lb.
Dinner Bridge Club
Sr .nil.Vri. T.ara RerCaTllc en
tertained for their dinner bride
club at their home Wednesday
night. Tnrkey favors, candiea, ana
flowers made the . attractive
Thanksgiving idea a pretty table
noTtri were sliced for Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Dane, Mr. and Mra. El
lis Yon Eschen, Dr. and Mrs. T.
Don Baylor, and Mr. and Mrs.
Lars Bergsvik.
ThnnkiirlYlnr dar In Salem is
being celebrated by on of the de
indnti of GoTernor William
Bradford, of the Plymouth colony
which vii the founder of the
Thanksglring day, celebration. She
is Mrs. S. C. Dyer. Mrs. uyer na
a mall and auaint silver spoon
which came down to her from the
Bradford family. It is thought that
there are only about 50 lirlng de
scendants of this famous gover
xtr .nA Mm. n&vid Wright will
hare home with them for the
Thanksgiving holidays t h e l r
daughters, Miss Eleanor wngnv
fmm nrpirnn state colleKe and
Miss Elolse Wright -who is on the
high school staff of me nona
Dn.lDr arhnnla Mrs. Eloise Rod-
iv mnthdf of Mrs. Wright,
who is Tlsltlng from Los Angeles
will also be a guest ior manas
giying dinner. Mrs. Roderick
plans to leave lor ner noma m-
frm Jamea Lewis has been
hostess tor two delightful bridge
luncheon during th past few
days. The last was a one o cioc
luncheon at tne jsiks ciuo wim
cards in play at eight table fol
lowing the luncheon.
An attractive musical evening
was that enjoyed by an ensemble
group of four students or Ktnei
Poling Phelps. Th group was or
iranized In September and its first
program was given Tuesday night
at the Phelps home. Tne group
includes Miss Bessie Tucker, Miss
Dorothy Tucker, Miss Anona
Walch and ftsa Elizabeth weicn.
Ensemble numbers, duets and pia
no solos were d resented- for the
folio win guests. Lucille Rolow.
grace Skinner, Mabel Currie,
lia Park, Yelma Ross, Ruth sto
ver, ttattv Elofson. A social hour
and refreshments followed. An
other such evening is being
planned for early in January.
Kin&wood. Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Adams were hosts recently
with an evening of cards. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Beaver,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lacey, Mr. and
Mra. Elmer Cook. Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Damrell. Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Ammon
Grice. Mrs. Robert Adams assist
ed th hostess.
Mrs. L. O. Smith was a euest at
a 12-table bridge luncheon at the
Lebanon hotel Tuesday. Mr. Smith
loined Mrs. Smith in Lebanon in
the evening where they were the
tiouse znests of Mr. and Mrs. a
W. Stritmater Tuesday night.
Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps will
entertain with a family dinner
today Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Phelps.
Miss Minnie Siewers, and Mr. and
Mm. H. A. Goode and Mabel Ir
ene Goode of Portland.
Five Marriage
Licenses Taken
On Holiday Eve
persons who indicated Wednes-
rtav that the-r no lonzer cared to
be thankful on Thanksgiving day
for "single blessedness" were nu
merous. Five marriag licenses
were issued on the ev of the
T?HnlAnts wer Jacob Sever
enn cs. and Marina Moen. 55,
both of Sllverton; Cletus Busch
and Rose Hasslng, botn oi ml
Angel; Dee HImes, 22, and Con
stance Amon, 22, both of 3Z
South Winter street: Frank E.
Shafer, 24. 13 Stat street, ana
MarT Kafoury. 21. 750 North
Summer Btreet: Arthur P. Gra
ham, 27, Eugen, and Sylvia Cor
delia Cox. 20, Gold Beactt.
Tow Stat colleg will spend
approximately $60,000 less for
salaries this school year than in
'the 19 S 0-31 terms.
X 1
info Ipj?5(e
i n ii
137 S. Commercial Tel. 4010
Wilson's Certified Brand
Oleomargarine . . lb. 11c
Fine Quality
Shrimp ... 2 cans 19c
Pink, 1 Pound Tails
Salmon ... 3 cans 24c
Morning, Tall Cans
Milk .4 for 22c
Ham Roast Pork Steak
15c II). 121-2clb.
AGAIN We wish to remind you we scored 97 on
cleanliness and sanitation. The tike before it was
95, which isn't so bad. We are getting better all the
time. What puzzles us now is wnai we are gumK iv
Pure Cane
: f ; v-
do after we arrive at a 100
Strictly Fresh
111c lb.
Salt Pork
Out of consideration to our employes we close at S
p. m. On Saturdays at 7 p. m.
Sugar . 10 lbs. 43c
Brown Sugar Powdered Sugar
t Pounds . 19c I 3 Pounds . 19c
Crystal White
Soap ... 10 cakes 28c
Fresh Fig Bars
t Pounds
Del Monte OA
Maxwell House fciUC
137 . South Commercial
184 N. Commercial St
Get it as BYRNES' I Why shop around when you can so conveniently buy all your toiletry, remedy and tobacco
needs in this wonderful shop. The prices must be right for we are never undersold. See for yourself what you
sare this Weekend. . I
5c Full size
Milk Chocolate
3 for 52
50c Box of 10
White Owls 45c
l Box of 10
Van Dyck Bankers
16 oz. Tins
Ready Rubbed or Sliced
031 .9
$1. Metalic Powder Jars
- -
3?iiifcc- Filled With
and Complete With
Velour Puff
t Inch. Imported jars
la charmins boudoir
colon topped by por
celain miniature.
Filled with dusting
powder and 4 Inch
powder puff. Make
lorely Xmas gifts!
Chesterfields, Camels,
Luckies, Old Golds
Cartoa of 10 Tkg$.
25c Listerine Tooth Paste 9c
25c Pond's Cleansing Tissues 9c
$L50 Ambre Royale Face Powder 79c
35c Mennen's Shaving Cream 19c
75c Long Handled Bath Brushes 39c
50c Bottles Hand Lotion Frostilla 29c
30c Laxative Bromo Quinine 19c
$2 Isabey French Perfumes 98c
$1 Coty Original Perfumes 69c
$1 Yardley Bath Salts 79c
$1.50 Yardley Dusting Powder $1.29
35c Bayer's Aspirin Tablets 23c
$1 Ovaltine 1 lb. Tins 69c
. 10c Colgate Big Bath Soap 5c
$1 Genuine Antiseptic Listerine 69c
1 Pt. Antiseptic Solution 29c
$1 Fountain Syringes 29c
45c Kotex or Mod ess 23c
$1 Ambrosia 89c
50c Pond's Freshener 33
$1 Peacock Bleach Cream 69c
60c Instant Odorono 49c
35c Cute Preparations 29e
60c Neet Depilatory 39c
75c Oriental Cream 59c
Shaving Aids
45c Colgate Shaving Cream 31c
35c Barbasol Shaving Cream 23c
Z5c Burma Shave 23c
25c Listerine Shaving Cream 14c
75c Jar Molle Shaving Cream 49c
75c Fougere Royale Lotion 49c
65c Barbasol Skin Freshener 39c
60c Zonite, 6 oz. 39c
50c Listerine 36c
50c Lavbris 36c
50c Detoxol Liquid 39c
60c Glyco Thymoline 39c
75c Wampoles Formolid 49c
75c Takara Powder 46c
$1 Pond's Creams 59c
$1 D. & R. Cold Cream 69c
60c Elcaya Creams 45c
y Lb. Theatrical Cream 19c
60c Hopper's Creams 39c
60c Pompeian Creams 39c
75c Ayer's Creams 63c
50 c. c. Mead's Viosterol $3.19
$1.25 Bisodol 73c
$1.20 Bromo Seltzer 89c
$1.50 Citrocarbonate 98c
$1.35 Pierces Remedies 98c
$1 Miles Nervine 69c
$1.20 Sal Hepatica 79c
25c Woodbury's Soap 19c
25c Cuticura Soap 19c
25c Packers Tar Soap 19c
15c Jergens Violet Glycerine 5c
25c Resinol Soap 19c
25c Pears Soap 14c
10c Nassour Castile Soap 5c
Health Foods
$1 Psylla Seed 69c
60c Thompsons Choc. Milk 39c
75c Borden's Malted Milk 49e
$1.20 SMA Baby Food 89c
25c Meads Cereal 19c
25s Pyrex Nursing Bottles 16c
Pills and Tablets
50c Yeast Foam Tablets 33c
50c Chocolate Exlax 33c
50c N. R. Remedies 33c
25c Carter's Liver Pills 15c
50c Feenamint 29c
$1.00 Marmola Tablets 63c
$2.75 Yardley's Gift Set
for Gentlemen
Contents, Invisible Talc Soap,
Shaving Stick & Shaving Lotion
$1.00 Mermen's Gift Set
for Gentlemen
Contents, Talc, Skin bracer,
Skin Balm & Shaving Cream
$3.50 Houbigant Gift Set
Ideal or Quelque Fleurs
Contents, Bath Salts, Dusting
Powder, Bath Soap
$2 April Showers Gift Set
for Ladies
Contents, Bath Salts, Dusting
$1.50 Glazo Manicure
Gift Set
Contents, Nail Polish, Polish
Remover, Cuticle Remover, Nail
White Pencil, Emery Boards 7
Orange Sticks
Face Powders
75c Melba Love Me Face Pwd. 59t
50c Melba Face Powder 29c
60c Djer Kiss Face Powder 34e
$1 Fiancee Face Powder 49c
60c Pompeian Face Powder 39e
$1 Pivers Face Powder 63c
75c Hoppers Face Powder 59e
- Lotions
50c Chamberlains Hand Lotion 29
50c Jergens Lotion 26c
60c Italian Balm 29c
50c Howes Beauty Lotion 39c
$1 Frostilla 59c
$1 Hinds H. & A. Cream 79c
$1 Quelque Fleurs Lotion 69e
Dental Needs
25c Colgate Tooth Paste 19c
50c Colgates T. Brushes 2 for 25t
60c Corega 39c
10c Colgate's Big Bath Soap 5e
60c Forhans for the Gums 37e
50c Ipana or Pepsodent 28c
50c Iodent or Kolynos 28c
For Coughs and Colds
$155 Creomulsion 89c
$1.20 Scott's Emulsion 69c
60c Foley's Honey & Tar 39c
50c Drake's Cough Remedy 29c
35c Pape's Cold Comp. 23c
60c Rem. Cough Syrup 49c
60c Pinex 49c
Pet Rtmedies
60c Clayton's Cat Remedies 39c
65c Glover's Dog Remedies 43c
60c Clayton's Dog Remedies 39e '
25c Glover's Flea Soap 19c
25c Clayton's Kilflea Soap 19c
35c Clayton's Kilflea Powder 26
15c French Bird Seed 10c
Household Remedies
Pt. Rubbing Alcohol 23c
Pt. Milk Magnesia 23c
Pt. Witch Hazel 23c
Pint Mineral Oil 35c
Pt. Cod Liver Oil 50c
Oz. Glycerine Rose Water 15
10 Lbs. Bathing Epsom Salts 39e
$1 Upjohn's Super D 56c
50c Shell Dry Cleaner 29c
50c Oronite Dry Cleaner 23c
20c Canada Dry Ginger Ale, 2, 35e
25c Clicquot Ginger Ale, 2, 35e
Ctn. of 12 Sanitary Napkins 15e
10c Scott Toilet Paper, 3 for 22c
First Aid Supplies
1 lb. Hospital Cotton 19c
1x5 Adhesive Plaster 19c
5 yd. Sterile Gauze 29c
2 in. Gauze Bandages 9c
25c Mercurochrome 16c
4 oz. Absorbent Cotton 19c
$1 Woodburys Gift Set
For. Gentlemen
Sharing Cream
Sharing Lotion
Soap and Talc
I I 598 l
$1 Mello Glo Gift Sets
Fac Powder and Perfume
obserration on Paris, particular
ly its night lifo. were interesting
to Rotarians.
Returning Chief Jenkins at
tended a police contention in St.
Petersburg. Florida, and got
them to select Portland as the
next convention city.
Wednendar was nollce dar at
the Rotary club with Chief Leon
V. Jenkins of Portland as tne
speaker, the Portland police
quartette for singers, ana a
group of police officers as guests.
Chief Jenkins returned recently
from a trip to a convention ox
police chiefs In Paris and his
talk dealt with his obserTations
oh this trln.
Interesting sketches were nls
report of a visit to Scotland Yard
and to "Old - Bailer' criminal
court. The ladre was Sir Henry
Dickens, a son of the novelist.
Charles Dickens. Celerity marks
the dlsnateh of lustlce in English
courts and thorough, careful
work the detection of crime. A
law Is law la England, comment
A the Portlander. V
The convention at Paris
worked on problems of a univer
sal criminal code aad oa the ex-
tradition of criminals from one
country to another. The chiefs
$2 Fougere Royale Gift
- Sets for Men
Sharing Cream, Talc
and Lotion
east of Salem to Herbert W. Cole
who is moving here from Toledo.
Lottie Oehman bought a two-
acre tract in the Smith fruit tracts
trom S. T. White. "
Leo N. Childs sold an 80-acre
stock ranch in the Pringle dis
nil in Fiim
Activity In the movement of
farm lands in and near the ricin-
itr of Salem Is noticeable, accord'
tng to Leo X. Childs of the local
realty company which bears nis
name. He reports eight acreage
sales Involving a consideration ap
proximating 121,650, as follows:
A. S. Washburn purchased a
one-half acre tract on Fairriew
avenue from Edwin A. Jackson,
O. P. Bond sold five acres in the
Savage tracts to Lena Henkelman.
J. A. Wagner bought a two-acre
tract la the Leo N. Childs subdi
vision east of Salem.
Bertha Zell sold a tire-acre tract
$3.50 Yardley Gift Set
for Ladies
Toilet Water
Face Powder
Talc and Soap
Otto E. Rogen sold an eight
acre tract of land in Polk county
to the Capitol securities corpora
tion. Willard P. Dunsmoor purchases
a highly Improved one-acre tract
north on the Pacific highway trom
Kenneth L. Day.
Salem and Surrounding Territory
The Salem Public Market, a new Institution In Salem, Is
establishing two new and distinct features First, the farm
ers are rented, special booths and allowed to bring in what
they raise or produce sell it in their own way and at their
own price without dictation from any one.
Secondly, the market is putting on an Auction every Tues
day and Saturday at 1:30 P. M. Selling regetables. fruits,
poultry, and furniture turning them Into ready cash.
The management of this market proposes to make It a real
farmers market come In and see for yourself.
Prices are right, vegetables are fresh each day from the
gardens. $
Joe Bennet vegetables from Lake Labish
Chas. Wise vegetables from West Stayton
J. B. Fisher fruit stand and vegeftables
J. W. Lafolette, Rt. I, and Montandon. route 9
handling country sausage, ribs and, backbones.
saiIem public market
850-69 North High St, Pboao 60S1