A section of The Oregon Statesman featuring Merchandise Savings Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, November 26, 1931 Watch for This Section OLEO IS TOPIC r mm i Substitute has Food, but Not Diet Value, Dairy Win Contest SILVERTON, Not. 25 "Oleo margerine was originally a prod uct of war, and you know what Sherman said war was," , J. D. Mickle, food and dairy commis sioner, prefaced his talk at Sll- erton Tuesday night with this re mark. Mr. Mickle went on to give a little of . the history of oleomar Genuine "Heckolite' or "Parfalt" plates now f 18.50, and many other specials not mentioned here of undersell competition. Dr.F.C J0NE5,Den"ist Over Irfuld-Bnsh Bank serine: "It was first used Be cause of a butter snortage in long ago French war. In the early days it was a product of th slaughterhouse, a combination of the tats accumulated there. Later a cheaper product was found in the shape of copra and this was shipped in. Now there are 326 mil lion pounds of oleomargerme sold annually in the United States. Only 16 million of these is from the old-time slaughterhouse prod uct. The other is all from vege table oil. Most of this is shipped from the Philippine Islands, an insular possession of ours, and so it even comes In without any duty. "Four and a half million pounds of oleomargerine are made In Oregon and three and a half million brought in. Oregon sells a share of this but she uses about six million pounds herself annu ally. In the United States the ol eomargerine displaces approxi mately 1,240,000 dairy cows and 20.000 in Oregon. Farmers have figured that they pay a tax of 124 cents on every pound of but- terfat they sell so we are depriv ing ourselves of considerable tax. When the oleomargerine is sold uncolored it is covered by only a fourth of a cent tax. The profit from oleomargerine goes to only a few individuals." From the industrial Bide of the matter Mr. Mickle touched brief ly on the legislative side: "Can ada won't allow it sold in its country." he said, "practically, all civilized countries have legis lated against it in some measure or other. But here our courts tell us it is unconstlutional. we can not refuse the sale of it." Mr. Mickle then spoke on the possibilities of taxing it, pointing out incidents where this had been done satisfactorily. The third angle from which Mr. Mickle approached his subject was that of the greatest impor tance the angle of health. "Oleomargerine contains so lit tle of the necessary vitamlnes thai this little is almost negligi ble," be. said. "If you pile oleo margerine as high as Mount Hood or Mount Shasta and feed it to your child that child will not grow an inch unless vitamin A is supplied from elsewhere. If the cow is done away with, B0 per cent of our babies would die. In food value there is no difference between oleo and butter. And . It is on this point the oleo people advertise. The difference lies In the diatory value. Certain foods chemically have the same value hut they do not have the same effect in the diet." Mr. Mickle cited many instan ces to prove his point. He read reports from various bulletins, among them a report given by Dr. Bock of Denmark at a national dairy council. It was found that when the whole milk was taken away from children and only skim milk substituted that 200 children in Danish institutions went blind because of the lack of vitamin A. Butter, according to Mr. Mickle, is the only edible food which con tains vitamin A in sufficient quantities to be of benefit. Frank Bower, who was chair man of the evening's program which was held at the Knights of Pythias hall, explained in the opening that the meeting was no organized affair but simply a get together of those interested in dairying and the welfare of the ma mm Q0RV HH Store No. 7294 N. Commercial St. Phone 3527 Sossaettihuimg tt EHeaaB Amount QUALITY AND PRICES TO PLEASE YOU Golden West Coffee 3-lb. tin ... . 99c NAVEL Oranges Nice juicy ones , O Dozen .. 34c I Fine Cane Sugar U Lbs .. 39c Marion Creamery Butter Per lb. 32c Corn Meal White or yellow 9 lb. Bag 21C BLUE STEM Flour Hard Wheat 49 lb. Sack... 99c 360 size Lemons Per Dozen lwt ARMOUR'S-VERIBEST Milk U Tall Cans .. 11c MSSBJiBSHBBBSBBaBBBSBBBBBSBMSMSBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMMSBBaSI A1P HDEAIL 3 Palmolive .25 1 Peet's Gran. .25 1 C W Cleanser .05 1 Super Suds .10 10 CW Soap .45 1 12-qt. Pail .45 Grapefruit Nice family size 39c Per Dozen Shortening In Bulk 3 Lbs 25 c Rolled Oats O lb. Bag.... 29c Salad Oil In Bulk Grade A 97 Per Quart.- I C Per Gallon 89c VALUE $1.55 This Deal, All for Bacon Squares Fine for Seasoning Per lb. 12C FREE CITY DELIVERY Phone Your Orders for Prompt, Courteous Service WHERE THE THRIFTY THRIVE L6W PRICES EVERY DAY FEEDD !D)IEIPJkI&l,IEkW Hodgen Brewster Laymore Butter Milk Egg Mash with Cod liver Oil and greens 100 us $2.05 Wheat is taking another advance. Flour will be firm. Dalles Diamond -An all hard wheat flour 49s $1.05 Hodgen-Brewster Egg Producer with Oil, Sweet Milk and Alfalfa Leaves, the best on the market 100 n,s $2.25 We Have a Complete Line of DeHesse Ponl fry and Dairy Tonic At AU Timet Hodgen-Brewster Egg Producer with Milk, Alfalfa Leaves and Oil, yeast added, the very best mash- for moulting hens 100 ibs $2.35 Shamrock Scratch 100 ib, $1.59 Beet Pulp 100 iW. $1.35 BETWEEN THE FIRST NATIONAL nd LADD & BUSH BANKS Look for This Large Neon Sign Over Our Store Front OPEN STORE Yon axe cordially Invited to visit us and look through onr store Friday evening from 7:30 to O. OPEN STORE SATURDAY MORNING Surprise Special 72 pairs Men's Felt Bed room Slippers, brown or oxfdrd ffrey on sale lO A. M. Limit one pair to a customer. 15c a pair is SATURDAY AFTERNOON as . Surprise Special 180 Gift Sets three handkerchiefs put up in f h 1 . 1 1 111 1 V "1 a ui'huiiiui iiuuuitjr K:m a regular 35c set. US set Ou sale 3 P. M. Saturday till sold. Quantities to a customer NOT limited. A Year for Practical Gifts A Store Full of Practical Gifts The Ideal Practical Gift A PAIR OF SHOES Largest Stock of Shoes in Marion County We Guarantee Every thing We Sell OVER 60 YEARS IN OREGON ti li MM country as a whole. Vocal solos ! vorp cnTiff K v Pari Tflaiim Tsrlthnnt 1 an accompanist, and by Mrs. W. F. Krenz with Mrs. Floyd Fox at the piano. B H U E CHECK ON PUPILS CHEMAWA, Nov. 25 Harold L. Schilling, day school represen tative, and G. C. Burrell, in charge of construction on the Klamath Indian agency, spent Monday and Tuesday at Chema- wa, visiting- Klamath students here and checking their scholastic records. Mr. Schilling was very well pleased with the records of these pupils, and also with the many and varied courses which the school here offers. These men report that there was at least 18 Inches of snow at Klam ath when they left there Sunday. Father Ildefonse, local pastor for the Catholic students, left re cently for a three-weeks vacation trip. The larger part of his vaca tion Father Ildefonse plans to spend at the home of his parents In North Dakota. During his ab sence. Father Phillips of 'Mount Angel Is taking care of the Ca tholic religious work at Chemawa. Miss Jasmine Lnndquist- and Miss Rosalind Cruise, teachers at the Chemawa vocational school. motored to Tacoma Saturday, where a pleasant weekend was spent at Miss Lundquist's home In that city. First Social Night Of Grangers Friday NORTH HOWELL. Nov. 25 I The first social night of the sea son will be held at the grange' hall Friday, November 27. A mu sical program is being arranged and grangers and their families i are invited to come. Candy and nuts will be served as refreshments and each family is asked to contribute according ly, with home made candy preferred. AXE ACCIDENT JEFFERSON, Nov. 25 While Donald Nye was cutting wood at tha home of hit uncle, William Greni, recently, the axe slipped and cut quite a gash in his left foot. It was necessary to ' take ; three stitches to close . up the wound. Green Section Distribution c : 12' on o hey Boys fer lands sake whats all that noise down there in the Grocery Department sounds like the Bottom droped Outa suinthin well just comere and see whats hapened look at all these Items stocked around here. Yeah we see car loads of stuff displayed hut whats that got to do with that unearthly noise we heard just now i Well when any thing Comes down with a crash theres bound to be a noise and if we dont miss our guess that noise is gona be heard for miles around. No doubt about it Boys But what in Sam hill was it, some one speak up, this suspense is gettin on our nerves. Well you've been tellin everybody what this store's been doin for everybody and how prices were gone come down when sales went up, now acordin to the sales report this Store is doin moren double the sales of last year -and we got together and desided that as times are kida tough on some folks it would be a good time to show our appreciation by given the people an oportunity to buy stuff at a low price and make em thankful or somethm So thats what we heard was it? Sure thats what it was the Bottom fell outa the prices on all these Items you see around here. Better put en in our ad hadn we? You might put some of in but you cant put em all in if you did there wouldn be room left in the paper for em to tell the folks that the sun s1 yesterday and maybe it will again today if it dont clout up or somethin. Oh" you mean the weather report. Yeah thats it where they tell how the river goes up or down like the chain store specials do. tut tut now they dont call em specials any more they give em one a those New York highfalutin names they call em Features now. here's & few of the prices that fell so hard they made a racket louder'n our delivery cars make when the Boys gets em loaded and step on the thinga magig that makes em hurry up and get there. AT TV7 THEMi WST A (SHI AUK Fer land's sake, do be careful cuttin' prices, Boys, or you'll cause us to have kaniption fit or some thin these soap prices you have here are lower'n any price we've seen in 20 years think of it but not too long tho 5 Bars Crystal White Soap and 5 Cans Crystal White Cleanser All for 25C Of course we reserve the right to limit quantities Snow Drift Shortening lb. Pails Fan Crust 53c Shortening O Pound Pails 53c Crisco U Pound Pails .. $1.20 Argo, Corn or Gloss Starch " Packages .... 29c Riee J Pounds 20c Breakfast Cocoa Pounds 25c Freshly 'Mined Yellow Corn Meal 49 ib. ,k. 90c Macaroni Standard Curve Cut O Pounds 19c Pearl Tapioca 4 ibS i 25 c i Sago 4 Pounds . '. ;.25C i Minute Tapioca . 10c Spcrry's Freshly Milled Rolled Oats No. 10 sk. 29c Per Package Fancy Red Chile Beans 10 Pounds 27c Large White Beans Great Northerns 10 Pounds 33c Carrots 100 Pound Sacks 49c Lake Labish . Onions 25 Pound Sacks l 33c Never heard of a price; equaling this one for , Chocolate Bars Per Dozen . 19c i Old Fashion Large Soda Crackers Plain or Slightly. Salted 3 Pound Cadys . L. 35 C MJB Coffee Packed in 3 Pound Cans Per Pound 29c Malt Blue Ribbon Old Homestead Budweizer Swift's Premium Hams Vfc or Whole Per Pound 21c Northern Tissue 23c 3 one thousand sheet rolls .... Amber Karo 10 Pound Pails 5 Pound Pails Freshly Ground Peanut Butter O Pounds ... 53c Bring Container Post Toasties 6 packa 41c KeHogg's Corn Flakes i41c Somebody's sure to wanta know how long these prices are going- to stay in effect and here's what the Boys will say We dunno tut If it was us wantin' any of these Items we wouldn wait to see, we'd Buy right now. 'i i