The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 26, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday. Morning, Norember 26, 1931
r-, V . ;v; - -
Local News Briefs
Debate Schedule Given The
following schedule for Ihterclass
debate at the high school has
been announced: December 1.
senior negative vs. sophomores;
December 4, sophomore negative
vs. Juniors; December. 7, Junior
negative vs. seniors; : December
11, .senior negative vs.. Juniors;
December 14, sophomore negative
vs. seniors; December 15, Junior
negative .vs.. sophomores. . The
subject for debate will concern
unemployment insurance. Present
rules for the series call for the
Judges' decisions being placed in
the hands of the chairman at the
close of each debate and Xhe re
sults announced at the following
noon hour.
Dance Kentl hall Thursday 2 Sc.
Chadwick Will Probated The
will of Stephen J. Chadwick, boy
hood resident of Salem and former
chief Justice of the Washington
state supreme court, who died last
Students Observe Thanksgiving
High school students yesterday
observed Thanksgiving with a
special assembly program, which
included the following numbers:
Combined glee club chorus of
abbnt 70 voices, under the
rectlon of Miss Lena Belle Tar
tar, singing in the opening and
closing chorus, "Come, Ye Thank
ful People. Come" and the "An
vil Chorus" by Verdi and a third
chorus, "Praise Ye f the Father",
by Gounod; Thanksgiving proc
lamation read by Carl Collins;
solo by Ida Hofer, d'Hardelofs
"Thank God for a Garden": solo
by Doris Hart, Deppen's "In the
Garden of Tomorrow"; and solo
by Earl Potter. Dickson's
"Thanks be to God".
Principals Study Movies Vis
ual education in the schools will
be discussed by cjty school prin
cipals who will meet with R. W.
Tavenner and Miss Carlotta
Bonnd Over to Jrr Roy Rey
nolds and Lylt Pagengopt had pre
liminary hearing in jostle court
Wednesday and were hound over
to the grand Jam ' Their charge
was burglary not In a dwelling.
railing to furnish the ii&flt Ban
each, they were sent to jail.
Thursday at Seattle, was filed In Crowley secondary and elemen-r.w.K.t-.
rt,.rt tw vtrv tary school supervisors, next
cording to word received here. The Wednesday afternoon The group
-in th. HathHi will review 12 reels of education-
loft'tht. hnik f a 137.000 estate al fIlm8 which the district now
to the widow, Emma, and $2000 to owns' alon wIth motion pier
the youngest aaugnter, uiizaoem
of New York. In addition to the b lven to how they may best
widow and three children in
Washington and the daughter In
New York, Mr. Chadwick is sur
vived by a daughter. Miss Mary
Chadwick of -402 North Capitol
street, Salem.
Delicious Thanksgiving dinner
with all the trimmings. Turkey.
Goose, Duck 60c. 11:30 to 3:30
and to 8 p.m. Hotel Argo Dining
Boy Marksmen to Shoot Boys
attending the Junior Rifle club at
the Y. M. C. A. last night decided
to hold their first target practice
be used in the classrooms.
Aviation! Niw low prices. Night
ground school classes now assem
bling. Eyerly Aircraft Corpora
tion. Tel 8909.
Housecleanliig Day January
2, 1932 is set for housecleaning
day in the courts of Marion conn
ty and the circuit court for all
cases of the year 1931. At this
time, 181 cases will be taken up
For those cases fn which nothing
has been done and Just cause for
continuing them is not shown at
the time set, a dismissal of the
at n.rt Wednesday's meeting. Af- case will be in order. The per
tar flrnt assembling at the "Y," sons Involved in each of the 181
they will go to the armory range cases will receive notices soon
for the nractice under ine super- irum mc cuumj cki.
lntendent of the Salem Rifle club.
It also was decided to postpone
election of officers, for the Junior
organisation until the members
become better, acquainted with
one another.
Dance Kentl hall Thursday 28c.
twhtll Plaver Ttetnrns John
Dance, Hazel Green, Fri. 25c.
Pledges Present Programs
The sophomore pledges of Beet
hoven society of Willamette uni
versity, presented an instrument
al program In chapel Wednesday
Ruth Schreiber played a piano
solo. "In Autumn" by McDowell;
n.trrA. who in 1929 and 1930 Betty Boylan a piaro solo, "Ro-
nlaved guard on the Willamette manza" by Mozart; Jeanette Scott
" . a v r t ah n saia a no ri s ' rr-Am
university rootDau leam, um -turned
to Salem after spending
the past year in White Salmon,
Wash., the home of his parents.
He plans to remain here If he
can obtain employment. Gott
fried Is a graduate of Salem high
The Spa will serve their new din
ners from 12 to 9:30; 8 courses.
fl.00; 6 courses, 75c Continuous.
Rilea to New Orleans Briga-
ju n an ira I Thnmai E. Rilea
will leave tonight for New Or- tendent, although the deadline is
leans to atend the convention of next Tuesday. The laggards at
the National Guard, association """'
on DMsmber 2. 3 and 4. He "J o1" imum
also expect, to attend the Wash- " the budget must be prepared
Ington State-Tulane IootDii "J
m. . I VAllfl Ksva hAan sant In a
game at New Orleans on uecem- ""
er g recent' warning was issued
Dance, Hazel Green. Fri. 25c
a violin solo. ' Adagio ' irom
sponr concerto No. z accompan
ied by Betty Boylan; Faith Sher
burne a piano solo, "Hnmoresque
Negra by Grunn
The X. O. W. and W. O. W. will
i sponsor free dance Fri., Nov. 27
Fraternal Temple. Public invited
Census Figures Tardy Eight
school districts in the county
have not sent their census rolls
to the office of Mrs. Mary L. Ful
kerson, county school superln
Itev. Fonke to Sneak
Good oak desk with chair to
match for sale cheap. Looks like
new. aee u ai Hugh B. Fouke, Jr.. pastor of the
lure lo. Jason Lee Methodist church, will
inui The following deliver a Thanksgiving address
...wJTwor rni with the county for the Y.M.C.A. Friday night lob-
clerk Wednesday. In the case of by entertainment. A program of
ranltal S&cnritles corporation vs. music is Deing arrangeu ior me
Fred M. and Gladys M. Mills: mo- occasion
. 9 111 l.ilna aI(aII lf A A. I
uoQ hu ''"' " License Suspended Mark
Poulsen, -Blcipal judge, yeeter-
.... .. - - day ordered the drivers' license
murrer oi aeienaan. Qf Eth&n Demorest route
The Spa will serve their new din- suspended for 10 days from No-
nert from 12 to 9:3U; o courses I TBmuer w. utmoresi was ar-
inn- rnnrsA. 75c. Continuous, rested on jsovemner 17 on a
Htinnlallon Order Filed Filed
with the county clerk. Wednesday, Salem Deaconess Hospital offers
were a stipulation and an order to friends and customers, Free
directing the county clerk to sur- Ambulance Service within 10 mile
mnder mortitagesto the attorney radius. Dec. 1. 1931 to Jan. 1,
for the mortgage holder In the 1932. Call 3321.
.an n Iaov xrm W i 11 m At t A I
"Tr '.n n;nr,T. Boygston Fined $."50 - George
vauy ,v-e- - Boygston. state fairgrounds, who
Remember your hostess with flow- Tuesday night was arrested on a
Carries Loaded Gob Pleading
guilty to the charge of carrying m
loaded gun In an auto, Ernest
Enoch appeared in justice court
Wednesday. Failing to tarnish
500 ban. ho was gteld in Jail for
appearance before the grand jury.
Praecloe Filed The case of
Gabriel Powder and Supply com
nanv vs. Benjamin M. Randall, et
al. progressed by the filing of a
praecipe and plaintiffs motion to
set the cause for triau Wednesday
in the county clerk's office.
Summons Issued Answer by
the defendant and summons on
W. H. Lamour were filed in the
county clerk's office Wednesday
in the case of Grover C. Glesy vs.
Ida S. and Eugene Moshberger
and W. H. Lamour.
Pre-Holiday Sale, 33 V off, on
exclusive line of ladies steerhide
purses and overnight cases. Fri.
and Sat. F. E. -Shafer Leather
Goods Store, 170 S. Com'l.
Petition Filed Petition for
letters of administration, order
appointing administrator and ap
praisers, and administrator's
bond were filed in the case of
Charles Russ estate, Wednesday,
with the county clerk.
None on Duty A nurse will
be on duty all day today at the
county health center, 434 North
High street, according to Dr. Ver
non A. Douglas, county health of
ficer. The doctor himself will be
on call for emergency cases.
Crasher Through Shutting
down Monday and dismantling
Tuesday, the Marion rock crasher
on the SanMam river, four miles
west of Stayton at the old "Gold
en ferry," Is through for the sea
son, putting five men out of work
Suit Filed Complaint demand
ing $4652.05 plus court costs was
filed with the county clerk Wed
nesday In the case of State Bank
of St. Paul vs. Stanley McKay et
Patrolman Reports Patrol
man James Cully of Crooked Fin
ger reported to the county road
moster Tuesday for papers regard
ing a special tax meeting to be
held in his district Saturday.
Pool, Classes Closed The
swimming pool at the Y.M.C.A.
today will be closed and classes
discontinued. Other Y activities
will go on as usual.
Motion Day December 1, court
opening at 10 o'clock, Is set for
motion day in department 2 of the
circuit court, with Judge Gale S.
Hill on the bench.
Demarrer Filed Demurrer of
the defendant to the complaint in
the case of F. C. Smith et al vs.
O. H. Zeller et al. was filed with
the county clerk Wednesday.
To Centralis A. T. Brown, 715
South Capitol street; yesterday
left by train for Centralla, Wash.,
to spend Thanksgiving.
Case Continued The case bf
Gossen vs. Downs, alleging mal
practice, will be continued In cir
cuit court Friday.
mHANKSGIVENO, and the day
I many will bo feasting apon
tnrker. and manv forrettina
the real occasion for such a holi
day. The turkey dinner looms
as the all important feature but
is it? A good time to reflect today
on the many things,' even in these
times, there are to ho thankiai
Under the ooni -
a the eeater'W 'Oreffea'g
The capitol will be closed to
day, Willamette university will
be closed, schools will be closed,
and there will be little buslnes
downtown. Many have already
gone to spend the long week
end in other parts, bat this
year, more than ever, it has
been noted the greatest propor
tion win spend the day at
And why not remain in Salem?
Beginning with the midnight mat
inees last night tor the benefit of
the unemployed, until late to
night, there is enough scheduled
right here. Church services dur
ing the morning, radio broadcasts
of the Willamette-Whitman and
the Oregon-St. Mary's games, the
Salem-Chemawa Indian football
game here, the big dinner, ana
good shows. What a program.
Coach "Spec Keene should
have drilled his team in the art
of disguising the football in
snow, and then proceed with
' trick plans. Press dispatches
state the game will be played in
snow at Walla Walla today.
Another good game to be play
ed today will be the Marshfield
Jefferson high school contest
for the state championship.
The Montana secretary of state
visited the Oregon capltoLyester
day. W. E. Harmon is the offi
cial's name, and while la Salem
Isiting relatives he took time oat
to call on Hal E. Hoss. Harmon
aid ho came hero by taking ad
vantage of the one-cent rate on
State Purchasing Agent Wil
liam EinzJg announced y eater
day that bids for the seml-anno-al
Supplies of dry goods, cloth
ing, furnishings, groceries,
shoes, brooms, crockery, etc
for the first six months of next
year will be. opened December
18. Specifications and schedules
may be received at his office.
Brigadier-General Thomas E
Riles leaves tonight on a trip. to
New Orleans where he will. attend
the National Guard association
convention the first few days in
December. Mrs. Rilea will ac
company him as far as San Fran
cisco where she will visit for a
time. Rilea is expected back
about December 12.
The trip gives Rilea an excel
lent opportunity to scout the Tu
lane football team which la
scheduled to play U.' S. C. in the
Tournament of Roses at Pasade
na Nbw Years Day. Washington
State plays Tulane at New Orleans
December I. Tom didn't know
whether he would be able to re
main over a day for the game or
not. Better stay to see it, Tom,
and supply ns with the dope.
In this city November 23, Ray
mond Mayo, age 28 years, two
months and eight days. He leaves
to mourn his loss his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. Mayo, Bacnoban, La
Union, P. I.; three brothers, Ben
ito of Los Angeles. Leo and John
of Wapato, Wash.; three sisters,
Mrs. F. Cardeniz, Miss C. Mayo
and Miss B. Mayo, all of Bacno
ban, La Union, P. I. Funeral an
nouncements later by Clough-Bar-rick
To Montana W. R. Stalcup,
705 Union street, yesterday de
parted by train tor Logan, Mont.
At the residence 943 8. Liberty
street, Fred A. Wilson, age 70
years and 24 days. Survived by
widow. Mrs. Lydia Wilson, two
daughters, Mrs. E. W. Stripling
and Mrs. Elsie Havel of Salem.
Sister. Jennie Rankin of Los An
geles and three brothers, Harry
Wilson and Cooke Wilson of Dal
las Oregon, and Lewis Wilson of
New Era, Michigan. Christian
Science services will be held at
the Clough-Barrick chapel Friday,
November 27. at 2 p. m. Inter
ment City View cemetery.
Drum Corps Uniforms Will
Be Stored for Next
Season's Opening
Salem Area Growers to get
Seven Cents for al!
Except Culls
In this city. November 25,
Mary E. Otis. Funeral announce
ments later by W. T. Rigdon and
ers. Olson Florist, 499 Court.
Annlicatlon. Motion Made
with tba county clerk, Wednes
day, was filed an application to
nlM on motion docket the depen-
jl.nt'a motion to Strik OUt POT-
tlons of the plaintiffs complaint the plaintiff In the case of W. J
In the case of Karl Heusser vs.
Libby, McNeill and Libby.
charge of possession of Intoxicat
lng liquor, yesterday was fined
$50 by Mark Poulsen, municipal
Demurrer Filed Demurrer by
the defendant to the complaint of
Dance, Harel Green, Fri. 25c.
Annllration for Hearing An
application for a hearing of the
mm of iclvin Allen, etc., vs. T. A.
Livesler. et al. was filed with the
county clerk Wednesday. The pro- !
tm. lint is. Saturday ai w
o'clock or soon thereafter.
Remember your hostess with flow
ers. Olson Florist,' 499 court.
Bransteller, et ux vs Sarah Cot
fenberry. et al, was filed In the
county clerk's office Wednesday
Where to
Rose Cafe, 222 H N. Com'l St.
Special Thanksgiving Turkey
dinner, all day, 60c.
: Complaint Filed A complaint Q 44Q &tmte
nd application ior ioreciui Thanksgiving Dinners.
tax lien was mea im
elerk Wednesday in the case of
the Bank of Stayton vs. atary
.Schmidt and Eltco Investment
- company. - - -
The Spa
Special Thanksgiving Dinner,
75c and $1.00. i,li day. .
-nance. Hazel Green. Fri. 25c.
Order Hearing An order fil
ed in the county clerk's office
Wednesday calls for the final
hearing of the final document in
the matter of the estate of J. T.
Wealtey, deceased, for December
29. Tho final account accompan
ied the order.
Inventory Filed Inventory
and appraisement in the matter of
the estate of Ida J. Zimmerman,
deceased, were filed with the
county clerk, Wednesday.
Another of Mae West's theatri
cal ventures her own story of
Harlem night life proved too
vivid for the law today and was
closed to audiences of the nation's
Two performances of "The Con
stant Sinner," starring the blonde
actress who wrote it, brought a
warning from United States Dis
trict Attorney Leo A. Rover that
a third would put the whole cast
of 51 in Jail. It was closed prompt
ly by the Belasco theatre manage
Comnlaints were made to Rover
after one of the largest first-night
audiences of the season. Including
Atfitlneni&hed members of con
gressional and official life, viewed
the opening Monday. The next
nlrit ha sent an assistant ana
two detectives to see it.
Their renort was adverse. Rov
er warped the management the
entire cast would be arrestea ior
obscenity and Indecency if they at
temnted to reneat the play here.
"There is ample cause for
stopping It." he explainedV'but for
nubllcation It Is enougn to say me
theme, language and postures
were objectionable."
Fees collected from divorces
have increased 30 "per 'cent in
Douglas county, Nev., 50 miles
south of Reno.
In this city November 25. Clar-
rissa Ellia Miller, at residence
417 North Liberty St. Survived
by two daughters: Miss Jesse
O'Hara of Salem and M'-s Sylvia
Towne of Deltrich. Idaho. Three
sons, Paul, Ralph and Wendell L.
Miller of Salem. Funeral services
Friday, November 27, at 1:30 p.
under the direction of W. T.
Rigdon and Son. Interment
City View cemetery.
Arso Hotel Dining Room
Delicious Thanksgiving dinner
with all-the trimmings. Turkey.
Goose, Duck, 60c. 1130 to 3:30
and 5 to 8 p.m.
Wrtfiout otttraUoo oi losa of ttai
129 OreCaa Bide Pbon 4509
Eilert To Mr. and Mrs, Levi
Ellert, 6(1 North 15th St., a four
pound son, born November 25, at
the Bungalow Maternity Home.
Dr. Chan
Chinese Medicine
180 N. Commercial
. : St,, Salem .. .
Of flee hoars ,
Tuesday and Satur
day a to 5 r m.
Card Tables & Chairs
to Rent
Call 9610, Used Furniture
i v Department-
131 North High
You may eat what you like
and when you like if you
use Schaefer
At the residence, 1291 N. 4th
St., November 2 2 Ada E. Will
son. Survived by one daughter.
Mrs. Fred Street of Canada; two
sons. Clarence of Portland and
Alonso Willson of Salem; two sis
ters, Elizabeth Proctor of Salem
and Effle Caldwell of Nebraska;
one brother, Charles Ha gen of
Downey, Calif. Christian Science
services Friday, November 27, at
10 a. m. from the chapel of W.
T. Rigdon and Son. Interment
Belcrest Memorial park.
Capital Post No. 9, American
Legion, hereafter will recognize
no bills other than those con
tracted through post requisitions.
A recommendation to this effect
made by the executive committee
at the meeting Tuesday night was
accepted by the post. Several
years ago the requisition system
was used by the post but in re
cent years it had been discarded.
The requisitions must be sign
ed by the post commander and
the adjutant. In case of need for
immediate action, in an emer
gency, the service officer of the
post will be permitted to contract
bills for small amounts.
As the meeting was called
strictly for business, a grist of ac
tions were taken:
Ray D. DeGuire and Sydney
Jones were named as a commit
tee to collect and store both the
old and the new uniforms of the
post drum corps. The corps will
be reorganized next year.
To represent the post in plans
for the Washington Bi-centennial
celebration, a committee consist
ing of O. D. Adams, L. P. Camp
ball and Miller B. Hay den was
Carl Gabrielson was delegated
to obtain and have framed a pic
ture of the late Dr. W. Carlton
Smith, first commander of Capi
tal Post No. 9. This picture will
be hung in McCornack ball, the
post meeting place.
Other business of the evening
Included a discussion of Commun
ity Service by Douglas McKay and
J. T. Delaney, granting of author
ity to the adjutant, William B1I
ven, to purchase six large bill
board membership promotion
posters which will be displayed
free of charge by the billboard
corporation; reports by Oliver B.
Huston on Junior baseball, and by
Ray Conway, Portland, of the
state Legion highway safety committee.
First payment to nut grower
in the Salem unit of the North
Paeifie Nut Growers cooperative
association will be made about
December 1, with seven cents to
be paid on all walnuts and fl'-
berts, exclusive of culls
Announcement to that effect
was made yesterday by W. H.
Bentley of Dundee, manager of
the North Pacific group, which
handles sales for several smaller
units. Bentley was here to attend-a
meeting of a few. of the
directors of the North Pacific
group, held at the Marion hotel
and presided over by E. B. Edes
of Lebanon.
The next regular meeting of
the directors will be held Satur
day. December 5, at Ladd and
Bush bank here.
Mr. Bentley was enthusiastic
over the showing made this sea
son by nut growers in this area.
Much the largest tonnage in his-;
tory was handled, with the Salem
Unit producing more than 400
tons of nuts, or about ' one-fifth
of the tonnage in the entire state.
Three Times Last
Tear's Shipment
The Dundee manager says the
association has shipped more
than 50 cars of walnuts out of the
state, which trebles the record
last year.
The Salem unit has an increase
of over a hundred grower mem
bers, be said, with the entire or
ganization numbering 1200 mem
bers. All plants In the association
had to run day and night, shifts
during the peak of the season to
make shipments in time for the
Thanksgiving trade. Many new
markets were supplied this sea
son, Mr. Bentley says. Employes
in the four packing houses Sa
lem, Lebanon. Amity and' Dundee
are still shelling culls for nut
The association roll for the year
Is practically closed, Bentley
A Transient, a Job,
A lied, ck Axe and
Farmer Make Story
IfcKeo Bros., at the Term
inal, have a wood pile handy
for transients to work at
whem they eome along beg
ging for something to at
The other day a young maa
came along asking for some
thing to eat. They pat him
to work at the wood pile,
and after be had put In a
few licks with the axe, he
went inside for his meaL
He became angry with the
generous meal served, and
got up and walked out to
the wood shed .again. The
women were busy, and did
nt notive that he hadn't eat
en anything. After he had
gone, Mr. McKce went to
the wood shed, and found
his broad axe missing.
That evening Mr. West
told of a young man who
wanted to trade a broad axe
for a meal,, at his home one
mile north of here, on the
Marion road. This evident
ly was the axe taken from
the Terminal.
lace SnraKue. Barbara Taylor,
Donna Bishop. Helen White.
-RiMnnr Trindle. Marion Min-
thorn. Clinton Vincent. Myron
Fouke, Aleen Day, Doris Unruh,
Lillian Potter. Betty Martin.
Losrgers at
Friday Night
Messers. Fischer and Bartlett
through whose efforts the "Ore
gon Loggers," radio players, will
mneir in Derson at the Salem
Heights community hll Friday
eTeninsr. November 27, have an
nounced that they have everything
in readiness for their reception
here that night. Provision has
been made for extra seating to
take care of the large crowd that
has on previous occasions always
attended the personal appearance
of these boys.
The "LoKKers" will arrive here
late in the afternoon and will be
entertained at dinner at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fischer be
fore going on to the hall.
It is understood that they will
furnish an hour and a half pro
gram from their repertoire.
Came to Salem at age 16,
Vfas Identified With
Grocery Firm
An Oregonian by adoption was
Loren H. Barnett, of 1745 Court
street, who passed away here on
November 18. He came to Ore
gon and Salem at tho ago of 16,
from his birthplace. Dexter, la.
Yesterday would have been his
56th birthday. -
On first coming to Salem. Mr.
Barnett went to work at the .
White House restaurant. Fifteen
years later he became ai director
in the Roth Grocery company."
That position he held for 25 years
and relinquished it only when the
company was dissolved In 1930.
He also was a member of the
Willamette Grocery 'wholesale
Before the Calvary Baptist
church was organized, Mr. Bar
nett was for several years a mem
ber of the board of trustees of
the First Baptist church. At tho
time of his passing, he was a
trustee for the Calvary church.
In 1903 Mr. Barnett married
Miss Bertha Roth. Three daugh
ters were born to Mr. and Mrs,
Barnett: Mrs. Frank MIlllEen of
Silverton, and the Misses Leolyn-
and Doris Barnett of Salem.
In addition to the widow and
the children, there survive the '
following: four sisters, Mrs. Bert
Bannett and Mrs. Bernard Cook
of Iowa, Mrs. Lloyd Cook of Chi
cago, and Miss Bessie Barnett of
Los Angeles; and three grand
children, Loren, ' James and
George Milliken of Silverton. Mr.
Barnett's passing was preceded by
a year's Illness.
Funeral services were held
here last Friday with Dr. W. T.
Milliken of Portland officiating,
and Interment was made in Bel
crest Memorial park.
Father and Son
Date is Changed
Discovering a conflict with the
date first set for the T. M. C. A.
annual father and - son night.
Dwieht Adams, boys' secretary. ?"
yesterday announced the affair
would be held Tuesday night, De
cember 8, Instead of next Tuesday
After publishing the Clarion,
high school newspaper, with a
temporary editorial staff for the
first issues. Margaret Savage, the
editor, yesterday, announced the
following permanent staff perso
nell: Byron Peyton and Billy Dyer,
news editors; Hanna Eymanh
and Waldo Mills, feature editors:
Claudlne Gueffroy and Josephine
Cornoyer, society editors; Jim
Bell and Parker Gles, sports edi
tors; Dorothy Alexander, Daisy
Varley and Ann Fitapatrick, ex
change editors.
Sports staff: Wayne Fehler.
Carl Collins, Dan Doerfler and
Bob Utter.
News staff: Elizabeth Abrams,
Lorraine Beecroft. Louise Brown,
George Corey, Louise Cramer,
Carol Dosch, Margaret Doegi, Es
ter Glbbard. Ed Ring, Dalbert
Jepsen. Margaret Ross, Helen
Purvlne, All ice Speck, Marion
Stone, Roberta McGilchrist, Wal-
In the olden days people who lived under adverse
circumstances were exceedingly thankful for
their few and hard earned pleasures. It took
months to weave materials for a dress but
when It was finished It .brought bountiful Joy.
Then, too, tho little groups who trudged
thru the "now to church were escorted un
der arms and were often made targets for
poisonous arrows, yet they were grateful
for tie place in which to worship
We think we are hard hit and are dis
pleased with little things that do not
go Just right. Let's take stock, look
around, the house, tho neighbor
hood, the eity, the state, the
world is full of things that ev
eryone of us should be truly
thankful for. Are we, we wonder
BETHEL, Nov. 25 A Farmers'
Union dance will take place at the
Grange hall at Macleay Friday
night, November 27. Music will
be by the popular Willamette Val
ley Boys orchestra.
In this city November 20.
Margaret Johnsrud. aged 78
years. Beiovea wire or uuver
Johnsrud of 2987 Brooks Ave.,
mother of Ingveart Johnsrud,
Nels Hansen, Mrs. I. F. Cook, all
of Salem, Mrs. Nellie Blixeth of
California and Hanna Knudson of
North Dakota. The funeral serv
ices will be held Friday, Novem
ber 27, at 1 p. m. at the chapel
of the Salem Mortuary, 545
North Capitol street. Friends in
vited. Interment Belcrest Memor
ial park.
Be sure and get a box to
day and enjoy your
Thanksgiving dinner.
Dial 5197 Penslar Agency
Tho Original Yellow Front
- Drug store of Salem
J Tho-hest Way in town oar
, ' eandy Specials
Established 1899 TeL MS3
Conveniently Accessible .
. Perpetual .care provided for
. Prices.. Reasonable
ISelcreat Memorial
3Sarfi Wdderately
S651 Ht"'U Priced
A Park Cemetery
With Perpetual Care
410 State Tel. 0123
As'. Vour Po-tr
Friday & Saturday
O off
Made of the finest Steer
aide an exclusive line
Leather Goods Store
170 K. Commercial
ft-r. -A
v! v
10 -StSCA
s Kr.:j
P jYjj7r o hf
t Your
Dining Room
11 :45 to 2 P. M. 5:45 to 8 P. M.
: Oimste Citrw CackUH
tma f ,CUafca-Bia C UmtI
CWvrr carts Ms OHtm Bart Chcrktaw
Taaaksvlvta Ifcutrt
InM Mm Striata StMk. Mnknuu
erflto MUU4 Cmms. afenrfauU
SMrt TMtn Cawtaat P !. Cf fcwrix
feMUt PU Gmm. BmkeS AK
Imm Mm Bib Beef. Batumi
Whlmd Cmm rmW Cka4toS Swwt rUi
W3u Sanaa Gram Frmt
Laitsea aaa TmuU Salaa
Laaiaa CastarS lea Cream aa CaLe
at Xinae Ft taakia fto
Bacflsh nma rMl( Bars aa Bat Sua
mtat Hata Ctastar BaJslna
CaaeaibaH Chaaaa Baat Water Crarker
DaaU Ta
m " 1AJ n H'xLHf 1 NXI H Z 1-3
TO I P. It
DINNER ......
Just tea minutes from
heart of town
Clough-Barrick Co,
A. M. ClouKh
Dr. Ij. B. Barrlck
"V. T. Golden
Phono Sill
Church at Ferry St.
Soup or Salad Meat or Fish Potatoes
Veretahles Bread and Butter or Rons
Pie . or Padding and Drtnk
Fresh Candy and
Zee Cream
To Take Home
Silver Grille
Available for
private Parties
Red Cross Membership 1 932 Pledge
Please check form of membership taken:
$ Annual....!- $5 Contributing $10 Sustaining
$25 Supporting
Date .
Please bring or send to Bed Cross headquarters, Rrst -
National Bank titd., saiem.
- -