The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 26, 1931, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN, gakm. OregoW Thursday MornmV. NoVeinber 26, 1931
in of
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23 of Counties Report That
gif41 toet Relief Work;.
i! jllWill be Increased-
. '4 ,
J Jobs , tor approximately 11 4 1
men are, being supplied by the
state in 2 J Oregon . counties un
der the. million dollar emergency
highway program, It was announ
ced, at the. offices of the state
highway commission 1 "Wednesday.
Officials said .that ' reports from
the other counties probably 'would
Increase the number of men em
ployed under the emergency pro
gram to more than 1800.
Reports from Multnbmah coun
ty show that 3S7 laborers are now
at work there under the emergen
cy program. - Douglas county,
which - has provided the second
largest number of jobs, has 76
men employed. Clackamas connty
has provided work for 50. Grant
43, Klamath 68, Lincoln 50 and
IVasco 41.
Roy Klein, state highway en
gineer, in a report to Governor
Meier, declared that the emergen
cy employment program is now a
month ahead of last year.
"Although many Jobs already
hare been made a t a i 1 a b le,"
Klein's report read, "the number
o men employed will be increas
ed gradually as the winter
months progress."
Betterment Work
Is Done Principally
Klein declared that the oper
ations under the emergency pro
gram hare thus far been devoted
principally to betterment projects.
The regular Lighway crews have
taken care of the patrol mainten
ance. These betterments have in
eluded clearing highways, widen?
ing operations, s t r a 1 g h tening
carves and eliminating difficult
and dangerous grades.
Salaries for men employed in
emergency jobs has averaged
37 cents an hour. In some parts
of the state the rotative policy
has been adopted, with the result
more than 1141 men actually
have been employed. The rotation
plan Is a matter wholly in the
hands of the county courts.
.Klein declared that where mea
have been required for emergen
cy work, the counties have been
allowed to furnish the workers
through their local committees.
This plan has operated very suc
cessfully, officials said.
In addition to emergency work,
the state highways department is
now employing more than 500
men. The records show that 104
crews are employed on regular
highway maintenance work.
ww .
y 1
Surrounded by a veritable army of guards, mounted 4. onstratJons, is seen riding up Broadway In car.
na wn loot, oignor vino uranai, xuuys foreign
Minister, was welcomed to New York with the usual
parade up the canyon of Broadway and the recep
tion at City Hall by Mayor Walker. The visiting
Italian official, protected by thousands of bluecoata,
soldiers, sailors and marines, aided by secret service
men from Washington to prevent anti-Fascist dem-
is shown by arrow. - Note the policemen m all
tides. The second car is filled wha. watchful de
tectives. The close-up of Grandi at left shows, left
to right, Italian Ambassador De Mrtino, the For
tign Minister waving and Elmer E. Brown, chantel
lor of New Tork University, chairman of Mayor's
Reception Committee.
Hearing is Saturday on
Injunction and Demurrer
Filed in School Dispute
CLO VERB ALE, Nov. 25 The
funeral services for Oscar I. Mor
ris were held Wednesday from
the Clough-Barrick chapel.
Mr. Morris passed away Mon
day at Gresham at the home of
his daughter Mrs. G. B. Bell.
He was born December 25,
1856, on the Morris farm in the district and spent all of
his life in Marion county, except
ing a short time In Polk county
and after the death of his wife
when he went to Gresham to
live with him daughter.
He was united in marriage to
Cornealia Benson and to this
union eight children were born,
-even of whom are living. His
wife passed away in 1926.
m leaves to mourn two sons,
C. C. Morris of Salem and Wil
liam Morris of- Turner; five
daughters, Mrs. ' G. B. Bell of
Gresham, Mrs. Hazel Moaner and
Miss Elvira Morris of Portland,
Mrs. Martha Peterson and Mrs.
uomer MCLonongh of Salem; a
Brother George Morris of Salem,
13 grandchildren and two great
grand children. -
Presidency of the Salem Retail
Credit association for 1932 lies be
tween George W. Averett, LeRoy
W. Gard and Ralph A. Glover. It
was revealed when the nominat
ing committee's report was made
at the regular weekly luncheon
session at the Gray Belle yester
day: ,
Other nominations included:
Tlce-president, Ina M. Church,
other chapter in the union high
school difficulties in which this
district , has been Involved in re
cent weeks was written Tuesday,
when a demurrer was filed to in
junction which sought to wipe out
the election results of Nov. 2.
The demurrer will be heard
Saturday, Nov. 28.
At this election, Grand Island
was the only one of six districts
voting against Union with the
Amity high school, but with the
total vote standing 210 for and
60 against, it was supposed Grand
Island would go into the Amity
district The Injunction suit, re
straining organization of, the new
Amity union high district on
charges that the election was Ille
gal, was filed Nov. 9, a week after
the election.
Much sentiment developed for
unionization of this district with
the Dayton school, so it is not a
question of union, but of which
union? Wheatland district No. 20
is also' in the same boat as Grand
Island: it has been included in the
union program of ,both Amity and
The complaint in the injunction
suit charges that the district
boundary board wrongfully dis
criminated against Dayton and its
tributary schools in allowing the
Amity election; and also that a
range of hills separates Grand
Island and Wheatland from Am
ity and that only within the last
five years has communication
been easy; and that the boundary
board favored Amity against Dayton.
The whole matter will be given
an airing in circuit court in Mc
Minnville Saturday, November 28
when the demurrer, the motion
for temporary injunction, mo
tion by defendants to dissolve the
temporary restraining order all
come before Judge George R.
Bagley of Washington county.
The hearing will open at 9 o'clock
that morning.
The defendants in the case, de
cides the district boundary board,
includes school district No. 4, M.
T. Henderson, chairman, and
Mary Breeding clerk; district No.
20, Smith Fields, chairman and
Mrs. Llnna Wilson, clerk; district
No. 25, K; A. Stoutenburg. chair
man and Mrs. Veta Stephens,
clerk; district No. 33, W. D. Nick
ell, chairman and Mrs. Lucy
Gibbs, clerk; district No. 49, Mrs.
C. H. Sergeant, chairman and
L. A. Hickerson, clerk; distriot
No. 94, E. A. Lefley, chairman
and Mrs. Arka Lawrence, clerk:
Fred W. Neuman, R. T. Kidd, Eu
gene Fields, Lester Allison and
Ross Rogers. Members of the
boundary board Involved are R.
J. Kennedy, county judge, W. S.
Allen and F. D. Sawyer, county
commissioners and S. S. Duncan,
county school superintendent.
Plaintiffs in the case are Hoy
E. Will, O. A. Rockhill, Paul Lon
dershausen, D. L. Gubser, Harry
Sherman and W. S . U'Ren of
school" districts No. 94 and No.
28 respectively. C. M. LaFollet, P.
H. Fowler, Clyde L. Fowler and
Smith Fields of school district
No. 20.
B. A. Kllks of McMinnville Is
attorney for the plaintiffs.
The six districts voting in the
original election were Amity,
Grand Island, Wheatland, Patty,
Hopewell and Fairvlew. Wheat
land's vote was a tie.
Montana State
Secretary Here
W. E. Harmon, secretary of
state, of Montana, was in Salem
Wednesday conferring with state
officials. He spent an hour visit
lng with Hal E. Hoss, secretary
of state, and later called at the
executive department.
Harmon came to Oregon to vis-
It with relatives ever the holi
WACONDA, Nov. 25 Mrs.
Marcus Dunn and daughter Gen
eva of Eugene arrived here Wed
nesday and will be house guests
of Mr. And Mrs. A. W. Nusom
over Thanksgiving.
Cake County fs PkcecJ Witft
: Deschutes; , -v Governor v
: SlonsJWrong BUI :
Lake county, under the legisla
tive reapportionment lav enacted
T tne 1H legislature,. will
placed Jn the 29th representative
district with Deschutes county,
despite that this apparently was
not the. Intention of the legisla?
tors. Attorney, General. Van Win
kle held In an opinion handed
down Wednesday. -
The opinion held that Governor
Meier was . without authority to
correct an error in the new Ore
gon laws with relation to the re
apportionment bill. It developed
that the reapportionment bill
which finally passed the legisla
ture was not the one submitted to
Governor Meier for his official
Governor Meier requested the
opinion after be had "received a
letter from Representative Hamil
ton of Deschutes county . that
house -bill 431, included in the
Oregon laws for 1931 as chapter
402, was not the bill passed by
the house with senate amendments.
inrougn an error, the bill, as
passed by the two houses on the
report of the conference commit
tee, was not presented to the
governor for his signature. Ham
ilton proposed in his letter to
Governor Meier that he sign the
corrected bill, and that it take
Its' place In the Oregon laws In
lieu, of the one now there.
Court Action Only
Way" to Correct it
Attorney General Van Winkle
ruled that the governor was pow
erless, to act. and that the only
means or testing tne question as
to which form of the bill actually
was enaciea, would De to tile a
proper action In the courts.
The bin signed by Governor
Meier provided that Deschutes
and Lake counties shall comprise
the 29 th representative district
and shall be entitled to one re
presentative. Deschutes county
alone also was entitled to one
representative as the 28 th dis
trict. The 30th district entitled
Grant and Harney counties to
one representative jointly.
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Former King George f Greece and his queen, the former Princess.
Elizabeth of Rumania, sister of King Carol, who, ; it f is reported,
have taken steps to obtain a divorce. The cause of their separation
it believed te Ye the result of the intense strife that has split the
Hohenzollern family.
. The law, as apparently intend
ed by the legislature, would hate
placed Lake with Harney and
Grant, with two representatives
from the district.
The error was pointed out by
Hamilton, who at the last session
of the legislature, represented
Crook, (Deschutes, Jefferson,
Klamath and Lake counties in the
lower house.
Attorney General Van Winkle
held that the constitution of Ore
gon limits the time within which
the governor can approve or dis
approve a bill to five days after
the adjournment of the legislature.
Newspaper Aid
Is Appreciated
"I want to thank The States
man for its help, said Mrs.-J. T.
Delaney, in charge of the Thanks
giving relief for the American Le
gion auxiliary. "We have been
able to help 82 families for
Thanksgiving, and appreciate the
aid the newspapers were in reach
ing the people; and for the fine
response from the public
DALLAS, Nov.; 25 By defeat
ing the freshmen debate team
here Wednesday the sophomores
qualified to meet the senior team
in the interclass debate finals
December 9.
In the finals the seniors will
uphold the negative while the
sophomores take the affirmative,
The question used will . be: Re
solved, that the. several states
should enact legislation provid
ing for . compulsory unemploy
ment insurance.
In Wednesday's debate the
sophomores held the affirmative
side of the question and earned
a 2 to 1 decision: of the judges.
The seniors took the affirmative
in the first debate and also won
by a 2 to 1 vote.
The teams taking part in the
sophomore-f r e s h m a n debate
were: Sophomores, Ada Schmitt,
Mary Jane Watson and Lydla
A. committee of the' Oregon
branch f the National security
Owners', association was in Salem
Wednesday; conferring withTari-
ous governmental , units . concern
ing comparative costs, or operaxiqa
and maintenance of rail and truck
carriers, - ' -' -
The information obtained by the
committed, will be used as a basis
for " proposed - ' legislation that
would place. the various transpor
tation systems'-on an equitable
competitive basis.
-The delegation comerrea wun
representatives of the public utili
ties commission secretary of state,
highway department and state tax
commission. The visitors were in
formed that the Tecords or the
several departments were public,
and available to the association.
The committee is seeking fig-
- . . m t, j
ures or. investment oi nuiroaus,
truck and stage companies, rate
structures of both, costs of opera
tion and maintenance, payrolls.
taxes and. fees.
Renresentatives of the associa
tion here Wednesday Included C.
O. Gingrich of Astoria, E. u. ap-
person, McMinnville, and L. E.
Crouch, Portland.
Information . requested Dy tne
committee will be prepared by the
several state department heads, it
was .Announced:
t-"- .
Would Abandon
Brogan Agency
Application to discontinue the
Oregon Short Line agency at Bro
gan, and reduce train service on
the Brogan branch in Malheur
county, was received at the offices
of the state public utilities com
missioner Wednesday. .
The railroad company, would
reduce Its train service from a
trl-weekly mixed train schedule
to a once a week service on tbe
Brogan branch. Decreases in rev-'
enue were' given as reasons for
the proposed change In service.
Hlebert: freshmen, Howard
Campbell, Bernlee Elle, and
Clark De Haven.
( '-
- " i
Juanita D. Hald and May R. Seely;
secretary-treasurer, Erma H. Wil
cox; board of five directors, El
mer W. Baldsree, Walter A. Bar-
kus, K. .0 Brandon, Mervin D,
Fidler, Philip H. Holmes, E. V.
John, Fred B. Keeler, Charles G.
Olson, Otto K. Paulus, Lee - R.
Schoettler, Edward Schunke, John
if. weisser and F. M. White.
Elections will be held at the
annual meeting Wednesday night,
December 2, and installation .will
also be held that night. Philip H.
Hoimes, presiaent tne past year.
will be in charge.
A sales promotion plan recently
adopted by a group of Oregon
City business men . was presented
yesterday by Mr. Schoettler,' and a
committee of three will look into
ine matter immediately and pre
sent it to the board which is to
be elected next week. Schoettler Is
chairman of the committee, other
members being Dr. Henry E. Mor
lis and Roy Wassam.
District Judge Charles A. Wheeler.
. Tex BDon
rest the burden of decidinr lenl
ef Austin,
n. vvjieeier,
whom will
Jaeons in the gigantic $17,000,
00 oil monopoly euster suit which
Attornev-Generml Jm V A 111
t8 I Lone Star State.
The 33-year-old attorney-general
aueges violations of the Anfl-Trnst
..laws of Texas and asks penalties
State Supplies
Bids Solicited
Bids for the semi-annual state
supplies, consisting of drygoods,
clothing, ' furnishings, groceries
and many other articles; for the
period January 1 to June 30,
1932, will be received at the of
fices of the Btate board of con
trol until 2 p. m. December 18.
Specifications . and ' schednles.
I will be - furnished , upon apnlica
A C?SiG IPs?
Sib I?fflDDD5)mi
.IP -
One Group Sdetman Samples and
Slightly Imperfect Blankets
Formerly gold up to 13.60.
Now to close out
One Lot Famous Yellow Stone
Wide striping, beautiful shades, Vir
gin wool. Reg. told at QC
10.00. Now V,UD
One Lot Heather Mixed Blankets,
Lb. and a real Blanket for serr
ice. Ex Special. O CA
Just 15 in this lot L.OV
One Lot Very Fine Blankets,
Virgin Wool
All colors, many two
bound. Reg. 13.50 VaL
Now Ex Special
tones, satin
One Lot SUghtlj Imperfect
Two tones in beautiful shades1, block
plaids, Virgin wool. Beg, sold at
Ex. Special
15 AU Wool Dark Grey
Singles. Reg. sold at 7.50.
To close out
All wool New, fancy shades .with
fringe. ' A real robe for comfort and
very smart. Reg. sold at 10.00.
NOTICE . . . ... .
This is your read opportunity to buy the finest blankets made at
a most 'sensational value and for a real Xmas gift they are most
appreciated. Select yours now we .will gladly hold any blanket
with a small deposit for Xmas delivery.
A Pendleton Indian Robe for a Real Xmas Gift.
In eTcry new pattern and color, . - ;.
These Won't Last Long Be Here Early
i -
Fancy new plaida with fringe. Fin
est Virgin wool. A most excellent
robe and the pride of the finest
carsReg. Val. 160. Ex. Special
The of Oregon :
wnaung more vsan xiT,000,000.
i tlon to the board, of which WITk
uam Elnslg is secretary.