. . . i . Supply are Tha 03ECON CTATC3IIAiy, Cafest, Oreyo. Cniay KMtla, It tmafctr 12, 1831 Satisfied j Where Demand and Many Wants V Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per tine,10e Three Insertions per line Biz Insertions per line.. 30c One month per line. .$1.00 Minimum charge tic Copy for thU pare ac cepted until :30 the evea tng before publication for classification. Copy rs celred after this time win be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED - - i I. n nriliilVVr - eaeeae.a MEN WOVEN, 18-60. $105.00 $280.00 snonth. Qualify tor govern raent Job. Steady work. Common edu- cation usually suhicujbi. . .. Sid I iwmpta coachlnS-PREE. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 64 P, Rochester. N. T. iaji issiisSi iT i tAO" -"V"! v nain 8200 monthly my first year I JLZZZZmZ; foVnewspapersj no can- ... o- jhr sex: send for free I booklet: tells how. Heaoock. 11S1 un Ul.lv . rtuffalo. N. T. j-u-uT-ru-iri- ...... wmk'W Men and women to sell our alman ac for 10c each cost you i only 15c pr hundred. Your protit WiU tent you ten free as a tryout Address X Meyer, P. O. Box 16. Hammond. Indiana. . HELP WANTED MALE "rvoo 82 S00 year. Bteady work! at Aff: rjf.KRK3 MAIL CARRIKUb. Km 18-4S. CeroJnon education sulli- J rient Paid vacation. " V. I FREE. Write today sure for full ticulars. BOX 183, M oweuu - ""- Aa old astabUHhed manufacturer wanU three men. mechanically lncUn- .r. ri?iSr n nd . we you uul tram you. unoee frl2ri fi . . -- . So m? .hprTuVsdiTy. 14T" K.Xom- ivea permane VVfi Sa yTiui?nr?riJ jT.rL- r rij.nj-..nr.i-ii-j-LrLru-u-r ruf! -vrtr nVK BOSS lake $ 8-$13 day. No depression In Supplying dally needa start now. m- i if required. FUR3T A THOMAS, 436 lrdPtVTiv. 1-40. OaktendCalir SALESMEN WANTED p..! manufacturer national I distribution has opening good ilaia with executive aoiiiijr. i .valiant rm v rlsrht man. &m- tooSSrtoaT 1" 1. St. l'atil, Minn. . - - - WANTED Every town. District representatives for advertising dletxib- j KVill or nart time. No aellmg. oooa wnnecessary. write " - tm 178. Statesman. - .r.r. SALESMAN "Unbreakable Ace tic flym model alrplwes. Positively new. no competition. 8ell nierctiam 1 , tor premium and re-sale, J ana v 1 4)eala. reaa repeiei. .,'"1JT-E l AIRCRAFT. 41ST W. Pico. Loa Ange la SITUATIONS WANTED work. Phone 6390 Widow, want FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Ticket to Butte. Mont. 1 lM thao half fare. Call 17$. New 6A- TjOit HOTEL Uve turkeys 22c lb. Tel 14F8. MT LeggeAKS Brokers. li!dd Bush Bank Blag. FOR SALE Old paper 10c a bun Sta ' aWavtasiraaia ottic. r MJI).ini-)rrir-jui-jlju - - new and .a AOaers and typewriters for rent vVoe writer Exchange. 481 Cour HnHsenDerK. . Balawin, Joau ". Newtoa. Northern Spy l j'h! Wright, 4 V tax. on " . ii ii n n 11 II I I'll I Choice young turkeys dressed. 47F3. . . . n nit wi nnri ' - made, cabbage MM c i Kfi.maaf Court Bt. MarKCl. wia h.ira 81.00 and up. Ranges 5.00 and vp. tlTCJUU , j.i-o 1 lit N. Commercial. a rv rloslna out Mc- s, vTashburne piano stock. 1J p rtarU Ptanos to excellent condlUon r"rf "J. um these sen- IiosM bargain Vt Tallman Piano C 898 So. 18th Bt. Salem. Oregon, war S. P. Passenger depot. Remember the location. "At" orab rtand you can buy pmk or elium salmon eo v""- "Wvt oii P Kancv dressed turkeys lie er lb. Sua. and Mba. Nov. sird 1-4 wit west ee uiaaw JL,it siorthwest of fairground. Mrs. ..... - . m t .ii W. A. Waswey. x. - n nnnjuu -nH'ii'i' vok M.KXX Ylrst class clover hay. !. ton. Tel. 138F11 mm TRADE ftiiaceHaaeoua y ,i MieiwuMi e ,uwi Trada Aropico plana and auto, for cra!ge. city or beach property. 3$T,N Cottage, Hatem. WANTED Mlscenaneoua ajj.i nn--- ..ii. ... WANTED Osed Poos, to ex- g7?aL HHea, ptstala a ald goS "lewelry.Soadltlon no ob- r:.'; f ctN'c5TTON Mut rtecea atlaast a axiuar. yard. gtT".. rVo'Vlow- CaH $191. i. . . . tt ma - furnttara. Oregon TradTig Port. K. Commercial POLLY AND HER TTTTT of no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear In advertisementa pub lished in Its columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that pari of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserres the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserres the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. MISCELLANEOUS For first class home laundry work plume 9T1 or call at (10 a 1 8th St. vwwwmwwww j will repair your watch regardless or I condition Car 81.00 plus materials. All 1 RKI NKR JEWELRY STORE 334 North Commercial ww.wwwwMvwtwwiww LEAKT ROOF I Let me fix It. Guar. work, price rranonable. Tel. 6094. ROOM and BOARD Room and board, dial 463S. Room with or without board. Private home, close in. Gentlemen preferred, i 475 N. Com'l. Tel. 6057. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartmeotsi wUh private M(h nlcely furtitbel. Located in business district Call Pat ton's Book Duplex Apt unfur. 951 N. Winter. Virginia apt a. 8 well furnished Blec. refrigeraUon. eic! stove. Strattea apta nicely fur. t and 8 rm. apes. Etee. range and refrla. (70 N. Winter St. in ni J nlMlv r,m1aii1 steam lieated apartments. Phone 8490.. 2 rooms, garage, phone 7226. Smalt furnished, heated apartment. E90 Umioa. 2 room fur. apt. $1.75 per wk. 1290 Oak. Tel MT. New (wr, 2 room apt. close in. 845 a Winter. Tel 5825. Nice heated apt. 96 No. Cottage. Heated aaartmenta. 210 N. 14 th. FOR RENT HOUSES Clean turn.. enfurnw 2140 Maple Ave. RENTALS A SPECIALTT T vs hqva VMia t-.il aMk s fMn SECHTEU Houses looked after for non-residents. Rents collected for sman lee monuiiy, nouses ana apis.. to in. iraxanei lie to seu. iNui sed. SEE BECHTEL or THOilASON 341 Sute Room 4. Furritahrtd and unfurnished houses. U. A. FORKNER 1810 Si. Cottage Phone 3031. FOX RENT Flat for adulta $ to f rooma 829 ta $40. Also houses, eta 8BCKB 4t HEir LKlUKa I89 KQftb High Street FOR RENT 4 room aoAern nouse and acre at 45, Heights, $17.50. 4 room modern hous? nicely fur nished oa West Miller St. $37.50. S. M. BARLE Phoao 9(78 lit North High Furnlsbjed and unfurnished houses. HKL YIN JOHNSON Phono 8798 RENT Five room house with fur- I DSLCt. blng fruit treea $25. 8 room furnished house. $15. 1 .ve room flat. I F. L. WOOD 841 Stat Street 9 room house, furnished, at 498 N. Liberty. months or longer. Adulta Tel 4 878. Mod. f room bungalow at 845 Wash Ingtoa. CaU 188 a Liberty. ((( N elshed. . 30 St. R-. $30.00. fur- 1880 Court St., ( ' R. 335.00. fur- niihed. 313 aCrrtle Ave. R S 1846 Fatrcreuada f R 830.00, LHt jiatrgreunas, n.-, jo.ou. 31(5 Chemeketa. 4 R-, 8Z0.C 1343 N. Capltel. t R.. $30.00. 1918 aCare. 6 sV. $13 50. it, IZO.U0. 1 1918 319C M. P4irtk, 4 R-, 310.00 1890 N. Fourth. R-. 310.00 1595 Lee,4 R, 13.0. 3138 S. Winter, ( $10.00. W. O. KRrfEGER 147 North Commercial I KOX BENT StrlotlT. modern 8 I room aouse, fireplace, furnace. In A-l i condltloa. Immeaiate possession. Aa- I dreaa r, H. T-, care Statesman or i . . a . I -pmrua 3 room cottage, in cok. garage, paved reel. Inquire 3810 N. Cora'L 1 room furnished house with gar- ago and water. Adults only. 851 N. . Cottage. FOR RENT Fur. house, also fur. apttrtmowt. 7it N, High. FOR RENT . FOR RENT 7 room fully modem, good location, ciese to school. $30.00 per month 8 room oa N. 17th St. at $10.00. Can do soma work oa rent. I R. Furnished. Just off State St at $30.00. 1 raM. bath, alt newly capered in good order, garage, all new, at $18. 0 per month. Wanted private money to loan farm or city property. LAFLAR Lad ft Bush Bank Bldg. PALS KAAW ON ARS VOU TO DO FOR 8ALK Real Batata U wtth attractive nnn houl thro room beautiful view end bade tree $1 JSt.oo. I rm. turns with lot 41 br t$$. paved street, fine hade tree list WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 17 Bouth High 8trat W. h.v. anrpa of fin bottom ;iand. 4 acres berriesT food house and barn ana worm ouu 10 uu t small home. 10 splendid acrea unimproved oa pavement close In for only $2160 oa easy term . . . , 80 acres splendid timber Iota of old fir, want clear Salem home. i close In acres for $3000 use a car f0rMcayiScHRIST PENNINGTON 509-10 U. S. Bank Bids. Phone Thnm nr It eholea lot T-rOOOl' semi-modern plastered bouse, fire place, basement, etc All lots covered nut fmit and ornatneutal trees, shaded lawn. Bice view, payed street, two garages. ekotwk y --. terma Sell aM or part. Near Junior corner Rural and Winter Sta Phone BB54. wwmwwwmwswww barn, electric water system, fine soil. Will take city property. 20 A. 4 R plastered house, creek, good highway, 15 A. In cult $2000. 5 A. R. house, 800 peach trees, elec tricity, fins soil. $1600. Terma R. A. FORKNER 1619 N. Cottage Phone 80 8 L aaavas"asSrarXm' 28 A. Mission Bottom land for sal or trade. Good buildings, 8 A. raspber ries. Take property or gooa cwseu car and some cash , easy terms on part. J. A. Cooper, R. 8, Box 144 A, alem, Orafton. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Of a South Salem home English type, 6 rooms with attractive fire place, hardwood floors, built In kitch en ana nooK, Dearoom ana dhu on first floor. 2 large airy bedrooms on second floor, east front lot with many nice shrubs. This is la a sightly lo cation affording good view of mts. Price only 84250 with $800 down, $40 per month Including Interest on bal ance. LEO N. CHILD 3 CO., Realtors S20 Btate Street Phone 4708 FOR SALE 5 room bouse North terror win trial forThelVer ho Owner, phone 184 business noura 51 A. about 8 mi. from Salem, nearly all under cultivation, rencea, good spring, buildings. This Is a real buy at $3000. Terms. UU ItUUil -aa-UlAl Uigiivaj. w a"" 1 TJ t Wl . liiffliBratr 86000. Trade for farm. 180 A. Polk Co., 95 tinder cultivation, alfalfa, clover, nuts. fruKs. 10.- 000 cords timber, springs. Only 17000. terms. 98 A. Polk Co., 30 under cultivation, j baL timber, pasture, well watereo. ; 5 rm. house. Price 83ou. rm. strictly modern house, no. Sa- lm. Sacrifice nrice. 83800. . rm tnrtlv furnished home. Fine creek lot. easy front. $2300, aaay terms. TRADES RENTS IN 8UR ANCB J F. ITLRICH COMPANY !25 State Street Phone 8871 73XTRA SPECIAL 83800 HOUSE FOR $2980 E room bungalow with basement. furnace and fireplace, lots of built Ins. larze fenced In lot, nice for the kiddles, close to school and walking distance to downtovm. Buyer assumes $2500 Soldiers bonus loan. bal. cash. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 6708. 8 nice lots. 2 room plastered house. 2 garages, chicken house, some fruit, I some furniture, price $1160.00; $50.00 1 down; $l.oo a month. 20 nice acres close to Salem, ap ples and cherries, 7 room plastered house, barn, clileken house, price $10, 000 ; will exchange for Nebraska land. 400 acres in Wyoming: price $$, 600.00 : no mortgage ; will exchange I for acreage and assume. Modern house In Alhambra, Cal., price $5500.00 ; will exchange for farm around same value. V4 acre and new modern 4 room house at Salem Heights; price $2830. 00 ; $500.00 down ; bal monthly. 8. M. EARLE 676 254 No I Phnn Hiirh 1 EXCHANGE Real Estate Fine Income property, bride bldg., 50x140 ft. Including 5 different bus inesses all rented; property clear of encumbrance. Owner wants to trade for farm In valley. Get your proposi tion to me at once. Take farm to $35, 000. TI H SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8988 GOOD TRADES $3000. (4 A. farm, 8 miles Salem, for home in Salem. 35200. House. One acre, also bouse and two acres. Trade both for farm 30 to 50 acrea . two house, both tarnished, .84800 Income $4$ month for $0 to $0 acrea $3000 home N. Salem for one or two acre suburban home. $21,000. Fine farm, 899 acres, for income property. A SAA rl,... tAiiainata v vrwvakV V 1 fcrt f Salm business district for I WUI Swap Anything Anywhere Property LooKea Alter tor ron Resident BECHTEL-THOBtASON 341 State Street trade Six room bouse close m business sons, large lot. $(500. tor smaller house. Ten room house for smaller house. ' T. L WOOD 841 State Street FOR SALEFARMS I sVWMWWwVwrrVVrVrrVrrVrAAAA RANCH BARGAIN Never Before Never After xtrttCK. tiseoso. VALUE $4800JO 40 -acres fine land. Almost new 5 - hMM mnd water svstam. 3 baras. i poultry nouse, fruit house, milk house, 1 hvmwwwwwiwwwiwmm .a mttintiiM. some timber. 8 Rood l CfTT AND FARM loans at lowest well f amtly orchard, all fenced. Good I rata Beat tarsaa obtainable. on location. Must be sold within 10 day 81100.00 Will Handle, see at one lit South High Street 'Enough EARTH mdb rr up) GOING attic ; WITH 28 Shopping days FOR HER BOOKS, travel fiction. Juvenile sta- V4 . . tioaery for utfts. aVtla Book Store, MELLO-GLO powder and perfume " la Christmas box. 8 value lor I8e, - Carsoa Pharmacy. Court and Hlfh. BRIDGE SUPPLIES, camea ia ' wide aseortmenta. The Atlas Book JEWELRT for aaOady is a pleas- 8tre, 468 State, ure to aivo and to roeeive. The Pa- - shloaetU Shop. 418 Court St. O-B RADIO Give a General Xleo- trio this . Christmas and extend the FOR HIM hoMday seetincs throughout the year. vwwmiwwwwiwwwww)ww Hallk Elactrlo Co. ttT Court St. ahfrfoa "AuT'e'Ylf LEATHER GOODS, electric clocks. $12 a, rro AU,t ,OD 111 fountala pens are always acceptable. W. Miga Bt. . GET yours at the. Atlas Book Store. NECKTIES are popular and practl- . .ki . i. t.- mr innM ie m Hirk St. run QULir on your cara-tablo ; IB- cal gtrta Ale jonea, zi w. ma at. trilnKparty rune. Hovel Christmas FURNISHINGS make the most pop- fjlfilr LrfSL tST'iiVT10 ular gifts for men. WE caa supply Liord. 148 W. Lefella. Tet 1888. ydu. Alex Jones, lt N. Hlah St TOTS-are assortment from 10c nnn a uvDnrtV Also gifts for -rowup. Mar- FOR ANYBODY ket Drug Store. 4T0 N. Com'L BICYCLES, tryk wagone. ate. TOUR CHILD waats a bicycle for Popular prices. Lloyd K. Ramadan. 14T Chslabnaa Lowor prtceo this year, a Liberty. Harry W. Scott. 14T & Com'L FOR SALE FARMS 1 MONEY TO LOAN BUT A FARM WHILE PRICES ARB STILL LOW A nprn Routh 8800. 10 acrea buildings, close in, close teJ school. Just oil pavement on gooa graveled road. 12400. easy terma 10 acres, best of soil, close In, north, on n&vement. 82000. !( acres, good well drained soil. art- I mile from cHy limits, some timber. t7S0 Tarma. 48 acrea, good bottom land, fair build ings, well fenced, COULD IRRI GATE. 8 miles from Salem. $4,- 809 Terma SOCOLOFSKT A SON First National Bunk Bid. ACREAGE Ranch Values Increasing Time to Buv. Now 10-Acres. 8 miles east of Salem, al most new 5-R. bungalow, oum-in nt chen and nook, electric lights and wat er system, large barn, fruit house. lUUIll I asws7. m .a an -wuaw w um 4'- . .Um narl fmfST i T-fJ only txzia.oo ; wm give terma S-acrea good 8-R. tiouae, electricity. barn, double garage, poultry house, new wood house, drilled well 40 bear ing cherries trees and 2 apples, all ia cultivation, 1S miles of Salens, goad loerttoo, for quick sale $3(00.00; 8200.00 down. 10-Acres, 1-R. housa with bath, eleo trto light and water system, nice barm, eraraare. all ia cultivation. 8 -acres lo ganberries and 8-A. filberts, 8 -A. oats and veatch. 4 -miles of Salem, pared road. Price $8500.00; this Is $2000.00 undarnrlced. 0-acrea, f R. house, barn and oth er bulldlssra. all mow land. 8-A. straw berries and (0 acres flowed for mora berrt : fine berry laad. Price reduced to $4650.00. paved road, good location. 14S-acrea a-K. bouse, earn 4kw, garage and other necessary bulldlnga, running water, on paved highway; rrlce only $9S00J)0; $3500.00 down. We are selling our rest plaoea fast don't wait or you will pay more. SEE SEARS ft TUCKER 132-South High Strt I acres 2 ml. north of Salem, ( room house, barn, chicken house, 1H A. Cleared, $1 timber and pasture. line soil good water; fes terma IS acres ( ml from Woodburn. $ room bouse, small barn. 8 acres cutU- vated, babince stumps and pas ture, spring water m pasture, ex cellent soil, etectric lights, mail route. $1600. $600 cash. 20 acres 1 ml north of Newberg, dairy barn worth $1800. SmaH house. fine soil, electric lights in house and barn. Ideal homestte $$590, wui rent. Money to loan at (H. MELVIN JOHNSON 250 T7. S. Bartk Bldg. Phene 6798. Business Opportunities BIG MONEY New advertising clock. Nothing like it on market. First man out earned $134 In two dara Responsible rated company offers exclusive advertising 1 proposition, umimitea possrenitiea j Protected territory. Returnable $10 1 deposit required. Experience unneces sary. Electric Ad -Clock company, 85$ west Jackson. Chicago, iu. Restaurant for rent, $99 N. Com!. Here Is one of the best businesses la the state ef Oreeoa : A box shoo all equipped and plenty of orders, located in the heart of the spruce belt. Death la my family, and old are Is my rea on for selling. Titta can be handled for $1000 cash, balance on easy terms. MONEY TO LOAN i $3000 PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN OH tiOOO KXAL ESTATE security. iana preierred. GOOD ( ROOM HOUSE and garace. partly modern, good repair, good loea .tlon. $3500, $300 CASH, balance $80 monthly, memoes interest. 8 ROOif HOTJSE. garaga. good lo cation, baadjr to school, bearing fruit. 81800. 875 down, balance 830 a month. Including interest. SEE WELLS TALLiLAN FOR BEST RENTALS la city, suburban, acreage homes aad farms. $81 State Street, Phono 8718. ----------- - -i- -i-g-i-i"n-i",-ivi -ic n nfm LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On pbtln rotes, endorsed notes, furniture and plaaoa STATE liOAN COMPANT $13 Ore. Bids. . tad floor Office nra If :80 a. en. to 8:80 n. m. Telepaone Tt 83 Uceased. by State - - - - - - .'nvi"fywwwUV SSONET LOANED ON AUTOS Coatracts Kennanced Arrange to reduce your payraenta, xou aeep ens car. P. A. EIKER GoT. Llbertv Bt. and Ferrv R. Phone 4733 Salem. Or I insurance aapartaaeat oilers rou I pen aa.- vra wcricm m ui unM Tel. 4108 S9e Crracoa to 'Shoot With" m i 1 1 am vapgaw m u a aara aw mm m m n v aa saa is m - . si (oa 'til Christmas 'Bells of Harmony' Heard aver 8COIN dally ring out a loan service that 0 really, really., different. NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE UN La) AN a fie to sit Beneficial Loan Society . Room 118 New Bflgb dg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BZ STATB 118 State Su Tet 8-T-4-0 PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries I Other ecty Repayable MtMy. Whea la ffnetwlnl need see I im tofore rloalna a loaa. GENERAL I N V lutTat auXT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 8518 1 Business AMUSEMENTS . 4a - - Mm Drin. II hole watered fair- ways, large gTeoa Fee. T(c Sundays sad holidays. $1 00 BATTERY ELECTRICIAN :r." r-rl ?J...i. lr ' V4QST VVUIl W"w-aae BICYCLE REPAIRING Tbe "beet la bicycles and repairing. . W. Scoa I4t a Coafl Tel 4818. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4150. R. E. Nortlmesa CHIROPRACTORS Dr. O L SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. $($ N. High. Tet. ttea stTS. DRS. SOOTIELD. Palmer Chlroprac- tara X-ray and N. C at New Bank i Bfdg CLEANING SERVICE Center St VaiereHa Tl 63 FLORISTS itt. kinds of Moral work, Lata Flor ist. 18th market. xeL litis. rare, weoaing Doaaueue ..m1 maMiL aenttratlona t. W. Bretthaapt. Dorist. sis ataw ouw. Tel. (904. CI EMST1TCH LNG I NEEDLEWORK. Margaret's Shop. 4K Court 1 Hoosedeaaing Floor Waxing T .1... nvtn that's. Minted" Ca?rol Window Cleaners. Phone 37T8. GARBAGE . Mem Scavenger. Tel. 4930 or T800. INSURANCE J BECES N. High HEMDRJCKS TsL 4943 189 vTILLJsCETTE INS AOENCT Wm. Bit ren, afgr. Exclusive auttevlUe Agent 81J (tasowto Bldg Tel. T90S LAUNDRIES TH9- NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THB W53DER LAUNDRT 883 a High- Tet 8188 CAPITAL CITT LACNDBI Ve was a tvirjuiuii in im. I Mfrntm Street TeHohone 8138 1344 Beoedway I sxnt MATTRESSES Oar 1 a - . hlattreases from factory to hom New (0 lb. mat trees $5.0 Kan o ana runugator capita MiZmfin. TL dS9. 8038 North CaMtoL 1 184 a Liberty St Tat WNBY TO LOAN , Private moasy to leaa ea taiareved real estate. P. H. Ball, 1X1 M. High, ret. vsis or kit. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private mooev to leaa real estate. W. H. ORABElfHORST CO, REALTORS It4 a Liberty Bt. Tet tUl LIVESTOCK and POULTRY I Poultrv wanted. Salem Poultry Co. ! rarmrs Merat. sas im. -rei. FOR SALE WOOD Guaranteed heavy, se eondl Prompt delivery. growth 4 ft. CaH 484. For good wood phone 8986. Tracy's wood yard. rH V rts AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel oil Call on us for price We give good measure, good mrwl rvir LARMER TRANSFER A STORAGE Teltwbone XI Ji Drr aah. cak. old and second fir wood. John 11 Sootl Phone 4964. Seasoned 16 in. 2nd growth, $5 per cord. Tel 7038. WIIWWWIIWWIWIIMWIWWMIW 2nd and old fir, oak. Tel 91 188. 18 old fir 85.28. Tel 486S. ALL KIN PS. any length. Call 3789 GUARANTEED DRT wood coal ! Tel 5000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade A Cottage. Good 16" old fir. heavy bark. Oak any length. Howard, Tel xei. Old fir 14". $5.00: 2nd grdwth dry. 16" 84.7(. Oak 13 . Tel !. 16 m. 2ad growth fir $4.(0 and $(.- 00. Tel. 5648. WOOD SAWING Wood na win g. Robtn s. T t 4 LOST and FOUND LOST Crystal ornament between Summer St. and Miller's store. Kind ly phone 8023 or return 6S5 No, Sum mer. LOST A dog. Australian snepnera. loolcs Ilk. police dog With harnesa Reddish color. Reward. Phone (640. LOST A dog. Australian Shepherd. FOUND Buck skin female horse. about 1500 lba Owner pay for ad and feed bill 1830H So. 13th. -Oi Directory i -oi MUSIC STORES I mm ST WTI T W tWltl TUal4aW graphs, aewteg machines, aheat M I 'JlA..r, &;rrt sm '"i::! g-s; iizi NURSING I nursing : bed baths or treatments. Tet I Res 6394 : office 7473. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and reoeral reoalr work. Oraber Bros. 114 Sa Liberty Tel 5B4 PAPER HANGING Paaer nan Kin and aala latin. Neo- man's Paint Stora ISt N. Com'l. PHONE GLENN ADAMS for house dectaratltut. Da per hanging, tinting, eta. R-VIM workman. PRINTING FOR 8TATTONERT. cards, pamah- letsi programa. books or any kind of printing, can The 8tatesmaa mat ing department, zife b. iomntercMU. THephae 9101 RADIO I FOR every purpose, for every purse au aunium ataea or Kaaia Tuoea EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. $47 i CJourt Bt Tei I1S. STOVES STOVES aad stove reDalrlna. Btovi for aala rebuilt and reoaired. AU kinds of woven wire fence, fancy aad plain, hop baskets, hooka togas hooka Salem Fence and Steve Work a. 341 Chemeketa Tel 4T74. R B riemlng. TAILORS D. BL M03IIER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court Bt. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Oa 888 SUte Bt Tel. T77X. DlstrtbauaaV for warding aad storage tir specialty. Get our rate FOR local or distant transfer stor-1 age. call 8l$L Larmer Transfer Oa , Tracks ta Portland dally. O- -e Real Estate Directory BECKX HENDRICKS 188 N. High Tot & If. HARLB High St. 134 M. Tet J. LINCOLN ELLIS 481 BUta TaL sjrjnriLarsKT a- son i$84-$ First Nat Bk, Bldg. TaL 4. F. ULRICH TaL F. U WOOD State St 411 TaL HOIOER D. FOSTER REALTT 1 879U eUaU Bt TaL vat - UT H QSABENHORST ftCQ. oa - By CLIFF STERRETTI Sr FOR SALE USED CARS USED CAB BOOK VALUES FOR NO VEMBER HA.VE NOT DROPPED But our prices Lave Outs from 88.ee tm ISSOa. Cnmnara these ortoss: 1081 Tudor Sedaa $e4. 1080 Tuder Sedaa . 1980 8tdL Coupe . 108 Roadster 80(00 880.00 848.00 888.00 88.00 878.00 ISO 00 88(00 18.00 ,1810 Fordor Sedaa 1810 Tudor Sedaa . 1080 Coupe 1880 Roadster 1028 Tudor Sedaa im ft! S! 120 Plymouth Sedaa 117 Chevrolet Tudor 1828 Chevrolet Trunk tires ; excellent 815.00 VALLET MOTOR CO. Phone 81(8 Center Street Display Phono 710 Lot at Liberty and Marlon Streets McKay's Used Car Sale 1931 dev. miles 1930 Chev. 1930 Chev. slick 1930 Chev. "6- RMin Only 8000 . $76 Sta. Coupe ' Beauty" 478 Coach (one of those (nail 450 Coach, trunk and ex- tras 1930 Ford Coach, 10.000 ml 1930 Ford Roadster. "Like New" 34 1929 G-Palge. Light 6 Sedaa (Special) - 40 1928 Dodge Vic 6 Sta. Coupe 400 1924 Dodge 4 Door Sedan 150 1927 S-x 4 door Sedaa Omly 195 Tou ill have to see these cars In order to appreciate their value. McKay Chevrolet Co. "Where Tou Get The Big $ Worth" 338 Center Street taBsssaaaaMSrfasiavaSAA WE STILL HAVE A Large Used Car Inventory And further reduce our stock. We offer, not bonuses, not turkeys, but. real car values. Compare these prices : 1931 Ford Tudor $445 .00 1930 Ford Coope. 15,000 miles 360.00 1929Pontlac Sedan 4!H! 1929 Ataadard Dodge Sedaa- .&00.00 250.00 1 1929 Plymouth Sedan 192TTBulcK Stdfacb -I 1128 Essex Deluxe Coupe 15 tt I til oo I 1929 Ford Coaeli 875.00 ! 1928 Chevrolet Coach . 1928 Fard Coupe 1918 Ford Roater 10.00 17S.00 ! 1926 Ford Coupe 85.09 i ( trucks ready to go 3260 325.00 TEK1U TitAUfcS ValSey Motor Co. I phone 7910. Lot at Liberty A Marlon j VVwwWVVwVMSrVwWwWwwwArrArVMArA j Reconditioned and Guaranteed, Same as New Car I r-s victorla-ZTZ I l Studlner SedsaTZI 459 525 498 39( 375 33( 335 175 350 50 850 159 146 S6 Essex 4-dr. Sedaa 30 DAT SERVICE CARS '36 Hudson Broagham '36 Bulck Sedaa 34 Studebaker Redan '36 Studebaker Coupe '36 Nash Special Coupe 'IT Eseea CoaHj A8 IS CARS 88 Dodge Sedaa 86 Essex Coach Trade Terms STATE MOTORS, INC. H-jdson Essex Studebaker Dealers (38 Chemeketa Open evenings. Cross -Word Puzzle I - Rv KIICF.NR SHKFFER I r p" r r" i i pa HOUZONTAL tt Roma ondar- world rod 40 seed ot a vine 41 extend across 4t pivot fan, M($ ninfe 4 5 rowing hm- plesaent 48 enos of (Uiaeeeos plants 47 finishes 50 lofty tewar attached ts a mosqaa 62 roofless inner eettrf J 2 half aa eta i bodies of water IS somethinf Inserted VERTICAL. 1 consumed 1 onborat rick ttrtc4 tathosun of smaH Uameter in propor tion to fceicfat 4I4T! 94T$I lltl 19 xclama tioa T$$t ltsossU- cated 84T8.I It noiainal 16 ' turns US4 If smart blows IT coal It doctrines ta-vartttam CO. TS1I 8488. prf ornv . ance It Urd of taa cuckaa famOj iivd, ta Freavca Berewitb U the toltrtioa ta Satur day's Pazsltv 25 -color 2fr prtsia, talsiaff H tha birtfc iasns mad 21 tbarafoc zn nun's FOR SALEUSED CARS 1 wwwwiwoMwwwM)we Qood-WUl Used Cars SOLD WITH A GUABANTT 1 82 -Oraham Sedaa ... . , 8675.00 lwjv-txrrxi uoaca , 146.0 2X.00 883.00 ' l27-Oaklaad Coach. l2S-ruraat Coupe 1927-Chevrolet Coupe I l2S-Sradbaker Coach 1820-Jewett 10.00 100.00 27-Ford Roadster l2T-Ford Tourtna; with ruxteU 1100 A few ethers to chooee from. Wood -Wheaton Motor Company Oakland Phone 9586 Poatlaa Used Car Department 450 Chemekata ----------- - -1- - rii-iiii-ioririi-iii.rxruini-ijinn 1929-Pontlac Sedan. A-l condltloa. Tel 6331. 1106 Leslla NOTICE OF BUDGET ElfCTII STRESSED ' The proper postin; of notices ia school districts where tha bud gets were Toted In excess of tha 6 per cent limitation amendment, and notification of the assessor of the postin; before elections, was advice contained la s mes sage received by Coanty Superla tendent Falkeraon from the cm ty assessor office. Without such a notice posted, a fi per test increase wo aid be invalid as would any school budget made tip based on It. the message warned. A number of school districts in the county voted such increas es this year due to the free text book law. Many districts fur nishad all books free Co their Indents, rather than oa $1.54) -as provided by law. ..Last March Mrs. Fulkersoa sent oat letters to all districts. lAins attention to the necessity " properly posted notices II a C per cent increase election were held. All notices mast be in be fore December 1, so that the connty budget may certify to the correctness of tha school budget. This notice, according t Mrs. Fulk arson, should be sent to the . assessor and not to her office. Monmouth One of the pleas ant social affairs of the autnma. at Jessies. Todd hall was a din ner party Tuesday evening for which Dean Robards. Mrs. Ardle Parker. Miss Maude McPhersoa, Miss Bertha Bralnerd and Miss Laura J. Taylor were hostesses. Bridge was enjeyed later la the evening in the Wlnegar apartments' living room. Those enjoying the affair were: Mr. and Mrs. Delmer R. Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wolfe. Mr. an Mrs. J. B. V. Butler. Mr. aat Mrs. U. XT. Morlan, Mrs. Gloria Oslka, Mrs. Beulah Thornton. Mrs. Edna Culver, Miss Lota Criswell. Mrs. C. R. Butler. Mist Alabama Brenton. Miss Edaa Headrick. Miss Katharine Ar buthnot. Miss Florence Johnson. Mrs. Florence Hutchinson an Miss Agnes Erlcksoa. 2 nortkara limit af ancient Palestine 3 loft out 4 Bagtiah Ms toriaa 5 ansa's nictataste t pertaiairif; to bodlas at rest T part af the montk ?L) t possaasiva pronoaa t Creek letter IS sleadar tiireadllx. atfTawth ea aaiaaala 11 sap plies wita veapoas 14 past pa , It -regett- eratea It aomiaa- - tors 29 receptacle! forholr water 21 ena af Israel's trreateet kings tt letter (a former Teatoaia alpb&bef v 24 meanest 1 7 pertaining to tha family f dot 21 exehaarf f f&$ far monafr 21 bulbar earthett pot tl water famula drapsfrsajl tha dtradl tl feels ro tTet for past conduct II ainrpleteni It btiUdiae far stariaj Craia : II frsr - 2 ache . 42 entreaty. 44 -thin . 41 exist '4t expire '4 1 drunkard I lira 2 Jumbled av typa : - paw. n n i eaissease f I 4 si 32- ertsJs tai $ tka stars t4 axist j 2f deafiw 2T lotb tt twica