The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    . f
- - - ' - ...... ,.fs- p
x - Is , y tr
We RuarMitee oar cr
rier service. If yoor paper
does not arrive by 6:80,
call 0101 and a copy will
be delivered at once. r ri
Clearing' and colder to
day, Saturday fair and cold; '
Max. Temp. Thursday 49,
Mia, 40, rata .71 inch, river
7.4 feet, west wind.
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, November 20, 1931
No. 204
it -
Notable Jurist
Recalled Here
1 i , As
I i i miai im - i tI
Former Washington Justice
Known Locally as son
Of Early Governor
Attended Private School in
Salem, Then Willamette
S and State UnNersity
"Word w received by . Miss
Mary Chadwlck, .401 North eap
Itol atreet of the sadden death
Thursday afternoon of her broth
er Stephen J. Chadwlck, a prom
inent attorney of Seattle and for
mer chief Justice of the Washlnj
atata annreme court.. His
wan verv sudden, follow
in an operation for an intesti
nal ailment wnicn aeTeiopeu uj
this week. He fell quietly asleep
in awith after belne operated on
.hStrJL.SdwiekV,K Lucile Ruehmann, 17, Last
brot?tf,Blt!f,!Illr!lSrr,i Seen in Morning; may
Saturday on their return from Have Gone SOUth
the national Eastern Star con-
vention of wmcn mrs. v.uu.v-. LuciJe Ruehmann 17 1675 Ma.
uras the head. At that time ne dlson gtreet, ran away from home
eeemed In his usuai gooa yesterday morning, her mother
Oath on 'Actual Money' Paid
To Empire Taken in Supreme
Court Judge's Offices Here
Car Crashes Freight Train
and he's Recognized
As Wanted man
Later Admits Part in Local
Burglary Attempt; car
Theft Figures too
and spirits. He and Mrs, Chad- reported to city poiice. The last
wick did not remain over nlgnt geen Qf the glrl by her motner was
but continued their journey after at g 0ciock wben 6ne get out ap-
a brief visit with his sister. How- parentiy for Parrish junior high
ever his daughters, Mrs. aiaury 8Cnooi where she was an eighth
and Mrs. Karr, with Mr. Maury, grade pupil.
remained to spend Sunday with Tne ponce believe the -girl, in
their aunt. Judge Chadwick visit- company with another, left for
ed In Salem early in September Eugene by bu3 at 1:30 o'clock
when Mrs. Chadwick paid a visit yesterday afternoon with the in
to the Jeff -rson lodge of the tention of eventually going to Ba
Eastern Star. kersfleld. Calif. The identity of
rtvtrfinml in toe secor d girl was not learned.
XEi. w V Grad No explanation was made for
mTt of" the older residents of Miss Rucmann's disappearance
. . ... .k., ctora 1 ilaalO Siaiions lasi nigUL ui uau-
"i. L "TA ,?neIt cast the Euehmann girl's descrip-
Light last night was shed on a
burglary attempt here on Novem
ber 1 and Hoy Earl wiltfong, alias
Roy E. McBrlde, 22, 1290 Oak
street, came to grief in three
ways at once.
In the first place, he and his
wife both were Injured when
their automobile crashed into
freight train at 7 o'clock at North
Commercial and Union streets,
In the second place, he subse
quently was arrested by city po
lice and held for department oi
justice officials.
And in the third place, the po
lice later obtained admission from
him that he was one of the per
sons who on the night of Novem
ber 1 attempted to break into
the house of Carol White, States
man linotype operator, at 1550
North 18 th street.
Mrs. Wiltfong, suffering from
a broken kneecap and badly cut
Super - Sales Methods
Of Company are
Trail Turns to Foote Creek
Country When Auto Is
Wrecked in River
Friendship is Entering
Wedge; Success
SS iHl
Nanking Government Gives
Support to Man; Chiang
i Goes to Manchuria -
ASHLAND. Ore., Nov. 19
(AP) Heavtty armed posses, as
sisted by Wodhounds, today at
tempted trace the movements ox
two men wt. last night shot and
killed Victor W.' Knott, speeial
Knott was shot when he and
THE Statesman that far has
revealed the general out-
Dairy Executive Group has japan Approves Proposal by
laatinn Uara UMa An I rr . -
, 11 v League for Commission
imjc hcai i ecu t n.Ak. c:..4:An
lines of the Empire Holding
company's plans. It has shown
how Chief Justice O. P. Coshow,
I. F. Fetty, Jay Stockman, W. R.
Adams and Frank' J. Keller, Jr.,
each swore to the purchase "for
Plans for a thorough campaign j
In support of the oleomargarine
excise tax law enacted at the last
New Era Hill to Canby Will
Be Construction Project,
Commission Decides; Cuti
Distance and Curves
Roy Layman, city policemen stop-1 money" of $20,000 of Em
Feet Wide Enough for
Stretch to North; Staff
Will Give Part of pay
Chadwick for here he grew up as
a boy, attended college, ana men
left to seek and achieve fame
and honor in the then territory
and now state of Washington.
He was the son of honored pi1
neer parents, Hon. Stephen F.
Chadwick, his father, served as
secretary of state from 1870 to
1877, becoming governor on the
resignation of Gov. L. F. Grover.
atx A nerving for 18 months in
this office. The old family home
on North Capitol Is still occupied
by Miss Mary ChadwicK
Stephen J. Chadwick vras born
n Rospbure. Ore., April 28,
(Turn to page 2, col. 7)
(By the Associated Press)
Japanese airplanes bombed and
legislature were laid at a meeting annihilated a force of Chinese
of the executive committee watch- General Mah Chan-Shan
ing the dairy Interests in connec- Kalian, Manchuria, today, said
tifti, ih t,: i.w dispatches of the Rengo (Japan-
The campaign planned by the ELK? Reuter8 (BrltIsh) newB Traffic Survey Indicates 20
group yesterday, including repre-l Ton--, ..m aoon minese were
ped in a police car to question the j .tock individually. The sentatives of granges and farm- I annihilated.
two men. Layman said the stran- statesman has quoted in detail er unions, will be built to com- American, British, French and
gers fired without warning. the uniformly laudatory let- D& rumored large expenditures p0iign military attaches of the
The search centered in the ters which accompanied the "sub- money by the margarine in- xokyo embassies will start for
Foote creek country after an auto- gcriptlons" of these men and the terers. Manchuria tomorrow to Inspect
mnM) hniiavAA tn hnvn hn driv- nri nf nthr business and pro- Operation of the excise tax of conditions on invitation of the
en by the fugitives was wrecked I fesslonal leaders In the state who 10 cents is neii up now, pending Japanese army, lonyo announceu. trvixiuAixu, ore., jov. 19.
in the Rogue river following a became Empire Holding company referendum on the law. Vote of Japan approved a League of (AP) Employes of the Oregon
shareholders. "e people on tne matter will be Nations proposal io aena an m- emie mgnway aepartment today
taken at the next election, and It vestigatlng commission into Man- offered to contribute 10 per cent
xuhiiA thft wmeoDtion of the ! thls Tte the group in churia, providing conditions in of their salaries to the state nnem-
VmrArL Holdlne comnanv may be wslon yesterday Is laying plans China proper also were investigat- ployment relief fund for a period
hTrtnnJS t SLSi l Kell? Jr to secure in support of continn- ed. its delegation at Paris was in- of four months. The offer was ac-
2 to J? f!tk citv Denver' ance of the tax. structed. ov cepted by the highway commis-
former Salt Lake City, D"". Max Genlha, sUte lcuitUr- General Mah Chan-Shan tried 8ion by a vote of two to one at a
ZZ ZJI "'Z.t a Aagc iuUu .u .v.Af mnA T n vu,.vi. 4 desneratelv vesterday to reorgan- meetine here.
a Drosen Kneecap ana Daaiy cui i wrwncu car wo ksicu where promoter, tne actual Dinn " r . . hV m. .hattprnd Chinese army at I m.
head, was taken by Salem ambu- to A. W. Reid, Denver, and wasof the company undoubtedly took oup yesterday la i an i his ' hattered Chinese army ai Th9 commission also voted two
, . ,ftOTitai nr nnnrtAH itAiftn rrnm ttia Tninruin :t. . .. . rvi.i t- advisory capacitv. George Fullen- Koshan, 80 mnes nonneasi oi to one to reiect CommlniAnw
L" k., "fVr- S S ZZZ Y9? v.lB I"1,- welder of Carlton was chairman. Tsltslhar. from which ne was anv
uuduouu "-"-- " " " r I uce uuver r. vuouu w m i 0-, . . ,
about the head and nanas. saia. i supreme court in Salem. Here It
The housebreaking attempt on An army discharge paper found I o. nn Wnvprnhftr 14. 1930. that
November 1 was frustrated when in the automobile have not fur- I coshow and his associates, sub-
scribed to tne au-inci"sive
state policeman's command to the
driver to stop. The occupants of
the car disappeared in the brush.
One revolver was found in the
car, another In the river.
The trail of the fugitives led in
to the hills and then separated.
one to reiect Commimlonnr
Charles K. Spaulding's demand
one of White's neighbors, who
had been called to the door by
the men and became suspicious of
their actions, called the police.
After smashing a window lock on
White's house, the would - be
burglars escaped the approaching
officers. The police, however,
took the car the men left behind.
The machine, which bore Wash
ington license plates, proved to
be a stolen one.
Wilfong last night had on his
person pictures identical with
ones found in the stolen car,
nished any tangible clues to the
identity of either man, police
Jointly celebrating the 68th an-
bindlnz oath which was to form
the cornerstone for the financial
structure Empire was to raise.
Oath Was Taken in
Coshow's Office Here
Miss Winifred Graham, notary
nubile and secretary to C. A. How
ard, state superintendent of pub
lic instruction, was called fo Jus-
Z?2?"r. -tie.,'iaU W6re h rKLX MttSueStlld Genai nrf V " ? "it Pjr cent permanent
Man piannea w uu. ment employes. Spauldlng declar
to Hailun or Suihwa and set up a . ront,no Ma ,,Cr,::.
new Heilungkiang provincial gov- salary rednction and saId
ernment. ...... of ployes' voluntary contribution was
Japan Informed the League oi d .
Nations that she would not evacu- ? i 'i? thJt
t Manchuria until a new treaiy r,v, T '
Continuing Its charity fund way
t a k l!rntVnt between her Chairman J. C. Alnsworth de
had been negotiated between her ffnded the present f alary 8chedule
vi -iwiii.n. fiMi nut of the ana POIted out the work of the
Chinese .civilians ft f the ,Uff memhen had been
1 . 7r;Vo7v- nearly 50 per cent during the past
i"oi- - , i -- --'j i - - i j coi . no biu mere naa Deen an
tlceCoshow's office to witness the campaign, the Community Service Hy in the sub-sero eae'j, actual rednction in tho, nnondm
signatures of the original officers finance committee this morning Tokyo dlspatcnea in costs during the year,
and directors and to make noUr- will mail pledge cards to the Moscow that serious complications The 10 cent contributlon lt
business will result if soviet troops are sent
was calculated, will amount to
(AP) An explosion, said by po-jtime of the accident,
ial affidavit to the oath required smaller offices and
City police who last night aT- niversary of Abraham Lincoln's by the state corporation commis- houses. Representatives of the or- into North Mancnuna. about $20,000 a month.
rested the man, stated that his Gettysburg address and holding sloner on the application io sen sanizauon wiu comer wun me , Vi tiT aht Xew Era s011011
car was not equipped wltn a their annual meeting, 70 members stock. Miss oranam repons mat ui me. uiger ibumuws wa mALi r.i qiTv
-H.Kiai,! in rMinired bv nf tha Raim VAAartoA p.tHniio waa oreeterl bv Justice Cosh- businesses to lay out plans for Chiang,
law. it also was reported he was societies last night banqueted and ow himself who proceeded first getting monthly donations from the Nanking 1,. highway projects for use In the
uiiiuig al uit" Bfci.v. " I viovtcu ucn uiiinri a u ciiu x. . I iu luuuuube wv. , i -V.,,:, ... . I. , if anliitrl9 The Chinese I '"I fcCULJ ICI1C1 yiugisui UI IU
His car, C. A. Ralph S. Hamilton, former mar and the other Empire buna- wimam aicuiicnnsi jr. ana u .f,-:-l that highway department. One was th
lice to have been an anti-fascist an old, light touring, was heavily speaker of the Oregon house of ers. Then Justice Coshow, accord- George L. Arbuckle of Commun- ministryor war offered realignment of the Pacific high-
. m. tnnirht oanBed ex- Liamnirort TnrARPntatle. ad1rPRMd the I in tn. Mtn fir&ham. nersonallv 17 Service will interview superln- Chang H8uen-""5 u.v war from the erest f th bill
whinr late tonight caused ex-I d amazed
o 7 . . - . I . . ... . . 1 J I
tensive damage to a iasnionaoie i no cnarge win oe piaceu group
nhpatnnt Hill section witnin a against the man in connection ism."
eo, nuurcBStu lasting IO saiaa unuam. Vci " - 7 . . IL . , . , . i. n OftnP.ral Mau
Peace-TIme Patriot- reid aloud the oath which follow- tendenta of the schools in effort all his troops General
th .tatftment of Fettv. Feller, to obtain relief funds from the Chan-Shan. Chinese mmanae
1863. The family had first 1 I block of the home of Marquis A. I with the accident, the police said, j L. C. McShane, of the Sons of stockman, Adams and Coshow, teachers Kh!LA l -m were 10 000 ar- Kay engineer,
cated in Scottsburg, but on the Ferrante Italian consul general. After receiving from the de- Union Veterans, was elected presi- wherein each man was set forth The Service committee yester- 0es. ne jam. Rusalan bor. 1700 feet in !
decline iof that once promisius i Tne blast shattered winaows panmeni oi justice a duuouu a-1 aent to sueceea uuy it. stover,
portv removed to Roseburg. At I over a wi,ie area and rocked sev- lng tor the arrest of WBtfong, I founder of the organization and
the age of eight he came with J eral homs in the St. Martin's city police had been on the look- president for the past two years.
his narents to saiem wnen na -ection. No one was lnjurea. ow lor mm bbi nu uui 1M otner oincers cnosen were:
iiimnii tne oxiice oi see- nr,i Warranto via win wei-i ea tnai ne uvea uwr i oars, iieroert usuin oi ine uauxa-
xetary of state. come tomorrow his foreign mln- tin did not state on what charges j ters of the American Revolution,
He attended a scnooi iter. Dino Grand!, on nis arrival ne was wuicu. i vice-presiueni ;
which was taught by Miss Lizzie ,n thla Mtr. aid a8 BOon as I
PniA. an aunt of R. P. Boise, v-o, that exnlosion I knew it
it was housed in a building back meant for me."
f the Enlsconal church. It was I police euarded the consul's i
private school which was Jater bome all day today to thwart any
merged with, wmameiie uniTcr- outbreaks against mm oy an-
elty. Miss Boise going aiong as a fascists.
teacher and young unaawica gu
Inr as nupIL He attended Wil-
Mrs. Grace C. I .Unnm court raised his hand,
, . . . n I t I I . ...
Aiicaeison oi tne apanisn-Amen- .vA( his associates to do llke-
can war veterans auxiliary, sec
retary, and Mrs. W. P. Watklns
of the American Legion auxiliary,
Fourteen patriotic organizations
are represented In the federation.
The next meeting will be held at
the call of the president, some-
as the "owner" of 200 shares or .. ." ."i""" I y
Tlno. nmnan mtncV oi tne Laa ana uusn Dans; Will uer.
"paid for in actual money" in the f""6 J'tTOO
sum of $20,000 each. Following month for four months plan 100
v 1 n,fk fnah. PO' cent. This contribution will
oZ rhechlei T justlc the UU iVitM ,M
hi. hanA month, lt was stated.
Returns on the letters mailed
Monday requesting appointment
In each office, business and oth-
Johnson Thinks
Hoover Should
way from the crest of the hill
above New Era to Canby, a change
which Roy A. Klera, state high-
said would save
distance and would
eliminate several dangerous
curves. The other was the realign
ment of four and one-half miles of
The Dalles - California highway
north of Redmond.
Klein presented studies of traf-
wise. and according to Miss Gra
ham's testimjny, the men Jointly
took the oath which The States
man herewith again reprints:
ma- a a. .
m counis ana cobib in connection
TVTrf Klin A&ain wlth improvements to the Pacific
IV UL ivuii highway. He said widening the
. - . . v hlrhvir tmm Vaw Vra tn ftalHH
CHICAGO, Nov. 19 l- from the nresent 16-foot width tn
A nrffuTtWfl tirkTl nf 1 f ATI ATI Tt f
assist with the solicitation ana unlUd States wr: 20 feet and bringing it up to mod
collection oi tunas nave oeen re- Johnson saia uaj : - e hiehwav standards woald
I . . . I M kwM. h A HT1
we. th. under!mied. being- first celved in gooaiy numDer, accora- aent Hoover wouia cost $780,000. while wldenlnr to
morn. for himself denoseillnf to T. A. Wlndlshar. finance I Avinv rratitude or tne ran
4 A An 1 A AAst 1 AAA AAA
land says: That the undersigned are I cbairman
lng to T. A. winaunar, unance dying gratituae oi in .. 30 feet would cost $1,000,000
He is urging every fIia f the republican party mftra Hft ...A th. fftdk.-i hnre
Roads Virtually
lamette for some time startins OfJ Wnrlr nn
in 1873: clerked in a store: at- awaaw ww
tndMf the University of Oregon
read law In the offices of Judge
B. F. Bonham, now aeceasea,
and Judge William Ramsey now
f McMinnville. He graduated
from Willamette law school along
with Mark C. Fuilerton and
SILVERTON. Nov. 19 Entries eooperatiTe
poured into tne niastman duhuiuS day
-mm. mm r I on West Mam street iate wuj
Halted UV KaWS the annual two-day poultry, corn,
nnt and noUto show, and late in
v . i n a hroneht the evening every available lot of
emergency" road work to a Tirtual space was Uken. A few more en.
: . . . . i . .... . e .hn hsn i tries win arrive mia iuuium&.
.Whitney C. Boise, ootn oi waom atanasuii - On the eve of the opening, much
recently passed, away. peen wor r. in the show was evident
He was admitted to tne oar m highway soutn o - na d,slay Dromlse8
1835 and went vltn wars: ni- sent out to tne jou uu mwoo -' rT,trr .n t. -t -. TatTer
lerton to Colfax, Whitman conn- the Polk county project west of to be XflIl.
cared in the law practice. In 1 work before noon.
Ume before "SoiSSl otxTTt TSFSStf person "pledging the dly's Pay 'a followed the lead ol : Calvin f S. ad.1 'ZSZ
which time plans will he laid for named company, as indicated below; month to remit at once for No- coolidge and decided not to do- counU and estimated a three-laao
cooperative observance of that i?ZrXlilL "d because funds are badly com candidate next Tear. road wouW not be needed
tyi & r.ufnmla senator, pans-1....
lng enroute to Washington said: E1n Watklni attorney. renew
"The decision of Mr. Coolidge tne appiication of D. E. Lamb
not to become a candidate next and the international UUUtie
duct or its Business ana auir, . . tvi. time,
that we have investigated and know neeaed at mis ume.
It. financial condition : mat w r i 1
fully qualified ana competent to ib- i o f a O
tify ae-to th truth of the facta called Vv IVCrtOn 0n(lS
lor Dy tnis oian; wn w u vr- i i v vi. f i
fully examined ail statements and an- I jj ,ktc rrnman I year entitles him to the nig nest corporation for a permit to lay ft
swera in tne witnin raimni. yWllifiAAAiK,AAi. nraise of the American peopio. , nin line alone the old Oregon
m I . . -. . . . v n a w aVa I . n .
7717 u. l4nTl li, Mr- o"or wou i itsu ana tne t;oiumDia iutw
r lOUr ZO LlICrilCU like decision he would have the highway from the eastern bona-
(Turn to page 2, col. 8)
icon Koroma annerfor ludke I As far as is now known, the
osv w ; - r i . .Lin , ...I, mm. ii lu-ear exmoita nu o- iMnH nf rnntinnM beavv rains.
"r: " " r rnrtr,oT; ;we8: made
last night included:
turkeys, 34; geese, 14; raoDiis,
13; ducks, 33; chickens, ZJi;
21 10-ear exhioits ana sev-
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 19
(AP) Oregon coastal streams or indirectly, any
hlblta attached hereto, and that each
nil all of tha reoresentatlons made are
true, and that no material fact In an
swer to the several questions has been
omitted : and we further say that there
are no agreements, understandings or
cnntnrti. either verbal or written, ex
press or Implied, by which any one
s received, or
nmviir s-ratltnde of the ranx
SILVERTON, Nor. 19 Two and file of the republican party.
thono&nd barrels of flour have
VZ ..direcuy le't the Fischer Flouring mills of wjft puffna Out
r nnridration in any siiverton for the government otXltllll JTULLllIK wui
wre overflowlna- tonight as the I manner whatever for the sale of the I china, according to the officials I T3 ' . Dcti frA&T
ree,ultof otlnued hffvy rains. JTSS, of the local flouring mill. Big KUStl UrCCT
mm fub
iriend nd former partner rul- t.u. s. empioymem o... --T--.
cation- ana tne exnions
attached This completes the first part oi
the order which came through the
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
T?ain. snow and sleet, swept
Judging will begin Friday and acr08s the state by a high wind.
will he finished sometime during continued into the night. Little
the afternoon. The show is spon- damage was reported.
Three Slayers Convicted
Cruelty Charge Is Filed
Elderly man Is Killed
Revaluation is Sought
sored by
the chamber of com-
EUGENE, Ore., NorAl Up)1
Threo men, tried in connection
with tho death of Daniel Castro,
Mexican railroad employe, were
convicted by a circuit court Jnry
Jiere today. ' . "
Mlgnel Marrero was convicted
.i rt dezTea mnrder-and ' tno
jury recommended lite imprison
ment, Chauneey Guymon was con
i ricted of second degree murder
and. Harvey fchlrey waa convicted
I of manslaughter. They will he
4 entenced Monday. .
Castro was shot and killed when
h eame npan tho three men in
the act of Vohbing two ot his
- friends.: vv;
PORTLAND, Ore,, Not. 1J.-
(AP) W. E. j Colvln, ToT t
r lanndrrman-farmer. waa
I todav bv A. L. . Cross,
Uto officer at tho Oregon Hn
aocietT. on ft chargo of
r emelty alter he ftllogedly droro
nt nf bis war deliberately to ran
' over Sandy, ft 1-year-old imported
. fitfh terrier, on Canyon road.
. v Colvln nleaded not guilty when
' .y hefork Circuit Judge Mean.
? Tho case . was let for Noyember
Mutual Savings
Directors Hold
Initial Meeting
ni lTrn niTiinmu
RTLVERTON. NOT. 19 (AP) I ll fi I rll inillHllllI
.v. !v loc,,. Farmer's National Grain corpor- The planing mill of the 811- ULlllLU UnlUHUJtl
7 " ";:rn mm lTsloner ation and tho Chicago Grain Sta- ver Falls Lumber company is
by Corporation Commissioner runninr an eight hour shift for
Mark Mcuanisier oi a porum. : ".'.v .,-7 T. t tm a rnah order
the Empire Holding company to i L" 1 - Z1 m VV i mmber of eral services tor Isaac Dempeey.
.."?n"-7n", 3 ell 12.500.000 of iU pital oroerw . AUaitle coast, about 5, who died -anddon.ry
t;&M&lotajffi SpS, "waT Tearly welk.' work a until The' crew ha. been
ley residenU feared -jrigg SSj tfTlS7pSoii next spring for the local concern. 'six hours a day for sometime. beheld
Three witnesses told Cross, he
said, they saw Colvin turn out of
his lane of traffic to run over
the dog.
19 (AP) A 78-year-old man,week Dack to thft former location
organized board of directors ot
the Mutual savings ana ion as
sociation was held yesterday art-
flood. Coos river was bankEftUl
and waa expected to leave its
banks unless the rain abates.
Shipping along the Oregon
coast, however, waa delayed but
tun. Va 6aotw!s
Te.oYr per Pole, ta SH -; .-
the vicinity of Newport, Kugeno i w j -
Offices must also oe wen
TTTrv vastM financial organ-
iBBend Schools in Serious
building at Portland a substantial J
Quandary; Taxes Unpaid
Th. Wti.1 e.UB ot th. 4 topplid Tr' ti.
i gale that struck the coast.
BOCiauon waa uom .- i
emoon at tho ottices ot tho m-Heater fosses
nanv wmcn were moveu . mis
identified by the name Erickson,
was killed beneath a Southern Pa
cific switch engine here tonight.
on Liberty street. New direct
ors. I. IL Van Winkle and Dr. L.
O. Clement, qualified and will
Police, who said ho had been re- g6rTe M directors, replacing rep-
Perplexities which follow re-
seonoed. The Empire's furnishings fUBai 0f largo taxpayers to "come
were to he In nf"ony with the Un mon wCrere.
large-scalo operations of tho con- .....
corn. First, ft deep plush green tealed to Rufua C. Holman, ttato
. ... nnrrhued for all the treasurer, and members of the
office. Then private rooms were state tax commission Thursday
leased from Jail this morning aft
er being held on a chargo of
drunkenness, expressed the opin
ion ho fell of tithe engine or do-
j . .... ! . . . . . .
liherateiy inrew cimseiz unaer m
wheels, .
19 -(AP) The Klamath county
budget' committee tonight " ap
proved tho expenditure ox is&vv
for re-evaluatlon of all property
In tha county. Flvo thousand dol
lars had been requested for that
purpose by committees from tho
taxpayers' league and tho grange.
Tho budget eommltteo refused
ta cut salaries of county employes
or to recommend a . special elec
tion to nlaco S 2 5.0 00 for building
an armory In ft bond sinking fund.
resentatives of tho former con-
Hat in Hing as
. i oixicesv ines iwu
COUrt ASDirant provided for the "modest and pru- when a delegation of
w r I iiAntiv t,.M" nffleera and direct-1 sens headed bTC.L.hl
TWinitelT tossing his hat Into ors. Each official was given lee-j merchant and school director in
Definitely tossing niauku i h Minr deslenlthat citv. visited the capital In
trolling company, tho PradenUal "dk some took red. sehrch of a possible Motion, v
Bancorporatlon. lait ftf ItavtoV Thursday do- some green, some blue. All the it was pointed out at the. con-
It is probable that two addi- Stayton, Ydato for appointments of the offlee were ference that collections in taxei
uonai avectors wm u jobmju i ff. -nnntv commission-1 In harmony. The wamut aau u uescnute eoay w TT!
Tho board la busy closing ;;;b,;7t 0 the Tepublloan vot- and chairs matched beautifully, rent year sgggaU approximate
5Att; at -present Tho. davenport, provided ht: ly WMM Urn JlfJO.
its connection
tial organisation of ?ortland and Vh Porter of Silver- dividual officer woro tn keeping This situation w
will onntlnnA an lndenendent, I fUira . 7 . ... v I . Nn, -vra I ni-tlv tn th fact that too two
i ton. wno is xneciea m u cwi ww, - ... . :
- . . m. - ftv... AAwasilwsBk iawswa. nllsi Tn wnm rlHuu uiftuave
dldat to succeed nunseix inongn i in.vnpwri u i - -rr. -"L, taTaa.
I. . . .... ..VUJI.. i... .mnlt AIM nu ini kin nnx nun Ul TW !
no nas given on bo i-i.ui.u , 7 I lVv. .w their
Heater has never hoen ft can-1 Dunnes oiuces. tne w i" 'V.
dldato for public office before I furniture and fixtures rurnisnea i taxes waa oecix u
locally owned body.
-- . l ornate xor pnniu oiuc Bminmiunu - - i - , , -k
. - .a -: I jk .v.. v. v.. - .....i l I . MMmnnHnn MmmUi as. th business depression, and proD-
i- . jii...... i Atm vt. Aim-- rt I r n hi. anrMt ihai that the lit-1 sblv tho fact that their property
London Daily Mall today said was horn in tho place wmcn no luai pneo or eaca oavenpon ?Z " i..t Var
. . . . ... w i m i ii a . v ... .n I v.t-u tiAt .nt tKAA Tha I than .1 Afl ner cent last year.
mere were inaicauons tne anpao- now owns ua n ww "7 I T7."" vTm. A.i.rAi nat tho
eM army in Manchuria was pro- his life. He vrlll make further desks were likewlso costly. A Mannhetmor JJJ
r,, t ttck Chlnchow. last S statement as to what he stands smoking stand with small cup-1 failure of th mills to pay their
StrateVc point la Manchuria held tor later on when the campaign board tor tho keeping of Uot I taxes, ano r "'""' ctory, they said.
noon at t o'clock. Burial will bo
in the new cemetery at Dallas.
Mr. Dempsey, resident ot this
section for more than 40 years
and member of a pioneer Polk
county family, left his house
about 10 o'clock Tuesday night to
to to the nearby garage, which
condition In the Bend school dis- I ne operated.
trict. It was argued by the visit- He was not seen again nnw.
ors that more than $120,000 Ubout :S0 this morning when
would bo required, In addition to his son, Lynn, found nis oooy on
f nnda now available, to earo tor tho sidewalk between mo . w
the salaries, bond retirement and places. Death was due to a heart
interest obligated by the scnooi iumi. - - -
district during the fiscal school He is nT6l.b''.bi? 5
year. Tho rtate treasurer was re- and three children: Mr Mary
quested to consider a ioan to m i auui. - - "-.r"' -
school district. This is not be- ana
lleved possible, officials saia, ror
tho reason that the state treasurer
must demand speeiu securities
fixed hy law. -
One official expressed himself
as being ot tho opinion that the
reduction of the tax aeunquem
penalty from 11 to 1 per cent,
was responsible for the unsatis
factory tax situation In some of
the counties.
Members of th state tax com
Newly Married
Pair Unhurt as
Auto Overturns
Mr. and Mrs: Henry MeCoIlttsa,
while on their5 wedding Journey,
narrowly escaped serious injur
near Nowhere lata weaneeuy.
mlsoT decured tia while tax The UtamoUU IJwUjV thjj
rth.M-r wonld he I were riding skidded from thJ
ghway ; and overturned.
71" ' vT k- ha OTtdenc of ft Mr. and Mrs. Mccouum waro
by, tho Chinese.
(Turn to page I, coL J J,
g.ruxtrik. to any section able to get out of the car throngki
oTthTstito Tmost ot Uie eoun- window. Mrs. MeCoJUmjwl
thitax collections have been formerly Miss Karleno Rico.The
were mriiou u. y;