UNDERSELLING AS WE DO IN ALL LINES OF MERCHANDISE," WE HAVE BECOI Fll REPRESENTATIVES WITH STOCKS TR Men's Wool Boot Sox Red or Green top." 1 A Special : ... .. ...,1C Children's AH Robber Zipper, Golashes. . r Special . Ladies' All Rubber Golashes. Special 98c Children's Robber Boota. Special 98c 2.98 Men's Firestone Robber Boots, knee length. Special Ladies' White dym AO Shoes. Special..-.,-.... 5JOC Oxfords 70c Men's Dress Shirts. Reg. 1.00. SpeciaL.. 69 c Fast Color Print Dresses. Special 79c Ladies Felt Hats. New Fall and Winter styles. Reg. $1.49. Special..,.. 0 VC Infant's Sweaters and Bath Robes. Slightly soiled. yin att7U Special Men', it in. Men's Coat Style ... 7Qr HIGH TOP Sweaters. Special I 7C j BOOTS Men's All Wool Shaker Sweaters. O Afk Special ' Reg. 4.98. SpeciaLXi. J tbo.98 Sox. Special, pair JC " Men's White Wool v Sox. Special.. 1 4 i MEN'S HE A- n . , , . . One Lot of Men's and Boys' VY WORK SUckers and Rain AA SHOES Coats. Special: lvlf x One Lot of Men's, Women's Reg. 4.s "" and Children's Sweaters. Val- Speclal Ues to 2.98A Afi C9 fiQ ' Special JO I 3i.Oi one Scramble Table of Toys and Games. Values OQj to 1.00. Special 10 C MEN'S Ladles .Lace Back AO. DRESS Corsets. Special JOC OXFORDS Womens Ail-Wool Slip-on Sweaters. Assorted Reg. 4.95 colors. Special . JOC Special r- 80x105 Bed Spreads. Fast 9 fiQ color krinkle. 7C PUi7 Assorted colors' l3C PIS: bos 2 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 55 Only. To the .' 1A First 55 Customers, ; lllf- "KPEQUOT SHEETS $2o Cotton Baits Quilted I 72 x 90. Special 69- 81x90 One group of Ladles' All Wool Coats.' Special S - , " 2.98 RAIN COATS Ont Group. As long as they last .- 39c Nashua Blankets 70 x 80 Single. SpedaL 59c STAR1 MM NOVEMBER 20TH One Lot of Swkish As long- as Vpr las Towels- last 10c Another tor AU Women! A Special Footwear Sale for Stout Women, and ARCH SUPPORT Lowest Price on First Quality, Nationally Famous Arch Support Footwear! ALSO 500 Pairs Women's New Fall, Dress & Sport Shoes An sizes $1.89 Guaranteed to Give Comfort Patents, black kid and brown kid shoes in a wide choice of attractive styles at the moat amazing pries ever offered on women's new, first quality Arch Support footwear. A brand nationally famous for comfort and style! Sizes 4 to 8 B to EEE MEN'S & YOUNG MEN'S NEW FALL AND WINTER f r ii i . .v. I , 3 . f and $19.50 Hard Finished Worsteds Single .and Double Breasted ; New 1931-32 Models AH Fabrics 100 Pet. Woof For all ordinary business and dally, wear there's no man would need a mors correct or dressy suit or coat than these! All suits art a nationally famous brand (name . withheld) that regularly sell the country over at a far higher price! Coats are carefully tailored in the newest styles and fa vorite shades. A real clothing sale for every man! All regular sizes. Alterations free. i -Men's -DreM and Work F MolMkln, Umillta wWpord ' ant v otatr food : strong; psuats. Valuoi to 1 9ft Spoclal lion's and Toast v,; : If en's ' .' DreM Past LItnt and dark eoi ora. Sixes II to 41. Ytae'U-"0 QC 4.M. vA.Y. IfVD Men's Union Suits Winter welfnt, ions looTO, anklo lonf. aq Special 90C Men's Wool Shirts Heary full out In Bin 1 PA and khakL Special. lOif Men's & Boys' Sweaters Kayon mixed. Solid eolora. Special 1.00 Men's Coat Sweaters In Dark Gray Brown and Heather. Special 98c Men's Pajamas In fancy ttrlpea. broad cloths, alio heary out- QO lng flannel. Special ... . JOC Boys' School Cords In Brown, Bine and Cream oeior. stiea 1 1 A( to II. Special leUU Men's Leather Coats Genuine Front Quar ter Horaenlde. Value C QC to 10.80. Special U.iFU Men's Heavy Bath Robes Fancy (tripos or M QC solid colors. Spoelal xW Boys Leatherette Blazera Extra Special , 1.49 A SPECIAL APPAREL WEEK FEATURE! WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SMART NEW FALL AND WINTER H IRES- 8 II- A NEW HIGH SHADES X rllA A ) Spanish TOe Brown Jill PWA V :T A lt Persian Green Wine TSw "'tWA wi Cricket Green . Violet KtC I VIA I xog iM Wlp FROCKS FOR ALL OCCASIONS l If I Row after' row of lovely new fall dress fashions. If If IV J Scores of fasdnatinsr styles to choose from ... II I I I n 1 exact copies of expensive dress fashions. Inclnd- I I (J) Lf ed are misses sizes 14 to 20, women's sizes 8f If tj 1 to 44,-ntout sizes 46 to 62. AN OUTSTANDING VALUE IN APPAREL VALUES IS THIS REALLY FINER GROUP OF WOMEN'S AND MISSES' FUR TRIMMED DRESS AND SPORT Bouclo Weaves, All Roush Fabrics Chinchillas and Polo Coats An off erfn to the style-wise thrifty woman who has yet to boy her new winter coat. Not in years have such gar ments as these been offered at a price so low. : Choose ei ther beautifully fur trimmed coats carefully styled of the new rough woolens ' or smart sport coats. ' Now at s real Baying! All sizes'. - . - . . - mm mm -j, '' r 10c Shinok Shoe Polish 6c 25c Prufo Shoe Grease-Special 12c Canvas Shoes . Special 39c Ladies' Pare Thread Silk Hose i q Full faehloned chiffon weight Special.... xl7C Esmond Bath Robe Material Assorted new patterns. Special yard. 59c Ladies Hats New Fall and Winter Hats. Values to $5.95. j n Take your choice at $1UU PART WOOL BLANKET Part wool Doable Nashua Blankets, size 72x84, 4 inch satin binding. Reg. O QC 3.49. Special. a-.OD OUTING" FLANNEL 30 in. Outing Flannel, fine for baby things, white only. Reg. 18c yard. 1A Special, yard lvt NAPKINS Pure Linen Napkins. Hemstitched. Special 2 for 25 c LADIES' HOSE Gotham's Gold stripe adjustable top Pure Silk, full-fashioned Hose in both chiffon and service weight. Reg. 1.35. Special 95c CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS Children's Fancy striped Flannel Sleep ers, sizes 2-4-6. Reg. 79c Special 59c RAYON CREPE PRINTS 36 in. Rayon Crepe, a large selection to choose from. Guaran teed fast colors. Reg. 69c . jr Special, yard....uC TABLE N DAMASK 64 in. White Table Damask Linen finish in all the new pat terns. Reg. 1.00. Special, yard p- 69c .? " 40 In.. ff" French . Marquisette Panels Blue, Rose, Green and Ecru. Reg. 1.00. Spe cial - 2 for 1.00 KIMONOS AND r GOWNS Infants' Kimonos and Gowns in Pink and Blue trimmed with silk frogs. Reg. 50c Special 3 for LOO ' LADIES' E UMBRELLAS 16 Rib Gloria Umbrel las. Fancy handles 1 Special 2.95 !Z s s g a BRIDGE SETS HS n d : embroidered With BSplBl "tO match. Beg L00. 5pedal- JU C 86 Cin.". Indian Head? P r 1 a i. Guaranteed j fast colon. Reg. 25e. SpedaV yard .. ;;. 17c