The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 19, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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No. 203
lilUIt 1 P IKS I 1 IS Ait
Salem,' Oregon, Thnrgday Morning, Korcnber 19, 1931-
- k aeSBBa I
Jl-Tn n i-rririti urn
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Gehlhar Calls. Meeting of
'' All Persons Connected
With Thaf Industry I
Sam Kozer Becomes Director
Of Empire Firm; Prominent
Men Here Laud Its Prospects
Gathering In Portland - Next
Tuesday -Will 'Consider
11 (; Committee; Report
i Orraalxatioii of a aa Oreron
dairy council and consideration of
a . ipeclal committee on (rospects
foi1 widening the markets tor Ore-
con dairy -products, will come op
at a meeting of representatives of
all branches of the dairy indus
try in Portland next Tuesday
" The meeting was called by Max
Gehlhar. director of the state ag
ricultural department, in compli
ance with a state law which pro-
Tides that bis ouice.shan pro
mote, assist and entourage the es
tablishment of - associations and
organisations for improving ' the
market relations and services
among producers, distributors and
Gehlhar said California and
Washington already have dairy
councils while many other states
are now fostering their organiza
tion. ; He said he already had
' received letters Indicating that
virtually all sections of Oregon
would be represented -at the
Portland meeting. Producers of
, butter .cheese, milk, ice cream
and canned milk especially are In
terested in the organization of
the dairy council, Gehlhar declared.
Industry Classified
As One of Leaden
The report of the special com
mittee stressed the Importance of
the dairy industry in Oregon, and
declared that it was the dnty of
the state and its officials to do ev
erything possible to promote and
build np the market for these pro
ducts. "We recommend the establish
met in Oregon of a dairy council,"
the report read. la Aider to J.d
antej&ewelf are of the entire In
dustry soundly andconltrtretively.
organization is necessary that will
give; every latitude to educational
work. nd official cooperation and
Here's How Money Went in Great
'Serve an Empire" Promotion Pla n
CASH RECEIVED p to Jnly 81, 1931
Stock subscriptions in cash. ... . .............. I 72,138.11
Payments on stock notes receivable. ............ r. 11.C3S.68
Sale of stocks, bonds traded for stock. . . 13,439.04
Credited to accounts receivable. ...... . . . . . .'. 3,413.93
Money borrowed from Dr4-Clancy. .......... ... 4,0.0
Funds transferred .v. ..................... 3,11 .61
Miscellaneous ' cash . received .
Total cash received .V ..3133.89S.77
....... ...
:Vv"'-" - CASH PAID Bp to Jnly 81, 1981
Commissions , advanced" ...... .2
Organization expenses
Operating expenses . .
Interest nald . . . .
rmrniture and fixtures-. .................. ,v. . .
Open accounts payable. . .,
Subscriptions refunded ............... ....... ,
Funds transferred .r
Total cash receipts...
CASH In bank $ 5&59
'Stocks and bonds...
Interest accrued
Organization expenses, prepaid commissions...
I. H. Fetty, advances
Westerner Publishing Co., due for "advances"....
Furniture and Fixtures r
. 16,868.88
Total assets
Notes payable . . . .
Accounts payable . .
Salaries due officers. . . .
Stock Issued and paid . .
........ . . ... ..i
....... ium
i . ..; ... . . -
ToUt liabilities . .$205,853.61
Largest single item herein 60 shares Valley Bank
stock, Roseburg, appraised at 615,000.
This interest accrued on notes due company, principally
those given by officers and directors in lien of cash.
This Item virtually all paid for In cash, 63 of all cash
received going to salesmen, balance paying for "other
sales expense."
Van Winkle and Boyer
Among Investors
Letters in Praise
Plans, Personnel
Mount up
Editor Not : This Is the fourth of
aerie ox articles ercard vt Th
1 6 tat earn aa to expoM in detail the
methods mnlovM by the Emtrire
Holding company to sell f 109,00
wortn or wcuriUM in nine montna
throuch Oregon. Tomorrow Tha States
man will show In detail what became
of nearly 1200,600 in cash received by
tne company wnicn juit si. isai. Had
SS caah on hand I
Mott Will Take Action if
1 Proper' Reorganization
Is not Effected
FOR a considerable time, Sam
A. Kozer, two-term secretary
of state' and for four years
Oregon budget director, was an on
looker on the sidelines of the Em
pire Holding company's game.
However, when Governor Meier's
housecleanlng program had swept
l Mr. Kozer from the state's pay
roll, he did not hesitate long In
putting on his helmet and dash
ing Into the Empire Holding com
pany lineup. Kozers place In the
Empire squad was doubly assured
by the fact that he had served as
the first insurance commissioner
I of the state of Oregon from March
1, 1909 to September 15, 1911.
District Attorney Carson
. Considering Steps but
- Nof Fully Decided -
' eBaaaaaavaaBaBasa
James W. Mott, state corpora
tion commissioner, , back at his
desk yesterday from a business
trip to Medford, said be was fully
determined to demand a grand
Jury Investigation of the affairs
of the Empire Holding eonfpany
next month provided reorganiza
tion could not be effected Decem
ber 7. 1931, when the company's
shareholders meet In Portland.
"My first thought Is to protect
Insofar as possible the investors
who in all good faith put money
into this company," Mott de
clared. "There may be some sal
vage possibilities left. Bat I In
tend to see that guilty -men are
prosecuted no matter where the
blows fall."
Mott declared that the district
attorney of the county where bine
sky law violations may bare taken
place, has the right and duty to
launch grand Jury investigations
but if these are not begun, the
state corporation commissioner
Intends to send his special pros-
Distinguislied Italians Here on -i:
S:Dplomc Mis6n; Pair Feted
ow icHiiii;
On his own letterhead, on May
6T 1931, Mr. Koser writes Hon. cutorainto the ease.
a. - I m mm
u. V. uosnow. nrealdent or the I mxwon uwnaen
Empire Holding corporation, in
part, as follows:
'After carefully investigating
the personnel and proposed bus-
Takinr Some Action
District Attorney Carson when
asked by The Statesman yester
day if he would demand a grand
i Virtual Protectorate Askc3
and Other "Five Points ;
Strictly Maintained
Construed as Resumption cf
1915 Status; Leagiw
Is Facing Crisis ,-"
"- -
By P. I. UPSET JR. '
(Copyright, 1931, the .
Associated Press)
PARIS, Not. 13 Japan aband
oned all talk of compromise- Jo
night in the Manchurian conflict
At a secret session of the eous
cfl of the League of Nations, Ken
kichi Yoshlzawa, the Japanese de
legate, laid down a program of
peace conditions described , la
some league circle as tantamount
to turning Manchuria into a poll
tieal and economic protectorate el
Japan. ;
League authorities admitted
that in their peace labors the
ttood with their backs against the)
wall. The Tory survival of th
league's peace machinery was de
clared to be endangered.
U. Yoshlzawa reiterated thai
China must conclude negotiation
on an or Japan's "live points'? bo
fore the evacuation of troopsj
could begin. He declined to sp
elfy exactly what Japan meant
by her fifth point, which Is a de
Grandi and Hoover Seeking Large Crowd in Attendance 5?
Pleasant smiles adorned the eoantenancea of Dlao GrandL foreign
minister of Italy and Rignora Grandi aa-they arrtved in New York,
early this week en route to Washington where Grandi is now con
ferring with President Hoover on world politics. Tele-photo from
Kew York.
Road to Prosperity;
Confer at Length
At Silverton; Notable
Visitors Present
I lness of the Empire Holding eor-1 lnr7 Investigation of facts this
Treaty of 1015 is
Believed Reference "T'
This was taken by some of bin
IB. (Spo Ifcoflltors to mean that Japan pur
poratlon. I have concluded, with-1 newspaper has revealed, said he prerident Hoover and Foreign eial-The fourth regional Foreign l?086 10 r.orce China to recognixo
s . . . i i . . una "rM a. m m a 4 nt. a.
out hesitation, to snbmlt aa anniu I was senousiy consiaennr the I viniater Rrandl nf italv snread Missionary conference of Lutheran wc- Wl wimj .ino
cation for sufficient stock to en- I &tter. Carson said the matter I the troubled map of the world be-1 churches opened here Wednesday
title me to a directorate in the or- VM ruuy within his Jurisdiction. I fore them tonight and searched I morning for a five-day session.
ganlzatlon. I He was not prepared to make a I for a war to make it one of pros-1 The meetings have been well at-
'It would seem that there la a positive statement on his plans. I nerous neace. I tended throughout the day and
field here for investment which
the citizens of the state have over
looked, as, if anyone will take the
pains to inquire, they will find
that the business of insurance
organizations has been, unusually
profitable and. stem and not sub
ject to the great fluctuations com
mon with many other lnvest-
to provide opportunity for leaders Excellent Proaram Offered! Willamette ? Vallev" Groun's ier is Among
Hi iu uiuudu; w u.v. .vb.w. j . . n ... 1 .. . , iuvh u rrwncan
from time to time on a common
Combined Efforts
Of All Are Needed
"The industry cannot progress
as it should through the unrelated
efforts and activities of creamery
operatorsj lee cream manufactur
ers,- milk' dealers, aaury iarmers
and miscellaneous associations.
While each dlrision requires its
own stroffg organization, thought
and action in the terms of the
Industry as a who'.e in Oregon re
quire machinery to bring all in
terests together for solution of
common problems and the promo
- tlon of common interests. We re
commend that finance be provid
ed by a uniform nominal levy per
pound of product on each opera
tion "or division. -
The committee further recom
mended a study jot transportation,
flnnance, market relationships
and other problems,
Repeat at Dallas
A large audience, perhaps not
as large as it should have been to
show the proper support for a
civic asset but large enough to
show much enthusiasm, greeted
the first program of the Salem
Symphony orchestra Wednesday
night in the armory.
Director Hans Seitz and his
group of 55 local musicians from
Salem and Tlcinity, presented an
inspiring prospect for a splendid
civic symphony group if the same
nrogresa is made in the months to
come as has been made since the
first program was presented In
1930. .;--.:: .
The program Wednesday night
was presented with excellent pols.
was presentea wiin excellent
poise. There was a serious atten
tion and apparent unity of pur-
Meeting in Salem is
Well Attended
The Willamette Valley Voca
tional Instructors' association
was organized here last night by
25 vocational education teachers
from Chemawa, Salem, Albany,
Silverton. McMinnrille and Leba
non, who met at the Spa for din
ner. The purposes of the new
association are to exchange ideas.
promote efficiency in teaching,
and cooperate on mutual prob
lems. T. T. Mackenzie, director of
vocational education in the Salem
schools, was elected president of
the association. Other officers
selected were: Merrill A. Pimen
to!, industrial arts and mechanical
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
Kozer's letter, duly signed, took
its place with the other commun
ications which were to figure so
prominently in the prospectus en
titled "Letters" which Empire
Holding company salesmen were
to use most effectively in the high
roads and byways of the state.
Kozer waxed enthusiastic over
the Empire's possibilities, as he
continued In his letter.
of the state of Oregon paid pre
miums to insurance companies ag
gregating $6,520.000.," Koser'a
letter stated. "During the year
1929, a period of twenty years,
these premium payments had
grown to over $40,573,000 for
that year.
The provisions of the Blue Skv
law regarding falsifying of state
ments on corporation commission
records are as follows:
"Penalty for violation of the
BlueSkj law Is provided for in
Section 6848, Oregon Laws, as
follows: "Any corporation, part-
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
With Secretary Stimson the
two sought to define the world's
difficulties In which international
cooperation or Italian-American
collaboration could offer a solu
famous "twenty-one demands.
M. Yoshlzawa responded to ens
question by saying the Vflr
points" did not exhaust Japan's
evening. They are being conduct- demands " hasls for direct ne
ed at Trinity church until Friday, souawons, out merely gave an in
dication of the course the govern-'
ment expected to pursue in those
The first four points stipulated
by Japan were mutual pledges of
at which time they will shift to
Immannel church here.
Among the visiting dignitaries
who arrived for Wednesday's
.- meetings are Rer J CTTE. Preus lBJ "P1 wero mutual pledges or
They spoke In English,-formal I MtonMDoll. axecutive aeeretarr I non-aggression, abandonment of
tl9 f lisnt HjiB 9 aaif iiAf 1am av
11x0 1 spoke Wednesday night on the
topic of schools; Rev. N. O. Aad-
(Turn to page 2, col. 6)
111 1 MESI
SILVERTON, Nor. 18 Band
and orchestra contests, including
pupils from both the high and
junior high schools was held
hero last night. Trophies were
offered to the winners by Hy
Everdlng, Portland sportsman.
First prise for the girls was
won by Edith Knight, violinist.
playing a lullaby, by Volght, and
second prise for the boys went
tty was abandoned. Secretary
three human beings."
The conferences began early in
the day, after rignor Grandi had
concluded his stay at the secre
tary's home. Grandi and Stimson
motored together to the executive
A state dinner today at the
White House, the most sumptuous
affair on the Grandi social pro
gram, was arranged to end in a
resumption of the minister's con
versations with the president.
Many subjects stretching into
the far reaches of economics and
politics, came up. Their attention
centered principally on the
world's economic ills, with their
entanglement of lnter-governmen-tal
debts, Industrial slumps, bud
gets and disarmament.
PEIPINQ, Nov. 19 (Thurs
day) (AP) A message from
Tsltslhar received early today de
clared both TBltsihar and Angan- to have been advanced while tho
the anti-Japanese boycott. Chi
nese assurances of safety for Ja.
panose nationals and property at
competition to the Japanese own
Manchuria, and elimination e
ed south Maachurian railway.
Dr. Alfred Sze, Chinese dele
gate, who followed M. Yoshlzawa
In the council room, reiterated1
China's opposition to the "treaty"
of 1916.
"China will not pay Japan a'
political price for evacuating
Manchuria," he said. 'We refuse)
to be forced again to sign the no
torious twenty-one points of
These points, alleged by China)
tn ManrloA Win tar. )in m1vA
With these figures before one. I u.nni.. aAiA.inn "3.,n.iTi Af
it would seem apparent, without yonr Smile" on the slide trom-
arguiawK, iaai me citizens of the bone, Junior awards were riven
M in If
-rei"0"w " nlVLf: doso which compensated for the
jjranai. yregon 6w ww. ---!,iA whleh comes
""..CSTlST. ESS!? onlTto seasoned and long, in-
association: W. D. B. Dodson,
Portland chamber of commerce;
G. A. Brown, interstate associated
creameries; W. O. Me tate
chamber of eomriercer" J. D.
Mieklev dairy' division, state de
partment of agriculture, and Mar
shall N. Dana.
! tensively trained orchestra.
In the descriptive and spirited
"Triumphal Entry of the uoyars -one
caught a glimpse of the fu
ture power of the group, unity,
feeling. splrlL and developing
power were plaintly evident in
this number. The brass was es
pecially good. v " t -
The orchestra seems quite weu
balanced. More reeds would add
DALLAS, Not. 18. One hun
dred sixty members have been en
rolled In Dallas for the Red
Cross, with a prospect of 100 more
to be secured. George Gould, man
ager of the local theatre, has of
fered to cooperate with local o in
state of Oregon have been over
looking a most valuable invest
ment. It Is evidence like the fore
going that has convinced mo that
there is a great future and field
for an organization like the Em
pire Holding corporation. The in
surance companies which it will
organise and hold the stock for
to Anna Whltlock, violinist, for
the girls, and Charles Hoagland,
playing a horn, for the boys.
The trophies, which were In
the nature of small silver loving
cups, were presented by Dr. P. O.
Riley of Hubbard.
The contest was given In imi
tation of a radio program, the
- - m I mmvs wa a aww aa vsi eaaaaa
its investors. I am also convinced. I atHnn n um hain- ht.att
TiT auiy manageo, ana witniThe continuity was read by Ar-
, ""w"nuon mi ore me, taey thur Dahl. chief of police of Sll
?Li organizations verton. It was written by Hal
chl were in the possession of the
Chinese army.
Earlier dispatches from Gener
al Man Chun-Shan said that su
perior Japanese forces, with ar
tillery, light tanks and airplanes,
penetrated the Chinese lino in
two points after a vigorous attack
yesterday, but the defenders were
doing their best to hold on.
Chinese official wireless, dis
patches from Tsltslhar said fight
ing ceased at 8 a.m. today, at
which time the Chinese were said
to .have fallen back to' their main
defense line Just soutfc of and
paralleling the Chinese Eastern
railway, .
rest of the world was occuDted.
with the war, concerned the dis
position . of Shantung; railway
leasing privileges for Japan ftsi
south Manchuria and eastern In
ner Mongolia; the Joint adminio
tratlon of certain districts, aael
other matters interpreted by tho
enmese as violations of their
(AP) Gigolo is a fighting word.
Anyway that's, what a group of
sleek haired dancing escorts from I Ji-'T. ' -i.,.-. "
one of the city's leading hotels, i USKO LOntinUeS
Lesion Member
i Ty-M rAro!Cfll depth but the lack is not glaring. I anizaUons by giving a benefit
tsJOll I nCreaSCU. lTh nresmtitlan of "Tanhaueser I performance the evening of No-
.v March" proved how . well the rember 25. Every effort will be
Two hundred paid-up member- "weak links" had been com pen- made to fill the house for both
ships for 193 are expected to be sated for by instruments avail- shows, as the proceeds will be of
reported when Capital post No. 9. ablo. With time and "work, these material assistance in relief work
tM.riMn-Urton ' meet next weaknesses will bo corrected and this winter.
Tuesday evening, according to I the supporting public, will feel I To perfect some plan -for the
William BliTen, post adjutant. The I moro than repaid tor paUent JcentrallzaUon of all relief-work,
mfr,Am at 140. an in-I waiting. la meeting of represeaUtives from
rpae or five since Monday. The I An added feature of much I all organizations in Dallas, the
membership drive teams will hold j beauty- Wednesday night was the churches, schools, lodges, clubs.
wiTi-k -Jii I- - organixauons verton. it was written by Hal a favorite of the movie stars, n ry
S I T2lum? f CamPDU. Mr. Campbell received contend. They presented a reeo- Residence Here
(Turn to page 10, col. 1) much praiso for the writing 1 ration to Ben L. Frank, manager I rT .
Girl Loses Foot
When Streetcar
Runs Over Her cleTender
wmcn was aone excepuonaiiy i oz the California Hotel Men s as-1 Tusko continues a resident of
wmi, uu unciTsu ui m wiu- sociauon, tooay asaing uu . no I Salam aaeaaaa hti ownara ara
mendation whleh was received, j find a more fitting term for them. I afraid ho might get his feet wet, !
Eugene Field auditorium was thoj Whenever they start to dance and that big back of his, if they
scene, for the program. All radio I witb some nice ? portly matron I transnorted' him to Portland in
equipment was furnished by Mr.lwno, bat for them, would have I the rain. His eventual removal to
. .f.r. nTt Monday nixht In I presentations of guest soloist.
tho office of R. H. Bassett, in the j Miss Barbara Thome of Portland.
. SUto Savings 4k Loan, building. 1 (Turn to page 3, coL 1)
Numerous Awat ds Given
Boy Scout Honor Court
Legion, etc., has been called for
Monday evening, November 23, In
tho chamber of commerce rooms.
It Is hoped to secure some place
where all supplies of food and
clothing can bo stored - and given
out as needed, with someone from
tho various groups In charge on
specified days.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Not. 18.
(AP) Dorothy Peterson. 20. suf
fered tho loss of one toot tonight
i as a result of being struck by one
street car and thrown under tho
; wheels of another. Her foot was so
badly crushed amputation was
necessary. .
It required SO minutes to re
move Miss Peterson from under
the street car. Five men In tho
crowd that gathered after the ao-
Boy of Eleven
Admits Theits
Of Many Autoi
I no one with whom to dance, they
said, someone whispers "Gigolo
and everybody near snickers. I
Frank said ho appreciated their
position and . announced prize
for tho best suggestion for a
name for tho dancing young men. purpose.
tho downriver city, is assured.
however as tho trucking charges
already have been paid. .
He will bo lodged there through
out the winter In an airplane han
gar especially fitted up for tho
TACOMa. Wash.. Not,
(AP) Tacoma police arrested
their youngest automobile thief
cident obtained automobile Jacks year-old boy. apprehended as 'he
and raised tho 27,6000-ponnd car drirlnr n ear awar from its
Organizations Obtained
' At ' tho next ' to the last Boy
Scout ' honor court ; for - the year,
held last night at the eourthouse,
S3 boys received awards "of Tarr
ing degree. H.H. Bel, state su
premo court Justice, presided and
T. C. Rbake served as clerk and
master ; of ceremony.? The court
room war crowded with parents
and Scouts. . . '"
Rules of te Cascade area troop
award contest, which, ;will begin
... .. . 'C. . V
witn, the uecemoercduii ui
or and end with- tho May court,
were outlined, to tho boys. . The
UOOP , Snowing am groawB T
oentago of boys advanced and ac
cepted at the courts will be girt
an engraved plaque., ;, ;,-
Tho f oUowlng boys last ftlgnt
received awards: :ii;..v..r;
Life ScoutMyron Fouke, Sa
lem troop 12, and Marion Palmer,
. -pllverton. troop X0.:--rv
x Star Scout Joe Meaner, Salem
: Robert Clarke, ' troop
Charles Fully, , Dallas
troop 1;
13, .and
troop 27. . ; -
First class merit badges Rob-
Lert Clarke, troop 18; Wallace
Sprague, troop 9; Gordon Black,
12; Myron Fouke, 12; Gene Tow
er, 9; Wallace Tower, 9 1 Marlon
Palmer, 20; Claire Jarrls 20; Mac
Ross, Silverton 23 i William To m
lson. 23: Ralph Langley. 23; Glen
WahL 23 ; Don Chriatensen, 33 ;
Joe GuthrteZ.4; isiwyn. itoDinson,
24:Charles Fully, 7,' ana Wil
liam Townsend, IX. "-"
Second Iass merit baages
William Poster, 13; Oren McDow
ell, 12 ;i Rupert Park, ii; saemn
Hewltt,s 10 Benny wonnaoo,
Werner Chilberg, X3r Arnold Ot
gen, X3; Cliff Moreland, XT, and
.Max mvtwilii-
v Second class badges Kirk Bell,
t - lfelvin Hewitt, JOt Benny
Wives of Lions
In Relief Work
K l i . .
The wives, of Lions club mem
bers who last bight attended the
club's "ladies night" banquW,
held a . business session and de
cided that this winter at their aft
ernoon meetings they .would sew
articles of clothing for, needy per
sons of. Salem." The clothes will
be. turned over to the Community
Serrieo committee for distribu-
UUU. - i
In other years these meetings
were purely, social,, . - -
(AP) Edwin George Roeder, 40,
an ' employe of tho Lost River
enough to permit her removal
Two ambulance men crawled be
neath the car and extricated her.
parking place-
Elimination of tho discord
among Salem charitable organix-
Casualties Run
Into Thousands
Is Tokyo Word
TOKYO. Nor. 19 (Thursday)
(AP) A Rengo news agency
dispatch - from Harbin said that
General Man Chan-Shan's casual
ties in yesterday's fighting ran In
to thousands. . " - . ' i
One report put tho total at
4,000 but; tho number of killed
was not set forth. These figures
were attributed to Chinese sour
ces.' .',: ,J .' - 1
A Taonan dispatch" to the news
paper Asahl said a hospital train
Anganchl passed through
Tho boy. whose name Is being I atlons is tho expected outcome of
withheld, admitted ho has stolen I a meeting yesterday noon of tho
rive automobiles in recent months I executive committee of coramun
and said he stole his first earhty Serrieo and representatives of
when he was nine years old He I the Salvation Army, Associated
Implicated another;rboy, ' declared
his confederate designated which
ears were to bo stolen and would
meet him 'later at a prearranged
place. r . 4 v . ' . ; , .
i - .... v
dalrr. hurled himself to his death t from
under the wheels of a . freight I the city and on it were 60 wound-
ifthnaor XX t Erin KcQreeTy, Falls I train hero tonight, tho coroner re- ( ed soldiers and the bodies of 49
Swxfl'and Grant Adams; SO. 'ported. Ko motly aj adTance. others. :v
BEATTLE, ot. 18A-(AP)
The eoasft guard radio icetr
ed message Into tonight say
ing tne . steamer El Beguado
waa omt of control near tho No.
8 baoy tn too Columbia river.
tTbo meaaage came from' tho
Astoria coast smard kiatioa and
said that the nier SaohomislL
and n nearby life savins station
baa - been ; notified at - 11 44
Charities and tho American Le
gion serrieo committee. ; -, v
; Eight rules to govern tho rela
tionships of tho several organ
isations were accepted by the rep
resentatives; : .
1. Each organization reoelvtnsr
funds from : Community Service
shall cooperate with tho Service
executive committee to avoid oup-
lieatlons in relief work. Commun
ity Service shall provide cienca
Tialn r tntm Durnose. wiw iu
salaries donated by Salem bus
iness men.: . ' f-"r- .
"Four organizations snau re
tva -aid from - Community : Ser
vice: tho Associated Charities, tho
SalvaUon Army, the American Lo
tion and tho Legion auxiliary er
... a. ... ;r- - -...
.TWO COiilMlimrpo. . i- i
Relief for 10 moro of tho tit
men registered at the U. S. em
ployment office here for emergen
cy state and county-work y eater
day was promised when tho
perlntendent of Silver Creek FaBo
state park requested of Agent Stst
Phillips the names of as many,
men. They will bo put to work at
constructing and improving trails
in the park.
Twenty men largely from -611-rerton,
and most of them mar
ried, yesterday were registered at
tho employment office.
While the approximately XXI
men working out of tho offJeo
now are working on a two week ,
a month basis, it is feared sows)
they will bo reduced to one week's
work a month la order to-aBow
more men to hare Jobs, according
to Agent Phillips. James Smitb.'
count commissioner, and FraaX;
J ohnson, roadmaster, yesterday
8. A. 8100 account for' emer
gency relief shall bo provided by I intimated this to the agent.
Community . Service tor eacn oz
tKu. . wlitrh tn
turn ahall be required to submit I 'PftnrjfiJ Child 7
nnittlnn to the service. I " Jf V'Jr
4. Community Service snau re- Hunlthv IVAicfhc?
serve tho rizht to check on any '
relief cases for which it contrib
utes funds, although it will not
necessarily check on ail such
In at 7 Pounds .
I. In no case snan easn be do
nated - to ndbdy persons, food.
NEW YORK, Not. 18 (API -
A robust son heir to -one- for
tune . In . leather and another fa
elothmr: prober supplies shall UsTra. t'to
do given uwieaa. Geno Tunneys. ; . v
, All records: concerning per- Tn first thU tn reurel
sons given aid shall bo the prop heavyweight boxing champion and
erty of the Service executive com- former Polly Lauder, Cars,
mlttee for future use. gio heiress, i weighed more thea
- TV Tho Serrieo shall make a seven pounds and was described
monthly accounting of Its funds M . an, exceptionally, healthy;
to tho public IU moneys- shall be youngster. - ... -
used only, for. relief work. : . -Both mother and son were "do-
X. ' All other questions arising ling periectiy,' sam ur. uenjamia
eoneemlng relief funds and prob
lems shall be brought up at '
(Turn to pagt X, coL 9X7."
P. WaUon director of the swept-"
taL Smiling bis satisfaction TnnW
ney remained nearby, -