PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, ; Oregon, Wednesday Morning. November 18, 1931 Society News and Glub Aff OUVE M. DOAK, Society Editor, "At Home" Will - Be Surprise Affair The many Salem friends ot Mr. and Mr. E. Hofer of Dnnthorpe irW be delighted to know that a surprise "at home" is being plan ned In compliment to the golden wedding of Mr. and Mr.-Hofer Saturday afternoon between the hours of three and six o'clock- at their Dunthorpe residence, 715 Riverdale avenue. The plans are being worked out by the children of Mr. and iMrs. Hofer, Mr. and Mrs. Allan IByn on. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hofer. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKin nle Hofer all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs . Frank Jerome, also well known In Salem, are here from 'Chicago and will assist in the cel ebration. The latter returned ' from the east with the Hofers Sunday. ' During the first hour Mrs. C. D. Gahrielson and Mrs. R. J. Hen- ' dricks will preside at the tea ta ble: durinr the second hour Mrs. John Carson and Mrs. Mary Ho fer will preside at the tea table. A group of Salem maids will assist In Serving. The Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hofer are being asked to call during the "at home" houra. Hi Lo Club is Entertained J4r. S. B. Matthis was hostess at her home Monday evening in compliment to members of the Hi Lo club and its husbands. Cards were in play for several hours .with winning scores held by Mrs. A. E. Vfickert and W. J. Lee and second to Mrs. W. J. Lee and A. E. WickerL Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. William Craig, Mr. and , Mrs. W. J. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. ' J. G. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ring wald, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sande, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wickert, and Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Matthis. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Bert Pitcher, December 1, and this will be a one o'clock luncheon followed by an. afternoon of bridge. The annual luncheon of the La dles Aid society of the First Pres byterian church which is to be an event of one o'clock today will be followed by a regular business meeting and program. Miss Mar tha Floer veill be the soloist for the program A social hour will ' follow the program. All women : of the church' are being asked to attend the luncheon meeting which through custom has be come a memorable occasion in the church social life each year. Pattern SOCIAL CALENDAR Wednesday, November 18 Salem Symphony orchestra, S:15 o'clock, In ar mory; Miss Barbara Thorne, assisting soloist. , Reception for new members and old members or tho North Salem W. C T. U., fireplace room of Jason Lee church; program, social hour, refreshments; 7:39 O'clock. . The South Circle of the First Methodist church, with Mrs. B. Earl Parker." 2:30 o'clock. Special guests will be entertained. Naomi circle of First M. E. church, with Mrs. J. W. Beckley, 166 North 21st street. , Woman's Foreign Missionary society, Leslie M. n. church. 2 o'clock; Mrs. Anna M. Shank, 1550 South Li jerty street. - w Sweet Briar club, with Mrs. Karl Kugel; meeting dare advanced one week on account of Thanksgiving. South circle of First Christian church, with Mrs. F. A. Philpot. 1160 S. Liberty street; all-day meeting, wit h covered dish luncheon at noon. Mrs. Wayne Barham. hostess to Woman's Union of First Congregational church; 2:30 o'clock. West Way circle of First tf. E. church with Mrs. Ronald Glover, 635 North Winter street; 2; 30 o'clock. Tew Park circle, guests of Mrs. B. E. Parker, at her home on State street, at 2:30 o'clock. South East circle of First Methodist church, with Mrs. G. W. Eyre. 2093 Mill street, 2:30 o'clock. Lincoln Parent-Teachers association.- at school building, 7:30 o'clock; program and exhibit of "Nimble Needles 4H dub". , , Thimble Bee club of Maccabees. 2 o clock, with Mrs. Georgiana Breedlove. and Mrs. Florence Borson, 780 North 17 th strett; work on basaar goods. "Thursday, November 19 Members and wives of El Kazar Grotto, card and social evening at Masonic temple. Rural Woman's club, at Rickreall; election of dffl cers and business meeting in morning session; C. A. Howard, state superintendent of public Instruction, speaker in afternoon. Federated Patriotic Orders banquet, 6 o'clock, in Y. M. C. A. Election of officers; program. Chapter G of P. E. O. Sisterhood, one o'clock lunch eon with Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Faculty Women's club cf Willamette university, with Mrs. W. C. Jones. Hayesville Woman's club, Mrs. Burr Teal. Mrs. Russell Catlln, hostess to members of the O. T. club. Brush College Helpers with Mrs. Oliver Whiting. Women's society ot Calvary Baptist church, in church parlors, 2:30 o'clock. Meeting changed from Friday. Past Presidents club with Mrs. Bertha Loveland. 405'South 25th street; large attendance Is urged. Gnest day. Roll call with Armistice day or Thanksgiving Quo tation. Fidelis Sunday school class, entertained at home for Mrs. T. W. Da vies. 941 Cottage street. 7:30 o'clock. All members urged to be present. Mother's club of Leslie Junior high school Parent Teacher association. 2:45 o'clock; tea at 4 o'clock. Calvary Baptist Woman's society, in social rooms of church; 2:30 o'clock. Woman's Benefit association, at Woman's club house. 8 o'clock. Zonta club of Salem will meet for a business din ner meeting at 6:30 o'clock in the Marion hotel. Friday, November 20 Mrs. A. C. F. Perry, hostess to Woman's Auxiliary to St, Paul's Episcopal church; Misa Elizabeth Baker, national council member, will be Bpeaker. Mr3. George Smith, luncheon hostess and social aft ernoon for members of Grand Army of Republic, U. S. Grant circle, at her home on North Fifth street; date changed from Thursday. Alliance Luncheon of Unitarian church in church parlors; one o'clock; program to follow. The Auxiliary to the United Spanish War Veterans will meet with Mrs. Charles McKinley, 1810 Trade street. West Side circle of Jason Lee church, work meet ing, with Mrs. J. L. Busick, 1520 North Fifth street; 2 o'clock; work for Associated Charities. Thursday Club to Be Luncheon Guest Mrs. Harry Hawkins will enter tain with a smart luncheon and bridge afternoon Thursday In compliment to her Thursday bridge club and one additional ta ble. The aff air will be siren In the Marion noiei. Special guests will be Mrs. Ed Baker, Mrs. Frank Jordan of Se attle, Mrs. James Linn, Mrs. T. A. Llvesley, Mrs. Otto Johnson, and Mrs. W. H. Ly tel. Club members are Mrs. David W. Eyre, Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs. George Rodgers, Mrs. Frits Slade. Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr.. Mrs. John McNary, Mrs. Wii liam Walton, Mrs. Frank Snede- cor, Mrs. Henry Meyers, and Mrs. Hawkins. Fidac Program is Interesting v By ANNE ADAMS This model is the creation' of a designer who knew just what . lines to . emphasize and what carves to hide on the not-too-slim ' figure. The becoming surplice, the graceful rever and collar, the stunning sleeves and the careful skirt seaming combine to make a beautiful frock for every day time, occasion. The original was fashioned of black canton crepe. the rever and collar were green satin, me vestee was of cream lace. ; The belt tab Is lined In : green.- Buckle and buttons are rhinestones. Pattern 2248 is obtainable only in sizes 34. 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 38 requires 3 7-8 yaras . inch f ahrie, 1 yard. 32 inch ' contrasting. No , dressmakv iag experience is necessary to . make this model with out pattern: ; . aten-oy-step instruction dia grams-given -with this pattern. County P. T. A Institute December 1 The Marion county Parent Teacher association meets twice a year, a tail ana spring meeting. The fall meeting for this year will be December 1, in the evening beginning at 7:30 o'clock in the chamber of commerce rooms. The last such meeting was held in Silverton this past spring. Mrs. Virginia 'Kletzer of Port land, former state P. T. A. presi dent, will address the group on the subject of the "Children's Charter," which was one of the accomplishments of the Washing ton, D. C child welfare conference. An election of a new president will be part of the business meet ing for this evening session. The election was made necessary be cause of the resignation of the present president, Robert Getz of Silverton. There will also be re ports of the presidents of the vari ous associations of the county. Silverton Mr. and Mrs. E Young senior entertained at din ner Sunday noon for Mr.- and Mrs. E. Young Junior. A color scheme of pink and white was car ried out with pink, chrysantheh- mams, pink tapers and in the dessert. Two lovely cakes had been baked for the occasion by Mrs. Frank Rahn. Covers were placed for the two couples and Seas fifttH nU la taiaa ar Upi ( co in i preferred), for aaA patten. Writa plaaly yoar aaaia. ; adarasa aad atria . aaaibee. Ba J T?., waate.- Tha.; aw fall catalog It aaw ..vaady. It fiatorat taa ia rtaraooa, aparte , ao4 aooaa , ft "batttla. Pajaaaa Sad kid- Iaa' alathaa. AUa daligatfal if T Mtzaatioaa la aeeeaaary aad traaa Jar aattaraa, Prtea af ettalac ; 1 ft ecata. Catalog with pat twenty ftva eaata. . Add rata ! ta Taa Statea V Department, - 14 ,waa 17ta alraaV Naw Tori City. . Parent-Teacher Study i Club to Meet The American Legion auxiliary presented an Interesting Fidac program Monday night In McCor- naek hall. Fidac represents "good will" and the program, which was broadcast over a miniature broadcast system with "Rufe" White doing the honors of an nouncer, represented the various countries which were involved in the World war. Following the program refresh ments were served and a social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. O. E. Pal mateer. Mrs. Glen Porter, Mrs. R. F. Budrow and Mrs. King aBrtlett made up the refreshment commit tee. Mrs. Rodney Alden and Mrs. Dodge, president of the Woodburn auxiliary, were special guests. Taking part in the program were: Mrs. Yvonne Richardson, rep resenting France; Mrs. Elbert Bradford, for Czechoslovakia and Jugoslavia; Mrs. Glen Porter for Roumania; Mrs. Fred Waters and Mrs. A. N. Johnson, for Bel gium; Miss Helen White, for Eng land; Mrs. Johnson for Italy; and Mrs. Charles Duval and Mrs. Den nie Stevenson . for the United States. Static was given in repre sentation of Portugal and Poland, The program was directed by Mrs. Dennis Stevenson. Refreshments were served by a committee composed of Mrs. O. E Palmateer, Mrs. Glen Porter, Mrs. R. F. Budrow and Mrs. King Bart lett. An Interesting study class la the Leslie Mother's club which will meet Thursday afternoon in the- school at 2 : 4 5 o'clock. The "Children's Charter", outline re sult ot the findings of the recent Child congress held In Washing ton D. C. Is forming the basis for the study periods with additional study material. The Thursday meeting will be a discussion ot The Challenge, to Elucation", section 19, 11 and 12 ot the char ter. Additional program material! will be music and roll, tall, the later to be answered to be the name ot a book, or request for a book that would be excellent to read. This will be in compliment to national book week. Mrs. Dan McCleilan will talk on "What is Parent Education All About?" Other talks will be "Reading for Leisure" by Mrs. R. G. Brady, and "Our Children's Reading" by Mrs. H. N. Hunsaker An open discussion will be held on the subject of "The Newspaper In the house, what Is Its value for children?" Mrs. Edward F. Underbill will present the poem "A Gift to Child" and a splendid display of books for a mother's reading will be presented by Mrs. V. R. Griggs. A tea hour will follow the pro gram. Mrs. David Bennett Hill and Mrs. LeMolne Clark will be hostesses for this hour. The tea hour is set for 4 o'clock. All mother's of the school are. Invited to come and Join the gropp. BRIDE .v-w. .- V l'iBHSlf. - v-"'- - a : i 1 " sic and- fouowin'tv the "program 1 Informal JTea i V ' i. therrwin be a tea Hour. Mrs. E.I - v. - ' ;:.", T. Barkus, Mrs. Ray Farmer, i ornpiimcnw i v Mrs. Glen Gregg, and Mrs. Charles charmingly Informal tea was rtaria are the hostesses xor u ai- i .v.. muji which Mrs. u. ternoon. All women of tbe congregation are invited to attend this meeting. War Mothers Have - Tea Meeting . The social rooms of the Amer- can Lutheran chnrch were Mrs. Henry McCoUum, nee Karlene Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Rice, who be came the bride of Mr. McCol- lum in a quiet ceremony Mon day at 11 o'clock at the Rice home. Mr. and Mrs. McCoU lum are now away on a wed ding trip but will be at home after December 1 at their home in West Salem. Photo by KenneU-EUis. for Miss Blanche Young, a stu-Reed. dent at Oregon State college. The young people were recently married and returned Wednes day night from a wedding Jour ney. Following the Sunday am- ner the Youngs took Miss Blanche back to Corvallis. Mr. Young is with the Red and White store at Silverton. Mrs. W.REliis Plans CarH Series Mrs. W. P. Ellis will entertain with a series of three card parties this weekend Friday afternoon a delightful bridge tea is being planned with cards in play at nine tables. Friday night the husbands and wives will be included in a bridge evening party at the Ellis . home with cards in play at eight tables. Again Saturday night cards will be in play at seven tables at the Ellis home. Brooks Miss Thelma Reed entertained a group of her school mates with a party in her home Saturday night. The guests were: Miss Beulah Otto, Miss Mary Clark, Miss Dorothy Nelson, Miss Hattie Aspinwall, Miss Arleta Wood,'- Miss. Lois Lavett, Miss Vera Sears, Miss Lela .Wood, Joe Hermy, : Charles Hess, . Doll Orr, Bob Ramp, Arthur Sqsee, Eddie Arata, Oren Stnrgls, Charles Hut te,.Mitchel. Lowery, Osborn Alli Bon', John Hutte, Theodore Low ery, and the hostess. Miss Thelma Looking Nice in House Dress Not All Question of Expense Attractive Ones not Costly Ready Made; may Harmonize With Surroundings : By OEM A McINTYRE After Miss High School's and the Campns Co-ed's wardrobes hare been planned and purchased, causing Father to close his check book with a final sort of snap, Mother begins to wonder what she is- going to wear this winter. At first, she feels terribly blue about it. Then being a stout hearted lady,- she begins to try to figure out a wlner wardrobe on practically nothing. ;:; ,-!' 7 The girls haye frowned on aer house dresses for so long ; that she feels as it she really meat do something about them. ; All of them are so faded that she de cides to get a piece of material and make up one or two.. :. I'm sure, though, .that when she looks around a bit la the stores she will find that she can buy them just ' as-' inexpensively ready-made, and such - nice gay looking ones. Some have the motl perkiest flares and rnffles. Yon know, there . is nothing that' win make housework seem less like a dull routine than nice dress' to work In. And now that ' houses have . blossomed out In colors it's v marvelous idea to hate Jaouse : dresses .to harmonise with woodwork. .How - could . you belp but' feel friendly towardT a little bouse that Is dressed up In the very same color thai yon ae. We hare so many laws anyway that one more wouldn't hurt, so X think there should be one mak ing housekeepers get at least two new house dresses a year. .. When the Fond Husband comes home and sees a lady dressed In a brand new; gown, .that corrsa ponds entirely -with-, his. Idea ; of what a charm Ins wife r should wear and all. for the magnificent sum of around I2or S3, it will probably , bs much easier to per sude him of the other and pres sing needs that mother has in the Y. I. D. Dancing Club Opens Season Independence The Y. I. D. dancing club opened the season with a charming party followed by a business session and election of officers at the armory Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Mattison were the hostesses. New officers are Prof. Paul E. Robinson, president, Mrs. Harri son Brant, vice-president, Mrs. Ellen Davis, secretary and W. H. Cockle, treasurer. The membership includes: Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Robbie, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Sloper, Mr. and Mrs. George Carbray, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cockle, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Brant, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. George Knott, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mattison, Mr3. Ellen Davis. Paul E. Robinson, and Mr. "and Mrs. Harry Keeney. Hostesses for the next party will be Mr. and Mrs. Carbray, Professor Robinson and Mrs. Davis. o Liberty The Liberty Wom an's club will meet for their social afternpon Thursday, November 19th at the home of Mrs. R. A. Erixon. The program will be in charge of the civics committee ot which Mrs. Al Brown is chair man. The topic will be "Interna tional Relations." All ladies of the community are Invited to at tend. The hostesses for the af ternoon are Mrs. R. A. Erxton, Mrs.,W. J. Fair, and Mrs. Charles Ruggles. Mrs. J. Burton Crary was host-. ess Monday anernoon to me Woman's social ' club of the Da kota club. A business meeting was held and it was decided to hold the next evening meeting- of the Dakota dub , December 2 ai the home of. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Siewert. Each number attending is asked to have a program num ber to contribute. A potluck din ner will be served at 6:30 o'clock. The disabled American Veter ans will sponsor a social meeting Wednesday night in the armory at which time the wives of the Veterans will be .complimented. The hour has been: set for 8:00 o'clock. A short business meeting will precede ' the social hours. Crds and a program -will he en- Joyed and refreshments will be served late In the evening. . a , - a State President of W. R. C. Visitor Independence Mrs. Josephine Endlcott of The Dalles, state de partment president of the Wom en's Relief corps, was the guest of honor at the meeting of the W. R. C. at Campbell hall Saturday night. Other guests included: Mrs. Dollie M. Brown, president, Mrs. Eva Young, conductor, Mrs. Ollle Minor, guard, all of Ellsworth No. 7 Woman's Relief corps, Corval lis, and Mrs. Charlotte Sparks, a new member of the Corvallis W. R. C. and a sister-in-law of Mrs. Endlcott. The department president ex plained the work of the local corps and also gave many inter esting Incidents of her trip to the national convention in September of this year. The meeting was followed by a luncheon at which covers were placed for the guest of honor, the visitors from Corvallis, Mrs. Maud Bidgood and the following mem bers: Mrs. Ella M. Hart, presi dent, Mrs. Ester Morgan, Mrs. Bessie L. Grover, Mrs. Minnie M. Fetzer, Mrs. Mina Scrafford, Mrs. Livinia Nicholson, Mrs. Lura Ar rell, Mrs. Olivia Fluke, and Mrs. Luccata Quarsdorf. a a y .nmniinintd Mrsr E. Hoier r : : - . m r.. of Portland and Mrs.-oyro ton. of Santa Rosa, v;aui. day afternoon at the Bishop home on Court street.- 4 Mrs. Houston has neon zwv of Mrs. D. C. Minto while Tlsit- ing 'In Salem " during ine pi few weeks, and last week she spent In Portland as the. guest of beautifully arranged with, a pro- -r-" Hafe, several delightful fusion of flowers Tuesday arier-1 nM htb la Salem for .UfBB -- -- . , noon In compliment to the tea meetinr of the American war Mothers.' ' . . - . . . - . . . . The tea tawe ai wnicn rs. r-- .-ft i borne in Valleda Ohmart and Mrs. Clars A " ?jifiJ??J Farmer presided was centered 1""' ".7 Mrs. Houston before she left for Portland. Thw tea Monday was the last thinrM compliment her with a basket of fruit, suggestive of Thanksgiving time, and on either side were lighted tapers. Miss Rnth Bedford gave a group of lovely piano numbers in comnliment to the Motners. In a short business meeting it was decided to sena two targe baskets to two needy families and also to send the customary $20 aent each year to the Veter ans' hosoltal in Portland. Tha three state officers Who belong to this chapter were In troduced Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, president, Mrs. A. A. Lee. vice president, and Mrs. F. A. Erlxson. secretary. Mrs. Amanda Mollencop, Just returned from a pilgrimage to France, spoke. most interestingly of her trip. Three gold star mothers, Mrs. Mollencop, Mrs, Jennie Martin and Mrs. came O'Neil were seated at the guest table at the tea hour. a a Mwt Hofer and Mrs. Houston presided at the tea tables Monday afternoon. .Mrs. J. A. Bishop and Miss Elizabeth Bishop asBisteu Mrs. C. P. .Bishop. Guests for the afternoon were: Mrs. Blaine McCord, Mrs. i a. Shorey and Mrs. Fran setue mier, all of - Woodburn. Mrs. Douglas Minto", Mrs. W. P. Bab cock. Mrs. .EL C. Cross, Mrs. George Brown. Mrs. Carey Mar tin. Mrs. .George Downing, Mrs Edgar Hartley. Mrs. ti. xj. I , . w-ae.t bT rielson, MS. wiiuam aiciau. xir. J. A. Bishop, Mrs. ueorge i-earce, Mrs. William McGIIchrlst. Jr., Mrs. Gordon McGIIchrlst. Mrs. Bollinger, Mrs. Sherman Thomp son. MS. JOHn A. Thomas LarKin wiuitmi, R. G. Brady. Mrs. Roy Burton. Mrs. Max Buren and Mrs. K. H. Pickens. Scotch Program Featured The feature program given be fore the Rebekah lodge Monday night was presented by the local Scotch dan of which Mrs. Wil liam Calder is manager. The I. O. O. F. hall was decorated to harmonize with the occasion. Scotch broom was used in profu sion and both the Scotch and American flags were draped in decorative effect about the rooms. The program included numbers by the Kiltie band, the person nel of which is Joha Charge, An drew Henderson, Arthur Hutch esoo Wallace Imus, James Mc GIIchrlst; vocal solo, Robert Hutcheson; Highland Fling and sword dance, danced by John Charge and accompanied by An drew Henderson on the bagpipe. William McGilchrist. Jr., and William McGilchrist, Sr., each sang vocal solo, presenting well known Scotch songs. H. Isher- wood, A. H. Hilton and Wallace Imus made up a tiio which pre sented several musical numbers T. S. Mackenzie sang a Scotch solo and later he and Mrs. W. J Linfoot sang a duet accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth Dalton. Piano solos were played oy Henry Isherwood and Robert Hutcheons and as interesting bagpipe duet was given by John Charge and Andrew Henderson. The committee in charge of the program was Mrs. Lois King, Mrs. Elsie Townsend, and Miss Wilda Siegmund. This group has charge of the November program for the Rebekah contest which is now going on. The November 23 program will be a "harvest home" dinner and this followed by a selected group of numbers. Lincoln Parent Teacher to Meet The Lincoln Parent-Teacher association will meet tonight in the school building at 7:30 o'clock. A special program has been arranged and there will be an interesting exhibit of hand work done by the "Nimble Need les" club of the 4-H workers. Mrs. C. T. Harrington is 4-H club leader. All parents are urged to attend the meetings. A contest is being conducted in which the pecent- age of parents and friends pres ent representing the children in each room will be counted at each meeting. At ttie end of the year the room being most largely represented in attendance by parents and friends during the year's P. T. A. meetings will be presented as a permanent posses sion a flower basket. This bas ket will be in possession during the year for a month at a time of the room having tho most attend ing parents during the month's meetings. Program Planned for Baptist Women Eight women of the Calvary Baptist Women's society will im personate the eight missionaries of the church supported! by the Columbia River district, at the re gular meeting of the Women's so ciety meeting Thursday at 2:30 o'clock In the church parlors. There will also be special mu- Independence hold of Modern Music" was the lesson topic of the Delphlans, who enjoyed the following program at the Asa E. Robinson home Mon day afternoon: "The Anglican Litany," Mrs. C, O. Sloper; "Some Famous Musi- clans." Mrs. D. A. Hoag; "Virginal and Other Music," Mrs. L. I. Bur- sell; "Predecessors of the Opera; Mrs. E. y. Ebbert: "VIctrola Mu sic," Mrs. A. E. Robinson; "Fa vorite Hymns." Mrs. E. M. Won der. Miss Mabel Riddell. Mrs. H. Mattison: book review. Mrs. H. W. Harmeler: "Simmery ." Mrs M. J. Butler; European travel ogue, "Sis tine Chapel in the Vat! can and Churches of Rome," Mr. Delia Butler: instrumental music. Russian Melody," and "To a Wild Rose." Mrs. H. McHale. a ' a Wallace Road The Sweet Briar club will be entertained Wednes day, November 18, at the home of Mrs. Karl Kugel on the Wallace Road. The meeting is being held a week ahead of the regular schedule in order to not conflict with Thanksgiving holiday plans, a a Brush College. Mrs. Oliver Whitney, president, will be hostess to the Brush College Helpers on Thursday, November 19. The main feature of the afternoon will be completing work on the school bags, 300 of which are being made for the children ot the local school. Mrs. A. A. Lee to on the Thresh- Entertain Mrs. A. A. Lee will entertain members of the Lucy Ann circle of the First Methodist church at her home tonight. Members will bring their husbands and they will be entertained wun a social evening. Mrs. W. E. Kirk will speak of her trip on the Mediter ranlan ocean and of her Impres- Blon of the Passion Play. Mrs. Lee will be assisted br Mrs. Fannie Campbell. Mrs. F. DeLong and Mrs. Brashor. Guests will be received at 7:30 o'clock. a Cloverdale. Mrs. J. Fliflef of Chemawa entertained pleasantly Sunday with a 1 o'elock dinner. Covers were placed for Mr. anu Mrs. Ivan Hadley and sons, Hom er, Norvai and .Lowell, and Mr. and Mr. Arthur Kunke, Joyce and Gordon Kunke,. Palma and Osci- Fliflet 1Ve Welcarmyou ta Portland. ZOO eomfortabla each wicn back. KcaaoaaMa raaaa Coorenieac dowa4owa Infrimu Oht HOTEL CONGRESS PORTLAND, OREGON omr n. Bom. Ri idaa Uamatm- Good Charge Accounts Always Welcome at the FRENCH SHOP v Modes bf the day at POPULAR PRICES Masonic Building IIS No. High A. P. SPEEB V5v Scic A dinner followed by bridge was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Myers with Mrs J. 8. Stlchsv and Mrs. Edwhl Holl and as Joint hostesses Saturday night. High score for. the evenings went to Mrs. -A. G. Prill and Mrs. P. H. MacDonald. second to Mrs. Bulear Niche And; J. 8, Stieha. Baskets . of . yellow chrysanthe mums were nsed about the rooms: Members of Salem Lodge Nd. 1 are betnr urged to attend the regular busines meeting of the order Friday night at S o'clock la tho Woman's clubhouse at which time Mrs. Lc is Jl. Gelser will be present to address tho group; Mrs. Gelser Is national regional organ iser and will have some important thing to say to her hearers. " . Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Meyers hare as - their house guest, Mrs, i DRASTIC PRICE REDUCT IONS for New Customer Campaign We want new customers and we want to give our regular customers the benefits that we are able to obtain through market conditions. These prices will bring many new people into our store and if our old customers are wise they too will be here. TODAY, 9 A. M. Dress Coats Two groups of Dresses, Coats, all fur trimmed. Blacks and browns with furs of caracul, mink, poney, etc. GROUP 1 GROUP 2 $19 SPORT COATS.... $9.95 j. .... , s ' t New styles, all cleverly fur trimmed. Silk Dresses Flat crepes, satins and travel crepes in black; brown, nary and. red, All hew styles and patterns. ft GROUP T GROUP 1 . JL - AH Wool Knit Suits all. colors and sizes:- $7-95 : FORMAb DRESSES V Ci-epes, Satins and Taffetas in all pastel t V-CQ QK shades ,.: t ' wUmVO 155-161 N. tlbexty St. HATS New Fall and Winter Felt Eats in tUV ::YVA ; crown, naty reen -ioli U. i TV. 1. 1 t i terns, " and an of ihem- with the way of clothes,-.: Frank. Jordan of Seattle: ...