The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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Occasional rains :, today,
Riarsday . cloudy; moderate
iemperatore; ' , Max. Temp,
ruesday 40, Mln. 42, river
aS feet, rata .SO inch.
: We guar -n tee " out ear
, Her service . If your paper
doe- not arrive " by 6:80,
call - 0101 and a copy Trill
be delivered at once .
FOUMDpO 1851
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, November 18, 1931
No. 202.
Assets Estimated as Much
. Below Liabilities in
Report Issued
Headquarters Formerly in
.Salem, Investors Here
- - Numerous, Stated
A ; woefully defunct condition
in , the American Fidelity Invest
ment company's affairs was re
vealed - yesterday when Ben W.
Olcott, receiver appointed by the
Multnomah county circuit court
June 28, "1931, announced that:
the liabilities of the company to
talled 1322,973 and its estimated
total assets $42,80$.
Interest locally Is high since
Elmo S. White, .its former presi
dent and general manager, lived
here the bulk of his life, and
prior to removing the company's
offices to Portland In 18 JO, -had
the headquarters for the concern
la the old Capital National bank
building on North Commercial
street. There are a large num
ber of "Investors" In bonds and
shareholders' stocks of the Amer
ican Fidelity Investment company
In Salem and throughout Marion
Report Shows Loss
WiU be Extensive
"The thought uppermost in the
minds of all creditors is what
can be expected in the way of
returns, and when, on their in
vestments." writes Olcott. "This
cannot be answered at this time
beyond a . conjecture. The esti
mated - present worth statement
herewith submitted should give
you a pretty clear Idea of the
loss that will be suffered," Ol
cott continues.
"Olcott points out clearly to
shareholders that the majority of
"Investments" of the American
Fidelity Investment company
have little value. For example
one second mortgage of 135,000
la given on a dry farm ranch in
. Jefferson county, Oregon, prior
to which is a demand mortgage
or 132,700. Olcott has advertised
the ranch for sale at $10 an acre
which would leave a net of $7000
to apply on the $35,000 mort
gage if the place, can be sold.
"In the assets of "bonds and
stocks" listed by the company is
an Item of $95,794 of the capi
tal stock of the Acme company.
"This is worthless," writes Ol
cott. Contracts receivable total
$7190 and Olcott likewise ad
judges these without value.
Decline in Realty
Values Is Reason
Olcott farther states:
"I find the affairs of the com
pany seriously involved. A- por
tion of the monies received from
sale of installment bonds and
stock of the company was invest
ed, in real estate residences,
apartment houses and farms.
These properties, when purchased
;(Turn to page 2, coL 1)
Chester Duckwlts, paroled here
last August by Judge McMahan,
was sentenced in South Bend
Wash- yesterday morning to six
to 10 years in the state peniten
tiary for attempt to rob a South
Bend bank. ,
Duckwlts, finger print experts
at Portland discovered yesterday
was the same man who robbed the
MaeMarr grocery at 1933 State
last July 2 C. for which charge
McMahan sentenced him to the
penitentiary, then paroled him
Before the law here he gave the
'name of Charles Douglas.
: He was an honor student at a
Seattle high school and football
nlaver while ; there, 'the South
Bend courts learned.
'Public Heal
, Will be Much Curtailed
." f If the city's contribution to the
county health department stands
at the $2000 reduction which the
majority of the councilmen seem
determined to maintain, tiie a-"
"tivities of the department prob
ably will be eat to four main fune-
v trol, school clinics of lessened la
- tensity, recording of .Tital statis
tics, and state-required sanitary
, inspection. - ' " "
So stated Dr. vernon a. uoug
" las, county health officer, yester
dav. He" added that the question
f of the functions to be retained or
. 'dropped would be up to the execu
tlve committee of the department.
- would be necessitated by inch
T action on the cart of the dty, be-
; mA-ni. 1ik Minnt Miirt lit RTneriBn J
MUW . M W . I . " - -
' - to cut its appropriation in propor
i ' tlon; and ' hope of obtaining any
., - annnort whatever from the' Com-
monwealth fund would go a-gum-
'"inering.- .---s . ;- .
. in the opinion of Dr. Douglas,
... under these : reductions, which
Reducing AjjmamWts
i an Envoy
Grandi and Hoover to go Into Huddle Today on
World Issues; Visitor Hopes for
Naval Accord With France
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 (AP) Lifting armament bur
dens from the world's heavily weighted shoulders to
night assumed a dominent place in President Hoover's con
versations with Foreign Minister Grandi of Italy.
The two statesmen will draw their chairs together at
the White House tomorrow for
Succeeds Levy; Others on
Officer Staff Named,
Plan is Outlined
T. A. Livesley last eight was
elected president of the Associat
ed Charities at a called meeting
of the general board. He will suc
ceed Harry M. Levy, who recently
resigned from that position. As
well as electing officers for the en
suing year, the board considered
the matter of cooperation with
the Community Service committee.
centralizing agency for Salem
Douglas McKay, chairman of
Community Service, outlined , to
the board members the plans of
his organization. A committee was
appointed to confer with Commun
ity Service representatives relative
to harmonious relations between
the two groups.
In addition to the new presi
dent, the following persons last
night were elected to office and
installed: J. C. Perry, first vice
president; Mrs. Mae Carson, sec
ond vice-president; Rev. P. W. Er
iksen, secretary, and Judge Mark
Poulsen, treasurer.
Commfttee members elected
were: Finance Edward -Roth-stein,
chairman; R. O. Brady,
George L. Arbuckle and Mayor
P. M. Gregory, Service Mrs. Wil
liam A. Schultx, chairman; Wil
liam A. Schultx, Ray J, Stumbo
and Mrs. Carson, field secretary,
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
SILVERTON, Nov. 17 Luth
erans at Silverton are taking
great interest in the Regional
Foreign Mission conference which
will open at 10:30 o'clock Wed
nesday morning at Trinity
church. The Rev. Martin Norstad
of Minneapolis, field secretary of
the Board of Foreign Missions,
will -Introduce the general topic
for discussion taken from Math.
8:9 to 10.
The early business meeting of
the entire five days of sessions
will be that of the Oregon Cir
cuit and the Women s Mission
Federation both to be held Fri
day morning, the former to be
held at Immanuel church and the
latter at Trinity church. The W.
M. F. has arranged two programs
during the week. The first of
these will be given Friday morn
ing at 10 at Trinity church.
Mrs. H. L. Foss of Silverton
will give the address of welcome
to which Mrs. H. Rogen of Mon
Itor wiU respond. Mrs. Alvin Le-
gard of Silverton will give a vocal
solo. Speakers will be Mrs. J. D,
Runsvold and Miss Kulberg, the
latter a missionary homo from
The second of the program will
be that of Friday evening at
which Rev. George Holm, a mis
sionary to China home on fur
lough, , will give the address.
Both Trinity and Immanuel
choirs will sing. This program
has been arranged for Immanuel
church and will begin at 8 p. m.
th Activity
would total 110,500, the depart
ment would face the dronslns of
at least four members of the pres
ent staff, dlsocn tinning of all In
fant clinics, charging for immun
ization treatments, reducing lab
oratory work and milk inspection
by so. per cent, eliminating all
dental work, doing away jmlfh
rural sanitation . work, .and stop
ping : of the examination or con
tacts with tubercular patients.
Communicable disease control
would bo limited to Investigation
and quarantine of cases, school
clinics to less intensive examina
tion and nursing service; and sani
tation work to - the required In
spection of tourist camps and com
munity vwater supplies. Unless
staff members we-e so slilfted that
an inspector conld be employed in
the summer, the sanitation -work
in the hop yards and .fruit o
chards probably would be done
away, with. V:M: .r.-
- As the present ap?ropr!&tlon for
the health departmen Is $37,700.
ho cmt woull amount to 33.9 per
cent T" , - ' - ' . .
the first of a series of talks.
The foreign minister-today de
scribed .the present as "high
time" to carry the world-disarm'
ament movement to a "practical
result." He madevthls statement
at a conference with newspaper
men In the middle of a day de
voted to diplomatic formalities
and private talks with American
I think the question of dis
armament Is the most Important
existing in the relations between
countries, he said.
"It Is high i
time for everybody
to seek a
practical result."
At the outset, the minister ex
pressed his appreciation for the
cordial reception" America has
given him and said his visit was
directed toward peaceful cooper
ation among he nations with a
view to their economic recovery
and general welfare.
Asked about the possibility of
a Franco-Italian naval settle-
ment, Grandi said he was hope-
zui ror such an accord.
Italy feels such an agreement I
would be good. I hope for
practical result," he said.
Local Firms all Asked to
Name Representative to
Aid Raising Fund
Mailing of 1200 letters, com
pleted yesterday cron, to bus!
ness. proiessionai ana emc or
ganizations of the city began the
financial campaign of the Com
munity Service committee, cen
tralizing agency for Salem char
ities. These letters requested
each organization te name some
member as service representative
for that group In raising funds
for winter relief work.
as soon as these names are
turned in to the chamber of com
merce office, the representatives
will be called together to confer
with the Community Service fi
nance committee concerning
their procedure In soliciting
funds. A day's pay a month for
five months has been set as the
amount to be asked of each em
ployed person reached by the
Service workers.
A squad of the Community
Service committeemen yesterday
morning visited the various
statehouse departments seeking
pledges to Salem charities. The
plea was made on the basis that
any sums donated to the local
relief organisations would be de
ducted from the day's pay
month amount which every state
employe was being urged to gite
during the winter.
The men who visited the state-
house were: Douglas McKay,
Community Service chairman; T.
A. Wlndlshar, William McGil
christ, Jr., and J. T. Delaney of
the finance committee, and T. M.
Hicks, B. E. Sisson, V. P. Mc-
Namara, and J. N. Chambers.
Claim Three
Not Eligible
RUGENE, Ore., Nov. 17 (AP)
Reports circulated here tonight
said charges of Ineligibility
against Bill Bvinrton. Rer Rust
and Buck Hammer, Oregon State
college football palyers. would be
made public here tomorrow.
The charges, it was indicated,
would say each of the men had
played varsity football at Oregon
Rtt In 19f lift 1A
University of Oregon officials
said they knew nothin of the
charges and have nothing to do
with them.
CORVALLIS. Ore.. Nov. 17
(A P) Ineligibility ' charges
against Reg Rust, Bill Bylngton
and Buck Hammer, Oregon State
football players, are futterly rid
iculous, Coach Paul J. Schissler
said tonight.
This will be the last year of
competition for the men bat so far
as I know there Is nothing in the
record making them ineligible."
The players all denied the
The . new university choir -t
Willamette "university, will make
its - initial " appearance - today at
Chapel time before the student
body. Professor Cameron Marshall
has organized the group ; of ? CO
mixed voices this year as a new
venture' Slightly more than-half
of the choir -are women. -:
Full Control of Mutual is
Again In Local Hands;
Directors Chosen
Van Winkle and Clements
Added to Board; Will
Resume old Home
The reorganization of the Mu
tual Savings and Loan association
was practically accomplished yes
terday when the Portland mem
bers of the board who were rep
resenting the Prudential Baneor-
poratlon resigned and the lull
control of the savings and loan
association was vested In the
hands of Salem directors. Hon. I.
H. Van Winkle, state attorney
zeneral. and Dr. L. O. Clements
Were elected as directors. Other
focal directors are T. M. Hicks.
E. M. Page and A. A. Lee.
The offices of the association
will be moved today from the Pat-
ton building on State street back
to the former quarters on South
Liberty street In the Steeves
building. A. A. Lee continues as
The severance of connection
wltn the Prudential Bancorpora-
tion followed the order of the
corporation commissioner when
Portland Savings and Loan asso
ciations controlled by the Pru
dential passed into his hands for
management. The Salem company
and the Eugene company which
had been acquired by Portland in
terests were turned back to oper
ate Independently.
The reorganization of the Mu
tual company here was effected
as soon as the resignations of the
Portlanders was received. There
were four of them on the board
Two of the nlaees have been filled
the board f,Te ctlTe mem
oers, wnicn is requirea oy us oy
laws. Two more will probably be
added in a few days bringing the
number to seven.
Important Issue
Will Be Settled
One of. the first questions to be
decided will be whether to con
tinue the company as a 'guaran
tee company with reserve fund
stock or to make it a mutual
company. The company operated
for many years as a strictly mu
tual company, but in 1930 it was
changed to a reserve fund com
pany. Supervisor Callahan of the
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
A gleam of hope Is offered the
unemployed men of Marlon and
Polk couties In the announce
ment made yesterday by J. M.
Devers, attorney for the state
highway commission, that approx
imately 70 per cent of the 11,-
000,000 to be expended by the
commission for relief road work
will go Into hand labor. Of the
798 men from the two counties
who have registered at the V. 8.
employment bureau here, only a
few more than 100 hare been
given any work, according to
Agent Sim Phillips.
Devers estimated that more
than 20,000 men would receive
part time work under the relief
program. This estimate does not
Include a large number of men
who will be employed in road
construction work In Multnomah
The rainy weather has - been
hindering th work of the SO men
now on shift on the Pacific high
way south of here and on the
highway west of Rlckreall. A
number of the men have taken
ill from exposure. One man yester
day had to quit his work before
noon on this account.
Registration at the employment
bureau yesterday fell to 18 men.
I Th majority of the registrants
hare been married men, the single
men apparently believing it nse-
I to apply for work, according
to pniuips,
Ppinp 7 Wpavv
xvZilil aiJ cavy
So Far in Month
Records Reveal
his nonor, jnpiter piuvius, a
second month Is wielding his ham
mer mightily to ring the rain rec
ord gong. Although IS days re
main In November, rainfall for
the month so far has amounted
to S.2S Inches, just 1.21 Inches
under the normal average for the
month over a 25-year .period.
Precipitation yesterday, accord
ing to the official obser
ver, was O.S inehes. The heaviest
rainfall so far this month was 1.-
11 Inches, on November. 8, '
I" 1 executive committee s of
Community Service will, hold
meeting during the noon hour to
day to conduct routine ' business
(concerned with the dispensing of
funds, v ' - . ,. ...
1 WK
Magazine Helps ihPromot ion
Westerner Depicts
Story of Empire
Glowingly .
Prominent Names are
Used to Build up
Editor's Not! This la th third of a.
series of artdes Th Statesman la run
ning- on tn iiimpir Holding- company.
It object beln to Inform th nnMtn
of th unscrupulous method employed
cent citizens from farther encroach- I
uj tun cgmnuiT ana to trotMt ibmi.
ment ana loss at th hiehda of such
ny-ny-nignt -institution.
ONE hundred thousand dollars
In actual money having been
yaau ibio luv umpire xiuiu-
ing company, according to its
officers' sworn statements, and
modest and prudent" salaries
having been contracted for, Ore
gon's great insurance holding
company was nearly ready by Jan
uary 1, 1931, to offer citizens of
the state an "opportunity to get
In on the ground floor of this
extraordinary concern.
Mr. Keller was a sales counsel
lor of no small ability and short
experience as federal court records
and other exhibits now reveal.
The first thing needed was a top-
notch prospectus with which to
convince Oregon citizens that the
great and near-great of the state
were guiding the destinies of the
Empire company.
Large outlays were immediate
ly made by the Empire Holding
company for stationery and sup
plies, the bulk of this expense go
ing for promotion material. Up to
July 31, 1931, 18,204 had been
expended on stationery and sup
plies and printers were demand
ing more money so shares of
bank stock traded in for the Em
pire's securities were pledged
with printers as security. June
19, 1931, the Empire manage
ment made a new printing ar
rangement, agreeing to "give
printing jobs to the General
Lithographing and Engraving Co.,
on a competitive basis. The latter
concern subscribed for 320,000
worth of stock and agreed to
?9? P.TTf-h111??
$10,000 in stock payment. There
after printing donee was to be
75 per cent paid for in cash and
25 per cent applied as a stock
Keller's prize Idea was the issu
ance of The Westerner. This Im
posing monthly magazine was to
carry the "story of empire" in
general and the Empire Holding
company in particular. To the
Westerner were to be fed financial
stories, outdoor stories, travel
stories whatever would cloak the
real purpose of the magazine.
which was obviously the promo
tion of the Empire Holding com
The Westerner worked. Only a
fortnight ago a prominent news
paper editor in Portland was going
over the magazine carefully, at
Judge Coshow's request, suggest
ing Improvements to be made in
tttm ".rao BMtini nKlitinn.
Of course there were technical
7 V? wT. ht .7h
15! YruZL inUrUt ti
XI MUhV Tnn7nv
the Western Publishing company
which "owned" the Westerner was
incorporated in Utah and was nev-
published In Portland, and Kel-
ler's men even went so far as to
tihiFSJZS Whorpo?:
a -v a avj- hi 1
last summer he halted it sum-
II l n-nmfna riavl aa t n av ra,r
.-. wacaraA, t i!tui rm
of the "assets" of the Empire
Holdin company. The toUl .of
this "asset" July II. 1IS1. is
hit .i. .n m onnRtatinir at
"advances" made to the Western-
er for printing and for services
frm March . 19S1. to JulV 21.
Aflanp9 ranee from 12.50
to $5000.
In the list of so-called "assets"
. v.i.. A wm-
plre Holding company will con- posed city tax: and If ot,e is as
m at the tailed meetlnc Deeein- turned to agree on the split of
. r a . i ti.,i. Tiiaitna mniiuei.
oer o, V vxm-,
ti( 117 iimn will annnar. Just
how the Empire Holding company Ted here by the company
expected or expects to liquidate ttn and the city e0"1"!!
ITr. r,. led for raising some $5000, with a
Western Publishing company
not Ucensed to do business in
this state, and apparently it has
no assessable capital stock or tax-
able surplus. Its assets appear
to be some typewriters, copy
paper, back copies or tne west -
erner and the cigar and cigarette
asnes wnicn accumulate arounu
an ordinary publishing office. It
is .ruiu utis tourcs 111 I. IU r
pire Holding company share
holders may look for the repay
ment of their $18,177 "asset
with the Western Publishing com
If the officers of the Empire
Holding company were deficient
in business perspective, they were
snnerblv endowed for the issu
aneo of prospectuses. The prin
clpal printed publication showing
the fntnra of the Emnlra was one
entitled "Letters." r-; -
The book was appropriately
covered. The paper was : heavy
(Turn tc' page 10, col. 1).
A ctual Money Paid Company' Was
$100,000 They Said in Statement
Officers and directors of Empire
Holding company who swore
they individually paid 920,000
in money but whose total sab
script ions were S8000 la cash.
Reading from left to right, top
row to bottom, the men, their,
positions and their annual eajar.
lea are:
Judge O. P. Coshow, president,
f""Jy H. Stockman, Ceieral coun
sel, 975O0.
I. N. Fetty, general manager,
W. R. Adams, vice-president,
treasurer, 910,000.
Frank Feller, Jr., sales counsel,
lor, 91O.000.
Aggregate of "modeet and pru
dent' annual salaries paid to
officers, 93,000 for running
company which never sold
single fire, accident, casualty,
life or title Insurance policy.
I TVi a Xa(ft TclanfiAnA anil
Tift-rnh mmnm, has decided
to td with the other utIMUes
negoUaUons with the city of
SalemoncernIng proposed -P-
cial Uxes on ntillUes operating In
, ti.i .a .nnvnnM
. 1 . 1' . - w
t0 u tn pUee of
V"J Tt
Ji "1 J "
JTfll hV
NT;VhV;ompran7ounres it U
new franchlso and will not taae
i uirsvuh 11 Ai,uiaO(
I consiaeration 01 me uvuou 01
the Ucense fees will be taken up
poniana wnre me Bfu
ces of the electric company ana
gas company are located and oi
Tislonal offices of the telephone
I company and the telegraph com-
panies. IBS Wicr wmir.,
aiso oe represeniea m
iierences. um.ncB ww
I . rw iiutl.. will a
aeavor w urw n
l action wltn rexerenee to me vrv
. . ...
. , V.I.. . .A
I in priwi wu.
" v ' M tVoii tn the
.Ll'tMsa d!
nTI . T and
o the i gas, electric and
I mepnone compare.
1 rj-TJ
IfierrOn IS illQ
i j y.
Q (jtanU. JUry,
Waives Hearing
J. CHerroa, charged, with in
voluntary manslaughter xouow
ina the death of Miss Loretta
I Wilson of Stayton, who was, in-
j jured - Armistice day In A ear
I driven by " Herron, waived vre-
- 1 Mnlnarr hearinr la - justice conn
- 1 Tuesday and was bound over to
I the 'grand Jury. - .
I Herron had . been neiu in me
I county Jan because of -failure xo
I raise $2000 ball, but Saturday no
secured the ban requirea ana
'was teleased.
,-" .f -1 ' ""I r
- ' vo-o;
I UAL Ji V- - v--
t "
The Willamette university fac
ulty will not-receive a cut In sal
aries, it was decided at a meeting
of the executive board Tuesday at
which time the consideration of a
new librarian was also given
thought. 1
Dr. Carl G. Doney expressed
the opinion that any salary cut for
the faculty would likely bring an
impairment of morale. New build
ings are absolutely out of the
question now, but the instructors
are really more important.
Dr. P. G. Franklin, present li
brarian, Is failing in health due
to an automobile accident, and
asked President Doney last sum
mer if he could be relieved of part
of his duties. Dr. Franklin will
probably be ret&lned as an assist
ant librarian, being relieved of
the-heavier duties. No change Is
likely before January or February.
President Doney lauded the
work done by Dr. Franklin here.
LONDON. Nov. 17 (AP)
The Mahatma M. K. Gandhi,
heartened by a talk with Prime
Minister MacDonald. today agreed
to remain until the round tame
conference ended.
if' J
Symphony Orchestra to
Present Concert Tonight
Tonight at 8:15 o'clock
first program of the year for the
Salem Symphony orchestra will be
presented In the Armory. Prof. R.
W. Hans Selts is director and is
presenting 5 5. local people.
Variety (narks ; the program
numbers. The soft beauty, of
Sehnhert. the challenging notes of
selections from the opera "Tann -
. a . , a
haussur. ana aeugnirui descrip
tive numbers which closely ap
proach folk stories in music, will
all make for a variety in the pro
gram which should have some
thing to. offer each person in the
audienco. - -
. Following the program there
will be a reception for the audi
ence and Miss Barbara Thorne,
guest artist, and orchestra mem
bers sponsored by the board mem
bers of the symphony organlxa-
Smashing Attack Launched
Against General Mah en.
Nonni Front; Force b
Said Demoralized
Crisis Faced at Geneva as
Indication Seen United
States Relaxing Stand on
TOKYO, Nov. 18 (Wed
nesday) (AP) Manchuria
forces of General Mah Ca
Sbaa were completely demoral
ised today by the suddea aa
slanght of a Japanese offcev
slve, said a Harbla dispatch f
the Ren go News agency.
(By the Associated Press)
Three factors put a brake y-
terday on the attempts by .fee
League of Nations to make peace
between China and Japan.
Fear was expressed in Parts
that if the League fails to up
hold Japan's demand that China
recognize the validity of existing
treaties, the precedent might af
fect agitation against the treaty
of Versailles.
In addition, there were Indica
tions that the United States was
relaxing its firm stand for Jap-,
anese evacuation of Manchuria A
and that Russia might not remain
aloof if the League fails to halt
the Japanese advance.
In Tokyo military authorities
pressed the cabinet for addition
al reinforcements for Mancknr
ian service.
General Mah Chan-Shan. Chi
nese commander, turned down
Japan's peace proposals and sec
forth --eonditions of his .
Meanwhile he held to his posi
tion in the Nonni area.
Minor activity was reported
from the field. Snow fell alone
the Nonni, where .the two maia
forces of Chinese and Japanese
are entrenched, and the troopa
suffered from bitter winter wea
ther. Tientsin learned of renewed
kmVI.. Jk .
uuiuuiug auu recunuouerros ac
tivity In the Chinese eastern rail,
way area on the part of Japanese.
(Copyright, 1931, by the Associ
ated Press)
MUKDEN, Nov. 18 (Wed
nesday) (AP) Japanese bead
quarters announced the opeainsT
today of a Smashing Japanese of
fensive on the Nonni front la
The entire Japanese force
the Nonni river area was being
employed in a general offensive
against Chinese troops of General
Mah Chan-Shan, it was en
ounced. General Shlgeru Honjo, com
mander of Japanese forces la
Manchuria, made the announce
ment. Portion of Hood
Loop is Blocked
Officials Learn
Snow has fallen at Government
Camp, on the Monnt Hood Loop
highway, to a depth of three feet,
and the road is blocked between,
the junction with the Wapinltia'
cutoff and Parkdale, state high
way officials anounced Tuesdar.
The officials said It was not
likely that this section of the
Mount Hood highway would be
kept open during the entire win
ter. Traffic Is still going through
the Wapinltia cutoff, officials de
clared. The slide on the Oregon Coast
highway near Barriew was cleared
today, and traffic has been resum
ed. O
. tlon.
Thls will be informal and
each person present is invited to
meet the orchestra members. Miss
Thorne, director prof. Selts. -
There will also be a sapper
party given py the exeentivo
Lboard in compliment to the e
chestra members folowing the re
ception. X
1 . The performance of the ore;
. a m a. . a4.v a -
tra tonight will be watched wtta
more than usual Interest by a
largo group of Salem people,
namely, the largo number, of. sus
taining members and membership
holders:, who '; are.- behind the
growth of the orchestra and who
are seeking to make the- Srmnh-
ony a permanent thing in the ci
vic life of Salem. ; f j
A list to . date of this grout
of sustaining members and satia
- (Turn to page I, coL' J)