Z :1ht OREGON STATESMAN, galea, Oregon, Tuesday tkrabgy WoTtmber 17.-1931 PAGE NINE . . . .1 . . . 1 ' - ' 1 '.' - ' 1 - - " " ... - "" ; - ' " ' . . " .. i hsWbi' tW 1U1 UUAHItl Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified AdYertiilng Bind Insertion per llne.lc Three isertldns per ' Una . Sis insertion per line.. J Oc ' One month per line.. 1 1.0 9 Minimum charge .....X5e Copy for thU page ac cepted until t: 10 the e-ea-lac before publication tor classification. -- C PT J cetTed after this time vfU be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. V The Statesman aseumet no fttaacial responsibility, for errors which may ap- pear lii adrertJsementa pub lisbed in ttg columns, and in casus where this paper is at fat.it will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. T;-.,;::.-Cv The SUtesiaan, reserres the right to reject objec ttonal adrertlaing. It far ther tnearree the right to clasaif r ail adTertlslng un der the proper classification. FOR SALE Real Estate What more ooold anyone waati it A. cult, river bottom, and part la alfalfa, clorety eats and vetch. 1-S room and t-S room house, barn,-chicken bouse, creek, timber and partare, electric lights In aU bids. blks to P. O. in ralley town. It cords -of wood cot, cow and chickens. This place is clear. For 8 weeks I am cutting the price mm 885SS to 26S. fitfte casn; terms oat beL Cbaa. W. Warner, Ms hama. Orev or see my scant at Hi State St. ' . Private moMT to lean e nasrweaa l real estate. P. - Bell. Ill . itigt- Tel. 47t or HIT. WANTED Private money to on ral estate. W. EL , ORA BENHOHJfl COL REALTORS 3tS a Liberty St Tel. dttt. BUSTTIKBAN HOME Two acres of dark. rich, fertile soil j not far oat en rood road, two room house, drove weU, gas end electric itgnt service evAHame,. Jtfice sieev. IS. down and 1 10 per month, .and Interest. LEO X. CHTTiPa CO, Realtors -SIS 8tate Street . Pbons 7tt. SITUATIONS WANTED hi ii nnnri'ii- ri i . . Three or atx cboios lota. I-reom semi-modern plastered bouse, fire place, basement, etc. AH lots covered with large nut, fruit and" ornamental trees, shaded "lawn, nice view, paved street, two eragea searocK urw terms. Sell all or part "Near junior hlrfa aad ii iwi acfeooln. Owner. Tit FOR K.ENT rials -for adults, i to I corner Rural and Winter Eta. Phone FOR KENTHOUSES MT!T. r...... 1 1 recr3 tat - rE2r ate. j S854. wm do bWsework m exchange fori OflK HKNDRTCK3 , -T work Bov MS. S Btatesmar IIS North High Street I sessssMMaSssssasaWaeaMesa FOB SALEMlscellaneoiia eji.-Ln.nor . i ' kihWiMW we s-qr &ALJB Otd papera tee a bun-gl.-1 Statesman office. . - Treewrlter grchanse. 4X1 Court at. ..tvwii-i ' -. i -teiiw' New tnodern .8 rooms. .Oak floors. flrsn-aM. turaar-B. dna-Jbla nnM. tie e rosea cecrace xurnisnea. sis per I montn. like rent Site Cberrr Bt mo. Ca W. Ulxh. I Fur. bouse at 11SS IT. Tel. 4 J IS. Nice email bouse, til Xee. Ceiy S room boncalow furnished or nnrernisnea. tbl 095. I si 5 Trade. e -Mwf. : Onntmerclal exchanae. We buy, sell, 1 mtnx. Owner SS1S N. Com'L exolianse mercnandiss 01 vaioe. av I wwmswiwmmi wwww Coral. Open evealnaa. We buy old I s-room fnrnisbed house, nook, bath, ! cold. ii . w-suace- en. EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE - Kxtra nice S room English type home, close to state house. Price $4810. Owner wttl accept house of leas value. or amau tract SER Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors tlO State Street Phone 6701. sessssaiseejeassejseaiseW Washing Machines AH tnakee rented, sold and repaired. HOGQ BROS. ITS N. High Phone I02S. yuij-tj-iA)-ii---i-i ' ' " " i"" ' Rntmeabera. Baldwin, j anauaan. NewonTNorthern Spy e and ,40c. w.Ti ltttc .helled 5c Mra. J. H. Wrlsht. 4H ml. oa Wallace road. nnnnil(li1i "A-JLTatvain Soriaaer Spaniel and 'Australian Shepherd pupa B. H. Lam brecht. Shaw, Ore. -u--L 1 --" IIWWlKlWlWW FOR SALE Jersey Gerney heifer aif An S mo. IIS. TeL -1TFS1. MuuuuJi-"' 1W11 11111 -----... Oct your pink salmon to can at crab stand near fairground, only lc a fish, 4 t -1 r 1 II II 1 '" """ rnn oii.Rr Monitor No. 3 ausuess For Rent Fnrnistied Ilooa SlS-t2-$tt-$S0. Apt $30. Unfurnished Houses and Apt IMl--T2t to $40. Bouses For Sale Like Rent $W. down. $l-$20-2S month. BECHTEL ft TH0MASON S41 Bute Rooms S and 4 FOR RENT alodern suburban home, six. rooms, bath. Phone S38S. FOR RENT Furnished I room house, IS. ( mL north. Ca 6157. ' FOR SALE Real Estate SeeeoiiSieoilsla4e HOWE AND INCOME Close in pranerty affording' good Have three ood Salem rental a in come $4S per month, clears to trade 1 or clear acreage ox like value, priced at f i.euo, Another house located on larre lot wita pient? or irutt, oernea, wamuts. etc. ; rents tor izs per mo., clear. Trade small acreage. O. C. Blake with II. C. SHIELDS X3S Oregon Bldg. TeL IIOI. . FOR SALE FARMS for few days only at romWnatlon pea and wean p"' . I kMome. Priced standard eqtiipment, "X"?TtJikZ I 0. Will accept part. cash, first revonrc ir - - 1 mortgage -ror jnaiance. Bee tt today. SACRIFICED FARM SALE 40 -acres, IT-A. cultivation, some timber, running water. 7-R. house. barn, poultry house, price reduced to $4750.00: I17IS.S0 down. This place lies north of Salem oa pavement X read buy. SJBB - SEARS ft TUCKER 112 South High Street MONEY TO LOAN LOANS WANTED aeeaisssJeaessesessbjejsS LIVE STOCK and POULTRY JWVWMAIA Vnultrv s-anted. Ralem PonltTT CO. Farmers Marker. 351 ii. IA, TeL S144. Poultrv wanted, beavr varieties only. Highest market price. 3140 North tth street - - ; - FOR SALE WOOD AU kinds of wood. TeL SSFSt. All kinds of weed. TeL S9S3 Old fir Ttartlv seasoned SI.0S. Sec ond growth dry 4 ft S4.ee. . Second rroerth dry IS In. $4.7. TeL C1S. . For good wood phone 39SS. Tracy's wood rare. DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and faal atl. Call on us for nrlcea. We glee good measure, good quality ana LaRHER TRANSFER ft 8TORAOX Tetehone. Iiir FIRS' CLASS FUEL. Old Fir screened hog fuel IS" dry planer, wood ft load plan 7X . ii 18" Old Fir mm block load mia btock JS" dry sec growth fir H load sec. growth If dry old. Fir W- load old Fir -1 4.00 s.re S.7I 1.00 1.7 1 s.se 3.00 to I. to Our large load Is a cord ot 4-ft wood eawod It-Inch. Phone IB4T. FRED E. WELLS, INC. If old fir IL1L TsL 4SS5 ALL KINDS, any length. Can S7SS. Dry wood. Tel. f 7T. Guaranteed dry wood and prompt delivery. 4 ft or IS Inch 2nd growth. nice reaeeaaoi rnone 4iii, Old nr. knot limbs, ash. Phone Judi 193 zi. Dry 2nd growth It In. tt.00. It" eld nr ft.eo. Dry or green oak. Howard, Tat 10S1. ............. -i-,- -n-g-ir 1 rinn.nrm cost Jhe HunUey Manufacturing JVr. Bltver t?rea, k. CO ; will sell xor .. Anderson St Barngrove prune grader, c - locc. 24 Inchee wtde, three Mn. ahaker type. Original fJSt.OO; wlU sen for $0.00. General Grocery Company, Inc. Trade and Liberty Streets WiaNTED Miscellaneous "' WANTED-Used ""pwot""' " ehann on radtoe. phonograph, or fuf enange on J " v. i..,irMr nomoanv SEE Mrs. K31rt with LEO N. CH1LDS CO., Realtors 330 State Street Phone 0701 - -i-iinB-ij-ii-Lruinj-u-unxu-i A. oa Pacific highway north small new house chicken house straw berries, timber. $28o0. Term a 1163 A. Polk Co.. 200 A. seeded, good timber, pasture, wen watered. woven wire fencing. Fine line Of ! stock, equipment, $11,600 43 A., 25 nnder cultivation,, timber, bldgs. Price $4000, clear. Trade for larger slace. will assume. 10 A. north of -galem, mostly In fruit ana ernes, uooa land. Xalr bldgs. ?3! A. stocked and eiuJpped ranch, all fenced, ronnlag water. S rm. strictly- wtedera house, 9 . good ACREAGE WELL! HERB THET ARE I 141 A. rood soil, on hurhwar. build ings, well, 2 springs, creek; $t,-J 090. ioan life run 11 yra iz, SOe. Will take smaller acreage or other property for equity. 40 A. finest of eoU, fenced, cross fen ced, -modern house and barn. Room for It cows, good highway. $7600. . Will take smaller place. B. A. FORKNER 1410 N. Cottage Phone 3031. - All inw '"VZJ rsTAtnn no ob- I nama, f an acre., wiu traoe. 014 gold and Jewelry. Condition no 00- 1 rentals TRADES INSURANCE iect-Name your price. REINER'S EXCHANQH 324 N. Commercial J. F. TJLRICH COMPANT 336 State Street Phone 8171. a.sv. "inr"!!-!!! 1JI "USJU'U"JXS1 HOSCES LIKE RENT 1 acre, H mL E. of Balem, S room house, garage, large chicken house, barn, H A. bearing filberta Price $2, 760, $26 cash and $26 monthly, includ ing tnt? W. G. KRTTEGER 14T North Commercial MIIMIWIWWWWWWWMWWI WAOTED-wia pay .0 -.'Must room Mastered home, base- lZLZrZt leist'V-uaFs yard Highest price paid 'JSgg, 1800- modern 4 room reck. Call or write 11S5 Jell arson 1 except basement $2t cash. b. wreck. street WANTED One draft colt S or 4 j TMr. old. Must be reasonaDie. lui tflyit. MISCELLANEOUS C For first ass home uUdrywora phone t71 or call at S10 & thSt meitt, furnace, garage. Located at 17l H. Gtmrch St $44 cash, bal a ace 23 per month to Include In terest. borne. halanca lit nor month to Include Interest Located in KJngwood Park, West Salem; $2000. Lets bunt modern 4 room home with 2 bedrooms, basement, fur nace, fireplace, oak floor. Located at S4S TTneeisnpt t. West Halem. I . . $ !iS. s neea plastered home at 1511 1 WAW i rJU KJbALt ESTATE o. userty tc, corner lot 1 sxiwo I wmwwwwwwvwwwww sm. In good oonditlon, t room plaster ed house, t chicken houses, fine well, on paved road, $4700. II good loam soil, S A. cultivated, balance stumps and pasture, house In fair condition, electric lights, gooa wen and spring, tisoo. 1H acres 1 mL from Salem, 4 room plastered bouse, electric lights. city water. Tt bearing rruit trees, some berries. $1160. $100 down. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 TT. 8. Bank Bldr. Phone 7 2ndaidsid fir, oak. Tel. 6t6. JUGEJMOffi AT CLUB SESSIOTJ Gehlhar Addresses r Hills Group, Urging High Quality Products - their cult reeetables aad fruit and put only first class articles on the market. He also stressed stand ardisation. V He deplored the "back to the farm" propagasda. Errln - Olmqulst . gsTe some songs,, accompanying himself on his guitar. Following the pro cram., lunch was served and dancing enjoyed. The social com mittee announced a community oorered dlh dinner Friday eTea iag.' Hot. 21. Each club member to bring a hot dish and a cake. . WOOD SAWING WALDO HILLS. Not' 1 1 There was 'stsndlng room only st the Waido Hills dub house rrldsy night when the club -met . , . . . . . wr iam regular riOTemnr meet ing. - The president,. Frank Riches, appointed Arch Geer.and Karl Haberly as a committee to work with 'granges and commun ity clubs to try for better tele- pnons Lacinnea. He - also , an-. pointed -Mrs. Frank-Bowers to sea about a beating store for the basement dining room. The meeting was then turaed orer to the club song contest com. mlttee. A gratifying number c4 songs had been submitted. With Mrs. C. C. Geer at the piano. songs were sang by Ruth Geer. Bessie Ray, Mr., aad Mrs. A. A. Geer and the last song by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowers, 8am Wilson, C. C. Geer. Each number was greeted by a storm. of applause and the committee deferred selec tion until next meeting. The call drea of Center View school also sang a Junior Booster Waldo Hills song. Tne November program com' mlttee consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Jske Doerfief, Mr. and Mrs. Tel. Flnley, Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Egan had prepared a very splendid pro gram: Acordlon solos, Wallace Doerfler; readings, Bessie' Ray r piano and rioltn numbers, Edith and Ethel Knight; the chairman. Mrs. J. Doerfler then introduced Msg Gehlhar, who spoke on farm problems. Gehlhsr said he did not wish to be classed a pessimist, but he -did wish to stress quality not quan tity. KJES CEHt Ifli i EICKREALL, Nor. It Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rowe celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary at their home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe hare lived in Rlckresll for the past 14 years. The evening was spent playing 609. There were tlTe tables Those winning high scores were Mrs. Charles Larkln and O. W. Kellogg. F. E. Pence won the consolation prise. - Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harlsnd, Mr. and Mrs, Ora Lants, Mr. and Mrs. O. W, Kellogg. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pence, Mr. , and Mrs. A. Bearer. Mrs Charles Larkin. John Larkln Lloyd Larkln. Harry Bearer, Miss Larerne Kellogg, Miss Francis Lants. Miss Florence Lants, Miss Gertrude Larkin, Miss Betty Pence sad the host and hostess Mr. and. Mrs. W, W. Rowe and family. Miss Elissbeth snd Bill Rowe. I terjlippert who leares in a fsT days for a visit to his old home im i Pennsylvania. ' Lippert ' with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wilson and small son; Junior were dinner guests at ; the Simmons home aad most of. th e ; unexpected guests who arrived later were the fellow members ot his I Bandar school class.' Games JEFFERSON, Not. It Mr. were eniored durine the ereniasT and Mrs. Ronald McGuir of the I hours and at a late hour refresh Scrareihiii district are reeemag 1 meats were serred. . - G07.1E FOR VIH congratulations orer the arriral of a ; nine-peuad daughter, bora Saturday, .November 14. . This is their first child. Mrs. McGulre will be remembered as Catherine Grenx. - - - ." - -' " W M. Scudder and three chil dren of Hempstead, New York ar rived here to spend the -winter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bell at their home near Green's hxidge. The youngest child of Mr. Scudder s is only three months old. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wall and family arrived from Eugene Sat urday night, and will spend eerer al days visiting Donald's mother. Mrs. Eralyn Wall and sister, Mar garet, and ether relatives. 4 J. T. Jones spent the weekend at Eugene Tlsiting his son,. Ray mond and family. While there he also attended the football game. Others witnessing the game from here were Dr. J. O. TanWiakle, Miss Florence Thomas and Gar nettWhedbee. AUBURN, Nor. It. The Aa B. F. Oakley, local blacksmith, burn community club will hold the has leased the Joha Henderson November meeting Friday night at place three quarters of a mile the schoolhouse. A program and northwest of town, and with his refreshments will be the enter The honor 'guest was presented an appropriate parting gift. Present were Mr. and Mrs. J.BV Best, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams, Mr.i and Mrs. Ben Bietz, Mr. aad Mrs, Ammon Grlce, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Mrs. Grace Bliss. the Misses Ethel McDowell, Helen Bliss, Shirley Adams, Irene Cries), Anna Biets and Larkin Crice, Ce cil Le$ley, James Lepley. Errta Simmons, Laurence Simmons. Ralph Wilson Junior, the honor, guest, . Lester Up pert and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sim moBS. - , in n win ' ASSEMBLE FRIDAY family will more soon. IN HOSPITAL STAYTON, Nor. It Among those at the Stayton hospital are Max Brown and Don Neal, who MB SPENDING WEEK IT HUBBARD IB Mr. HUBBARD. Nor. r" ,7n I Fred J. Wsgner. fromtthe death of hi, brother. W. ctVMia, a-vua, asvf tviwt-v I TAa T trsb. tt -sa WlsltfTi ar 4Fass as esrsaABs J - .lSsiit r...k . . . A S. .onAl.lt. an4 Tnbn ! - 1 riliiw. wwitt was uwii " 'f. T .Z rZZil Zv " V. I t the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Or- heart atUck talnmedt Mrs. Carl Krebiel aat Mrs. Lambert Feskens are on the refreshment committee. George Baumgartner was elect ed school trustee at the special election, held Saturday night as the schoolhouse. A number of Auburn patrons of Salem high school enjoyed the open house at the high school en Thursday night. C. J. Griffith hss returned front Medford. where he was called by H. WOOD SAWTNO. TEL. ft IS. Wood ssw4a. Robins TeL 4tS. LOST and FOUND LOST A dog. Australian, Shepherd, looks like poUee dog. With harness.' Reddish color. Reward. Phone 6640. Sherman of AumsriUe who re ceived a broken arm and other in He urged farmers to teed juries in sn auto accident I O- Businets Directory AMUSEMENTS MUSIC STORES Haiem uoii usurse s mues swu u&u n i iaj r uuju i mimr- i IT . o-n i r rwi 11 hnla watrMl fair- rrsnha sewfoa- maditnes. sheet mnsia. I ay w ai u, vauiurma, jii . tun waya large green a Fees T5c Sundays land plane studies. Repalrtng phons- I Mrs. Orlie Boje, and Gordon and , regular meeting of the HayesTflle tna boi!naya ti.ow He Boje at the Midway berry farm on the Pacific highway. Mr. and Mrs. Wsgner axe the parents ot Mrs. Boje. At a dinner Is Aurora of Mr. Wagner's sister, Mrs. Clara Reld, covers were placed for Mr. sad Mrs. Fred Wagner of De Lake, Mrs. Clara Reld. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bennet, snd Rsy Bennet from UU E GROUP TO GIVE PROGRAM HAYES VILLE, Nor. 14 The FOR SALE USED CARS graphs and sewing State tWreet Salem. machines 433 - i i - i..i.wi i. rwri n A USED CAR BOOK VALUES FOR NO VEMBER HAVE NOT DROPPED 1 But our prices haTe Cuts from $5.00 to ISJLeo. Compare these nrices 131 Tudor Sedan $446.00 385.00 . 330.0S , 345. 00 J , S26.Sej , 26.t0 , 276.00 , 260.se . 2CS.00 . ise.eoj . 260.00 126.04 1930 Tudor Sedan . 1930 Std. Coupe . 130 Roadster 102 Pordor. Sedan 1SS Tudor Sedan . Ill Coupe 12 Roadster 121 Tudor Sedan 1928 Roadster 192S Plymouth "Kedsin 1927 Chevrolet .Tudor 1929 Chevrolet Trunk tires , BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, cor ner court ana tnurco. BICYCLE REPAIRING fjim , el RAMSDEN Oolambia Bicycles and repairing. 14S a. L-loerty. The best in bicycles and repairing. H, W. Scott 14T & ueoi iei. teie. Marie Boje of Hubbard Mrs. Clara Reld and members of her family were returning from Seattle where they had motored rrona T-Tarwarri. Calif., tn take her Mrs. Marr Ylnvard. R. N. Hourly I v.. n.i - nursing: bed baths or treatmenta Tel ixxixw w Rea 6394: ffloe 7473. Doat BQ tOOk 10 AiasKA X0 join her fiance, who owns a mine In the interior Of Alaska. She went by boat from Seattle to Alaska NURSING PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBINO and general repair I snd thence to the interior by air plane, where sne win ne marnea upon her arrival. work. Orabsr Bros, lit So. Liberty. Tei excellent 316.00 VA1XKT MOTOR CO. Phone S16S Center -Street Display Phone 7910 Lot at Liberty and Marlon Streets wtth both streets paved. $60 down, I balance $26 per month to Include interest. $1200. S room old stria "horn at S2I Union at Any terms within rea son. The lot alone is cheap at this price. Real Estate and Fire Insurance W. H, ORABENHORST A CO-RKALTORS 134 & Liberty t Phone S4t$. WHT PAT RENT 7 When yon can buy 6 R. house, bath. ana eioccrtcity. aiso completely zur- WeU heated ana pt, "vS,S 1 oy. appomtesent to see it see rSn JEWEtRY -STORE 14 T cjommerclal -. . n,L.ii r i " ' ' """'y LEAKY ROOFT Let tne r s it wr. work. pHce reasonateeL6l FOR RENT ROOMS .i 1 " ' 'llTfT j olshed for luis. only $6S down, $20 WANTED To bur snartment house. Must be cheap. No agents. Address Bos 607. St. Statesman. - Business Opportunities Restaurant for rent. 891 N. Com'L FOR SALE At a real bargain, gar age, service Bta, 4 room house, for cash, or might trade for acreage. Phone 8335 Vista Ave. S. Commer cial street rZ"r.rmm. TeL S660. Sleeping roomta soodern home. S vr me. 666 N. Church. TeL S30T. , ; per c . . , -,-1, . rian. warm, comfortable room. Sf'tL-STrlaaonable Phone 4746, Room, with or without prlvaw borae. Terms reasonable. 16$ JWtrt ffL jrJ.ii ROOM and BOARD -ay...w - mim ' ' 1 ' " " m . end board, dial 4t3. F(U RENT APARToiENTS y mm' 1. 1 im mm t 'mSS?Z ' rtto at-JJ?-,, tvJZn JT-cXhBS Book 1 - - - nr -i- " ' ' ' n.fnr. S61 N. Wtatsr. S well turnhS rwnModern Tt. wjter Sec refrigeration, eleo. stove. . Rirattoa S Ota, vuw; - ifm I oauor ri f tk ElecTrange and refrlav I around Salem. SEE 8KAK3 TUCKER 133 South High Street BECUTKL or THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. WAIWMMIWIIIMIIISIMWWVWI SNAP Choice tots at half pries. tOt lot Hollywood district, f 100. $30 lot not far off State. $426. $100 choice corner, both streets pared for $190. SEE BECHTKL or THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. A6 acre with attractive garage house of three rooms, beautiful view and 1 shade trees $1360.00. S rm. house with lot 43 br 2tt. pared street, fine shade trees $1100. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 176 South High Street BEST HOME BUT Modern t-R. bungalow, basement furnace, fireplace, nook, hardwood floors, garage, price reduced way be low cost Price $1760.00; $500 down, bal. easy. Better hurry. We hare 3 good modem bouses to trade far small acreaae. Aiso a good S-R. house between Los Angeles and Long Beach : this Is a MONEY TO LOAN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On plain notes, endorsed notes, xurniture ana pianos. . STATE LOAN COMPANT 311 Ore. Bldg. 2nd floor Office hra 10:00 a. m. to 1:11 k m. Telephone 7783 Licensed by State MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your paymenta Ton keep the car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferrr Phone 4783 Salem, Ore. Extra 8necfall Extra Special! We are listing oeiow a lew Sooai,H N. High. TeL Rea 1573. cars which have been in our stock-1 sixty days Our orders are to sell I DRJ3. SCOFTELD, Palmer CWroprac them somebody is going to get a real lora X-ray and N. C M New Bank uuy auu our new uuir wui umlv i tnem. vr nen a car is m our mvcniory 60 days or mere that car will be sold regardless sf price. 1920 Dodge Sedan 1928 Dodge -Vie. S Sta. Coupe 1930 Che v. Sta. Coupe 1925 Cher. sta. Coupe 1930 Chev. Club Sedan 1929 Chev. IK ton truck 129 O P Light S Sedan izs Fontiao coune The above cars aU have license and moat of them have been reconditioned. McKay Chevrolet Co. Where You Get the Big f Worth 333 Center Street ''Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really, really, different NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE on iA7A?io tie to i3ov Beneficial Loan . modern nicely luittlahed ajMMMvvMyww.wM I 55 oci fitv . Pbons Ss. I TraAo 11 1.1 A- rood land S miles I " - ? jLru ' " 'T "mm7 77. 1 tMmn S for amaller place with OF OREGON m furnished , heated apt I buildings same value or wfil sell any! Room 111 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor I nortton o( h. Also room nonse ana i sis bdsis tn. i union. ... .nmm i rot to VeAIori for sale or trade for I LICENSED BY STATE v.i-r attractlvs apta tit N 4tn hi. i gain property. WUllam Hartman, 461 .!7. 7mV It'JXZT I H. 30th. Salem. Ore, JrZA ante. PrlV. bath, 4SS Jtanoo. I MWWiwwwwMXMWWiwAewoiw HMIM !". . . n ----- I V. fc. ... -m.m fh. ImHihh ' wmio mi o, rm. apia. im, N. Winter m. gri-i pi r- ssSasSaSrsassssiW 0 "T.VA11 ana. 144S State St sUUtSMiia . ... nnnrs 1 FOR RENT BOUSES jUMrwii i i .i.Kt otsrea water, lights, fuel" aiT; garage. &'&.1Har ehee Auto Camp. Phone s60S. . imfarn-. 114S Maple Are. 1 PERSONAL LOANS MADE oa furniture, cars, ssJartee ot ham 11 acres of fins bottom I st ether good security. Repayable land. 4 acres berries, good house and I monthly. When In financial need barn and worth $6000 to trade for jus beforerfeelna s lI amall I GENERAL INVESTMENT pavesaeat close la for only $2260 on First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1553 ?Z!rr i. w. .ia I nrrr and farm loans at li m. ctetom hnma. I rates. Beat terms obtainable. Our a close to acres ror szsov use a cwi"ura MMW1. e I...HIIMII - ' I pert w i i McGILCHRIST A PENNTNOTON a Bank Bldg. Phone 4831. 1 TeL 410 WKTKB A BOBBRTa (Inal uiag. SSS tjregon McKay Chevrolet Co. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4430. R. E. Northness. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. O. L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. PAPER HANGING Paper hanging aad painting. Neo- mans-nunt citora ltz n. cootl PHONE GLENN ADAMS for bouse dect or sting, paper bansina. tinting. etc. Reliable workman- Simmons Are Hosts At Farewell Party Honoring Lippert ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Not. 1C The John W. Simmons home was the scene Saturday night of I I . , - 1 , v FOR STATIONERY, carda nam oh- 1 Pleasant auxprise uroonns lata programa. books or any kind of printing, csu The s fag Department. $lt Teiepbone ll. PRINTING Community club will be held in the schoolhouse Friday, Novem ber 21. - Aa interesting program la planned. A. home talent Play, A Case of Suspension", with the following characters will be gtr en: Dorothy June Oudeana; Alice Nadlne Quisenberry; Mildred, Iris Mason; Hsrold. Ellis Mason; Tom, Clarence Andreason; Jack, Rodney Ondeans; Miss Ophelia Judkins. Wilms Erans; Prof. Edgertoa. Oscar Xoran; Kath leen, Mrs. Ondeans; Jonas, Joha Nekuda. Other numbers will be girea, including a dance number by the La vol la twins of Salem. Light refreshments will be serred. A small admission fee will be asked, the sum to ba used to psy for the new curtains which were recently purchased. Statesman Print- a CwsrciaL 1937 Dodae business sedan In ex cellent condition. 822S. May be seen - st 441 Marion after p. m. CLEANING SERVICE Center St Valeteria Tel 1082 FLORISTS ALL. kinds of Asral work. Lets rior- lat 16th a Market Tel. as. CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations u. r. Breithsaot florist tit Stats Street Tel 6904. HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. Margaret's Shop, ' 416 Court ; RADIO Cross -Word Puzzle FOR every pj All standard EOFF ELECTRICAL Court St Tel SI IS for every i sisee of Rsdle Tubes SHOP. 141 By EUGENE SHEFFER STOVES STOVES and store raoebiric Stores for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy an plain, bop baskets, books, logaa hooka Salem Fence and Store Works, 313 CtMwneeeta. TeL 4TT4. R H Fleming TAILORS IX El MOSHER -Tailor tor wot wen. 4T4 Court 8t . TRANSFER NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That tba nnderstened. , hy aa Or-1 nrHr,l window Cleaners. Phone ITT. 1 CAPITAL. CTTT Transfsr Csl S3S Mate ob x k ma. uuuioi use ior warding aad storage our specialty. oet our rates i Hoosedeaning Floor Waxing "We clean anything thafs painted" der of the -County Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, duly made and entered on GARBAGE the 14th day of November, 111 1, Salem ricavenger. was appointed Executrix of the labi wui ana Testament ana iss-i TVCITTJ ATMnT" v r u tmnnPT. rtA. I OtJI-rIVJ- ana tnat sne nas auiy auauueai becks as such Executrix. All persons 1 111 N. High having claims against said .estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law to her at the law offices of Jas. O. Heltsel, In the City of Sa lem, Marlon County, Oregon within six months of the dste of this notice Dated this 17th dsy of Novem ber, mi. . v LA VTNA WEDEJu, TeL 4920 or TtOO. FOR local or distant transfsr otor srs. call 812L Larmar Transfsr Co. Truces to roruaaa aauy. O O mrNDRICKB TsL 494TI WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCY Wm. Bllven. Mgr. r.rnlnrlT- ButtavUIe Arent til Masonlo Bldg TeL T0t i Real Estate Directory BECTCBt a 111 N. High HENDRICKB TeL 494t LAUNDRIES a in 224 N. High St TSL 1171 THH NEW SALEM LAUNDRY rma wssder LAUNDRY III a FOgb TeL till J. LINCOLN ElXin 4tt StaU TsL IIT1 80COLOF8KY A BON 894-t First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL fill nr re ir " n ffi P Wm-Wm l-Ml - TO 1 33 jP 53 wl 1 1 1 faflr.l 111 441 State naPTTAx. CTTT LAUNDRY LAVIA WKDJCLv -We Wash Everythlns is Lux" ... ExeCUtrig of the Estate Of F. B. TeleeHone tltS nil Broadway 13t state street Wedel, Deceased. DATE Or FIRST PUBLICATION: J at ATTT? FSSRS ngTcmow . I , ii DATE-OF LAST PUBLICATION: December II, 1ISL N.-lT-te- w ssib; tess 5.ee. D-l-8-15. 4. F. ULRICH TeL 1473. r. L, WOOD TeL T1S4 HOMER D. FOHTEtt REALTY CO. Mattresses from fsctory to home. I 87 H4 State St TeL T133 Renovat- and fumls-tera Canftal Bed ding Ce. TeL 449. S03S North Capitol W. EL ORABENHORST AOQ. 134 a Liberty St TeL S4S1 POLLY AND HER PALS By CLIFF STERRETT AM S.R.L.RT. WHATS THATfV I . . - i . m .ii : . m limn vi utimo r i m , IORIZONTAL. I- room in a ship for 1 paaserogers fl paralysis 11 tropical creeping plant lL-word of - promise li toward H i-issue from anything a source IT Hebrew name for Qod It the self 20 makes lerel II Lmpertsnt Ubyloni-m tt Emtity of considered abstractly tiwfemale ex the sheep (.-weakens . ga caraduM tt 1 1 inclinea, -tP slipped tl eolid m prelectOd for : ait-err IS steps for 49 person bonded to another 41 sense organ 41 took out bones from the flesh of 41 female ef the dear '4S by 4T - cushion ra . deaden a ahock(pLl 4t prefix: down go sequence 82 sunpesed M former Rntr'aa . rulers 15 widow's mourning garments VERTICAL 1 quotes 1 farthest or highest point t exist 4 congealed water I Dominate strikes lightly 7 exist , 8 behold e sbxmbers - 16 organised cheers 11 hoUew place in the earth IS sections ef a watt 18 recent in- teHlgenee It British wne has serred four years' 11 warred It man's 25 persona unduly consdewi ef social Herewith is the solution te terdsy's pnaala. 17 nothing Zt-excLusa tkm SI derfls tt linUnatad swek pre pared fag n wrtt-ar tahUtTpq S4 dispatched X 8 worn awat -1 7 aumptueni - . repast -'8p qra' . 41 euppliea . food to 4$ stinging r insects 44 sketched 47- erergreea ". trees 48 ebserre -51 Iyptiaa, f , ' v t sun rod Jl myself' v r ' fences " tJ wo-deni 7 bend