PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, " Oregon, Tuesday Morning; November 17, 1931 Society .Mews and Club Affairs Ouvs H. Doak, Society Eliiwr, Bridge Tea Will . . Be an Event Today - A flellgbUully informal after noon, ot bridge with tea aerved at 4 o'clock will be the bridge tea at the a I Newman home, "with Mrs. Newman as hostess, this afternoon? V Mr. Alfred, Grag. Mrs. R. A. 'Meyers and Mrs. Kenneth Bell will assist Mr. Newman in receding and at the tea honr. " Inrited guests include Mrs. Ice land Smith, Mrs. Howard Hulsey, Mrs. Wallace" Bonesteele. Mrs. Merril Ohllng. Mrs. K. M. McKey. Mrs. Miles McKee, Mrs. Jack Johnston, Mrs. Edwin Armstrong. Mrs. Carl Armstrong, Mrs. Prank Needham, Mrs. C. C. Gabriel. Mrs. E. B. Gabriel. Mrs. Otto Hopp?s, Mrs. T. A. Wlndishar, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. S. W. Nelson. Mrs. .-'John Hnnter, Mrs. E. H. Kennedy. Mrs. Reet Rowland, Mrs. F. E. Halik, Mrs. Wllllamw Brown, Mrs. G. -I Forge, Mrs. Gene Graben horsW Mrs. Charles McElhinny, Mrs. Lee Cantleld, Mrs. L. V. Ben soa. Mrs. L. W. Emmons and Mrs. James Imlah. W.C. T.U.Will Entertain North Salem W. C. T. U. will ' entertain in honor- of its new and honorary members "Wednes day 7:30 o'clock in the fireplace room of Jason Lee church, corner of Jefferson and Winter street, The program will open with community singing, Mrs. Maude Roberts at the piano. Rev. Hugh B. Fouke will offer the opening prayer. Mrs. Helen PTescott, president of Marion county W. C. T. V., will welcome the guests of honor. Mrs. Edna Lively will r.e : spend for the new members and . Rer. Fouke for the honoraries. Mrs. Cobb. W. C. T. U. organ izer from California, will be in trod need and give an address. ' Mrs. Jessie Gles will furnish in strumental music and Mrs. George Lewis a vocal solo. The . program will conclude with a .play "Mrs. Jackson Sees the Light". Mrs. Voth," Mrs. Fallon . and Mrs. Buck will give the play. Light refreshments will be serv ed and a social hour enjoyed. Ev eryone interested cordially in vited. Mrs. Thomas Burrows became the bride of Joseph Jerome King of Portland Sunday morning at la o'clock in a Quiet ceremony at 311 Leslie street, read by Rev. Martin Ferrey. Mrs. Fred Waters served a- wedding breakfast at the Waters name and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cupper entertained with a wedding dinner in the late after soon. Mr. and Mrs. King will be at home in the Mallory hotel In Portland after December 1. I Pattern . I 1 K ; II i SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday, November 17 O. N. S. club, regular meeting with Miss Lois Redd, 315 North 20th street Beta Chi Mothers club meettng. i:30 o'clock, in sorority home; all mothers , of Beta Chi members wet. come. ' Mrs. Robert Brady, hostess to members of Drama class of Mrs. Robert Gatke. Woman's Christian Temperance union, in Union hall, 2:30 o'clock; Mrs. Elva Duncan in charge of pro gram;: special music; important business. Salem Woman's Press club. Mrs. Clayton Bernhard. 289 North 14th street. Mrs. Claude VanSlyke, hostess to Etkota club; Mrs. J. Ray Pemberton, assisting hostess. Mrs. W. E. Kirk will speak on her recent European tour. Monthly meeting of American War Mothers, 2:00 o'clock In social rooms of American Lutheranehurch. . Writer's section of Salem Arts league with Rev. and Mrs. Fred Alban Weil, 8 o'clock. - ' . Junior Guild bridge tea with Mrs. Hal Patton, 2 to 4 o'clock; 4 te 5:30 o'clock tea hours. Invitational. Mrs. Assel Hlxon, hostess to P. L. E. and F. club at her home 2175 Myrtle avenue. Bring thread and nee dles. - . ; Mother's club of Alpha Phi Alpha sorority, with Mrs. John B. TJlrlch, 147S Saginaw street, 2:30 o'clock. Wednesday, November 18 Salem Symphony orchestra, 8:15 o'clock, In ar mory; Miss Barbara Thome, assisting soloist. Reception for new members and old members of the North Salem W. C. T. TJ.. fireplace room of Jason Lee church; program, social hour, refreshments; 7:30 o'clock. The South Circle of the First Methodist church, with Mrs. B. Earl Parker, 2:30 o'clock. Special guests will be entertained. Naomi circle of First M. E. church, with Mrs. J. W. Beckley, 16 North 21st street. Woman's Foreign Missionary society, Leslie M. E. church, 2 o'clock; Mrs. Anna M. Shank, 1550 South Liberty street. Sweet Briar club, with Mrs. Karl Kugel; meeting date advaneed one week on account of Thanksgiving. South circle of First Christian church, wjth Mrs. F. A. Philpot, 1160 S. Liberty street; all-day meeting, with covered dish luncheon at noon. Mrs. Wayne Barham. hostess to Woman's Union of First Congregational church; 2:30 o'clock. West Way circle of First M. E. church with Mrs. Ronald Glover, 635 North Winter street; 2:30 o'clock. Thursday, November 19 Members and wives of El Kazar Grotto, card and social evening at Masonic temple. Rural Woman's club, at Rickreall; election of offi cers and business meeting in morning session; C. A. Howard, state superintendent of public instruction, speaker in afternoon. Federated Patriotic Orders banquet, 6 o'clock, in T. M. C. A. Election of officers; program. "Chapter O of P. E. O. Sisterhood, one o'clock lunch eon with Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Faculty Women's club of Willamette university, with Mrs. W. C. Jones. Hayesville Woman's club, Mrs. Burr Teal. Mrs. Russell Catlin, hostess to members of the O. T. club. Brush College Helpers with Mrs. Oliver Whiting. Women's society of Calvary Baptist church, in church parlors, 2:30 o'clock. Meeting changed from Friday. Past Presidents club with Mrs. Bertha Loveland, 405 South 25th street; large attendance is urged. Guest day. Roll call with Armistice day or Thanksgiving quo tation. Fidelis Sunday school class, entertained at home for Mrs. T. W. Davies, 941 Cottage street. 7:30 o'clock. All members urged to be present. " Mother's club of Leslie Junior high school Parent TeacheY association, 2:45 o'clock; tea at 4 o'clock. Friday, November 20 Mrs. A. C. F. Perry, hostess to Woman's Auxiliary to St. Paul's Episcopal church; Miss Elizabeth Baker, national council member, will be speaker. Mrs. George Smith, luncheon hostess and social aft ernoon for members of Grand Army of Republic, U. S. Grant circle, at her home on North Fifth street; date, changed from Thursday. I Br ANNE ADAMS - "A novel treatment of the scarf ' hecklina tons a nanelled skirt that H quit lovely. At the bottom of eacn panel seam is an inverted pleat that tends to graceful full ness wen be tow the knee. The scarf is pulled through a slash in the bodice and tied into a pert bow. Battons clererlv nimnlata side effect. You'll like this mod el in '.canton or Roshanara crepe sheer wool or satin. Black with white or xreen. brown with mat green or cold, dull red with black or Dale bine. . Pattern 21 9 6 is obtainable only la sues II, 18, 20. 34, 36, 38, 40 42 and 44. Site 16 requires 3 yaras of 3-9-inch fabric. 4 yard contrasting. No dressmaking ex perience is necessary to make this k model with onr pattern., " Step - by - step instruction dia- N grams given with this pattern. Hollywood Club Meets Hollywood Mrs. C. S. Thomas was hostess to members of the 'Same Over Here" club at their regular meeting Saturday night. W. W. Fisher and Miss Florence Kleeman lost their honor badges to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ward, re spectively. J. J. Kleeman and Mrs. C. S. Thomas Dassed their consolation awards on to T. Olsen and Mrs. O. A. Forgard, respect ively. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. J. Kleeman. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kleeman. Miss Florence Kleeman, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Foreard. W. W. Fisher. T. Olsen. Earl Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Thomas. Pleasant View Mrs. John Shelling and Mrs. Nettie Morris entertained Friday night for Mrs. Lloyd 'Jarman and Miss Grace Smith. The occasion being their birthdays. The evening was spent In playing "500". Those present were the honor guests, Mrs. Jarman and Miss Smith; Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. William Morris: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Al Hennies. Anna Johnson. Leone Cook, Gene Shilling, Marion Cook, Jessie smun, Mr. ana Mrs. John Shilling and Lloyd. Jarman. of the brethren. After the closing of the ceremony and partaking of the banqnet they returned to Sa- lem. Of Wednesday Luncheon to be Event One of the annual vnnti inni. ed forward to by the women of the nrst Presbyterian church is the luncheon held in the oh Iirrh lin ing room. This affair will be an event of Wednesday afternoon at i in the dining room of the church. ah women of the church, whether they be members of long or short standing, are invited to attend thia affair. Each is requested to bring n coTerea aisn. The committee in rharr fa f L. M. Purvine. Mrs. filpn im.' Mrs. Byers, Mrs. Prosser. Mrs. L. K. Siegmund, Mrs. W. H. Byrd. Mrs. Stratton and Mrs. F. M. Er-ickson. bat fiftaaa cnt la calaa itampa (eor.i arafatTa). tot tack - Batten. Write plainly yaar aaaa, addrast tad atria aamaat. Ba te state alia wanttd. ,7. . Tit ii fait catalog- l aoV . ready.- It (eataraa tba aawatv afWraaea, ; aaorta I aad s.-oaa:.s dretaaa..Uaari pa Jama i and kld- , W cletfeav Ala datifatfar fit i , Mffatioa iaeaaaory-aa tram. 1 : patten. . Prtea of eatalov. . Wtee aaata. CataUg with hV twaaty-Oa miu. Addraaa U Bull aadardera to Tfce State. 2r'V Jtn, DwtmV 1U . XTt . w Tars City, i... Hubbard Eight tables were in play Saturday night at the card party given by the Knights of Py thias at the Pythian hall. High scores were won by Kathryn Will and Cora Smith; Elmer Staufter and Charles Ktnrei, door prize was won by W. G. Saunders. Hostesses were Anna Stauffer, Kathrvn Will, and Rnth Stauffer. The next party of the series will be given in two weeks. Saturday, xsovem oer zs. - Dallas Amonz Dallas enthusi asts motoring to Eugene for the u. or o.-o. s. c. football game Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Os car Hayter, Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Staata, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Star buek. C. W.-Hinkle. Dr IB. C. Uc Callon, Miss Margaret Friar, Miss Augusta Gerllnger, Mr. and Mrs. Earle -Richardson. Carl and, AK .'red Gerllnger . . -Frank G. Jewett and C. Phlifp" Weeks attended the 65th semi-annual reunion ot the Ancient snd Accepted Scottish Rlr ot Free masonry, at Portland, and witness- S0.1??""!" t the 32d degree. cooftTfapon sTaombsr urday. -,-'if-- The Woman's Foreign Mission ary society of the Leslie Methodist cnurcn win meet Wednesday af ternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Anna M. Shank, 1550 South Liberty street. Mrs. Lowry auu mtn. uonner.wui be assistant uusiesses. airs. a. S. Mulligan will lead devotions and utrm tt- White will have the lesson. Mrs. Charles Low with a dinner in the birthday of her brother. Fred Bynon, Jr.. Sunday evening at the Low home. Covers were Placed for Mr. Bynon, Mr. and Mrs. Irl McSherry and Mr. and Mrs. Low. a The St. Vincent de Paul Altar society will have a card evening tonight in the nariah hall -n,. first part of the evening will be spent in "600" and then refresh ments and old-fashioned dancing win uts eujoyea. Mrs. Ariel Rimn win k. ess to members of th t t. ar F. club at her home, 2175 Myrtle Taoe. Mrs. Nellie Aplln will be assistant hostess. Sewing will be done and members sre asked to oring needles and thread. An attractir nart tn tk, i. ginning of the week was -the 18- laoie-Dnage tea for which Mrs. Lee . Canfield and- Mrs. Howard Holsev were hnstipa r f rir Belle Monday afternoon. Mrs. D. B. Hill has as her week end guests Mr. and Mrs, Mae Hoke of Pendleton. Dr. and Mrs. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Hoke attended me rostball gams la Cogens Sat- Salem Young People To Sing in Chqir University of Oregon ' Among the outstanding-musical events of the year at the University or Ore gon will be several concerts by the huge Polyphonic Choir, com posed of more than 200 tndents, of which eight are from Salem.. T.nMllA " rnmmlnri Uirrarat (Slmms, and Margaret Heltxel will all three sing alto In the first di vision of the choir. Edward Fish er, who has-been a member -of the choir for a number of years, will sing basso la the first divi sion. La r kin Williams. , David Eyre and Wallace Hug are all members of the second division,! Williams singing baritone, and. the other two singing basso. Nan cy Thielsen -who is a member bf the board of directors of the choir, and who has snag soprano in the first division for a number ot years, will do so again this year. . The opening, program of the year will be held on Sunday af ternoon, December 13, when, both divisions will Join to sing Han del's "Messiah," one of the most beautiful choruses ever written. Mendelssohn's "Hymn of praise" will be given sometime in Janu- a . Bride-Elect Will be Complimented Miss Mary Kafoury, whose marriage to Frank E. Shafer will be an event of November 29, will be the inspiration for several par ties for the next two weeks. This Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Karl Becke and Mrs. F. W. Poorman will entertain at the Becke home between the hours of 4:30 and 6 o'clock with an in formal tea for the intimate friends of Miss Kafoury. Mrs.. William Buslck will be hostess for a luncheon Thursday in compliment to the bride' elect. Miss Vivian Eiker will also be a luncheon hostess to Intimate friends of Miss Kafoury Novem ber 27. Luncheon will be follow ed by a lln party. Other things will be given in addition to these affairs. Mrs Henry Cornoyer, Mrs. L. F. Le Furgy and Mrs. Homer Smith were tea hostesses in compliment to Miss Kafoury Saturday. The latter party, waa one of the most charming of the fall. Mrs. John Ulrich to Be Hostess The Mothers club of the Alpha Phi sorority will meet Tuesday afternoon. November 17, at the home of Mrs. John B. Ulrich, 1475 Saginaw street, at 2:30 p. m. All mothers, honorary mem bers, and patronesses are cordial ly Invited to attend. An Interesting display of books for children will be On exhibition in the story room of the city library beginning today between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock all through the week until the week end. Criday and Saturday the display will be on exhibition be tween the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock in the evening as well. This Is in observation of book week and especial appeal is being made to Parent-Teacher groups as well as to any one Interested. a Surprise Party Given For Birthday A group of the intimate friends of Mrs. George Camfleld. "Grandma", as she Is Intimately known, surprised her on the oc casion of her 78th birthday Mon day afternoon. An informal aft ernoon of conversation and group singing with Roy Camfield at the piano, spent the early hours and then tea was served. Flowers and remembrances along with many good wishes were sent to Mrs. Camfleld. Those who called to surprise her were Mrs. B. M. Woodworth. Mrs. S. F. Johnston. Mrs. Wil liam Kingston, Mrs. W. E. Sim ons. Mrs. O. B. Bower. Mrs. G. F. Boyer, and Miss Ella Johnston. Mrs. Russell Catlin will enter tain members of the O. T. club at her home on Chemeketa street Thursday afternoon. The club usu ally meets on Friday but an ex ception Is being made of this meeting. Mrs. Van Weider is 111 in the Salem General hospital where she has been for several days. MOT WIDE MEET W. C. T. U. PlUIffl WOODBURJf. Nov. 16 Plans for holding a eounty convention of the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union in Woodburn in April, were made Friday, after noon at a regular meeting of that organization, held at the home of Mrs. Aline. The convention will mark the 40th anniversary of the W. C T. U. In Marion county. The first unit In Marion eounty was started in Woodburn 40 years sgo.. Reports on the state conven tion of the W. C. T. U., held in Al bany the latter part of. October, were made to the 14 members present by Miss Ida Brennan and Mrs. Eva Landon. With Mrs. Trul linger in the chair, the meeting was opened by singing "Faith of Onr Father's". Mrs. C. J. Rice led the . devotional services, her text being the seventh chapter of Mat thew. Mrs. Eva Coleman led In prayer. Assisting Mrs. Aline as hostess for the afternoon was Mrs. Aline Beers. The. next meeting of the Wood burn W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Livesay on xoung street December 11. 11 MB GET 5 CENTS MORE LAKE LABISH, Nov. 16 The brisk activity in the onion mar ket continued the past week with prices generally a nickel higher, most prices being reported as Sl. 65, sacks and twine. Among those selling were Hayes Lablsh Farms, W. Hornschnch, Ed Weinman, Frank Weinman, D. H. DeGrosse, and H. Bibby. Several of these sold as many as three cars each. Local growers are reluctant to hold their crops until midwinter for the possible higher price for the spoilage is great and the higher price Is no certainty. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weinman, Bill Lensch, am'. W. R. Gwinn were Sunday visitors at the Lenseh home in Poitland. Unemployed in this vicinity are finding little to do. Aside from woodcutting Jobs, which are scarce and unremunerative, there is nothing save an occasional day or two topping onions. Practically all outside field work is com pleted. Most of the carrots are harvested, all of the ditching done, and all of the potatoes dug. PORMO PEOPLE EH SPRING VALLEY . Nor. 11 The Soiia Vallev eotnmnnltT cluh meeting which was the first or ine season was a deemed suc cess, a good crowd being present and a fine entertainment given by a group of -mnslcians from the Portland office of the Artisans. The group Included Jerry Baylor as leader. Mr. and Mrs. Frank D'Arcy, Harvey Hudson, Eddie staples, singers ana Miss Naida Palmer as pianist. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeFarlane of Salem, were also present. . After the. program, a cafeteria lunch was served by Mrs. Yungen, Mrs. Ebbert and Mr. Winsor. The next program will be given Joint ly with the teachers' program at Christmas time. A candy commit tee is composed of Chris Yungen, Ben MeXlnney and Frank: Mat thews. - - Mrs. Vietta Harris of Dallas Is a visitor this week at the horns ot her ancle H. N. Alderman. . - , AT HOMECOMING STATION, Nov. 16 Miu Gladys Weddle, accompanied by her friend. Miss Iris Jorgenson, of Salem, went over to Corrallis Sat urday to spend the weekend with Miss Beulah Weddle, a student at O. S. C. The young women later all went to Eugene to witness the O. 8. C.-Oregon game. CARL J. LOX DIES HAYESVILLE, Nov. 16. The Lox died at his home on the Fruitland road Thursday. He had made his, home in the Auburn community since 1919. MRS. HUBBARD DIES FALLS CITY, Nov. 16 Mrs. Mlna Hubbard passed away at her home here shortly before noon to day. Funeral announcements will be made later. H L LAMB GETS .... : ' . - .- " - - 1-. - 1,1 nnucnon job MISSION BOTTOM, Nov. 16 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. 1 Lamb have gone to Medford where Mr. Lamb has contracted te build an Ice plant for the Medford Ice and Storage company. Fifty men will be employed under kis supervision and the present construction work will Increase the capacity from 10.800 tons so2JM0t?ims of ice. This company wsed 2 6.0 00 tons ot ice this year-ta theprocess of freesing trait sack as pears and peaches; 120 tons of ice per day is made at the plant and when fruit season opens next year 20, 000 tons ot ice will be on hand. This work will require about four months. Lambs; will not re turn to their home here until pos sibly the latter part of February. The Lions club will entertain Its ladles Wednesday night at the Gray Belle. A banquet will be served and a short program of amusements has been arranged by Leslie H. Springer, general chair man, assisted by John Marr and Lloyd A. Lee. Miss Alice Crary Brown was among the Salem people to motor to Portland for the Monday night symphony concert. Members of the Tuesday club will motor to Portland today to be guests at the home of Mrs. Max Hofer for luncheon and an after noon of bridge. ' Mrs. Harry Hawkins will enter tain members of the Thursday club at the Marion hotel. cp&AE PRq FOR OVER for 25 - J. Guaranteed pare and efficient, USE lets than of hish priced brands. ! xwmmmmmmm MERRY CHRISTMAS BY MAIL . PERSONALIZE your bolidar greetings by having your name engraved or embossed on cards of your own selection from onr smart variety. Also a smart variety of Christmas and Yew Year's greeting cards. Commercial Book Store 1 163 N. Commercial St, A A. Goef f roy Men's and Boys' Department Men's knit union suits. Light weight, Munsingwear. Odds n f Values 11.50, now U47C One4ot men's coat sweaters in tan, brown, blue. dQ QQ Good quality. Now .. . tpOeaO One lot of men's dress shirts. Attached collar styles. J -j QfT Regular $3.60. Now 3et7D One lot men's wool flannel and Beacon bath robes, (j0 fC Values to ?7.60. Now $Oe70 One lot of men's smoking jackets. Good quality. Sizes fl0 AO 36 to 42. Now ; PiVO One lot me.n'8 pull-over sweaters in tan, grey, black, (J- 4Q etc. Now .?3Xe4te7 Boys Kaynee shirts and blouses. Odd lot. (JP 69c each or two for $10 One lot little boys' Oliver Twist suits. Broadcloth and wool. fA Regular $2.50. Now UaC One lot of Gordon fine hats for men. Regular $5.00 $Q AO and $7.00. Now $Oe0 Oregon wool fringed auto robes. Handsome plaids. iflJO OQ Excellent quality DUee70 Dry Goods Section Main Floor Salem made linen huck towels. Fancy weave. Colored borders. Now 39c 70x80 double sheet blankets. Grey and tan with fancy (-j CQ borders. Now .tpXeOal 70x84 all wool made in Oregon bed blankets. QQ QQ Sateen bound. Now tpdOt Oregon comfort size all wool batt. Only one (J- i"V' to customer. Special tpJLeUlf. Chiffons and Georgette crepes. Odd pieces, values to AA $2.95. Now, yard tPleUU, Brocaded linings, blue and grey mixed. Regular $2.25 yard. Now, yard Tan and grey suitings, values to $3.95 yard. Now special, yard , Gruen fabric gloves. Tan, grey, beige. Values to $2.25.' Now : Perrin suede gloves in broken lots. Values $3.75 to $5.75. Now , Women's high heel rubbers in small sizes only Children's odd galoshes sizes 9 to 11 Values to $2.75 Women.'s felt house slippers odds and ends, Regular $1.25 Girls' school shoes. Oxfords. Some QQ JfT Enna Jetticks tpOeOD 16 pairs of children's high shoes OK 814 to 11 aDC Children's house slippers in sizes PCAA 8 and 9 only . OUC Hand tooled steerhide hand bags. Excellent quality group at half priee. Suede, antelope, calf hand bags in odd groups now selling at half price. $1.00 $1.00 95c $2.95 69c . 98c 59c Price Read This List Carefully Indian Head house aprons, Women's outing flannel pajamas, Women's outing flannel gowns, Women's knit union suits, Women's wool sweaters, Combina tion corset brassieres, Children's outing flannel gowns, Children's Nazareth union suits, Fancy table scarfs, Sateen cretonnes, suitings, rabn taffetas, batistes, canton flannel, voiles, shirtings. (Basement) Price y2 P rice Read This List Carefully Men's and boys' Headlight, Can't Bust 'Em Waist overalls, Men's Trojan work pants, Khaki moleskin pants, Men's whipcord pants, Men's brown corduroy pants, Horsehide gauntlet gloves, Heavy goatskin gloves, Men's dress caps, Men's and boys wool trousers. Men's cashmere sweaters. Wool flannel blazers, Boys' flannel shirts, Men's shirts, Boys' flannel blazers. (Basement) Price Price Read This List Carefully Boys fancy corduroy trousers, Boys' corduroy knic kers, Boys' wool knickers, Men's shoes and oxfords, Men's hip boots, Women's comfort shoes. Girls' boots, Children's and boys leather and felt slip pers, Keds canvas shoes, Boys' flannel blazers. Boys . wool long trousers, Boys flannel shirts, Women's ArYCfr (Basement) silk dresses. The above groups represent a complete showing of all odds and broken lines to be cleared at once in the basement and Main Floor. There's almost everything you need fit al most give away, prices! iu w u - i-- wt, ..i iJn.fc; 5 5 ? e i mimi t-i 1,-1 n4 tMmm.mAi . n i.- tr